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章节: 卷十八
书名: 礼记析疑
类目: 经部
写作年代: 约公元前248年  至  公元后256年
视频: 卷十八_礼记析疑
音频: 卷十八_礼记析疑

欽定四庫全書 禮記析疑卷十八          翰林院侍講銜方苞撰  少儀 篇中所載事父兄師長之儀皆童子時所當服行也 其中事君承公卿接賓客交朋友祭祀朝聘㑹同軍 旅燕食獻遺皆成人所有事而儀度辭令必講習於 童子時故統之曰少儀注疏詁少為小似未安
不得階主 將命者主通賓客不得主進見之人末由自通也邵 氏説得之適者曰某固願見 惟閒名宜稱將命者葢欲將命者以名閒於主人也 曰願見於將命者曰朝夕於將命者則辭不當物矣 葢以敵者而請見無論同國異國因縁㑹合必有其 由主人已知其名故第曰某固願見也亟見則交親
 第曰某願朝見某願夕見無庸更溢一辭矣適有䘮者曰比 比附也願自附於執事之人也 與左傳莫與比而 事吾君同義適公卿之䘮則曰聽役於司徒 周官三公六卿之䘮宰夫與職䘮率官有司而治之 凡有爵者之䘮職䘮以國之䘮禮涖其禁令而惟曰 聽役於司徒何也宰夫職䘮掌其禮度及禁令而已
 州長則凡州之大䘮身莅其事黨正則教其禮事掌 其戒令遂匠納車鄉遂之民共正柩下棺復土凡䘮 之役事涖而共之者皆司徒之屬也受立授立不坐 受立而跪則近於諂而形授者之倨授立而跪則重 勞受者之以跪答也始入而辭曰辭矣 將入門主人先客故始入卽詔以讓客使先也
排闔脱屨於户内者一人而已矣 皆同等則年長者一人脱屨於户内若有異爵者及 族姻行輩之長者在則年長者亦不敢以長自居而 用此禮也不疑在躬 此節皆以接人之禮言凡性之直者及久相狎者多 疑人有身過以為戲謔既失忠敬之道尤人情所忌 故戒之若朋友有過而知之審則當忠告亦不宜為
 疑辭不度民械 度謂試其與已稱否恐以欲得相疑也不訾重器 訾與齊語訾其相質之訾同葢擬議其所值也觀君 子之衣服服劍乘馬不價義與此類拚席不以鬛 用袂拘也
不貳問 專問一事不可更端或卜不吉而更以筮問也手無容 不以手修容也如循面拂鬚之類燕居則可對尊長 則為不敬執君之乘車則坐僕者右帶劍負良綏申之面拖諸幦以散綏升執轡然後步 此與曲禮車將駕節可互證坐統初升及既歩而
 言初升取貳綏跪乘既驅五步而立則又跪而執轡 也曲禮取貳綏即此記所謂良綏散綏也綏之本應 結於車上獻車者説綏而執之/故知常時結於車上故僕者自取散綏以 升而置良綏於背更從背繚而出於前故曰申之面 也負綏而必申之面者僕常鄉車前也必負綏而繚 於前者君登則側身左轉而授綏為便也師役曰罷 師不得已而後用役不得已而後興君民上下無不
 願其罷休故在師中者用以為禮辭不旁狎 君子不身為狎即人有相狎者亦不可近其旁也有亡而無疾 亡者以禮去國所謂有故而去非逃也車馬之美匪匪翼翼鸞和之美肅肅雍雍 僕者御得其道則車馬匪匪翼翼君子在車聞鸞和 之聲則其容肅肅雍雍
問國君之子長㓜長則曰能從社稷之事矣㓜則曰能御未能御問大夫之子長㓜長則曰能從樂人之事矣㓜則曰能正於樂人未能正於樂人問士之子長㓜長則曰能耕矣㓜則曰能負薪未能負薪 大夫之子皆入成均大樂正小樂正教之故以正於 樂人為言士之子非秀者不得入鄉學故以耕與負 薪為言若國君之子雖六藝在所必學而不應以僕 御為言古者臣子之侍君父並曰御射義小大莫處
 御於君所内則父歿母存冢子御食是也祭祀之終 有嗣舉奠之禮故長曰能從宗廟社稷之事將冠則 能問寢視膳侍御於君孺子則不能故㓜則曰能御 未能御也曲禮以言大夫之子則義當為射御之御 葢國子學六藝御其最下者國君之子禮辭不當與 大夫之子同婦人吉事雖有君賜肅拜 祭禮主婦獻尸受尸酢及獻祝侑佐食致爵於主人
 受主人致爵自不得用肅拜所謂吉事乃平常嘉禮 慶事與族姻為禮止於肅拜而有君賜亦然玊藻有 慶非君賜不賀蓋此類也亦曰乘壺酒束脩一犬 或下有闕文或此句亦衍也劍則啓櫝蓋襲之加夫襓與劍焉 襲因也重也反櫝蓋以承櫝底是因而重之也小飯而亟之
 亟之非速咽恐有問也葢雖後君子而已常恐君子 早已則已當隨之故不敢任意需緩酌尸之僕如君之僕 舊説犯軷時飲僕非也周官大馭掌馭玉路以祀及 犯軷王自左馭馭下祝登受轡遂驅之則犯軷時僕 無受飲之事明矣下云及祭酌僕則正祭之後始酌 僕明矣祭之末有畀煇胞翟閽况君之御僕乎其酌 以獻僕宜使膳宰或禮官之屬與大射禮司馬正獻

  • Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    decides 4 complete Die Yin resolve a doubt coils 18Fang Bao of Zuo of Zheng of serve of courtyard of member of the Imperial Academy is writtenLittle Piece in the of Zuo of of head of a family of place Zuo job all of boy place is taken row alsoAmong them does Cheng Gongqing receive thing gentleman does Zuo guest make friend is sacred face hired? With Zuo Brigade swallow feeds Zuo to all grow up place is occupied and spends Zuo to make need Zheng Li atOf Jian of boy reason say little noteses and commentaries Yu little is small be like did not install
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Do not get Zuo advocate life person advocate the guest that connect Zuo not the person end of winner Zuo Yao by connect oneself also ShaoFamily name Zha gets Zuo person say Yao of some solid Zuo Life of of Er of appropriate of alone Zuo name person life of Qu desire person with renown Zuo at host alsoSay Zuo Yao at life person say a very short time at life person Zuo not content Qu with person and is because of, Zha of Zha Yao the same as Jun ? Close to have its surelyBy host foregone its name reason say Yao of some solid Zuo also repeatedlies Yao hands in Yin
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    say of Yao of evening of some Zuo of Yao of some Zuo face needs more excessive one Zuo Does Zuo have? Person say thanThan adding also Zuo adds the person at thing oneself also Ning left not Ning is compared andThing my gentleman with Li Of Zuo Gongqing? says Long battle at department apprenticeOf Zhou Guansan Gong Liuqing? Slaughter husband Ning Long ? Lead what the official has department and treatOf the person that does every have an ancient win vessel with three legs and a loop handle? Long ? With ? Die its ban and alone saysDoes Long battle also slaughter husband Long at Si Tuhe? Its Die spends the palm reach a ban just
