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章节: 卷四
书名: 礼记析疑
类目: 经部
写作年代: 约公元前-89年  至  公元后822年
视频: 卷四_礼记析疑
音频: 卷四_礼记析疑

欽定四庫全書 禮記析疑卷四          翰林院侍講銜方苞撰  檀弓下公之喪諸達官之長杖 疏謂不達於君者府史胥徒但服齊衰三月非也曰 官則非庶人在官者明矣蓋鄉遂之官族師鄙師酇 長之類鄉大夫所辟除其名尚未達於君者是也曰
 達官之長則惟宫正宫伯膳夫内宰内府外府司書 之長官則然尚書所謂百尹是也其屬則服焉而不 杖矣及出命引之 陳氏集説孝子攀號不忍君命引之奪其情非也送 葬必執引君於臣不親執故命引以為禮即稱言視 祝而踊之義也弔曰寡君承事蓋弔喪以相助執事 為義雖君於臣亦然
朝亦如之 如之謂命引者三也出宫哀次柩已行故命引朝廟 之日柩尚不行不得命引豈商祝御柩旋車時命車 少進而記者遂以為命引與季武子寢疾蟜固不説齊衰而入見曰斯道也將亡矣士唯公門説齊衰武子曰不亦善乎君子表㣲及其喪也曽㸃倚其門而歌 季氏有無君之心自宿始曽㸃之歌以其死為快也
 蟜固之言憤國人視猶君也記者舉此亦見宿雖自 矯飾而賢者固得其肺肝非徒美固之得譏㸃之失大夫弔當事而至則辭焉 辭以當事不降拜也喪大記士之喪於大夫不當斂 則出是當斂則辭也雜記當袒大夫至雖當踊絶踊 而拜之注當袒蓋斂竟時也士喪禮大斂有大夫則 告注後來者則告以方斂蓋先至者已曽出拜視斂 有定位後來者斂畢然後降拜之據此三條皆當斂
 則辭而疏并言殯者士喪禮主人奉尸斂於棺踊如 初乃蓋主人降拜大夫之後至者曰乃蓋則殯後也 雜記當袒絶踊而拜之者大斂之初主人西面袒直 至視肂卒塗置銘復位後始踊襲則既殯降拜大夫 後至者其時主人尚袒也弔於人是日不樂 朱軾曰是日終竟是日也既弔不樂哀未忘也未弔 不樂樂則不弔也
喪公弔之必有拜者雖朋友州里舍人可也 主人親往拜謝於經傳無考以文義測之曰必有拜 者則非主人也士喪禮君視大斂亦無親往拜文君 子不奪人之喪故許以他人代也注謂無主後蓋因 注士喪禮成服之日拜君命及衆賓誤謂主人親往 拜謝而援既夕篇乗惡車以為據不知所謂拜君命 者三日之後君命歠粥也拜衆賓助執事及來弔者 也又曰不拜棺中之賜蓋大小斂既畢或有後時而
 致含禭者固辭不受故無拜禮乗惡車則以筮宅主 人當往視掘土為壙耳古者臣有喪君三年不呼其 門而忍令成服之日匍匐而如公所乎答君之禮猶 可言也創鉅痛深心絶志摧水漿不入者三日而使 徧拜衆賓之門先王制禮乃如是不近於人情乎以 彼注决不可通知此注亦誤也舍人謂其同居之親 也先朋友州里而後及舍人何也庶人不得與國君 為禮必使其同僚中之朋友州里中之姻親爵位與
 同者代之拜皆不可得然後使同居大功之親則不 必其盡有爵位矣妻之昆弟為父後者死哭之適室子為主袒免哭踊夫入門右使人立於門外告來者狎則入哭父在哭於妻之室非為父後者哭諸異室有殯聞逺兄弟之喪哭于側室無側室哭于門内之右同國則在哭之 此謂不同國者如同國則疾革時妻當歸視屬纊至 卒哭然後還夫及甥當往弔哭不宜為位以接來者
 蓋此及下有殯聞兄弟之喪皆不同國者同國則往 哭乃總結上文特起夫入門右之文於袒免哭踊後 者明袒免哭踊乃甥之為舅夫哭妻之兄弟無袒免 也 朱軾曰女主不拜男賓故使其子主之若女賓 至則妻自為主子張死曽子有母之喪齊衰而往哭之 孔子之喪二三子皆絰而出三年始治任而歸皆禮 所未有故子張之喪曽子齊衰而往哭之志同道同
 情親義重不異於同氣他日又曰有宿草而不哭焉 是朋友之心喪不異期之兄弟也哭而起則愛父也 常禮無哭而起之文重耳痛不得執喪於殯所故過 禮以明哀是以秦伯稱其愛父也周主徹重焉 蓋棺之後父母音容不可再見故設木以象神而魄 體尚在柩故名之曰重及既葬迎精而反立主以栖
 神子姓之心精専注於此故名之曰主既作主復懸 重義無所取不若徹而埋之為安奠以素器以生者有哀素之心也唯祭祀之禮主人自盡焉爾豈知神之所饗亦以主人有齊敬之心也 似因奠而概論其祭祀之禮皆主人自盡其心不必 分吉凶為義歠主人主婦室老為其病也君命食之也 親喪三日不舉火故鄉里為之糜粥以飲食之士庶
 人之禮也大夫之家則貴者君命歠餘同士庶人君 命食之即命歠也若命疏食則主人主婦不宜同命是日也以虞易奠卒哭曰成事是日也以吉祭易喪祭明日祔于祖父 疏先儒以第三虞與卒哭同是一事鄭據雜記上大 夫虞用少牢卒哭用太牢破之以為三虞後更有卒 哭之祭按士虞禮三虞曰哀薦成事而别無卒哭之 文則第三虞即卒哭明矣記多舛駁恐未可據以破
 儀禮也且禮於虞祔多連舉之以卒哭為虞之一舉 虞可包卒哭也間有虞卒哭並舉者亦不害末虞為 卒哭也即以鄭所據雜記之文言之安知非以末虞 為卒哭而易牲以祭哉如士遣用/少牢之類此記義本連及言 虞則以祭易奠卒哭則以吉祭易前二虞之喪祭而 卒哭曰成事繋以虞易奠後文亦相承正因末虞即 卒哭但古文簡徑未明著三虞卒哭曰成事耳 嚴 陵方氏謂或祔於祖或祔於父各從其昭穆非也祖
 父猶王父儀禮稱祖父母曽祖父母是也或曰祔於祖 則並告於禰故連及之 未殯之前既啓之後每遇 大節主人踊無算則哭亦如之三虞既畢則無算之 哭踊至此而終若廬堊室之中哀至而哭情不能止 義亦不宜禁也别記曰父母之喪哭無時使必知其 反也承君命而使即未踰練祥期必近矣舊説卒去 無時之哭似不可通其變而之吉祭也比至於祔必於是日也接不忍一日
末有所歸也 據大夫三月而葬五月而卒哭諸侯五月而葬七月 而卒哭自葬日虞至卒哭祔相去尚兩月不聞有連 接其祭之禮何也蓋天道三月一變速葬速虞苟不 接其祭則三月之内魂魄已若無依孝子所不忍也 若大夫五月而卒哭則所伸之期已在三月之外諸 侯七月而卒哭更在五月之外則哀宜漸殺且為期 逺必間日接之過於數矣大夫五月而卒哭虞亦五
 諸侯七月而卒哭虞亦七竊意前三虞與士同其後 則大夫每月一虞諸侯每月再虞以接於卒哭之祭 舊説大夫五虞八日諸侯七虞十二日於葬後則過 於數於祔前則過於疏非義所安也為舊君反服古與 儀禮仕焉而已者齊衰止三月非薄於舊君也既奪 其爵則與齊民等而不敢踰越耳吾三臣者之不能居公室也四方莫不聞矣
 古者大夫次於公館以終喪士練而歸喪大記大夫/練而歸士卒 哭而歸或衰周禮壊而後/有此然其居公館則一也自季宿不臣先公之喪皆 即安於私室而不能復居公館久矣故曰四方莫不 聞然用此見三桓之外魯臣猶秉周禮四方之臣尚 未若三桓之無君也昔者吾有斯子也吾以將為賢人也吾未嘗以就公室 祭則命婦卿大夫皆與若宫中婦女之事不應得與 其子俱且母觀子之所行豈在與就公室之頃乎古
 者小學在公宫南之左周官師氏居虎門之左國之 貴游子弟學焉侯國制應同文伯少孤豈敬姜未使 就學於公宫南而至是始悔之與家語姜戒諸婦曰 吾聞好外者士死之好内者女死之今吾子早夭吾 懼其以好内聞也蓋始以其質美獨學於家自能為 賢人未嘗使就公室薫習於師友不料其不好外而 好内以致隕生耳禮有㣲情者有以故興物者
 孺子求索於親而不得戀慕谿勃必哭且踊先王制哭踊 之節實縁於此蓋恐至性篤厚者常如孺子哀情中迫則 後不可繼即能繼力亦難勝故即以哭踊之節洩其哀情 而使之漸殺又使人要其節而必哭必踊則中人之性必 感物而有動於中即頑薄者要其節而强為哭踊亦自覺 其中情不應而愧怍難安以故興物莫切於此衰絰之制 其淺焉者耳以杖闗轂而髁輪者豈不衰絰乎夫子疾莫養於下請以殉葬
 謂方疾時所以養疾者未備故請使人殉以致其厚 也曰下對尊者之辭猶云在下之人集説誤衛有太史曰栁莊寢疾公曰若疾革雖當祭必告公再拜稽首請於尸曰有臣栁莊也者非寡人之臣社稷之臣也聞之死請往不釋服而往遂以禭之 先儒多美衞獻公能親賢廬陵胡氏謂獻公與弑未 必能親賢如此皆未得其實衞獻之親栁莊以從出 之私耳諸侯祭服豈得私禭其臣以干王章且莊已
 死何妨終祭往弔若欲請其遺言當於寢疾時不當 於疾革也時君驕汰故記禮者以為盛徳之事而録 之其實皆逺於禮未可以訓仲遂卒于垂壬午猶繹萬入去籥 陳氏駁吕氏説尚未安魯頌萬舞洋洋宗廟之樂未 有不兼文舞者春秋傳所稱以習戎備疑楚之先世 未嘗賜樂至熊貲始作萬舞亦文武二舞皆具而其 為此之意則主於習戎備耳
則豈不得以其母以嘗巧者乎則病者乎 疏以母為無陳氏集説以其母為己之母皆不可通 其母即謂康子之母也記文本平易明白解者乃以 艱深失之子路去魯謂顔淵曰何以贈我曰吾聞之也去國則哭于墓而后行反其國不哭展墓而入 子路好勇顔子必見其有輕身犯難之道故動以祖 宗丘墓之重而望其復返也與孔子以大昏之禮告
 哀公同意襄公朝于荆康王卒 見于記者楚皆稱荆蓋七十子所私記觀此則春秋 始稱荆繼稱荆人繼稱楚繼君爵大夫氏皆舊史之 文而非孔子所損益明矣然春秋於國號及辭之詳 畧從史文以見時事而君仍稱子以遵周制記則號 舉而仍其淫名此春秋之辭游夏所以不能贊也天子龍輴而椁幬諸侯輴而設幬為榆沈故設撥
 注以撥為紼似未安雖士庶人喪車必有執紼者疑 撥以去彼而易此為義盖設數撥使執紼者番代也 屬棺大棺及椁並載於輴以其過於沉重故設撥使 引車者更相代若播榆皮之汁以澆地則車且溓土 而不利於行矣季子臯葬其妻犯人之禾申祥以告曰請庚之子臯曰孟氏不以是罪予朋友不以是弃予以吾為邑長於斯也買道而葬後難繼也
 子臯不買道而葬所謂不違道以干百姓之譽也蓋 途次犯禾無多使民以為當買則傷忠敬之俗若大 有毁於人君子必不為也宓子治單父齊師將至父 老請曰麥已熟矣請使邑人出自刈傅郭者三請宓 子不許曰寜使齊人刈之使吾民有自取之心其創 必數年不息凡此類皆仲尼之徒深明於先王以道 立民之意也仕而未有禄者君有饋焉曰獻使焉曰寡君違而君薨
