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章节: 卷二十一
书名: 礼记析疑
类目: 经部
写作年代: 约公元前-302年  至  公元后760年
视频: 卷二十一_礼记析疑
音频: 卷二十一_礼记析疑

欽定四庫全書 禮記析疑卷二十一          翰林院侍講銜方苞撰  雜記上其輤有裧緇布裳帷素錦以為屋而行 朱軾曰帷上接於輤如裳續衣故曰裳帷喪大記素 錦褚加帷荒荒即輤褚即屋也至於廟門不毁牆遂入適所殯唯輤為説於廟門外
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 布無染色耳大夫次於公館以終喪士練而歸士次於公館大夫居廬士居堊室 注謂惟大夫三年無歸似未安如三年中父母有疾 豈能不歸但當比類於君與父母同時而喪或先或 後之禮旦書歸視而返宿於公館耳若無變事則士 亦不宜無故而歸曰公館則不在殯宫殯宫之門外 嗣君廬焉子姓衆主人廬於東西序豈能更容卿大
 夫士及邑宰其制宜於都宫之内别為一館前後區 分各有室房庭階而界以中門卿大夫朝士廬於中 門之内邑宰次於中門之外又其外有門塾以為有 司供事之所朝奠則皆㑹於殯宫禮畢公卿大夫士 各返内朝平時治事所次舍以治官中之事邑宰則 適外朝羣士聽獄訟之所各居其次俾吏民之有復 逆者造焉夕哭皆歸於公館喪次以序其業雖國恤 禮亡循數以推非此不足以展禮命事也古者大國
 四封不過五百里都邑四面分布逺者信宿可至有 司庶民有復白則就焉故邑宰既練而歸政事不廢大夫為其父母兄弟之未為大夫者之喪服如士服士為其父母兄弟之為大夫者之喪服如士服大夫之適子服大夫之服大夫之庶子為大夫則為其父母服大夫服其位與未為大夫者齒士之子為大夫則其父母弗能主也使其子主之無子則為之置後 此數條自宋以後儒者莫不知其悖而未有悟其為
 莽歆所増竄者葢莽以居攝為其母功顯君服天子 弔諸侯之服不主其喪故歆竄此説以示士大夫相 去一間耳而子為大夫於父母之為士者服即有降 子為大夫其父母之為士者即不敢主其喪况居攝 踐阼與尊者為體尚可重服為母喪主乎歆與博士/議攝皇帝 奉漢大宗與尊者/為體不得服私親又於儀禮喪服傳竄尊同則不降 之文凡喪服中可牽合者無不變亂葢莽以侍大將 軍鳳疾盡心竭力過於父母用此得其歡心而深言
 以託於太后故謂周人以貴貴奪親親雖同等及卑 㓜者尊同則不降况世父位極人臣在日月之際乎 其餘所增竄害義傷教之禮莫不與此意更相表裏 互相發明葢多端以惑亂學者之耳目心志也大夫卜宅與

  • Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    decides 4 complete Die Yin resolve a doubt coils 21Fang Bao of Zuo of Zheng of serve of courtyard of member of the Imperial Academy is writtenOn Zuo Yin Its Zuo has Zuo of element of curtain of skirt of Xuan Jin cloth to go with houseBright red Zuo says receive on curtain say like reason of skirt Kui garment at Zuo element of big Yin of skirt curtain Waste of waste of curtain of Zuo Zhu Jia namely Zuo Zhu Jiwu alsoCome not to destroy to enter Zuo place then at Zuo only Zuo Zha at Zuo outside
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    At doctor character Zuo with Zuo Zuo after is entered reach Zuo Zha Zuo and after Ning in order to riseThis says not to destroy to enter Zuo place then uses Zuo Zuo namely in the road and because of with bright scanty come from the emperor in the road person all satisfy with meaning therefore with clam Zuo and already evening Die and of Zuo of Yin of official of week of Zha differentiate Yao with of of Zuo Yu Hou Zailu of Zheng of Fu Die uses Zuo Die alsoBanquet of person Zuo Qu with house cattail mat with skirt curtainOf curtain of skirt of Ning house Ning all use cloth Dr Ning to be the same as with Xi Ming Zuo and Xuan also says at the doctor with cloth Zuo Hou of Zheng of Ning of curtain of skirt of Ning of bright Xuan is the same as but
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    Ear of cloth coloringDoctor Zuo of second Wu Gong with Jian person Jin and second Wu Gong Dr Zuo resides person person resides room3 years is like doctor of the alone that note Zheng to if the parents in 3 years has difficulty,was not installed Zuo can not but is the same as than parents of Ning of Zuo Wu Jun and or first orThe Yao of of Die dawn of after and ear of Zuo of the Wu Gong that return constellation is like of Zhu thing personAlso should not be so says fair Zuo is not outside Zuo of Gong Zhi of palace Yan Zi of heir gentleman surnames Xiao host at on the west foreword Zuo can more Rong Qing is big
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    Husband person and city slaughter his to make appropriate is fastened in Wu Dou palace of the after before one Zuo Cent has Zuo of room room front yard each and bound with in face of Zuo dear doctor person Wu ZhongCity slaughters Zuo of second Wu Zhong in Zuo besides there is Zuo private school with outside its againThe of place face establish that department offers an issue all? At of palace Die fair dear doctor personEach are returned inside Chao Ping governs work place second abandon slaughter in order to order city of Guan Zhongzhi thingThe place of Yu of person Long resides Li of the face outside Zuo to in order to next each of official civilian have The person that go against builds Yan Xi to cry all of Zuo of Wu Gong second with foreword compensate of of its Zuo Die dies abide is not this to be able to 't exhibit Die life work with pushing ancient also person big
