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章节: 卷二十七
书名: 礼记析疑
类目: 经部
写作年代: 约公元前-79年  至  公元后720年
视频: 卷二十七_礼记析疑
音频: 卷二十七_礼记析疑

欽定四庫全書 禮記析疑卷二十七         翰林院侍講銜方苞撰  經解 此記中間所述多荀卿語疑出於漢之中葉傳荀氏 之學者為之也三代盛時國不異政家無殊俗詩書 禮樂布在庠序以為四術降至春秋王道雖微而周 禮未改孔子贊易作春秋其徒守之陵夷至於戰國
 百家放紛儒術大絀焉有一國而専立一經以為教 者哉遭秦滅學至漢景武之間諸老師各抱一經以 授其徒於是齊魯燕趙鄒梁之學興承其學者復以 教於鄉邑各自為方不能相通而其人之性質行能 亦漸摩於經說而别異焉記者既列教之所由分並 其說之有所失而又念一道徳而同風俗非羣儒之 私教所可冀也所以養君徳施政教正俗化莫急於 禮而禮非天子不能行禮之興然後君徳可成而百
 官得其宜萬事得其序和仁信義得其質宗廟朝廷 得其秩室家鄉里得其情禮之廢則君臣父子夫婦 長幼恩薄道苦序失行惡其亂百出而不可禁禦凡 此皆荀氏之學所謂原先王本仁義禮正其經緯蹊 徑不道禮憲而求之於詩書不可以得之之本指也 夫六經火於秦並出於漢而禮之廢則自漢始河間 獻王獻古邦國禮五十六篇武帝不用而沿襲秦故 以定宗廟百官之儀其士禮之僅存者亦未布頒以
 為民紀自是以來學者循誦易詩書春秋之文而虗 言其義有得有失一如記所稱而禮則湮沉殘闕每 至郊廟大議衆皆冥昧而莫知其原閭閻士庶䘮祭 賓婚蕩然一無所守而競於滛侈記所云以舊禮為 無用而去之者意在斯乎學者可習其讀而弗察與  經本無弊解者失其意而愚誣賊亂之弊生此篇 别其教並著其失故以經解名屬辭比事春秋教也
 春秋屬辭必與其事相比故義皆曲當有得於春秋 之教者亦然詩之失愚 詩可以興但性情之感發或樂之過而溺於所愛哀 之過而毁以滅性憂懼之過而懾隘以傷生則其失 也愚書之失誣 通達事理者或強不知以為知逺慕上古之事或以
 後世為可復行是之謂誣樂之失奢 玩心於歌舞則凡可以娛情志悅耳目者必備致而 後慊則漸流於侈肆而不自覺矣禮之失煩 記者意主於禮故言禮之失與諸經異蓋諸經義失 則人心或為所蔽陷禮則人之儀則所當服行雖過 於煩無他害也
春秋之失亂 辭與事比事同而辭異則義必異矣若妄起義例而 失聖人之本指則大亂經常之道如公羊氏祭仲知 權不以父命辭王父命之類是也 秦以易為卜筮 之書而不焚則自秦以前未有國立易教者眀矣春 秋絶筆於獲麟又二年而孔子殁即七十子有傳之 其徒者孔子不及見也况與詩書禮樂並立為教而 一國之人性質皆為之移易哉為此記者乃西漢武
 宣以後之老儒眀矣天子者與天地參故徳配天地兼利萬物與日月並眀眀照四海而不遺微小其在朝廷則道仁聖禮義之序燕處則聴雅頌之音行步則有環佩之聲升車則有鸞和之音居處有禮進退有度百官得其宜萬事得其序詩云淑人君子其儀不忒其儀不忒正是四國此之謂 荀子曰學至乎禮止矣禮者法之大分羣類之綱紀
 也是謂道徳之極此記上言諸經之失惟禮無大疵 以下則極言禮為道徳之極羣類之綱紀也天子當 立人極與天地參必徳配天地利兼萬物明並日月 然後可而非禮無由致此也居處言動一式於禮然 後身可正正身以正朝廷正朝廷以正百官正百官 以正萬事詩所云其儀不忒正是四國隆禮由禮之 謂耳 徳配天地利兼萬物聖人之仁也與日月並 明眀照四海聖人之智也然非以禮檢身無一不式
 於度亦不足以為表儀而正四國即身能秉禮而所 以治百官制萬事者毫末不在於禮亦不能盡得其 宜得其序此與論語所云知及之仁能守之莊以涖 之而動之不以禮猶未為善義可相發發號出令而民說謂之和上下相親謂之仁民不求其所欲而得之謂之信除去天地之害謂之義義與信和與仁霸王之器也有治民之意而無其器則不成 信義和仁之本在知仁而其實用在禮最上者如聖
 人之徳配天地眀並日月動容周旋中禮以為民極 其次必知信義和仁非禮無以達之而謹禮以為正 國之器是猶執權衡而不可欺以輕重陳繩墨規矩 而不可欺以曲直方圓也最下者則以舊禮為無所 用而去之則亂人紀敗國維如大防之隳坐視奔流 之潰敗决裂而不可振救矣 康成鄭氏曰義信和 仁皆存乎禮是也號令有禮然後順於民心政教有 禮然後上下相親而各得所欲兵刑有禮然後天地
 之害可除 荀子書多並舉王霸故記者因之禮之於正國也猶衡之於輕重也繩墨之於曲直也規矩之於方圜也故衡誠縣不可欺以輕重繩墨誠陳不可欺以曲直規矩誠設不可欺以方圜君子審禮不可誣以姦詐 荀子曰禮之所以正國也猶衡之於輕重也繩墨之 於曲直也規矩之於方圓也又曰繩墨誠陳則不可 欺以曲直衡誠縣則不可欺以輕重規矩誠設則不
 可欺以方圓君子審禮則不可欺以詐偽是故隆禮由禮謂之有方之士不隆禮不由禮謂之無方之民敬讓之道也 方猶所也萬事百物凖以天理皆有一定之方所即 物之則心之矩也不知有禮則其心之所嚮身之所 處傾側反覆而無方所之可求矣 荀子曰隆禮雖 未明法士也不隆禮雖察辨散儒也又曰不法禮不 足禮謂之無方之民法禮足禮謂之有方之士 敬
 讓之道也上應有闕文以舊禮為無所用而去之者必有亂患 春秋之末列國君臣皆以舊禮為無所用而去之戰 國益甚及秦遂盡廢先王之禮故大敗天下之民俗 未有如秦而君臣身受亂亡之禍亦未有如秦者盖 禮既亡則縱横權變姦詐百出而不可窮而一時君 臣皆不知有禮故無從而辨之也故昏姻之禮廢則夫婦之道苦而淫辟之罪多矣
 廢非謂六禮之不備也將嫁教於公宫宗室既昏三 月而後廟見婦之去留一聴於舅姑而子之宜與否 不得以自專夫是以家節正而子婦皆安以和也廢 禮而任情則婦或無道以苦其夫夫或無道以苦其 婦而入於淫辟者必多矣䘮祭之禮廢則臣子之恩薄而倍死忘生者衆矣 子之不忘兄弟族婣以父母之恩不可倍也臣之不 忘嗣君民社以先君之恩不可倍也觀春秋所書列
 國臣子之薄於君父者衆矣前此胡未之聞也以先 王之禮教尚未盡廢也易曰君子慎始差若豪氂繆以千里此之謂也 禮與法皆所以禁民為非然使任法而不由禮則風 教之所積民氣之所感差若豪釐繆以千里矣故君 子必慎其始  禮記析疑卷二十七
欽定四庫全書 禮記析疑卷三十七         翰林院侍講銜方苞撰  閒傳朝一溢米莫一溢米 有人居兄之喪父母憫之臨視而食以肉因不敢要 節哭踊痞結膈噎踰年不能飲食髙淳張彞嘆曰先 王之節喪食非獨哀死亦以衛生也哭泣辟踊所以
 動體安心下氣非愚陋邪淫之人而抑其哭踊強以 肉食患必生為人父母者宜知之始食肉者先食乾肉 山隂鍾晼母喪既禫以未

  • Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    decides 4 complete Die Yin resolve a doubt coils 27Fang Bao of Zuo of Zheng of serve of courtyard of member of the Imperial Academy is written Jian solutionPlace of the Zuo in this Yin narrates doubt of Zha of much Xun Qing to go out at in family name of Qu a surname person of also of 3 Dai Cheng not of Yu of common of different of of politics home Die cloth with in Xiang foreword 4 Xiao fall to age kingcraft Zuo small and Die did not change Confucius Zuo to make the decline that its observe year in vain easily come at
