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章节: 卷十九
书名: 礼记析疑
类目: 经部
写作年代: 约公元前-115年  至  公元后870年
视频: 卷十九_礼记析疑
音频: 卷十九_礼记析疑

欽定四庫全書 禮記析疑卷十九          翰林院侍講銜方苞撰  學記就賢體逺 體逺體恤幽逺小民之疾苦也君子如欲化民成俗其必由學乎 教學之法莫備於周凡有地治者皆兼教事不獨師
 儒也雖農工商賈少時皆受小學於里塾不獨秀民 也是以無人不明於倫理而仁讓之心易生無事不 為之制防而邪惡之塗自閉故化民成俗其本由於 聖人之徳化而謂專由於學者文武周公之徳化至 昭穆而不能承矣而賴其禮教以相維持者且數百 年東漢及前明之衰政亂於上而義明於下以其開 國之初君臣上下皆知教學為治本而積為禮俗也家有塾黨有庠術有序國有學
 陳氏集説謂術宜為州不若注易為遂之當也葢舉 州黨而遺鄉學則事無統紀且未知野法之異同於 鄉舉細於野舉大則知互舉以見義而凡家稍縣都 之采地及散在鄉遂稍縣畺之公邑苟地邑民居相 等則建學立師考挍賓興更無異法矣周官司徒考 徳興賢詳於六鄉勸耕課織詳於六遂正此義也比年入學中年考挍一年視離經辨志三年視敬業樂羣五年視博習親師七年視論學取友謂之小成九年
知類通達强立而不反謂之大成 臨川吳氏謂七年以上皆小學之事九年則入大學 之次年自始入小學通數為九年非也小學九年始 教之數日七年尚未學書豈可責以離經辨志葢謂 入大學也經書多十五以前所誦習故一年内挍其 成熟與否既成熟則離經而辨其志所趨向耳以入 大學為始九年而大成乃中人所難况可責之成童 以後乎 不曰毎年而曰比者兼明學者各以年時
 比次而入也 十五入大學又期年則志必有所嚮 而不能自掩矣為之師者非徒辨之而已也使志在 利禄則必告以名義之重志在藝術則宜示以小道 之輕必至九年出學始各以其所就進退棄取之 自一年以至七年四曰視者為師者以是布為教即 以是程其學也九年則不復言視者知類通達强立 而不反非教者所能程惟學者之自致焉耳周官之 法自族師至州長按時月以書其徳行道藝而後鄉
 大夫賓興焉大學之法自一年至九年積日累月以 驗察之然後升於司馬以辨其材葢自一命以上所 代者天工苟非其人則天職以曠所治者民事苟非 其人則民病以滋故教之不可以不詳取之不可以 不慎也自唐宋以後教士以課試之文章而决以有 司俄頃之心目即所取不失亦無以知其人賢能而 使之亮天工治民事可乎蛾子時術之
 術宜即銜字之誤皮弁祭菜示敬道也 服以皮弁示王公所以持國保民者惟道故敬修焉 而非徒佔畢之業即學者他日以道事君之根源也 祭以芹藻示先聖先師所以維世立教者惟道故敬 承焉而不以鼎烹為隆即學者終世以道檢身之凖 則也時觀而弗語存其心也
 語黙動静時時有以觀示之而不語以所以然之故 俾學者存其心以體道也凡學官先事士先志 古者四十而後仕出學之後從容蓄徳者近二十年 不宜有未學而仕者而曰官先事何也葢國子弟及 公卿之子有世邑者或將冠既冠而嗣封守則有人 民社稷之事宫正宫伯所掌宿衛之士庶子則有陛 枑周廬之事司士所作升於司馬之士諸子所作羣
 子及國子之倅㑹同賓客則有從王之事軍旅則有 守宫廟及邊境之事其人雖未為命士而已各有官 守平居無事時或仍來學於太學虎門庠序則就師 講問必以其職事為先也藏焉修焉息焉游焉 藏入學時也入學之時則修其正業退息之時則遊 於藝多其訊言及于數
 不能罕譬而喻故多其訊不能約而達故言及于數  理明則言約而達若循誦習傳而胷中實無所主 以此待問則有反覆敷言游移枝蔓而指意終不可 明者故曰言及于數也進而不顧其安使人不由其誠教人不盡其材 若誠心望學者之進則進之必顧其安不顧其安即 不由其誠即材之所以不盡也夫然故隠其學而疾其師苦其難而不知其益也
 惟教者不顧其安而求之也佛故學者匿其不知之 實而冒為知匿其不能之實而冐為能所謂隠其學 也當其可之謂時不陵節而施之謂孫 舊説二句義無别當其可者十歳學書計十二學樂 誦詩年力可任則及時而授也不陵節者春誦夏絃 秋禮冬書前業未終不更授以他務也若雜然並授 是陵其節而必至兩無所成矣故曰雜施而不孫則
 壊亂而不修燕朋逆其師燕辟廢其學 燕安也安於朋比之人則必至於逆其師安於邪僻 之事則必至於廢其學道而弗牽强而弗抑開而弗達 於力行則道以前路而不牽以迫促之於立志則强 以進取而不抑以畏阻之於致知則開其端緒而不 達以使自得之
道而弗牽則和 牽謂曵之使前也導以前路而不牽則知教者望其 行而操之不蹙其愠心化而為和矣强而弗抑則易 學者之所知所能不可强而志則不可不强愷以强 教之是也學者之所行所言可抑而志則不可抑强 之猶恐其不能進取而或抑之則重以為難而自沮 䘮矣
善歌者使人繼其聲善教者使人繼其志 管絃律度成數可循而善歌者則必有心通神遇之 妙使聞者入耳而動心然後有繼其音者術業記問 教法有定而善教者則必有深造自得之處使學者 傾心而鄉道然後有繼其志者故盡乎師道者惟孔 孟次則程朱是以其教至今不廢而志可繼也㣲而臧 㣲者㣲辭相感動無用正言極論也臧者即人之心
 聞者皆知其善也能為長然後能為君 凡為長者於所屬之吏必知其職業之難易并知其 才質之美惡然後能使喻己之志如臂指之使而事 不曠於所治之民必知其生理之難易并知其習俗 之美惡然後能使喻上之教如風草之偃而化可成 至於君不過所屬所治者愈多而所喻愈博其道實 無二也
善問者如攻堅木先其易者後其節目及其久也相説以解不善問者反此 木之有節處似目最堅而難攻相説以解即以攻木 言與莊子所謂斵輪徐則甘而不固甘字義畧同蓋 攻而不入如相苦者及順理而解如相説也 待其 從容仍以鐘聲言不應攻木雜出正義且後其節目 語意亦未終相説以解下承以不善問者反此則非 謂相證而曉解明矣
待其從容然後盡其聲 從容悠裕也必悠裕聲乃得盡尚書從容以和古之學者比物醜類鼓無當於五聲五聲弗得不和水無當於五色五色弗得不章學無當於五官五官弗得不治師無當於五服五服弗得不親 執一物以求其理未必能盡是物之理也比方衆物 則彼此互證而理無不盡矣下四者皆外若無涉而 中實相資之喻窮理者知此然後能參互衆理以盡
 其變也君子曰大徳不官大道不器大信不約大時不齊察於此四者可以有志於本矣 上節求之於萬殊以觀其㑹通此節探之於一本以 成其變化也   禮記析疑卷十九

  • Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    decides 4 complete Die Yin resolve a doubt coils 19Fang Bao of Zuo of Zheng of serve of courtyard of member of the Imperial Academy is written Yin With respect to Zuo Zuo Zuo Deep and remote Zuo of compensate of Zuo Zuo Zuo is small civilian sufferings alsoIf gentleman is about to change civilian into common its need by The law that teachs not the person that Wu Zhoufan has the ground to treat all holds concurrently teach a thing not
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    Confucianism also little of Zuo Zuo industrial and commercial Zuo all gets private school of small Wu Li not is beautiful civilianAlso be with person unidentified the heart of at manage benevolence Zhu lays issue easily notOf make prevent and the of of unhealthy environmental influences that cause disease is changed from Zuo reason civilian into common its this by atThe of Long person is changed and Zheng by at person Zhou Gongzhi changes civil and military toZhao Mu and cannot bear and the person that its Die teachs Zuo to be held with photograph Jin and 100Year before is reached bright decline politics at go up and Li bright at below with its Zuo at the beginning of Jun Chen all knows up and down teach the effect a permanent cure and common of Er Die alsoThe home has private school Zuo to Xiang Xiao orderly has
