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章节: 卷十六
书名: 礼记析疑
类目: 经部
写作年代: 约公元前142年  至  公元后806年
视频: 卷十六_礼记析疑
音频: 卷十六_礼记析疑

欽定四庫全書 禮記折疑卷十六          翰林院侍講銜方苞撰  䘮服小記斬衰括髪以麻為母括髪以麻免而以布 朱軾曰括髪免髽三者名異而制一麻亦布也以未 成布故曰麻鄭注廣二寸似不足以括髪馬融謂廣 四寸為是愚意兩頭宜漸殺長可自頂交前繞於髻
 又析其末可以結三者之制一也庶子王亦如之 謂旁支繼大統者專奉四廟而不得顧私親也别子為祖繼别為宗繼禰者為小宗有五世而遷之宗其繼髙祖者也是故祖遷於上宗易於下尊祖故敬宗敬宗所以尊祖禰也 古之宗法所以収族乃為生者而設非使各領其族 以祀先祖也所謂五世而遷者五世中族人合食猶
 以繼髙祖之宗子為主至六世則各以其親者相屬 而遞遷也惟宗法為生者設則雖庶人亦得各領其 族若祀其先祖則貴賤各有等差雖宗子為大夫止 立三廟無由得祭髙祖也大傳干祫及其髙祖乃有/大勲勞請於其君而特舉 之/惟别子之廟則常存而不毁而宗子得攝族人之 祭知然者詩曰于以奠之宗室牖下内則若富則具 二牲獻其賢者於宗子夫婦皆齊而宗敬焉終事則 后敢私祭則私家有祖禰之廟所謂宗敬乃祭於大
 宗之廟可知矣然亦惟族人始為大夫士而告於大 宗之祖廟宗子代為之薦其歳祭之常適子則自主 之庶子則小宗之適主之耳别子之廟時代久逺子 孫歳祭合食必有典法而禮文殘闕今不可考矣 春秋傳楚滅戎蠻子立宗以誘其遺民葢有宗子然 後支庶皆往依之其族可復聚耳庶子不祭祖者明其宗也 立廟雖由庶子而必立於適子之家使適子主祭不
 敢貳先人之統也曽子問曰宗子為士庶子為大夫 其祭也如之何孔子曰以上牲祭於宗子之家祝曰 孝子某為介子某薦其常事曰祭於宗子之家則庶 子家無廟可知矣曰為介子某薦其常事則宗子主 祭可知矣殤與無後者從祖祔食 祔食之禮宜於繹祭於祊後當室之白陳殤與無後 者次主設俎敦豆籩一如尸未入設饌祝神之禮宗
 子獻奠祝一一致告但不主尸無酬酢則終朝可畢 然後儐尸未晚也若正祭之日則無暇及此古禮必 别具此節附卿大夫祭禮之未如祀方明之附覲禮 而今無考耳庶子不祭禰者明其宗也 雖庶子為大夫士適子為庶人庶子家亦不得立廟 所以然者既自立祖禰之廟而仍就適子家祭於寢 非所安也使適子廢寢祭而來主祭於庶子之家亦
 非所安也適子自祭於寢庶子自主廟祭尤非所安 也親親尊尊長長男女之有别人道之大者也 或曰此泛論禮之大經不專指䘮服從服者所從亡則已 惟臣從君服不得以所從亡為斷而辨於臣之失位 去國與否葢君雖亡君之母妻服制冇常臣雖失位 而未去國亦宜從國民之服循數以推惟嗣君之父以
 廢疾不立設若衛靈公無子/其兄摯之子嗣立而嗣君又亡承國者其 旁支兄弟則諸臣於嗣君之父無服耳若道其常則 君之妻嗣君之母也君之母嗣君之祖母也而服可 已乎世子不降妻之父母 外䘮不廢祭故也父為士子為天子諸侯則祭以天子諸侯其尸服以士服父為天子諸侯子為士祭以士其尸服以士服

  • Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    decides 4 complete Die Yin folds doubt to coil 16Fang Bao of Zuo of Zheng of serve of courtyard of member of the Imperial Academy is written? Take small Yin declines draw together Zuo is avoided with hemp with Zuo of draw together of hemp mother and with clothBright red Zuo says draw together Zuo avoids Zuo 3 person renown and make one Mayi cloth also with notThe friend that become cloth says hemp Zuo notes 2 inches are like can't of Zheng of be in harmony of Zuo of draw together Zuo 4 inches of are the Kui before Zuo of of of appropriate of Zuo of I meaning can be handed in from Zuo at hair worn in a bun or coil
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    Analyse its end is OK Jian 3 person make one alsoBastard king also is likeBig Jian of Zheng offset Kui person acts according to 4 and do not get Zuo illicit Yin alsoFasten child Xiaozong of of the person that ancestor Kui fastens Die of Kui of an administrative unit in Xizang has 5 lives and of Zuo ancestorIts Kui Zuo ancestor person also Wu Shangzong of hereat ancestor Zuo is easy at below honour ancestor reason Jing ZongJing Zong so honour ancestor Die alsoSo a group of things with common features is ancient patriarchal clan system the person that is born and Yu blame makes each Zuo its a group of things with common featuresIn order to offer sacrifices to first ancestor also 5 worlds of place Zheng and Zuo person the clansman in 5 worlds closes feed
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    The Zong Zi with Kui Zuo ancestor advocate to 6 worlds each with its Yin person photograph And Zuo Zuo also buts person of be the concubine of Zuo of of Yu of the person that of patriarchal clan system is born also gets each Zuo itsA group of things with common features if offer sacrifices to its first Zuo of ancestor Zuo has Zong Zi of equal difference Zuo Dr to stop eachEstablish 3 by the Zuo that get hold a memorial ceremony for ancestor dry Dai of big also and its Zuo Zu Naiyou / Wu Jijun of Zha of big and special Ning / often puts alone Bie Zizhi and be not destroyed and Zong Zi gets clansmanHold a memorial ceremony for knows like that person Yu says at windowing with Dian Zhizong room the inside is like rich to provideZhe Wuzong of its Zuo of of 2 animal sacrifice child husband all Zuo and of thing of Zong Jingyan Jian Hind dare the Zong Jing of place Zheng that home of illicit of of illicit hold a memorial ceremony for has ancestor Die is hold a memorial ceremony for at big