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    A hunderd schools puts Ji scholar Xiao big Jian Yan has one and establishs one Jian to teach with Person come by of of the Qin Dynasty old of Zheng of Jing Wuzhi Zuo holds one Jian in the arms each withGive its person at it is Ning of of Liang Zhi of Zuo of Zuo of Zuo Zuo swallow bear its person withReligion at Zuo city respective just cannot be interlinked and the sexual Zuo of its person goes canAlso rub the person that fasten Yan Yin at Jian Zha arranges taught place already by cent Of its Zha break somewhat and read aloud a and be not Li scholar with Zuo commonIllicit teaching place can hope also so administration of Mr Zuo teachs vulgarization not urgent at Die and Die blame the emperor cannot go the Ning of Die like that after gentleman can be become and 100
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    The official gets thing of its appropriate Qu to get its foreword and benevolence letter Li to get its imperial court of of Zuo an administrative unit in XizangThe of husband of father and son of Jun Chen of its feeling gets in Zuo of home of its order room Die Hard a type of local school in ancient times of small line of Zuo young favour breaks travel its 100 go out and cannot ban Die everyThis all the place Zheng of a surname family name is former Die of Wang Benren Li its Jian Jin footpaths Die and those who beg point to originally at what Yu can not get also of Wu Qin of 6 Jian fire gives the husband the of at Die from only then river Zuo Die of of Gu Bang of king 56 Wu Di need not and reason of edge Yao the Qin DynastyIn order to decide the of a 100 officials of its Zuo of cloth of Yi Wei of the person that the of person Die is put with
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    Naturally of civilian Ji with person the article of age of of abide Zha easy Yu and Ta Its Li has character so that have to break one like Yin place Er Die to fall into oblivion heavy Zuo everyTo Xiao of outskirt big Zhu all dark be ignorant of and not know its person be the concubine of former Zuo Zuo ? Hold a memorial ceremony for Zuo marriage Sheng like that one place is defended and Fu wastefuls at Yin place cloud with Ning Die is used and go person meaning in this person but Li its Zhu and not examine Ning The person that this fraud solves Jian loses its meaning and the fraud of of I Zha Zuo gives birth to thisNot its teach to write its to break reason to see a name with Jian Zuo teachs than issue year also
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    Age Zuo needs look of Ning its work compares reason Li all music has Wu ChunqiuYi Ran of the person that teachThe Shi Yu of Yu Yu is OK Ning but the Zuo of the feeling of disposition or and be addicted to at place sad Zuo and destroy the Zuo with of sex and narrow pass gives birth to with its are brokenAlso IOf break Zha The person that understand Zuo reason or do not know to know Zuo admire with antediluvian thing or with
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    Later generations but is all right Zheng Zha Of break excessiveEvery of of dance of Wu Ge playing a heart is OK information of of affection annals person need is sent and of after Qian flows at wastefuling four not from Yin Of Die break Yin person meaning advocate the Li of Jian of Zheng of San of of Jian of the Zheng that break Ning at Die of Die reason character is brokenThe of place of person of of Die of my defect of popular feeling or place takes travel Zuo Zuo At he is killed also