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Of city of every of city Zuo big? Body arrive its thing Zuo teachs his Die work controlIts give up makes satisfy Zuo of artisan Ji Zuo civilian in all does earth of of the coffin below a coffin with corpse in altogether? service work and in all person all Si Tuzhi alsoSuffer stand award stand not to sitSuffer stand and genuflect is close of the person that at Zha form is awarded haughty award stand and genuflect is heavyOf the person that suffers answer with genuflect alsoOnly then into Zuo says Zuo joins Zuo host first guest reason only then the Yu that enter makes with Zhu guest first also
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Platoon Zuo takes off at indoor person one person justAll coequal year Zuo person one person takes off to be reached at the person that be like the rank of nobility having in doorsThe Zuo of Zuo of travel of a group of things with common features marriage person in year Zuo person also not dare with Zuo pose asWith this Die alsoNot doubt is in bend forwardThis Geng all altogethers with receiving Die word of the person of the gender straight person reach long photograph be improperly familiar with person muchDoubt person has body Zuo to break faithful Jingzhi already with Zheng avoid of place of path blame favorThe advice of be like a friend to have Zuo and knows of reason give up also shoulds not be
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Doubt Zuo Do not spend civilian instrumentIts Ning of the Yu that spend Zheng already Er is denied fear with be about to get photograph doubt alsoNot Zi Chong implementWhat its are worth the Zhu of of Zi Tong Qu of Zi Jixiang Zuo of Zha of slandering Ning Zuo also Mr Yin Child the dress takes to multiply Zuo not this Zuo of Li Ning Pan banquet not with Zuo With sleeve arrest also
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Not Zuo be related cannot more carry or predict ill-fated and more with Shi alsoHand is allowedThe Zuo swallow that does not repair a look to also be like Zuo of abide face stroke with the hand resides but honour Zuo is irreverent Jun Zhi sits by Zuo person face of Shen Zhi of Jian of fine of Zuo of right pulls Zheng With coming loose Jian rises Zuo like that after pace Geng of Zuo of of Zuo of Die of this Ning music but each other Zhu sits rise at the beginning of Jian reach already and
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Yan Chusheng takes Zuo Jian genuflect to multiply already Zuo 5 paces and establish genuflect and Zuo Also music Die takes Zuo Jian namely Jian of fine of Zheng of this Yin place comes loose Jian also this of Jian Jian at Zuo of the on Zuo person Zha Jian and of / reason knows constant Jian to go up at Zuo reason person take oneself medicinal powder Jian withRise and Jian of place good people at the back more carries Jun on the back and give Wu Qian reason to say Shen Zhi faceAlso Zuo Jian and surely Shen Zhi face person also often needs before Zuo Zuo Zuo Jian and Jun Award Jian at left Zuo of body of of of former Jun Deng also service says Li is have to and after uses service have to and of fluctuation of after Ning Jun Min not