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    City of of appropriate of Xiao of Zheng of Zuo collect Zha is not like the that notes easy to satisfy also Qu Ning City Zuo and Ji of Jian of of thing of of Zuo Zuo and sealed the of tough standard is the same as atBig of Ning of Wu Ye of Zuo Ning Ji knows each other Ning with Yao Li Fan Jiashao Jun collect the ground to reach come loose to be satisfied in Zuo a bit the Gongyi Gou Deyi of Jun civilian house photographWait for to build to establish to take an examination of Zuo Ning more law week lawsuit apprentice is taken an examination ofWu Liusui of Yu of Jun of agrarian Zha of of Zuo of Wu Liu of Yu of Ning Zuo this Li alsoThan year into middleaged take an examination of one year 3 years Yao respects annals of differentiate of Yao Zuo Jian Li 7 years Yao Zha takes of Yin of Li of rich of 5 years of Yao the Xiaocheng of friendly Zheng 9 years
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Those who know to Zuo connects Zuo to stand by force and do not turn over Zheng is big into Zheng of Ning plain 7 years of above are all small 9 years enters the job of big second year from only then into small the that connect is not small also 9 years 9 years only thenTaught day 7 years have not Zuo but Zuo with Zheng of Qu of annals of Zuo Jian differentiateEnter big also Jian is much previously reason of place Zha Li the inside a year itsMature Ning is denied mature already Zuo Jian and differentiate Xiang Er of Zuo of its annals place in order to enterBig only then 9 years and big Cheng Naizhong person place Zuo besides but of Zuo into childAfter do not say year and the person that say to hold bright concurrently than person each with year
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    Than second and into also 15 into big period year annals needs somewhat And cannot from attack by surprise the of person of the differentiate that be not apprentice also just make annals is in of wealth and position accuses the heavy annals with renown Li to be shown in appropriate of Shu Xiao surely with canal Zuo gives to 9 years surely only then each retreat to take with respect to Zuo with its placeFrom a year of down to 7 years 4 say Yao person person teach in order to be cloth namelyIn order to be Cheng its also 9 years of not character Yao person know Zuo to connect Zuo to stand by forceAnd the person that do not turn over blame teaching can Cheng Wei person send official of Yan Er week oneselfThe law presses month to city Zuo from a group of things with common features with Shu of its trade and after Zuo
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    The law of big of Yan of doctor Zuo Ning comes 9 years from a year Er day tired month withOf Zuo examine like that after rises at Si Zuo yi differentiate its material Qu from place of one life aboveCivil careless is not the person that careless of Nature's engineering of the person that take the place of is not Long of day of its person to be treated with placeCivilian disease of its person teachs with grow reason not need not what Yu takes is not OKInadvertent also from clergyman of Tang Song after the article with Zha Yu and definitely in order to haveThe memory of department Russia Zuo is taken namely do not break also in order to know its person Zuo can andMade bright Nature's engineering is treated civil butOf moth Xiao
