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章节: 卷二十五
书名: 礼记析疑
类目: 经部
写作年代: 约公元前-85年  至  公元后286年
视频: 卷二十五_礼记析疑
音频: 卷二十五_礼记析疑

欽定四庫全書 禮記析疑卷二十五         翰林院侍講銜方苞撰  祭義春雨露既濡君子履之必有怵惕之心如將見之 舉雨露則秋可知雨露通春夏故必舉首時霜露與 悽愴實相感召故曰非其寒之謂也春日載陽雨露 華滋萬物欣欣恒情多為之舒暢惟君子感時而思
 親則怵焉惕焉哀親之不得見而如將見之所以怵 惕也荀卿子曰人之歡欣和合之時則夫忠臣孝子 亦愅詭而有所至矣即此義也致齊於内散齊於外 於内不出齊宮也於外猶日出而聴政於路寢或有 事於國中近郊君知所以為尸者則自下之是也思其所樂思其所嗜 樂以事言嗜以物言
出戸而聴愾然必有聞乎其歎息之聲 謂佐食闔牖戸後也與篇末宿者皆出其立卑靜以 正如將弗見然及祭之後陶陶遂遂如將復入然義 正相發致愛則存致慤則著 慤愛之篤也存如見其親也著親之形聲志意無微 不著也愛與慤存與著有淺深而無彼此觀下文著 存不忘乎心則安得不敬及篇内致其慤而慤與敬
 信並列則慤非以敬言可知矣三不忘皆致愛致慤 之事見乎其位三者皆存著之事陳氏以分觧存著 誤矣君子生則敬養死則敬享思終身弗辱也 思敬養之義則知非身之誠不可謂順於親思敬享 之義則知非慎行其身不遺父母惡名不可謂能終 是謂思終身不辱也惟聖人為能饗帝孝子為能饗親
 受於天者惟聖人能全而歸之而天地所生成莫不 有以盡其性所以能饗帝也受於親者惟孝子能全 而歸之而父母所愛敬莫不有以充其類所以能饗 親也饗者鄉也鄉之然後能饗焉是故孝子臨尸而不怍 聖人之心自曰明曰旦以至民胞物與無時而不鄉 乎帝也孝子之心自慎行其身以至齊家睦族無時 而不鄉乎親也惟其平日如此所以臨尸而不怍言
 孝子之不怍則聖人之對越在天者可知矣其親也慤 親當作視濟濟者容也逺也 謂風度之逺也故曰容以逺薦其薦爼序其禮樂備其百官奉承而進之於是諭其志意以其恍惚以與神明交庻或饗之庻或饗之孝子之志也
 百官奉承而進或諭乎孝子之志意而孝子獨致其 恍惚以與神明交也舊說總以屬助祭者誤矣上記 薦其薦爼序其禮樂備其百官君子致其濟濟漆漆 夫何恍惚之有乎明助祭則無所用其恍惚也此曰 以其恍惚以與神眀交則謂主祭者明矣諭其志意 即詩奏格無言時靡有爭之義盡其慤而慤焉盡其信而信焉盡其敬而敬焉 慤者思親之篤也信者反身之誠也敬者即事之恭
 也於慤敬外别言信者春秋傳稱范武子其祝史陳 信於鬼神無愧辭晏子對齊侯其祝史薦信是言罪 也其蓋失數美是矯誣也蓋古者祭祀祝史必陳主 祭者之徳美以告於神所謂薦信也慤敬者即事齊 肅之心信者平日誠身之事 臨祭亦有信文王之 祭也思死者如不欲生倘祝以孝告而主人無愛存 慤著之實則拜獻之節肅敬之容皆不信也日出於東月生於西隂陽長短終始相廵以致天下之
 日月之行有冬有夏隂陽迭為消長或晝長而夜短 或晝短而夜長然後寒暑分四時平運而嵗功成故 聖人之報天主日而配以月也 致天下之和絪緼 化醇而百物生也致和用也 服物采章之用各得其宜然後尊卑上下之分誼無 不和故曰致物用以立民紀也
致反始以厚其本也致鬼神以尊上也 致反始慎終追逺之類故曰厚其本也致鬼神謂天 地社稷百神之祀在民上者猶震動恪敬以奉之則 民當嚴上可知矣氣也者神之盛也魄也者鬼之盛也合鬼與神教之至 盛者著見之義神不可見而人之有氣即神之著見 者也鬼不可見而人有魄體即鬼之著見者也天道
 至教以人之一身而為鬼神之所會合眀乎此則知 二氣之精五行之秀凝於人而萬理畢具曰明曰旦 聖賢事天之學所由立也隂為野土發為昭明存其 精而一氣相感愛存慤著子孫追逺之禮所由生也 故曰教之至也 在天風雨霜露在地庶物露生無 非教也而莫若人之一身兼會鬼神之體最為切著 故曰教之至或曰合即合漠之義魂魄離散而有報 氣報魄之禮聚生者之精神以合鬼神於幽㝠之中
 所以為教之至也其氣發揚于上為昭明焄蒿悽愴此百物之精也神之著也 百物之死冺然澌盡惟人之死其氣焄蒿而見者悽 愴傳所謂䘮氛是也此神之著見者百物之精猶云 萬物之靈言百物中惟人得此氣之最精而其神可 識也因物之精制為之極明命鬼神以為黔首則百衆以畏
萬民以服 古民愚芚視人之死猶百物之澌盡而巳惟聖人知 鬼神之精狀因物之精制為祭祀以彰仁義之原而 立人極眀命鬼神使民知追養繼孝之道以為之則 是以無不畏服畏者凛於義之當然服者愜其心之 同然也聖人以是為未足也築為宫室設為宗祧以别親疏逺邇教民反古復始不忘其所由生也衆之服自此故聴
且速也二端既立報以二禮建設朝事燔燎羶薌見以蕭光以報氣也此教衆反始也薦黍稷羞肝肺首心見閒以俠甒加以鬱鬯以報魄也教民相愛上下用情禮之至也 始制祭祀不過獻奠於新死者聖人以為未足故築 宫室設宗祧以别親疏逺邇教民追思古始則其事 益詳矣又建設朝事饋食之禮以分報氣與魄則其 義益備矣祭祀之終獻酬交錯教民相愛上下用情
 則文益周澤益洽矣故曰禮之至言無以復加也 主人主婦嗣子兄弟賓長獻爵尸必酢主賓獻酬大 小以徧貴賤有爼畀及翟閽所謂教民相愛上下用 情謂此及嵗時齊戒沐浴而躬朝之 嵗時將祭君必齊戒沐浴召養獸之官而躬朝之訊 察犧牲之中用者以待卜也朝與曲禮朝諸侯春秋 傳朝國人而問焉同義舊說獸官躬朝未安
君皮弁素積卜三宫之夫人世婦之吉者 天子則卜三宫之夫人諸侯則卜世婦也首舉天子 諸侯故中以君包之世婦卒蠶奉繭以示于君遂獻繭于夫人 獻繭之禮舉世婦則三宫之夫人獻繭於天子及后 視此矣夫人繅三盆手遂布于三宫夫人世婦之吉者 夫人親繅則后視此矣后布於三宫之夫人侯國之
 夫人布於世婦故下總之曰君服以祀先王先公也 不舉后以見夫人何也如曰后繅三盆手遂布於三 宫夫人世婦之吉者則似后布於王宫之夫人世婦 而不見侯國夫人之布於世婦矣或曰當是后夫人 繅簡偶闕大孝尊親 尊親不獨嚴父配天也使國人稱願以為君子之子 亦近之
先意承志諭父母於道 先意承志凡有深愛者皆能之諭父母於道則必本 於反身之誠而先意承志亦有助焉蓋父母既感動 於子之躬行而又諒其深愛篤敬則凡有過行必隐 度其子之心以為病而不敢言又不忍不言則潛移 而黙化者必多矣是之謂諭父母於道也敬可能也安為難 莊嚴儼恪未嘗非敬也而父母或為之不自適蓋所
 難者父母之安也與恭而安之義異矣仁者仁此者也 於父母而仁恩不篤則外此無可推矣禮者履此者也 凡禮之存乎書䇿者皆可以率而由之惟事父母之 禮則視於無形聴於無聲不可以言傳能履此則知 凡禮之行皆所以著誠而去偽矣義者宜此者也
 義可直行惟事父母之義則難得其宜故曰孝子惟 巧變故父母安之能宜此然後知凡事之義皆宜禮 以行之孫以出之也信者信此者也 於父母而愛敬慤誠不能盡其信則百行無一能信 者矣強者強此者也 親之存竭力盡誠而無瞬息之懈親既殁尊仁安義
 而不遺父母之羞非自強不息未足與於此刑自反此作 五刑之屬三千而罪莫大於不孝是刑之作由不孝 者始也人而不孝則忘身殉欲凡可以入於刑者無 不為矣尊仁安義可謂用勞矣博施備物可謂不匱矣 當是博施備物可謂用勞矣尊仁安義可謂不匱矣 備物以養口體而巳博施而族姻皆贍然後父母之
 心安所謂養志也天之所生地之所養無人為大 董子曰人受命於天超然異於羣生其義本此眀於 天性然後知自貴於物眀善誠身之本也有虞氏貴徳而尚齒 注謂燕賜有加於諸臣疏謂於有徳者又校其齒俱 未安貴與尚其事各别所施之地亦殊牽合而言之 其義轉晦矣
八十九十者東行西行者弗敢過西行東行者弗敢過欲言政者君就之可也 不敢過者遇諸塗必下車而問勞之雖齊民亦然若 有道有徳則經其閭必就見焉其所居逺或老疾不 能行聞王時巡而欲言政者其國之君就見之而以 其言達可也敬老之禮至於此極者以夀耉則能稽 謀古人之徳審察政治之變也蓋自有虞氏以來士 之頑讒者則有侯眀撻記之法三代益詳簡不帥教
 者則有移郊移遂寄棘之法庶民之有罪過為患於 鄉里者則有坐諸嘉石収之圜土之法終不能改則 甚者殺戮次亦放流其各守職業以至篤老者自士 以上皆修飭自好之君子即庶人工商亦謹身無慝 之良民也是以君長禮之儼如師友鄉黨敬之次於 事親至於天子巡行而不敢過國君就見以傳其言 後世有學校而教不行有令長而政不修則所謂老 者宜投逺方終身不齒之士宜入圜土眀梏有加之
