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章节: 卷十四
书名: 礼记析疑
类目: 经部
写作年代: 约公元前-42年  至  公元后986年
视频: 卷十四_礼记析疑
音频: 卷十四_礼记析疑

欽定四庫全書 禮記析疑卷十四          翰林院侍講銜方苞撰  玉藻聽朔於南門之外 熊氏云周立明堂於洛邑惟大饗帝就焉毎月聽朔 當於文王廟非也明堂敷政為周公特剏之典天子 在鎬之時多朝會於東都之事少宗祀文王之禮歲
 必一舉若鎬京不設明堂設王篤老或童稚能歲一 至洛乎觀此記聽朔於南門之外則為鎬京之明堂 而非文王之廟明矣其禮宜先告朔朝饗於太廟然 後出國門而頒是月之政令於明堂兼聽是日之政 故謂之聽朔亦曰視朔告朔以告於神宜在朝廟之 始未饗之前春秋書不告/月猶朝於廟聽朔以頒政令宜於朝饗 之後也注謂凡聽朔必以特牲告其帝及其神配以 文王武王尤非也廟無二主當季秋饗帝然後迎主
 於文王之廟以配焉今既告朔於文王之廟而又以 牲空告於明堂何義乎大饗之禮與圜丘並重惟祀 上帝而配以文王今乃毎月以特牲告五帝及其神 不亦凟慢矣乎五人帝及五臣之主當在四郊不聞/又設主於明堂也且既告朔朝饗於 太廟而又迎文武之主於明堂不可也告朔於明堂/先饗文武而後告於太廟及羣廟而設朝饗更不可 也未告於先王先公未朝饗/於廟而先聽朔事有是理乎葢明堂頒政之堂惟大 饗一有事焉聽朔則不宜有祭告也朝饗之禮當終 朝而畢記曰飲酒之禮朝不廢朝/暮不廢夕葢朝本朝事也然後可出國而聽
 朔於明堂曰饗則非幣告也其用牲則天子必以太 牢諸侯必以少牢魯告朔有餼羊則/饗用少牢明矣無用特牲之理 葢月朔大食王后膳以太牢君夫人膳以少牢而廟 饗乃殺焉可乎其禮節宜簡無灌鬯告血薦腥之節 周官以饋食饗先王説者/謂即朔月朝饗自饋熟始又無后夫人之獻尸賓祝 侑羣下之酬酢則亦可以終朝而畢事矣如聘使歸/釋奠於禰 三獻行酬須㬰而/畢事其儀簡故也閏月則闔門左扉立于其中
 鄭氏謂反宿路寢又謂聽於明堂門中還處路寢終 月非也諸侯視朝退適路寢聽政使人視大夫大夫 退然後適小寢釋服天子禮宜同其處路寢門中特 聽政時耳居食與宿仍在燕寢也春秋譏薨於小寢 以男子不死於婦人之手疾革則當遷於路寢以正 其終非謂平時皆當宿於路寢也雖禮文殘闕以義 測之必齊喪之期始宿於路寢以人君聽政之所而 日與嬪御燕休焉非所安也 周禮宫人掌王之六
 寢注路寢一以治事小寢五以休息 文王世子篇 公族以刑死君為之變素服居外疑即宿路寢也 疏終竟一月所聽之事於一月中耳當是於門中衍 誤御瞽幾聲之上下 聲音與政通吉凶先見理固有之而朝夕恒食之樂 必使御瞽幾聲之上下所以警人君俾時惕然於天 心人事之不可常也箴誦則責之師矇誄諡則作於
 衆瞽蓋以廢疾之人於世無求使陳法戒於君側告 行蹟於皇天可以正言不諱而聴者無猜也年不順成則天子素服乘素車食無樂 順者庶徴時敘成者百榖豐登惟順故成惟不順故 不成也而雨暘燠寒風之不時實由肅乂哲謀聖之 㒺念故年不順成以喪禮處之使人君念用庶徴也皮弁以聴朔於太廟朝服以日視朝於内朝 天子聴朔於明堂頒是月之政令於畿内也諸侯聴
 朔於太廟聴王朝所頒之月令而宣布於國中也聴 朔於明堂則兼聴是日之政以六官庶司既從王告 朔朝饗於太廟又從聴朔於明堂無暇更復逆於路 寢也諸侯聴朔朝饗既畢則易服以反路寢而聴政 焉孔子曰朝服而朝卒朔然後服之是也所省者惟 視朝之節耳朝辨色始入君日出而視之退適路寢聴政 不於視朝時聴政而退適路寢者不敢以倉猝决事
 且使羣臣各以次效其功狀畢其計慮而詳察其得 失也又朝服以食特牲三俎祭肺夕深衣祭牢肉 曰特牲明擇用羊豕而不得兼也於夕曰祭牢肉者 明用牲餘體而非以朝食之餘進也日中則餕朝食 之餘而不祭 諸侯之禮然則天子日中及夕食亦 用牢之餘體可知足證王安石説周官膳夫奉 膳 贊祭之誤
子卯稷食菜 非以為忌也夏正雖革而服事殷者仍夏之諸侯殷 命遐終而服事周者仍殷之諸侯故於廟社不祀之 日而稷食菜羹以示其不敢安焉此必湯武躬行而 因著為令典也於此見聖人遭變雖君臣易位而忠 敬之心仍不失其常凡有血氣之類弗身踐也 山隂陸氏謂踐讀如字血氣之類葢若螻蟻得之而
 未盡也若螻蟻之類則曰弗踐可矣弗身踐者如遇 毒螫害人之物則使人驅除刈殺特不躬自蹴蹋之 耳至于八月不雨君不舉 朱軾曰此言周正也八月乃夏之六月雖不雨猶有 待至灾成則不止於不舉君衣布搢本 年不順成天子以喪禮處之示天降喪亂亡無日也
 諸侯則貶從臣下之服物示不能康濟國民則無以 保其爵命也此義明尚安有視民如草芥者乎闗梁不租 周官之法闗聨門市以譏不物商賈貢其貨賄而無 所為租山澤之農貢其物以當邦賦而無所為税此 春秋戰國苟且之政記者妄述以為先王之制耳後 儒傅㑹乃謂周官有租有税所謂道聴而塗説也山澤列而不賦
 列謂分别其孰為可取孰為宜禁而頒布之或以地/之廣狹 或以材之/大小疎密恐民愚以歲凶恣取而後不繼也周官角 人羽人掌葛皆徵其材物於山澤之農以當邦賦山/農 澤農授以山澤可耕之/地而使守其材物者材物之外别無所謂賦不賦 即謂免其材物之徵耳土功不興 後世興功築以救荒上傭之也古者力役征於民故 土功不興
大夫不得造車馬 大夫體國有資聚則當盡出以佐民之急無暇及自 奉之服物也君定體 朱軾曰體必君定者福以徳凝殃以徳弭使君自度 也君羔幦虎犆大夫齊車鹿幦豹犆朝車士齊車鹿幦豹
 士齊車雖與大夫朝車同其皮物之精粗攻治之良 苦必有與大夫之齊車異者矣 或曰末鹿幦豹犆 字必有誤也果與上同則其文當曰大夫士齊車朝 車鹿幦豹犆無為别舉而覆出 陳氏馬氏謂式有 衡以横於上有犆以直於下而異飾非也式之衡者 以人憑之故設幦其直者無事於飾出杅履蒯席連用湯履蒲席 浴用二巾以上下潔汚不可比而同之也入杅坐而
 浴水之瀋瀾不能分上下潔汚故出杅履蒯席别用 湯立而濯上體以絺巾拭之然後㵼湯於異器以濯 下體而履蒲席焉舊説湯專濯足則無為易湯矣攷 工記湅絲湅帛易水以淘練之義將適公所宿齊戒居外寢 古禮君日出而視朝自命士以上皆曰與君相見而 有復逆此乃鄉遂之吏公邑都家之長以時以事入 國見君之禮也
書思對命 君所問及對答之辭豈可豫料夙設君命當奉行者 亦不應得豫書也蓋思者己所欲陳於君對命者君 夙昔所命當復對之事二者皆豫書於笏以備遺忘 不得為三則揖私朝煇如也登車則有光矣 其事非竒然非職業具脩操行髙潔俯仰無慚無由 得此氣象與召南之羔裘言退食委蛇同義非美其
 其儀觀乃古人之善言徳行也徒坐不盡席尺讀書食則齊豆去席尺 以豆去席尺故坐與席齊則書几之去席尺不必言 矣飯飲而俟 朱軾曰飯畢亦飲而俟君之飱也君既食又飯飱 又疑乃字誤
君既徹執飯與醬乃出授從者 飯與醬皆已之餘不敢虚君惠又不敢使公士食已 之餘故出授從者使餕之猶周官之法王在喪宰攝 祭不敢飲福則使鬱人與量人受舉斚之卒爵而飲 之也疏謂此食合已之所得故授從者似將以飯醬 歸恐非禮意飯醬非牲俎之比偶然侍食無為侍食 者特設之俎則無可歸故飯醬宜使從者餕若君與 臣禮食則親徹奠於階西而不授從者以有司將歸
 賓俎必與黍醬同歸大夫相食亦親徹奠於階西以 歸俎之禮與公食同也凡侑食不盡食 飯之數尊卑有等故不盡食然後可量其多寡而不 虚後侑也退則坐取屨隠辟而后屨 不敢郷君而屨故就隠辟之處非逡廵而退之謂惟饗野人皆酒
 蜡者聴民自為一日之樂而非上饗之也惟饗耆老 孤子則有爵者不與故曰野人冠而敝之可也 非時王之服私居亦不敢常著而始加之元服又不 宜毁裂以充他用故敝之置而不用久將自敝縞冠

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    decides 4 complete Die Yin resolve a doubt coils 14Fang Bao of Zuo of Zheng of serve of courtyard of member of the Imperial Academy is writtenYu ZaoBesides Zuo of Wu Na of Long new moonLi Mingtang of week of cloud of ursine family name buts at Luo Yi big Zuo emperor with respect to new moon of Long of Yan month is not at article king also Ming Tangfu politics Zhou Gong is special the allusion the emperor of The of much face in Zuo at of Die of Wang Zhi of thing little Zong Siwen