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    Xiao appropriate namely the Zha of Zuo wordDish of hold a memorial ceremony for of leather a man's cap used in ancient times shows Jing DaoyeTake show princes and dukes to hold to protect so with leather a man's cap used in ancient times civilian person Jing Xiuyan of alone path reasonThe of of of apprentice of and rather than namely person the other day the germ with course work gentleman alsoHold a memorial ceremony for is shown with Qin alga first Long first so Jin world establishs reason of path of alone of the person that teach is respectedBear Yan and not with grand of vessel boil namely person Jian world the with path body also Yin and not Zha puts its heart also
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    of static of Zha Zuo has what show with Yin and not Zha the reason with the reason why ining order to person put its heart to with Zuo alsoEvery official first thing person first annalsAncient person 40 and after be an official gives the person that the after of allows harbour nearly 20 yearsUnfavorable have not and be an official person and say official first children of of Qu of thing He Ye andGong Qingzhi child the person that have world city or coronal already coronal and heir seals the somebody that defend Civilian the thing Gong Zhenggong of the god of the land and the god of the grain-the state of old Xiao of uncle place palm person bastard has a flight of steps leading to a palace hallThe thing of week manages person place makes litre of person Zheng at Si Zuo child what make Li
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    Child reach child ? The of thing Zuo brigade that has king with Zuo guest hasThe thing of the that guard palace and Zuo condition its person Zuo not life person just have an official eachDefend the smooth work that reside or still of foreword of Xiang of Zuo of tiger of of Wu Tai with respect to Zheng needs with of its Long thing first alsoCangyan repairs You Yan of Yan breath YanThe Xiu Jizheng that hides to also enter retreats the Zuo of breathAt Shu Advert of many its Yin at
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    Cannot rarely example and analogy reason is much its Yin cannot Ji and Zuo reason advert at Manage Ji of bright character and Zuo if of abide Zha Li and place of of the in Man advocateWith this the that wait for has branches and tendrils of vacillate of character of the apply that turn over Fu and point to meaning Jian cannotBright person friend says advert at also Zuo and not Zuo how do its make the person does not teach a person by its Zha not Bao its materialOf the Zuo Zuo of the person that the heart that be like Zha looks at need its install Zuo not its install Zuo namelyNot by its Zha namely material not Bao alsoHusband like that reason Zuo its and its suffers from disease its Zuo and do not realize its profit also
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    The person that alone teachs its install Zuo and do not beg also Buddha reason person its do not know conceal and risk to know conceal its cannot and can its of place Zheng Zuo Also its but Zheng not hill Geng and of Shi Zhi Zheng 2 Li fastens Ning Zha its but person 12 of Yin of of 10 Zha Yu year force can hold the post of and and award also not hill Geng person spring Zha summer Jian The before of autumn Die winter not Jian not more award with him also is like Zuo like that is awardedIt is hill its Geng and become to place surely friend says Zuo is applied and not
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    and do not repairYan Peng goes against of monarch of its swallow its The person that how Yan An also compares at friend needs to Wu Ni its installs Wu Xie out-of-the-waything comes surely at its And not is strong and not curb Zuo and not Zuo Before path of of Wu Li travel road and not the Wu Lizhi that closes to with approach is strongWith Zuo is taken and oring the Wuzhi with Wei block knows Zuo its carry Jin and not Zuo in order to make of contented
