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章节: 卷三十三
书名: 礼记析疑
类目: 经部
写作年代: 约公元前-395年  至  公元后677年
视频: 卷三十三_礼记析疑
音频: 卷三十三_礼记析疑

欽定四庫全書 禮記析疑卷三十三          翰林院侍講銜方苞撰  緇衣禹立三年百姓以仁遂焉 人君不仁則不能厚生以正民徳彰志以明其教禮 俗並敗則閨門之内男女少長相乖相怨而不能和 親族姻鄉黨之中強弱知愚相脅相欺而不能和順
 百姓雖有仁心而不能自遂矣遂者通達也必王道 四達而不悖然後民情欣暢而交通也可言也不可行君子弗言也可行也不可言君子弗行也則民言不危行而行不危言矣 老莊之志太古可言而不可行也北宫之女不嫁以 養父母陽城兄弟相愛皆終身不娶可行而不可言 也危當作違以音同而誤君子道人以言而禁人以行
 禁人以行盖身為之則管子所謂禁勝於身則令行 於民也故言必慮其所終而行必稽其所敝 言雖善必慮其所終老莊欲人為太古之無事而不 知其終不可行行雖善必稽其所敝晏子國奢示儉 而不知其敝至於偪下長民者衣服不貳從容有常以齊其民則民徳壹 朱軾曰言衣服則一身容貌兼之矣鳴鳩其帶伊絲
 其弁伊騏是也 從容有常其儀一也儀之一由心 如結此民徳之所由壹也為下可述而志也 人臣圖利徇私則其事不可以告人苟為上為徳為 下為民則皆可述而志也不援其所不及不煩其所不知 不及已之才所不及也行人子朱不能其職而以當 御争殷浩以北伐為已任援其所不及也不知者君
 所不當知也書曰庶獄庶慎文王罔敢知于茲若每 以煩君之聽則凟矣其辭同而别以已與君者援則 自巳而言之也煩則不可自已而言之也政之不行也教之不成也爵禄不足勸也刑罰不足恥 人君必能行其政成其教然後爵禄當而民知勸刑 罰當而民知恥若無政無教則爵及惡徳刑枉無辜 民且有疾心而何由勸且恥乎
故上不可以䙝刑而輕爵 荀卿曰刑當罪則威不當罪則侮爵當賢則貴不當 賢則賤故上不可以䙝刑而輕爵也大臣不治而邇臣比矣 古者侍御僕從大臣皆得進退死生之此君徳所以 不荒庶政所以無壅也若大臣不能治身則必與邇 臣比矣不能治官則無以禁邇臣之相比矣不能治 者不可使居其位故居其位者不可以不敬也 周
 官王之侍御僕從無一人不統於冢宰大臣不能自 治則便辟側媚者無所畏忌故邇臣比也故大臣不可不敬也是民之表也邇臣不可不慎也是民之道也 大臣以富貴之過而忠衰於君則百姓且為之不寧 可用為民表乎此不能敬之過也邇臣能探君之情 移君之計庶士庶民皆視其趨嚮而争赴之是之謂 民之道也而可不慎乎道與道之以政同義
毋以内圖外 圖如我儀圖之之圖度也議也内謂左右近習也人 主於外臣多好與左右近習私議之是非所以失實 而多蔽也若與廷臣之正直者公議之不得謂以内 圗外大人不親其所賢而信其所賤民是以親失而教是以 端人正士非不知其賢也以其防己之欲而不能親
 便嬖側媚非不知其賤也以其便已之私而不覺相 信此民所以失其親上之心而視教令為具文也徳易狎而難親也 水之徳居常則日渉而無患故易狎遇險則一陷而 不可脱故難親夫民閉於人而有鄙心可敬不可慢易以溺人 閉於人謂其情不得上達有鄙心謂怨惡其上閉於 人則有鄙心所以不可慢也然有鄙心而上卒無由
 知以陷於大患故曰易以溺人下之事上也身不正言不信則義不壹行無類也 身不正則言不見信於上義不壹行無類身不正之 實也義所陳於上也行所發於身也所陳之義二三 而退而考其行則駁雜而無類欲上之信其言得乎  君子比類以成其行或出焉或入焉則無類矣故君子多聞質而守之多志質而親之精知畧而行之君陳曰出入自爾師虞庶言同詩云淑人君子其儀一
 多聞多識而質以人心之同以精吾心之知似可不 疑於所行矣然以之治已則身所處之時位不同以 之治人則世所因之俗變各異苟拘於所聞所見而 一一以求其合則不能隨時隨事以處中故必畧而 行之所謂擬議以成其變化也盖惟所知者精然後 能取其大畧而左右逢其原觀顔子博學於文約之 以禮孟子於井田學校惟粗舉其大要可知畧而行
 之之義 引君陳證多聞二句引詩證精知句私惠不歸徳君子不自留焉 私惠注謂以小物相問遺則曹僖負羈盤飱置璧之 類是也但其義甚狹如彌子以衛卿為餌而孔子嚴 拒之齊王欲以萬鍾養弟子而孟子遂行皆所謂不 自留也苟有車必見其軾苟有衣必見其敝人苟或言之必聞其聲苟或行之必見其成葛覃曰服之無射
 此喻言行之出於身者不可揜也車之有軾喻大體 之顯見也衣之有敝喻微疵之難匿也衣雖美少有 汚毁人必見之故君子於公言大節自持必嚴即恒 言細行自檢必密也必聞其聲義與車之見軾相發 必見其成義與衣之見敝相發服之無斁喻謹言慎 行終吾身不可懈惰也言從而行之則言不可飾也行從而言之則行不可飾
 從訓順則行不可飾也句與上文義不協當作虛字  行發於身雖偏戾莫之能禁也從而言之則其不 善或雖善而不能得其宜盡其分皆不可飾矣     禮記析疑卷三十三

  • Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    decides 4 complete Die Yin resolve a doubt coils 33Fang Bao of Zuo of Zheng of serve of courtyard of member of the Imperial Academy is written Jin garmentThe reputed founder of the Ix Dynasty establishs common people 3 years with Ren SuiyanPerson gentleman heartless cannot thick unripe with civilian clear annals with bright its teach Die Look of little Zuo of male and female is good in Zuo of Zuo of of common be complained and cannot mix knows bully of photograph of I photograph Man infirmly in Zuo of Zuo of marriage of Yin a group of things with common features and cannot mix Zuo
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Common people Zuo has benevolence heart and cannot satisfy oneself the person that satisfy connects Zuo to also need kingcraft4 Zuo and do not be contrary to like that of glad of after public feelings and traffic alsoBut character is unworkable also gentleman nots character is feasible also also cannot character gentleman nots rowAlso go and civilian character does not high all right characterThe annals remote antiquity of old Qia but character and unworkable also boreal Gong Zhi female do not marry with of photograph of brother of city of Zuo parents Zuo all Jian body is not married feasible and cannot characterAlso high makes Zuo with sound with Zha Gentleman a respectful form of address for a Taoist priest detains a person with character in order to go
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    The Zheng of pipe place that bans a person to build body in order to go bans to make go at body Wu Min alsoReason character needs Jian of its place and need all right check its place is ourCharacter Zuo be apt to needs Jian of its place is old the thing of remote antiquity of of Qia desire person and notKnow its Jian is unworkable travel Zuo be apt to needs excessive of of its place our Yan Zi shows check And do not know its our come to fall at Zuo civilian person the dress not Zuo look has constant with Zuo its one of civilian civilian Bright red Zuo says appearance of a suit of character dress furthermore Jian of Yi of Zuo Zuo its
