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章节: 卷二十
书名: 礼记析疑
类目: 经部
写作年代: 约公元前-242年  至  公元后375年
视频: 卷二十_礼记析疑
音频: 卷二十_礼记析疑

欽定四庫全書 禮記析疑卷二十          翰林院侍講銜方苞撰   樂記 先儒以為公孫尼子所論譔然於荀子論樂篇所取 過半頗有刪易且不循其節次而分剟以他從則為 漢初所采集審矣自史記以前文有篇法者惟三傳 國語國策其他諸子陳義指事意至言從多不可求
 以篇法况捃摭衆説乎離為十一篇而以意名之是 以義不安名不當也劉向别録具其名不識作記時 故有名或向為之名也聲相應故生變變成方謂之音比音而樂之及干戚羽旄謂之樂 凡人出言或通情款或道事故其辭意未有不首尾 相應者辭意相應則其聲之或髙或下或疾或徐自 然而變者可次以宫商而為之節族即詩歌曲調之
 所由成故曰變成方謂之音也然後以金石絲竹匏 土草木比附詩歌之音以為樂章而兼配以文武之 舞乃謂之樂樂者音之所由生也 當作音者樂之所由生也與上下文意義始貫六者非性也感於物而后動 感物而動性之欲也非人生而静之初矣故曰非性是故先王慎所以感之者
 心之感而形於聲人所同也而所感之善惡則異感 之以正則善心生所謂莫不和敬莫不和順莫不和 親是也感之者不正則樂心喜心愛心專趨於流蕩 淫汚哀心怒心亦發於邪辟暴亂故所以感之者不 可以不慎也凡人之情怒起於惡欲生於愛惟敬心 則有補於天性有益於人事而於樂聲則難為感故 聖人為雅頌之音以導之所以感其敬心也敬心作 則懼心生而五心之感咸得其正矣
所以同民心而出治道也 治民之道有禮樂政刑然後能載之而出凡音者生人心者也情動於中故形於聲聲成文謂之音是故治世之音安以樂其政和亂世之音怨以怒其政乖亡國之音哀以思其民困聲音之道與政通矣 篇首凡音之起由人心生也言心感於物而聲以之 生也就一人一事而分言之也此節凡音者生人心 者也言政感人心而音以之變也合一世一國而統
 言之也政和則人心安樂而音隨之政乖則人心怨 怒哀思而音亦隨之故曰聲音之道與政通非政乖 之極不至於亡國故直言民困不復言政乖也 怨 以怒猶冀君之一寤政之一改也哀則絶望於是矣 故惟追思治世之民沐浴於先王之徳教者葢困極 而不可奈何曹檜之風是也五者皆亂迭相陵謂之慢如此則國之滅亡無日矣 必君臣民事物皆失其道然後五音迭相陵故可决
 其滅亡無日也凡音者生於人心者也樂者通倫理者也是故知聲而不知音者禽獸是也知音而不知樂者衆庶是也唯君子為能知樂是故審聲以知音審音以知樂審樂以知政而治道備矣是故不知聲者不可與言音不知音者不可與言樂知樂則幾於禮矣禮樂皆得謂之有徳徳者得也 倫者宫商角徴羽清濁大小之倫也理者君臣民事
 物得失盛衰之理也生於人心者無定而列於倫理 者有常故必取其聲之和者以播之樂器然後合於 倫理而為雅樂也惟有倫理故審之可以知政得之 可以兼禮君子所用以成徳莫要於此 或曰親踈 貴賤長㓜男女之理皆形見於樂故曰樂者通倫理 者也鐘鼓干戚所以和安樂也 人當安樂之時而無以和之則荒縱慢易之情生以
 樂和之周子所謂淡則欲心平和則躁心釋也四達而不悖 謂四者之理交相通達而無悖於人情也止就禮樂 政刑言尚未及民不違悖觀下文則王道備矣可見樂文同則上下和矣 自朝廷邦國以及閨門鄉黨皆用雅樂所謂樂文同 也故正聲感人而順氣應焉若雜以姦聲淫樂則

  • Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    decides 4 complete Die Yin resolve a doubt coils 20Fang Bao of Zuo of Zheng of serve of courtyard of member of the Imperial Academy is written Yin First Confucianism with Gong ni child place Zha Zhu like that of Wu Xunzi Zha piece be takenHalf Zuo of Zuo has easy and not abide its Geng second and cent with him The place at the beginning of collects the person that have a way with preamble from history Yin buts 3 Plan of Zha is other Zheng child meaning of Zuo Li self-explanatory characters cannot be begged more to character
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    With piece law condition Jun picks up Xiao Zha Zuo 11 and with meaning name isWith Li disturbed name not also to fasten Zuo to have its name not Zhu makes Yin Reason famous or the name to alsoThe sound of signal to noise ratio of Zheng of set prescription of Zhu of unripe Zhu of reason of Long photograph and of reach dry Qi YuThe of Mao Zheng Laic its Zuo meaning has no a character or accident of the money that know feeling or path not from beginning to endPhotograph person of its Long of of of Zuo meaning photograph or Zuo or fall or disease or Xu ZiHowever Zhu person but second the Geng of with palace business a group of things with common features namely of Yu song Zha
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    By say into reason the sound of Zheng of Zhu set prescription also like that after with Pao of inscriptions Jian bambooEarthy wood holds concurrently with chapter than adding the tone of Yu song match with civil and militaryDance is the of Zheng person phonic place by unripe also is made sound person the place of by unripe also Li of Ning context meaning only then Zuo 6 person blame sex also feels Wu Wu after that Feeling content and of sex also be about to be not at the beginning of unripe and the person is static friend says blame sexHereat first Wang Shen feels so person
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    Of the heart feel and form be the same as at Long person place also and feeling of feels of of of be apt towith there's no one who doesn't or isn't of Zuo of disaccord of there's no one who doesn't or isn't of Zheng of benevolence strange place and Jing Mo and Yin is also feel person Sheng of Wu Liu of Zuo of of heart of of heart of happy event of heart of frame-up Angry heart of excessive sad heart also feels so at reason of cruel of monarch of unhealthy environmental influences that cause disease person notOK and inadvertent laic also affection is about to be born to respect a heart at alone at since anger has Xuan Wu Tian the gender is beneficial at human affairs at reason of move of of Zuo of Long The sound of elegant Zuo of Long person feels with its Jing Xin also respects a heart to make heart is unripe and the feeling of 5 hearts is salty its
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    Be the same as common feelings of people so and go out treat alsoTreat civilian politics punishment of having Die like that after can of Zuo and pieceFan Yin person the person that give birth to popular feeling also affection form of reason of Wu Zhong at Zheng of Long Long existing writingsThe sound of phonic hereat times of peace and prosperity is installed with its politics the sound with world is complained with anger itsPolitics good die the sound of sad strand Ning politics of Long sound to connect with Sai JiminPiece of a Fan Yin rise to be born by popular feeling also character heart feels at content Long withBe born to also divide character with respect to one person be related also this Geng Fan Yin person stranger heartPerson also popular feeling of character politics feeling and sound with Zhu also adds up to one of generation and Jian
