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章节: 卷四十六
书名: 礼记析疑
类目: 经部
写作年代: 约公元前48年  至  公元后568年
视频: 卷四十六_礼记析疑
音频: 卷四十六_礼记析疑

欽定四庫全書 禮記析疑卷四十六         翰林院侍講銜方苞撰  燕義 冠昏鄉射聘五篇皆首揭本義不應此篇於篇首漫 引周官庶子之文且終篇言燕羣臣並未及公與族 燕之禮而篇首特言庶子之職何義乎盖因篇末有 獻庶子之文注家引周官以證而編者誤置萹首耳
古者周天子之官有庶子官 李光地曰周官諸子乃下大夫王朝之庶子也儀禮 燕禮獻之在士舉旅之下與内小臣等侯國之庶子 也案秋官朝大夫毎國有庶子都則毎都有庶子在 府史之下盖庶人在官掌都家士庶子之徴令禁戒 者不得與於燕燕禮所獻庶子則周官諸子職會同 賓客作以從王之羣子春秋傳同盟於戲從鄭伯之 門子盖國子及其倅非庶子之官也侯國庶子之官
 宜包羣士中 曰古者周天子可見是漢儒觧經之 文職諸侯卿大夫士之庶子之卒 庶子之卒謂衆子之副貳於適子者周官卿大夫元 士之適子或入太學或居虎門而學於師氏保氏其 衆子則諸子掌之仍學於鄉學司馬弗正 司徒所起戎士則司馬正之庶子所致國子則正於
 太子太子從曰撫軍守曰監國皆使公卿大夫士之 子與之俱所以恩義周浹而國勢深固也凡國之政事國子存游卒 國子當為諸子文誤也盖國子司馬不正其倅則甲 兵之事猶聴於司馬惟凡國之政事如力役社田追 胥之類諸子之官得存㳺卒而使之修徳學道也謂 之游者以其學道術而無職事也周官師氏職凡國 之貴游子弟學焉春秋傳鄭人游於鄉校皆此義
是以上下和親而不相怨也 人臣虛受爵禄而不思竭力盡能於國事則君必惡 之人君虛取十一而不能明正道以道民則民必憾 焉故必上下各盡其道然後和親而不相怨也    

  • Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    decides 4 complete Die Yin resolve a doubt coils 46Fang Bao of Zuo of Zheng of serve of courtyard of member of the Imperial Academy is writtenSwallow Li The coronal faints Zuo is shot hire 5 all head uncover this Li not this at piece head freeThe article that cites week official bastard and Jian piece of official of Yan Yan Li do not fair Ning a group of things with common featuresYan Zhi Die and piece head special the Long of character bastard why Li the lid because piece end hasThe article of bastard notes the home to quote week of official with Zhu Jin person Zha buy Qu head ear
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Ancient person Zhou Tianzi's official has bastard officialLi Guang ground says week official Zheng child the bastard that issues doctor dynasty therefore also Die Of swallow Die be in under person Ning brigade inside Ning the bastard of the Hou such as small officialAlso of of doctor of government of case autumn organ has bastard has bastard to be inThe person of be the concubine leaving a top of government office history is in government-owned control the of domestic person bastard makes stand dropPerson do not get Zheng of official of week of of bastard of of place of Ning Wuyan swallow Die child Long is the same as Zuo guest makes the Li with king child age is affined at Bai Zhi of Zuo Zuo child build child the official of the bastard of Guan Yehou that reachs its to be not bastard
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Appropriate is wrapped say in Li person ancient person Zhou Tianzi but Yao is Jian of scholar Yin Civil Long Zheng Hou dear the soldier of the bastard of doctor personThe soldier Zheng Xiao of bastard child deputy Zuo at Zuo child person Dr Zhou Guanqing yuanPerson Zuo child or into too or reside tiger Zuo and keeps a family name at its Xiao child Zheng child of the palm still at Zuo Si Zuo fu of the Rong Shi since Si Tusuo of be caused by of Si Zuo Zhengzhi bastard child at
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Prince prince says Zuo defends Bao to all make fair dear of doctor personChild all of Ning so of favour Li week and originallies greatly alsoThe government affairs of every child put You Cu child Zheng child article Zha also builds child Si Zuo Buzheng armour of its The government affairs at Si Zuo Weifan is like the thing Long of arms cropland of force service company is chased after Zheng of Xu Zhi Zuo child Guan Decun? Soldier and the made that repair also Zheng the person that swim with Xiao of its path Long thing also of every of Long of week official person of Zuo of of age of Yan of of younger brother of Zuo boy far away from home swims at Zuo school all this Li
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    It is above falls to be not complained with Yin alsoPerson official Ta gets salary of the rank of nobility and do not think of do one's utmost Bao can need at thing Mr person gentleman Ta is taken 11 and cannot bright correct path with path civilian civilian needs regretYan reason fluctuates surely each Bao its like that after is not complained with Yin also    
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
            Die Yin resolve a doubt coils 46

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