弗為服也 此謂賢者託於異國如孔子在衞孟子在齊君以客 禮待之故有餽曰獻而不曰賜使人存問使者將命 稱寡君舊説初試為士而未賦廪禄誤矣既正君臣 之禮與辭徒以無禄而不反服是重禄而輕君臣之 義非禮意也 春秋傳晉荀寅奔齊陳恒與之言稱 寡君蓋當時之禮辭如此天子崩三日祝先服
 疏祝先服為服杖恐未然未殯主人免括髪祝佐含 斂必先易服将事與免括髪之禮稱特制無所考耳  先祝次官長次國中次天下各服其服一直遞下 截分上二服作服杖下二服作服衰亦决無此文義三月天下服 康成以喪服齊衰三月章曰庶人為國君遂謂圻外 之民為天子無服不知曰國君者以明大夫君則其 臣有服而民無服耳又據繐衰七月章謂諸侯之大
 夫以時接見於天子故有服而士則無服不知繐衰 在大功之下小功之上大夫服此則士正服小功無 疑矣二注既誤遂謂三月天下服専指侯國大夫 繐衰者而言獨不思此記文承五日官長服七日 國中男女服之下則謂天下之民明矣周官太宰職 以九兩繫邦國之民一曰牧以地得民則雖諸侯不 過為天子繋屬此民與師長主友等耳元后作民父 母天崩地坼而天下之民賴以生成仰其怙冒者無
 一日之服於義安於心忍乎掌客職凡作事王之大 事諸侯次事卿次事大夫次事上士下事庶子則侯 國之士庶子固有時接見於王且使從君朝覲適遇 大喪卿大夫皆繐衰圻内之民皆縞素而侯國之士 庶子及府史胥徒之承事者獨以吉服間厠其間可 乎不可乎喪期之變自漢文帝始詔曰令到出臨三 日皆釋服毋禁娶婦嫁女祠祀飲酒食肉則文帝以 前天下之民皆齊衰三月不得嫁娶祠祀飲酒食肉
 甚明羣儒惑於康成之説者特未之思耳虞人致百祀之木可以為棺椁者斬之不至者廢其祀刎其人 致百祀之木者令守者各以材告然後擇可用者斬 之陳氏集説悉斬畿内百縣祀木非也 不致之罪 在人不應廢神祀且人之罪亦不至於死必記者之 誤晉大夫發焉
 左傳茅戎入王發幣於公卿凡伯弗賓注云發禮以 往夲此魯莊公之喪既葬而絰不入庫門士大夫既卒哭麻不 此慶父夫人主之也淫逆之人所深忌者羣臣百姓 有先君之恩故亟廢喪紀以變易人之耳目耳夫子助之沐椁 鄭任鑰曰非身助之沐如敦匠事之類耳
自吾母而不得吾情吾惡乎用吾情 曽子水漿不入口七日不自悔非情者出於自然而 不自知也子春自謂不得吾情者過三日已若能食 而勉為之也不及禮不可不自强也過禮而强焉則 疑於為名而非心之本然矣   禮記析疑卷四

  • Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    decides 4 complete Die Yin resolve a doubt coils 4Fang Bao of Zuo of Zheng of serve of courtyard of member of the Imperial Academy is writtenBelow Tan GongRod or staff used for a specific purpose of public Zuo of Guan Zhi of Zheng Zuo Scanty Zheng not Zuo Wu Jun person Xu Tu of government office history but take Zuo to decline to was not in March also sayPerson of be the concubine of government-owned blame is in Guan Zheming the official that San Zuo satisfies Zuo of of low of a group of things with common features The monarch of place of Zuo Dr Zuo of Zuo removes its name have not Zuo Wu Jun person it is to also say
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Gong Zhenggong of alone of of Zuo of Zuo Guan Zhi is slaughtered inside uncle board husband inside of department of the government office outside government office Zuo official like that still 100 Yin of place Zheng are also its takes Yan and notBastinadoReach a life to bringDutiful son of Zuo collect Zha climbs Ta to cannot bear its affection blame also sends the that the life brings gentlemanBury needs brings Jun Wuchen not life of Yin reason is brought with Die namely Er character Yao Wish and the Li of leap up also says of of San of thing of few Jun Cheng with helping issueYi Ran of Jun Wuchen of Li Zuo
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Of Chao YiruThe person that the Zheng life that be like is brought 3 also give palace sad second a coffin with corpse in already went reason life brings face day a coffin with corpse in still is no good do not get a life to bring Zuo business to wish Zuo of life of of Zuo of drive a coffin with corpse in coming backLittle Zuo and Yin person bring Ning with life then Xi of disease of of season Wu Zi originallies to Zha Zuo declines and do not say into Yao this path also diesPerson only does Zuo of fair Zuo Zha decline does Wu Zi say not Yi Shan gentleman watch? Reach its Also ? Lean on its Zuo and songDoes the heart that season family name has Mr lodge for the night oneself only then ? the song dies with its is fast also
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Yao of person of character Mr that Xi originallies also Yin person Ning this also Yao old Zuo from Chang Zuo and Zuo person does solid get its lung liver to be not what apprentice beauty originallies to get Zhu ? breakThing of doctor and to Zuo Yan Zuo does not fall with thing do obeisance to also is big the of Yin person at the doctor not goes out is Zuo of also doctor of leave uncovered of Zuo Yin comes leap up of Jian of Zuo leap upAnd the of San of the leave uncovered that note that do obeisance to unexpectedly also big of person Die has doctor of the person that accuse the that note after accuses the person that come first with square San already gives the that do obeisance to Yao of of the person that have of fixed position after like that after falls the that do obeisance to this 3 all