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Zuo of Yi of its a man's cap used in ancient times is also look has constant its one also one of by the heartBe like Jian this place of civilian by one alsoCan be narrated below and annals alsoIts thing of of practise favouritism of benefit of person official can not accuse of of the on person careless civilian all can be narrated below and annals alsoNot aid its place not as good as not its place does not knowNot as good as already ability place not as good as also pedestrian child bright red cannot its Long and with Drive contends for Yan Hao to already held the post of gentleman of the person that its place also does not know aid not as good as with northern expedition
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Not knows also says of be the concubine ofs or by the concubine Shen Wen king not dare know to be like every at Pi The Long with Mr its Zuo is the same as and fasten with already Mr Ning person aid Of from Si character also cannot from soon of character alsoPolitics be no good also teach not Cheng Yejue salary is not worth also punishment Li is not worth AlsoPerson gentleman will surely go its politics teach into its like that of salary of after the rank of nobility and civilian punishment knowing Li and civilian if politics teachs the rank of nobility and crooked of punishment crime,know Civilian and have disease heart and He You and
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    On reason not OK? Punishment and Zuo the rank of nobility of blame of of punishment of a surname Qing Yue power not Zuo of of Zuo of of the rank of nobility of bully of blame not On reason of Zuo Zuo not OK? Punishment and Zuo the rank of nobility alsoChancellery is not treated and Zuo official is comparedAncient person chancellery of of Shi Yu all gets Zuo to retreat unripe this gentleman dead soNot barren ofs or by the concubine politics so stop up also is like chancellery to cannot treat body to need Ning Zuo I are compared cannot treat government-owned to be compared in order to bear the look of Zuo official cannot treatPerson cannot make reside its a former residence its person not OK and irreverent also
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    The of of Shi Yu of government-owned king one person not Jian slaughters chancellery at grave cannot fromTreat to monarch fawn on person official of Zuo of reason of place fear is compared alsoFriend minister cannot irreverent also be civilian express also Zuo official also cannot be carelesslyCivilian path alsoChancellery the Zuo with rich Zuo and faithful common people of Cui Wujun and of not Can use civilian to express the Zuo that this cannot respect also Zuo official can the affection of explore gentlemanYijun's Yin person of be the concubine thes common people all of Yao its Zuo and contend for those who go to is Zheng Civilian path also and but inadvertent path Ning with politics with Li
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Not outside less than The that is like my is spent also Zhu also inside Zheng controls close Li also personAdvocate the dispute of Zhu of illicit of close Li of left and right sides of much better Ning breaks Wu Waichen so And of fair Zhu of the much mier person that also be like the integrity of official of Ning the court of a feudal ruler do not get Zheng less thanOutside Adult not Zuo of Yin its place and believe its place Zuo civilian is be broken with Yin and teaching is with Upright person person blame does not know its Zuo also with its the root of fangji desire and cannot Yin