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    Need one Ning is like Zuo Beijing not Ha of king of Yu of Yu bright hall old or Tong Zhi can oneTo the name of a river in Shaanxi and Henan provinces besides Zuo of Wu Na of new moon of Long of Yin this Yin Jing Zhiming hall of Zuo The of king of article of and rather than bright its Die appropriate accuses of Wu Tai of Zuo of new moon face first like thatThe government order that after gives Zuo and Zuo is a month holds Long concurrently at bright hall is day politicsThe new moon of Yao of Yi Yue of Long new moon of reason Zheng announces the first day of the lunar month in order to accuse Wu Shenyi of of hold office at courtOnly then not age is not accused before Zuo / lunar face at Long new moon with Zuo of Wu Chao of appropriate of Zuo government orderafter also notes new moon of Zheng every Long to need with special animal sacrifice accuses his the Supreme Being and its god match withKing of article king fierce is not especially also 2 advocate emperor of Zuo of Ji Qiu like that after is greeted advocate
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    The that tells new moon Wu Wen king in order to match Yan Jin already at Wen Wangzhi and withAnimal sacrifice sky accuses Wu Mingtang why Li the of grave of Die Ning zhuan3huan2 of big Zuo weighs alone to offer sacrifices toSacred and deserve to be month with civil Wang Jin with special animal sacrifice accuses 5 emperor and its godNot also is slow 5 people emperor reachs 5 official advocate is in suburbs not Long / Yu advocate Wu Mingtang also and accuse Zuo of new moon face already atToo and greet civil and military advocate Wu Mingtang also cannot accuse new moon Wu Mingtang / first Zuo civil and military and after accuses Wu Tai reachs Li and Yu face Zuo more cannotAlso did not accuse Wu Xian Wang Xian is fair not face Zuo / at first thing of Long new moon has is manage Qu bright the Tang Wei of Zuo politics is big Zuo one occupied of Yan Long new moon is unfavorable hold a memorial ceremony for is accused also the Die Jian of face Zuo Toward Yin says the Die face of Zuo wine not face / dusk not Chao Benchao thing of evening Qu also like that after can give and Long
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    New moon says at bright hall of Zuo blame is accused also its need with the emperor of animal sacrifice aetherFirm Zheng Hou Bi accuses new moon to have Zuo sheep with little firm Zuo / Zuo uses little prison bright is used special the manage of animal sacrifice Qu month the first day of the lunar month feeds firm gentleman of queen board aether greatly madam board with little prison Zuo is Yan Ke the Geng that Chang of fill of of Ha of appropriate of its Die Geng accuses hematic Shu raw meat or fishZhou Guanyi Zuo feeds Zuo first king Zha person / Zheng namely Zuo of new moon face from Zuo ripe only then the cadaver Zuo of hind madam wishsPress the Yi Ke of exchanging of toasts below Li with Jian face thing if hire,make / Zuo establish at Die Zuo of fulfil of 3 travel? And / thing reason of its Ha alsoZun Fei of Zuo of Zuo of Zuo month stands at among them
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    Zuo Zheng turns over old way Jian of of road of Ta of the Zuo in Zheng Long Wu Mingtang Zuo The month is not also face of Zheng Hou Yao retreats Zuo road Long politics makes doctor of person Dr Yao Retreat like that Zuo of after Zuo small takes appropriate of the emperor Die to be the same as Zuo of of its Ta road in specialEar of Long politics resides the constellation that feed Ning to still be in swallow also age Zhu demises Wu Xiao Do not die with the man the of Wu Lu of Zuo of of of hand disease change at person with Zheng of its Jian blame makes the same score all Su Wulu also Zuo of of Zuo Die article with Li Of surely of Zuo period only then Su Wulu with person gentleman the place of Long politics andOf king of palm of Gong Ren of An Yezhou Die of place of blame of Yan of Yan Xiu of drive of day Ning
