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章节: 卷二十二
书名: 礼记析疑
类目: 经部
写作年代: 约公元前-383年  至  公元后348年
视频: 卷二十二_礼记析疑
音频: 卷二十二_礼记析疑

欽定四庫全書 禮記析疑卷二十二          翰林院侍講銜方苞撰  雜記下如三年之喪則既顈其練祥皆行 練祥行者補祭非除服也既顈行眀未顈不得行也 三年之喪行明餘喪不得行也餘喪有主者則彼自 及時而舉練祥即此人為主既顈後亦不得追舉知
 然者上除服兼諸父昆弟此獨舉三年之䘮以别之 也祭與除服事聨而義不相䝉小記曰期而祭禮也 期而除䘮道也祭不為除䘮也故合行者其常也而 遭變則廢舉各以義起有君䘮服則私服不得除而 練祥可追舉曾子問君之䘮服除而後殷祭是也並 繫私服則前䘮服皆得除而祭惟重䘮可追舉此記 是也 祥主人之除也於夕為期朝服祥因其故服 是祭之前夕已除前服而服後服矣故知除服與祭
 各為一事 注既顈虞後山隂陸民以為禫後俱未 安禫則後䘮大祥皆畢矣然後補前喪小祥練祭則 過緩虞後則後䘮甫三月餘而飲福衣朝服可乎禮 文殘缺顈惟此記一見未知以顈代葛何所據而云 然以義揆之當為練後服也曰練祥皆行者至後䘮 練期則前䘮練祭可以次並舉有君䘮服父母練祥/可俟君服除而追舉 三年而後葬者必再祭並有䘮葬先輕而後重母之/虞可俟父葬畢而並舉則前䘮之練可俟後葬並舉 眀/矣其大祥之期至亦可先舉也練則後䘮大祥亦近/矣雖暫服前喪大祥
 之服無/害也曰既顈者將練必先易顈而後祭也大祥之/祭也主 人於前夕除服易朝服祥因其故/服則練祭亦前夕易服可知矣除諸父昆弟之䘮 於父母䘮期内不著其得除之節者旁親不主祭不 過暫服其除服而旋釋之雖初䘮可也 曾子問所 謂過時不祭者乃四時常祭禘祫及䘮之練祥則可 追舉王父死未練祥而孫又死猶是附於王父也 周人卒哭而祔逮孫之卒哭則王父之主已祔於廟
 而反於寢矣故孫亦得告於寢而祔也若孫死在三 月内則宜俟王父既祔而後祔若王父存則孫中一 以上而祔可也有殯聞外䘮哭之他室 知䘮在逺方者若同國雖緦必往也據非兄弟雖鄰 不往則三黨中異姓無赴弔之禮據下記如有服而 將往哭之服其服而往則既練始得往然三月五月 之期已過如姑之子姊妹之夫母之父母兄弟亦無
 練而後往弔之義其當巳䘮既祔彼服未除之期而 往與大夫士將與祭於公既視濯而父母死則猶是與祭也次於異宫既祭釋服出公門外哭而歸其他如奔喪之禮如未視濯則使人告告者反而后哭 祭必齊齊者齊不齊以致其齊者也父母危疾子不 視父母死反次於異宫而禁其哭踊不獨非人情所 安其哀痛中迫尚能齊一以交於神明乎此必春秋
 之末及戰國時慝禮而漢儒誤述之也尸弁冕而出卿大夫士皆下之 致齊則不宜復出齊宫此宜在散齊期内蓋為君尸 者必卿大夫宫中各有職業故雖宿齊宫散齊時可 仍出而治事也如同宫則雖臣妾葬而后祭 士之臣妾賤葬事簡旬日可畢又家徒少不能兼共 祀事故葬而後祭疏謂天子諸侯臣妾死於宫中不
 得為虞祔卒哭之祭誤矣天子諸侯絶期為廢祭也 乃以臣妾而稽喪之大祭乎此疏在曾子/問緦不祭下敬為上哀次之瘠為下 朱軾曰哀而盡禮附身附棺一無可悔方謂之敬瘠 非不敬但恐毁不勝䘮則於禮或有闕耳若敬而不 瘠則敬為虗文五十者於毁但不致耳若未滿六十 而不瘠戚容稱服之謂何 瘠為下者鮮食則皆可 瘠也
請問兄弟之䘮子曰兄弟之䘮則存乎書䇿矣 凡小功者謂之兄弟此所問兄弟之䘮謂小功以下 也自大功以上哀聲戚容各有所宜則必求其稱小 功以下則飲食居處去無䘮者不逺而哀聲戚容無 責焉獨循書䇿以備禮文可矣注疏謂上所言獨斬 衰之䘮及為母齊衰果爾則尚有祖父母世父母叔 父母姑姊妹子兄弟之子不應專以兄弟為言在堊室之中非時見乎母也不入門
 注謂居廬不入門非也設父母有疾可不入視乎母 有父母之䘮能不從母而往哭乎先王制禮以人道 待人謂期之内創鉅痛甚雖以奠祭夫婦時接惟各 致其哀敬而已始䘮朝夕㑹哭既祔主反於/殯宫朔望之奠必夫婦親之既練居 堊室則悲憂漸殺設以見母而時接其内人哀敬之 心移焉雖強居於外衰麻哭泣皆偽也故雖見母亦 有時而母以外不得見所以責人子哀敬之誠而大 為之防也
視君之母與君之妻比之兄弟發諸顔色者亦不飲食 孔子曰居君之母與妻之䘮居處飲食衎爾兄弟之 期其痛如剡胡可比也按儀禮凡小功者謂之兄弟 此兄弟謂小功也小功比葬飲酒食肉故此云發諸 顔色者亦不飲食也微有别者蓋秉於國法 按功 衰無鹽酪謂斬衰之末也則此為比於小功益信矣祥主人之除也於夕為期朝服祥因其故服
 祥為吉祭前夕當視濯省牲不得仍練服既祥雖不當縞者必縞然後反服 不當縞謂有新䘮之重服也 朱軾曰注疏以縞為 朝服縞冠之縞陸氏以縞為素縞麻衣之縞陸氏為 安當袒大夫至雖當踊絶踊而拜之反改成踊乃襲於士既事成踊襲而后拜之不改成踊 士䘮禮大斂畢主人奉尸斂於棺踊如初乃蓋主人
 降拜大夫之後至者北面視肂設熬卒塗置銘復位 踊襲正與此合入棺及加蓋時當踊不絶以降拜大 夫故絶之加蓋則殯畢若方殯雖有後至者不降拜 檀弓大夫弔當事而至則辭焉䘮大記於大夫不當 斂則出是也疏既事謂畢大小斂諸事恐未安若事 為大小斂及殯則於大夫亦既事而後拜不獨於士 然所謂既事者即視肂設熬卒塗置銘諸事也蓋於 大夫則加蓋後即降拜然後視肂於士則直至置銘
 踊襲後然後拜之故曰不改成踊也於大夫絶加蓋 時踊以前踊未終故曰改成踊下大夫之虞也犆牲卒哭成事附皆少牢 䘮者人之終也故上大夫之卒哭附加隆焉士之遣 奠加隆焉惟下大夫之虞則降而用特牲何也以别 於上大夫也然則與士何以異也士之攝盛惟遣奠 下大夫則成禮於䘮祭之終加隆於祔廟之始則等 威著矣然用少牢至祔廟而終遷廟之後則惟用生
 者之鼎俎矣夫曰乃 稱乃夫某鑿巾以飯公羊賈為之也 朱軾曰含襲之時何時也過此以往欲睹親可得乎 制於禮者孝子無如之何禮得不巾而巾之有人死 斯惡之意山陰陸氏乃謂君子有取焉謬矣冒者何也所以掩形也自襲以至小斂不設冒則形是
以襲而后設冒也 朱軾曰三日而後斂本冀其生設冒以掩形恐人之 惡之也既設帷矣人不得而見在帷中者子婦之外 亦親者也乃冒而避其形乎凡此皆後儒駁雜之論 未足信也 士喪禮襲而設冒似非為人之惡之也 親既死矣魄體宜安靜形不掩則親戚自逺至者及 朋友中昵好或啓其手足或搴巾幎而視其形貌凟 且䙝矣又鬼神之情既之幽則不欲嚮明皆敎人以
 奉死如生之義也 毛西河謂既加冒則手足盡韜 小斂如何加衣時人多用此疑古禮不知小大二斂 無復衣尸之法也衣有著者謂之袍袍必有表不禪 衣必有裳謂之一稱明衣不在算襲衣裳至四稱以 後更欲外加袖必不可入要領必不能容矣故設冒 而櫜之幠用衾則小斂大斂之衣惟包於冒衾之外 而不復入於冒衾之中明矣故小斂之衣惟祭服不 倒大斂之衣惟君襚不倒所謂不倒者順鋪以薦於
 下而左右掩之以覆於上也其餘則卷疊顛倒以實 左右肩之上股肱足脛之旁以與當身之廣厚相稱 故可用十九稱三十稱之多蓋惟用絞衾以束而非 以被於身故也斂衣之多至此何也父母生平朝祭 親身之服孝子不忍自服又不忍以襚人惟入壙為 宜此古人之厚也三年之䘮如斬期之䘮如剡 父殁為母齊衰三年故不曰斬齊而曰三年之䘮
如有服而將往哭之則服其服而往 檀弓有殯聞逺兄弟之䘮雖緦必往專舉同姓此曰 服其服則兼異姓之小功緦麻也又權以人情姑姊 妹之夫雖無服亦不容不往姑姊妹痛不欲生可無 唁乎子張死曾子有母之䘮齊衰而往哭則父之執 友之䘮亦不容不往又如父䘮之後母又有父母之 䘮在未葬以前則宜奔䘮視殯而反於夫之䘮次在 既

  • Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    decides 4 complete Die Yin resolve a doubt coils 22Fang Bao of Zuo of Zheng of serve of courtyard of member of the Imperial Academy is writtenBelow Zuo Yin The like 3 years already Zuo its Jin auspicious all go Jin auspicious travel person blame of Xuan hold a memorial ceremony for is divided take also already Zuo travel Bao not Zuo must not go also of 3 years goes bright Zuo must not go also Zuo has advocate person those fromReach and Ning Jin auspicious namely this person advocate already Zuo after also must not chase after Ning to know
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    Like that person on except take younger brother of elder brother of father holding Zheng concurrently this Ning 3 years? With fasteningAlso Ning of hold a memorial ceremony for divides the Long that take a job and Li not? Small Yin says period and Die of hold a memorial ceremony for alsoPeriod and except? Path also hold a memorial ceremony for not is divided? Also reason adds up to the person that go its constant also andRise with Li each by Ning of Zhu is there gentleman? The illicit that take is taken must not be divided and Jin auspicious can you chase after Ning Ceng Zi Mr ? Take except after to abundant hold a memorial ceremony for is also Before Kui illicit takes ? Take all get alone of except hold a memorial ceremony for to weigh? Can chase after Ning this Yin Be also of auspicious host except also at evening period Chao Fuxiang is taken because of its reasonBefore the eve that is hold a memorial ceremony for already was divided, be taken and take after reason knows to divide the hold a memorial ceremony for that take Ning
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    Each be related is noted already Zuo of Zuo of hill of Zuo anxiety after civilian with all of Die after notInstall Die after? Big auspicious all like that the before after Xuan is small of auspicious Jin hold a memorial ceremony forAfter of of after of Zuo Jin anxiety? Fu Sanyue Zuo and Zuo Fu Yichao is taken but Die Article is short of Zuo to but one Yao of this Yin is sealed take the place of with Zuo of Ge He place and the cloudDoes after take the Jin that conjectures with Li like that to also say Jin auspicious does the person that all go come after? Before Jin period ? Can Jin hold a memorial ceremony for have gentleman with second Ning ? Take parental Jin auspicious / Ke Qijun is taken divide and chase after Ning 3 years and after bury person surely again does of hold a memorial ceremony for have? Bury first Zuo and of after heavy mother / of bury of father of Yu Ke wait and before Ning ? Ning of of bury of after of Jin Ke Qi Bao / are its big auspicious period to Yi Kexian Ning also Jin after? Big auspicious also close / the before Zuo is taken is big auspicious
