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章节: 卷七
书名: 礼记析疑
类目: 经部
写作年代: 约公元前-262年  至  公元后558年
视频: 卷七_礼记析疑
音频: 卷七_礼记析疑

欽定四庫全書 禮記析疑卷七          翰林院侍講銜方苞撰  曽子問卿大夫士從攝主北面於西階南大祝裨冕執束帛升自西階盡等不升堂命毋哭 不曰冢宰而曰攝主者或冢宰喪疾亦得以他卿攝 也告子生攝主涖之子見則就羣臣之列以執事而
 不稱攝主别嫌也子未生朝夕之奠宰為攝主宜升 堂聞子生則與卿大夫同位於階下而不與祝同告 三日子見然後從子以升示既有嗣君則致攝主之 事而共宰臣之職也 尚書顧命太保太宗與太史 俱此記子見宰宗人從祝以是知先君在殯太宰宗 伯有大事必偕而四卿皆無堂事大司徒掌屬引大/司馬平士大夫大 司冦前王皆/無堂上之事有司必專司其事然後得與故顧命無 祝以無告神之事子見無史以無册命之事也告嬪
 而不升堂以别於子見而前導也反位遂朝奠 曰遂朝奠則知告必以朝如既朝奠而生則以次日 之朝告也三日衆主人卿大夫士如初位 生時三月而見薨則三日而見者重嗣續急欲慰先 君魂魄也少師奉子以衰
 世子始生見於君卜士負之君薨則奉子以少師以 生即嗣國故視猶君也宰宗人從 前曰太宰太宗後曰宰宗人省文也入門哭者止 告子生祝升盡階始命毋哭子見則有列於殯宫者 已前知之故入門而哭者自止也禮行必以朝故並 當朝哭之期
子拜稽顙哭祝宰宗人衆主人卿大夫士哭踊三者三降東反位皆袒子踊房中亦踊 始哭而不踊者象始死之啼也後乃踊者象斂時之 踊也問喪篇三日小斂而後有踊之文士長禮未斂 君使弔則踊大夫弔則不踊是常禮斂而後踊也皆 袒者子袒則衆從之象始死之禮也疏謂堂上堂下 之哭非正位故不袒今反朝夕哭位故袒非也袒止 於三天子諸侯即致隆恐亦以五與七為度不聞朝
 夕哭皆袒也堂上堂下不袒者子未袒也子未袒者 象始死將飯含而後袒也知子袒者以後稱襲也子 在抱所謂袒者特弛其外服非及體也 奔喪哭踊 時位亦異序祝於宰宗人之上以奉子者哭則祝繼 之以倡踊也奠出 世子之生急欲聞於先君故既告而後朝奠子見之 後曰奠出則奠已先陳矣蓋世子生三日見於君接
 以太牢必朝食而後行禮内則冡子未食而/見乃三月名子故朝奠 亦設於子見之前也祝既稱子之名以見則宰宗人 必前期預定其名而記無文蓋一時問答非如記禮 之書儀節具詳既稱名則知名已預定猶云奠出則 奠已前設可知也大宰命祝史以名徧告于五祀山川 徧告於五祀山川于當作及下以名徧告及社稷宗 廟山川及當作于蓋互譌也未葬子生無不告於宗
 廟社稷之理云徧告及五祀山川則宗廟社稷不必 言矣既備舉宗廟社稷山川而曰及則贅矣故知當 作于也三月乃名于禰 疏云告殯宫中主以斯時尚未有禰廟也但虞而作 主諸侯五月而葬設始殯而子生三月殯宫安得有 主蓋即以殯宫為禰也始生即云告于禰則為假禰 之稱而非有廟有主明矣經傳多稱殯宫為廟與此
 同義 陳從王曰君之魄體尚在殯宫子三日而見 故早名之既葬而告於禰則遲之三月以安養孺子 宜也以名徧告及社稷宗廟山川 序社稷於宗廟之上者國君主社稷既名於禰則先 社稷而後羣廟宜矣乃命國家五官而后行 不言卿而舉五大夫卿數不一而大夫必五也命及
 大夫則卿不必言矣諸侯相見必告于禰朝服而出視朝命祝史告于五廟所過山川亦命國家五官道而出反必親告于祖禰乃命祝史告至于前所告者而后聽朝而入 諸侯見天子則慶賞黜陟行焉故告於社稷宗廟山 川以致其震動恪恭之意也諸侯相見非社稷之役 故不告於祖而境内山川亦不徧告也反必親告於 祖禰者自禰以上出未親告也見天子不言者不必
 言也自啟及葬不奠行葬不哀次反葬奠而後辭於殯遂修葬事其虞也先重而後輕禮也 禮以義起事死如生母殯啟則父不奠原父之情而 而輟之也父未葬則母不虞原母之情而俟之也或 曰啟以後柩車為重主人不敢擅離而父奠又非他 人可攝故不奠也 既夕禮夙興則夜過中即興而 至祖廟滅燭則已質明矣以陳饌設器啟肂載柩事
 充時迫故無暇更設奠於在殯者蓋下室之饋饌具 如常雖缺殯宫一日之奠情可安也會子問曰將冠子冠者至揖讓而入聞齊衰大功之喪如之何孔子曰内喪則廢外喪則冠而不醴徹饌而埽即位而哭如冠者未至則廢 外喪謂喪家在國外也蓋伯叔父兄弟仕於異國或 被放聞喪不得奔或奔而未得遂行故即冠所徹饌 而埽為位而哭若死者不同居或客死而妻子在本
 國則宜奔哭於其家不宜為位於己之廟矣至王臣 於后侯國之臣於夫人雖當祭聞喪而廢不宜於冠 乃不廢也舊說大門内外誤矣如將冠子而未及期日而有齊衰大功小功之喪則因喪服而冠除喪不改冠乎 陳氏集說謂齊衰以下可因喪服而冠斬衰則不可 蓋因會子所問自齊衰而下求其義而不得遂意為 之說非也將以冠為嘉禮不可加於凶服則小功之
 之輕且因喪服而冠矣將謂斬衰痛深不可以舉嘉 禮則齊衰之服兼父沒為母三年與祖父母之期其 痛不為淺矣曾子所問自齊衰以下正為斬衰因喪 服而冠至除喪之日去冠期已逺而服又極重自不 得改冠故以齊衰以下或尚可改冠為疑耳天子賜諸侯大夫冕弁服於大廟 大夫而有未冠者亦謂内諸侯世有采地如周召之 支子耳卿大夫士之子未冠皆無爵者也故可因喪
 服而冠若繼世之諸侯與畿内公卿之適子則爵列 甚尊將以冕弁冠則天子未命不敢私服也而又不 可以無爵者之服冠故諸侯之嗣必因類見卿大夫 之子必待終喪而後請命於天子天子假於太廟以 賜之所以無冠醴者醴乃加冠之賔所以禮冠者天 子既賜以冕服不敢更加冠故惟設奠以告祖禰因 使人酌酒而自卒爵焉自醮以榮君之賜而無加冠 之賔則亦無饗賔之禮故云酌而無酬酢曰醮耳
 儀禮不醴而醮者亦有賔謂國俗不同用醮而不用 醴者若此篇所謂冠醮則無賔知然者既已加冠則 奠後有司執事者進醮爵而無賔猶女子未許嫁而 笄則婦人執其禮而無女賔也禮以義起加冠重禮 故以屬賔賔親加因親醮冠者若専以醮屬賔則䙝 矣故知有司進之也歸奠而補醮者以受服於公朝 無醮也已祭而見伯父叔父而后饗冠者
 古者期之親即異宫必同都宫故可見伯叔父而後 饗冠者舉伯叔父則同室之兄弟姊妹姑見於内寢 者不待言矣天子諸侯之喪斬衰者奠大夫齊衰者奠士則朋友奠不足則取於大功以下者不足則反之 天子諸侯斬衰者奠皆異姓之臣同姓不與所謂衆 主人是也大夫齊衰者奠其臣斬衰者皆與不足然 後取於齊衰也士則朋友奠不足始取於小功蓋親
 者不使執事以間其哀上下所同也知大夫齊衰者 奠以補斬衰之不足者禮盛於士而専取齊衰之兄 弟則事不給也下文天子諸侯之喪祭不斬衰者不 與大夫齊衰者與則以補斬衰之不足明矣士取於 疎者而大夫取於親者何也執事者皆斬衰而以輕 服間焉則不稱也士取於兄弟大功以下者明從祖 父從伯叔父之小功不與也緦不祭
 緦不祭屢見於經然似不可通行如鄭宋諸大族緦 功之喪無時無之宗廟之祭必曠絶矣為父後者為 出母無服喪者不祭故也於母之恩尚以承祭斷之 乃以功緦廢祭不亦舛乎假令大夫之子為士乃以 四世兄弟之服而廢髙曽之祭先王之禮必無是也 詳見大夫之祭條昏禮既納幣有吉日女之父母死則如之何孔子曰壻使人弔如壻之父母死則女之家亦使人弔父喪稱父
母喪稱母父母不在則稱伯父世母壻已葬壻之伯父致命女氏曰某之子有父母之喪不得嗣為兄弟使某致命女氏許諾而弗敢嫁禮也壻免喪女之父母使人請壻弗取而后嫁之禮也女之父母死壻亦如之 女不嫁以待壻壻免喪而别娶已非人情壻不娶以 待女女免喪而别嫁尤害義傷敎此注家之誤也其 禮與辭乃為有吉日而設不得嗣為兄弟者謂不得 繼嗣前所擇日而成婚禮也吉事先近日必在旬之/内而致命在既葬之後
 故曰嗣謂繼續前/期而更擇日也女氏許諾許以改期也免喪而請 請其日也壻弗取餘哀未忘不忍速受室也而后嫁 之强而後可即嫁於免喪之壻也若既納幣而未請 期則無此禮與辭矣 設彼家父亡此家母在又無 伯父叔父將不弔不致命乎禮窮則變稱母以致命 可也無女主則男主拜女賔於寢門内無男主則女 主拜男賔於阼階下面拜猶可况致命乎設父母皆 亡又無伯叔父母則壻自稱名使人致命可也女則
 兄弟稱名致命可也男不入改服於外次女入改服於内次然後即位而哭 熊氏謂若婦已揖讓入門内喪則廢外喪則行昏禮 非也齊衰之輕者亦伯叔父兄弟姑姊妹也大功九 月不御内之期同於齊衰而忍以初喪成昏禮乎女 宜入居内次男則赴喪家三月後成婚一同於舊為 夫婦者若女有齊衰大功之喪則在塗可不反禮與 壻有喪同
除喪則不復昏禮乎 朱軾曰竊意既殯當擇日婦以深衣見舅姑除喪合 巹無陳設拜贊之禮厥明即廟見不俟三月三月而廟見稱來婦也擇日而祭於禰成婦之義也 舅姑以婦見於祖廟則祝辭稱來婦蓋舅姑稱之無 舅姑則三月後夫婦擇日而祭於禰然後徧見於祖 廟 庾氏曰若舅姑偏存則厥明盥饋如常不復廟 見非也存者致養而不禮於亡者可乎若舅沒姑存
 則春秋時享子婦宜承之即姑沒舅存鉶簋豆籩亦舍 婦無供也如時祭適當廟見之期則先擇日廟見而 後共祀事如廟見期逺則宜供具而使室老或佐食 攝薦焉王后有故大宗伯攝祼攝/薦而不使宫卿世婦攝以俟廟見蓋未有 不廟見而遽承祀事者也 朱軾曰廟見則祖禰皆 見矣又擇日奠菜於禰猶舅姑存婦見訖以特豚盥 饋如是而後婦道完備也壻不杖不菲不次
 未婚而女死尚為之齊衰既葬而後除則未廟見齊 衰以終喪可知也夫死亦如之 女宜斬衰而不弔期而後除泣而無聲作偽主以行 木主而曰偽何也送形而往迎精而反作虞主以莅 几筵及練易栗主以依先祖孝子之精誠結聚於是 則亡者之靈爽亦憑焉祀於廟而藏於祏多歴年所
 而更作一主非偽而何喪之二孤則昔者衞靈公適魯遭季桓子之喪衞君請弔哀公辭不得命公為主客入弔康子立於門右北面公揖讓升自東階西鄉客升自西階弔公拜興哭康子拜稽顙於位有司弗辯也今之二孤自季康子之過也 注未明有司宜辯者何事唐宋諸儒皆謂哀公為主 禮也公既拜賔季孫不宜更拜誤矣古者國君雖有 親弔士大夫之禮然不過始至升階而哭既斂當心
 而馮奠設要節而踊未聞有拜禮也弔與燕饗義異 燕禮臣拜稽首而君答焉可也弔則尸柩偃然於堂 而受君之拜死者之心安乎衞侯之弔即固辭不獲 命有司宜陳君臨臣喪之禮有哭踊而無拜俾公與 衞侯立於堂上而季孫拜於階下季孫雖横亦無以 奪之也衞侯屈體於鄰國之權臣哀公不能自强而 下同於季氏之孤天澤易位乃人紀莫大之變當時 有司畏季氏而不敢正後之儒者亦懵然不知其非
 轉以公之答拜為禮甚不可解也 衞輒不能自定 於衞而求親於魯故不惜辱身以媚季氏拒父之人 何足深責所惜者哀公之昏懦耳蒙之㑹齊侯稽首 公能據禮不答而衞輒之拜季斯轉不敢不答非倨 於齊而恭於衞也怒齊之禍小而憾於季氏之禍深 也然終不免適越之辱不能以禮持國而徒屈志於 强臣豈紓禍之道哉 會子以喪有二孤問而孔子 曰今之二孤則一時尤而效之者衆矣蓋政在大夫
 自是列國强臣皆受鄰君之弔拜而其君亦以答臣 喪之拜為當然矣天子巡狩以遷廟主行載于齊車言必有尊也今也取七廟之主以行則失之矣 遷廟之主無時祭故可載以行巡狩而載主於齊車 舎於諸侯之祖廟皆所以止邪於未形起教於㣲渺 也君去其國太宰取羣廟之主以從禮也
 此非周公典禮蓋周衰國滅而君奔者有此記禮者 因及之若為天子所放流則宗祊不患無主即以内 難出奔國中亦當改立君不應取主以行也喪慈母自魯昭公始也 左傳載魯昭公失禮事多季氏誣辭公於慈母尚不 忍而齊歸之喪三易衰如故衰時公年又非甚少誣 可知矣蓋縁民不知君而惟季氏是徳故其誣辭衆 皆信之久而不能辨也
如諸侯皆在而日食則從天子救日各以其方色與其 如非朝覲之期諸侯不皆在則方色不備雖從救止 常服不以方色與兵也天子崩未殯五祀之祭不行既殯而祭其祭也尸入三飯不侑酳不酢而已矣 周官冢宰宗伯皆攝王祭亮隂則宰攝有疾則宗伯 攝惟祭天地社稷越紼而行事天地者大命之所承
 社稷者蒸民之所依也然曰天地而不曰上帝則圜 丘方澤而外四郊迎氣之祀亦不親也天地之外但 言社稷則四類四望畿内山川因國帝王先聖之祭 亦不親也乃於始殯之後躬親五祀頗其類矣注疏 自䕶其說乃云天地社稷去殯處逺故越紼五祀去 殯近暫往則還不為越紼獨不思社稷在庫門之内 與五祀在宫中等耳不權以義之重輕而較其地之 逺近何其蔽也
大夫之祭鼎俎既陳籩豆既設不得成禮廢者幾孔子曰九請問之曰天子崩后之喪君薨夫人之喪君之大廟火日食三年之喪齊衰大功皆廢外喪自齊衰以下行也 緦不祭觀此條義乃明蓋必同宫然後廢祭也知然 者以外喪自齊衰以下行也諸侯之大夫服夫人期 天王七月皆廢祭則外喪齊衰謂世父母叔父母兄 弟不同宫者可知以同宫為斷則祭之廢者寡矣雜
 記如同宫雖臣妾葬而後祭况緦服乎所祭於死者無 服則祭亦謂母妻之族或有故而與己同居者非然 則既曰外喪自齊衰以下行而復立此文亦贅甚矣 門内大功廢祭者大夫之大功皆期之降也君之喪服除而后殷祭禮也 注不得追祭惟適子為庶人庶子仕則然若並仕則 追祭二祥庶子亦與無適庶子亦得自追二祥宗子為士庶子為大夫其祭也如之何孔子曰以上牲
祭於宗子之家祝曰孝子某為介子某薦其常事 周人貴貴祖廟以大夫得立恐於禮有變故特明其 祭於宗子之家也禮至大夫每有變而不得自立廟 則庶子為士宗子為庶人者無變可知矣所問不及 庶人者古者卿大夫元士之適子並入國學舎不帥 敎而屛之逺方鮮不為士者官族士族之適子降為 庶人者至少也 古者命士以上父子必異宫蓋有 僚友有屬吏若與父同宫則已之事難展而父之事
 亦多礙然父子宫不可同而廟則可立於宗子之家 何也廟中之事春秋有期而宫中之事朝夕無間也  宗子得為介子主祭而無父為子有爵者主祭之 禮何也古者三十而娶四十而仕子為命士則父必 老而傳矣經傳内無庶人為宗子得為大夫士主祭 之文然義起於祖禰則宗子雖庶人義不可奪諸侯 之禮祖廟未毁公族為庶人恩禮一與貴者同罪在 大辟君為之變如其倫之喪况臣下乎 聘使之副
 曰介正使有故則介攝其事故子婦亦以是為稱曰 為介子某薦其常事以禮儀牲器皆介子之邀君賜 也詩曰于以奠之宗室牖下誰其尸之有齊季女尸 者主其事也豈大夫割牲而宗子為之薦大夫之妻 治具而宗婦為之薦與攝主不厭祭不旅不假不綏祭不配 注但言薦嵗事於皇祖伯某不言以某妃配非也五 者皆攝主自損抑之義非所以施於神也不隋祭示
 不敢為主也故尸則隋祭如常矣不假不敢受其福 也不旅不敢尸其惠也不厭祭示主人不在未能必 神之厭飫也事死如事生以主祭者不在而屛先妣 不得受祭何義乎設宗子終不反國先妣之祭遂自 是而絶乎舊說以攝主即庶子為大夫者更非也按 公羊傳大夫聞君之喪攝主而往蓋凡以國政出子 皆攝祭無子則兄弟或兄弟之子此記攝主正公羊 傳所云蓋暫攝也惟暫攝則使主婦與之同薦徹不
 可也主婦在而使攝主之妻代主婦更不可也故使 有司代之周官大宗伯凡大祭祀王后不與/則攝而薦豆籩徹等而下之可知而不必 夫婦相比以供祀事所謂不配也如宗子得罪居他 國而庶子承祀則庶子之妻宜為主婦而禮無減損 蓋祭必夫婦親之宗子無歸期主婦之事有司可暫 攝而不可常也且記特以攝主别之正恐與上義相䝉 若五者即庶子主祭之禮則語直相承攝主之文為 贅設矣下文所謂宗兄宗弟宗子在他國者即攝主
 告賔之辭也惟朝聘暫寄他國故以不得親祭告賔 若被放出奔而失守宗祊尚何告之有 祭莫重於 隂厭僾見愾聞所以思成而為合漠之本也必不可 廢故知攝主所損乃堂事既畢後之陽厭耳宗子死告於墓而後祭於家 注疏云容宗子之家無廟非也義起於己之無爵不 闗廟之有無宗子去在他國不敢就其家之廟以祭 而望墓為壇以廟乃君所以優有爵者而非庶人所
