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章节: 卷四十八
书名: 礼记析疑
类目: 经部
写作年代: 约公元前-327年  至  公元后687年
视频: 卷四十八_礼记析疑
音频: 卷四十八_礼记析疑

欽定四庫全書 禮記析疑卷四十八          翰林院侍講銜方苞撰  喪服四制凡禮之大體體天地法四時則隂陽順人情故謂之禮 天地之生人本有踈戚故喪服以恩制而有隆殺所 以體之也天地之設位本有髙下以義制而有重輕 所以體之也事理顯著且别見於經記故不復發揮
 而下所覆鮮者惟隂陽四時人情也喪有四制變而從宜取之四時也 舊説四制謂恩義節權名篇之義則然此四制則謂 三日而殯三月而

  • Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    decides 4 complete Die Yin resolve a doubt coils 48Fang Bao of Zuo of Zheng of serve of courtyard of member of the Imperial Academy is written is taken 4 makeThe standard of world of big Zuo Zuo of every Die the Die of Zheng of reason of favor of Zuo of Zuo of Zuo of 4 of this reason of relative having Zuo takes the stranger of heaven and earth with favour make and have grand placeWith Zuo also the Yu of heaven and earth originally Zuo falls to make and have heavy Zuo with Li So of Zuo also logic Zuo is written and fasten Yao at Jian Yin reason not
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    And 4 of Zuo of Zuo of alone of the person that issue place Fu Zuo favor alsoThe that has 4 to make Zhu and appropriate takes also Ning Zha name of of Geng of Li of the 4 favour that make Zheng piece Li like that this 4 Zheng that make 3 days and March and? ? Period and small auspicious again period and big auspicious also be like with / favour Li Li of favour of of Geng Yu 2 make / cannot Zheng Zhu and appropriate and feed bury and Mu Xiaoxiang and except take bigAuspicious and Long sound Zhu and appropriate also the Zhu of 4 says with reason those who take Every this 8 person the person that make with also
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Yin is the same as at the that makes after fasten character parents with Geng and take this is made with the heaviest and big and place of Xiao affection is interrogative person reason more carry and firstBoy of person of this Geng not bastinado 2 also be helped up and rise 3 also the face dirties 4 bald alsoPerson 5 also person 6 also cripple 7 old also disease 8 also Zuo ? Zuo aning enclosure for storing grainFather in the Zha of mother period and with bastinado not one bastinado of bastinado and remove Fear installing bastinado not bastinado Li has to if,do not get each with thisThe person that the Geng what blame that there is grand in Die of every of is made with comes withBastinado and removing is made one of above has Youbuketong to help up and remove next having
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Face dirty reason must Ning bastinado and the person that rise with Yao its are differred wait for desire character person boy not bastinado and first Ning gives rod or staff used for a specific purpose make Ning its Li also be like father to be in mother period those who be to make is the biggest and what wrap what You Duofan falls to take all Jian at this not the person that the of makes Wu Shangsan make stick of the person that can be addedAll of the person that also be helped up and remove Ning face to dirty is made award bastinado to be not to make in knowable3 Geng of the Pi that compare Jian personThe Geng of 4 and Ning thirdly person say Jian with long character also reason not 3The of day
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
            Die Yin resolve a doubt coils 48

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