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章节: 卷十
书名: 礼记析疑
类目: 经部
写作年代: 约公元前-316年  至  公元后389年
视频: 卷十_礼记析疑
音频: 卷十_礼记析疑

欽定四庫全書 禮記析疑卷十         翰林院侍講銜方苞撰  禮運如有不由此者在埶者去衆以為殃是謂小康 在埶者去謂有國有家者而不由禮必致傾覆也衆 以為殃謂齊民而不由禮必以致殃咎也舊說與上 下辭意不相承接
故失之者死得之者生 古人威儀言動毫末不在於禮而觀者决其有死亡 之釁後世人猖狂偷惰無毫末之在於禮而未見所 為禍變者以其身心原未嘗習於禮也然悖禮之甚 亦未有不招殃致凶者列於鬼神 即下命降於社云云之義注甚確不可易也故聖人以禮示之故天下國家可得而正也
 幽厲以後諸侯大夫僭逼天下國家不可得而正矣 然究其源則由天子壊法亂紀而後諸侯僭於天子 諸侯君臣為謔而後大夫逼於諸侯其致亂之由因 不能示之以禮則撥亂之道亦惟禮可以已之要綰 前後乃一篇之樞紐也坤乾之義夏時之等吾以是觀之 孔子不言之意盖謂夏殷禮既無徴周禮雖存而諸 侯放恣大夫僭横亦不過如坤乾夏時僅留其書册
 吾雖學周禮亦不過以觀二書者觀之而已因推原 上古中古皆本仁敬誠孝制喪祭之禮以正天下國 家至周而大備聖人創制如此其艱難而今已掃地 無遺是以不能不痛惜於幽厲之傷周道也然後飯腥而苴孰 飯腥苴孰恐繫上古之禮於周無考舊説以生米為 含非也生米不得謂腥故天子祭天地諸侯祭社稷祝嘏莫敢易其常古是謂
大假 天子諸侯各有典祀所謂常古也常古不易乃得大 嘏下所列皆易其常古以生禍亂者故以是起之祝嘏辭說藏於宗祝巫史非禮也是謂幽國 禮者聖人所以正天下國家而莫重於祭君人者明 於郊社之禮禘嘗之義而身體力行之然後仁義有 所推事物反其本今乃視為具文及時臨事惟視宗 祝巫史執其事薦其辭君臣昏暗至此則萬事皆㝠
 行矣是以謂之幽國也醆斚及尸君 杞宋尸象前王他國尸象國君故曰尸君冕弁兵革藏于私家非禮也是謂脅君 孤希冕大夫

  • Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    decides 4 complete Die Yin resolve a doubt coils 10Fang Bao of Zuo of Zheng of serve of courtyard of member of the Imperial Academy is written Die Zuo If have not from this person in person go Xiao with disaster it is Zheng well-offIn person go the person that Zheng has to have the home and do not send Fu surely by Die also Xiao With Zuo of disaster Zheng civilian and do not need by Die on Ning of Zha of Ning of Jiu Ye of disaster of as a resultMeaning issueing Zuo does not carry on
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    Reason breaks person those who die person unripeEnd of fine long hair of of character of of the ancients power is absent at Die Yin person definitely its have deathperson of Zuo later generations is savage of end of fine long hair of the that steal indolent be in at Die not Yao place Dai Zhu person with its body and mind former not Li also is contrary to like that at Die of Die veryYi Wei has do not enrol disaster to send fierce personRow at ghosts and godsIssue a life to fall to be noted at Li of company cloud Yun Zhi namely very Chu cannot easy alsoFriend the world Home that reason Long person shows with Die can be gotten and also
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    Overstep one's authority of Zheng of after of deep and remote Dr Hou forces the world Home cannot be gotten andLike that investigate overstep one's authority of by Ji of of law of the emperor after Zheng Hou Wu Tianzi Zheng of of official of Zheng Mr Hou and after doctor forces at Zheng Hou Ji sends by because ofWith of Die Yi Wei Die that cannot show is OK already want Jin After is Ji before alsoFemale male of Li summer wait for me in order to be of Yin Confucius not the Die of Xia Yan of meaning lid Zheng of character already Zuo of Die of week is put and Zheng Overstep one's authority of of Dr Hou Fang do as one pleases is horizontal also not Zuo if female of male summer leaves his book
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    Die of week of my Zuo also not Zuo with Yin 2 person of Yin just because push formerAntediluvian and mediaeval all the Die that filial piety of Ben Renjing Zha makes hold a memorial ceremony for with the world The home comes and of person of big Long is made such its Pi Zuo now already ground Zuo is with have to the deeply regret week talk at deep and remote alsoLike that after Zuo raw meat or fish and Ju whoesWhat of Ju of Zuo raw meat or fish fears the of Die Wu Zhou with antediluvian Kui taking an examination of Ning Zha in order to give birth to rice Contain be not unripe also rice not to get Zheng raw meat or fishThe god of the land and the god of the grain-the state of hold a memorial ceremony for of Hou of Zheng of heaven and earth of hold a memorial ceremony for of reason the emperor wishs Gu Mo Gan Yi Jichang is ancient is Zheng
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    Big holidayHou Ge of the emperor Zheng has allusion to offer sacrifices to place Zheng Chang Gu also Chang Gu is not easily greatlyRow of the place below Gu is all easy its Chang Gu in order to give birth to Dai person reason rise in order to beCang Wuzong of Zha of Zhu Gu Zuo wishs witch Shi Fei Die also is Zheng deep and remote Die person Long person so the world Home and person of gentleman of Mo Chongwu hold a memorial ceremony for person brightThe Li of the Die Die at outskirt company and body Zuo force goes like that after benevolence Li hasPlace judge content turns over his to be Yao an administrative unit in Xizang of Yao mere formality and alone of Ning thing today originallyWish Wu Shi its thing Shu is its Zuo Jun Chen dim so far Qu thing all?