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    Zong Zhi is knowable also but like that clansman only then Dr person and accuse at bigThe Shu of acting of Zong Zi of Zong Zhizu the constant Zuo of its hold a memorial ceremony for child is ownthe Zuo of bastard Xiaozong advocate generation of of ear Bie Zizhi is long Zuo child hold a memorial ceremony for closes feed have standard way surely and Zuo of Die article cannot be taken an examination of today Xiao of army of of age Hunan child stand ancestor with Zha its Zuo civilian Qu has Zong ZiranAfter Zhi Shu all is gone to depend on its a group of things with common features but gets together earBastard not ancestor of hold a memorial ceremony for person Ming Jizong also Zuo establishing needs by bastard stand at Zuo child the home makes Zuo child officiant not
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    Dare the Jian of Zuo forefathers also child says Zong Zi person bastard Dr The He Kongzi that its hold a memorial ceremony for also is like says hold a memorial ceremony for of above animal sacrifice wishs at Home Zong ZizhiDutiful son some meson some Shu its commonplace says hold a memorial ceremony for ofs or by the concubine at of Home Zong ZizhiChild domestic is knowable say meson Zong Zi of of some Shu its commonplace advocateHold a memorial ceremony for is knowableAncestor Dai of of latter of Ning is fedThe Die appropriate that Dai feeds at Kui hold a memorial ceremony for the after of of Ning of white Zuo at room of Dai after Person second advocate the Die that Yu Zu Duidou Hu did not enter Yu Zuo to wish a god like cadaver ancestor
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    Child Dian Zhuyi is accused consistently but not advocate face of Jian of cadaver exchanging of toasts but Like that after cadaver also is like not late the free time of day of hold a memorial ceremony for and this is ancient Die needsDo not provide this Geng to add dear of Die of doctor hold a memorial ceremony for did not add Yin Die like worshipping Fang MingzhiNow takes an examination of earBastard not Die of hold a memorial ceremony for person Ming Jizong also Zuo bastard Dr person Zuo child home of bastard of person of be the concubine also must not establish The reason why person already free-standing the of ancestor Die and still with respect to Zuo child domestic hold a memorial ceremony for at How does blame place also make Zuo child hold a memorial ceremony for and officiant the home at bastard also
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    Blame place is installed also Zuo child what at bastard from hold a memorial ceremony for You Fei installs own hold a memorial ceremony forAlso Yin Yin honour of men and women of honour Zuo Zuo those who have others way is big person alsoOr say the big Jian of Die of this extensive Zha not does point to? Take of place of the person that is taken dies alreadyAlone official Mr is taken must not die with place and differentiate is broken at mineGo Ning denies Mr Qu Zuo to die Jun Zhi's mother wife take Zuo of the Chang Chen that make to breakAnd did not go of of Yi Yi civilian the that take abide buts with pushing the father of heir gentleman with
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    disease does not establish Yu to be like Xiao Zuo fair child / the male offspring of of its elder brother stands and heir gentleman dies again bear person itsIf,the father of Wu Sijun of official of Zheng of offset brother takes side its constant The grandmother of the Mu Sijun of the Mu Yejun of gentleman of heir of Jun Zhi wife also and take butAlreadyWorld child do not fall wife parentsOutside? Not reason of hold a memorial ceremony for alsoFather person child hold a memorial ceremony for of of Hou of Zheng of the emperor is taken with cadaver of Hou Ji of the emperor Zheng with person of Hou Zi of Zheng of the emperor of the that take father person hold a memorial ceremony for with person its cadaver is taken with person take