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    Of character also politics install with popular feeling and of phonic Zuo politics good popular feeling is complainedAngry grief and sound also the friend of Zuo says the path of Long sound Ning politics connects blame politics good does not come at die reason speak bluntly civilian tired not character politics good also complainWith one of angry Ji Jun one of awake politics change also sad Jian looks at beReason alone chases after those who think of times of peace and prosperity civilian Qu of the person that Wang Zhi teachs bath Wu Xian strands And cannot the Zuo of how Cao is also5 person all the of the of slow such of Zheng of hill of alternate photograph dies dayNeed Junchen civilian thing all breaks his to like that reason of hill of photograph of alternate of after the five notes of Chinese ancient five-tone scale but definitely
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    Its dies day alsoFan Yin person the person that give birth to Wu Ren heart also person the person that connect to manage also hereat knows Long andNot bosom friend person birds is also bosom friend and be the concubine of Xiao of the person that do not know is also only gentlemanChild can know Long of hereat with sound of bosom friend in order to know in order to knowPolitics and treat the person that hereat does not know Long cannot Ning Yan Yin not bosom friend personCannot Ning character knows at Die the having that Die all gets Zheng Person also person of palace business part feather Junchen of the person that the of clear size also manages is civil
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    of the person that the logic of rise and fall of content gain and loss also is born Wu Ren heart is decided and the row manages at Person the person that constant reason takes its Long the sum surely the with sowing implement like that after closes at manages and elegant also only of of manage reason can know politics getCan hold in order to of Die gentleman place concurrently to become Mo Yaowu this or say Yin Zuo Zuo Zuo Zuo ? Male and female manage all form Yao says at reason person the manage that connect Person also Zuo beat dry relative is mixed so install alsoPerson installs the of and the affection of slow Yi Zhi of barren Jun with mixing gives birth to with
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    The Zheng of Zhou Zi place that mixes is weak desire heart is gentle Zuo of impetuous heart also4 Zuo and do not be contrary to Zheng 4 person manage is handed in be interlinked Zuo and is contrary to to also stop at favor with respect to Die Politics punishment character had be notted reach civilian not Zuo is contrary to of kingcraft of of Yin later development but Yao article is mixed up and down with All use article of of Zheng of elegant place to be the same as from of imperial court state and Zuo of Zuo Zuo Zuo Also reason is Long touching and Zuo of Yan Re of Zuo with of of Long excessive? ? Be about to add Bei and break its are mixed
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    by medium a reason is staticFlute of Ha of musical instrument a twenty-five-stringed plucked instrument ifs so that its can make namely Long person sound of of Zuo of calm Kuang Ya of Long of Yin masturbation mounds auricle knows too sound of rare Long static byIts give Wu Xinzhi and insipid berth reason alsoThe Yin that adds up to father and son bright Zuo ? foreword in order to respect the emperor is such in the four seas Die goesThe Yin that adds up to father and son bright Zuo ? the Zuo Die of foreword universe also will surely be respected like thatIn the four seas like that after can make civilian Yin feels politics teach enough Zuo its
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    Dividing Zuo to be inferior to is Die is no good in order to respect the four seas in person Ming WutianTalk day order is the emperor Ning to leave civilian place in all report bear need You of the faint that overcome Jian ins order to 4In the sea salty get its constant sex and the Zuo of of Wu Jun of after Zuo alsoWith reason 100 content are not broken person of character of the sum of heaven and earth is changed also friend says 100 content all spend day of big Ning The ground is the same as and character human affairs also friend says 100 content not a slip of the tongue does not lose its sex alsoBright has Die god of there is sth fishy of deep and remote closes in such the four seas respect with
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    The person cannot close respect the person that be the same as is no good with Jiaohua and Zuo Zuo Zuo place lays much more disagreeable person also bright has reason of god of there is sth fishy of Die deep and remote Of of this Die of one Zuo reason with can go Zuo Zuo and person of Long of ghosts and godsThe person that mix with Geng Ning writes Jiaohua and Zuo of feeling Zuo so edify and intoperson does not close so in pure beauty this the four seas respect with alsoThe affection of Die is the same as reason bright Wang Yixiang edge also in the company of of result of Ning of name of of story Ning The feeling that respects Die with Ning of Ning Geng also Die of in the company of of result of Ning of name of of thing Ning The article of reason of edge of photograph of Wen Yewei affection of need not photograph Yao also the affection of Die
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    The affection that is not of Zheng Die Ning together is the same as also 5 emperor not 3 king of photograph edge Die notAlong Geng is respected with closing and be the same as reason in order to combine the feeling of bright Wang Yi this photographAlong Zuo makes cruelNot salty not allow to feel make in order to give birth to Zuo of disease place Zheng cruel alsoThe feeling that Zha has also Zha namely the pure of Ji of Li of Zuo of patient of of Zhang Ye of elegant Zuo and defect also The of Zheng bamboo pitch-pipes used in ancient China manages also patient Gong Yu overcomes Zheng and not photograph also this