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    Zuo and scanty and character person host of person Die acts according to cadaver to be like at coffin leap up San host is to fall first the person that the after that does obeisance to a doctor comes says after of of you San alsoLeap up of Jian of leave uncovered of Zuo Yin and those who do obeisance to person big at the beginning of leave uncovered is straight west hostTo of Zuo of buy of of Yao Man soldier after only then of leap up Yao already falls do obeisance to a doctorThe person that after comes its is master still leave uncovered also Wu Ren is day not Bright red Zuo says is day of Jian it is day unexpectedly also already not sad did not forget also not Not not also
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    Of fair have friend of Zuo of the person that do obeisance to surely the person is abandoned in the city but alsoMaster Yin is gone to do obeisance to Zheng to be taken an examination of at Jian with article Li say to have surely do obeisance toPerson blame is master also big of Yao of person Mr Die also Yin is gone to Bai WenjunChild not the reason Yu of person also notes Zheng with other generation advocate after San becauseNote person Die to do obeisance to gentleman into the day that take life and Yin of host of Zheng of Xiao Zuo Zha are gone toDo obeisance to Zheng and aid already evening piece Zuo does not know lot of place Zheng Bai Jun with Person the person that congee of of after gentleman life also does obeisance to Xiao Zuo to aid thing and The of Zuo San size in also saying not to do obeisance to coffin again already or have after and
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    Send Zuo of solid of the person that contain Die not to suffer reason to do obeisance to of Zuo of Die with Shi curtilage advocateGu Zhechen of ear of of of dug of person past Yao has Jun Sannian not to breathe out its Zuo and bear the day that makes take procumbent and like public place of Da Junzhi Die But character also the person that of water of break of annals of Jian of painful deep heart does not enter Zuo 3 days and makeThe Zuo that does obeisance to Xiao Zuo first king make Die be so affection of not close Wu Ren withThose is noted can inform this is noted anything but also Zha also abandons person Zheng the Yin that its live togetherAlso first in friend city and after reachs the He Yeshu that abandon a person the person does not get Ning Mr The Ning of medium marriage Yin the rank of nobility in the friend city that Die makes its colleague medium surely
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    The person that be the same as does obeisance to neither actingly to be able to be gotten like that after makes live together the Yin of great merit notNeed its Bao has the rank of nobilityWife the Zuo room that latter of father of of elder brother younger brother cries to death child advocate leave uncovered is avoided cry leap up husbandInto Zuo right make the person stands to be entered at of be improperly familiar with of the person that is accused outside Zuo cry father is crying at wifelatter of father of room blame cries the that Zheng room has brother of Long Zuo cries atRoom of of room cries the right is the same as within Zuo is cryingThis Zheng different person as of change of disease Kui of of Yao of wife comesSoldier cries like that after Zuo husband and nephew cry toward unfavorable in order to receive person