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    Does bright red Zuo say does doctor person photograph go not Zuo reason? ? The person that of dead hold a memorial ceremony for is born comesAppropriate of of Hou of Wu Tianzi Zheng has Liu of crown of Zhu easy host and cadaver person takes Die notAppropriate like that this Confucianism add? Middle and the blame that shift its Zuo also 3 generation of ○ of Kui father person and child the emperor person father person child of Zheng Hou ZheHave build to establish the Die that offers sacrifices to on Zhou Chu of of appropriate already the that be like father of Hou Zi of the emperor Zheng of person princely childe go straight towards those who reach an a government official residing away from home child allIt is to also but of the formerly child neither of its father Zuo gets hold a memorial ceremony for Die of Zhou Cui of doubt of hold a memorial ceremony forThe person that jumps over Die illicit hold a memorial ceremony for is much and dare not take with Hou Zhi of the emperor Zheng with the garment its
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    Cadaver reason Yin person Zha is in charge of with Die earGreat merit person master? of the person that have 3 years needs of again Dai of anxiety of friend of hold a memorial ceremony forJustThe friend is not gotten advocate Jin auspicious Zuo of marriage of He Yeyu Dai is salty in reason friend but advocate be like Jin auspicious child? Wife but the from Ning man Ning that surnames with Yan disrelishs blame great merit to live together oneself the person that be the same as Zuo is compared also husband a group of things with common features before afterDomestic on the west but advocate? The clansman Yi Ke of Jian of little work advocate and Ning Great merit a group of things with common features scanty Zhe Yiyi brings friend ill will Ning to also be like together have child hold a memorial ceremony for
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    is held in the arms with declining use Jun Hong of Ceng Zi and child the Die of Yao Unripe not as good as younger brother of elder brother of grandparent Zheng father and father duty? Already is deniedWhat what grandparent of of word Zheng and grandparent give is take off on grandparentYounger brother of Zheng father elder brother also grandparent reachs his child of the Wu Fu that be like period is bigResult Wu Ji is all small work little work not Die Zheng this Qu favour this Zuo tries to be born notSad affection of the that reach Yao not of reason Zuo the Geng below duty ear falls and can not be in Jin Little work person of duty but Zhu this needs civil have Zha Fall and in Jin little work person of duty
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    This all the Zha of collect of surrender character Zuo of down to Yin brings ancestor brother Zuo is not alsoAnxiety bastinado is not entered do not rise Wu Tang at room Dai bastinadoDoesn't of sad affection come at very ill and is the that serve rod or staff used for a specific purpose not Zha does reason altogether? Die every all so Zuo its Zha also of servant of mother of gentleman of latter of Mr mother not the Zuo of Mr mother is takenThis is taken also gentleman of place of of Mu Cu father marries mother of Kui again andThe Zuo father that takes of of its Zuo father to take its parent oneself not is married no longer also not
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    The Zuo Qu of the mother that take gentleman cannot with apprentice confused also says at Gentleman mother after knows concubine to have with this child Zuo is avoided at go out to weigh favour Li to change so of dead concubine of envy Mr female takes its Zuo He Ye to maid accompanying a bride to her new home much with Di atThe person that be taken has the favour Yan of bone month to take children of Zuo of Home Zheng to also have gentleman namely of Li reason apprentice person alone this cannot Jian also Zuo concubine and do not know its to surnamePerson the side that Zuo has Zuo of concubine Jun Zhi child Mr Ning female withFirst king the Zuo that makes of concubine of of Mr Die female take female gentleman Zuo of Jun Zhi child
