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章节: 卷二十八
书名: 礼记析疑
类目: 经部
写作年代: 约公元前12年  至  公元后714年
视频: 卷二十八_礼记析疑
音频: 卷二十八_礼记析疑

欽定四庫全書 禮記析疑卷二十八         翰林院侍講銜方苞撰  哀公問然後以其所能教百姓不廢其會節 巳能老老然後敎民以孝巳能長長然後教民以弟 不廢其會節因事而為之節文也有成事然後治其雕鏤文章黼黻以嗣
 經綸大經立綱陳紀既有成事然後治其服物采章 以繼之也卑其宫室車不雕幾器不刻鏤食不貳味以與民同利 人君不能躬行節儉居處服用少自便安則不能與 民同利利之不同則所制䘮祭之禮雖詳明周浹民 且以身不能備而蓄愠於君尚安望其觀感而興起 乎固民是盡
 朱軾曰固専固也務欲竭盡民財而後已百姓之徳也 君念及於人道則徳將及民而民之徳亦可興矣敬之至矣大昏為大 君臣父子之敬人所共知也惟夫婦居室易狎而難 敬故必夫婦能敬而後為敬之至君子之道造端乎 夫婦盖慎獨主敬必始乎此匡衡說闗雎之詩所謂 情欲之感無介於容儀宴私之意不形於動靜必如
 此然後為敬之至聖徳之極功也 公問行三言之 道而孔子獨言大昏觀唐宋之末有刼於悍婦溺於 寵嬖以悖父子之恩失君臣之義者然後知聖人告 君以是為本其義深其慮切矣 記稱哀公為妾齊 衰孔子蓋早見其微矣親之也者親之也 家語作親迎者敬之至也下親之宜作敬之是故君子興敬為親舍敬是遺親也
 興敬其親乃正而可常舍敬則為私愛而小者凟大 者傷是遺棄所親愛之道也以繼先聖之後 哀公以冕而親迎為巳重蓋視昏禮為男女燕昵之 私故孔子不曰先君而曰先聖以示公乃文王周公 之裔不可不自敬其身而欲敬其身以興敬於民則 必自妻子始公問為政而孔子首言夫婦於父子君 臣之上蓋早知公之溺於愛而不能敬也
以為天地宗廟社稷之主 凡夫人不與外祀而日為天地社稷之主盖粢盛必 親舂服冕絲物必親繅也疏謂大宗伯攝未知何據 經傳所載后夫人所共無非内祀者物恥足以振之國恥足以興之 惟敬足以抑人之邪心惟恥足以作人之敬心魯自 襄昭以來外屈於晉楚齊吳所謂國恥也内偪於三 桓相欺相奪受閔忍詬所謂物恥也至於哀公強臣
 覿面而相陵侮孔子不忍斥言故舉物恥於國恥之 上以隠動君心使知振之興之非修政無由而禮之 不先政無其本身之不敬禮不能行念及此尚可溺 於嬖幸以失臣民之望乎此聖人就君心之所明而 苦言以相感發也妻也者親之主也敢不敬與子也者親之後也敢不敬與君子無不敬也敬身為大身也者親之枝也敢不敬與不能敬其身是傷其親傷其親是傷其本傷其本枝
從而亡 不能敬妻子以恒情觀之過之小者耳然究其本原 則為不能敬其身不能敬其身則傷其親而禍至於 亡其身乃理勢之相因而必至者 李光地曰哀公 不用釁夏之言立公子荆之母為夫人荆為太子國 人始惡之孔子或先覺其微或時已嬖幸而以是儆 之皆未可知而公卒由此失國惜哉三者百姓之象也
 象猶表儀言身與妻子百姓所則而象也君行此三者則愾乎天下矣 祭義出户而聴愾然必有聞乎其歎息之聲愾言其 氣之感通震動也君子過言則民作辭過動則民作則 左傳季康子死公弔之降禮杜注不備禮非也方是 時魯君如小侯卑於三桓之家敢不備禮乎蓋降君 臨臣䘮之禮而用同列相弔之儀也無論降為自貶
 為不備禮而皆為過動三桓無君久矣間隙已成孟 孫彘至面侮公謂郭重肥而公他日忽問彘曰余得 死乎故傳言三桓患公之妄則公平日之過動過言 必多矣故以是切告之君子言不過辭動不過則百姓不命而敬恭如是則能敬其身能敬其身則能成其親矣 晉欒書中行偃弑其君迎立悼公年十四始見諸大 夫於清原言即有倫用人行政次第井井國人信服
 而書偃之姦心自輯晉霸復興是之謂能敬其身能 成其親也哀公長君季氏自康子嗣位非若宿與意 如之横悖難制也使公能謹言慎行何至孟孫彘借 戲郭重以面侮公孔子所言皆哀公之針石也古之為政愛人為大不能愛人不能有其身不能有其身不能安土不能安土不能樂天不能樂天不能成其 此非氾論為政成身之道乃哀公當日所宜審處之
 時義也蓋民不知君數世矣自季孫宿以後務以私 恵自結於隠民而民所苦之事則盡委於公以離公 於民如築囿帥師朝霸/主㑹強國之類故昭公孫齊傳稱國人如釋 重負齊侯取鄆以居公而鄆民旋潰皆為季氏所愚 也哀公此時非愛人之心大信於民將不能有其身 矣安土者隨所遇而安也樂天者知其不可奈何而 修身以俟命也其後哀公不忍季氏之詬而隠身於 越則不能安土樂天而無以保其身孔子已見其端
 倪矣 自古䝉難而安土樂天身以光亨者文王也 艱貞守道以成其身者箕子也哀公若身具文王之 徳或能用孔子則魯國之亂可撥而反之正即不然 苟能敬身守禮愛人終身無過言過動則民望所歸 季氏之姦心自不能逞保邦繼序以有待於後亦可 謂成其身用此知能行聖人之言則無不可處之變 而如公之不寤何哉公曰敢問何謂成身孔子對曰不過乎物
 物則即身而具不過乎物則身成矣恐公以成身為 難或不知所用力故示以約而易守之道也 過言 則民作辭過動則民作則已前陳之矣猶懼公以為 偶然之言動而忽之也故因問成身而言不過乎物 凡附於吾身者日用酬酢物之小者也綱常名教物 之大者也小物或過於身必有所虧而况夫婦父子 君臣之間有物有則身之成敗恒於斯而可以或過 乎
公曰敢問君子何貴乎天道也孔子對曰貴其不巳如日月東西相從而不已也是天道也不閉其乆是天道也無為而物成是天道也已成而明是天道也 不閉其乆三句皆以天道之化育言造化之功皆既 成而後燦然有迹其未成之先所以轉運密移者不 可得而見也 不巳則乆於中而其徴不可掩矣所 謂不閉其乆也惟不閉其乆故無為而物成惟無為 而物成故已成而明 哀公於孔子之言亦未嘗不
 心知其善特所知者淺其眀易蔽是以不能設誠而 致行故夫子朂以自強不息如天道之不已繼眀日 新如日月之相從也不閉其乆在天道則秋冬之閉 凍也固而春夏之發生也盛在君徳則至誠之乆而 徴也無為而物成在天道則轉運密移不見其所為 而時行物生在君道則篤恭而天下平也即以哀公 之時位言之信能敬身愛民無一言一動之過則其 感國人之心繫諸侯之望而閉強臣之姦自有不見
 其所為而黙以成之者矣已成而眀在天道則嵗功 既成生長収藏之迹顯然可見在君道則巍乎其有 成功煥乎其有文章而後衆著於堯之則天也即如 晉悼公之承國其艱危亦不異於魯哀而用賢訓官 息衆保隣不動聲色而臣民效順諸侯威懐然後知 其善収操柄動皆中乎機會亦中主之所謂已成而 明也聖人之言窮髙極逺而不濶於事情守正道常 而可該乎萬變學者宜於此類求之
仁人不過乎物孝子不過乎物是故仁人之事親也如事天事天如事親是故孝子成身 不過乎物既前陳之矣及公欲聞切要之言復以此 進者仁孝乃人道之總會百政之根源也凡前所陳 敬身成親愛人正物皆具於是矣苟過乎物則為不 仁不孝之人豈惟不能成其身將欲有其身而不得 矣可不念哉 父母全而生之子全而歸之孝子之 志也盡其所受於天而無缺非仁人不能此小大之
 辨也 張子西銘蓋本此記而推廣言之       

  • Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    decides 4 complete Die Yin resolve a doubt coils 28Fang Bao of Zuo of Zheng of serve of courtyard of member of the Imperial Academy is writtenSad fair Like that after can teach common people with its not Geng of its Si can be old old like that after civilian with filial piety Si can Zuo Zuo like that after teachs civilian with younger brotherNot Geng of its on business and the Geng article of alsoHave accomplish sth like that after studies decorative pattern of article of its carve Zuo with heir
