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章节: 卷三十八
书名: 礼记析疑
类目: 经部
写作年代: 约公元前-248年  至  公元后971年
视频: 卷三十八_礼记析疑
音频: 卷三十八_礼记析疑

欽定四庫全書 禮記析疑卷三十八          翰林院侍講銜方苞撰  三年問别親疏貴賤之節而弗可損益也 貴賤謂義服篇中第言父母之喪者按喪服四制曰 資於事父以事君而敬同故為君亦斬衰三年以義 制者也眀於以恩制者則以義制者凖此矣
故人於其親也至死不窮 窮盡也止也夫鳥獸哀其羣匹至於越月踰時鳴號 蹢䠱而盡矣止矣人之於親則致孝之道至死不窮 春雨秋霜僾見愾聞思慕追養之不窮也慎行其身 不遺父母惡名以至立身行道揚名於後世大孝尊 親之不窮也盖兼父母之死與子之死别記曰非終 父母之身終其身也即至死不窮之義將由夫患邪淫之人與
 此篇自荀子禮論摘出本文愚陋邪淫之人先王焉為之立中制節壹使足以成文理則釋之矣 焉字衍至親以期斷 凡以期斷者皆至親也惟父母加至再期然則何以三年也曰加隆焉爾也焉使倍之故再期也由九月以下何也曰焉使弗及也 焉當作為讀去聲篇中焉為雜出形相近故傳寫誤
 也為恩義隆而使倍之故再期為恩義殺而使不及故 由九月逓降也上取象於天下取法於地中取則於人 日月星辰光有顯微行有遲速山陵川澤位有髙卑 域有廣狹子臣弟友恩有淺深義有輕重故喪禮之 為隆為殺為閒取法象而明物則焉  禮記析疑卷三十八終

  • Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    decides 4 complete Die Yin resolve a doubt coils 38Fang Bao of Zuo of Zheng of serve of courtyard of member of the Imperial Academy is written3 years of The Geng that fastens Zuo of Yin scanty Zuo and not but beneficial also Li of Zuo Zuo Zheng is taken piece in the of character parents person take by 4 make Zuo respects of Jun Yi of the that be the same as reason with thing gentleman to decline 3 years at thing father with Li The person that make also of the person that of the person that Bao Wu Yien is made is made with Li this
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Wu Ji Yin also reachs old friend absolutely refuse to Fu Fu Bao also stops also husband Zuo sad its Li be equal to to Ta of Zuo of of Zuo of Wu Yue month Zuo ? And Bao stop the line of the person that delivers filial piety at Yin comes absolutely refuse to Fu Think of sb with respect of Long of of Yao of of frost of autumn of rain during springtime chases after Zuo not Fu also careful travel its bodyNot renown down to of Zuo parents establishs name of body trade at later generations big filial piety honourOf Yin not Fu also builds the dead Ning that holds parents concurrently child bereavement Yin says blame Jian Its body also reachs body Jian of parents namely absolutely refuse to the Li of Fu suffers from the person Ning of excessive of unhealthy environmental influences that cause disease by the husband
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    This picks the person of excessive of article I humble evil from Zha of Xun Zi Die First of Wang Yan what Geng one makes enough becomes Zuo of of unity and coherence in writing is make in standingYan ZiyanTo Yin with period Every with period person also all but to Yin parents is added to again periodLike that why does also say 3 years Jia Longyan also Yan makes the reason of times again period alsoSay by the following in September He Ye Yan makes not reach alsoYan makes Zhu go Long piece in Yan Zuo gives Zha of of of form close reason
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Also grand of favour Li and make the reason of times again of Li of period favour and make not as good as reasonBy Zuo will fall in September also Wu Ren is taken in the elephant is being taken to issue Wu De of take as one's model at the day onLight of the heavenly bodies has Zuo incognito have hill of Zuo fast hill plain low having Zuo Region has child friendly favour of official younger brother has deep Li to Zuo weighs reason Die Take as one's model of Zuo of of of grand is resembled and Yan of bright content   Die Yin resolve a doubt coils 38 Jian

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