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    This reachs San the person that the neither of brother of next Long having is the same as is gone to with Cry above paragraphs of Jian you Jun removes a husband to be avoided into the Wen Wutan with right Zuo especially cry leap up afterPerson bright leave uncovered is avoided cry the husband of mother's brother that leap up is nephew cries wife brotherly leave uncovered is avoidedAlso bright red Zuo says female advocate do not do obeisance to male Zuo reason to make its child advocate be like female Zuo To wife from advocateChild dead child the Zuo that has a parent declines and go to cryThe of Confucius 23 child all Jian and go out 3 years only then treat allow and all Die What have no reason child the of child Zuo declines and go to crying annals is fellow with
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    Yin Li weighs affection not of Wu Tong says to have Su Cao and do not cry again the other day YanThe heart that is a friend not the brother of period alsoCry and have father alsoConstant Die cries and the article heavy otalgia since does not get at Zuo of place reason Die with bright sad be with Qin Bai Er its father alsoadvocate weighs YanThe after parents of San coffin thes likeness of the deceased cannot again wood of Yao reason Yu with resembling a god soul Zuo still is in of name of friend of a coffin with corpse in say to be reached again bury receives fine and stand instead already advocate with dwell
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    God child the heart essence of the surname is noted at this friend name say advocate decide already Install does place of heavy Li take the that not be like and buriesEstablish with element implement in order to be born person have Ai Suzhi heart also only sacred Die is master fromThe place Zuo that Zuo of Bao Yan knows a spirit also has Zuo Jing Zhixin with host alsoBe like because of establish without exception Zha its sacred Die is all master from Bao its heart need notDivide Li of of good or ill luck is master advocate its disease of room old also the life feeds gentleman also Yin 3 days not the person be the concubine that the rotten congee of the in Zuo of Ning fire cause feeds with Zuo
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    The person's Die also domestic Zuo of the doctor person gentleman gentleman of Tong Shishu's person of life Zuo The life feeds namely life also is like a life the scanty host that feed advocate is unfavorable with the lifeIt is day also cries with anxiety Yi Diancu accomplish sth is day also with hold a memorial ceremony for of easy of auspicious hold a memorial ceremony forTomorrow Dai at grandfatherShu Xianru cries with soldier of Ning of the 3rd anxiety is Yin of Zuo of of be related Zuo together go up bigHusband anxiety cries with little firm soldier with too firm broken with 3 anxiety after has soldier moreCrying hold a memorial ceremony for presses 3 anxiety of person anxiety Die to say sad Shu accomplish sth and the soldier that fasten criesArticle the 3rd Yu Jicu cries bright Zuo of Yin much error fears cannot in order to defeat
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    Die also and of Ning of much Zuo of Dai of Die Wu Yu cry with soldier the one Ning that suppositionsYu Ke wraps soldier to cry also Zuo has Yu Cu to cry Ning person also do not kill end anxiety Soldier cries also namely the An Zhifei of the classical Chinese with Yin of Zuo of Zuo place suppositions with end soldier cries and easy animal sacrifice with hold a memorial ceremony for if person dispatch is used / this Zuo of this Yin Li reachs the Zuo of little prison characterAnxiety cries with soldier of easy establish of hold a memorial ceremony for the hold a memorial ceremony for with before auspicious hold a memorial ceremony for is easy 2 anxiety andSoldier cries accomplish sth Jun is suppositioning because of end with Yi Xiangcheng of article of after of Yu Yi establish namelySoldier cries but of ancient prose Ha not bright write 3 anxiety soldier to cry of accomplish sth ear Zheng of hill square family name or Dai Wu Zu or Dai Wu Fu its Zhaomu is not each also ancestor