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Jian Jin big Jian establishs Jin Zuo Ji to have accomplish sth already like that after treats his to take content to adopt a ruleWith Kui alsoLow Zuo of its palace room not vulture implement do not engrave Zuo to feed not Zuo flavour with Ning civilian is the same as benefitPerson gentleman cannot bend forward Ta of house of travel Geng takes little as one pleases to install cannot Ning Civilian is the different place that is the same as Lyly made? The Die Zuo Yu of hold a memorial ceremony for bright week civilianAnd with the body cannot and harbour angries to hope at Jun Shangan its Yin feels and Ning risesSolid civilian is Bao
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Bright red Zuo says solid originallies also civilian Zuo of Bao of desire exhaust and after alreadyThe of common people alsoJun Nian and of of of Wu Ren path and civilian and civilian Ning of Yi KeJing Zhi comes faint greatly is bigOf Jun Chen father and son respect best-know also but easy be improperly familiar with of husband bedroom and Zuo Respect reason surely husband can be respected and the path of after Jing Zhi to gentleman begins of husband Gai Shen advocate respect surely only then the Yu place Zheng of Ju of Zuo of Zha of this Kuang HengThe meaning of illicit of passional banquet of feeling Jie Wurong not form be like,need at Zuo
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    This like that the to Long meritorious service that after respects is public also of 3 character of travelAnd Confucius character faints greatly the end of Yin Tang Song has be addicted to of of Wu Han at Bi the person that with be contrary to the favour of father and son breaks Jun Chen's Li like that after knows Long person to accuseGentleman in order to be this its Li is deep its is cut Yin Er sad Zuo of fair concubineDecline Confucius San early Yao its are smallOf Yin also person of Yin alsoDomestic Zha makes what the person that Yin is greeted respects make Jing Zhi to the appropriate that also issues Yin Hereat gentleman Ning respects Yin to abandon respecting is Zuo Yin also
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Ning respects its Yin to be and often can abandon of illicit of the that respect and small person is bigPerson the path that is of Yin of Zuo place alsoWith Kui first the after of Long Sad fair with crown Yin greets Si to weigh San Yao to faint of close of swallow of Die men and womenIllicit reason Confucius does not say Xianjun and say first Long in order to show Gong Naiwen Wang Zhou is fairdescendants cannot not respect its body oneself and be about to respect its body to respect Wu Min with Ning Surely from the wife only then fair politics and of Confucius head Yan Fu at gentleman of father and son San is early over official know fair be addicted to at cannot respect also
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    With of the god of the land and the god of the grain-the state of of an administrative unit in Xizang of heaven and earth advocateEvery madam is not offerred sacrifices to outside Ning and of the country of day world advocate the Cheng Bi that build Zi Yin pestle takes crown Jian content to need Yin Jun is scanty also Zheng a large amount of uncle are sealed why The person that place of the madam after Zuo of Jian place is offerred sacrifices to inside blame in allContent enough brace up of Ning of enoughThe Jing Xin Zuo that alone respects the enough of of evil thought alone of enough curb person to make a person fromAssist clear with be being bent outside at of of Zheng of place of of Hunan Zuo also inside Wu San of photograph of post photograph bully suffers Zuo to bear of content of Yu place Zheng to also come at sad fair official