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    Of age break Zuo Ning thing is the same as than the thing and Li of Zuo needs if absurd has Li routine andOf the person that break Long this pointing to that if intermediate of hold a memorial ceremony for of ram family name knows,Changzhi of Jian of big not the Zuo with life of father of king of father life Zuo is also Qin Yiyi predicts Shi and Bao of the person that do not burn to have no to stand to teach easily before from the Qin Dynasty springAutumn Jian Geng at Lin 2 years and Confucius dies namely 70 child have Its apprentice person Confucius not as good as Yao also besides of of Die of Ning Yu establishs to teach andThe human Zuo of one all of move Yi Zai this Yin person therefore on the west fierce
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    Of announce after old Confucianism Bao The emperor person of reason of of Ning heaven and earth matchs heaven and earth to hold Bao of of life of Ning of benefit Qu content concurrently Bao takes the whole word and not Zuo is tiny its in imperial court the foreword of Li of benevolence Long Die The of phonic travel pace of elegant Zuo of Long of swallow Ta has the Long of admire to rise Zuo to have Zuo Mixed phonic room Ta has Die Zuo to retreat degree of 100 officials get thing of its appropriate Qu to get its orderGentleman of Yu Yun Shuren its does not error its does not error is 4 this Zheng AlsoXun Zi says comes Die stops Die person the Jin Ji of the Zuo of minutes of big Li of the law
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    The that also is Zheng path the great flaw of of the Die that break alone of Jian of Zheng of the character on this Yin The Jin Ji of the Li Zuo of of path of of Die of character of of the following also the emperor of heaven and earth of Ning of establishing a person needs matchs world interest to hold Qu content concurrently bright lifeLike that after but of Die of and rather than by send this to also live one style of Ta character at Die like thatAfter body Ke Zhengzheng body with imperial court imperial court with 100 Guan Zhengbai's officialsWith cloud of place of Qu thing Yu its does not error is Die of 4 grand by Die Zheng ear matchs world interest to hold person of Qu content Long concurrently benevolence also Ning life Bright Bao takes person of Long of the four seas wisdom also be not like that with of Die body one not type
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    Wu Du also can't expresses and 4 can grasp personally namely Die andDo not be in in order to order end of fine long hair of the person that 100 officials make Qu issue at Die also cannot Bao gets hisAppropriate gets its order the Qia that cloud of place of Zha of this Ning Zha knows Ji Zhiren to be able to be defended with and of not with Die not Li of be apt to but photograph Ta goes out make and of Zheng of Yin of photograph of fluctuation of the sum of civilian Zha Zheng benevolence civilian do not beg itsPlace desire and the believes eliminate heaven and earth calamity of gotten Zheng the Li Li Ning of Zheng is believed andOf Ning benevolence Xiang Yu the Conqueror implement also have treat civilian meaning and its implement won'ts doLetter Li He Renzhi is in originally know benevolence and its is used in Die most the person that go up is like Long