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    notes road one in order to treat thing small 5 in order to rest article Wang Shizi pieceFair a group of things with common features with punishment the doubt outside the house of Zhu white clothing of dead gentleman lodges for the night namely road alsoScanty Jian unexpectedly in January the of eardrum of thing Wu Yiyue of place Long is at the develop in Zuo Zha Drive blinds fall over Long Long sound Ning politics connect good or ill luck first Yao manage is inherent and the that constant of a very short time feedsMake drive blinds fall over Long surely so alarm watchful of person gentleman ining order to like that Wu TianOf heart human affairs also often cannot to admonish the of Zha Zuo cheats Zha Zha to make at
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    Xiao blinds the of person Wu Shi with disease begs San make Wu Jun of Zuo law give up is accusedDay of travel Zuo Wu Huang is OK character not Zheng and Long person is guessed alsoYear not Zuo feeds by element Zuo into white clothing of the emperor Zuo person 100 Zuo ascends the person that of of of be the concubine is become Cheng Wei of alone Zuo reason not Zuo reasonWon't do also and of cold Zuo of pluvial Yu not by Long of Zheng of Man sagacious? Attend friend year not Zuo is become with Die Ta make person Jun Nian uses of be the concubine alsoLeather a man's cap used in ancient times is taken with face of of Wu Tai of Long new moon with Wu Neichao of day Yao faceNew moon of the emperor Long the government order that Wu Mingtang Zuo is a month at Ji inside also Zheng Hou Long
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    The month of Zuo of place of dynasty of Long of Wu Tai makes the first day of the lunar month and announce at in also Long New moon holds Long concurrently at bright hall is day politics with 6 officials be the concubine manages already Wang Gao of Wu Tai of Zuo of new moon face free time of Wu Mingtang of Long new moon more goes against Wu Lu also Zuo of face of new moon of Zheng Hou Long already takes with turning over road Long easily politicsYan Confucius says face is taken and government soldier new moon like that what after takes is alone of the person that also be savedThe Geng ear of Yao faceFace differentiate color only then the sunrise that enter gentleman and the Long of of the road that retreat Zuo of Yao politicsNot at Long of Yao face politics and the person that retreat Zuo road dare not sudden with definitely thing
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    And make Li official effect of each in proper order of its Yin of of its result and its get Yu examineBreak alsoFace is taken in order to feed special animal sacrifice firm flesh of hold a memorial ceremony for of dark clothing of evening of lung of hold a memorial ceremony for of 3 an ancient sacrificial utensilSay special bright uses animal sacrifice to the sheep pigs and must not hold concurrently also say at evening firm flesh of hold a memorial ceremony for personBright face of Zuo of meridian also feeds the Zuo Zuo that feeds with face with and rather than of Zuo of animal sacrifice Zuo Zuo and not Die of Hou Zhi of Zheng of hold a memorial ceremony for like that the emperor is meridian reach evening to feed alsoWith firm Zuo Zuo knowable husband of board of officer of week of Zha of stone of sufficient Zhu Wangan gives boardThe Zha of Zuo hold a memorial ceremony for
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    Child Mao Ji eats foodBlame with avoid also change of Xia Zheng Zuo and the Yan Zhe that take a job still Hou Yan of Xia Zhi Zheng Life far Jian and the Zheng Hou reason that the Zhou Zhe that take a job still abundants does not offer sacrifices to at companyDay and millet feeds dish a thick soup to dare not install Yan in order to show its this needs fierce bend forward go andBecause write to make be in charge of to also meet with at person of this Yao Long Zhu Zuo Jun Chen is easy and faithfulJing Zhixin still is not broken its constantThe Zuo that every has hematic nots body Zuo alsoThe Zuo Qu that Zhu of Zuo of Zheng of hill Zuo Zuo is like word blood is like Xi Xi to get and