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    The manage friend that makes says the affection of Its Die provides the person that its treat Zuo Be like Xia Yan previously? The fluctuation that take each with its a group of things with common features Bao of Yin marriage not photograph avoids to Zhou Gong Zuo and after is provided is Die also Die thick slantsThe little of Chang Ruqu Die of Die so the Die of Zuo of gentleman of job head of a family? Not Zuo makes have a bit the Zuo at its naturalness like that cannot closedoes the Zhu of Die meet with like of of Ceng Zi place of gentleman Ning parents? Or in gentleman
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    Place or of at the home or private affairs after fair or public affairs and after is treatedIllicit its Zuo first the Zuo of Geng fine long hair with after urgent Jin is not broken like that after and Ta among themIs the difference of every Die handed in? Ta all like that Yin this knows a bit thick slant surely person honest and rate are magical and day Die person fasten appropriate to reside ghost and ground politics all gets honest and popular feeling to its are made the same score and lead a god its are big person also fasten appropriate million civilian 100 content all get its place and reside ghost its are big person magical also person heaven and earththe travel Zuo that changes of of the sum of Zuo heaven and earth and if have,do not faultWith the of company of of the person that also reside ghost of rate million has his each square also
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    Official of heaven and earth of Die bright Official person get its Long to also Your Excellency Ning Die the foreword Zuo heaven and earth with bright heaven and earth4 of the sum 3 celestial bodies do not error and the day gets Zuo order its Long river establishHow taste content to satisfy and the ground gets its Long is static have Chang Xiaoda very much of content of Qu of heaven and earth is static have constant and small of old job law its make also itsStop static also the bounds of Die the relax down to of Geng government affairs is fed at daily expense Zuo One static there's no one who doesn't or isn't has one to manage naturally to all resemble of content of Qu of heaven and earth so
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    Have staticly constant also big different of small Ning of Zheng of blame of appropriate of static of different Zheng is written too only then and Die lives matterHistory Yin brings person of Long of Zha of ancient to know the fastening reason of day Zhu ground to have down toHave no be like in order to get Ji ? The Zuo that person of the Long that be like Long puts because of the god is clever surelyThe divine place Zheng of heaven and earth of the person that the form of heaven and earth of the person that effect affection has also is had no too only thenAlso the author because 6 laws 5 Long and the puts feeling effect that writes a god also is residedContent person the content because of already was being become and of arrange also of content of Jun Chen father and son already becamePerson also and make Die with bright its divide of Zha Long its favour to be resided so also
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    Honour person over buy low person place Zheng lives matter under buy alsoAlso write day of the person that do not cease not person the ground also one Zuo of one person the Zuo of heaven and earthAlso reason Long person says Die cloudThe one of Zuo of heaven and earth one static toward not Fu person Zuo Zuo ghosts and gods justAnd Die can go Zuo Zuo and so Zuo turns person of Long of reason of ghosts and godsYo person say surely Die alsoThe of salty also pool of big Zhangzhang2 Zuo meaning with pouring Zuo photograph bear the of Si of Xian Chi of Qu Huangdi
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    To big and Zhang Zhi alsoTeach not world of The Wu Min of ancient Long person also can be fed oneself can character down to ifs into small big The place of its Long Ming Zhili and teach if do not reachcapture,Yan fears after its andCannot the manage Ta of Xuan life also of one person religion break its its personWon't do and have the that breaks of world of much of the person that teach Gu Zhetian thingAlready enters 45 days the children of Zuo industrial and commercial Zuo not Ning Yan Qu For fear that breaks its also later generations small is no good Zuo or Zuo and Long its are allowed
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    The solid of the body of muscle of the Mo that install flesh of appearance Zuo has cannot of overmatch teaching Ning not its abuse is such besides Sheng like that place Zheng teachs Ning The Die Zuo of one advocate 100 do obeisance toPhotograph of vinegar of of Zuo interpose host proposes a toast do obeisance to have and add up to child of elder brother of Xiao Zuo Xiao The Yin of of brigade fulfil of the surname needs 100 do obeisance to fulfil delivers Zuo in proper order and reasonWine of Jian day Zuo and must not drunk also Die person so Jin excessive alsoExcessive Zuo also dance person have travel Jin cannot of Geng of Die of absurd cannot Zuo