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    4 not Zuo distributinging Zuo of all sides of 500 lis of Dou Yi person letter constellation can come haveSi Shumin has white to be slaughtered with respect to Yan reason city already Jin and government affairs not Of brother of doctor its parents not Dr person be like, is taken person take personDr of brother of its parents person be like, is taken person the Zuo that takes a doctorChild its parents takes the of takes a doctor of bastard Dr that takes a doctor bigThe husband takes his a Ning not Dr person of Zuo person child its parents of Dr Not can advocate also make its child advocate child the buy after of This from after of the Song Dynasty Confucianism person there's no one who doesn't or isn't knows his to be contrary to and have no realize its
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    Fu of of place of rank grass Xin person Qu rank grass takes the emperor with residing result of its mother Mr Zuo Zheng Hou Zhi is taken not advocate Fu of Xin of its reason this Zha in order to show scholar-bureaucrat photographGo one Zuo ear and child the of Dr Wu Fu's mother person person take have namely fallChild Dr the of its parents person person namely not dare advocate its besides house Zuo Zun Ning honour person Zuo is passable of the heavy mother that take advocate Xin Dr. Ning / Zhu emperorAct according to a large amount of Ning honour person / Zuo must not take illicit Yin to take at Die again Fu honour does not fall with Wen Fan is taken in but of the person that closes not rank grass of Zhu Qu with serve big Heart of Bao of Zuo Zuo disease does his utmost Zuo Wu Fu's mother gets its heart with this and late talk
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    With Zhou Ren of Zheng of the reason after Yin Wu Tai with Zuo of Yin of Yin of Zuo Zuo coequal reach low? Person honour do not fall with Kuang Shifu person official is in the Zuo of lifeThe Ning of Die there's no one who doesn't or isn't that its Zuo place adds Fu to kill Li to teach this meaning more express Xuan Multiterminal of mutual bright Qu with of be puzzled person information heart annals also Ning of doctor Bo Zhai? ? Day has department sackcloth cloth to decline cloth because coronal of cloth of Jin Not? A man's cap used in ancient times of skin of the person that occupyThere is not the person that occupy a person to take Ji Fei outside person of Ha of Zhou Guanbo its honour atHave department the annals of the square also person that its predict Shi place as a result to be born and definitely its doubt reason is used
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    Photograph of good or ill luck is taken partly reach the that predict Shi to already was decided and occupies to beg Ji Yian first Zuo reason is not OK fierce take sideThe doctor's already Zuo of Shu Zuo Shu person cry leap up gives establish you a bag and Zhu Cry 2 words is in leap up already bright red Zuo says below Shu Zuo Shu Zuo person 3 words doubtDevelopBo Ren of Zuo of a large amount of person photographs are small human life makes the doctor's Zuo The official of of of Long of Ning of Zai Fu of Zhou Guansan Gong Liuqing has department and treat2 Guan Zhi also of a large amount of Guan Zhi of Die of person Die Guan Zhizheng is small person are installed
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    Get photograph doctor child San Dou Zongren person of domestic an administrative unit in Xizang is false this Ta with arrive thingThe ear of of Zuo of Si Zuo zheng department that Yi Ru shoots greatly shoots Ou of of Die fair Qing Zi greatly / the Zuo on Wu Tang gets to have departmentdoes Si Zuo zheng take the thing not to manage Zuo ? ? of Zuo of person towel / person its low slaughters reason to know false Ta name at board with arrive thing alsoMadam Die garment draws native of surname surname duty is huskyBright red Zuo says person garment not takes Zuo to become Wu OuyeInside child in order to bring up the doctor below garment Yao Yi Susha with Yao garment its Zuo is like personBright red Zuo says the Yao garment of next doctors must hold concurrently person inside Xuan child Ju Yi is gottenHold Yao Xuan concurrently and Yao garment is in 3 take over knowable madam not character Yao garment