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    grandparent of grandparent of Er of Die of of father Wang Fu is also or say Dai Wu Zu accuses what reach at Die reason Zuo not before already every encounter the after of of big Geng master leap up calculates the of of Yu Ji that cries to also be likeCry leap up so far and Jian if in room sad come and cry affection cannot stop Li also shoulds not be ban also fasten Yin to say parental cries makes know its surelyInstead also Cheng Jun life and make namely not Zuo Jin auspicious period surely close Ning Zha soldier goesOf cry be like cannot connectIts Zhu and auspicious hold a memorial ceremony for also needs at Dai than coming at it is day also is received cannot bear a day
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    End somewhat alsoDr in March and bury May and soldier cries Zheng Hou Wuyue and bury JulyAnd soldier cries from bury day Yu Zhicu Dai photograph goes still month not Long has Zuo The day of San of Die He Ye that receives its hold a memorial ceremony for fast anxiety of one Zhu fast bury ifed in March notReceive of its hold a memorial ceremony for soul already was like to cannot bear according to dutiful son place in March alsoBe like a doctor in May and soldier cries place extends period already was besides March Zheng Hou Qiyue and soldier cries more it is besides May of of Ai Yi and periodThe Zuo that Zuo needs Zuo day is received at doctor in May and soldier cries Yu Yi 5
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    Zheng Hou Qiyue and soldier cries Yu Yi Ning of before 7 Fu meaning 3 anxiety person with its afterDr suppositions every months the hold a memorial ceremony for that Zheng Hou Meiyue suppositions to cry in order to receive Wu Cu again Ning Dr Zha 5 anxiety twelfth of Hou Qiyu of 8 days of Zheng at Zuo of bury after Install be not Li place at Wu Shu of Zuo of the before Dai at also Mr Ning takes ancient Ning instead Die Shi Yan just person Zuo declines stop blame is thin in March at Mr Ning also already Zuo of Ning of of its the rank of nobility civilian wait and not dare Zuo jumps over earMy 3 official person cannot reside fair room also Long of all directions there's no one who doesn't or isn't
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    Ancient person doctor Zuo of second Wu Gong with Jian person Jin and big Dr Yin / Jin and privatesCry and or decline week Die and after / have this like that its reside fair Zuo to also lodge for the night from season not official first fair allInstall namely at sanctum cannot house fair Zuo is long friend says all directions there's no one who doesn't or isn't Long uses this Yao like that 3 post besides the official of all directions of Die of grasping week of Zuo official stillNot was like 3 post Mr alsoFormer times person I has Si Zi also I with person of Zuo also I not with fair room of life of of hold a memorial ceremony for dear doctor all Ning is like the in palace female thing not gets Ning Its child all and mother Yin child place travel Zuo is in Ning is fair the Zuo of the room ancient
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    Person of the left of the Zuo of Ju Hu of wrong week official that small is south fair palace of Yan Hou of of younger brother of Zuo boy far away from home makes Tong Wenbai Jing Jiang of little Gu Zuo did not makeComing at fair Gong Na with respect to is only then the of Zheng of give up of ginger of Home Ning Zha of regret saysMy Long are good outside person person those who die is good inside person female dead today I child early die young I its with good inside Long also San only then with its Wu Jiazi of of Zuo beautiful can Zuo person not makes Li of Shu of fair room at friend unexpectedly its are bad outside andGood inside Zuo of as a result gives birth to earDoes Die have? Affection person have with reason Ning content person
