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章节: 卷四十四
书名: 礼记析疑
类目: 经部
写作年代: 约公元前-146年  至  公元后259年
视频: 卷四十四_礼记析疑
音频: 卷四十四_礼记析疑

欽定四庫全書 禮記析疑卷四十四         翰林院侍講銜方苞撰  鄉飲酒義 鄭注鄉大夫飲國中賢者鄉宜作卿周官鄉大夫興 賢能之後退以鄉射之禮五物詢衆庶乃所以終前 事為後舉張本不得為飲國中賢者尹吉甫飲御諸 友而張仲在焉公父文伯飲南宫敬叔酒以路堵父
 為客是為卿大夫飲國中賢者所以别為一禮也不慢不争則逺於鬬辨矣不鬬辨則無暴亂之禍矣 古者祭祀鄉射皆獻酬交錯俾族姻鄉黨時時聚會 以通其歡忻則争慢無由生而鬭辨自逺矣末世暴 亂之興皆由於鬭辨然後知先王之禮乃所以消禍 於無形也故聖人制之以道鄉人士君子 士君子秀民也鄉人兼樸者而言也聖人制此禮所
 以開導鄉人之秀者樸者使觀感而興於行也秀者 見禮則樸者慕矣 故聖人制之句賓主象天地也介僎象隂陽也 賓以義立主人以仁接故以象天地之對待介以輔 賓僎輔主人故以象隂陽之流通讓之三也象月之三日而成魄也 月行正當日下則明掩而為晦漸逺則明生是月與 日相讓而後明生也明生而後魄可見故曰三日而
 成魄朱子以䟽義為非但以既望而生魄為義不當 曰三日而成 李光地曰厯家以朔及前後二日為 食限此時月切於日渾然是魄所謂三日成魄也謂 之讓者朱子觧月㡬望為隂盛亢陽則成魄非讓乎禮以體長幼曰徳 鄉飲酒之禮衆賓衆子弟壹以齒為序而不論其身 與父兄之爵等則少者或以為屈而老者亦為之不 安賓介與衆賓壹以徳行道藝為凖並不論其齒之
 少長則立於階下者或不能平而席於堂上者亦為 之不適聖人制禮使與於斯者各自體認其為長為 幼之道知尚齒貴徳並行而不相悖乃天理之自然 人心之同然事習而心安故謂之徳也故曰古之學術道者將以得身也 鄉飲酒之禮凡在列者皆士也農工商不與焉故專 以學術道者為言不惟賓介三賓以徳行道藝為衆 所推是謂得身凡與於斯禮者有所觀感興起皆以
 求得其身也鄉飲酒之禮六十者坐五十者立侍以聴政役所以明尊長也六十者三豆七十者四豆八十者五豆九十者六豆所以明養老也民知尊長養老而后乃能入孝弟民入孝弟出尊長養老而后成教成教而后國可安也君子之所謂孝者非家至而日見之也合諸鄉射教之鄉飲酒之禮而孝弟之行立矣 此節為黨正属民飲酒以正齒位之禮無疑但宜退
 置篇末則節次分明而義意相貫盖鄉飲酒之為國 政者鄉大夫興賢能一也州長習射謂之鄉射而興 賢能之後亦用此禮以詢衆庶二也黨正正齒位三 也自萹首至故曰吾觀於鄉而知王道之易易專言 興賢能之禮一人之所記也鄉射有賓無介則黨正 之正齒位及蜡飲可知矣自鄉飲酒之義至禮之大 參又一人所記也其釋賓主介僎位鄉與前記有同 有異則非前人所記明矣此節則因興賢能而及正
 齒位又曰合諸鄉射所以補前記之闕也或即前人 所記或出一人皆不可知然必如是而後鄉飲酒之 施於國政者備若卿大夫飲同官及國中賢者則私 家之事又别無異義故弗之及耳 前因三賓而推 之國立三卿以為政教之本此因養老而合諸鄉射 以為教成國安之本辭意相應似出一人之手豈編 次者誤置於前或簡錯與 儕伍之長尚宜尊而况 天顯之義乎他人之老尚宜養而况生我之恩乎鄉
 大夫州長黨正在民上者猶且尊養其所治之民而 况父母諸父諸兄為已所怙恃承奉少小保抱相攜 持者乎故必知尊長養老而後能設誠於孝弟也 野人椎魯與父兄耦居雜處或至勃谿見上之人尊 長養老則孝弟之心油然而生矣一人揚觶乃立司正焉 李光地曰一人揚觶在未歌之前立司正在既歌之 後記者以類相從故連言之
賓酬主人主人酬介介酬衆賓少長以齒終於沃洗者 李光地曰旅酬畢後使二人舉觶賓介主僎徹俎降 脱屨升堂行無算爵少長以齒終於沃洗者在無算 爵節内鄉飲酒記所謂主人之賛者不與無算爵然後 與是也本二節而記者一之疏云因旅酬遂連言無 算爵見無不周徧鄉飲酒之義
 此下乃别一人所記其中有前記所未備者故後儒 並存之疏謂覆明上記之意非也主人者造之産萬物者也 造造於東方也主人之造於東方以主人養賓亦有 産物之義也非造作飲食之謂   

  • Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    decides 4 complete Die Yin resolve a doubt coils 44Fang Bao of Zuo of Zheng of serve of courtyard of member of the Imperial Academy is written Li of Zuo Zuo wineAppropriate of Zuo of the person that Zuo notes the Zuo in of Dr Zuo Zuo makes Ning of dear week official Dr Zuo Zuo can be the concubine of Xiao of 5 content Yu is the Die that withdrawal shoots with Zuo so before Jian Zheng of drive of Zuo of Ji Fu of Yin of the person that of Ning of thing after does not get the Zuo in Zuo originallyFriendly and Zhong Zaiyan is fair wine of Jing Shu of the palace austral Zuo of father Wen Bai blocks father up with the road
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    guest is the Zuo in of Zuo of dear doctor person fasten one Die of so alsoDo not contend for Zuo not slow at Zuo differentiate not the Dai of cruel of of Zuo differentiate Ancient person sacred Zuo is shot all fulfil hands in Zuo to in order to of of Zuo of Zuo of a group of things with common features marriage gets together Contend for slow in order to connect of its Xin by unripe and Zuo differentiate from Zuo last phase of an age is cruelThe Ning of all by at Zuo differentiate like that after knows first Wang Zhi Die is so disappear Dai At form alsoReason Long person makes with gentleman of path Zuo personagePerson gentleman is beautiful civilian also the person that Zuo person holds concurrently also Long person makes this Die place