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    Not the Zuo that Bao also is like Xi Xi says not Zuo of Zuo Ke Yifu body person if encounterThe content that poisonous sting kills a person makes person Zuo divides cut down special not bend forward kick oneself of TaEarAs to August not pluvial gentleman not Ning Bright red Zuo says this character week also will is Xia Zhi in August in June Zuo not pluvial hasWait for become to calamity more than at not Ning of Jun Yi cloth thisYear not Zuo becomes the emperor with Die Ta show a day to fall dies day also
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    of Zuo of Zheng Hou takes content liegely to show cannot of civilian of health withBao Jijue life also this Li Ming Shangan has the person that Yao civilian is like trifle Zuo bridge is not hiredCity of Zuo of Long of Zuo of Zhou Guanzhi law with Zhu not Zuo of its Zuo of Zuo of thing businessman Zuo and The Zuo Zuo that place hires hill its content duty of with state Zuo place thisThe politics Yin of drift along of age person absurd is narrated with first Wang Zhi makes ear afterConfucianism teach? Zhou Guanyou you Zheng hires Long of path of Zheng of place having duty and Zha alsoHill is listed and not Zuo
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    Row Zheng parts its what is desirable what appropriate is banned and of Zuo cloth or with the ground / Or with material / size fears civilian I closely with fierce do as one pleases is taken and after not Kui also Zhou GuanjiaoGe Jiezheng of palm of person feather person the Zuo of of Wu Shan of its material content with hill of state Zuo / Zuo Zuo is awarded with hill arable / the ground and Zuo of place Zheng is fastened besides content of material of the person that make defend its material content not Zuo Namely the ear of a note of the ancient Chinese five-tone scale that Zheng exempts its material thingEarthy meritorious service not Ning Ha of result of later generations Ning in order to save the on barren ancient also person force battle solicits Wu Min causeEarthy meritorious service not Ning
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    The doctor must not build Zuo Zuo Doctor Zuo has Zuo to get together Bao goes out to be reached with free time of Zun Minzhi urgent fromAct according to take matter alsoGentleman decides Zuo Bright red Zuo says blessing of the person that Zuo needs gentleman is decided coagulates with disaster puts down with make gentleman is spent oneselfAlsoGentleman leopard of of deer of Zuo of person Zuo of Zuo of face of of leopard of of deer of Zuo of Zuo of kid tiger Dr
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    The choice that Zuo of face of Zuo of person Zuo Zuo Dr Ning is the same as its skin content is wide attack treated fineThe person that suffering has the Zuo Zuo of Dr Ning surely or say of leopard of end deer The word has Zha surely also is the same as on fruit Ning its article says face of Zuo of doctor person Zuo of of of leopard of Zuo deer fastens Ning and Fu gives type of Zuo Zuo Zheng to haveJudge with the horizontal stroke at on have with straight at fall and Zuo is not also of type judge personThe reason Yu with person its are straight person thing at Zuo Give to walk on Zuo of banquet of a surnamewool grass to walk on cattail mat with Bath uses 2 towel to cannot be compared and be the same as in order to fluctuate also sit into and
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    The of bath water cannot divide reason of fluctuation to give to walk on banquet of a surnamewool grass to be not used stands and the Zuo on wash with Jian towel mop like that after? at implement in order to washIssue Zuo and walk on easy of of of sufficient of wash of of of Zha of Ning of cattail mat Yan Easy water of silk of of Jian of labour Yin in order to clean out the Li of Jin The outside house of give up of old Zuo of Zuo public placeAncient Mr Die sunrise and Yao face consider oneself person above all says Yao of Mr Ning photograph andThe official fair city that goes against this to be Zuo to satisfy Dou Jiazhi Zuo is entered with the thing with Die of Yao Jun Zhi also