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    AlsoThe cent of sad all with Die Jian Sad cent is divided to its with Zuo of Die Jian and can the cent of Geng with Die Its divide Jian little Zuo and namely flowsThe sex that husband civilian has hematic heart to know and the content since the constant feeling with angry happy event of sad And like that annals of hereat of Yan of form of after heart Xiao ? The sound of Jiao is made and civilian think of The sound of Geng of Ha of rude easy numerous language makes Zheng and civilian health thick has tip suddenlyThe sound of Zuo is made and straight of civilian firm the sound of Qia Zha is made and civilian Man
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    Good Zuo of flesh of the abundant that respect is become and the sound of is made and civilian kind sheds San Di of exorcise evil spiritsThe sound of the that become is made and civilian excessive The happy event of of sexual reason easy feeling that heart of having blood knows is angry the constant reason of sad feelsPerson different its heart also content of be apt to of Long elegant also of of Long excessiveThe that content also feels with content of be apt to and person its heart Xiao needs form Wu Shan withThe that content feels and person its heart Xiao needs form rise at Ning of the content since Wu Wu also annals? The Zuo of Jiao feels so of the Zuo heart Xiao that also thinks of Place form also Zheng this Shen Yan piece of a sound give birth to this feeling in popular feeling
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    Wu Wu also the Li of one is Zheng made and have keep in mind again? The phonic of Jiao The grief anxious of common feelings of people is knowable all be not also piece of a Yan Yin unripe by the personThe feeling Wu Wu of the heart of of character of this 6 Geng make can feel again popular feeling and those who makeEach with Zuo also character of reason later development first Wang Zhi has teaching to take its and Long withThick civilian the photograph of Qu of meaning Li of peace of of of excessive of of character Die Te bearHeart feeling content and each somewhat the cent of road is scanty also previously of Jun Xin of thing Zheng of of Yin of sound of of of word of politics after is slow easy one knows his to cannot connect of the heart that be like gentleman politics and of destroy of thing of Qu of slow easy civilian
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    Fu is accused at Shang Dekang of alone sound is slow but Zheng Zuo Jin is easyBut Zheng Zuo is brightHereat first the spends to make Die Li of check of sex of Wang Benzhi affection is accrete the sumPath the Zuo of 5 Chang Zhi exercise and do not come loose Zuo and not is not angry soft Not 4 of hand in Wu Zhong and is made at outside all install its and not photograph alsoLike that its Geng achieve saves the such as the that after establishs its literary grace with Kui thick law is small bigDoes Er compare Jian only then foreword in order to resemble Zuo of Zuo of Zuo of of thing exercise Yin ? Male and female manageAll form Yao says at reason Yin its are deep
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    Touching and such incident of sound first king make need this affection sex is counteracted with building like that of after check spend and Wu Jizhong of contain Die Li thes Creator with closingWrite with unripe civilian constant like that after its Long Long and withteach a person but bundle its sex also the reason why person the small big Jian of only thenAll resemble Zuo of Zuo of act Yin scanty Zuo ? Male and female manage all form Yao atOf this reason Long person Wu Zheng of heart Xiao form and not as good as Wu Xie first Wang Suo in order to feelPopular feeling and the world peace person at can Yin its are deep the Die that makeThe in sound of Li Zheng Long second like palace business part feather resembles Jun Chenmin thing with
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    Second fall and cannot Zuo of Xiang Lingzhi Zuo and do not come loose 4 all character Long The Zuo of Geng achieve cent of the law is not with character of world will of people also of its sound suddenly alsoBe like the of Zuo and be gone to already and still stay not comes loose also the of its sound stops alsoThose who be like Zuo is static and of Geng is made not Jian also grand of sound person its and do not come is Zuo cruel also of sound? Clever person its is soft and in comingThe Zheng of law of the person that exhaust also hands in Wu Zhong Long person also make at outside person the Zuo of Long Wu Qi person also make only then in order to spend of Die Li of its Zuo Zuo is softDivide and not 4 of Zha place Zheng hand in Wu Zhong also is inside install its and
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    Not photograph also by the that is Long also is little disagreeable Yan is outside install itsAnd not photograph also its Geng achieve is like to be become oneself and 9 into also songChant its Long to have of its look of article dance collectShed Mian in order to make Geng easily slow with forget one's originPhonic Zuo also is like of hand Zuo to need with going to Geng again slow easy and make its Geng of sound of Di Cheng also is like to sheds Mian and forget its originally with Zuo in making the same scoreThis sad and Die reason all does not hold concurrently with character under Qia with its Long A like Zuo of alpine yarrow of Confucius Zuo easy Er Yan Jieshi of Zuo also
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    Every Long is touching and of the that go against counter formation of image and Long of Yan Zheng of excessive Ning Touching and the Zuo formation of a imagine of Zuo and with Ning YanThe Zuo Long of Zuo Xiao also of Long person not Zheng of place of of Zuo of Yin good goes against Of also if one is mad counters formation of image and excessive needs Ning 2 south Zuo Long also of Long person all think of grasping Die to spend of of Zuo of Li place Zheng Also fluctuate formation of a imagine of of Zuo of Pure Brightness and need with Ning Hereat gentleman turns over affection to go in order to become its with comparing Zuo with its annals color of Long notThe that leaves Die of Te of of Long bright excessive not to receive out-of-the-way of slow evil of heart Xiao indolent not Yu at the body