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    take / kill also say already Zuo person Jin needs first easy Zuo and after hold a memorial ceremony for is big also auspicious / hold a memorial ceremony for also advocateIs the person divided at eve because of,take easy Chao Fuxiang its reason / hold a memorial ceremony for of the Jin that take also is eve taken easily knowable Kun Dizhi of the father that divide Zheng ? At parents? Period inside the Yin other the person that do not write the Geng that its must divide not officiant notDoes Zuo take his to divide take and come back at the beginning of the Zuo of Zuo ? But also place of Ceng Zi Zheng Zuo not hold a memorial ceremony for person be Dai of Die of 4 constant hold a memorial ceremony for to reach? Jin auspicious butChase after Ning Wang Fu is dead not Jin auspicious and dies again is to add Wu Wang father alsoZhou Rencu cries and the soldier of Dai capture cries of Wang Fu advocate already Dai at
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    And instead at reason also must accuse at Dai to also be like to die in 3Father of king of wait of appropriate of the inside the month already Dai and after Dai is like Wang Fu to put in oneAbove and Dai but alsoOutside Long there is ? His what cry roomKnow? In Zuo square person if be the same as Zuo Jin to be gone to surely also Zuo of Zuo of blame brotherDo not go to if the Yin below the Die that the in 3 Zuo of surnames to go to has take and takes his toward what cry and toward already Jin only then must go to like that March in Mayperiod already Zuo is like aunt child the parental brother of the husband mother of sister also
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    Jin and is after gone to the Li of its Si? Already Dai those takes what did not divide period andToward Ning Wu Gong of hold a memorial ceremony for of Ning of doctor person already Yao washs and of parental dead is Ning hold a memorial ceremony for alsoSecond at palace already Zuo of hold a memorial ceremony for is taken outside giving fair Zuo , cry and is other be like those who go straight towards Die if not Yao wash makes the person accuses the person that accuse to cry after that insteadHold a memorial ceremony for needs Zuo Zuo person Zuo not Zuo as a result its Zuo person also parental danger disease child not Yao parents is turned over to death second ban its at palace to cry leap up not place of impersonal affectionThe approach in bringing its grief still can Zuo one in order to hand in at deities this needs age
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    end and Die of Te of and scholar Zha narrates alsoCrown of cadaver a man's cap used in ancient times and piece dear doctor person all fallsUnfavorable of the that send Zuo gives Zuo Gong Ciyi coming loose cadaver of the San inside Zuo period Mr Each have palace of old Zuo of Zuo of Long reason to come loose in palace of Dr Zhe Biqing Zuo butStill go out and study an issue alsoAs bury of concubine of official of palace Zuo after that hold a memorial ceremony forPerson day of a period of ten days of Ha of thing of bury of official concubine Zuo but domestic apprentice cannot hold concurrently less in allWorshipping accident bury and in dead Wu Gong of concubine of official of Hou of Zheng of the emperor of scanty Zheng of after hold a memorial ceremony for not
