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章节: 卷四十五
书名: 礼记析疑
类目: 经部
写作年代: 约公元前-380年  至  公元后534年
视频: 卷四十五_礼记析疑
音频: 卷四十五_礼记析疑

欽定四庫全書 禮記析疑卷四十五          翰林院侍講銜方苞撰  射義内志正外體直然後持弓矢審固持弓矢審固然後可以言中此可以觀徳行矣 内志正則無分雜故觀之審外體直則無懈惰故握 之固然其正其直非可以旦夕矯强而合也故可以
 觀徳行騶虞者樂官備也 騶牧虞衡皆得其職則賢才衆多而任舉審當可知 矣注以一發五豝為義似未安故明乎其節之志以不失其事則功成而徳行立 明乎其節之志故徳行立不失其事故功成是故古者天子以射選諸侯卿大夫士 選以助祭也倦怠跛踦不可以行禮射以辨之必强
 有力而能比於禮樂始得與執事焉下獨言試士者 諸侯卿大夫雖不預執事廟有定位若諸侯所貢士 射不中則不得與祭也知然者朝會之期羣侯咸在 不能盡與執事卿大夫或老耄不能執事或形體不 完如晉郤克眇衛孫良夫跛而為正卿宗廟大事豈 容不涖祭義君牽牲卿大夫序從盖雖不與執事必 在序從之列也故事之盡禮樂而可數為以立徳行者莫若射
 自卿大夫以下雖有禮事不得用樂即從君賓祭不 過禮容寓於目樂聲入於耳不能人人身其事而盡 其志也惟射則要節而行儀雖慎而猶恐其或失循 聲而發聴雖審而猶恐其有違故曰盡禮樂盖禮與 樂交動於一時而人人盡志於此可以立徳行也郊 廟朝廷之事雖禮樂具備而不可數舉惟射則無地 無時不可以習故聖王務此以政教可即此而通也諸侯歲獻貢士於天子
 千八百國所貢之士王朝豈能盡用以義揆之凡試 之而得與於祭者必使入太學三年大比留王朝者 不過十之一二而餘歸其國以備上士二十七人之 選盖惟成國之卿乃命於天子使大夫庶士一任其 自置設遇回遹昬庸之君專任宵壬則民受其病故 必試於王朝教之成均以習知其才行而後備官於 其國司士又以三年稽侯國之士任而進退其爵禄 所以能使天下為一家中國為一人也 歲獻毎歲
 職貢也貢士雖以三歲為期而必與毎歲歸職貢者 偕是當歲獻之時貢士也漢制上公車者與計吏偕 盖其遺制此天子之所以養諸侯而兵不用諸侯自為正之具也 自為正者正身以正其國也射以繹已之鵠不中則 反求諸身如是而臣不肅民不安者未之有也以善 養人恃有此具耳賁軍之將亡國之大夫與為人後者不入
 後大宗小宗乃先王經禮故注謂宗族既為其人立 後而此人復求為之後然禮無二後雖末世無此况 風教盛隆之世乎與繼父同居繼父無主後同財而 祭其祖禰因為之服期此之謂為人後耳蓋㢙有存者 公罔之裘所語鄉黨自好者尚可勉而至若好學不 倦則智識日進於髙明好禮不變則操行不易於危 險耄期稱道不亂則年髙徳劭而教澤及人視之裘
 所語者益難故能自信者尢少也射不中則不得為諸侯 屢讓屢削地絀爵即不至於易位亦不可以為成國 矣必如是然後君臣盡志於習禮竭心於擇士所以 野無遺賢萬邦咸寜也已射於澤而后射於射宫 古者辟雍泮宫必近水澤而為之則澤乃學宫也宜 在近郊射宫宜在國中近於公宫為君與羣臣國子
 習射之地雖於傳無徴理則宜然若夫不肖之人則彼將安能以中 此道其常盖亂賊姦兇則毎有過人之技勇不可以 羿與逢蒙之善射為疑也    

  • Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    decides 4 complete Die Yin resolve a doubt coils 45Fang Bao of Zuo of Zheng of serve of courtyard of member of the Imperial Academy is writtenShoot Li Inside annals outside Zuo is straight like that after holds solid of Gong Shi to hold Gong Shi admittedly after butWith call the turn this is OK Yin goesInside annals reason of indolent of lax of of straight of the Zuo outside the of Yin of reason of Zuo of cent is graspedadmittedly its it is OK that its are not continuously Chang of in a short while is strong and close also reason is OK
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Yin goes of official of of Zuo Yu Zhe also Zuo Mu Yuheng all gets Zuo of its Long ability Xiao is much and of holding the post of Ning is knowablenote with one Li is like 5 Zuo to was not installedReason bright with breaking its thing result is become and establishs the annals of its Geng all rightBright the annals reason of its Geng stands not to break its accident result to become all rightHereat is ancient person the emperor in order to shoot Zuo Zheng Dr Hou Qing person Zuo in order to aid hold a memorial ceremony for Zuo of listless also limp cannot be shot with travel Die with differentiate surely strong
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Strong and can compare at Die only then Yu of character of the below Yan of thing of the that get Ning person person Zuo of Zheng Dr Hou Qing not of Zuo thing has fixed position to be like Zuo of Zheng Hou Suo personShoot bos not to get Ning hold a memorial ceremony for to also know like that person the period Li Hou Xian of face is inCannot thing of Bao Ning dear doctor or decrepitude cannot thing or form Zuo notIf Zuo overcomes husband of fine of Miao Xiao ,be over game and Zuo of important matter of Zheng QingzongLook not animal sacrifice of of hold a memorial ceremony for Mr Li dear doctor order builds Zuo not Ning thing needsIt is foreword alsoThe Bao Die of the story and but Mo Re of the person that goes with establishing is shot
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    From dear Zuo has Die thing to must not use under the doctor namely hold a memorial ceremony for of Mr Zuo notContain of Zuo Die look enters Wu Er at eye Long cannot everybody body its thing and Bao Its annals also buts to shoot to want Geng and go Zuo careful and fears his or break abide Long and of Long Zuo and fears his Zuo reason says Ning of Die of lid of Bao Die hands in of Wu Yi and everybody Bao annals can establish to go at this also outskirtThe of thing Zuo Die of imperial court provides and cannot Ning alone shoots ground is not OK of king of Li reason Long this with politics teach but namely this and also Zuo of of Zheng Hou person Wu Tianzi
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Of Zuo of 1800 place person dynasty Zuo can the every Yu that Li of Bao in order to conjecturesand get Ning at hold a memorial ceremony for person make surely too compares the person that leave a dynasty 3 years greatlyNot Zuo ten and Zuo its with Staff Sergeant of 27 peopleThe Qing Nai life of Zuo Gai Weicheng makes at the emperor the doctor ofs or by the concubine person allow itsThe gentleman that meets Zuo need from buy Yu civilian suffers Ren Xiaoren its die of illnessNeed Yu is become at what the dynasty teachs all know its to just go with Li and after official atIts manages person with of Hou of 3 years of check person allow and Zuo retreats salary of its the rank of nobilityCan make so the world one person of of the one in the home also of
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Long Zuo also Zuo person Zuo with 3 period and surely Zuo of Long of of Ning personThe Zuo that in the company of is person also is made on fair Zuo person in the company of of Ning Yin officialBuild its Zuo to makeThis the emperor Zuo Zheng Hou Erbing need not of Zheng Hou Zi alsoFrom person personally with its also is shot with Kui already Zuo bos Beg Zheng body instead so and official not Man civilian is disturbed person not have also with be apt to Zuo person depend on has this to have sideThe of Zuo Zuo dies the latter of person of doctor Ning of is not entered
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    After a large amount of reason of king Jian Die notes small Zong Naixian Zheng clan already its person establishs After and the after that this person begs like that 2 after of Die of Zuo last phase of an age this besidesThe world of Zuo Jiao Chenglong of father of cohabitational Kui of Ning Kui father advocate after is the same as Zuo andHold a memorial ceremony for its ancestor Die because of take period ear of this after of Zheng person San ? Have the person that putFair not Zuo of Zuo of Qiu Suo Zha from good person passable exert oneself and if,come good not Zuo of day of tired wisdom Zhu at Zuo bright good Die not Zhu behaviour of a student is not easy Wu Wei Zuo octogenarian period Er not year Zuo admirable and the fur coat that teachs and person Yao
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Place Zha person beneficial Zuo reason can be self-confident person Piao is little alsoShoot bos not to get Zheng HouThe rank of nobility of the Jian that cut the ground does not reach Zhu namely Wu Yi also cannot become with surely so like that annals of Bao of after Jun Chen at Li Die Jie Xinwu person soSalty of state of Qu of Zuo of wild Zuo alsoAlready shot shoot Wu She palace after that at Ancient person of close water of Gongbi of monarch harmony Pan and the of is Gong YeyiIn outskirts appropriate ejaculation palace is in of official of Li of Ning of palace of close Wu Gong Mr child
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    The ground Zuo that Li shoots manages at appropriate like thatThe of person those that is like a husband to unworthy is installed can with inThis ability brave that its often build of of of Zuo to have Zuo person is not OKThe be apt to of Yi Ning Feng Meng shoots doubt also    
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
            Die Yin resolve a doubt coils 45

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