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章节: 卷四十七
书名: 礼记析疑
类目: 经部
写作年代: 约公元前-171年  至  公元后385年
视频: 卷四十七_礼记析疑
音频: 卷四十七_礼记析疑

欽定四庫全書 禮記析疑卷四十七          翰林院侍講銜方苞撰  聘義介紹而傳命君子於其所尊弗敢質敬之至也 質謂樸質而無文即七介以見不然則已慤之義盡之於禮則内君臣不相陵 禮意篤邦交固則強臣巨族不敢有輕上之心故曰
 内君臣不相陵也周衰強臣柄國皆私自結於霸主 強鄰而其君之邦交反不及焉然後顯背其君而無 可如何魯季孫意如衛孫林父陳慶虎慶寅之徒皆 是也禮之止邪也於未形觀此亦可見矣日莫人倦齊莊正齊而不敢觧惰以成禮節 疏以質明行事日㡬中而禮成謂聘享是也以日暮 禮成决此節為射禮則固矣記者總言聘射聘兼享 燕几設而不倚爵盈而不飲惟享禮則然日暮人倦
 則燕射之所同也專以屬射事義俱不可通以正君臣以親父子以和長幼 疏以三者屬射亦非也親父子和長幼並以旅酬言 古者伯叔父可稱父/兄弟之子即謂之子聘禮有燕則有旅酬安得專以 屬射且受享於廟禮辭多稱先君嗣君繼世友邦交 聘親其父以及其子正聘之本意也孚尹旁達信也 孚信也尹正也石藴玊光必外見言玊之徳信正於
 中則其光澤必旁達於外而識者能辨之故曰信也       禮記析疑卷四十七

  • Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    decides 4 complete Die Yin resolve a doubt coils 47Fang Bao of Zuo of Zheng of serve of courtyard of member of the Imperial Academy is writtenHire Li Interpose Jian and life gentleman at its place honour nots dare Zuo Jing Zhi comes also Zuo of Zuo Zheng and article namely 7 interpose with Yao otherwise already the Li of Of Bao at the Jun Chen inside Die not photograph hillOfficial of of of solid of diplomatic relations of Die meaning Ha is gigantic a group of things with common features the heart friend that dare Zuo does not go up says
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Inside Jun Chen not photograph hill also of handle of official of Zhou Cui all privately Jian at the overlord Zuo and the diplomatic relations of its gentleman is turned over not as good as Zuo of Yan Ran after bears its gentleman and But how meaning of Zuo season is like tiger of of Zuo of Xiao Lin Fu the apprentice of the third of the twelve Earthly Branches allBe also of Die stop unhealthy environmental influences that cause disease also Yin of Wu Wei form Yao of this Yi Ke Qia of Zuo of tired of day Mo Ren Zuo and not dare Yin indolent in order to become Die Geng Scanty with Zuo bright act day? Medium and Die is hired into Zheng enjoying is also with eventide Die is become definitely this Geng shoots Die to originally Yin person Jun character is hired shoot hire hold <> concurrently enjoySwallow a few Yu and do not lean on the rank of nobility to be filled with and not Zuo alone enjoys Die like that eventide person tired
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Yan Shezhi is the same as also shoots thing Li all to cannot be connected with With Zheng Junchen with Yin father and son in order to mix Zuo youngScanty with 3 person shoots Yi Fei also Yin father and son and Zuo young proposes a toast with brigade characterGu Zhebai uncle but Er father / of brother child namely of Zheng child hire Die to swallow has brigade to propose a toast how get with is shot and suffer enjoy at Die Zuo friendly nation of world of Kui of gentleman of heir of much Er Xianjun is handed inHire Yin its father and its child the original idea that hiring alsoThe Zuo other Yin of inspire confidence in sb is believed alsoInspire confidence in sb is believed also Yin Zheng also stone Shu is smooth the of of character of the Yao outside needing is believed at
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    of its light needs in by Zuo at outside and Zhu person can the friend of differentiate says letter also       Die Yin resolve a doubt coils 47

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