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    And not andOf Zheng before making also before road and not the person that knows to teach looks at hisGo and hold do not pressed its angry the heart is changed and is mixedStrong and not curb is easy person be known can cannot strong and annals cannot not strong with strongThose who teach is also person character of place travel place can or and annals cannot or strong fears his cannot Zuo is taken and or the of curb is heavy with Zuo stop oneself?
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    Song of be apt to person the person that make be apt to of person Kui its Long teachs makes person Kui its annalsLaw tubal Jian spends but abide and song of be apt to person connects a god purposely to encounter surelyClever make Long person pleasant to hear and heart like that after has Kui its sound person of Xiao Yin Teach a law to have decide and of the person that be apt to teachs has surely take advanced courses the Ta of contented makes person heart and Zuo like that Bao of reason of the person that after has Kui its keep in mind path Zhe WeikongCheng of Meng Ci bright red be teach with its up to now not and annals but Kui also? And good? Person? of of Zuo photograph feeling is used the person that character Zha also goods namely the person's heart
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Long person all know its kind alsoCan Zuo like that after can Mr Every Zuo person the Zuo that the official at place knows its Long surely knows his easilyThe beautiful of ability Zuo like that after can make Yu Ji's annals points to like the arm make and thingNot of Wu Suozhi civilian the Zuo that knows its physiology surely tells its Li convention easilybeautiful like that after can make if Zuo is careless,Yu Shangzhi teachs fall on one's back and change can becomeTo Wu Jun not the person that place of Zuo place is treated heals much and place analogy heals Bo Jidao 2 also
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    of be apt to person if attack Mu Xianji easy person its Geng eye reachs after its are long also photograph Zha In order to solve not good at person turn over this Ta of wood having Geng seems order most and Zuo attacks photograph Zha in order to solve namely in order to attack woodCharacter Ning Qia child pleasant of of Xu of Zuo of place Zheng and do not originally of Gan Zi Li is the same as San If photograph Zha also waits for his,solve is allowed still with Zuo Long character not attacks wooden Zuo to go out Li and after its Geng eye Zha of photograph of Jian of Zha meaning Yi Wei with unship bear with not good at person turn over this to be not Zheng photograph Zhu and unriddle
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Wait for its to allow like that after Bao its Long Rong Youyu also needs leisurely makes rich Long gets Bao therefore still is allowed in order to mixGu Zhi person 5 Long of Long of Wu Wu of of of beat of Zuo of the Zuo that compare content not disaccord waterColor of Wu Wu nots 5 kinds not of chapter nots at facial features facial featuresDo not treat Wu Wu of to take 5 take not not Yin One content of in an attempt to its manage may not can the manage that Bao is content also example Xiao content Zhu of each other each other and manage not Bao below 4 person all outside be like experience andIn the person that the analogy Fu of photograph Zuo manages knows this like that after can Xiao of each other manages with Bao
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Its Zhu alsoGentleman says big not government-owned highway not implement big letter not Ji big not Zuo examine atThis 4 person can have annals Wu Ben Geng begs on at Qu different with Yin its? The Wu Yiben that tells this Geng detective withInto its Zhu is changed also   Die Yin resolve a doubt coils 19

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