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章节: 卷三十
书名: 礼记析疑
类目: 经部
写作年代: 约公元前298年  至  公元后276年
视频: 卷三十_礼记析疑
音频: 卷三十_礼记析疑

欽定四庫全書 禮記析疑卷三十         翰林院侍講銜方苞撰  孔子間居志之所至詩亦至焉詩之所至禮亦至焉禮之所至樂亦至焉樂之所至哀亦至焉 君子為民父母則愷悌之心所以經其衣食拯其災 危者無所不至而所至有廣狹久暫則感於徳化而
 形諸風謡者亦應之為純駁淺深故曰詩亦至焉觀 二南之風則一一可驗矣君子之徳化至形於風謡 則比閭族黨冠婚䘮祭射鄉酺蜡所以成其禮俗者 非一日矣故曰禮亦至焉詩即樂之章也禮既修則 正聲雅樂必隨時而興作矣樂者樂也君子樂民之 樂如此則凡事之與民同憂者亦無所不至可知不 曰憂而曰哀者哀之義足以包愛憂之義不足以包 哀也
夙夜基命宥宻無聲之樂也 成王日夜敬徳於幽獨而升聞於天以為祈天永命 之基亦猶樂之和順積中無假於器數音容而足以 感動天神地祗人鬼也無聲之樂氣志不違無體之禮威儀遲遲無服之喪内恕孔悲無聲之樂氣志既得無體之禮威儀翼翼無服之喪施及四國無聲之樂氣志既從無體之禮上下和同無服之喪以畜萬邦無聲之樂日聞四方無體之禮
日就月將無服之喪純徳孔明無聲之樂氣志既起無體之禮施及四海無服之喪施于孫子 方氏所論五起之序甚善所未備者曰不違曰既得 巳之志氣也曰既從曰既起人之志氣也從者與人 無忤而已起則善端興起化及於人也 五至三無 五起俱不似聖賢之言而精語亦間出盖漢儒述其 所聞而不能無失也天有四時春秋冬夏風雨霜露無非教也地載神氣神
氣風霆風霆流形庶物露生無非教也 天地之化不可得而分風雨霜露皆地氣所藴蒸而 於天言之者風行天上雨及霜露降自天其迹顯著 也風霆之起於地迹亦顯著又動萬物者莫疾乎雷 撓萬物者莫疾乎風故於庶物露生舉之耆欲將至有開必先 耆致也謂致其所欲也祭統曰興舊耆欲疑古語有 之注訓王天下之期疏謂王位聖人所貪誤矣孟子
 曰廣土衆民君子欲之欲非必不善也此節蓋因天 道至教而言人事之與天地相感通以申昭格遲遲 上帝是祗之義也言人果清明在躬則志氣如神所 欲致者若將可得則必有開其先者如時雨將降而 山川出雲自然之理也嵩嶽降神生申甫以輔周乃 文武之徳所遺此王者所以必奉三無私以勞天下 也 家語作有物將至其兆必先有與耆其與有形 近而譌也物與欲音近而譌也兆與開疑亦剥蝕形

  • Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    decides 4 complete Die Yin resolve a doubt coils 30Fang Bao of Zuo of Zheng of serve of courtyard of member of the Imperial Academy is writtenConfucius Zuo is residedA to Yu Yi Zhiyan Yu place of annals to Die Yi Zhiyan the place of Die comes The place of Yi Zhiyan comes sad Yi ZhiyanGentleman civilian the heart that parental loves and respect for his elder brother so save of Jian its back and belly its Place of of the person that high does not come and be reached having is long feeling is changed at and
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Zheng of form Zheng Zuo person also the close friend of of Ji Zuo of says Yu Yi Zhiyan Yin The 2 Zuo south one by one but Zuo the of gentleman is changed to form at Zuo Zheng Does compare marriage of coronal of Zuo of Zuo a group of things with common features? Hold a memorial ceremony for shoots the person that Zuo Zuo candle becomes its Die custom soBe not a day friend says Die Yi Zhiyan Yu namely the Zhang Ye Die of repairs already Long elegant needs Zuo and Ning is made person also gentleman civilianThe Ning of everything of such civilian the person that be the same as also place does not come knowable notSay and say sad person sad the Li of of of Li enough bag can't be wrappedSad also
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Early in the morning the of Long of of excusing of nocturnal radical life alsoInto Wang Ri night respects to rise Long Wu Tian at deep and remote with life of pray Tianyongbase also of false Wu Qi of the in Er of Zuo of the sum thes likeness of the deceased and enoughGround of feeling deity venerates person ghost alsoThe annals of Long not inside the that of Zuo of power Zuo takes the Die of Zuo Zuo of power carefully takes the Die that the annals of Long of of Bei of excuse me aperture gets Zuo already uses the mark that reachs Long of 4 already the Die of Zuo fluctuates andThe that takes with the Die of the Zuo of of all directions of day Long with Long of of cultivate Qu state
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    The mark of the Long of of Kong Ming of Ji that day takes with respect to lunar rises alreadyThe Die of Zuo applies the that reachs of the four seas to take at child Zha of place of square family name 5 foreword very place of be apt to not person say not Zuo says to be gotten alreadyThe annals of Si also says already the annals that says to have a person already also person Ning person disobedient just has kind end is changed since Ning reach Wu Ren also 5 to 3 The speech that 5 all do not seem Long Zuo and Zha of essence of life also Zuo gives a lid scholar narrates hisPlace Long and cannot is broken alsoThe day has frost of rain of Zuo of summer of winter of 4 age to show blame to teach also Zuo god the god
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Thunderbolt of Zuo of Zuo thunderbolt sheds content of form be the concubine to show blame giving birth to to teach alsoOf heaven and earth change cannot be gotten and frost of cent Zuo rain shows evaporate of all place Shu andOf Wu Tianyan person rain of Zuo travel sky and frost dew fall from the day its mark Zuo is writtenAlso a Wu De of Zuo thunderbolt is slash also Zuo is written Qu content person not disease thunder Qu content person not disease Zuo reason shows unripe Ning at content of be the concubine of desire of over sixty years of age comes Zuo needs firstOver sixty years of age is sent also Zheng sends his place desire also Jian of hold a memorial ceremony for says Ning Ning over sixty years of age desire doubt ancient Zha hasbelow the Wang Tian that note Yin period Zha of Zuo of place of person of Long of scanty Zheng kingship Mencius
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Say earth Xiao civilian of gentleman desire be about to be not surely not good at also this Geng San because dayPath to teach and the feeling of Ning world look of character human affairs is connected with Zuo of Zuo of Shen Zhao caseGod is venerating Li also Pure Brightness of word person fruit is in bend forward annals is like divine placeThe person that be about to send is like to be able to get to have Zuo surely its first person of the rain that be like falls andThe reason that mountains and rivers-land gives Zuo nature also fleabane falls the god gives birth to Shen Fu to be with Zuo weekThis Wang Zhe acts according to the place Zuo of civil and military surely so 3 illicit with the worldAlso domestic Zha makes having thing have Ning over sixty years of age to its Zhao Bixian its Ning is corporealClose and Zhu also content Ning desire sound is close and Zhu also doubt of million Ning Zuo also pares Wei form
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Close and Zhu        
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
            Die Yin resolve a doubt coils 30

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