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    Zuo makes heart of information nose mouth knows 100 Zuo all by Zuo in order to go its Li This bear the manage of content of Qu of above paragraphs character each with Zuo photograph gentleman desire Ning is mixed With civilian makes there is Zuo in a suit first surely and goes against like that after canDifferentiate Long Ning and with moving Zuo Yi Su issues Geng place Zuo is also Zuo collect Zha this person the Li of law Ning context meaning of cultivate one's morality not Zuo Xun Qing saysThe person that a Yan joins Yan alley also reason compares Zuo to be able to become its therefore surelyAll rightWeek Zuo resembles Zuo rain
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    Square family name says deal with person the Geng of is like Ning Jian only then fasten Qu person like 4 Does Long Jian Zhu Zhi compare the photograph of Geng of song Long dance? Depend on each other of the rain that be like Zuo with Make stop also5 kinds of existing writings and not Zuo of an ancient type of banner hoisted on a featherdecked mast of dry relative feather takes content Zuo to manage with 5 kinds of each existing writingsBaidu gets and have constantShu Jizhi of million of Jin of a simple move or action spends Qu Shen to all have with Ji or say degreeThe measure of 12 laws also yellow Zuo Long of 81 minutes of palace eight
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    Zuo is to also altogether implement all 12 laws of measure friend says Baidu every implementdegree all with 12 laws the friend of the Ji of 5 Long says to get and have constantReason goes and is clear Zuo of Zuo of Yin scanty Zuo ? Male and female manage all form Yao goes at reason and Clear person sexual end alsoThe Yao of sexes of 5 Chang Zhi person also sexual like that in contain has 5 and itsClue only then but Yao friend says sexual end
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    3 person of this Wu Xinran after implement of Zheng this Wu Xin but also Zheng sex this Wu Xin but and say already a Wu Xin of sex of Ning 2 and cannot the Zha of 3 king family name is not the cloud alsoHereat situation is difficult and civilized is filled and change a mindThe mind of thing Cheng Hua that affection deep civilization makes uses the Qia of effect Cheng Ru of Child place Er is in in cereal cereal Zuo of of Zuo Zuo defends a god to be measured with content isIf Zhou Guanda manages place Er sends deity ground to show person spirit,also change a mind 5 earthcontent and Yu of heaven and earth of Zuo of this Yin place add up to of content of Qu of Yo of warm Fu to be in ancestor
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    Long of Zuo of the Zuo in Zuo of Zuo of a group of things with common features person there's no one who doesn't or isn't of Zuo of disaccord of there's no one who doesn't or isn't and Jing Mo and Yin is alsoWith Zuo Er medium and of the alone outside flower Qu is not OK Of the deep of affection fill and in Zuo Er also the mind that Wen Zhiming changes flower Qu Affection deep article also is not outside cannot Cheng Hua of bright blame cannot of divine reason alone notCan Long person the elephant of also Long Long touching all says with reason of formation of a imagine Long person the elephantine gentleman of
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    Child place its Zuo and formation of a imagine person also or say elephant of of day of Pure Brightness elephantGround reason Long is OK character elephantAgain only then in order to write past with Zuo Become those who one is become only then again only then write prelude so be gone to already and notMix what also show achieve so into the that one is become to have and Zheng its Jian also Ning Zha is like with dance character did not install disease and do not unplug is in again of Long reason Zha is much advocate Long disease and do not unplug at Ning of Long Yi Ran
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    Dance of Zha also was not installed Ning its path not illicit its desire of of Ning its path with becoming its teach also not illicit its desire Long person all be able to Er of Sheng evil also namely the thing of Zuo of Long of Lilliputian of good kind of later development gentlemanHereat affection Yao and Li stands is in a there's no one who doesn't or isn't that Jun Chen is the same as Long up and down in and respect in Zuo In Zuo brother of father and son the there's no one who doesn't or isn't that is the same as Long and Yao of affection of Yin place Zheng and Li stands to also feel the Li of Yao thing establishs the person's condition and be respected at and Yin affection
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    Yao also and the Li of brother of next father and son on Jun Chen by be and standLilliputian with Long Zuo is in a in Long person of Wu Hejing of of there's no one who doesn't or isn't is slow person also from Yin its not Zuo in Zuo of a group of things with common features Zuo in Long person of Zuo of Wu He of of there's no one who doesn't or isn'tBe contrary to patient needs from Yin its take abhor in Zuo Zuo Long person there's no one who doesn't or isn't of Yin of Wu He is disagreeable suddenly Zuo person also from Yin its not affection Zuo Zuo house Li Wu Zunfei and Xiao cannot Zun namely this will surely not change Zuo beforeAnd its has Li of Zuo of Wu Xin surely already long from easy its person surely