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    The person's matchs of life of of Bao of heaven and earth to allow the Die in deal with with civilian Know to believe Li and of Ren Fei Die surely next with Zuo and Zheng Die with Of implement it is judge and not easily bullied weigh quadrature of Yao of Zuo Kui Chinese ink with Zuo And not easily bullied with square of right and wrong also most of the person that fall with place of of Ning Die The Jin of of of Ji of person that use and goes is like the destroy that prevents greatly to sit Yao is torrent break with and cannot brace up save Kang Cheng Zuo says Li is believed andRen Jiecun Die is also Ta makes have Die like that heart of after Zuo Wu Min politics religion have Die issues photograph Yin on after like that and each get punishment of place desire arms to have Die like that ground of day after tomorrow
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    kill the person that can divide Yin of bully reason of king of Ning of much of Xun Zi soThe Wu Zheng of Die also Heng Zhiwu Zuo is heavy also right and wrong of Kui Mo Zhiwu also Yao The Wu Fang zhuan3huan2 of quadrature also reason judge Zha Jun is not easily bullied weigh Zuo of Zha of Kui Chinese ink with Zuo notEasily bullied with Yu of Zha of quadrature of Yao of right and wrong not easily bullied with Die of of square zhuan3huan2 gentleman cannot Zha with Yu Xun Zi says Die also Heng Zhiwu Zuo is heavy also Kui Mo ZhiWu Qu is straight also the Wu Fang of Yao quadrature also says again of Zuo of Zha of Kui Chinese ink cannotBully with right and wrong judge Zha Jun is not easily bullied weigh of Yu of Yao quadrature Zha with Zuo not
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    Easily bullied with of Die of of square gentleman not easily bullied with Yu Hereat grand Die by Die of the in the right way of Zheng person not grand Die not by Die the of Zheng The principle that Fang Zhimin respects Zhu alsoSquare place also Qu thing 100 content with providential all have proper square place namelyThe quadrature of the heart of content also does not know to have Die the place of the place body of its heart Ta turns over Fu and of square place can beg Xun Zi says grand Die Zuo Not bright law person also not differentiate of examine of grand Die Zuo comes loose Confucianism also say again illegal Die notOf the in the right way of the Zheng of sufficient Die of Die of Fang Zhimin law of sufficient Die Zheng person respect
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    The path of Zhu also go up has Zuo articleBe used with place of of Ning Die and go person surely suffers fromThe that the Jun Chen of tip line of age all is used with place of of Ning Die and goes beneficial reachs of Qin Sui Bao very first the folk-custom of the world of big of reason of Wang Zhi Die The Dai Yi Wei that if of experience of Qin Erjun's official dies,has no is like Qin Zhe to build Die dies already Yu of of Zhu of Jun horizontal 100 go out and cannot Fu and one Mr Official neither knows to have of Die reason and of differentiate alsoReason faints the line of the of husband of Die of marriage is hard and the crime that excessive monarchs is much
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    Of 6 Die of blame Zheng not also is married teach imperial clan of Wu Gong palace to faint already 3Month and of of after Yao go staying one Long tentativelies at mother's brother and child appropriate Ning is deniedMust not with from husband be with domestic Geng and child all is installed in order to mix also Die and of of let oneself go or path in order to suffer from its husband husband or in order to suffer from its and need into the person that monarch at excessive much? The favor of the official in feudal times of Die of hold a memorial ceremony for is small and Xiao of the times person that forget to be born to deathChild do not forget of brotherly a group of things with common features the favour with parents cannot times also of official notCompany of Jun Min forgetting heir the favour with Xianjun cannot times also row of of Yin age place
