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章节: 卷三十五
书名: 礼记析疑
类目: 经部
写作年代: 约公元前-360年  至  公元后904年
视频: 卷三十五_礼记析疑
音频: 卷三十五_礼记析疑

欽定四庫全書 禮記析疑卷三十五         翰林院侍講銜方苞撰  問喪惻怛之心痛疾之意傷腎乾肝焦肺 有人遭兄之喪腹中若豸蟲之動自丹田之右逆上 達左脅轉而右旋徧於胸膈以藥石攻之不效醫士 楊芳初聞之曰此喪禮傷腎乾肝焦肺也起自丹田
 之右腎氣逆也達於左脅肝病也旋徧於胸膈肺病 也故先王制禮辟踊袒號以動體安心下氣叩之果/以父母 在不敢號踊以相/感動哽咽而致此當其時不知用此故成痼疾惟熊 經鳥申久而後可漸减也其人因學導引之術微有 瘳氣結而不通者終其身三日不舉火故鄰里為之糜粥以飲食之 喪事充遽親者致其哀内外御者各有執事無暇舉 火故鄰里為之糜粥庶民則五家之鄰可共庶士則
 二十五家之里始足以周事先王教民以厚自死喪 相恤始故感人者深而成俗易也糜之厚以食朋交 姻亞承事者粥之薄以食三日不食以下旁親及孝 子之疾病者三日水漿不入惟士大夫可勉若庶人 身自執事而後行則亦不能不食粥矣故哭泣辟踊盡哀而止矣 止謂附身附棺之事皆畢更無可以致愛於親惟自 盡其哀而止耳雖心絶志悲無如之何故不得已而
 以鬼享之也冠至尊也不居肉袒之體也故為之免以代之也 居如考工記居材居角之居安置之義也言冠為服 之至尊不可安置於肉袒者之身故為免以代冠也  以此知賓祭之袒露裼衣而不肉袒也親始死悲 哀志滿氣盈故袒而踊之以動體安心下氣若賓祭 割牲則露裼衣以示敬可已冕旒而肉袒非所以為 儀也郊特牲君袒而割牲明堂位君肉袒迎牲於門/割牲以薦神尚不肉袒而肉袒以迎牲於門何
 義乎明堂位莽歆/所偽造未可據也然則秃者不免傴者不袒跛者不踊 秃者不宜廢袒踊餘皆然注有一疾則并廢其二似 不若陳氏集説為安下文云不可以備禮則非全廢 明矣免者以何為也曰不冠者之所服也禮曰童子不緦惟當室緦緦者其免也當室則免而杖矣 李光地曰怪成人袒時須著免今非成人袒亦著免
 故問之不冠者之所服謂童子未冠故著免也緦者 其免謂為族人緦者由為父母著免也      禮記析疑卷三十五

  • Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    decides 4 complete Die Yin resolve a doubt coils 35Fang Bao of Zuo of Zheng of serve of courtyard of member of the Imperial Academy is written The meaning Mo of the aching disease of Da male liver anxious lungThe that somebody is like Xi of insect without feet in the abdomen of elder brother by from the pubic region right go against on Zuo of Zuo left Man and dextral attacks with Shu stone at pectoral midriff not effect Zuo person fragrant first of Long say anxious lung of male liver of Mo of of this Die also rises from the pubic region
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    right Mo is gone against also disease of liver of Man of Zuo Wu Zun also comes back at pectoral midriff pneumoniaAlso reason first king the fruit that Ta of leave uncovered of leap up of the monarch that make Die sets his mind at to issue to kowtow with Zuo / with parentsIn not dare Ta leap up with / feeling chokes with sobs and send this its not to know to use this reason to but into chronic illness ursine Jian Zuo Shen Jiu and after but is decreased also the Xiao that its person brings because of is small haveChou Jian and its body of Jian of the person that be illogical3 days not the rotten congee of the in Zuo of Ning fire cause feeds with Zuo The person that thing fills hurriedly Yin is sent its drive of sad inside and outside person each have Ning of free time of thing The of rotten congee common people of the in igneous cause Zuo 5 Zuo can of or by the concubine in all person
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    25 in only then enough week beforehand Wang Jiaomin with thick from dead Photograph compensate only then reason is touching person deep and into common easy also Mei Zhihou is handed in with feeding friendMarriage bear thing person of congee thin do not feed 3 days in order to feed the following by Yin and filial pietyChild disease person of 3 days of water does not enter alone scholar-bureaucrat person of Ke Mianre be the concubineBody from thing after travel also has to feed congeeReason cries Bao of monarch leap up sad and stopStop the job that Zheng adds a body to add coffin all more can send but at Yin from Bao its sad and stop of Bei of annals of Jian of ear Zuo heart is like why reason is have to and
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Enjoy with ghost alsoThe coronal comes honour the Zuo that also does not reside fleshy leave uncovered also of reason avoid with era alsoIf house takes an examination of labour Yin to reside material to reside the Li that horny house finds a place for also Yan Guan is takento honour cannot find a place for at fleshy leave uncovered person die is avoided with Dai Guan alsoExpose Ti garment with what this knows Zuo hold a memorial ceremony for and not fleshy leave uncovered also Yin only then dead Bei of sad annals is filled with reason leave uncovered and set his mind at of leap up to issue to be like Zuo hold a memorial ceremony for with Zuo Garment of Ti of dew of the that cut animal sacrifice in order to show Jing Ke already crown Liu and fleshy leave uncovered is not so also leave uncovered of gentleman of outskirt spy animal sacrifice and cut animal sacrifice bright leave uncovered of Tang Weijun flesh greets animal sacrifice at Zuo / cut animal sacrifice with Shu god still not fleshy leave uncovered and fleshy leave uncovered in order to greet animal sacrifice at Zuo why
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Li bright hall Mang Xin / place builds cannot alsoLike that is bald person unavoidable person not leave uncovered cripple not leap upBald person Zuo of leap up of unfavorable leave uncovered all is noted like that have one disease and is like secondlyDo not be like of Zuo collect Zha to install later development cloud to cannot be not complete with Die BrightThe person that avoid with why also says not coronal person be taken also Die says boy not Jin buts Jin of room Jin person its are avoided also room is avoided and bastinadoLi Guang ground says Zuo of of strange adult leave uncovered is written avoid be not adult leave uncovered to also be written today avoid
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Of reason not coronal person what take Zheng boy not coronal reason is written avoid also Jin personThe person that its avoid Jin of Zheng clansman is written by parents avoid also      Die Yin resolve a doubt coils 35

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