 得干也既以罪去而其身又死即其子亦當毁廟而 祭於寢况庶弟之無爵者乎如死於官則廟可存得 用其牲禮於子祭於孫止宗子死稱名不言孝身沒而已 公羊氏謂小宗無後當絶蓋據儀禮喪服傳云後大 宗及此記身沒則已但喪服傳乃謂百世不遷之大 宗决不可無後非謂繼禰繼祖之小宗不宜立後也 小宗無後者蓋遭事之變間一有之或庶子僅一子
 尚㓜而身沒其子長不忍父無主後不肯嗣世父在 禮長子不為人後則無兄弟而獨承父重亦義所不 得禁也若庶子有子二人凡有人心者皆知當以一 嗣其兄而先王制禮乃謂宜絶以教民忍乎吾友此 平王源僅一子以嗣兄遺令他年若有孫二人則以 少者承已後後之君子所宜取法也今之祭者不首其義故誣於祭也 首當作省
殤不祔祭何謂隂厭陽厭 會子意謂成人祔祭於廟而有尸故縁尸之未入而 有隂厭既起而有陽厭殤既無尸何以有此名故夫 子舉其禮以示之也宗子為殤而死庶子弗為後也 庶子即代宗子者弗為後謂庶子以其倫代而不得 為殤子之後也對宗子言則代者無問適庶皆稱庶 子
凡殤與無後者祭於宗子之家 以是知自適士至庶人皆得祭祖禰也適士二廟則 分祭之官師一廟則合祭之庶人祭於寢亦得兼祖 禰然後祖以下殤與無後者乃得祭於其家 注云 凡殤惟死祭之過此以往不祭又云凡庶殤不祭未 知何據齊衰大功皆親者也殤與無後者從祖祔食 則宜以祖之祭為凖祖祧則止其祔食宜於祭之明 日簡其儀節而合饗之 儀禮喪服傳乃儒者釋經
 之文其精者必承授於先賢而粗者或參以臆說不 皆中於理也如為人後者為其父母報傳禽獸知母 而不知父野人曰父母何算焉都邑之士則知尊禰 矣大夫及學士則知尊祖矣俱鄙倍而不確且君子行禮不以人之親痁患 痁當作阽楚辭阽余身而危死漢文帝詔阽於死亡 蓋邊近之義下殤土周葬于園遂輿機而往塗邇故也今墓逺則其
葬也如之何孔子曰吾聞諸老耼曰昔者史佚有子而死下殤也墓逺召公謂之曰何以不棺斂於宫中史佚曰吾敢乎哉召公言於周公周公曰豈不可史佚行之下殤用棺衣棺自史佚始也 陳氏集說曽子問不用輿機則當用人舉棺或用車 載非也果爾則當以人車所宜示之矣蓋曽子所疑 者以機載尸輿而往斂於葬所以在園也若墓逺則 尸不宜暴於道路故孔子答以自史佚以来已有棺
 斂於宫中之禮也曰棺斂者輿機則棺在園以尸就 之斂於宫中則入棺而後行葬也棺衣衣字當作平 聲周人以夏后氏之堲周葬中殤下殤堲周者以甎 周於棺之坎非不用棺特不以棺斂於宫中耳三年之喪卒哭金革之事無辟也者禮與 喪大記君既葬王事入於國既卒哭而服王事大夫 士既葬公政入於家既卒哭弁絰帶金革之事無辟 也春秋傳閔子要絰而即事曰若此乎古之道不即
 人心則此為周制明矣孔子惟舉夏殷之禮而証以 古記與子路問魯大夫練而牀答以吾不知同義及 子夏再問則舉魯公有為為之而惟病時人之以喪 從利大義耿著終不言周制之非聖人之語言氣象 如此夏后氏三年之喪既殯而致事殷人既葬而致事 朱軾曰初喪哀痛不暇及此故待殯葬畢然後告君 而致其職事也

  • Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    decides 4 complete Die Yin resolve a doubt coils 7Fang Bao of Zuo of Zheng of serve of courtyard of member of the Imperial Academy is written child Dear of doctor person advocate in Shu Bo of secondary crown rises Na Dazhu of Wu Xi Zuo From on the west Zuo Bao do not rise hall life to not cryGrave is slaughtered and do not say advocate person or grave slaughters disease also be able to he dear Also accuse child unripe advocate of child Yao with respect to Li official with thing
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    Not Er advocate do not disrelish also child the establish of not strange day and night slaughters advocate appropriate risesHall Long child unripe Ning dear doctor parity falls at Zuo and not Ning Zhu Tong is accused3 days Yao like that after child show in order to rise already heir gentleman sends advocateThing and the Long that slaughters me in all also still Zuo life too Bao Taizong Ning too historyAll this Yin child Yao Zai Zongren wishs know Xianjun in order to be to be in too slaughter ancestorUncle the important matter needs in the company of and 4 dear all of palm of apprentice of large department of hall thing is brought big / Si Zuo ping scholar-bureaucrat is bigThe king before department all / the thing on hall has department to need manages its thing like that after gets of life of Ning reason Zuo The thing that wishs to accuse a god with child Yao history with the thing of book life also accuses
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    And do not rise hall with Bie Wuzi Yao before alsoTurn over an establish that satisfy faceSay to know to accuse toward establish then be like with face surely give birth to day of in proper order toward establish alreadyface is accused also3 days of Xiao are master dear doctor person if firstUnripe March and Yao demises 3 days and Yao person heavy heir Kui is about to comfort urgently firstJun Hun soul alsoLittle Feng Zi in order to decline
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    World child only then the Feng Zi of Jun Hong that gives birth to Yao Wu Jun to predict person Zuo with little withUnripe namely Yao of heir reason Mr alsoZai Zongren Say before too Zai Taizong after says article of Zai Zongren province alsoThe person that cry into Zuo stopsAccuse child Zuo of Bao of unripe Zhu Sheng only then the life not cries child Yao has a kind at palace personAlready Qianzhizhi the person that reason cries into Zuo stops oneself also Die needs all right with of government on purpose face cries period
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    Child the Zuo that do obeisance to check cries Xiao of Zhu Zaizong's person is master dear doctor person cries leap up 3 person 3Fall is turned over all leave uncovered child in leap up room also leap upOnly then cry and not leap up person elephant only then dead caw also the person that after is leap up resembles Leap up also piece 3 days of small and the article that after has leap up person Zuo Die not Gentleman makes of of doctor of leap up not leap up is constant Die and after leap up also allLeave uncovered person child the elephant of of Xiao of leave uncovered only then the hall on hall of scanty also Zheng issues dead Die cry blame reason not leave uncovered turns over a very short time to cry today a blame of reason leave uncovered also leave uncovered stopsSend grand to fear namely at Hou of Zheng of 3 the emperor also with 5 Ning 7 are spent not Long face
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    Evening cries all leave uncovered also below the hall on hall not leave uncovered person child not leave uncovered also child not leave uncovered personElephant only then dead Zuo is contained and after leave uncovered also knows child leave uncovered person after Er Yao also childThe person that holding place Zheng leave uncovered in the arms is special relax takes blame and Zuo to also go straight towards to cry outside its leap up also on Zong Renzhi of foreword Zhu Wuzai with Feng Zi person cry wishs Kui with initiate leap up alsoEstablish goes outWorld child unripe urgent desire reason accuses Long Wu Xianjun already and after of Chao Dianzi Yao After says establish gives establish already first Zuo San world child give birth to Yao Wu Jun 3 days to receive
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    Aether prison needs face is fed and of the inside after travel Die child was not fed and / Yao is March renown child reason morning establishAlso also wish before Yao of Yu Wu Zi already Er child the name slaughters a person with Yao Surely early days Zuo decides its name and one of San of Yin article answers be not the Die that be like Yin Geng provides Yu already Er name is famous already establish of cloud of Zuo calm gives Establish already before Yu is knowable alsoThe big Zhu Shi that slaughter a life accuses Yu Wusi mountains and rivers-land with renown accuses Wu Wusi mountains and rivers-land to be made at reach fall to be accused with renown reach an administrative unit in Xizang of the god of the land and the god of the grain-the state mountains and rivers-land and are made at Zhu of San each other also not bury child unripe does not accuse Wu Zong