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    The Zha of hold a memorial ceremony for that soldier of Dai of the anxiety that get cries hold a memorial ceremony for of of period of Jian of Hou of the emperor Zheng alsoThe big hold a memorial ceremony for that is with official concubine check this is scanty in Ceng Zi / Jin not below hold a memorial ceremony forRespect of barren of sad take second place falls on Bright red Zuo says sad and Bao Die adds a body to add coffin one but of regret square Zheng respect barrenIs blame irreverent but fear destroying not ? at Die or if ear having Zuo is respected and notBarren respects Ta article 50 person at destroy but if,do not cause ear not 60And not the Zheng that Er of barren Qi Rong takes why Zuo of the person that barren falls feeds all butBarren also
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    Of Zha brother? Child say of brother? Is put ? Fan Xiaogong person the brother of Zheng of this brother? Zheng little work is the followingSad Long relative allows above of proud also result each somewhat appropriate begs his surely Er is smallDoes Zuo feed house Ta to go under result ? Person not Zuo and of sad Long Qi Rong of abide of Zuo Yan ? With Die Wen Ke notes and commentaries of of character of the place on Zheng Decline? Zuo of the mother that reach declines father's younger brother of parents of generation of Shang Youzu of fruit 's parentsOf brother of girl of elder sister of parental father's sister child not with brotherly characterThe Yao of Central Africa in room the mother also does not enter Zuo
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    of the house that note Zheng is not into Zuo also Yu parents has disease to be able to not enter Yao motherThere is father and mother? Can not mother and toward cry first king make Die with humaneThe Zheng that need a person period in Zuo is painful very Zuo receives alone with of of husband of establish hold a memorial ceremony for eachSend its Ai Jing just only then? A very short time? Cry already Dai advocate instead at / of the Yin of Dian Bifu of palace syzygy already Jin houseWith Yao mother receives Yu of of of of Bei of room its wife Ai JingzhiThe heart moves Yan Zuo is resided at outside decline hemp cries all also Mu Yi of reason Zuo Yao Have and Yao is not gotten beyond the mother so Zuo person child Ai Jingzhi Zha and bigOf prevent also
