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章节: 卷三十六
书名: 礼记析疑
类目: 经部
写作年代: 约公元前-495年  至  公元后842年
视频: 卷三十六_礼记析疑
音频: 卷三十六_礼记析疑

欽定四庫全書 禮記析疑卷三十六         翰林院侍講銜方苞撰  服問有從有服而無服公子為其妻之父母 公子於期大功降以為尸也外祖父母妻之父母服 輕且外喪無妨於為尸而不服何也君在為母練冠 君没大功而服母妻之族則推之無本矣女君之子
 不降其私親以於母得遂也公子之妻服公子之外 祖父母以於姑得遂也為其母之黨服則不為繼母之黨服 此與父在為母期同義皆以義之重而奪恩也盖母 出則繼母父之配也宜奪因母之恩而服繼母之黨 若母死則父有受於考妣祔於祖廟之初配矣故不 服繼母之黨以明其義而繼母之服仍一同於因母 以篤其恩所以義盡而仁至也
麻之有本者變三年之葛 期之葛則麻同兼服之不得言變變三年之葛者練 後葛帶未除遇大功新喪則以麻帶易之所謂麻葛 重也世子不為天子服 繼世以立諸侯象賢也雖先君既薨必三年之喪畢 類見而命於天子然後得嗣國若為世子而不終則 庶人也安得遽以重服服天子乎大夫之適子則教
 於成均舎不帥教而屏之逺方鮮不為士者故得為 君夫人大子如士服雖朝於君無免絰唯公門有税齊衰 古者大國不過三卿五大夫王事邦交國政豈容弛 置既葬之後入圖公事不得不朝於君先王制禮期 之喪有税衰而無免絰三年之喪衰絰而朝使為人 君者知臣以國事而不得遂其父母兄弟之恩所以 視臣如手足也為人臣者知雖迫國事而仍不奪其
 父母兄弟之恩所以視君如腹心也且知圖國事尚 衰絰於君前則歸至其家居處飲食哭泣思慕容貌 言語有一不稱其服自覺仰愧於天俯怍於人又所 以使之内省其哀誠也    

  • Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    decides 4 complete Die Yin resolve a doubt coils 36Fang Bao of Zuo of Zheng of serve of courtyard of member of the Imperial Academy is writtenTake Have take and takes childe its wife parentsChilde at period great merit falls with cadaver also grandfather mother wife parents is taken Zuo and outside hamper refuses to obey at cadaver He Yejun is in coronal of mother Jin The that a group of things with common features that gentleman does not have great merit and takes mother wife pushs this female Jun Zhizi
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Do not fall its illicit Yin is satisfied with be being gotten at the mother also of childe wife take son of a feudal prince or high official besidesGrandparent is satisfied with be being gotten at aunt alsoThe Zuo of its mother takes not the Zuo of Kui mother is takenThis Ning father in mother period is the same as Li all with Li heavy and favour also builds a parentOf father of mother of Kui giving match also the Zuo that appropriate takes Kui parent because of Mu ZhienIf father of mother dead has,match reason notThe Zuo of the mother that take Kui with bright its Li and of Kui mother take still together Wu Yin's motherWith Ha its favour so Li Bao and benevolence to also
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Ma Zhi has this person Zhu arrowroot of 3 yearsPeriod Jin of the person that arrowroot hemp holds the does not get character Zhu Zhu 3 years arrowroot that take concurrently togetherAfter arrowroot was not divided encounter of great merit new with Ma Ge of Zheng of place of hemp Yi ZhiHeavy alsoWorld child not the emperor is taken Kui world resembles Zuo with establishing Zheng Hou also Zuo Xianjun demises already surely of 3 years Zuo Yao and life Wu Tianzi like that after gets heir to be like world child and not Jian How does person of be the concubine also get hurriedly to take the emperor with be being taken again the doctor's Zuo child teaching
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Wu Chengjun Ning not teachs and the Zuo square Zuo of screen not person person reason gets Jun Fu National People's Congress child be like person take Zuo avoids Jian toward Wu Jun only fair Zuo has duty Zuo to declineAncient person big not Zuo Wang Shibang meets 3 Dr Qing Wu physicians Rong Chi of politics Zuo Buy already the after of bury enters official business must face makes Die period at Jun Xianwangthe that has duty to decline and avoids Jian 3 years declines Jian and face makes personGentleman person know me the with thing favour that must not satisfy its parents brother so Yao official is like brothers also person official person thing of of approach knowing Zuo and still not its
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    So Mr Yao is like the favour of parental brother true thoughts and feelings also and thing of knowing stillDecline of the before Jian Wu Jun lives in Ta Zuo to feed to its cry appearance of think of sb with respectCharacter Zha has one not its take Er to admire Wu Ren of Zun of Fu of ashamed Wu Tian from Yin The introspection with making its sad Zha also    
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
            Die Yin resolve a doubt coils 36

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