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    The manage cloud of the god of the land and the god of the grain-the state is accused reach 5 worshipping mountains and rivers-land the god of the land and the god of the grain-the state of of an administrative unit in Xizang need notCharacter already Ning ancestor mountains and rivers-land of the god of the land and the god of the grain-the state and say the Zuo that reach reason knows Make at alsoWas a name in March at Die Shu Yun accuses palace in advocate with this has not have Die also Dan Yu and makeAdvocate Zheng Hou Wuyue and bury Yu only then and child unripe Gong An must have in MarchAdvocate San namely with Die of palace also only then unripe namely the cloud is accused at false Die of Die Er and rather than has advocate bright Ning of of of palace of of Jian much Er this
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    The soul Zuo of Wang Yuejun of of the Zuo that be the same as Li still is in Gong Zisan day and Yao Of friend early name already bury and accuse the month at Die Zuo to child in order to install Zuo Appropriate alsoWith the name is accused reach mountains and rivers-land of of an administrative unit in Xizang of the god of the land and the god of the grain-the stateOver of Wu Zong of order the god of the land and the god of the grain-the state person monarch the god of the land and the god of the grain-the state already renown at Die firstThe god of the land and the god of the grain-the state and appropriate of after Li Facial features of you a life Home goes after thatNot Yan Qing and Ning 5 doctors dear is differ and the doctor needs 5 also life and
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    Doctor dear need not characterHou photograph Yao accuses Zheng to take and give Zhu Shi of Yao court order to accuse at Die face surely at 5 Place Zuo mountains and rivers-land facial features of life Home and also go out to need Yin accuses Yu Zu Die to be insteadLife Zhu Shi is accused as to before the person that be accused after that Long enter towardReason of Yan of travel of Zhi of Zuo of of of the emperor of Zheng Hou Yao removing from office accuses Wu Sheji ancestor hillPlain as a result its shake scrupulously and respectfully respectful meaning also the battle of the god of the land and the god of the grain-the state of blame of Yao of Zheng Hou XiangReason does not accuse Wu Zu and churchyard mountains and rivers-land also not is accused also need Yin is accused instead atAncestor Die person go out from Die above not Yin is accused also Yao the emperor not character person need not
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    Character alsoReach bury from not establish travel bury not sad second turn over bury establish and after Zuo is repaired then at Its Yu Yexian weighs bury matter and after Zuo Die alsoIf give birth to father of of mother , Die starts armed struggle dead with Li not the affection of establish former father andAnd of Zuo also father not the affection of former parent of self-righting of bury mother and of wait also orSay of Zuo of after a coffin with corpse in weighs host not dare Zuo of arrogate to oneself and father establish is not him againPerson but reason not establish also already in Zuo of night of of Ning of evening Die early in the morning namely Ning andTo of of ancestor already Zuo bright with Zuo Zuo Yu implement thing of a coffin with corpse in of Man Zuo
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    Free time of of cause of force full more Yu establish at in person the Zuo Zuo of the room below San is providedThe establish passion that as usual Zuo lacks a note of the ancient Chinese five-tone scale one day can be installed also child says crest coronal person come to bow with hands clasped to Zhu and decline into Long Zuo the of great meritThe He Kongzi that be like says inside coronal of of the outside and do not sweet wine Zuo and SaoAccession and cry the person that be like a coronal did not come Zheng Home is outside outside also be an official of brother of San uncle uncle at or of the Long that be put must not run quickly or run quickly and must not satisfy a reason namely Zuo of coronal place And Sao and if the dead is different,cry house or guest die and the wife is in this
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    appropriate runs quickly cry to should not be at its home Wu Ji's to Wang ChenThe official of Wu Houhou at of Long of hold a memorial ceremony for of madam Zuo unfavorable Wu GuanTherefore not also Zha of inside and outside of Ning Zha big Zuo Be like crest and do not period day and Zuo declines the of great merit little work because is taken and the coronal does not change a coronal except Zuo of Zheng of Zuo collect Zha declines to be able to be taken because of below and coronal declines cannot San because child place declines from Zuo and fall to beg its Li and do not get of to one's liking Zha is not also with coronal fine Die cannot be added at fierce those who take little work
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    Zuo and be taken because of and coronal Zheng declines painful deep not OK Ning fine Die Zuo declines take hold father concurrently to do not have mother 3 years of Ning grandparent period itsPainful not of Ceng Zi place declines from Zuo the following because of, declines Take and the coronal goes to the day that eliminates coronal period already Zuo and take is heavy from notAlter a coronal reason declines with Zuo the following or passable ear of doubt of changing a coronalA man's cap used in ancient times of crown of Zheng of the emperor Zuo Dr Hou is taken at big Doctor and have not coronal person also Hou Shiyou of the Zheng inside Zheng collects the ground to be like Zhou ShaozhiStand ear dear of doctor person child not coronal all the rank of nobility person also reason but because of