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Yin face and Confucius of photograph hill bully cannot bear of content of Ning of denounce character reason at Make know with Zuo Jun Xin on brace up the blame of Ning repairs politics of by Die Not first the irreverent Die of politics its itself cannot read aloud all right reach this passable be addicted toI hope at Bi with breaking subject look this Long person with respect to Jun Xinzhi place bright andBitter character with photograph feeling alsoWife also person of Yin advocate also dare irreverent Ning child also person the after of Yin also dare irreverent Ning gentleman is irreverent also respect body large body also person the branch of Yin also dare irreverent Ning cannot respect its body is its Yin of its Yin is its this its this branch
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    and dieCannot respect a wife of the Zuo with constant affection Yin small person ear like that investigate its this former cannot respect its body to cannot respect of its body its Yin and Dai comes atDie ground of Li Guang of the person that its body is the photograph of manage to come surely consequently says sad fairNeed not the of prince of of chaste tree of mother Mrs. that Zuo Xia Zhiyan establishs childe chaste treePerson only then the Confucius of or first Yin its small or already Bi luckily in order to be admonishall cannot knows and public servant breaks cherish from this3 person the elephant of common people also
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    of place of common people of wife of Ning of body of character of of watch elephantine and elephant alsoGentleman goes this 3 person the world Li of hold a memorial ceremony for goes out door and Long has Long surely like that the Long character that its ceases itsThe feeling of connects shake also of gentleman Zuo character civilian make Zuo Zuo civilian makes Kang Zi of left season is dead of fair fall Die Du Zhu not Die blame just also isThe home that Mr Zuo is like Wu Sanhuan of small Hou low dare not Die San falls gentleman Ning official? Die and the that uses of the photograph that be the same as a row also Zha falls from Zuo
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    not Die and all Zuo Jun Jiu of 3 post Zuo is unoccupied place already became the first month pigs to be weighed to Guo of face bully fair Zheng fat and fair the other day ignore pigs beyondDead the talk of Zuo Zuo that reason Yan Sanhuan has day of fair absurd fairnessSurely much reason cut in order to be accuseGentleman character not Zuo Zuo not Zuo common people not life and Jing Gongru is canJing Jishen can respect its body to be able to become its Yin Murder falls on his back all right in its Jun Yingli grieve is fair year 14 only then Yao Zheng is bigThe husband has conviction of person of of well of well of order of administration of choose and employ persons namely at clear Yuan Yan