 民溷其中者實過半焉概加體貌則彰善癉惡之謂 何往者江南大府初至有以耆民公辭革除弊蠧者 其後渫惡之老所在結黨成羣其地有訟獄則索賂 聚衆升堂顛倒黒白有司不敢主斷久之鄉民持魚 蔬擔薪柴入城求售者停交衢列路旁羣老日夕要 索地租故并記之俾有天下國家者知萬事得理必 由本正課士以文章而不考其徳行責民以租賦而 不問其禮俗其敝也至用先王憲老乞言之典法而
 害及於民不可以不察也慤善不違身耳目不違心思慮不違親 慤善不違身謂平日耳目不違心謂臨祭惟耳目不 違心故僾然如見其形肅然如聞其聲若視聴他用 則心亦偷而自行矣 慤善兼思親之篤反身之誠 即前所云盡其慤盡其信也耳目不違心即前所云 盡其敬也思慮不違親即前所云思其居處及入室 僾然必有見乎其位二節之義也祭之本義盡於是

  • Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    decides 4 complete Die Yin resolve a doubt coils 25Fang Bao of Zuo of Zheng of serve of courtyard of member of the Imperial Academy is written Li of hold a memorial ceremony forDew of rain during springtime immerses already the has fear watchful surely heart that gentleman walks on is like Yao Qiu Ke of Ning bounty knows bounty to connect Chun Xia reason to need frost of Ning head shows Ning Friend of impel of photograph of says be not its cold Zheng also spring bounty of day Zuo Zuo Content of Qu grow Qu is thriving the of feeling of gentleman of easy alone of constant affection much and think of
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Yan of watchful of Yan of Yin fear of sad Yin do not get Yao and be like Yao fearWatchful also a surname Qing Zi says glad of the person and the dutiful son of official loyal to his sovereign of husband that closeAlso Yu and come somewhat namely this Li alsoSend Zuo at inside medicinal powder Zuo at outsideAt inside do not give Zuo also at outside sunrise and of Long politics Wu Lu or haveThe thing knows at gentleman of the outskirts in so cadaver person what falls oneself is alsoThink of its place to think of its place be addicted to with thing character be addicted to with content character
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Give and Long has Long surely like that the Long that its ceases Zheng assist feeds after of Zuo windowing also Ning piece the person that end lodges for the night all gives his to establish low Zuo with of no less than nots the after contented Tao Suisui that Yao reachs hold a memorial ceremony for like that is entered like like that Li Positive The that send puts the that send to writeThe of meaning of form Long annals that if Yao its Yin also writes Yin ,the Ha of also puts is smallDo not write also Ning puts Ning to write have deep and later development of each other Yin is writtenPut do not forget heart is installed irreverently reach piece inside send its and Ning is respected
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    of of the row that believe is not in order to respect character knowable 3 do not forget to all send to send thing Yao its 3 person all put written thing Zuo to be written with dividing Yin to put Zha Gentleman unripe respects body of Jing Xiangsai Jian of Zuo dead to not disgrace alsoThe Zha that the Li of Sai Jing Zuo knows to be not a body cannot Zheng Zuo at Yin Sai Jingxiang Li knows to be not careful travel its body not name of Zuo parents cannot Zheng can Jian It is Zheng considers Jian body not disgrace also of alone Long person can of Zuo emperor dutiful son can Zuo Yin