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    Take and the Zuo of the Gongqing inside the Ji of Zheng Hou Ning that the coronal is like Kui world child row of the rank of nobilityVery honour with the emperor of of coronal of crown a man's cap used in ancient times not life not dare illicit take also and notCan the rank of nobility person Hou Zhisi of Zheng of the reason that take a hat needs because of Zuo Yao dear doctorchild wait for Jian surely and of false Wu Tai of the emperor of Wu Tianzi of after Zha life with Zuo the Zuo that the person that coronal sweets wine sweets wine to add a coronal therefore so Die coronal person dayChild already Zuo is taken with crown not dare more establish of Yu of coronal reason alone in order to because of,accuse ancestor Die Make the person drinks wine and from Taoist sacrificial ceremony from Yan of soldier the rank of nobility with Zuo of Jun Zhi adds a coronal Zuo also the Die reason cloud of Zuo Zuo drinks and exchanges of toasts ear of Taoist sacrificial ceremony
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    Die does not sweet wine and Taoist sacrificial ceremony person also common of Zuo Zheng differs use Taoist sacrificial ceremony and need notThe person that sweet wine if Zuo of of of Taoist sacrificial ceremony of coronal of this place Zheng knows like that person already added coronal alreadyThe rank of nobility of Taoist sacrificial ceremony of Zuo of the person that establish after has department thing and woman of Zuo not Yu is married andIts Die of of person of Ji and female Zuo also Die rises with Li add a coronal to weigh Die Is because of,reason added with Yin of Zuo Zuo coronal of Yin Taoist sacrificial ceremony person be like with of Zuo of of Taoist sacrificial ceremony? reason knows to have department Zuo also establish and Xuan Taoist sacrificial ceremony person take Wu Gongchao in order to suffer Taoist sacrificial ceremony alsoAlready hold a memorial ceremony for and Uncle Yao uncle after that Zuo coronal person
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    Ancient person period Yin namely Gong Bitong palace reason but Yao uncle uncle and after Zuo coronal person of Ning uncle uncle is the same as the Yao of brotherly sister sister-in-law of the room at inside Person prep before characterEstablish of the person that Zuo of doctor of establish of the person that of of Hou Zhi of the emperor Zheng declines declines establish of person friendInsufficient takes Wu Dagong the following person insufficient converselyEstablish of the person that of Hou of the emperor Zheng declines all the official of the same surname that surnames not Xiao of Ning place Zheng Host is also the person that doctor Zuo declines the person that Dian Jichen declines all Ning is insufficient like thatAfter is taken decline at Zuo also establish of person friend is insufficient only then take Yin of Wu Xiaogong San
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    Person do not make thing with Zuo its the person that sad fluctuation place also knows doctor Zuo to decline togetherThe Die of the person that be not worth that establish declines with Xuan fills Wu Shi and takes the elder brother that Zuo declinesThing of younger brother not Jian also hold a memorial ceremony for of of Hou Zhi of Zheng of later development the emperor not the person that declines notThe inadequacy that of Ning of the person that Dr Ning Zuo declines declines with Xuan bright person take at person and the doctor is taken at Yin person thing of He Ye person all declines and with Zuo of the Yan that take Zuo not Er also person take at brotherly great merit the following person bright ancestorFather uncle the little work of uncle not Ning also Jin not hold a memorial ceremony for
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    Jin not Yao of of hold a memorial ceremony for is like Zheng of the not negotiable the Song Dynasty that be like Zuo like that at Jian big a group of things with common features Jin The hold a memorial ceremony for of a of the of of result needs Jian of father latterThe person that giving a parent takes not reason of hold a memorial ceremony for also at Mu Zhien of of Shang Yicheng hold a memorial ceremony forAlso do not error with hold a memorial ceremony for of result Jin therefore the holiday makes a doctor child person is withOf 4 worlds brother take and the hold a memorial ceremony for of Zuo first Wang Zhi Die needs is alsoThe of hold a memorial ceremony for of Yu Dr Yao Faint Die already Ji has the He Kongzi that female parental dead is like auspicious day to say The parental dead that makes person is like female home also makes father of Er of of person father
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    Father and mother of mother of mother Er is absent of mother of world of Uncle Er already the uncle of bury Deadly female family name says some child the that has father and mother does not get heir brother to make someDeadly Zheng of Yu of female family name and not dare marry Die also the parents that avoids daughter makes person Zha nots take what female also parents dead also is like the Die that marries after thatFemale do not marry avoids and do not marry of impersonal already affection in order to wait for withWait for female female avoid and do not marry kill Li especially the Zha that this notes the home also its Die Ning Zuo is Zheng of the person that has auspicious day and Yu does not get heir brother to be not gottenDay of of the place before Kui heir and get married Die also auspicious was in surely recently beforehand of a period of ten days / inside and deadly in already the after of bury