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    And the heart that falls on his back from Zuo bully Ning is Zheng can respect its body canInto its Yin also sad fair Zuo Jun Jishi from Kang Zisi be not meaning of the Ning that be like constellationThe horizontal stroke that be like is contrary to Zuo is made also make fair can why does Zheng Yan Shen pig to of the first month all right borrow Guo Chong with character of place of face bully fair Confucius all sad fair Zuo Shi YeAncient of politics person is big cannot person cannot have its body to cannot have itsCannot install earth to cannot bring land personally cannot day cannot day cannot become hisPersonallyThis is not Zha the way that politics becomes a body is sad of Ta of of appropriate of place of fair day
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Li also San civilian does not know gentleman world from of season old after with illicit from Jian at Zuo civilian and the thing Bao that civilian place suffers from appoint Wu Gong with Zuo fairIs Wu Min like face of of of Ha animal farm bully / advocate? Person of of Er of of fair Zuo is like the Zuo reason clear of Zuo Zuo of Hou Qu of heavy Zuo Zuo in order to reside fair and Zuo civilian coming back all I of place of season family nameAlso sad fair the heart of person of of this blame believes Wu Min to cannot have its body greatlyplace of Zuo of the person that bring land is encountered and install also day person know its cannot how andCultivate one's morality with wait life also its after sad fair cannot bear the Yu of season family name and Zuo body atMore cannot bring earthy day and in order to protect its body Confucius already its carry Yao
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Ni since ancient times? Zuo and body of day of the that bring land with Guang Heng person civil Wang Ye Pi Zuo is defended in order to become its body person dustpan child also sad Wang Zhi of the public dead letter that be like a body or the that can use of Confucius Zuo but and conversely namely otherwiseGou Nengjing defends of Zuo of character of Zuo of of body of Jian of Die person personally civilian looks at a The heart of season family name from cannot show off maintains state Kui order in order to remain at after Yi Ke Zheng knows to be able to go with this into its body the character of Long person cannot the Zhu of Ta And be like fair do not awake He ZaiFair say dare why Zheng says into body Confucius not Zuo content
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    Content namely personally and not Zuo content body is become fear fair in order to become body Zuo or do not know what to exert oneself to do sth. reason shows with Ji Yi Shouzhi to also Zuo character civilian makes Zuo Zuo civilian makes already before of Zuo is fair with Accidental character and ignore also reason becomes a body because of and character not Zuo contentOf content of daily expense of the person that every adds Wu Wu body exchanging of toasts small person also constant name teachs Jin thingbig person young also other people or Zuo need at the body somewhat Ta and father and son of Kuang Fu What Jun Chen's Zuo has content to have body is OK into Heng Wusi or Zuo