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    Much friend says unripe civilian path is big alsoPlace Zheng big Zuo person the Zuo of the emperor also 9 Liu of Zuo an ancient type of banner hoisted on a featherdecked mast of the emperor is green also black Jun person the Zuo of the emperor also the with flocks and herds Li of so Zuo Zheng HouAlsoDoubt is bright hall Zuo Ha also person of affection cannot Zhu person alsoAffection also bows with hands clasped to affection the situation with difficult of of work of husband of Ning of Zha of Zhu ask forring cannot Zhu Also
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    The feeling that Fu knows Zhu originally also Fu this investigate the feeling content of its Long and person the Zhu that knows Zhu to know business of palace of bamboo pitch-pipes used in ancient ChinaAlsoWrite Zha to go the Jian of Die also Die has Zuo to weigh long Wu Chong of its Zha of Zuo of Zuo alone person long person also in order to goIts at Zuo person person also Zuo Die has effect of alone of Zuo of of grand its Zha Wu Long person person also in order to go its at person person also of reason old Qia Die is accused child outside Zuo of Wu Shen of cruel of world of Li Zuo civilian Dai
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    Coagulating is the Zuo with wide choiceThe essence of path Zuo person put counteract respect Zuo of Yo Zuo ? Alone sends Die Those who send to be able to coagulate therefore at in life of Zuo thick person Yao Wu Ri is used Zuo feeds the slash alone Die that exchanges of toasts toward to provide to be able to coagulate therefore all right at thing of Die of Ning of Zuo reason adult like that after person Ji has Geng and clear of of of heaven and earthAlsoGentleman at it is Zha at be the course is ancientThe of Zha Zheng manages all contain of Die Li place but Zheng Zhu also ancient Zheng ancient Long
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    The result thing of king goes at be but Er is narrated also Zuo children does not tell father and sonFrom before week the of Ji of Zuo the name of the last ruler of the Xia Dynasty not Long has female to resemble result with clear Its Zuo of of Jun abigail also the person that the Zuo from Zuo Xiao makes place song this maleThe thing that female excessive monarchs this female place by Ning also naturally Yao at Jian person Zuo of Zuo of Zuo of person female with female 28 Qu Yuan female prostitute of 9 songs of Zuo of female of the prostitute that allow Ning has father and son to get together surely Zuo and the person that do not know oneself apertureChild Zha state head the Long that put Zuo does not make receive Wu Er to look also
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    Civilian have and of disease of 5 prosperous is not made and bewitching auspiciousFrom age previously Zuo of Jian place civilian change of dead Wu Bing person strand very less namelyAt Zuo Zuo person also small and rare with first Wang Zhi politics teachs not Bao dies and civilian Zuo Be contrary to also slaughters from arms of after of of the Qin Dynasty Yan Minzhi of Zuo Zuo Zuo 1000 Qu of of the dead's of unripe also hundred years with civilian much Also and civilian is no good by what Wu Zheng teachs politics teach be no good by atJun Xinzhi is much desire of of reason article Hou and child the prosperous disease of 5 of Xia YanBewitching auspicious breath all of You Wumin makes Long of civil Hou Neng thinks of his by
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    Know news of be addicted to oneself cannot good its say gentleman goes over good official of civilian this alsoOvercome Ming Ke Zuo The person that overcome Zuo bright also Zheng can Zuo of Bao its Li also the world has bright at this matterAnd unidentified at those thing person cannot reason of Zuo of Bao its Li also says to apply frequentlyIllicit say Zuo buts can the Li Zuo of Bao thing can use secret frequently thereforeThe gram that overcome Zuo is comparedGram Zuo does not go against Wu Min heart to also be overcome than making civilian all Yin is compared at on also or say
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    Gram Zuo can make on civilian religion also gram comparing can make civilian compare from photograph Yin alsoSound of Zuo of annals of of of Zuo of sound of Xiao of annals of female be addicted to of swallow of sound of the Song Dynasty of annals of excessive of Zuo sound good is proudMonarch annalsSongzi of this has Zuo and Hou of Zheng of Zuo of Zuo of place alone at Die of Yin of Zuo the Song DynastyReason the big of Wu Zhou of Zuo Zheng Zuo that its gentleman official does not agree to be pricked in order to complain and thought is niceSound of be addicted to person the Yu of Zuo of Ning of Xiao of Ning of Zha of its music not excessive Wu Se and go againstAt its article Zuo writes reason to hold of Ning its Zuo concurrently to be proud monarch of with give up Jun Say excessive is killed at color at also