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    Person of Long of alone of the person that suffer Wu Tian can be complete and of and place of heaven and earth generates there's no one who doesn't or isn'tHave with Bao its sex so can Zuo emperor also suffers at Yin Zhe Weixiao child can completeAnd of and Jing Mo of parental place does not have in order to fill its Zuo so can Zuo Yin also Zuo person Zuo also of Zuo like that after can cadaver of Ning of dutiful son of Zuo Yan hereat and not ZunThe heart of Long person says oneself Ming Yuedan down to of of Ning of civilian afterbirth content and not Zuo the Supreme Being also the heart of the dutiful son from careful travel of a group of things with common features of harmonious of its body down to Home Zuo And not Zuo Yin also buts its are ferial and such so Ning cadaver and not Zun character
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Of the dutiful son not the of person of Zun Long is in more day person knowableIts Yin also Yin makes Yao person look also Zuo alsoThe Zuo that Zheng Zuo spends also friend says look with Zuo Foreword of of Shu its Shu of its Die its 100 officials are adulatory and of Zuo at it is Zheng itsAnnals meaning with its absentminded the dutiful son of the that hands in or Zuo with Ning deities or Zuo annals also
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    100 officials are adulatory and Zuo or Zheng the annals meaning of the dutiful son and dutiful son sends hisAbsentminded hand in with Ning deities also Zha of the person that Ning Zha Jun aids hold a memorial ceremony for with on Yin Foreword of of Shu its Shu of its Die its 100 officials gentleman sends lacquer of its Why does the husband have absentmindedly bright place of of the that aid hold a memorial ceremony for uses his absentminded also this saysWith its absentminded the person that hand in Zheng officiant with Ning god Bao bright meaning of Zheng its annalsNamely the Li that blown away by wind of of character of of Yu achieve case has Bao its and its believe Yan Bao and its respect letter Yan Bao and respect Yan person the person that the person that the Ha that thinks of Yin also is believed turns over the Zha of the body to also be respected namely of the thing respectful
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Wu Ziji of Er model of of age of the person that character is fastened to believe outside also be being respected at wishs history Zuo Letter at Hou Jizhu of Zuo of of Yan Zi of Zuo of ashamed of of ghosts and gods history Shu is believed is character blameAlso its San breaks beauty is Chang Zha also San is ancient person sacred Zhu Shi needs Zuo advocateHold a memorial ceremony for person is beautiful believe in order to accuse at Shu of divine place Zheng also the person that is respected namely thing Zuo The person that the heart of Man is believed is ferial the Yi Youxin of thing Ning hold a memorial ceremony for of Zha body Wen WangzhiIf not be about to lay in case,hold a memorial ceremony for also thinks of the dead Zhu Yixiao is accused and master is putNeither believes the Geng Man Jing Zhirong that the that writes does obeisance to alsoSunrise gives birth to short Jian of Zuo of Zuo of Wu Xi Zuo at month only then of the world of photograph as a result
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    AndThe travel of life has a winter to have Zuo of disappear of of alternate of summerly Zuo Zuo or Zuo and evening is shortOr is short and nocturnal Zuo like that after cold hot weather divides to make the same score Zuo and result becomes friendThe day of All Souls'Day of Long person and deserve to also send Jun of Jian of the world the sum with the monthChange alcohol and 100 thing are strange alsoSend and use alsoTake content to collect Zhang Zhi to get its appropriate with each like that the dividing Zha that after honour low fluctuatesDisaccord friend says the in order to that send thing establishs civilian Ji also