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    Child search at Yin do not get suddenly of admire Zuo to cry surely and leap up first king make cry leap up Geng Jun fears coming at this San sexual Ha is thick person Chang Ruru child of the approach in sad affectionAfter cannot Kui namely can Kui force also Zuo reason namely in order to cry the Geng of leap up its sad affectionAnd made makes the person wants its Geng again and cry surely need the sex of go-between of leap up needsFeeling content and Wu Zhong having namely Zuo is thin person want its Geng and strong cries leap up also from Yin Among them affection not and Zun Zuo installs ashamed to decline at this with Mo Qie of reason Ning content of Jian makeIts Yan person ear with bastinado Zuo Zuo condyle Zuo person Zuo does not decline Jian Master disease not Zuo at next Zha with be buried alive with the dead
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    of Zheng square disease so Zuo disease person not reason Zha makes as a result of person be buried alive with the dead its are thickAlso say the Zha of person collect Zha that the Zuo cloud of the person that issue honour is issueing Xiao has too hold a memorial ceremony for of of Zuo of change of Gong Yuere suffering of pain of of Qia of Shi Yue is accused surely fair againDo obeisance to kowtow Zha to say at cadaver have official Qia also person of the official the god of the land and the god of the grain-the state that is not the sovereignOfficial also the dead Zha of Long is gone to Zuo is taken and do not go to then with Die First Ruduomei Xiao is fair can fair Ning of of Zheng of introduced from the northern and western nationalities or from abroad family name of hill of Yin Zuo murders notWill surely the Yin Qia that Yin Zuo all did not get of its Xiao so goes out with hold a memorial ceremony for of Hou of illicit ear Zheng takes Zuo to get illicit Die its official in order to do Wang Zhang and Qia already
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    Hold a memorial ceremony for of Jian of dead might as well is like toward desire of character of Zha its Zuo at disease not Wu Jige also Die of Yin of reason of discard of Mr Zuo person with the job that fills Zuo its all Zuo at Die cannot with Yin Qu of Kui of of Yu Chuiren midday enters Zhong Suicu go Hu Zha of Zuo Zuo Lv has not install dance of Zuo Zuo Qu the of of complacently an administrative unit in Xizang not Er of place of of age of the person that do not hold article dance concurrently armies with Li the forefathers of doubt HunanNot Zuo comes ursine Zuo only then 2 dance all provide Yi Wenwu of the dance that make Qu and its this meaning advocate at ear of Li army
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    Zuo is not gotten with its mother with artful person is ill personScanty with its mother with Zha of collect of mother Zuo mother neither of oneself can be connectedIts mother namely Zheng Kang Zizhi's mother also the person that Yin text understands solution popularly is with Pi breaks greatlyChild the route goes of Zuo Zheng Zuo says why Zuo I say of my Long also go criesTurn over its not to cry to exhibit a grave and be entered all right after that at the graveChild Lu Haoyong Zuo child need its have Yao the path reason that Zuo body makes Zuo with ancestorOf Zong Qiu grave weigh and look at its to return also the Die with fainting greatly accuses Ning Confucius