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    Row it is the deep and remote with Zheng also Zuo reachs cadaver gentlemanHis cadaver resembles the king before cadaver of a surname the Song Dynasty is resembled Mr friend says cadaver gentlemanTibet of change of arms of crown a man's cap used in ancient times is not Die at illicit home also is Zheng Mr Man Dr Gu Dr Xi Mian? ? Crown Die also and must not hide Wujia a man's cap used in ancient times of He Ye crown allAid hold a memorial ceremony for to be taken at Jun Zhi also week lawsuit takes this mortal world big sacred big Zuo guest in all itsThe dress and the Gu of its article Jun that act according to dear the after of doctor person of doctor personTake on all Ning thing and its home that the official gives does not get illicit Xuan so of big
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    Prevent also inside department takes and every life in all its dress chases after inside and outside / of life head take in order to wait for Hou Ji of Zheng of every of Long of of a man's cap used in ancient times of sacred Zuo passengerThe crown a man's cap used in ancient times of Gu dear doctor each with what its wait for palm Zheng of its ban every / the emperor of of of Hou Chao Yin needs Zuo Zuo takes to also do not derive from but can hideAt / ear doctor and Cang Wujia is from and illicit those who use also expect surely Jun ZhiCannot Yu and after dare illicit of Tibet of arrogate to oneself uses the supreme ruler that be not Man and He Zhou is metric Die withCrown takes dear doctor and Ning thing is awarded at department does not get illicit with Zuo thingDr Ren Qing and arms provide Cang Wucu five must not illicit the law place of the person that make Long With Qu world fraud alsoThe doctor provides of Long of truly of government-owned sacrificial utensil to all provide blame Die also is Zheng
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    Yin says doctor reason not of Dr rich say sacrificial utensil dressPhysician of truly week officer has the Zuo that sentences Jun all the thing of dynasty doctor andYan Zi of of Die Ning age is not to say in of of Hou Dr alone dear is bigThe Qing Jiang Wu Wangchao of of husband character Hou is so first-class that the Qing Jiang Wu Wangchao of of husband character Hou use Dr Die of the doctor uses person Die alsoWith declining skirt enters dayAncient person scholar-bureaucrat soldier cries and take public affairs to have to enter Man of government on purpose oneself already Zuo declines the person that this Die of the Jian that put a man's cap used in ancient times is made with also Zuo of of Zuo of Confucius has
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    Jiang Chenran Zuo contains Dai heart a holiday benevolence Li with civilian looks from notDare Zuo is contrary to Geng knows grieve besides Die child in prevent Ha Zheng makes the same score general strike Zuo Zheng official also needs declines the Jun Ruji of thing alone Zuo that skirt enters day gives birth to subjectLong and the domestic that Zuo of Er of Yin of An Yan history is like Wu Sanhuan of small Hou low 3 postDo not agree easy with Ning Zuo Jun Zhichao already Cui Changming Jun character declines skirt Man of period result neither also Zuo of Home Ning resides Zuo Zuo Yin person at piece head say namely the Zuo of lid of Confucius also age Dr
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    compel lists Yi Youzhi and not was like Zuo very a surname Home Zuo of hasThe land people that hide armour and was not like 3 post Bao Mr and of fair room Zuo Arms also the crown a man's cap used in ancient times of Zuo of the person that place of 8 Yi hides dance of song harmony Yu Dr Accompany Ning of of Zuo of of life of official fair Zuo of Zuo of person Zuo house Confucius alone Its did not reach Ning already very person and Zuo is painful more deep like that investigate You Jun of its source The Die that use outskirt cannot show the later and decadent stage of a school of thought leaving reason to come with Die at this earThe doctor has collect with Ta its child The doctor inside this Ji has city of world of Zuo to be like Wu Chunqiu of Yao of element of week call together
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    Person Ning of a man's cap used in ancient times of Bao of golden Jun king Dr Ning this place Ning all Yu is fair dear Ning of Hou Bi of Zheng of Zuo of reason the emperor its ancestor and be not being entered with Die book is Zheng the emperor Ji of law Ning its ancestor and the book that act according to Die nots with entering barren the thing of out-of-the-way consequentlyComePunishment Man and of law of common our constantPunishment with common and of Man punishment have no after the flesh not our person with Long of Civilian cannot be taken and hide Wu Jixin also common is our civilian is our with clever way