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Send instead only then with thick its also send ghosts and gods originally with honour on alsoSend instead only then the Zuo incident that careful Jian recalls Zuo says thick its also deliver day of Zheng of ghosts and gods originallyGround the god of the land and the god of the grain-the state of 100 gods offer sacrifices to in civilian of shake of of the person that go up scrupulously and respectfully Jing Yifeng's On civilian knowable also person magical Cheng Ye soul also person the Cheng Ye of ghost adds up to what ghost Ning god teachs to comeAlsoThe Li that the person that fill writes Yao is magical cannot Yao and of the person writes Yao magically namelyPerson also ghost cannot Yao and the person has soul Zuo namely the person write Yao of ghost also weather channel
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    To teach a single person with the person and the place of ghosts and gods adds up to Bao this knowsThe show of the five elements of essence of life of 2 coagulates at the person Qu manage provides Ming YuedanThe place of day of Long Zuo work by stand also Zhao Mingcun of of of Zuo wild land itsEssence of life and of feeling of one photograph puts to write child the Die place that chases after Zuo by unripe alsoFriend says teach come to also show content of be the concubine is in the ground to show unripe in frost of day Zuo rainBlame teaching also and the Zuo that not is like the person's a suit to hold ghosts and gods concurrently most is cutFriend says teach come or say to the Li soul Zuo that closes to add up to desert namely comes loose and have Does the Die of soul get together the spirit of the person that be born in order to add up to ghosts and gods at deep and remote? In
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    So teachs to also of its at going up clear of of bright Hao the essence of this 100 content is magical alsoalsoThe dead of 100 content like that of person of Si Bao alone dead Hao of its and Yao person Zheng of place? Atmosphere is also this magical person that write Yao the cloud of of essence of life of 100 contentPerson of the alone in 100 content gets the Zuo word of Qu content of this most essence of life and its are magical but Zhu alsoThe of the purificatory because of content bright life ghosts and gods with of the common people 100 Xiao with Wei
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Qu civilian in order to takeThe dead of person of Yao of Gu Minyu Pi the Si Bao of 100 content and person of Si alone Long knowsThe of essence of life of ghosts and gods because the purificatory of content is sacred with Zhang Ren Li former andGhosts and gods of life of Bao of establishing a person makes civilian with that knows filial piety of the Kui that chase after Zuo Be with not of its heart of of the person that the at Li takes afraid of the person that Wei takes Wei like thatWith like that also Long person in order to be not sufficient also of Yu of room of Ha palace ancestor be or become heir to in order to fasten Yin scanty Zuo Zuo teachs civilian turn over ancient only then do not forget its place by unripe also of Xiao take from this reason Long