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    Friend says before Kui of heir Zheng Kui / period and more day Yu of Zheng of Yu of female also family name also avoids with change the date and Zha Zha its day also nots take Zuo sad did not forget that he cannot bear fast suffer room also marry after thatstrong and after can be married namely also be like at the that avoids already Ji and not Zha Zuo of Ning of this Die of period father of Yu those home dies this mother is in Uncle uncle not is not deadly life of as a result of mother of Er of Zhu of Die Fu But also daughter advocate male advocate do obeisance to female Zuo at the inside Zuo male advocate daughterAdvocate do obeisance to male Zuo at Zun is done obeisance to below Zuo but besides deadly Yu parents allDie of of mother of uncle uncle makes a person deadly from Er name but female also
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    Brotherly Er name is deadly but alsoMale do not enter change take at outside second female into change take at inside second like that after accession and cry of the outside rebuking family name Zheng is like to already bowed with hands clasped to Zhu to enter of of the inside Zuo faints all right Die Blame also the brother of uncle of Zuo Zhe Yibai that Zuo declines tentativelies sister also great merit 9Month not inside drive period decline at Zuo together and bear with becomes Die first femaleAppropriate is entered inside house second male attends Home after got married in March together at Ning Husband person if female Zuo declines the of great merit can not turn over Die Ning in has to be the same as
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    The that divide not faints Die Bright red Zuo says Fu meaning already of day of divides to close with aunt of uncle of dark clothing Yao The Die that Yu of Zuo does obeisance to Zuo hises or her bright namely Yao does not wait in MarchIn March and of of Yao Er also day and the Li that hold a memorial ceremony for becomes at Die alsoUncle aunt wishs the of Er of aunt of uncle of San of of Zuo Er with of of Yao Wu ZuUncle aunt in March day of of after husband and hold a memorial ceremony for at Die like that Wu Zu of after Yao If uncle aunt slants, aning enclosure for storing grain says the faint that put bright washing Zuo as usual not The person that Yao blame also is put sends Zuo and not Die at the person that die but if mother's brother does not have aunt to put
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    age is enjoyed child appropriate bear tentatively namely do not have mother's brother to put Yi She of Hu of beans of Zuo a round-mouthed food vessel with two or four loop handles offers what also be like Yao of of of Zuo of hold a memorial ceremony for period first Yao of day andAfter offers sacrifices to a thing to be like sacrificial vessel of appropriate of of Yao period Zuo in all and make a room old or assist is fedQueen of Shu Yan has friend of a large amount of uncle Dai / Shu and do not make of of Gong Qing world is had no with San of wait Yao Not Yao and hurriedly bear worshipping thing person also bright red Zuo says ancestor Die of Yao all Yao dish of day establish puts Yao Yin at aunt of Die uncle with special pig washs Zuo so and after also not bastinado does not poor not second
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    Maiden and female dead still the Zuo of declines already bury and after divides not Yao Zuo Decline with Jian knowable alsoThe husband also is like to deathFemale appropriate declines and not period and after divides sob and Long Make advocate in order to goWood advocate and say He Ye sends form and toward receive fine and make prediction instead advocate with arriveA few banquet and Jin Yi Li advocate in order to depend on first Jian of Zha of essence of life gets together at beThe Zuo bright of the person that dies also Yan offers sacrifices to at Tibet at Dai much year
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    And more make one advocate be not and whyThe Gu former times of person Zuo of Xiao Zuo fair Zuo meets with season Zha of Huan Zizhi Mr Xiao sad fair Zuo does not get life fair advocate the guest enters Kang Zili at Zuo right inFair bow with hands clasped to Zhu to rise from Zuo Zuo guest rises on the west from on the west Zuo is fair do obeisance to Ning to cry Kang ZiThe Zuo that do obeisance to check at have Si Fu Zuo also today Gu from season Kang Zizhi Zuo alsoNote not bright the person that have department appropriate Zuo Zheng of He Shitang the Song Dynasty Confucianism all Zheng sad fair advocate Die is fair also do obeisance to Zuo season to should not be already more do obeisance to Zha ancient person Mr Zuo hasThe Die of Yin scholar-bureaucrat like that not Zuo only then come to rise Zuo and cry already heart
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    And Zuo establish Yu wants Geng and leap up not Long has do obeisance to Die also of Li of Zuo of Ning swallowSwallow Die official does obeisance to kowtow and gentleman answers Yan Ke also a coffin with corpse in of cadaver falls on his back like that Wu TangAnd the does obeisance to the dead heart that gets gentleman is installed of Xiao Hou Zhi originallies namely Zuo not The Die that the life has of official of Ning of department appropriate Mr Zuo has cry leap up and is done obeisance to in order to fair Ning Xiao Hou establishs Wu Tang to go up and season is done obeisance to issue horizontal stroke of season Zuo at Zuo also withOf also Xiao Hou bends Zuo the official at Zuo sad fair cannot self-improvement andThe Gu day of similarly hereinafter Wu Jishi is easy the Zhu with a greatest Ji you a personFamily name of season of Wei having department and not dare of after Confucianism person also muddled do not know its to be not like that
