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章节: 卷四十二
书名: 礼记析疑
类目: 经部
写作年代: 约公元前-279年  至  公元后932年
视频: 卷四十二_礼记析疑
音频: 卷四十二_礼记析疑

欽定四庫全書 禮記析疑卷四十二          翰林院侍講銜方苞撰  冠義凡人之所以為人者禮義也禮義之始在於正容體齊顔色順辭令容體正顔色齊辭令順而後禮義備以正君臣親父子和長幼君臣正父子親長幼和而后禮義立故冠而后服備服備而后容體正顔色齊辭令順故
曰冠者禮之始也 曰禮義備者虛言其理也曰禮義立以附於人身者 言之也 自十年學幼儀容體顔色辭令已無日不 使之習矣然幼所習手容足容行容立容之常而已 至成人則事君事長接賓承祭躬身俯仰歩武疾徐 各當其品節而後謂之正幼所學事親事兄承師承 長之色而已至成人則在廟在朝治軍臨下有喪有 憂弔死問疾之色咸得其分際而後謂之齊幼所學
 將命傳言之辭而已至成人則聘頫享覿㑹盟征伐 之辭無一不合其機宜而後謂之順盖始學其儀即 求其所以正所以齊所以順之禮義然必至於能正 能齊能順而後禮義始備也故制冠禮至是而後責 其備則自十五入大學以後必盡志於此時自警惕 而惟恐其不備矣見於母母拜之 古者君於臣父於子舅姑於婦皆有拜禮盖責之者
 厚望之也深故禮之不得不重也而各有節會焉子 之冠母拜之始為成人又以所執者廟中之脯也父 於冠不宜答子之拜故子冠後亦無拜父之禮婦見 舅姑舅姑饗婦則不惟姑答拜舅亦答焉婦饋則姑 酳之拜而舅無拜盖盥饋者婦職之常也見與饗則 將授之室而使為主非饋比也父之於子則冠無拜 而養於廟中有拜盖始教以成人之禮未知其果克 家也舉奠而則以宗祊託焉且與長兄弟俱故至
 是始有拜禮也若非適嗣衆子之拜更無答禮至於 國君則大夫以上答拜而士非其臣亦答焉天子則 在喪答拜而朝覲會同皆無之獨屈體於師保臣於 君必稽首而大夫之臣則無之乃聖人運用天理至 極而不可移易者也 母拜之肅拜也按少儀婦人 吉事雖有君賜肅拜平時子拜母坐受之或立受而 不答重冠禮故肅拜以答也唐人禮父坐受子拜母 立受 周官九拜惟稽首頓首至地其曰空首者手
 至地而頭至手即記所謂手拜也所謂肅拜者俯手 近地如今之揖也覲禮三揖及司士王揖羣臣則推 手小下之耳喪大記君拜卿大夫於位於士旁三拜 康王受顧命於羣臣之拜無不答而春秋傳則曰二 王之後天子有事燔焉有喪拜焉其説參差相抵而 不合嘗通論之稽首非君父無所施春秋傳盟於蒙 孟武伯曰非天子寡君無所稽首是也而在喪亦用 於敵者雜記鄰國來弔子拜稽顙孔子曰稽顙而後
 拜頎乎其至也三年之喪吾從其至者是也然則國 君平時答卿大夫以肅拜在喪及饗食燕射以手拜 天子平時答公卿侯伯以揖在喪則以手拜答二王 之後則以頓首也惟成王之於周公太甲之於伊尹 皆拜手稽首盖先王舊臣師保之尊不可以常禮論 如太公授丹書武王北面皆以義起而偶一行之遂以摯見於卿大夫鄉先生 晉語趙武冠備見諸大夫卿大夫適子有此禮
將責為人子為人弟為人臣為人少者之禮行焉 如傳所稱魯昭公習儀以亟禮與辭足觀與魯論所 云論篤色莊色取仁而行違者其於為人子為人弟 為人臣為人少者之禮文非不能合也而夷考其行 則實與禮悖為責四者之行於人故必敬其事重其 禮以使之興於行也可以為人而后可以治人也 冠用士禮不惟士大夫之子成人以後有服官治人
 之責即庶人之子受室成家身不行道不行於妻子 故必可以為人而後可以治人也      

  • Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    decides 4 complete Die Yin resolve a doubt coils 42Fang Bao of Zuo of Zheng of serve of courtyard of member of the Imperial Academy is writtenCoronal Li Laic person person Die Li also of Die Li only then in Zuo of Wu Zhengrong Zuo Zuo of Zuo lubricious Zuo makes allow Zuo your Zuo of Zuo of Zuo lubricious Zuo and of after Die Li withFather and son of Jun Chen Yin and Zuo young Jun Chen Zuo of Yin of father and son young and after that Die Li Coronal establishing cause takes to take to allow Zuo after that after that reason of your Zuo of Zuo of Zuo lubricious Zuo
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Say coronal person of Die only then alsoSay Die Li person Ta character its manage to also say Die Li stands in order to add Wu Ren body personOf character also allow Zuo Zuo lubricious Zuo to make from 10 years of young already day notMade Li like that hand of young place Li allows Rong Lirong of sufficient look travel constant justReceive Zuo to Zuo of thing of gentleman of adult thing bear hold a memorial ceremony for bend forward Xu of disease of fierce of of body a simple move or actionIts taste each Geng and of after Zheng elder brother of thing of Yin of thing of young place bear bearThe color of Zuo just treats Zuo in hold office at court to adult there is below Ning The color of disease of dead is salty get its to divide Zuo and the Zuo of after Zheng young place
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Does the Zuo of character of life just hire Zuo to enjoy Yin to adult ? Alliance go on a punitive expedition Zuo shoulds not its appropriate and the Zuo of after Zheng is built only then its namelyBeg its so so so the Die Li of Zuo reachs Zuo surely like that Wu NengzhengCan Zuo can Zuo and after Die Li only then also reason makes coronal Die come is and after Zuo Its from 15 need into big after Bao annals at this from vigilanceAnd for fear that its not Yao does obeisance to at mother motherGu Zhejun husband'ses father at official father Wu Zi the person that aunt all has those who do obeisance to Die to build Zuo at
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Of the Die of close also friend of great expectations must weigh also and each have Geng Yan Zicoronal mother does obeisance to only then grows up with place person the chest in also fatherWu Guan is unfavorable answer child do obeisance to reason child coronal after also the Die Yao that does obeisance to fatherAunt of of of Zuo of aunt of uncle aunt mother's brother notting only answers do obeisance to mother's brother to also answer aunt of of Yan Zuo Of Zuo do obeisance to and of Long of of the person that mother's brother does obeisance to lid washing Zuo constant also of Yao Ning Zuo The room that gives and make advocate blame Zuo is compared also the of coronal of Wu Zi of father is done obeisance toAnd Zuo at have in do obeisance to a lid only then religion the Die with growing up is sealed its are overcome if reallyAlso Ning establish and with ancestor Dai Yin Yan and reason of all of Ning Zuo brother comes
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Be only then have do obeisance to Die also Xiao of heir of if not Zuo child do obeisance to more answers Die comes atAbove of Mr Dr answers do obeisance to and person blame its official also answers of Yan the emperorAnswer to do obeisance to and be the same as toward Yin in all the of bends Zuo at Bao ChenwuGentleman needs kowtow and the Zuo of person you Long of official of the doctor is used providential to and cannot move easy person also Mu Baizhi Man is done obeisance to also press person of little Auspicious thing Zuo has gentleman Zuo Man does obeisance to smooth child do obeisance to a mother to sit those who suffer or stand suffer andDo not answer Man of reason of heavy coronal Die is done obeisance to in order to answer also father of Tang Ren Die sits suffer child do obeisance to a motherStand suffer Zhou Guanjiu to do obeisance to alone kowtow Zuo head reachs the ground its say sky head person hand
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    To the ground Zuo comes hand namely hand of Yin place Zheng is done obeisance to also hand of Fu of the person that place Zheng Man is done obeisance toClose ground nowadays bow with hands clasped to also Yin Die 3 bow with hands clasped to reach department person king to bow with hands clasped to Li official to pushWu Weiwu of ear big Yin Dr Jun Baiqing person by 3 do obeisance toLife of Zuo of health Wang Shou at Li official do obeisance to not to answer and age says 2The after the emperor of king is occupied Fan Yan has Bai Yan its Zha needs balance andThe kowtow that disagreement connects Zha is not place of Jun Fu to apply Wu Meng of age allianceKowtow of place of of gentleman of few of the emperor of Bai Yuefei of fierce of the first month is also and also use in At person of of of Zuo Yin Zuo child Confucius of the Zuo that do obeisance to check says check Zuo and after
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Do obeisance to Zuo its come also of 3 years the person that its reach my is also like that Jun Ping answers dear the doctor is done obeisance to with Man swallow is fed to shoot in and Zuo do obeisance to with the handThe emperor makes the same score Hou Bai of Da Gongqing to be done obeisance to in order to bow with hands clasped to with the hand in answer 2 kingafter with Zuo head also buts the Wu Yi Yin of Gong Taijia of Wang Zhiwu weekAll do obeisance to hand kowtow to build first of king Ning official protects honour not OK constant Die Zha If great-grandfather awards north of king of red fierce,the face all rises with Li and occasionally of groupThen with Yao Dr Wu Qing Mr Zuo Yao of of Wu Guan of Zha Zuo Dr Zheng dear doctor Zuo child have this Die
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Person of Zuo child person of of official of person of of person younger brother is little person Die travel Yan of fair Li of clear of Zuo of Er of the place that be like in order to repeatedly place of Zha of Zuo of Ning of sufficient Yin of Die Ning Zuo Color of lubricious Qia of cloud Zha Ha is taken benevolence and travel Zuo person its at person child person younger brotherPerson of of person official is little person Die Wen Fei cannot close also and exterminate takes an examination of his to go Die of Ning is contrary to Zuo 4 person reason of travel Wu Ren respects its thing to weigh its surely Die the Ning Wu Hang with making alsoCan person can treat a person after that alsoThe coronal uses person Die scholar-bureaucrat notting only child adult after has take Guan Zhiren
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Zuo ofs or by the concubine namely of the person child suffer room get married to be no good personally be no good at the wifeIt is OK that reason needs person and after can treat a person also      
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
            Die Yin resolve a doubt coils 42

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