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章节: 卷十五
书名: 礼记析疑
类目: 经部
写作年代: 约公元前-162年  至  公元后591年
视频: 卷十五_礼记析疑
音频: 卷十五_礼记析疑

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 雖多皆於南門外分左右以次而上無四面分布之 理 列序朝位忽曰四塞世告至即承以此周公明 堂之位也即以文義求之暗昧支離亦與莽傳中誥 令書疏相類命魯公世世祀周公以天子之禮樂 春秋傳子家駒曰諸侯僭於天子大夫僭於諸侯久 矣昭公曰吾何僭矣哉子家駒曰設兩觀乘大路朱 干玉戚以舞大夏八佾以舞大武此皆天子之禮也
 使成王果賜而伯禽受之不當以為僭矣納夷蠻之樂於太廟言廣魯於天下也 按莽傳羣臣始奏宜益莽封三萬户此大將軍霍光 蕭相國何繼以莽女立為后有司請以新野田二萬 五千六百頃益莽封以應古者后父百里尊而不臣 及陳崇頌莽功徳遂倡言成王之於周公度百里之 限踰九錫之檢開七百里之宇魯公之外六子皆封 宜勅盡伯禽之賜無遴周公之報自是吏民上書者
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 解如謂賜禮樂時即降廢職服大刑之命則天下宜 恫疑駭遽而不知其何所為何以遂大服乎蓋莽以 窮治吕寛之獄滅衞氏及漢宗親郡國豪傑死者數 百人海内震焉故歆為此記以示共周公之祀事而 廢其職者即服大刑况顯與安漢公為敵及隂謀變 怪以相驚懼者乎雖鉤黨蔓誅亦未為已甚也反坫出尊 凡爵奠於席上有坫則隆然髙出故曰出尊
崇坫康圭 康安也為面坫以安圭也拊搏玉磬揩擊大琴大瑟中琴小瑟四代之樂器也 當是揩擊玉磬拊搏大琴大瑟中琴小瑟文錯也    

  • Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    decides 4 complete Die Yin resolve a doubt coils 15Fang Bao of Zuo of Zheng of serve of courtyard of member of the Imperial Academy is writtenBright hallBright hall the row wears Yin first Confucianism with Zha Ning and Yu You doubt is piece notKnow why and make also the azimuth of Wu Mingtang of Yin of Zheng Zhou Ren spends day? Person of Zuo of Zheng of Yu of Die appropriate wastefuls oneself big appropriate first of law of of Zhou Gong And Zha of life of all alone of week of Yan Min of appendage of cropland of earth of mountains and rivers-land is in charge of book and
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Yan murders to Zuo Jun Chen of Jian of the Zha at the beginning of Zuo of of 3 person all Zhu Yan Yin person can of 4 generation of Yu take an organ and be ignorant of at this Zuo not reach of the before Zhu like that after knows meaning of this Mang Zhi and of person the apprentice ear of XinThing of of Mang Zhi Ha not Yin Wu Zhou is fair its reside also Er of the achieve on Li official brightHall in order to decide its week of its Er of of look of work of rank grass of Ning of there's no one who doesn't or isn't of Er of place of reason Yin Of fair Zuo the emperor in order to treat Wu Mingtang of Hou of Zheng of the world face with Zun of rank grass Zuo Back axe is depended on south face Li official also Zuo official suffers 9 Zuo with Ha from rank grassOnly then place of Zuo of reason Ning suffers take an organ with it is travel Gu Zhidao ear its
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Er Zuo Jun Chen not photograph murders in order to show Long cannot Bao letter is like The murder Yu doubt of smooth emperor also its piece head say former times person Hou Wuming of Zhou Gongchao Zheng Axe depends on a the emperor Zuo of hall south Zuo and establish easy Zhou Gong with of the emperor Ning Week of achieve of place of day Li official is public only then resides a blame of the emperor to be 6 years like that Zhu of photograph of Zuo of after Zuo Zun also Jia He of ease of of Er of achieve of of false emperor of Er of rank grass Zuo Piece Zhou Gongfeng Chang stands to be delayed at Zun Zuo ascend Zuo to say false king politics mix frequently dayNext already ease Yun Yun person of Zha besides the Zuo of check of the place that overflow Yin or Zun of Zuo of doubt Zhou Gong times according to fasten swallow of Zuo of Yao history Yin with face Zheng Hou
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Old and well-known family and Xun Qingru effect piece Yi Yue takes the place of with the branch advocate doubt bright hall Yin or haveBe awarded do not know ancient use government office of Ha book secret and outside Tibetan is very rare too history fair Announce becomes Zuo only then little out to of father of soldier of Xin of school Zuo with foreword 7 The every later generations of an administrative unit in Xizang child Shi Zhi all Zuo of Xin place school also Xin already is made of bright hall Yin cannot Fu too history of Wen Zai Yu and outsideZhou Ren's becomes Zuo and not Zuo person Shi Kezhi of of age of different family name of it would be betterThe character that Zuo wishs Zuo at Yu of Zuo forefathers thing Zha reachs this and be contrary to Zha all after of Yao Wu Xin only then the of of of of Xin of Zuo Fu with
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Wen Mang's also definitely expurgation of old and well-known family of Zuo of take an examination ofing becomes Wang Shaozhi to goDoes expurgation of old and well-known family of swallow of politics become Wang Ji? To call together fair article of the after before be Zha Li Man adds up to Zuo and Ning of of of administration of of Zhou Gong of Zheng of place of Zhou Ben Ji still grave is slaughtered the apprentice place that accord with of positive of 100 labour Li is Xin do notChange more and the person that still put its Ning Confucianism effect piece Xuan presses a Zha of the Zuo in Ning with civilIf the law adds Zuo Jun wart to build from of king of clear of the Qin Dynasty dear is its article belowAlso former times Zuo child Zha head fastening ancient takes his person with five and get its? If cent is black and white,connect Zhao Zhaoran
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Besides the Zuo of 9 exterminate west besides the Zuo austral the of on north 8 Xiao northThe of on face 6 army on the west besides Zuo the north Zuo of the on 5 surname austral faceBesides south besides on 9 collected Zuo in world of on 4 a place of strategic importanceAccuse so far of Zhou Gongming hall alsoAll sides of this all has the Zuo austral Zuo the emperor still have toward person west Xiang Zhi Li south gives back after to fear be not place to install week Kang Wangzhi Zha is bigProtect left of Zuo of of Hou Ru of rate west Zheng Zuo of of Hou Ru of square Zheng of official rate Right the Yi Zhi that the Die that this is using into place of Zhou Cheng pushs with this
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Zuo is much or so in proper order all is divided outside Wu Na Zuo and go up all sides distributingsGovernment of manage rank order say suddenly world of 4 a place of strategic importance is accused to namely bear with this Zhou GongmingAn also begs with article Li namely dark be ignorant of of hall raise Zuo also the Zha in of Ning rank grass Zuo of your scanty photographAge of life Zuo public life offers sacrifices to Zhou Gong the Die with the emperorAge child domestic Zuo says Zheng Hou overstep one's authority oversteps his authority at the emperor doctor at Zheng Hou Jiuwhy does clear Gong Yuewu overstep his authority child domestic Zuo says Yu Yin multiplies the highroad bright redBig summer of dance of Qiyi doing jade 8 Yi with Wu Dawu this all the Die of the emperor also
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Make into Wang Guo Zuo Bai Qin suffers not oversteps his authority with Below the Wu Tian of Zuo of of character of of Wu Tai of Ji exterminate Xiao alsoOfficial of Li of the that press rank grass only then Qu of inside back cover of Zou Yiyi rank grass door Huo Guang of this big Zuo Why does after Kui establishs with rank grass daughter, Sheng photograph have department Zha with Xin Yetian 2 Qu Rank grass of 5600 Zuo beneficial is sealed with ancient person hind father a hunderd li honour and not officialReach Zuo to esteem of result of Zuo rank grass to propose to spend a hunderd li at Zhou Gong into Wangzhi thenBe restricted the Zuo of 9 Zuo of Zuo 700 Li Zhiyu Zuo are fair besides 6 child all sealThe naturally of the Zhougong of Zuo Lin of Bai Qin of appropriate Bao the on official civilian person
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Xian Yuezhou of 1800 Zuo person is fair enjoy 7 child have the fair Zuo on Zuo The that reach rank grass namely true Li official still achieve of this this rank grass only then Jian decorates second onForce this Zheng with change life also because Ji smooths,reason Xin makes this Yin the of Xiao And below Wu Tian of cloud Zuo with Yan of Zuo photograph Zhu Long of 100 officials takes big punishment and the world is taken greatlyZhou Guanwang treats small Die Zha toward photograph of sacred four Zha of cloud of place of the person that its slightWhy does the Zheng ear that Zuo Zhu Zhu breathes out come to take big punishment then and Zuo Zuo suffers Die Zuo not the thing that Long has Long serve a sentence and say the world is taken greatly more cannot
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Solution falls namely like of of Zheng Zuo Die the appropriate of life the world that Long takes big punishmentHurriedly of fear doubt Zuo and do not know its why why is place taken greatly then San rank grass with Xiao that Fu controls Lv reachs of dead of of a person of extraordinary powers of of county of Yin of an administrative unit in XizangThis Yin of of Xin of reason of Yan of the shake inside 100 sea of faceses in order to show in all Zhou Gongzhi offers sacrifices to a thing and its Long person take big punishment namely besides Zuo Ning installs of fair and Zuo Zheng Zhu Strange with photograph Zuo person of Yi Wei of Zha of tendril of Zuo Zuo Zuo already very alsoTurn over Dian to go out honourThere is Zuo of Dian Long Ran to give reason to say on Dian Wuxi of every the rank of nobility piece honour
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Esteem Dian Kang GuiKang An also face Dian with An Gui alsoSmall a twenty-five-stringed plucked instrument of the musical instrument in clapping wrestle jade chime stone wipes big a twenty-five-stringed plucked instrument of big musical instrument the of 4 generation implement also is to wipe jade chime stone to clap Zuo of article of small a twenty-five-stringed plucked instrument of the musical instrument in big a twenty-five-stringed plucked instrument of wrestle big musical instrument also    
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
            Die Yin resolve a doubt coils 15

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