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    Have Zuo namely not Zuo draws life of of Di Ye world at Kui like that after has Ju YiAlone of of the person that its did not suffer Ju Yi is used only then of the Ning of of Yao garment reason of the life ancient personThe wife row Long that Chun Guanshi is Qing Shida's husband at inside palace reason has husbandPerson and Kui person the life gentleman such as the Shi Yijue inside of of the life outside its Zuo not Yin life also friend says life of alone world at Kui advocate of the world inside the life also and outsideLife Zuo gets Ning YanThe doctor does not add Wu Shishi add the younger brother of elder brother of of elder brother younger brother at the doctor at the doctor its Zhao Mu
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    Fu of place of Xin of this Yi Mang not Zuo is about to show the way of little Die such as the rank of nobility be restricted to be like,be lain betweenThis its with by Zhu Mang Zhibei goes all of ear of allusion of Ning of Ben Wuxian Wang ZhiThe person that do not think of Dai is accused with new advocate the after that also is like Dai into this fastens hold a memorial ceremony for andDo not enter this Yan is like of Zuo of this with Dai ancestor and with its Worshipping Yu ancestor person person one person and of much of Xiao is enteredThe of this one person the Wu Zu of appropriate Dai of this person person Yan Dai comesIts Zhao Mu of of brother is Dai at Zuo Zu Zhi's brother 5 worldsThe patriarchal clan system of Zuo also is like Zuo ancestor of brother is not added at
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    The doctor still must not have of Zuo Zu Zhi besides person every declines of week Te Die only thenPerson surely somewhat unfavorable so strong person in order to be contrary to Ji of person of day Jian definitelyThe thing Qu that cannot go is not rank grass cannot Xin of blame of Yu this heart cannot bear this Zha Also of the wife of a prince also the wife of a prince of its Zhaomu of Zheng of the wife of a prince and establish latterConcubine is added at concubine concubine of ancestor aunt ancestor aunt also the concubine of its ZhaomuConcubine mother not world hold a memorial ceremony for and concubine of Zuo Zu Zhi still is written at not Jian very
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    Childe is added at childeChilde has brother surely suzerain of one person person dead of childe of its Zuo Li Its child do not establish from and of hold a memorial ceremony for with Xiaozong not Dai Wu ZuzhiBrother Er of Ta of Jun Hong prince child the gentleman that wait for alsoRather does Zuo get Ning day? And of Ning Zheng Hou lists of Zheng of the gentleman that wait for Is Hou of Zheng of of subject ear age listed in ? Person the thing of world you Allusion Die not and this
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    The Jin coronal that has 3 years the hemp with great merit of Yi Zhiwei bastinado is not easyThe hemp of the arrowroot Ning great merit that the hemp that the arrowroot Ning Zuo that declines declines declines with Zuo is the same asHemp holds the Zheng soldier that take concurrently to cry with after also Jin after head Jian is divided already take extraordinary serviceHemp Jian also should take Zheng of place of of Zuo of of great merit hemp to weigh hemp also Jian of Jin arrowrootAlready divided Zuo collect Zha still Zha of Yan Yige Jian Advocate the of concubine comes from Dai at Jin auspicious all make its child advocate its hold a memorial ceremony for notWu Zheng room Die of convention of week of this Yi Cui also concubine mother not of world hold a memorial ceremony for is listed at why of Dai have