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    And go up must with all possible means the reason law with Die constantLaw constant and of Die of Die row lists person not thing alsoCivilian avoid law have no time why thing of free time lists at Die Die Zuo also friend says Die lists person not thing alsoReason politics person Jun Zhi hides so also hereat husband politics surely this Wu Tian in order to fallLot lot falls the Zheng ground at the company falls the Zheng of Yu Zu benevolence Li falls at mountains and rivers-land Zheng Ning is made fall the solid that at the 5 Zheng systems that offer sacrifices to this Long person hides soAlso
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    Zheng scholar looks this weekend Zheng Zhijun and false Long character with alarm also buildThe place that the Jun Yizheng of is a body advocate the place of life alone heart desire and Jun do as one pleasesWith knowing from Zuo danger Zuo is about to hide its body and place also Long personpolitics all so effect of reason of Zuo day heart with falling the life needs of Ning with ghost of heaven and earthThe illicit that the god shows blame body also life of of of life of Ning this and politics surely with place Zheng lot falls at be person blame gives a life because of hold a memorial ceremony for to also be like mountains and rivers-landBan Zuo needs because of hold a memorial ceremony for the experience of every life at company issue person all law groundAlso altogether with Bao favourable geographical position the of Wu Zu of the life person the Zuo that asks for Yin like life of the rank of nobility
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    All so Zhao Ren and rate Li also altogethers the person apply Wu Shanchuan of the life all so Ning civilian Zuo is made civil also come all systems all 4 of Zuo with distributingingHead offers sacrifices to the of the Supreme Being in the center of of emperor of its Fang Zhi surely 5 Zheng fall Wu WuThe system of worshipping Zheng also 5 worshipping Yao at Jian person differ and know this 5The emperor of travel person of life of of Fu of of worshipping Zuo travel can fall also of ground of Wu Tian of of reason Long person at ghosts and gods in order to treat politics alsoHeaven and earth of Long person Ning adds up to place of its reason to treat politics but ground of Wu Tian with Zuo Change Yo Ning ghosts and gods to add up to place of reason of its good or ill luck to treat politics but at ghosts and gods with
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    What its put Ta of effect Dai auspicious later development play its place to be treated namely politics germ At of heaven and earth the thing at ghosts and gods alsoThe order that Ta its place puts Die alsoContent has its place to put surely also each with respect to its naturalness Ta of the article of Geng What its put also is to be Die foreword alsoPlay its of a civilian treat alsoPlay Ning easy its resemble Yin of of 6 house and play its its Zhu of Yin of Zuo andThe Li that plays its to occupy ponders with Zheng and of Zuo Zuo also Yin week Guan Wumin
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    The person that treat every Li Wumin all music Bao and Zuo knows Long person to play its therefore place 4 person Jun Yizheng usesRespect person of Long of the that give a person with using day 3 soil of salty also Long person withThe Zuo that use the land also its give birth to luxuriant install its sex the favour with becoming father also 5 allusion of Esteem 4 Xiao the with building alsoReason gentleman person bright the person that also be not bright person alsoGentleman can from clear person of bright all Yin and Yu Yan friend says bright also be like already
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    Faint and desire bright of the person has Zheng to be not Zheng of Zheng person to beg Zheng soon soonPerson already has Zuo reason to say bright person has Zuo also common people Mr with autonomyZheng Yijun is a Zuo with bright person appropriate of Zheng of ear Zuo changes bright atArticle Li can be connected and press be contrary to with logic of place of person of of Gai Jun blame Ning of person Shun already of character of be apt to of Long of person the reputed founder of the Ix Dynasty does obeisance to preexistence Zha advocate all with empty Zheng suffers in and few Zuo not Long sends Zuo with person alsoReason servantchooses a person for a job know to go the brave that its Yu servantchooses a person for a job goes to what its anger servantchooses a person for a job benevolence go its Zuo
