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章节: 卷四十三
书名: 礼记析疑
类目: 经部
写作年代: 约公元前122年  至  公元后203年
视频: 卷四十三_礼记析疑
音频: 卷四十三_礼记析疑

欽定四庫全書 禮記析疑卷四十三         翰林院侍講銜方苞撰  昏義再拜奠鴈 李光地曰按儀禮賓升北面奠鴈再拜稽首鄭注云 主人不答明主為授女耳似此鴈為壻見女之贄郊 特牲所云執贄以相見指此節也
厥明舅姑共饗婦以一獻之禮奠酬 李光地曰舅洗於南洗酌獻婦婦拜受姑薦脯醢婦 飲畢酢舅更爵酌酢自薦脯醢於舅席舅飲畢姑洗 於北洗酌先自飲畢更酌以酬婦婦拜受奠於薦左 所謂舅獻姑酬共成一獻也此疏似酬亦是舅恐誤婦順者順於舅姑和於室人而後當於夫 不能順於舅姑和於室人而當於夫則燕昵之私也 子甚宜其妻而禮則出者此類也 注室人謂女姑
 女叔諸婦聖人制禮夫之姊尊以姑之稱夫之兄尊 以公之稱婦明於此義則知敬順宜亞於舅姑矣為 兄公女姑者顧名思義可不勤於教育而忍為讒慝 乎是故婦順備而後内和理内和理而後家可長久也 微獨士庶人之家必婦順備而後家可長久三季以 來亂亡之禍無不起於家不和理家不和理無不由 於婦之不順而欲婦順之成必由身教孔子告哀公
 自古明王必敬其妻子有道是也是以古者婦人先嫁三月祖廟未毁教于公宫祖廟既毁教于宗室教以婦徳婦言婦容婦功教成祭之牲用魚芼之以蘋藻所以成婦順也 女將嫁則父母之教成矣而復教於公宫宗室者重 其事而使之震動恪恭於所教也以先嫁三月為期 非教之三月也教成者試而不違則禮成非謂至於 公宫宗室而後所教乃成也
天子聴男教后聴女順天子理陽道后治隂徳天子聴外治后聴内職 聴男教女順者章其教也理陽道隂徳者修諸身也 聴外治内職者治其事也 理陽道治隂徳所以本 身而夑理乎隂陽也聴男教女順外治内職所以治 人而整齊乎人紀也細而别之則聴男教女順所以 正其徳也聴外治内職所以程其事也適見於天日為之食
 後世推筭日月食度分毫不爽其實皆本周髀而經 傳則以為適見於天周公孔子不易其説盖以天子 王后苟或恣情悖義更無能禁遏而懲創之者惟使 知適見於天禍殃莫逭庶㡬有所畏憚耳两漢厯志 惟有推月食之術章和中劉洪改四分厯始言日食 而後漢書不載也至晉志始載太史令韓翊推筭日 食之説盖踵洪術而精之愚者皆謂星官巧筭超越 前古不知此正有司淺見大臣無識不能辨義而抑

  • Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    decides 4 complete Die Yin resolve a doubt coils 43Fang Bao of Zuo of Zheng of serve of courtyard of member of the Imperial Academy is writtenFaint Li Do obeisance to establish Zuo againLi Guang ground says to rise by Die Zuo in establish Zuo does obeisance to kowtow Zuo to note the cloud againHost does not answer bright advocate awards female ear to be like Yao of of this Zuo female Zuo outskirtSpecial Zuo of of cloud of animal sacrifice place points to this Geng with photograph Yao also
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Faint bright mother's brother tentativelies in all the Zuo Die establish fulfil with one Li Guang ground says mother's brother washs Wu Na drink does obeisance to of Hai of chest of Shu getting father's sister Zuo vinegar husband'ses father more the rank of nobility drinks vinegar husband'ses father at mother's brother banquet from Shu chest Hai Zuo aunt is washedWu Bei is washed drink first from Zuo more drink to suffer establish in order to propose a toast is done obeisance to at Shu leftFulfil of aunt of of place Zheng mother's brother becomes one in all also this is scanty be like fulfil also is mother's brother fears Zha Zuo person Zuo tentativelies at mother's brother and at room person after Wu FuCannot Zuo tentativelies at mother's brother and the illicit of close of at room person swallow of of Wu Fu alsoChild very appropriate its wife and this Zuo also notes the person that Die goes out female aunt of room person Zheng
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    The elder sister that person of Long of of Zheng of female father's younger brother makes Die husband honour the elder brother of the Er husband with aunt honourWith fair Er bright know to respect Zuo appropriate to tentatively at mother's brother at this Li Name of Zuo of the fair female person that tentatively thinks of elder brother Li can bear Zhu Te at education not frequently of hereat Zuo and mix inside after the with manage after home inside manage but Zuo is long alsoThe home of person of small person be the concubine needs Zuo and after home but Zuo is long 3 season withThe Dai that dies does not remove Wu Jia of manage of disaccord of disaccord manage home not byAt not Zuo and desire of Zuo into accuse by Confucius of teaching by one's own example surely sad fair
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Since ancient times bright king respects its wife to have surely is alsoBe with ancient person person is married first ancestor was not destroyed in March religion at of fair Gong Zu alreadyDestroy religion teach the domestic animal that holds result to teach hold a memorial ceremony for with of character of to use at imperial clanOf Zuo Pi become Zuo so with Ta alga alsoFemale marries parents teach and the person that teachs Wu Gong palace imperial clan is heavyIts thing and made shake scrupulously and respectfully respectful teach at place also with be being married first March period Yu of the person that the month of blame teaching also teachs and not Zuo Die comes into blame Zheng atFair palace imperial clan and after place teachs become therefore also
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    The emperor Long male after Zuo of manage of female Zuo the emperor, the Long after teaching treats Long of Zuo the emperorThe Long inside the Long after be being treated outside Zuo of Long male goddaughter person Zhang Jijiao also manages of Zuo path Zuo person the body that repair Zheng alsoTreat outside Long inside Long person treat its thing to also manage Zuo path treats Zuo so thisPersonally and manages Zuo Zuo also is treated outside Zuo of Long male goddaughter inside Long is treated soPerson and whole Zuo person Ji also Ji and Zuo of fastened Long male goddaughter soits also is treated outside Long inside Long so Cheng its thing alsoOf of day of Zuo Yao Wu Tian feed
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Later generations pushs Geng day lunar eclipse to spend fraction accurate its all this week thighs and Jian with Wu Tianzhou of Zuo Yao fair Confucius is not easy its Zha is built with the emperorQueen ifs or affection of do as one pleases is contrary to Li more can ban check and of person alone makesDisaster of Dai of Wu Tian of Yao knowing Zuo not Huan be the concubine? Somewhat Wei ear annals of two The Xiao Zhang Hezhong that pushs lunar eclipse only big change 4 minutes only then character solar eclipseAnd after not Zuo also comes annals only then Zuo too Shi Ling Zuo assist the day that push Geng The Zha that feed builds heel big Xiao and the I of essence of life person all Guan Qiao Geng surmounts Zheng starBefore ancient do not know this to having Zhu of of chancellery of department Yao cannot differentiate Li and curb
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Stopping ear installs Cheng Tingzun newly to make Zha differentiate very Yu        
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
            Die Yin resolve a doubt coils 43

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