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    Take Mr Ning female to weigh its to divide Zha to change Zheng of envy place to stop with Zuo favour together unhealthy environmental influences that cause diseaseWu Wei form alsoThe hemp of the arrowroot Ning great merit that the hemp that the arrowroot Ning Zuo that declines declines declines with Zuo is the same as hempAll hold concurrently together takeHold the man that take Zheng concurrently head still weigh? does arrowroot want to take Zuo ? hemp holds concurrently takeHeavy? Ge Ye knows to be not with hemp Yi Quge person Zuo declines? Already does Yu Cu cry decline by Zuo ? Zuo person the person that the bag is weighed is special man head Jian wants Jian not easily to want Jian with of person of Ge Bao not easy a Jian with Ge Bao
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    Not easy person is the person that wrap together originally with its heavy? painful but adscititious and cannot inDoes Zhu also note person to fluctuate all should be hemp Zheng still weighed? Zuo of hemp head ? hemp also Zuo like that Dai after is easy under great merit arrowroot ? ? Person Yu Sanyue and after soldier criesThe Zuo reason of the person that how does anxiety die so cannot soldier of a day of Zuo cries Geng is so unripePerson does sad reason need in March and after Ning ? ? Day Yu Sanyu soldier cries Ning Dai is receivedDoes supposition to upright surely again? ? Ning soldier cries in knowable alsoThe doctor falls its bastard
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    Die has yield first the place of king is have to also Qu is ancient person of Zheng Dr HouDoesn't have face to hire? The thing that be the same as and in? Die does not get a Zuo to decline bastinadoPeriod Zuo fair Zuo is not taken off not bastinado period is taken off decline and still by Jian of Hou of Jian reason Zheng periodThe doctor falls in thing of great merit not of Ceng Zi dear cadaver of doctor atFair suffer constellation and Zuo declines inside? The He Kongzi that is like says piece abandon atFair Zuo also is restricted with sufferring old with waiting for thing Die is to did not suffer old also Zuo Declining to did not suffer old is great merit the following not also pushs this with exemple its Zuo of neither of every public affairs is knowable under great merit of the doctor child the person that also fall
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    Hold a memorial ceremony for fearing also the Die of hold a memorial ceremony for of Ceng Zi Dr implement already inside Zuo ? Zuo declines bigResult all Dr face hires giving even more its child hold a memorial ceremony for not surrender appropriate person much the person that Gong Zhikun younger brother also falls fears getting dead body also like that place Zheng The person that fall not Zuo falls its decline month of hemp its just its not flesh of Zuo food and drinkThe of of the Long inside drive not also knows like that person article Wang Shizi is fair a group of things with common features haveDoes white clothing reside capital crime gentleman outside not Ning not of of Long if? Zheng Hou JuLike that is the doctor knowable by? And like that child falls at father its mother person knowableDoes wear ? Take Zhu to divide of bastard of doctor of younger brother of elder brother of be the concubine of Hou of the emperor Zheng its
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    The mother cries Zuo feeds of the think of sb with respect that reside Ta 3 years also Li very and did not get placeIs OK civil the Jun Zhi of Zuo of ram Dr of Zhu of Wang Shizi Yin ? advocate and every of sufficient of disagreement of of Ceng Zi of past Zuo Ning has politics hold a memorial ceremony for all Younger brother of elder brother of bastard Zuo does not fall not hold a memorial ceremony for alsoDoctor not advocate person? ? The Zuo with taking weighs Ji foreword not person Yin also what this Mang Xin adds Fu Differentiate of Yu Yao Jun Person Dai at doctor easy animal sacrifice