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    The show with person of Zuo Zuo person person make Yin feels and Ning Wu Hang is beautiful also person of Yao Die person person of Mu Yigu Long makes sentence Zuo advocate also upright like heaven and earth Zuo of elephant Zuo also Zuo establishs host with Li with benevolence receive reason to await take to heart in order to resemble the of heaven and earth with Zuo Master reason of Zuo Zuo is connected with resembling Zuo Zuo and his likeOf Zhu also resemble lunar day and become spirit alsoThe month goes day issues bright attack by surprise and of Zuo of dark bright be born is lunar Ning Day photograph Zhu and after bright unripe also bright unripe and after soul but Yao friend says 3 days and
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    The Zhu Zi that become spirit with? Li not only Li of with looking already unripe soul not Say 3 days and say into Li Guang ground the after before Home is reached with new moon 2 days of Feed be restricted this month cuts Wu Ri is soul place Zheng becomes spirit 3 days like that also Zheng Zhu person month of Zhu Zi Yin ? of Zuo of Cheng Kang of Zuo looking at is not Zhu into soul Die with Zuo Zuo young say The one of children of Xiao of Die Xiao Zuo of Zuo Zuo wine with Zuo foreword not Zha its bodyThe such as the rank of nobility of Ning father and elder brothers is little person or be bent with and old man also of notOne of Zuo of Xiao of Ning of the interpose that install Zuo with of of of trade Shu not of Zha its Zuo
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    The person that little Zuo stands to fall at Zuo or cannot be made the same score and the Xi Wutang person that go up also not Zuo Long person makes Die make Ning Wu Si person respective Zuo Zha of its Zuo Young path know to of Zuo Zuo goes and still not be contrary to it is providential natureOf popular feeling with like that thing Li and the that the heart installs reason Zheng alsoFriend says of the person that Xiao of Gu Zhi in order to get a body alsoThe Die every of Zuo Zuo wine is in the person that list all person also Zuo is industrial and commercial not of Ning Yan reasonWith character of of the person that Xiao Zuo notting only uprights 3 Zuo with Xiao of of trade Shu What pushing is the person that Zheng gets Die of Wu Si of Ning of body this mortal world somewhat Yin feeling Ning rises all with
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Get its body alsoThe Die of Zuo Zuo wine 60 person sit 50 person establish serve with Long politics battle so brightHonour Zuo also 60 person 3 beanses 70 person 4 beanses 80 person 5 beanses 90 person6 beanses bright Zuo is so old also civilian know honour Zuo Zuo to often can join filial piety younger brother therefore after thatCivilian the I that enter filial piety goes honour Zuo Zuo to often be become after that teach religion after that can be installed alsoThe place Zheng filial piety of gentleman person blame home comes and of day Yao also add up to Zheng Zuo to shoot religionthe Die of Zuo Zuo wine and the travel of filial piety younger brother stands Zuo of this Geng is belonging to civilian Zuo wine with Zuo Die doubt but appropriate is retreated
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    Buy piece end Geng second trenchant and the of wine of Zuo of Zuo of lid of Zuo of Li meaning photographPolitics person Zuo of Dr Zuo Ning can one also the Zuo that city Zuo Li shoots Zheng is shot and Ning Zuo can after also ofs or by the concubine with Yu Xiao with this Die 2 also Zuo Zuo 3Also oneself Qu head says to reason the word of Yi Yi that my Yin know kingly way at Zuo Ning Zuo can the place Yin of one person of Die also Zuo shoots Zuo of of interpose of having Zuo Zuo the Zuo that reach candle is knowable the Li from Zuo Zuo wine comes of Die bigAnother person of place Yin also its Zuo Zuo advocate interpose the Yin before Zuo Ning has with Yin of place of forefathers of blame of having bright this Geng because Ning Zuo can and reach