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    person gentleman person good of Zheng its place justWen Hou is good from character already of the phonic reason notice sternly of Zuo Xiao make know me and of With Xiao its heart civilian and of with one is like its common mad politics medicinal powder civilian streamAnd cannot stop to also bring Yu and window easily Zha Zheng is unfavorable Zha civilian monarchs at excessiveAlsoThis 6 person the sound of sound also with 6 person the that the sound that agrees makes with Wang Shi of its Gu Di implementAnd the phonic place of Zuo Xiao uses this also a drum used in the army in ancient China of Zuo of bamboo of Jian of chime stone of after character Zuo and not
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    Reach building 2 sound person cannot feel with of 2 sound Zuo popular feeling and make somewhatThink of alsoThe Long Zhu Zhu that rouses a drum used in the army in ancient China in order to establish with Zuo Xiao Zhou Guanda manages Zuo Zhong Dong teachs the Zuo in big Zuo to make rouse bosomy person with a drum used in the army in ancient China all 3Bosomy friend says Zhu in order to establish with Zuo Xiao The Long sound of gentleman is not Zuo of Long its Zuo just also those also closes somewhat alsoBo Zi is in Long Zuo not the division Ceng Zi of Zuo article and blame with cannot praise highlyThe master's path like that of Man of tongue of sheep of of the in age of of Wen Hou of Yin its
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    of this Zha character is resembled also civil for fear that of of ancient of Hou Ziyan Long lies and notice sternlyMix with ancient it is OK to providing with civil and military cultivate one's morality and home all average a daySuffer below happiness to be applied at god reach article of Wu Zi the sound of Xiao of Zuo of Hou Ziyan Long does not know tired and notice sternly push its in order to be sound of Zheng be addicted to to kill get together as to father and son of Zuo person Ji puts subject gentleman of person of of reason of of Bao of Jin of of desire of be buried alive with the dead person cannotNot Zheng its are good the Zuo that place of sound of character turns this Wu Tian land by Ning 4The bewitching of prosperous disease of the 5 of of auspicious be not made and all of You WuminOf sound of Long of character having add up to to show somewhat with desire imperial court cannot annals
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    The official of Li is about to protect Xiao to of or by the concubine cannot the official all directions that cultivate gets together is occupied cannotThe official Feng Jiang that establishs fierce Zuo Xiao has friend cannot the official that defends dead defend to suffer fromMake person gentleman and know Li manage less to need fear like that careful seeks drop Zuo day and night its civilian have no time and of sound of be addicted to of free time good this Ning Mencius is goodThe with randy Zuo and all bring gentleman with the Li of annals benevolence alsoIt is good that Guan Yiwu holds the post of its gentleman at 3 reason from be addicted to inside with harbour Dai Ceng Xixiu Zha of empty of Ning five Zuo the person that be thought of 5 official and Xiao of Zuo establishing connecting with the boxing skill is sealed to deathBorder house thirdly the Wei Chu of of cent of tip line with age establishs interpose is strong
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    Zuo place is the urgentest person fierce of it would be better defends reason with place bright also the person is not Zuo notGet together the on the official that reason thinks of the official that cultivate gets together to be not Li having keep in mind like that with gentlemanThe below with civilian is depended on namely child Zuo politics Confucius is accused with sufficient feed sufficient armsThe Li of civilian letter also metals and stone-a symbol of hardness and strength the musical instrument a twenty-five-stringed plucked instrument that Pao Zhu Fei repairs Die to add up to place to use and be absent drive person gentleman can the official that thinks of annals Li is at ease unhealthy environmental influences that cause disease not disappear of Yin its day arms of letter feeds Zuo sufficient and civilian cannot establish meThe Zuo of of government office of of annals Li also cannot Yin and besides of Feng Jiang defend 3 Zuo life the Li of of root of Zuo of Yu of character ins and outs of Long Zuo manages and not is not cut
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    At Zheng of what its circuitous Long excessive and of business He Ye say the sound that be not fierce also child say He Yin of of if not Wu YinAlso says department breaks its also Ning Zha needs with of Li of Zuo business meaning of Zuo of Zhang Zhi has close Yan and after solutionPerson the chapter of of big Wu Zhi of absurd provides of Er of place of of age of Ning of Yao week Zuo It is Zuo of the person that also build excessive also business person the Long of cut down is sacred need not manage greatly / with Gong Jiao feather and Zheng of business Zhu Zi / business Zha is not business Long and the Yu song of sound of Wu DawuPerson or Zuo and into Zha of business of Wu Shang Long surely department breaks its to give side
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    Dare the Zuo of Zuo and He YeOf of Zuo character give up long already already Long life and doubt of place of is 6 intoOf the after Zuo of Jin long and withdrawal also Qu comes the thing of the 2 business that become Already 3 become of the following and apply politics executes order of taught accident Confucius To Zuo after Zheng big politics and say traffic of of Die of such Zhou Daosi Zuo The Zuo of husband fierce not Yi Yi of its Zuo is with wait week Zuo and also install still with dance person did not go out previously the Li of of Buddhist monastic disciplineLong stand to come in order to wait for Zheng Hou Zhi at Jin also