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    Zuo does obeisance to Die with answering fairly very inapprehensible also Xiao Zuo cannot be decided oneselfBeg Yin at Xiao to not hesitate at Zuo reason disgrace body with fawn on the person of father of refus of season family nameWhy cherish of place of sufficient deep Zuo person sad faint fairly cowardly ear Meng Zhi? Zuo Hou kowtowFair can Die does not answer and the Bai Jisi Zuo of Xiao Zuo dare not answer blame haughtyAt Zuo respectful at Xiao the Dai of angry also Zuo is small and the Dai of regret Wu Jishi is deepThe disgrace that Jian unavoidable Zuo jumps over cannot hold with Die and also bend annals in vain like that atThe path of Dai of Ji of strong official Zuo child have 2 Gu with and ConfuciusSay today one of Gu blame and of effect person Xiao San politics is in doctor
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    The that naturally lists strong official to all bear Mr Zuo is done obeisance to and its Jun Yi in order to answer officialThe doing obeisance to of like thatThe emperor make one's rounds huntings with Zuo advocate travel Zuo has surely at Zuo Zuo character honour also also take todayOf 7 advocate break with travel Of Zuo advocate reason of hold a memorial ceremony for but Zuo huntings with travel make one's rounds and Zuo advocate at Zuo Zuo Does Ning all stop so at Zheng Hou Zhizu teach since Wu Wei form of unhealthy environmental influences that cause disease at? InsignificantAlsoGentleman goes its too slaughter extraction Li advocate with Die also
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    of of Zhou Cui of San of Die of common law of this blame week and the person that the person that gentleman runs quickly has this Yin Die The place of the emperor that be like because of reaching is put shed Dai of an administrative unit in Xizang not to suffer from advocate namely less than Zuo runs away in also Gai Lijun not is taken advocate in order to go also loving mother from Zuo clear fair only then alsoClear of Zuo of left Zuo is fair Gong Wuci's mother of Zuo of Zha of family name of much season of the thing that break Die still notBear and the of Zuo 3 Yi Cui as before decline is fair year be not very little Zha againKnowable San Jun civilian knowing family name of Jun Erwei season is reason Xiao of its Zha Zuo What all believe is long and cannot differentiate also
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    The Hou that be like Zheng all is in and the emperor of of solar eclipse saves day each with its square lubricious Ning itsArmsIf be not the period Zheng Hou of face Yin to all not be in square color not Zuo is saved stopMufti not with arms of square lubricious Ning alsoThe emperor dies not 5 worshipping hold a memorial ceremony for are no good already and hold a memorial ceremony for its hold a memorial ceremony for also cadaver is entered 3 Zuo does not press Zuo not vinegar justWeek official grave slaughters of bright Zuo of hold a memorial ceremony for of king of Zong Baijie to slaughter to have disease Zong BaiThe country of world of alone hold a memorial ceremony for jumps over Jian and act heaven and earth person the place of large order bear
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    The god of the land and the god of the grain-the state person the place of evaporate civilian is depended on also say like that heaven and earth and do not say sacred zhuan3huan2Qiu Fang and outside suburbs greets offer sacrifices to also not Yin also besides heaven and earth but4 Zuo of of character the god of the land and the god of the grain-the state 4 Neishanchuanyin looking at Ji monarch first the hold a memorial ceremony for of Long Also not the after that Yin also is Wu Shi bend forward Yin its Zuo of 5 worshipping Zuo notes and commentariesFrom? Its Zha is cloud world the country to go reason of Ta Zuo jumps over Jian 5 offer sacrifices to Zuo of past of close not jumps over Jian not to think of the god of the land and the god of the grain-the state to be in Zuo Ning 5 offer sacrifices to ear waits in palace not with Li weigh Zuo and Zuo of its ground Zuo close how is my also
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    Beans of Hu of Zuo of Zu Ji of vessel of hold a memorial ceremony for already Confucius of of the person that Yu must not become Die Say of 9 Zha say the Jun Zhi of Mrs. Jun Hong after the emperor dies is big fire solar eclipse Zuo of 3 years declines great merit all the outside declines from Zuo the followingRow also Jin not Li of this of Yin of hold a memorial ceremony for is bright San to need with Gong Ran after hold a memorial ceremony for also knows like thatPerson beyond declines to go below from Zuo also Zheng Dr Hou Zhi takes madam periodDay Wang Qiyue all Zuo of the outside of hold a memorial ceremony for declines elder brother of mother of uncle of Zheng world parentsYounger brother is different palace person knowable in order to be the same as the of hold a memorial ceremony for of of palace person few Zuo
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    Yin Jin of condition of hold a memorial ceremony for takes as bury of concubine of palace Zuo official after place hold a memorial ceremony for at the dead's The hold a memorial ceremony for that take also Zheng mother wife a group of things with common features or have so the personal person that live together is not Ning like that says already outside declines to go below from Zuo and establishs Zuo of this Wen Yi veryHold a memorial ceremony for of of the great merit inside Zuo person the doctor's great merit all period fall alsoJun Zhi is taken except abundant after that Die of hold a memorial ceremony for alsoNote must not chase after Zuo of alone of hold a memorial ceremony for child of be an official of bastard of person of be the concubine is like of be an official like thatChase after hold a memorial ceremony for 2 auspicious bastard also bastard of Ning Zuo also is derived from chase after 2 auspiciousZong Zi person the He Kongzi that its hold a memorial ceremony for also is like bastard Dr says above animal sacrifice