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Zuo its Li rests Zuo of Die of of in order to of the person that reason is in Not by be improperly familiar withGentleman not body be improperly familiar with namely the person that the person has photograph be improperly familiar with also cannot close by its alsoHave die and diseaseThe person that die goes with Die place Zheng has go be not so escape alsoThe Yong Yong of beautiful Man Man that the Zuo of carefully of beautiful bandit bandit of Zuo Zuo mixes person drive gets his gentleman of carefully of bandit of bandit of Zuo of path Zuo is mixed in Zuo Long Zuo Yong Yong of Man of Man of Long its look
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Jun Zhizi Zuo ? Does Zuo say can the thing of the god of the land and the god of the grain-the state? says canDoes drive fail of drive Dr child Zuo ? Zuo says can the thing of person? Does say can you failing at person at person of person child Zuo ? Zuo Does say can you plough? says can Zuo firewood fails Zuo firewoodOf the doctor child all enter all big the reason of small orthodoxy with atYan Shizhi of person child blame is beautiful person must not enter Zuo friend with agrarian Ning Zuo 6 Shu of Zuo are in Jun Zhizi of of firewood Yan Re be needed and not with Drive character is ancient person the of serve gentleman father of official in feudal times says drive shoots Li small big not Ta
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Mother of of father of the inside place of drive Wu Jun puts grave child it is sacred also that drive is fed Jian The Die reason Zuo of establish of Ning having heir says can the of thing coronal of the god of the land and the god of the grain-the state of of an administrative unit in XizangCan does drive of serve of board of Yao child at gentleman cannot reason? says can driveFail drive also music Die with character doctor child the drive that of Li shoots drive Qu child 6 Shu of drive its most Zuo of Jun Zhizi Die of of the person that fall not Ning Of the doctor child with Zuo of thing of person auspicious has gentleman Zuo Man is done obeisance to Die of hold a memorial ceremony for advocate cadaver suffers cadaver vinegar and to wish to press assist is fed send the rank of nobility at host
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Acceptor acceptor person sends the rank of nobility to must not do obeisance to thing of place Zheng auspicious to be with Man oneself common fine Die Die of of a group of things with common features marriage of thing Ning stops to be done obeisance to at Man and have gentleman alga of of Zuo Yi Ran has Zuo of blame gentleman not Zuo San this Zuo alsoYi Yue takes wine bundle Man one dogOr next article having Zuo or this Yi Yan alsoThe Yan of of Ning of the Yao that add a husband of Yao of San of of Because Yao also also turns over San again with bear bottom is weigh consequently alsoSmall Zuo and of earnestly