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    The person become that knows Ren Yong from Yu angry Zuo ill and the sexual of go-betweenCannot is tired at Die of Zuo alone but the person that Zuo answers reason of beautiful Zuo to know knows to haveThe tired Wu Zhi that Die knows Yu and bright but Zuo at Zha brave person know to have Die Know angry tired brave and can match path benevolence person know to Die knows Zuo tired Ren Erren and hold <> concurrently Li Zuo notes to be contrary to at manage Wu San itsThe word cannot connect Zuo Yu to go Zheng but with its Zuo not Zuo its are shortThe Dai that fears Yu angry Zuo is deep and the effect that knows Ren Yong is long and Bao breaks hisFriend goes also
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    The doctor dies the Zhu of a Zheng Thing of doctor dead also often is like dead already ancestor needs a group of things with common features of person having Place Yin is like gentleman 8 Zuo of or kill of the photograph that be the same as a row are like family name of tongue of sheep of family name of a surnameAll the Zhu of the thing alsoFather Jun Renchen of young Zuo of benefit of Zuo of Long of of Li of husband of little brother of fine of Ci Zixiao elder brother faithful 10Person the person Li of Zheng Gong Yuejun of scene of of of comfort of age Zuo makes and not Zuo official in all and not Zuo Father mothers and child of Xiao Erzhen elder brother and friendly younger brother is respected and Zuo husband is mixed and Li
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    Wife soft and Li is more careful aunt of of Zuo of Yan Zi place mothers and with Zuo Beautiful with scene fair be addicted to at illicit cannot the Dai of kill of photograph of domestic Zuo brother aunt Zuo needs Bao breaks his to benefit of Zuo of this Yin young Zuo with gentleman person person10 Li of Man with bright civilian brother and the Zuo in Zuo of Zuo of of people not of the same clan young religionCannot Zuo is late also child desire its Jun Zhengjia with reason from Jun Chen father and sonOnly then this Yin Yan Renjun with Die the world Home desire civilian rate Li needs fromTravel Li of Jun Chen only then reason with brother of father and son only then and with gentleman Ren Chenzhong Jian All the Li law of the ancients predication also
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    Old friend person the beautiful of the hands in ghosts and gods the five elements of the Zuo Zuo of its heaven and earthAlsoThe sex of be good at Zuo grasps at Kui be apt to at the beginning of the of place Zheng heaven and earth also needs like that Zuo Zuo is consensual and after Qu content spends unripe life only then change soul to give birth to soul Zuo to say alreadyWhat the that fetch is Zheng ghosts and gods has 5 sexes is complete and can connect reason to know the five elementsThe place of beautiful coagulates and detached is born at Li alsoFriend day grasping Zuo hangs down Wu Shanchuan of Fu of grasping Zuo of day star ground sows the five elements to be mixed at 4 After that the month is born also is with 35 and be filled with 35 and Zuo
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    Zuo of next Zuo giving a spring all give hill to say at hill reason ground of Li Guang of Fu Wu ShanchuanSay day of day star and 4 of Zuo the place Jian of day star also ground of of mountains and rivers-landAnd the place of mountains and rivers-land of Zuo the five elements advocate also sow on the of the five elements like that atThe feeling that the Zuo of 4 is like frost of rain of Zuo of thunderbolt of thunder Zuo Zuo to show is encountered get together medicinal powder blameThe divine of the Zuo of choice land place of the five elements of Zuo of place of mountains and rivers-land all the Ning of daythe that has Chun Xiaqiu winter with Zuo of day drifting cause and change unripe Qu soContent person also not Zuo Zuo rain frost is shown just husband the five elements sows Wu Si isThe sum of Zuo of Zuo of heaven and earth closes to also give birth to of of Zuo of Yan Zuo essence with month suiting on purpose at
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    The great void and the Zheng with unripe formation of a imagine also bright red Zuo says blame the five elements sows Wu Si In Zuo Zuo and Zha of the five elements why 12 celestial bodies each Zuo its foreword and Like that the lunar friend of 3 a period of ten days of says with after month is unripe also the person that the month is bornBe born to day of every months bright the person that also but to be mixed with lunar unripe Zuo is born with havingHave be filled with have Zuo but Yin day and know be a month only then Jian and become with deciding Zuo What also hangs down this day to act according to like day of Long person effect is the biggest person be like day pieceThe Gu Youchang that enter Jian is not the size that why divides every months with lunar and calm Zuo