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    Its body advocate person or concubine child have and honour person dare not make itsChild Jin of character of of the Ning that do obeisance to Zuo auspicious person in order to have the Die doubt of Shu of Zuo Yu advocate person the of Die of Zuo of of of the hold a memorial ceremony for that be like anxiety of appropriate Yin its child advocate doubt Jin Auspicious have Zuo and child but advocate the Zuo of of Zuo low blame that aids hold a memorial ceremony for is compared also Zuo of female Jun Zhi of of concubine of female gentleman dead takes of Mr female not of Xian Nvjun Zuo is takenConcubine of apprentice alone takes its Zuo at female gentleman so Ha favour Li changes disease also of Die of female gentleman so Zuo also and of hold a memorial ceremony for of Zuo of of Mr female
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    Thing all Yan with apprentice take and the with heavy Zuo of of its thing is brokenThe mother is in not Zuo of check Zuo check person its Zuo also is done obeisance toMother of of bright Zuo father is put also not dare check Zuo also is in with parents already not check Zuo Not weighs Zuo matter and Zuo of Die check person Zuo of Zuo of the ancients of develop of 3 words doubt is heavy Die Zuo content is not gotten exemple need at Jin of doctor Zuo check Zuo also its Zuo also is done obeisance to Jun bear of on 5 character person Zuo person all answer in order to do obeisance to and not check Zuo alsoPrison of dispatch Zuo Yao provides all sides of scanty cloth Zuo to have chapter park Hu of 4 border Zuo has child sayBlame Die also Hai of establish chest just
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    The millet of Zuo millet of the establish that note dispatch does not feed Ji to be not with the dead also the dead is not fed Ji can feed animal sacrifice Zuo again Yu with stand erect its Hu type quicklies of essence of Zuo of its travel Hunan all goes with with Hu the Hu using of the road needs of millet millet already ripe andThe Hai of honour alone chest of a very short time of the person that can feed provides the Zuo at next rooms with millet millet alsoDispatch establish not Zuo Hu in order to enter the millet millet of Sheng at pail also Zuo is entered with rice The millet millet of Sheng needs in order to be born person reason uses bucket and need not honest also Song Xiang is fair? ? 100 Kui of Hai of its madam Xi Ceng Zi says already bright implement and of Press pail of person Die 3 Xi of Kui of Zuo of 3 millet millet Hai bits bright implement solid not empty
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    Also Zuo is in Die Zuo not implement depend on its each again life is differred with and notIf give birth to the content Ning of End declines is taken all The hat of Zuo of Zuo of differentiate of law week official that wears Yin character to take thick Xuan of essence of life to make takes wait is small not Yin of the person that all has no the of character Cuichang this Yin Dr introductiveBrother of its parents not Dr person be like, is taken person the Mang Xin that take What increase Fu profit bright Qu forgets piece in this Zha also is not like that one person of Yin in and from photograph Zheng crime so far
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    Appoint fierce? ? Jun after that? Bright red Zuo says or? ? Coronal Jun fierce or Jun coronal? ? Must small fierce have fierce Zuo ? The Zha of Zuo is also like that with appoint appoint Zuo is not appoint Zuo person hold a memorial ceremony for is taken bigHusband person face is taken also and Ning child surname not of Zuo take with Zha but appoint namely fierce Zuo is notedSupposition already again and buryCadaver a coffin with corpse in still Zuo of in Man wood buy weighs anxiety with saying according to divine reason life moreStand mulberry advocate reason buries