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    And fast two-terminal also establish to build Yao of Shu of Li of burn of Fan of Yu government issue with 2 Die already with Sheng is smooth with also this teachs Xiao to turn over only then also lung of liver of be ashamed of Shu millet millet head heart Yao Zuo tries with Zuo Chang also teachs civilian photograph fluctuation with soul the Die that use situationto alsoOnly then make sacred not person of Long of Zuo Dian Wuxin's dead with Ha of not sufficient reasonPalace room Yu ancestor be or become heir to teachs with fastening Zuo of Yin scanty Zuo civilian chase after think of ancient only then its thingBeneficial Yu the Die that builds Zuo of Yu government issue to feed again in order to divide of soul of Ning its Li beneficial sacred Jian fulfil hands in Zuo to teach civilian photograph to use situation up and down
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    Be in harmony of beneficial of of week of article increase friend says of Die add with to character alsoMaster advocate cadaver of the rank of nobility of of Zuo of Zuo of heir brother needs vinegar advocate Zuo fulfil is bigSmall with Zuo Zuo Bi having reachs Zheng of place of a surname Zuo to teach civilian photograph to be used up and downAffection Zheng thisBath of give up of Zuo of the that reach and bend forward of faceGentleman of hold a memorial ceremony for of needs the official of of Zuo of call together of bath of Zuo give up and bend forward the Yin of faceThe person that use in examine animal sacrifice in order to wait for Hou Chunqiu of Zheng of face of Die of music of Bo Yechao Ning Toward person Yan is the same as official of of Li Ning Zha bend forward Chao Weian
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    Er of element of leather a man's cap used in ancient times predicts gentleman the auspicious of the madam world of 3 palace personThe of Bo Shi of of madam Zheng Hou of palace of Bo San of the emperor also head Ning the emperorWrap with gentleman in Zheng Hou reason Xiao of world soldier acts according to Kui to satisfy Kui Yu Fu's person in order to show at gentlemanAfter the Wu Tianzi of madam Kui of the 3 palace of of of Die Ning world of Kui is reached Yao this3 hands satisfy madam Jun cloth the auspicious at of world of 3 palace madam personThe Yao after of madam Yin Jun this hind of the madam Hou of palace of cloth Wu San
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    Madam cloth issues Jun at world reason say gentleman is taken in order to offer sacrifices to first Wang Xian is fair also3 hands satisfy the Jun after saying with Mrs. Yao He Yeru after Ning cloth Wu SanThe auspicious of of palace madam world person of Gong Zhifu the world of Wu Wang of the cloth after is likeAnd not the of cloth Wu Shi of Yao Hou Mrs. or say is hind madam Jun Ha occasionally Zuo Big filial piety honour Yin Honour Yin not father matchs a day to also make Zuo of person Er with gentleman childYi Jinzhi
