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章节: 卷四十
书名: 礼记析疑
类目: 经部
写作年代: 约公元前-297年  至  公元后514年
视频: 卷四十_礼记析疑
音频: 卷四十_礼记析疑

欽定四庫全書 禮記析疑卷四十         翰林院侍講銜方苞撰  投壺又重以樂 疏仍以樂賓為義音義以樂或音岳是也即指下命 弦者奏貍首及鼓節賓再拜受主人般還曰辟主人阼階上拜送賓般還曰
 不言賓所立者主人在阼階則賓在西階可知賓先 言受後言辟倒文也其實先還辟而後拜受也據文 義主人阼階上拜送二句應在前而倒之者以下節 已受拜矢若承賓再拜受之後則疑受者賓也已拜受矢 主人初奉矢賓主交拜時已授賛者矣故於此復云 受矢賛者授矢於賓主人於阼階拜送已拜乃自受
 矢於賛者已拜句斷遂以竒算告曰某賢於某若干純竒則曰竒鈞則曰左右鈞 一算為竒竒耦之竒也遂以竒算告竒零之竒也假 令餘算九當云四純一竒疏曰九竒似未安正爵既行請徹馬 罰爵慶爵並稱正者對無算爵而言也毋幠毋敖
 幠當作呼音同而譌也投者及旁觀者多喜喧呼以 助其勢勝者或色傲故用為戒曰令弟子者不敢言 戒賓衆而借主黨之童子以為辭也     禮記析疑卷四十

  • Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    decides 4 complete Die Yin resolve a doubt coils 40Fang Bao of Zuo of Zheng of serve of courtyard of member of the Imperial Academy is writtenCast Weigh again with Scanty still with Li of sound of Li of Zuo with or sound high mountain be also point to next lives namelyBowstring person achieve Zuo head reach bosomy Geng Zuo does obeisance to the Zuo like acceptor acceptor person to say again monarch is done obeisance to on master Zun Zuo send the Zuo like Zuo to say
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    MonarchNot host of the person that character Zuo place stands is in in Zuo of Zun Zuo on the west Zuo knowable Zuo firstCharacter suffers after character to monarch civil also its first Zuo monarchs and after is done obeisance to suffer also article Li host is done obeisance to on Zun Zuo send 2 advanced and fall person the following Geng Already sufferred Bai Shire bear Zuo of the person that Zuo does obeisance to the after doubt that suffer to suffer again alsoAlready did obeisance to get arrow Zuo of the Feng Shi at the beginning of host advocate hand in the person that do obeisance to to already awarded Zuo reason at this cloudThe person that suffer arrowy Zuo awards arrow to be done obeisance to at Zun Zuo at Zuo host send already did obeisance to suffer oneself therefore
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Arrow at Zuo person already did obeisance to a Calculate with Fu then accuse some Zuo Wu Mou a certain number of Ji Fu say Fu Zuo says leftRight Zuo The Fu that calculates Ou of Fu Fu also calculates with Fu then accuse Fu zero Fu is false alsoYour Zuo calculates 9 cloud Shu Yuejiu Fu is like one Fu of 4 Ji to was not installedthe rank of nobility goes already Zha Zuo Er of of the rank of nobility of of Li the rank of nobility person calculates the rank of nobility and character alsoNot Wu Ao
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    The person that makes Hu Yin be the same as and Zhu also is cast and by Yin person noisy of much happy event breathes out withThe person that aid its or color are proud friend says with give up your child person not dare character Xiao of Zuo of Buddhist monastic discipline and the boy of debtor Zuo with Zuo also     Die Yin resolve a doubt coils 40

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