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    thinks lotGentleman the person that the Zuo Zuo that place and answer can pleased of life of makings early in the morning Mr Yu is pursuedAlso not gets comfort also the person that San is thought of personal place desire life of of Zuo Wu Jun person gentlemanThe thing both of of of of life of place of former times of early in the morning all pleaseds forgets with Zuo at scepterDo not get 3 If also ascend Zuo bright,bow with hands clasped to illicit face Fu of its thing blame is not Long to provide of of of a simple move or action of of Zuo of Man behaviour of a student like that byThis resembles the character of kid fur coat south Ning call together to retreat feed appoint the snake is not the United States with Li its
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    The of character of be apt to that its Yin is the ancients goes alsoApprentice sits not of Zhu of Bao banquet feet feeds Zuo beans to go banquet feetGo with the beans banquet feet reason sits of of Ning banquet Zuo a few go banquet feet need not character Zuo Zuo and waitBright red Zuo says Zuo also Zuo and Zuo of wait Jun Zhi alsoGentleman is fed already Zuo Zuo Doubt is word Zha
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    Gentleman already Zuo of Ning of Zuo gives the person that award therefore Zuo Ning Zuo all already Zuo not dare Xu Junhui dare not make again fair person feed already Zuo friend goes the person that award to make the law king of the week official of Zuo slaughters in Hold a memorial ceremony for not dare the soldier the rank of nobility that Zuo blessing makes Zuo person Ning measures a person to suffer Ning and Zuo this feeds scanty also Zheng close already the person that earning reason awards is like with Zuo Zuo fears be not Zuo of Die meaning Zuo to be not animal sacrifice an ancient sacrificial utensil than accidental serve serve of the that feed is fedPerson special the of of an ancient sacrificial utensil of Yu but appropriate of Zuo of reason Zuo makes person Zuo is like gentleman Ning Official Die feeds establish of Yin at Zuo on the west and the person that do not award manages with having
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    Zuo of millet of Ning of Zuo Zu Bi is fed with Dr photograph also Yin establish at Zuo on the west with Ning of Die of Zu Zhi is fair feed with alsoEvery presses feed not Bao is fedHonour low has the of Zuo wait for reason not Bao is fed like that after can measure its number and notEmpty after presses alsoRetreat to sit Zuo extraction monarchs after that Not dare Mr Zuo and the Zheng that the Ta that reason monarchs with respect to Zuo is not Qun and retreatsAlone Zuo savage all wine
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    Candle person Long civilian from of the Zuo on and rather than of a day also but Zuo over sixty years of age is oldGu child the person that has an ancient win vessel with three legs and a loop handle not Ning friend says savageCoronal and our but alsoThe Wang Zhi that be not is taken illicit house often also dare be not written and only then together with yuan take notAppropriate is destroyed crack with filling him to use the buy with our reason need not long from our Jun coronal? ? The coronal that Wu Zi surnames alsoMale relative of a senior generation is young auspicious previously child still take get the coronal male relative of a senior generation that take small auspicious child take Zuo reason abnormality takes Jun of alone coronal it is with grandparent on its of Jian period