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    The Zuo of brotherly Zheng that Jun Zhi wife compares the mother Ning of Mr Yao is lubricious person also not Zuo is fedAlsoDoes Confucius say Ju Jun's mother of Ning wife? The Zuo that reside Ta feeds Xiao brotherPeriod its are painful the brother of Zheng of the person that the Hukebi that be like Shan also presses Die Fan XiaogongLittle also work compares small result of this brother Zheng reason of flesh of bury Zuo food and drink Zheng of this cloud Zuo color person also not Zuo is fed small also San of the person that fasten grasps to be pressed at law resultDecline the end that of Zheng of Zuo cheese declines also this is believed than Wu Xiaogong beneficialOf auspicious host except also at evening period Chao Fuxiang is taken because of its reason
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    Animal sacrifice of province of wash of Yao of of eve of hold a memorial ceremony for of auspicious auspicious is not gotten still Jin is takenAlready auspicious Zuo not Jun person surely Jun like that after is taken insteadNot does Jun Zheng have new? take again also bright red Zuo says notes and commentaries with Jun Jun Zuo toward the coronal that take Jun the Jun Zuo with sackcloth of Jun of Jun elementHowDoctor of leave uncovered does obeisance to to leap up of Jian of Zuo leap up change leap up to be Yao Wu Shi insteadAlready the thing becomes what leap up Yao does obeisance to after that not to change leap upPerson? Host of of Die big acts according to cadaver to be like at coffin leap up San host is first
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    Fall the person that the after that does obeisance to a doctor comes in Yao Man Yu boils of Zuo of soldier buyLeap up Yao this adds up to Ning to reach leap up of of the that add San into coffin not Jian is done obeisance to with falling bigThe person that the of of the that add San of husband reason Jian is like square Zuo to after comes does not fall do obeisance toThing of of of Dr Tan Gong and to Zuo Yan? Big Yin at the doctor not It is scanty also that goes out already thing of Zheng of of size of thing Zheng fears how not was like a thing size and at the doctor also already thing and after is done obeisance to not Wu ShiLike that place Zheng already thing person namely Yao Man Yu boils thing of Zheng of Zuo of soldier buy also San atDoctor adds San after to fall namely do obeisance to like that of Wu Shi of after Yao Man till buy Zuo
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    After of leap up Yao like that the friend that after does obeisance to says not to change leap up to also add San at doctor Jian Before leap up leap up not Jian friend says change leap upThe soldier of animal sacrifice of Yu Ye of next doctors cries accomplish sth adds all little prison? Person the person's Jian also the soldier of the doctor on reason cries add grand Yan Shizhi dispatchThe anxiety that establish adds the doctor below Long Yanwei falls and use special animal sacrifice He Ye in order to fastenAt go up doctor also like that Ning person why also person establish of dispatch of Cheng WeiDo next doctor become Die at? Of the of Jian Jia Longwu Dai of hold a memorial ceremony for only then Power use like that the after alone of to Dai Jian Zuo uses little prison unripe