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    The blame of earnestly fast pharynx fears having also gentleman of Qu Zuo after often just fears gentlemanAlready already the reason of Zuo dare not need Jin arbitrarilyDrink the of cadaver is like Jun Zhi Ning Zha makes of Zuo Zuo be not also Lu Yisi of jade of Zuo of palm of Zhou Guanda Zuo andKing making Zuo suffers Zuo to satisfy the of Zuo to make Zuo from the Zhu Deng below left Zuo Zuo The job that gets Zuo bright next cloud and hold a memorial ceremony for drink the after of hold a memorial ceremony for only then drink bright the drive that the end of hold a memorial ceremony for has Kuangjun of Zuo of a surname of Bi afterbirth its drinkWith appropriate makes board is slaughtered or the Ning of Die official shoots Die Si Zuo zheng greatly
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    person of of Zuo of department of the person that does department shoot Zuo ? ? of Zuo of Ning towel person Die says together its have in Zuo suffer Zuo and be absent Zuo person Qu dynasty big Zuo The Zuo Yin of 6 officials of of row of the rank of nobility of the doctor in and of Gong Zu of outskirt of Zuo Wang RuAppropriate Wang Yi enters of hold a memorial ceremony for like that after goes out first litre / Zuo gives fair Qing Tong of Zheng of appropriate Ning to suffer with waiting for Wang ZhiThe rank of nobility is like San of king make one's rounds to hunting the province saves Ou Youyan Zuo to reach n cultivated land at a bitThing and Zuo is in with Zuo appropriate of cadaver of alone of Yi Ran of of Hou Zhi of Zuo ear Zheng appropriate often is in its suffer Yao of Zuo reason Jun the of Zuo Zuo wine person Die person Taoist sacrificial ceremony person have fold an ancient sacrificial utensil not to sit
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Swallow Die shoots Die to need after of Zu Ran takes off to rise greatly hall sit of this Zuo wine Die also appropriate of Die Ning Taoist sacrificial ceremony has Taoist sacrificial ceremony of little coronal of the that fold an ancient sacrificial utensil to male flesh is folded with chest Hai / an ancient sacrificial utensil but drink and proposes a toastVinegar says to Zuo of Yin of of Taoist sacrificial ceremony gets together occasionally and have a bit / thing all appropriate uses Taoist sacrificial ceremony not of coronal Die like that reason Yin person because of Ning Die and andWine of written scanty Zheng Zuo person namely 3 words of of Zheng Die coronal Zuo Yu Its have the person that fold an ancient sacrificial utensil to take hold a memorial ceremony for not to sit converselyCharacter has on fold an ancient sacrificial utensil not to sit this bright take hold a memorial ceremony for conversely after must sit therefore alsoPath blind Yi RanPath blind Yi Ran sentence the person that character path blinds also with be being accused in person also
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    not Zhu not Zuo not songMaster heart not Bao and the Zuo of night of of place Zheng with igneous Kui is not drunk also reason Zuo of of Zuo of this Xiao not Zhu not Zuo must be not mixed and songThe of host of alone Bao becomes Die in order to retreat also of of of Zheng of golden Qu This blame of of person have no time also altogethers of the Die thing that swallow eats have department and photograph of the person that how does the Die of Zhu photograph Zuo and song Yu get has this abnegate  Die Yin resolve a doubt coils 18

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