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    Hold a memorial ceremony for wishs a dutiful son at Home Zong Zizhi some meson some Shu its commonplaceAncestor of Zuo of week person Zuo must stand with the doctor fear having Zhu friend at Die special bright itsThe home of Wu Zongzi of hold a memorial ceremony for also Die every have Zhu and do not get free-standing to the doctor bastard person person of be the concubine of Zong Zi person Zhu is knowable place not as good asPerson of be the concubine person Yuan Shizhi of Dr Gu Zheqing Zuo child enters Ning not and the Zuo square Zuo of not person person government-owned a group of things with common features person a group of things with common features Zuo child fall Person of be the concubine person at least ancient also person father and son of life person above needs palace San hasIf Ning father is the same as palace ,official friend has official already thing Zuo is exhibited and the thing of father
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    Also much Dai like that the home that palace of father and son cannot is the same as and can establish Wu ZongziThe issue year in He Ye has period and Zuo of of a very short time of Gong Zhongzhi work alsoZong Zi gets meson officiant and father child of officiant of the person that have an ancient win vessel with three legs and a loop handle Die He Ye is ancient person 30 and marry 40 and be an official child life person father needsOld and Zong Zi of of person of be the concubine of the inside Jian gets doctor person officiant Li of person of be the concubine of Zuo of Zong Zi of of Die of the Wu Zu since Wen Ran Li cannot Zheng Hou Die ancestor was not destroyed fair one Ning of Die of favour of person of be the concubine of a group of things with common features Zuo person be in with the blameBelow the Kuang Chen of the Zhu if of of capital punishment gentleman hire those who make is deputy
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    Say interpose is making have its accident of of reason interpose child also say in order to be Er meson some Shu its commonplace with Die animal sacrifice implement all the Zuo inviting gentleman of mesonAlso Yu says to issue Zha at windowing with Dian Zhizong room the cadaver of Ji Nv having Zuo of its cadaverPerson advocate its thing also Dr Zuo cuts animal sacrifice and of Dr Shu of Zong Zi wifeTreat provide and ancestor the Shu Ning of advocate not hold a memorial ceremony for not brigade truly not Jian hold a memorial ceremony for does not deserveNote Bai Mou of Wu Huang ancestor of thing of of Dan Yan Shu not character deserves to be not with some the wife of a prince also 5Person all advocate the Li blame that ors from is applied so at the god also not hold a memorial ceremony for of the Sui Dynasty is shown
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    Not dare advocate also as usual of hold a memorial ceremony for of the Sui Dynasty of reason cadaver truly dare not accept its blessingAlso not brigade not dare cadaver its benefit also not hold a memorial ceremony for shows host to be absent fail to needMagical Zuo also the thing is born like the thing to death with officiant person be absent and first deceased motherMust not suffer hold a memorial ceremony for why Li Jian of Yu Zong Zi does not turn over first the deceased mother's hold a memorial ceremony for is satisfied fromBe and Jian Ning Zha with advocate namely bastard Dr person more blame also press of of Jun Zhi of Long of ram Dr advocate and altogether toward San with politics goes out childAll of hold a memorial ceremony for child of brother or brother child this Yin advocate ram of of San of place cloud also buts makes advocate the is the same as Shu of Ning not
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    But also advocate is in and make advocate wife generation advocate more cannot also reason makesThe Zhou Guanda Zong Baifan of generation having department is big sacred queen not Ning / and of Shu beans Hu from that grade down is knowable and need not photograph compares the husband to offer sacrifices to work place Zheng in order to offer to do not deserve to also be like Zong Zi to displease reside him and bastard bear the wife appropriate of worshipping bastard advocate and of Die San hold a memorial ceremony for needs the of Zong Zi of husband Yin period advocate the thing of has department but and cannot constant also and is Yin special with advocate fasten fearing photograph of the Li on Ning ? If 5 person namely the straight photograph of Die Zha of bastard officiant bear advocate article Zuo Yu Zheng of later development place ancestor Zong Zi of younger brother of elder brother an administrative unit in Xizang is in his person namely advocate
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    The Zuo that accuses Zuo also buts face hires to send his reason to accuse Zuo with getting Yin hold a memorial ceremony forIf be given off,run quickly and the Mo Chongwu having hold a memorial ceremony for that Shang He of Dai of fall an administrative unit in Xizang accuses Long of of Yao of Zuo is thought of so and adds up to desert also need originally cannot reason knows advocate place is hall thing already the Zuo ear of afterZong Zi accuses Wu Jia of at the grave after hold a memorial ceremony for to deathNotes and commentaries the domestic of cloud Rong Zongzi is not also the the rank of nobility of the Wu Ji since Li notThe Zong Zi having of Zuo goes be in his not dare the with respect to its home with hold a memorial ceremony forAnd of visitting a grave is gentleman with place of person of be the concubine of and rather than of the person that so has an ancient win vessel with three legs and a loop handle
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    Dry also go with the blame already and its body dies again namely its child also destroys andHold a memorial ceremony for ofs or by the concubine at condition the the rank of nobility of younger brother person if die,can put at government-owned With its hold a memorial ceremony for of Wu Zi of animal sacrifice Die stops at Name of Zong Zi dead Er not Yan Xiaoshen is done not have just of Die of of of San of Jian of of after of of Xiaozong of Zheng of ram family name takes cloud after bigAncestor reach this Yin body to do not have already but takes to be 100 worlds of Zheng not of Zuo bigAncestor anything but but Zu Zhi of Kui of Die of Kui of Zheng of after blame is small should not be establish after also San of Xiaozong latter has by the Zhu Zuo of the thing or bastard one child