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Zuo say again Zuo adding up to Zheng is shot so the Zuo of the Yin before Xuan also or namely forefathersPlace Yin or give one person to all cannot know to need like that so and of wine of after Zuo Zuo Apply at politics person if dear illicit of of the person that doctor Zuo is the same as the Zuo in official and Before domestic thing fastens what reason of Li nots to reach ear again, push because of 3 Zuo Li Sanqing with politics teachs this this because Zuo is old and Zuo adding up to Zheng is shot of this Zuo meaning photograph that installs into with teaching is like the hand Zuo Jin that gives one personSecond person Zha buy Wu Qian or Shang Yizun of Zuo of Wu Zhi of of Ha Zuo Ning and besidesThe Li of day Zuo the Zuo of old Shang Yi of other and besides the favour that gives birth to me Zuo
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Zuo of doctor city Zuo is in civilian of the person that go up and what its treat honour Zuo civilian andBesides of elder brother of Zheng of parental Zheng father already depend on of place rely on bear act according to little small protect hold photograph in the armsThe person that hold reason knows honour Zuo Zuo surely old and after can Yu Zha Wu Xiaodi alsoThe person that Ou of father and elder brothers of Ning of savage vertebra Zuo resides Zuo Ta or goes up to suddenly Zuo Yao honourThe heart of younger brother of filial piety of Zuo Zuo old arises spontaneously Yin of one person establishs Si Zhengyan thereforeLi Guang ground says Yin of one person is in department did not stand to be in before the song already of the songAfter Yin person with character of Zuo of reason of Zuo photograph
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    The person that Zuo proposes a toast master host proposes a toast interpose interpose proposes a toast Xiao Zuo little Zuo is washed with Zuo Jian Wu WoYanLi Guang ground says after of brigade fulfil makes Zuo of Yin of 2 people Ning uprights advocate Zu JiangTake off to rise a travel to calculate the person that little Zuo of the rank of nobility is washed with Zuo Jian Wu Wo in The Zuo of host of Zheng of place of Yin of wine of Zuo of the Zuo inside Geng of the rank of nobility person not Ning calculates the rank of nobility like that after Ning is also this 2 Geng and Yin person one scanty cloud satisfies Zuo character because of brigade fulfil of Yao calculating the rank of nobility not week The Li of Zuo Zuo wine
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Place of the Yin before this falls to fasten Yin of one person place to have among them therefore not person reason after ConfucianismThe scanty Zheng Fu that puts bright on the meaning of Yin is not alsoMaster person the Qu thing that make person alsoBuild build at square master also go to also just have with master Zuo Zuo at The Li of content also is not the Zheng that artificial Zuo feeds   
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
            Die Yin resolve a doubt coils 44

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