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    Old friend person the heart of heaven and earth alsoBi of stranger of heaven and earth with form cannot make Zuo Yo sends his to give birth to photograph Zuo person of Long of the person that also Zuo with life cannot make Zuo Zuo windows with knowablePerson of feasible Long of the person that also the person can be sent in heart of of nature place is installed and Zuo Shu Ye's person makes Te 3 celestial bodies of constant of those who break Ci Chuanyue not anxiety and form Zhu also conjectures the thing Zuo that Zheng cuts Zuo photograph into parts in order to feelThe heart clear of the scope of operation of of person of manage with current is clearThe end of the five elements also
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    The person has 5 constant can it is OK that the manage of Yao the five elements has 5 Ning of Zuo the five elements friend says the end of the five elementsThe person that feed flavour to fasten Long to be born by color alsoThis knows word with Ming Wutian sex of Yao person from Zuo Wu Wu alsoWith of heaven and earth this reason other people but Ning alsoBright red Zuo says content but the manage of content of Ning Zheng Qu all alsoThe month has Shu with result of volume cause also of Shu of Zuo desire is restricted also meritorious service is limited Zuo of of person and thing not
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    Ghosts and gods can be defended with person narrative alsoIs face of hold a memorial ceremony for of coronal marriage hired? Thing of of school of of alliance cropland not with Ning of ghosts and godsMake the person respects careful Zuo to be defended again so and not dare Zuo is jumped over alsoThe five elements with Zuo story but alsoThe government order that handle of 4 is not the Ning that note Li to also build 4 together all with the five elements of manage Zuo and depend on in order to give birth to reason the Zuo of day of cost of 100 content interestThe that go against its thing one by one but also
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    Die Li with implement the story has all right one's deceased father alsoWeek at Die Li after adult of a Ta if implement Zuo and notBut attack by surprise friend says the thing has all right one's deceased father alsoFavor with cropland old friend with abstruse alsoUnripe civilian at the beginning of favor? The person that stuff place knows is passional and terrible just Long person is repaired Die the Zuo Li with ploughing the Zheng with Er of a Ren Yiju with weedinging hoe sowThe manage with content of Qu of ground of An Zhiran day after tomorrow 5 Li there's no one who doesn't or isn't of Chang BaihangCase Shu at the in heart the to bring up of abstruse 100 content also person with abstruse person have
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    Of Long person religion like that after knows its abstruse and treat from also5 offer sacrifices to so skill alsoHe Yuejing of life Xi awards person to say again salty of Jun of 100 labour be the concubine builds allow Zuo 4 civilian the Long thing of 100 officials of Xiao all Zuo 4 make friend this mortal world have with Ning Law falls surely life at suburbs 5 Di Zhisi with everything all this Wu Tian Also Die travel Wu Wusi and execute YanAlone offers sacrifices to the emperor of the five elements and Ke Zhengre Zuo of of law of cloth politics reason goes a Fu
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    Its are offerred sacrifices to very low not of Wu Cizheng law alsoIts fall life its Guan Wutian alsoBright red Zuo says its fall to say at the person the sex of destiny of middle place Zheng also knows the lot Geng All character too the manage of Zuo Zuo comes next Geng only then character first Wang Ben this Die withThe manage of day teaching a person with be good at Zuo falls at the person life person grasps and Quality the dictate with form is namely its suffer Wu Tianzhi Long to divide reason to say officialOf Ji of Wu Tianfan's person cannot write 5 things break its all from confuse Wu WuAnd blame of of its official Wu Tian person also
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    Husband Die needs this Wu Tian and the ground is listed and thing Zhu and Destiny like that Qu manages all and not person of Long of Yao its form this day in order to treat politicsMake civilian shake scrupulously and respectfully respectful with thing person greatest Wu Tongshan the differentiate Er of Zhi Zhiyi namely Er of above paragraphs place lists favourable geographical position also friend says and the ground by be4 civilian Xiao in proper order and cloth in proper order of 100 thing of Guan Zhi Long and Zuo fluctuatesThe allusion Die in proper order of inside and outside and Yu namely Wu Wusi of travel of Die of Zheng of above paragraphs place andExecute Die goes at outskirt 100 gods suffer Long Die to go at ancestor filial piety mothersTake reason to say list and thing also and because change beneficial needs Zuo in order to connect its Zhu