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    Fear father Yao again child the complete auspicious that take and disturbed Wu Xin also knows to be not father big auspiciousThe person that after place is taken is had no small auspicious complete already auspicious and big auspicious after Zuo uses Jun Li also father of its Li Ning has the neutron that take a surname not Ning teachs filial piety with Long person at of copy week is suchHang down Jin You Zhishi of 5 inches of indolent also? ? Coronal Jun fierce not of Zuo take alsoThe person king that indolent swims makes a Zheng not the person that teachs not Li of Zheng of place of Zuo week official civilian50 do not come loose sendThe house of gentleman of the Yin other this Zheng also its take Er of look of relative of its affection of Zuo lubricious Er
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    50 only then the of Cui Wufu's mother also cannot be sent destroy besides from that grade downreason does not come loose send what if master is unfavorable,also have one hemp of to come loose Ning Jian And not dare agree without giving serious thought person so Zuo its the of sad affection also is like the Zuo that reside Ta to feed 100Yan of thing Zhu and of Ju Jian bud is to make be not at Yin humane also Jun Zuo times should Zuo notes Jun or Zuo or meet Feng Ru of Li meets all right the Yi Chu of assist Zuo descendants meets Zuo also all is like greatly say with of Jun Li Zuo times should sufficientAt article Zuo
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    By Ren Zheng skirt Ren also garment Ren not by person before skirt 3 after 4 Renintersect or Ren of skirt of of Zuo of skirt of dark clothing Ning does not but by also by alsoFeet of of the Kui in Zuo 3 feet of go-between arm Zuo come in the back oneself show is close 4 feet dark clothing turns over Yu reach ancon to need 5 feet Zuo is but scanty character 2 feet of 2 inches with halfHow can 3 feet of of Kui Kui cuff turn over Yu 6 inches and feet Zuo removes the garmentPersonally and degree of Ye of sleeve of alone Yin is ancient its spend feet weak point to closing
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    Face takes with Jun also from season Kang Zi only then alsoDress of king curry system says the on the heart Zuo that betray is not gentleman having notDare like that also of season Kang Zi politics in Liu of Jin of Hou Re of Zheng of doctor the emperor longReason with meaning and more face is taken alsoQiu Zhi Ti also Yao is beautiful also Yao not Bao Zuo also gentleman is in Zuo of Ti Bao alsoThe Yao that take also fills the United States also Ti of of thing of of Yao of Zuo of jade of of hereat cadaver Yao nots dareFill alsoThe person that Ti Yao or character fur coat or character are taken at the Ning of Qiu Wuchong inside Yao Ning
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    Outside take also gentleman is in place also Mr of Dr Gu Zheqing all Ning Already washing Zuo has Wu Chaofu washThe that enter day already scepter needs scepter of of washing hand reason washs again at Chao Fu San ascends Zuo Not scepter comes toward after is scanty also Li very bright square family name is Zheng to be in Scepter washs surely reach thing having to wash no longer at face the thing in fearing installing In Zuo person square thing at because ignore thing Wu Chao and the Yu in Kui water says today wash at Wu Chaofu again in seeming smooth day, can wash
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    Sealed why Doctor big 4 inches of Zuo Mr bright red Dr Jin ? ? Qu person Jin monarchs 2 inches again Jun 4 inchesAt big 4 inches fall more of Ning Zuo is reached from gentleman person all 2 inches of San 4Inch and of Xuan Jun also Zuo takes his Ning Zha again Kui wants one Zuo of Wu Sicun Li is connected at big Dr Ning at Zuo 2 inches again Jun Ning Person all be the same as under Ming Zijun also the of San adds inconvenience of Wu Sicun Wu Shu takes Ha already and again Jun Mr the doctor is unfavorable if have ,have