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    Its Ning ? ? With doctor hold a memorial ceremony for with person Li hold a memorial ceremony for of He Ye spy Wu Zuzu is bigThe husband is unfavorable if 4 constant hold a memorial ceremony for is sent with personal earning and the animal sacrifice of the person that use low is chased after Zuo not dare Zuo is jumped over also father of Dai of hold a memorial ceremony for ancestor not parity also must not be the same as animal sacrifice Kui father does not live together also person need lives together all advocate after is the same as Zuo and hold a memorial ceremony for its ancestor Die lives together have advocate house of latter ? Take to need lives together like that doubt of house of after cites this piece its article andTake off like that after resides 5 words to have advocate of house of latter points to Kui fatherCharacter or have oneself originally child or the mother is parturient Wu Jijia is scanty also this child have child also
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    of house is this mother has child article Zha Scholar-bureaucrat does not get Dai at Zheng Hou Dai the scholar-bureaucrat at Zheng grandfather person itsWife Dai at Zheng Dai of ancestor aunt concubine at concubine ancestor aunt dies the one above in and Dai Dai Surely with its Zhao Mu Dai person accuse with new advocate also is like Dai after to still establish Wu Jia each into this This accuses very if Zheng is acted according to unexpectedly advocate the Ning of the grandfather that enter Zheng advocate Be or become heir to with Zhu new advocate so the Dai of the Zu Jiren of person of be or become heir to person Zuo but the Zhou Gong of Dai makes Die Zuo such not of Jian Mang Xin is added
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    Concubine of such also also offers sacrifices to Wu Zu to Ceng Yuan not its absurdKnowableZong Zi's mother is in wife Die Mother's brother does not have aunt old Zong Zizhi wife Cheng Zongsi and of Zuo an administrative unit in Xizang is long reason is specialShen JienConcubine of one's father of of latter of loving mother but also Zu Shu's mother but also Ning Zha blame has child and must not establish after to be not to death also its person takes Yu diligent longOr Jian parents? Disease and can its force is exhaust with child ban must not establish after
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    At Li besides the concubine of father establishs the Wu Fu since of Li of after favour why to be gotten Ning denies Zha its Ceng YouziMother of concubine of loving mother Ning not world hold a memorial ceremony for alsoBastard must not establish Mu Yi Zuo of concubine of reason Zuo child officiant and Dai is fed namely / Ning Latter ancestor / the Li that Dai feeds this Yin and hold a memorial ceremony for of age Wu Zi stop at all advocate Zuo child Zuo also namely concubine child father after also stops reach its body to get Dai to feed atGentleman mother Qu concubine and Dai Wu Zugu is 2 Zuo also like that the place of the body goes out cannotMake is offerred sacrifices to at after bastard child of establishing Die is OK the strange mother of father of hold a memorial ceremony for
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    place of the Long before business of Zhou Sijiang offers sacrifices to Ha surname goes but latter is taken with its take of Zong Zi and dead bastard nots after also this says acting of latterReason of ear of the after before with Kui Xiang Chengzhi has a large amount of lawsuit with brother takeThe person that this is taken takes and is added alsoArrow Ji Jian ? 3 years person heavy waist is small auspicious divides a Jian doubt Ji to also Zhu reason establishs this article especially Zheng Hou the official at its gentleman advocate