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    Sad fair agreeAssist fair Chao Yujing Kang Wangcu Yao at Yin person Hunan all San of Er chaste tree 70 child age of this of Yin of place illicit Yin Only then family name of Jun Jueda's husband of Kui of Hunan of Er of Kui of Jing Ren of Er of Kui of Er chaste tree all Ning Shi ZhiAge of Ming Yiran of beneficial of of place of Confucius of article and rather than reachs the Yu of Zuo at Ta Shi Wen with Yao thing gentleman still Er child make Yin Ta with abide by week Ning and still its excessive name the Zuo You Xia of this age so cannot Zuo also Zuo of the emperor Zuo and Zuo of Hou of Zheng of outer coffin and of Yu of reason of Shenyang of Yu of Yu
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    Note seem doubt of the person that did not install Zuo person to of or by the concubine person Zuo has Jian surely with Jian in order to go those and easy of of Yu of lid of this Li makes Jian person time acting also coffin big coffin and Zuo of outer coffin weigh reason Yu to make with its Zuo Wu Chen at Zuo The person that bring Zuo more if photograph generation sows Yu Pizhi juice with Zuo of ground and earthAnd adverse Wu HangBury of Ji Zi Ning its wife the He Shenxiang of convict with accusing Zha Geng Zhizi Ning saysFamily name of the first month do not grant in order to be a blame friend do not abandon in order to be give Wu Si of Zuo of my cityAlso Zuo and Kui of bury after Zuo also
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    Child Ning not Zuo and bury place Zheng not Zuo in order to do the Zhu of common people also San Stopover making standing grain makes more civilian with of of Zuo common of faithful Jing Zhi is like bigHave destroy need at person a man of noble character not also of of Zuo of father of Mi Zizhi comes fatherOld Zha says Zuo is ripe already Zha makes Guo Zhe of teach of cut down of city person out 3 Zha are tranquilChild not Yu says makes of Zuo person cut down make I civilian have the heart that takes oneself its Surely year do not cease every this Zuo all apprentice deep Ming Wuxian of Zhong Ni Wang YidaoStand civilian meaning alsoBe an official and have no Lu Zhejun to of Zuo Yan Yue makes Zuo of Mr Yan Yue few and Jun Hong
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    Not is taken alsoThis Zheng Zuo person Yin is in in Xiao Mencius like Confucius at Mr Zuo with the guestThe friend that Die needs has Zuo to say and do not say Zuo makes the person puts lot of emissary of the Yu at the beginning of Zha of Ning of Er few gentleman person and not Zha of Zuo granary salary already Zheng Junchenapprentice of Die Ning Zuo with salary be not being taken instead is weigh salary and of Zuo Jun Chen Li is not Die meaning also the character Er that Xun Yin of age goes straight towards Ning of Zuo Zuo constantThe Die Zuo of of of few gentleman San is suchThe emperor dies 3 days to wish to be taken first
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    Shu Zhuxian takes to take bastinado to fear not like that not host avoids Zhu Zun of draw together Zuo to contain takes the place of Die Er tailor-made that avoids thing Ning draw together Zuo easily to take an examination of ear first surelyWish second official Zuo second the world takes his each in second first all the time below Zuo On cut cent 2 take serve rod or staff used for a specific purpose below 2 take take decline also definitely Li of this articleThe world was taken in MarchKang Cheng takes Zuo to decline with of Zhang Yueshu's person Mr satisfied Zheng Qi in March outside of civilian the emperor takes the person that do not know Mr with of bright doctor gentleman itsI have take and civilian takes side Jun declines Hou Zhi of chapter Zheng Zheng is big in July