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    The Bao Wujun father of official in feudal times person Xiao before the Long of this Hu Wei also with firstWang Zhi Die teachs have not Bao alsoYi Yuejun child careful only then Jun of the poor that be like a person of extraordinary powers with a thousand li this Zheng also Die Ning law all bans civilian to be not so make hold the post of a law like that and not by Die Zuo The place feeling difference of a taught Er civilian is like Jun of Zuo of a person of extraordinary powers with a thousand li reason gentlemanChild surely careful its only then  Die Yin resolve a doubt coils 27
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    decides 4 complete Die Yin resolve a doubt coils 37Fang Bao of Zuo of Zheng of serve of courtyard of member of the Imperial Academy is written Zuo Chao Yiyi rice Mo Yiyi riceThe Ning Yao of the parents that somebody resides elder brother and feed with because the flesh dare not want Geng cries Zuo of choke of midriff of Jian of leap up ruffian year cannot Zuo feeds of of Zuo honest to say first of Wang Zhi Geng feeds blame sad also be born to also cry with Xiao to death monarch leap up so
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    The person that Zuo sets his mind at to issue to be not excessive of I humble evil and curb its cry leap up withCarnivorous suffers from appropriate of the person that give birth to person parents surely to knowOnly then the person that eat the meat eats male meat first of mother of of hill Zuo Zuo already Die with not? ? Not carnivorous person month and feedThe that disease of fleshy Zuo abdomen feeds male flesh to be constant Die for a long time therefore is small not Zuo ifThisPeriod and big of auspicious house Big place of of Zuo of the outside Zheng of of auspicious house is resided also Die and hold a memorial ceremony for of drive auspicious and
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    The place of drive of Zuo of person of of of swallow of Zheng also takes already the outside Jin Ning Zheng room also declines 3 litres of Zuo decline 4 litres 5 litres 6 litres of great merit 7 litres 8 litres 9 litres smallResult 10 litres hemp of 11 litres of 12 litres of Jin go 15 litres its half occupied its Jun thing its cloth says Jin Ning Zha be puzzled the Zheng that at Zuo Dr Yin person takes and the Zha of music says declineThe thick Ji of with cloth does not know 5 is divided already in taking 11 if,wait more of Wu Ji Zuo decreases litre of with Hou Qing of Zheng of the emperor doctor person ofs or by the concubine of the person
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    In waiting, the that fasten divides the notting only such as again broken Zuo gets its appropriate and Jun Does place contend for ? Its choice is wide also cannot differentiate if rise to be born with Hemp Jun more Xiao in order to fasten thick lid of essence of life of this of sealed Zuo Yin all rank grass of Xin place also declines 3 litres supposition already soldier cries suffer in order to become cloth 6 litres of coronals Mu Shu of 7 litres of declines4 litres suffer in order to become cloth 7 litres of coronals 8 litresGreat merit above has suffer the person that take ancient person decline not to take off blame Yi Cui to cannot be taken with Jian is small also suffers the person that take under result period is close and decline cloth close Jun not