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Fair say dare gentleman why Zuo the day also Confucius says Zuo its not Si ifLife on the west photograph and also be weather channel unceasingly also not Zuo its is weather channelAlso and content is become is weather channel already also was become and bright it is weather channel alsoNot the result that Zuo its all turns Yo character 3 sentences to the Creator with Tian Daozhi all alreadyInto after has what its did not become mark like that first the person that so Zuo Zuo moves closely notCan be gotten and Yao also not Wu Zhong of Si and its cannot attack by surprise Zheng not Zuo its also buts not of of reason of Zuo its and of of content Cheng WeiAnd content already was become into reason and bright sad the Yan Yiwei of fair Wu Kongzi not
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    The heart knows his its Bao of of the person that be apt to is known especially is easy my be with cannot Yu Zha andSend of travel reason master to like the day with ceasing from unceasingly Kui Bao dayThe photograph that is like life newly also not Zuo its in the day Qiu Dongzhi Zuo also originallies and Chunxia's is born to also be filled in gentleman comes the of Zha and also and content is become move closely in Zuo of Zuo of weather channel not of Yao its placeAnd travel content is born in gentleman path Ha respectful and the world is smooth also namely with sad fair Yan Zhixin can respect body civilian one character the Zuo of one itsThe Hou Zhi of heart Kui Zheng of feeling person looks and the of Zuo official has oneself not Yao
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Its place and Zuo with becoming person already was become and Bao in the day resultThe slash Zuo that hides into unripe Zuo already like that but Yao in gentleman lofty its haveSuccessful its have an implied meaning and after Xiao writes the day at to also be like namely grieve is fair bear its Pi highs also not at Zuo sad and official of the Yin that use Zuo Breath Xiao protects Zuo not Long is lubricious and of Hou Wei of Zheng of subject effect Zuo like that after knows of Cao Bing of of its be apt to is all medium also in advocate place Zheng already was become andBright also the Zuo of of character Fu Zuo of Long person and not defends the right way at the thing constantAnd but Yu Qu Zhu person appropriate begs at this Zuo
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Benevolence person not Zuo content dutiful son not Zuo the thing Yin of benevolence person also is like content hereatDay of work day work becomes a body like dutiful son of thing Yin hereatNot Zuo content already before of Zuo reach fair desire Long cuts wanted character with this Zuo Zhe Renxiao is humane Jun 100 politics Zuo of the place before germ also altogethersPerson of of Jing Shencheng Yin content all is provided at be careless Zuo content notBenevolence disobedient person Zuo alone cannot become its body to is about to have its body and be not gottencan not read aloud parents is complete and unripe child complete and of the dutiful son of Annals also Bao its place suffers Wu Tian and lacks blame benevolence person cannot this is small big
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    Differentiate also child on the west Zuo San this this Yin and of the character that push        
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            Die Yin resolve a doubt coils 28

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