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    blame of Bi fawn on does not know its Zuo also with its already illicit and not Yin photographBelieve this civilian the heart that breaks its Yin to go up so and mere formality of Yao decretal also easy be improperly familiar with and Zuo Yin alsoThe of water resides of constant day and suffers from reason easy be improperly familiar with to meet one fall of Zuo andCannot take off reason Zuo Yin Husband civilian Zuo has low heart at the person respected cannot slow easy with person of be addicted toIts affection does not get Zheng of Zuo Wu Ren on Zuo has low heart Zheng to complain the Zuo on its atPerson has low to the heart also cannot have low heart slow like that so and go up soldier by
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Know with defect Wu Dahuan friend says easy with person of be addicted toOn the thing below also frame-up character does not believe the body Li not Zuo of one travel alsoThe body is frame-up character not Yao is believed at on Li not body of Zuo of one travel is frame-up also Li place Zuo at go up to also go a at the body also the Li of place Zuo 23And retreat and take an examination of Zuo of Zuo of its travel and Zuo the letter that is about to go up its character is gottenGentleman compares Zuo to its go or give Yan or Zuo of of the that enter Yan in order to become Zuo of reason gentleman much Long and the annals Zuo that defend and the essence of Yin knows and goGentleman Zuo says discrepancy is the same as Yu Yun Shuren from character of Yu Shu gentleman its one
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    AlsoMuch Long much Zhu and Zuo with popular feeling with with essence of life of my hearts know to be like but notDoubt goes at place like that with treat already the of Ta of body place different withplace of world of the that treat a person so arrest of careless of common Zhu each at Yao of place Long placeOne by one its add up to in an attempt to cannot thing of Zuo Zuo needs with the reason in Ta andEssence of the person that the Zhu of place Zheng of travel also builds alone place to know with becoming its Zhu to change like that afterCan take its big and Zuo of or so Feng Jiyuan Yin child of Ji of rich Wu WenWith Die Mencius school of Wu Jingtian buts thick Ning its gist is knowable and row
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Li brings gentleman essence of 2 Zhu that bring Yu knows Zuo Zhu much Long sentenceIllicit benefit not gentleman does not leave Yan oneselfIllicit benefit notes Zheng with a round flat piece of jade with a hole in its center of buy of Zuo of Bao of Li of Zuo of Cao Xi of of Zuo of of appearance of young other people Zuo is also but its Li very is like child with Xiao dear Zuo and Confucius The child of Zuo of Zuo of Zuo Wang Yuyi Qu of refus and the Mencius goes then all place Zheng notStay oneself alsoCareless has Zuo to need Gou Youyi of Yao its Zuo needs Yao its are our of person careless or character surely Long Its Long ifs or go need its become Yao the that arrowroot Qin Yue takes is shot
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Of this analogy words and deeds piece at the body person cannot also the big Zuo of analogy having Zuo of Zuo Zuo Yao also the has flaw of our Yu Wei Zuo conceal of the garment also garment Zuo beauty is rare destroys a person to need the reason gentleman of Yao needs at control oneself of male character big Geng namely constantCharacter Ji also needs closely surely from all right the of Yao Zuo photograph of Zuo of Ning of Li of Long its Long Need its become Yao the Yan Shen of Zheng of analogy that the of Yao our photograph of Li Ning garment takesTravel Jian my bodies cannot lax indolent alsoCharacter and the character of travel cannot Zuo also goes the goes cannot Zuo Also
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    of Yin Zuo goes cannot Zuo also sentence Li of Ning above paragraphs not makes Ta wordTravel slants at body Zuo crime Mo Zhi can be banned also the its notBe apt to or Zuo be apt to and cannot get neither of its cent of its appropriate Bao but Zuo      Die Yin resolve a doubt coils 33

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