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Surely easy alsoPeriod and small Jin of Jun of auspicious Jin coronalBright red Zuo says to big auspicious sackcloth turns over Zhe Daxiang of Jin of Jun of not yellow Xuan to decline blame of the garment that be like Jin bear the garment in declining alsoPeriod and big the month in sackcloth of auspicious element Jun and Die A Ning that 24 months of divide 25 months outside Yin is big auspicious hold a memorial ceremony forAlready hold a memorial ceremony for takes element Jun sackcloth so far a Ning Die hold a memorial ceremony for of lunar end or Zuo monthFrom auspicious to the Zuo in Die place Zheng is medium in January month and Die is such also Ning 2
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    15 months and its be apt to of and Zuo month also all is not contrary toAlready Jin is weighed by the Ma Ge of great meritTake to say Ma Zhi has this person Zhu the before arrowroot Jin of 3 years head Jian alreadyDivide hemp of of Zhu waist arrowroot is the that heavy hemp also says 3 years again already Jin period already? ? Jian of of arrowroot of its reason period Yi Ruzhi of Jian great merit isAlready? ? Weigh arrowroot to also note again the wrap person that this Li pushs with Yin articleOutside adding Ning Ge Zhi with new hemp, also hold concurrently take Yi Ran to build to decline comes first alreadyYu Cu cries not long also Zuo Zuo person also cannot but the gunny-bag of after
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    the that Zuo declines suppositions to soldier cries and meet with already the of great merit its Li Yi Ran buts declines already Jin meets with the of great merit and the arrowroot that weighs hemp to shuck off to decline unexpectedlyLid after already? ? The of arrowroot reason arrowroot of the before still be being turned over but is taken off Zuo Add Jian easy and before of decline not easy also of Ning of this Yin Zuo declines in order to takeThe mother Zuo of declines 3 years the Geng Yi Ran that Yi Ge turns over arrowroot takes / the Zhu in Zuo The month of arrowroot Jian of 3 years / Geng and Ma Zhi of the person that turn over Ge Suo Zheng of 3 years to take easy Zuo easily has this person Zhu arrowroot of 3 years is shucked off with wrapping Zhu Yi Fei namely also place Zheng turns over 3 yearsarrowroot is turned over with dividing the hemp of after namely
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    The that Zuo declines suppositions already soldier cries take the hemp of great merit by Ge JianScanty man declines with person Zuo Jian not arrowroot also builds parents mother's brotherAunt favour Li weighs reason soldier to cry originally the hemp Jian that after wants not easily holds concurrently take know to be notHead the person that take easy Zuo of of the person that weigh says under the person that the waist all increases the hemp of result alsoHold the person take easy Zuo of of the person that weigh that take concurrently alsoThe that of above of the person that know easy Zuo to wrap Zhu of and rather than declines suppositions already soldier cries meet withThe Zuo that Zuo declines person the person that the bag is weighed is special also Die Yin resolve a doubt coils 37

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