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    Still? And do not have its personally child Zuo cannot bear father advocate after does not agree heir generation male relative of a senior generation is in Die Zuo child not brother of of of person after and bear father is heavy also Li place notMust ban also be like bastard to have child the person that 2 people every has popular feeling all knows with oneHeir its elder brother and first king make Die be Zheng appropriate Jian in order to teach civilian bear I is friendly this of smooth Wang Yuan one child make him with Zuo of heir elder brother year if have 2 people withLittle person bear already the take as one's model of gentleman place appropriate of after after alsoToday hold a memorial ceremony for person not head Zha of its Li reason at hold a memorial ceremony for alsoHead makes a province
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    not Dai hold a memorial ceremony for why of Zuo of Zheng Zuo child hold a memorial ceremony for of Dai of meaning Zheng adult has dead body of cadaver reason Jun at was not entered and having Zuo rises already and have Zuo already why does cadaver have this reason husbandChild Ning its Die with showing also of Zong Zi and dead bastard nots after alsoBastard takes the place of namely Zong Zi person not to bastard of after Zheng takes the place of with its and be not gotten child after also Zuo of of of the person that Zong Ziyan takes the place of ofs or by the concubine all Er be the concubineChild
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    The home of Wu Zongzi of hold a memorial ceremony for of latter of of every Ning Know in order to be oneself Zuo person all gets Die of ancestor of hold a memorial ceremony for to person of be the concubine also Zuo person 2 One adds up to the government-owned that divides hold a memorial ceremony for the hold a memorial ceremony for of person of be the concubine of hold a memorial ceremony for also must hold concurrently at ancestor Die like that latter of Ning gets Wu Jijia of hold a memorial ceremony for to note the cloud therefore under after ancestorThe Zuo of dead hold a memorial ceremony for of every alone this before not hold a memorial ceremony for Yun Fanshu not hold a memorial ceremony for notKnow why Zuo declines great merit all Yin person also ancestor Dai of of latter of Ning is fed appropriate with of of Zu Zhi hold a memorial ceremony for of ancestor be or become heir to stops its Dai feeds appropriate at hold a memorial ceremony for bright Geng of day Ha its and the Die that adds up to Zuo takes to be Confucianism person Zuo Jian
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    civil its essence person surely bear award Wu Xian Zuo and thick person or with chest Zha notAll medium Wu Li also is like of person latter rhizome of wind-weed of of birds of of its parents And do not know father savage to say the person that why parents calculates Yan Douyi knows honour Die person of doctor and knows honour ancestor all despises times and not Chu And gentleman travel Die not the Yin with the person suffers from makes more than body of Dian of Dian Hunan Zuo and Dian of Yu of emperor of article of danger dead at deathThe Li with San close Zuo Bury of week of earth issueing satisfies Zuo at and reason of past Zuo also today grave Zuo its
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    The He Kongzi that bury also is like says old Long of my Long Zheng says former times person Shi Yi has child andIssue to death also of fair Zheng of grave Zuo call together say why not the Shi Yi in coffin Wu GongSay I dare fair Zhou Gong of call together fair Yan Wuzhou says Zuo cannot Shi Yi goesNext use coffin garment coffin from Shi Yi only then also of Zuo collect Zha child need not coffin of Ning of choose and employ persons of of Zuo or with Zuo Zuo is not also of fruit shows with appropriate of person Zuo place San child place doubtPerson with Zuo of Zuo cadaver past also is like grave Zuo in so at buryCadaver shoulds not be cruel answer at road reason Confucius with already having coffin since Shi Yi
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    also says at Gong Zhongzhi Die coffin person coffin of Zuo is in with cadaverthe in Wu Gong enters coffin and after travel bury also of word of coffin clothes clothes is made smoothThe in the week bury with Xia Houshi issues Long Zhou Ren Zhou Zhe with The week bank at coffin is not need not coffin is special not with eardrum of coffin Wu Gong soldier of 3 years cries thing of Jinge monarchs also person Die Ning Big Mr Yin already king thing enters bury to soldier cries and take king thing doctor already at Person already bury is fair politics into Wu Jiaji soldier cries the thing of Jinge of of Jian of a man's cap used in ancient times monarchsAlso age Zuo child want Jian and namely if,the matter says this Gu Zhidao not namely
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    Week of this of popular feeling makes Ming Yikong child the Die of alone Ning Xia Yan and Yu withAncient Yin Ning child Jin of road Dr Zuo and answers not to know to be reached with Li with meChild of of communal of Zuo of Ning of of Xia Zai and of person of alone ill with Jian of Geng Zhu of benefit big Li not the elephant of Zha character of the person is not Long that character week makesSuchXia Houshi of 3 years already and the Yan Ren that cause an accident already bury and cause an accidentBright red Zuo says grief have no time reachs this reason to wait for bury first like that after accuses gentlemanAnd cause its Long accident also
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            Die Yin resolve a doubt coils 7

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