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    appropriate has proclaimed in writing to be absent in Jun in order to fasten the differentiate of white San Zuo is short alsoFour bundle reach Study person the Zuo of Ji Ji person flagging Ji bundle person Shu Zhiyu of Jian Jin placeAdmire also jade of San alone admire is adverse Wu Qin person the thing reachs Zuo reason to receive jadeAdmire and scholar-bureaucrat Yu of of this Die San is like the person hang down of work wear and Ji Ji Wear of work of constant men and women does not hinder Zuo and occupied alsoMr Zuo Dr Zhu Su Shijue straight the emperor of Zuo zhuan3huan2 is straight rear of fair Hou Qian is big
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    Horn of defeat of husband ahead after person before after of Ning Zha zhuan3huan2 is straight 3 person the form of Zuo is made blame also the person wait for zhuan3huan2 of character honour lowOf Wu Tianzi of of of the rear before fair Hou of ear of Wu Zhi straight doctor afterDefeat horn before Wu Gonghou rear notes and commentaries person go fluctuatingEach 5 inches of Ta that go to the person make Fang Yifei straight also with content Xuan Zuo withOf complete Zuo and Zuo all straight also before rear person up and down all feet in order to take squareAnd by in order to fasten the place that Zuo adds up to person next control each 5 inches and go up Zhu also knows like that person on 2 feet of the below one feet of are not next to control each
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    Go to 5 inches with Zuo at on does not get Yun Fang the doctor also fluctuates allFeet in order to take square but go up horn? Defeat ear namely straight alsoIts Zuo rich of of change of 5 inches of shoulders 2 inchesOf Zuo have Zuo so Jin at the waist also Zuo the Zuo with Zuo too notCan Zuo Zuo reason stops use 5 inches to fear its left and right sides slanting again reason at shoulder each change with Jin the rich of at the waist change 2 inches also bright red Zuo saysHow Zuo Ning shoulder takes enough Jun at the Zuo person that go up therefore and deceased not character Zuo The life bends gentleman surname
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    Doubt buts child male wife 5 lives like that after must recieve orders at Wang Zisi the life is the followingIts wife the Xiao that all has life of its the rank of nobility Mr such as department child those who make have department name noteThe lot that Zheng gets queen is not also of Zuo Mrs. Yin not life Wu Tianzi from Zuo Clear is fair only thenOnly world life at establish Kui other all man3 madams 9 need Yin recieves orders to need at Wang Shi because of,tired Er result is frequently Kui of with respect to life other all man from Dr Wang Zhiqing fairthe rank of nobility of husband of of Gu the following and those who have department lot is knowable outside life like that
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    The Guan Zishi inside also has department to wait for its under the order takes a lot with andKing not Yin is knowable the madam of Hou does not get Yin to recieve orders Wu WangmingAnd Yin says of the madam not life Wu Tianzi from Zuo clear fair only then San Zheng Zuo itsSurname Wu Wang and inside history Zuo with book life earEvery gentleman call together with 3 Geng 2 Geng in order to walk along one Geng with Zuo Bright red Zuo says 2 Geng of one Geng Zheng makes just be gone to another make Zuo after also not character3 person 3 also not Zuo goes and Yao prep before 3 alsoThe Geng of boy also Ji of Zuo of Jun of Jin commoners Zuo and Ji Zuo bundle Zuo all bright red Zuo also
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    Boy Zuo of many old parents uses Yin with San of bright red Zuo itsAnnals makes know Shu of Ning Wu Dao and desire is beautiful civilian Jin takes Long job not hempKnow its of sad affection cannot Er and empty together with is taken is to make Li at bully also Yin This knows first king make the Li that takesFan Yan feeds person not Zuo of person of the that note Zheng not Zha of collect of Die Zuo satisfies Zheng to lose not thing is not alsoSpecial animal sacrifice Zuo feeds a of Hu of Zhu Dou advocate firm Zuo of Shu Zu Shao is fed accuse