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    The husband receives Yao to have at the emperor reason with take and person is taken do not know Jun to declineBe in under great merit over little work the doctor takes this person is taking little work Doubt 2 note already Zha satisfies Zheng the world took to point to Hou Dr in March does not think of this Yin Wen Chengwu the person that Jun declines day official Zuo takes 7 daysThe men and women in is taken under of Zheng the world civilian Ming Yizhou Guan Taizai Long With of state of 9 Kui civilian say herd gets Hou of Zheng of civilian Zuo with the ground not of Jun of Zuo the emperor Zuo of this civilian Ning advocate the ear such as friend yuan hind make civilian male relative of a senior generationMother day splits open dyingly and the civilian Zuo of the world admires of the person that its rely on is risked with generating
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    A day take bear at Li An Wuxin what every of palm guest Long makes thing king is bigSecond thing of thing Zheng Hou dear second thing Staff Sergeant issues second thing doctor Hou of thing bastard Of person inherent receives bastard Yao makes at Wang Ju Zuo of Yin of Jun Chao is encounteredGreatly dear doctor all inside Jun Cui Qi civilian all Jun element and of Hou personOf bastard and apprentice of all of government office history bear thing person takes Zuo with auspicious its Zuo butcannot the Zhu of period from article emperor only then Yu says make give Ning 3Day all Zuo is taken not ban marry to marry emperor of article of of flesh of food and drink of worshipping Zuo of female ancestral temple withFall the day before yesterday civilian all Zuo declines to did not get espouse ancestral temple to offer sacrifices to flesh of Zuo food and drink in March
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    Very bright Li Confucianism the Zha that be puzzled Wu Kang becomes person special not Sai ErIt is OK that Yu Ren sends the 100 woods that offer sacrifices to inner and outer coffins person its offer sacrifices to the of the person that do not come of Cut one's throat its personThe person that the person that send 100 worshipping wood makes defend is accused with material each like that of the person that after can be usedthe pain that worshipping Mu Fei of the 100 Jun inside Ji of of all of Zuo collect Zha also does not causeIn the person not god is offerred sacrifices to and the person's blame also does not come at need to death Yin person Zha Yan of Dr
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    Left Mao Rong altogethers into Wu Gongqing of king Bai Fu Zuo notes cloud Die withToward thisThe with Zuo fair Qia already bury and Jian does not enter Zuo scholar-bureaucrat already soldier cries hemp notIntoMadam of this father advocate also the person place deep avoid that excessive goes against person Li official common peopleThe Ji of of of favour reason earnestly that has Xianjun the information ear with Zhu YirenThe outer coffin of wash one's hair that the master aids Zuo holds the post of Zuo to say the Zuo ear of the issue of Mu Rudui artisan that blame body helps
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    From my mothers do not get my feeling my with my affection child the person that water does not enter the mouth 7 days to not be not affection from regret gives Wu Ziran andDo not know oneself also child spring Zuo of the person that do not get my feeling from Zheng already was like 3 days can feedAnd of exert oneself also not as good as Die cannot not self-improvement also Zuo Die and strong Yan Doubt the naturalness at heart of renown and rather than   Die Yin resolve a doubt coils 4

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