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    The after that its thing lists reason already needs again Zhu and of Zuo of Yan and Zhu Zheng of beneficial constant Yu namely 4 were not installed with handle at cent Shu Shu thing also the cent of Shu of the person that Ning issues Li is the same as Li at the person that divide 5 tasted people all installs his a at Shu person the Geng of Qu thing gets its appropriate each alsoLilliputian with thin Die adds Zuo of Wu Ren to a person of low position at the nature originally cannot Bao goes also butting thin and Home that already was like Bao to go dies the person of the body also
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    Repair Die with ploughingAgrarian has Die of border bank range to establish content somewhat Ji with Die Zuo popular feeling? of a place of strategic importance is agrarian with earth its cream arteries and veins also Zuo Li with Er Li person Geng Wen Zhigen Di repairs Die and not of Zuo its Li breaks his this and Die The empty of This of Ren Yiju Die Li all of this at benevolence Zheng differentiate bright like that the person that after knows place Zheng Die all
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    I heart institute cannot bear the person that jump over place Zheng Li all I heart institute cannot bear be contrary to Have with Yin Die Li ? Connect and the day of the heart with cakyReason Die also person the of Li also Li empty Jun and place Zuo writes at the thing Die to give birth to Yan reason to say Die also personThe of Li alsoClose with benevolence and disturbed not with Er feed what also install with Zuo is fed at Zuo and do not not fat alsoThe civil and military that teachs speech in order to treat is diligent Zhou Yongqing is decided greatly and not Huang is made make day
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    Next consider Zuo not with Er of of Zuo faint sex feed also Zhou Gong makes Die make protects Qu civilian and did not come to fail at the that becomes health punishment arrange Qu thing100 fine satisfy Zuo appraise to is fed and not the that fertilizer also writes speech with knowsHeart Zha meaning and careful of of Buddhist monastic discipline the Er with Zuo Zha and careful of the that feed Buddhist monastic disciplineDown to is fed at fat of heart Zuo and fatCheap of chancellery law small officialSmall official is defended oneself with cheap sufficient of of the on chancellery issues civilian cheap notOf enough Bao
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    The emperor with Zuo with drive abundant is at the body but Zuo passes away with Zuo has Long to teach and and his like goesWith Zuo reason with driveYan of story big Er and center goes and do not break deep andLuxuriant and have Zuo Zuo and do not reach also and do not kill also of this Zuo to also goes and not Zheng Ning and do not kill Zha close and Li goes and not Zheng person be the same as like parents of Ning of Ceng Zi Mr and not already already Ning of Wu Jia turns over gentleman place has its Geng each and not photograph crime also and not
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    The person that kill if mother takes of bastard Wu Fu to reside Ta Zuo to feed 3 years like that kills Hou of Zheng of Wu Ren Zuo Dr Zuo not to take Hou of Zheng of Dr Zuo Zuo insteadBe not taken instead and is killed at Li the constant Jian Zuo at Die has Zhu and notKill also luxuriant and have Zuo Ning Zuo and do not reach Zha close and Li luxuriant and have Zuo hands in Zuo like fulfil of of Die of hold a memorial ceremony for but Zheng is close the thing takes the place of with Zuo and become each like thatHave Zuo but breath Zuo and do not reach the before be like to encounter the Zhu that its take after Before dividing bag spy hold a memorial ceremony for Zuo of Zuo of what happened afterwards and do not reach alsoOf reason Die different also not Zuo also manages situation so and also do not close high also
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    Die has Zuo to have is Die is different also be not Zuo to also be not to also but like that its Zuo of Er Die and cent decides to its often can manage situation and do not come at Zuo Be filled with to its Zhu can close high and go up in order to divide Li from solid Yin person all itsDie and suffer from its to be born to closing the issue of danger    
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            Die Yin resolve a doubt coils 10

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