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    Benefit becomes room of of after person inside medium Zuo week official ancestor Shu adds fabaceous Hu to reach withYu Dou of Shu of queen of assist of the room outside beans of Hu of of assist of and with alsoThe Zuo that be like not Die is weak not the Zha of thing cannot be connected definitely ancient slaveThe person that slave-girl thing mother's brother tentativelies namely child also washing Zuo of a very short time or children of husband bedroom of Shang Youfei and Zha this Zheng swallow is fed San has thing and female Zuo Xiao comes or ancestor adds up to second contact to cannot establish Zuo of one person and the of Ning Die if advocate one by one from Zuo Xiao Zuo one by one from not its and Li place takes reason to make inside drive person Zuo person in acting and not dare with
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    Zuo also Zuo of gentleman of blame having not Zuo Gentleman has Zuo just not Zuo already also had and gentleman Zuo also not Zuo Also Zuo of Zuo this person Zuo of of the person that Zha suffersConfucius feeds Wu Jishi not Zuo does not eat the meat and Zuo Of season so that,use Confucius San its illicit and of sealed Confucius canIs Ning denied also reason feeds Confucius and reason Zuo at Die with? San of Yu Yan ConfuciusBe like liver of Yao its lung does reason also show one Zuo of Zuo to feed with what Die answers?
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    Careless Zuo makes be no good at Die Zuo also Ning takes a twenty-five-stringed plucked instrument and the song makes of child Bei Long with Li Ning cadaver receives gentleman all right fierceNotes and commentaries point to what cadaver of doctor person Ning goes to Zha of obscurity Zuo collect satisfies Mr Zheng Do not be not special also cadaver of Die of animal sacrifice little prison is waited for into host at Zuo Zuo not Die Cadaver is entered already wish Kui is entered like that the Die that the cadaver of Ning of after host travels together San comes Shu like that Wu Tingzhong of Zu Kaore of of cadaver of after host Yao 's person of the same trade cadaver child also who first all right arch of alone of reason of Zuo of Zuo of after Zuo Zhu stands in order to wait for its
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    Use into Zuo of this Long person providential also scholar-bureaucrat and like that Kuang Jun this Yan JunLike Xianjun to honour cadaver Yi Zhizun reason is in of receive fierce to be the same as doctor person Each have the ear Yin such as difference to say to gentleman greets animal sacrifice and do not greet cadaver so clear uncovers this Li alsoXu Zuo all is used isThe Geng that Zuo collect Zha or Xu Huo Zuo all use situation of travel of this Ning cadaver is not also Zuo Disease has Zuo of of Xu disease Zuo to be able to receive Zuo of Xu of alone of fierce Kui Wu Zai only then usableBe of Geng ear? Left is entered and Xu Zuo
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    Li RongdeBright red Zuo says surely Zheng of De Chengran after is beautiful all is like be related of Zuo of brothers Zuo eyeHave break to establish insufficient Yin Yao allows Qu Qu Meimei Qia child Zuo knowing north piece night of intermediary intermediary night sleeps the appearance of sleep also thinks week of is dialectalHave this and or make a plum or make intermediaryEstablish Zhu of mother of the low that allow differentiateAlone establishs look to have if Jun Fu receives official of Zuo guest ,discern Ning civilian has each
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    like that cannot be mixed also of of Zuo flourishing restsFill to fill of Wu Zhong to rest beautiful at outside alsoJade green Zuo color rests namely like jade besides the United States person   
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            Die Yin resolve a doubt coils 14

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