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    First meaning bear Wu Dao of annals Zheng parentsFirst the person that meaning Cheng Zhifan has deep all can of Zheng parents Wu Dao needs thisAt the Zha that turns over a body first parents of San of Yan of conduce of meaning Cheng Zhiyi feels already Wu Zizhi bend forward row and Zha its are deep Ha respects every to Zuo needs all right concealedSpend its child heart with disease not dare character cannot bear again not character movesAnd the person that Zuo is changed needs much be Wu Dao of Zheng Zheng parents alsoJing Ke also can install Zuo Qia scrupulously and respectfully not blame is respected also and of parents or not from Zuo San place
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    Zuo person of parents how also Ning respectful and of An Zhi Li Ren Zheren this person alsoAt parents Ren En not this can be pushed outside Ha Die person the person that walk on this alsoOf every Die put ? Person all can be led and of parents of You Zhiwei thing Die Yao at form Long at Long not OK character can walk on this to knowThe travel of every Die all writes Zha so and go Li person appropriate this person also
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    Li can but all right continuously the Li Zuo of thing parents gets its appropriate reason to say the dutiful son butsParents of artful Zhu reason An Zhineng appropriate this like that the Li that after knows everything all appropriate Die The with going with going out alsoThe person that the person that believe believes this alsoAt parents respects Zha cannot 100 can believe of Bao its letterPerson person this person alsoOf Yin put do one's utmost Bao Zha and the lax Yin of twinking dies already honour Ren An Li
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    And not the be ashamed blame of Zuo parents does not cease from not sufficient Ning at thisPunishment turns over this to make oneselfThe of the five chief forms of punishment in ancient China 3000 and the blame is greatest at disobedient be punishment make by disobedientPerson only then also person and it is OK that disobedient forgets body be buried alive with the dead is about to altogether enter at punishment person Not Honour Ren An Li but Zheng uses rich uses thing but Zheng not is rich uses thing but Zheng uses honour Ren An Li but Zheng not With Zuo mouth Zuo Si rich uses thing and a group of things with common features marriage all Zuo like that of after parents
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    The heart brings will of place Zheng Zuo alsoThe of person of place Zuo of the place virgin soil of the day is bigDong Zi says the person recieves orders at the day detached gives birth to its Li at Li this this Bao atNature like that after knows from body of Zha of be apt to of Bao of Zuo Wu Wu this also of Zuo of family name having anxiety and still Zuo Zuo of the swallow that note Zheng has add at Zheng official scanty Zheng at the person that have school its Zuo allDid not install Zuo Ning still Yi Shu adds up to the land that its thing out of the ordinary uses and of characterDark of its Li Zuo
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    170 person travel westing person not dare the person that Zuo westing goes nots dare Zuo Desire character politics person gentleman but alsoNot dare Zuo person the that encounter Zheng issues Zuo surely and Zuo civilian Yi Ran is like the Zuo of Have its Zuo of Jian of having to need what with respect to Yao Yan its reside Zuo or old disease notCan go make one's rounds of Long king and desire character politics person the gentleman of its with respect to Yao and withIts character Zuo also can respect old Die to come at this person with Long can checkThe Zhu of the politics of examine of Zheng the ancients also San has anxiety family name oneself with person Zuo Zhu person the way that has Yin of Hou Bao Ha of Yu of 3 acting beneficial not teaching