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    Does Gu Zhejun have disease Yin Yao at the official of this ? Bend forward of of Zuo Jun Xiangchao or Zuo Zuo ? Its dear of the doctor? And appropriate of Ning Die hasAdvocate Jun Yiyi Ning its palace in order to receive Zuo but Jun Yili of of Die Jian at Geng wants to cry on Zuo leap up and host does obeisance to check Zuo at below first Confucianism cannot differentiateThe of of Jun Qubai season of Zuo Xiao breaks doing obeisance to Mr of a Ren Jun of season family name Zuo is brought with Zhu of this Yin Mr Zheng advocate Jun Yi answers do obeisance to be puzzled and be contrary toDoes Zheng Hou need Zuo of leather a man's cap used in ancient times declines place Zuo already? ? Does host avoid host surely not? The Jun Yi that take not Zuo declines
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    The gentleman of before 4 with Zheng Hou Zuo also after fastens one sentence with gentlemanThe emperor of Zheng of Jun Yeshan Zuo Zuo that holds this concurrently weighs Jian Zheng Hou Chong to declineSealed why week lawsuit takes king 3 Gong Liuqing Zuo decline Jin of Zheng HouDecline Dr person doubt declines its head take all a man's cap used in ancient times of Jian of a man's cap used in ancient times adds Jian to take decline surelyBe the same as up and downThe person that does Zuo have difficulty not? Take then with advocate its? Does the person that be not Zuo join host? Of not easy oneself? TakeDoes bright red Zuo say period great merit not? ? declines mother Zuo declines not Jin makes person Zuo
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    Just do not get what what Yin already took? Or disease person what refuse to obey or have take andAlready took except Zuo with Zuo be like the person that have difficulty Ning already was taken together or those does not haveThe person that take Zuo also need not change take also place Zuo person its are taken or be the same as Wu Ji to deathPlace has originally take or heavy of Zuo Yan or heavy Yan takes his already took with Already Zhu and suffer also take its to if just be taken together,be taken not Zhu or Zuo Wu XinBecome at the beginning of the dead take the thing that reach to do obeisance to Zuo to take its to take thing to already took blame Zuo insteadPerson enter advocate? This takes white clothing to have take not easy come to take like thatAfter Zuo already take and take its to take pain of Zuo Ning Zuo and the dead with not small
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    is master advocate have not the person that Zhu takes Zuo pain must not be turned over at this already? Take reason then with auspicious advocate its? Wait for the after that take continuously its Zuo is heavyThe that takes newly with Ning is being taken unexpectedly before is turned over alsoConcubine concubine ancestor easy animal sacrifice of the person that tentatively and Dai Wu Nvjun but also Dai of concubine of the Yin before this is reached at concubine ancestor aunt all declines Yin of world Te Die person place Zha is enteredAlso age not Dai at aunt not room of Mrs. Er Kui and like that Dai of concubine The Die of is knowable its Dai is fed wait with latter of Ning at Hold a memorial ceremony for already and those who fasten Ning is special reason of Zuo of Die article takes an examination of ear to note at female
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    Zheng Zuo ancestor aunt is not gentleman to also say but also Yin of article of of Qu Die Jian person with meaning degree Zheng concubine ancestor the person that tentatively or Dai Wu Nvjun are still OK bright Dai Wu Zugusurely cannot ear Dai Wu Zugu disrelishs Wu Di again Dai be like ancestor auntMr Ning female all puts concubine to install a Dai again like that the Die of of Dai of concubine Person not Dr Zong Zi of alone of person Dr The Yi Ran of the rank of nobility of of Zuo of hold a memorial ceremony for that this is like Yan Zongzi to must hold bastard concurrently namely everChild piece Zong Zi person of Wu Zongzi of hold a memorial ceremony for of animal sacrifice of above of bastard Dr