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    Person vessel an ancient sacrificial utensilThe husband says therefore Er is a husband some Zuo towel with of Zuo ram Zuo alsoBright red Zuo says the that contains Yao why also this is about to see Zuo before Yin can be gottenMake at Die person dutiful son is like why Die is gotten not towel and the somebody of towel is deadThis meaning hill Zuo Zuo of is Zheng gentleman to have Zheng extraction YanHe Ye of the person that risk so form of attack by surprise also from small of Yao down to not Yu risks form is
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    With Yao after that Yu is risked alsoBright red Zuo says 3 days and this Ji Jisheng Yu risks after to fear a person with form of attack by surpriseOf also already Yu curtain the person that the person is not gotten and Yao is in curtain child besides Also Yin person also be risked therefore and avoid its form every this all the Zha of Zuo of after scholar Zuo Not sufficient letter also Yao of person Die and of the of person of Yu Mao Shifei also Yin dies already soul Zuo appropriate brings Zuo form not the person that relative of Yin of of attack by surprise comes from Zuo andThe close in the friend good or its brothers or Qian towel and of appearance of Yao its formAnd? the affection of ghosts and gods already deep and remote not desire bright all person with
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    The Li that if be born,acts according to dead also Mao Xihe Zheng adds Zuo of Bao of the brothers that risk alreadyHow does small add garment person multi-purpose this doubt ancient Die does not know small big 2 The law of cadaver of garment also the gown gown that the garment has authorial Zheng has a list surely not Die The garment has one of skirt Zheng surely Er bright clothes does not come in clothes calculating Yao 4 Er withAfter more desire adscititious sleeve cannot be entered surely want Zuo to cannot be allowed surely reason Yu is riskedAnd the Yi Wei that the of uses big of quilt small besides Bao Wumao quiltAnd not is entered at risk quilt in bright hold a memorial ceremony for takes the Yi Wei of reason small not Zuo of Zuo of the person that the Yi Weijun Yao of big does not pour a Zheng with Shu at
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    Fall and control attack by surprise with Fu at on also its Zuo coils Zuo falls with Right-hand man over or so shoulder of sufficient Man by the Er of large bearing with Ning bodyThe San alone that reason can use 30 Er of 19 Er uses Jian quilt with bundle and rather thanWith by at die also of garment so far hold a memorial ceremony for of face of life of He Ye's parentsOf Yin body take a dutiful son to cannot bear take oneself cannot bear again with Yao person alone enters Appropriate of this the ancients thick also3 years? Be like period? Be like ShanDoes Zuo of mother of father die decline 3 years doesn't friend say Zuo and say 3 years?