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    Person has move the guilty Zuo that the law that outskirt moves to send spine then thes common people suffers from atIn Zuo person has sit the law Jian of the zhuan3huan2 earth of of Zheng fine stone cannot change Very person unites second Yi Fang sheds his to defend old man of Ha of Long down to each from personAbove all repairs Zuo to of or by the concubine namely from good a man of noble character artificial business also Te of Zheng body fine civilian also is with gentleman the of Zuo Die is like Jing Zhi of Zuo of friendly Zuo second atThing Yin comes Wu Tianzi is perambulatory and not dare Zuo Mr with respect to Yao with its characterLater generations has school and teach be no good have your Zuo and politics do not repair place Zheng oldPerson appropriate flings body of Zuo square Jian not the person appropriate of Zuo has together with into wooden handcuffs of zhuan3huan2 earth Bao
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    Civilian Hun among them person the Zheng that half Yan of Zuo adds of of clear be apt to of Zuo appearance without exceptionChangjiang Delta of the person that why to go to comes at the beginning of government office greatly have with Xiao of fraud of abolish of fair Zuo of civilian of over sixty years of age personThe Zuo of old place Jian of of its after Xie becomes Li its ground to have Zuo of all alone of Yu Get together Xiao rises hall Zuo to pour Zuo to have department in vain not dare advocate for a long time Zuo civilian holds Zuo The person that bavin of greens firewood begs carry out into the city stops hand in thoroughfare old day night wants a wayside Li Reason of all alone land rent and the person in order to to leave Home one day of Yin knows Qu thing to get manage to needBy this Zha person with the article do not take an examination of Zuo of its travel civilian with hiring Zuo Not common of its Die its are our also come with first the law law of character of king old beg and
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    Kill Ji Wumin not need not examine also be apt to not Zuo body information not Zuo idea not Zuo Yin be apt to not ferial information of Zuo body Zheng not information of alone of hold a memorial ceremony for of Ning of Zuo heart Zheng not of Zuo heart reason is like Man of Yao its form to if he uses Yao Long ,be like Long its Long like that like that heart also is stolen and by oneself the Zha that be apt to holds the Ha that thinks of Yin concurrently to turn over a bodyNamely before its believe Bao of its of place cloud Bao also information not Zuo heart namely before place cloudIts respect Bao to also think of not Zuo Yin namely before place Yun Saiji resides Ta to be reached room has Yao surely like that its the Li of a 2 Geng also this Li Bao of hold a memorial ceremony for at be
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    reason is connected with Jian piece       
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            Die Yin resolve a doubt coils 25

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