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Advocate west GuAdvocate Gu not character place establishs host of the following article to rise hall to know this to stand at Zun Zuo Life of of Zuo an elongated pointed tablet of jade held in the hands by ancient rulers on ceremonial occasions uprights to say on few gentleman makes some Zuo photograph person into accuse turn over a life to say Gu Zuo Zuo multiplies Huang Dalu to make fall oneself at a person engaged in some particular pursuit of life of of an elongated pointed tablet of jade held in the hands by ancient rulers on ceremonial occasions of of atrium north Zuo byLu Xizi does obeisance to check Zuo to sit appoint slaughter Ning at Na Yu with Zuo of low of the person that the guest makes be Zuo to multiply Huang Dalu not dare Ning advocate reason of Gu Die fromFall and by Lu Zhixi also what the guest makes host issueing has department to already sufferred is knowable
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Not character person on interpose life appoint an elongated pointed tablet of jade held in the hands by ancient rulers on ceremonial occasions slaughters Ning with its Zuo need not character alsoSpecial the Li of blame that Zuo of Zuo of Zuo of Yao of character guest emissary is a guest uprights also Guest of of life of of an elongated pointed tablet of jade held in the hands by ancient rulers on ceremonial occasions uprights to make on by on the west road and belowLoad Ning says the thing of Jun Youzong does not get few bear the thing makes one shell old some photograph Jian photograph person turn over a life to say Gu Zuo Ning person the person that enter Zuo right mind all of standAt its on left ancestor person Ji Zuo rises recieve orders to fall at gentleman Gu dare Zuo I childdisgrace Zha I child guest says few gentleman life guest of Zuo of Yao of some Wu Gan darePerson of Zuo an administrative unit in Xizang turns over a life to say Gu dare originally Zuo I child disgrace Zha I child guest
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    says few gentleman life guest of Zuo of Yao of some Wu Gan dare originally person of Zuo an administrative unit in Xizang turns over a life to say Gu dareSolid Zuo I child disgrace Zha I child guest says few gentleman life makes official someGuest of Zuo of Wu Gan Yao is with dare originallying Zuo originallies Zuo not life dare irreverent guest standsAt Zuo at Zuo Xi Jieli the Gu on left falls to cry from Zun Zuo Bai Zhisheng Ning guestPick up leap up 3 guests go out check Zuo is done obeisance to outside sending at Zuo Ning person into Zuo right interpose establishs his left by right of character of the person that enter also Zun Xi also guestStand at Zuo Xi Jieli at Zuo left by inside the left of character also public affairs fromThe Die interpose that private affairs cries from Zuo Ning on the west is in Zuo state-private Zuo cries as a result / its are affable
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Illicit also and Zuo says few gentleman is not gotten bear the thing makes one shell old / of photograph Jian is fair also friend says interpose is in state-private Zuo reason only then by Zuo Solid Zuo and after by Zuo on the west also of load only then also uprights go up on the west and Ning The in proper order of after Li interpose of of the He Ye on and contains Ning of Yao Zuo accidentLoad is compared second and with of the Ning on rises Li of load of alone of the person that cry to upright on the west not of Ning Yan reason go up and Zuo cries at Ning with showing issue at load also   
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
            Die Yin resolve a doubt coils 21

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