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    If have,go toDoes Tan Gong have brother of Long Zuo ? Zuo Jin needs toward Ning of the same surname this saysThe hemp of little work Jin that takes its to take to hold concurrently to surname also tentativelies with favor elder sister takes the husband Zuo of younger sister to also not allow to not be overwhelmed with sorrow toward aunt sister but Extend condolences child does dead Ceng Zi have a parent? Zuo declines and go to cry the of fatherFriendly? Also not allow to be not gone to be like father again? stepmother has father and mother again? In not does appropriate run quickly before bury? Yao and those who turn over Wu Fu? Second inAlready? ? the that after appropriate observes father and mother cries to soldier and the home outside mother house
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    Zuo has dutiful son again again but day of a period of ten days is not gone to province Yao every this Zuo all Die Zuo first it is OK that Wang Wei has the person that Li risesAlready? ? Great merit Already? ? great merit person but Bao period above is not gotten alsoEvery? Little work above is not anxiety to add bath of Jin auspicious The of little work and dare not feed one type from Zuo of Ta of house of Zuo at Die butKnow Die teachs bright humane beneficial deep this civilian have and case alsoOf alone parents? Do not monarch weep and Yao person
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    Thing of Zheng body person affection somewhat Fu alsoWu Cengzi of Ceng Shen says cry parents has constant Long of of the road in saying breaks hisOf Long of mother Yan He Chang have Yin is this knowable Ta in with Yin know? Die Zhu Cheng Zizhi Zheng Taiyuan100 Yu of Zuo Yun Zixia child child? Desire if, thing has Ceng Zi cannot Yin Er child does dead Ceng Zi have a parent? of Ceng Zi one all Yin is in Place Zheng Zhu also is like of the Confucius that be not Die its are broken and not Ning characterFather of Ning of girl of elder sister of aunt of father's younger brother of father of generation of brother of Wang Fu's mother is the same as Zheng
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    The brother of Wang Fu of the San below Zuo of Jun of Wang Fu's mother's mother uncle father of uncle aunt sisterThe of Zheng child in father also not dare Ning its name also brotherly elder sister of Wang FuThe prep before character of Zheng of younger sister father namely of Wang Fu uncle the elder brother of uncle and aunt king motherSister of aunt of uncle of younger brother uncle all Yin and travel honour person child of Yin of Wu Fu's mother Li of its name of honour travel straight Ning also did not install reason to altogether this all father place needs Zheng also wingceltis Ning of Wang Fu of Zheng of of parents of bend capture thing's mother person of San of of this Li positive child capture Zheng of place of parents of of Yin of Wu Wang of thing parents 's parents person Zheng Yan Fu's motherDo not have need not more Zheng if straight with of Li of of Zheng Wang Fu's mother child Wu Fu
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    Mother place also the respects Yijing Zuo parents of did not decline Wang Fu's mother Li heavy Sailong is OK the of parents that put little work of music Die great merit not Zheng Zheng is coequal also know like that person from parents above honour goes Yin person period personGreat merit of little work person with great merit brother of of character of little work goes scanty alsoPerson of Zheng be the concubine not Zheng king father Zheng of mother person above also no less than be the concubine of Die of Li managePerson its force cannot also Zheng Wang Fu's mother why reason its Die and teach withBao ZaiThe end of great merit is OK crest can be married child the end of father little work is OK crest
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    Can marry child can take already Zuo little work already it is OK that soldier cries the coronal is taken wife belowThe little work of cannotBright red Zuo says this with respect to father character father child character child also of size result take have fatherHave child person have child the person that have father has father Zuo child the person that weigh has child Zuo fatherFather of the person that weigh but crest takes and child cannot the coronal is not desirable wife do not get a hatTake also namely already but the coronal is taken wife and father cannot crest takes to also do not get a hatTake also the end of great merit of this Yin Zheng is OK crest is married child be like little work end butMarry with crest child also can take 2 paragraphs of Xuan give the later development since father word
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    Already the end of word Zheng little work not only father is desirable Si Yi Ke takes wife alone to fallTake under neither of Si of Ning of father of of little work but this coronal takes the person that break Character reason Danyun can be not Zheng Die so alsoConfucius says aunt wife of father's younger brother is scanty decline leap up not the Jian of great merit leap up of sister of Jian ground auntThe person that Wu Deru knows this by Wen Yizai by Wen YizaiKnow this to know to cry the Geng of leap up is explore of Die of reason of central different its affection and Yao At outside Zuo apprentice by the Wen Zai outside itsIs Dr Jun Wuqing compared? ? Do not feed the flesh to cry than soldier not Ning person than not