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    Does the home wish a dutiful son some meson some Shu is its commonplace also? Advocate With gentleman of foreword of Yin not Yu of person Yin person? advocate person is bigOf husband doctor? advocate person person Li also must not is like with other generation bigThe husband goes with public affairs and of Li of of hold a memorial ceremony for of domestic person makes the rank of nobility of of Yin children Zuo Person but with Zong Zizhi Li also but Jian of Die Wu Juewei personNeed Yin having Zhu reachs Ceng Zi this piece with Zong Zi of Yu of scholar-bureaucrat characterThe Die of its hold a memorial ceremony for has bastard of person of be the concubine Dr surely beneficial now notCan be taken an examination of
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    Father not Xiao child second at outsideWhat Zuo does not reside the outside needing like that besides Zuo of second Wu Zhong fair also a group of things with common features die with the blameGentleman of of the if outside the house of ? Besides the relative of father and sonBrother of of Ning Zheng Hou person take Only then brother of sealed father of Jun Buchen Zheng seals brother of Jun Zhizi's official and not official Zheng father official brother is the same as Wu Chen and do not get brother of of Ning Zheng Hou already Ning of Zheng of this Yin Qu only then brother of Feng Zhijun person seal Jun Zhisheng Zuo notDare I reach its dead brother also takes also or if be in,say this
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    If have,Yi Yi of Zuo Zheng father takes be in more so father of Zheng of and elder brotherOf younger brother child may hold take at of if? Zuo of alone brother dayA suit of this parents needs runs quickly and take also Chu Zhi of age the Qin Dynasty is fairChild Zuo body at person the ordinary members of theatrical troupe of Shang Yiben its a month of salary boneof favour cannot Jian also brightIssue hemp of bath of of little work not this Jian Yu and instead with Does bright red Zuo say every? After of small of great merit above comes loose hangs down come to take it is little work comes loose not noteses and commentaries the of of meaning of Li unidentified I that turns over
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    Also with its prolapse person be bent instead and at wanting Zuo is not to come loose also not alsoLike that of great merit fall first-class person Hu Fu like that affection is little scanty also of the in Zuo Fall first-class person Hu Fu stops like that fall first-class also September July Zuo in May Extend less alsoIts wife Dr and soldier after that its husband not Dr and Dai Wu Ji wife Not easy animal sacrifice wife soldier after that husband Dr and Dai Wu Ji wife with doctor animal sacrifice Dai ? ? Also Dai ? ? Surely first hold a memorial ceremony for suffers from Wu Ji advocate scanty Zheng only then of of be an officialPerson blame also already Dr establishs surely
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    Mother Zuo child cut bastinadoSquare in order to resemble the ground and Jiang Wufu also child mother cuts bastinado Li to rise at the mother also mother child the Li that cut bastinado advocate Wu Ji alsoGo straight towards father? Does the leave uncovered on Wu Tang of draw together Zuo fall does Jian of leap up Yao just approach a parent at ? Not leave uncovered of draw together Zuo falls on hall leap up Yao is avoided at square Jian accession becomes leap upIs Zuo of mother draw together avoided with hemp and run quickly with cloth? not draw together Zuo person first Zuo ? already father of Zuo of of draw together Zuo ? Already of Zuo of barefooteding Die of Geng Kui apprentice no longer Ning also3 days and 5 cry 3 leave uncovered
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Run quickly? does Die stop 3 days does Wu Wu cry He Ye its Long ? At Jian of heartAnnals break is overwhelmed with sorrow cry leap up calculates have Zuo surely at Yin Shu Yao is contained person doesn't reason get what travel calculates to cry to the home Zuo of leap up scanty Zheng ? Long reason Die is not also    Die Yin resolve a doubt coils 16

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