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    Like Zheng fierce Wang Fa Ji waits for Zheng Hou Zhi to should not be to foreword at cent of Zuo thing flea also under by Wu Cheng king comes to be cease fierce at Zuo from businessThe person that Xiu Wending did not offer sacrifices to photograph of of Wu Zhou not Xiao of Hou of Zuo state pasture comes bigGentleman of grave of state of be the concubine of Zha Wu Chengran after and 100 labour recieve orders to need at week 6 intoAnd Na Youjiu stands to the elephant accuses Wu Cheng already and wait for Jun Zhi of of state of be the concubine to come at Jin Also the austral Qu is border wait for Zheng Hou Jiezhi surely and after is made can decide Zhou Shao to divide Zuo waits for Zheng Hou Jiezhi surely and what happened afterwards but the life is offerred sacrifices to agrarian Long of Ming Tangchao Yin Shoot the of the Yin Die thing that Zuo often waits for Zheng Hou Jiezhi surely and after can make greatly
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    The foreword of character this from Zuo bright is doubtful personThose who make is peddling allow and itsPeddling the person that allow makes Wu Zhou also makes on the west dustpan child of travel person enrol with Zuo photographAnd not dare approach alsoOutside manage Zheng and civilian there's no one who doesn't or isn't bear Zuo Die person of manage cannot easy person also with manage cannot easy person of the thing that apply Zheng Be with there's no one who doesn't or isn't bear issues Ning of Yin place cloud namely and arrange Zheng the world person be alsoReason Die advocate its advocate its are filled with
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    The travel of every Die all is to chase Geng to say from reason advocate Bao of of of its And give reason to say advocate its are filled with Die is decreased and Zuo is filled with with of Zuo article and turn over in order to oppose languageThe travel of Die is little also person Zuo person Yi Zhiji of the person that issue old man Zuo greatly from curb surely respectful Qu advocate also or like that at fall and the that does not exhibit respectful and haveThe of necessary Geng Die and Zuo also by it is low person mark issue needs Zuo honour person Zhu heals of smooth Die get its also Die with Yao of Zuo Wen Yi with Zuo of appearance of substance of bright Qu of Zuo of the article that turn over says article hue says civil of 5 Long big
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    Xiaoxiang becomes 8 news make stop of Long of Zuo acting person be about to go to and leave dance Geng disease does not unplug all of in order to oppose language alsoMake its article sufficient Zha and do not cease Geng of Zhang Yin of of of outskirt of of of Zhang Ye of article Zheng is close ancient and meaning Li butBeneficial is not worth Yin to but under of the Kingdom of Wei that push the 2 Zuo south 2 elegant businessZhou Zhi Zuo its Er of Zuo of former times of ancient Long of the person that so cultivate one's morality and home all make the same score the world Zuo of Zuo of Yu of Su Ru of old of the that bring Yu bright 2000 Zuo year its Shu Jian cannot Bao is Zheng sufficient Zha and do not cease also Zuo this Yin person scholar also wisdom insufficient
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    And this needs 70 child place is narrated alsoReason person compares content with be being mixed surely with Zuo Geng One person in Long also medium Long is thing of the person that can decide its and thing also Eat the thing of Zuo than adding Wu Jiao to shoot Zuo surely and because of with Zuo its Geng alsoReason person the place of the Ji favor that the life of heaven and earth counteracts cannot be avoided alsoFavor can be avoided at static both neither at Long sound form blame with Long elegant The life of Zuo heaven and earth puts neutralization Ji to need the place Zha of sound of be addicted to of Long And monarch into Wu Xie
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    and static soft and person of appropriate song Zuo is big and static scanty Zuo and song of appropriate of the person that believeElegance respectful and good Die person appropriate song minor would you kindly point out my inadequacies is straight and static and Zheng person appropriateSong Zuo Elegant Zuo only then the appropriate of Zuo sex Ning person all say static Qu by in the person that go outThis static reason song person blame is static cannot straight already with cultivate its and of sound adding up to Send alsoFour is straight and kind person appropriate song Shang Wenliang and can person appropriate song Zuo Four is straight person Zuo natural in order to mother or somewhat bright business can with
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    Brave definitely Wen Liang person Zuo instinct Zhu with can or somewhat bright Zuo can cut into parts with Li Husband song person straight soon Zuo also oneself and 4 of Yan of of heaven and earth and Yan XingYan of Yo of content of Qu of Yan of celestial bodies manageSurely cleanse the inside its heart is not straight like that after singing the with Zuo the ancients Wu Ji and of content of Qu of heaven and earth not also Confucius Li musical instrument holds Yao Article king makes of other Li from cannot Yao reason blame is straight already cannot Zuo also 
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            Die Yin resolve a doubt coils 20

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