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    Ning Than? ? Do not feed the flesh to fear making Hou 3 Dr Qing Wu doctors all of Doesn't the month feed the flesh to fear failing to also know grieve all right child? Prevent Sheng Zheng rouses Zuo andNot Zheng Zuo wine and from character knife 7 it is to offer to feed the flesh to be not the that jump over Die to should not beDoes Ning ear say know grieve child in hall not? ? Blame soldier cries previously alsoFluctuation does not overstep his authority on gentleman not below dear and is humble if its issue this ,take every issue and stroke personAffection friend says below
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    Get already and the gentleman that break of Gain and loss in order to go can if character is defended and retreat of blame gentleman place also Ning knows to reachbenevolence the Zuo that cannot defend gets break surely with Li namely in order to reside person characterOnly then bone Zuo and after fat Zuo only then is clear and after Mo Lingming not Jian all alreadyGet and break alsoConfucius says fierce Zuo of year of Zuo offer sacrifices to the following animal sacrificeKing the Zuo that make hold a memorial ceremony for year not excessive is fierce year not Zuo of San also scholar-bureaucrat whyDare like that Zuo offers sacrifices to animal sacrifice oneself only then of wife edible not Geng has frown oneself like that
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    Wu Xin person Zuo makes children's hair and not relax civil and military nots can also relax and not civil and military nots alsoThis in order to treat the cause of civilian character have to relax place Zheng makes a way with civilian also be like Zhu Path do not cease from from Si Zuo but or relax Zuo child Wu Zixiu's thingBring this much Yao its Outside ancestor inside of Jun Fu's person ancestor alsoSay Jun Fu's person also is like with of the in not what mother husband'ses father is femaleMust not compare Wu Neizong namely inside ancestor Zuo Jun Fu of his 's person also Zuo
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    Li wait for Zha with Zuo abideThe person one doctor that the person that burns Confucius to do obeisance to of fire of Zuo person does obeisance to again also photograph path alsoWith fire fighting person do obeisance to get together Yin person not is done obeisance to alsoFew Jun Gan is irreverent Zuo with wait lifeWait after life also the madam of Zuo Mr can go out so domestic alarm goesAlso go out to still can be turned over already so Yu changes Zuo to teach Zuo be apt to alsoSister of father's sister of brother of aunt of Yao uncle all stands at below hall west Yao Si is on north
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    Yao Zheng father each with respect to its Zuo of after of aunt of Yao uncle sweets wine of Zuo of aunt of of Zuo of aunt of mother's brother of aunt of uncle of Zuo The person that the person sends if more of Yao of photograph of sister of Ning brother father's sister Die and cannot sister of San brother father's sister every are urgent desire Yao new and Yin its look stops reason hasThe person that establish the Die Yin below Wu Tang this Zheng is already Yao new is like Zheng father notAppropriate waits surely with reason of honour Ning low Die already of with respect to its Yao and noteSatisfy Zheng not Zha of spy Yao aunt of Zheng father Zheng also Zheng father with respect to Yao Wu Ji Zheng tentativelies in the palace that mother's brother tentativelies nots only therefore Yao fair elder sister of elder brother of elder brother Er
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    Er female aunt shows to respect Die so also and only then come to not only unexpectedly Yao elder brotherThe fine Die of elder brother's wife only then into younger brother and sister nots only Yao but of of Yin of marriage Die Jian The of Yao of photograph of sister of Ning brother father's sister person the constant Zuo that is human affairs at marriageOf Die if be brought with brotherly , has its side disrelish and not only Yao aunt sister why Jun and uncle aunt constant feeds Li child Yao of photograph of a very short time of assist Zuo place is disrelished and come first disrelish with Die Yao therefore child think of cry of elder brother's wifePlace Zheng is illogical person receives Zha word so or do not make slave-girl connects Ear father of Zheng of this Yin Yao tentativelies with respect to brother of its each in sister Yao Wu Gong
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    Need not character goes getting on 5 inches Zuo says San of Jun of the Zuo on Zheng namely Zuo of Zheng of Yu Zao place also Yu Zao character Zuo Its Zuo cloud goes to this character Zuo of the person that get on 5 inches goes out at 5 inches are carried over Zuo Also   Die Yin resolve a doubt coils 22

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