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章节: 卷二十九
书名: 礼记析疑
类目: 经部
写作年代: 约公元前-271年  至  公元后994年
视频: 卷二十九_礼记析疑
音频: 卷二十九_礼记析疑

欽定四庫全書 禮記析疑卷二十九          翰林院侍講銜方苞撰  仲尼燕居使女以禮周流無不徧也 先王制禮隨時隨事運天理而取其中人之行身遇 物能以禮周流則大中之理無不徧矣即一貫之指 以禮言之乃其顯而易見者
子産猶衆人之母也能食之不能教也 孔子以求仁為教而曾子謂子張難與為仁仁者天 徳之首也子産過於慈仁猶失政體如母之不能教 而張也過於矜髙則不能反求諸身而無進徳之基 矣故切言以警之若不及則勉之而已故不復言敢問禮也者領惡而全好者與 領字之義或取承領祭義領天下國家賈誼陳政事 疏誰與領此是也或取統領楊惲報孫㑹宗書統領
 從官魏相傳統領庶職是也或取率領左傳鄢將師 為佐領晉書職官志中領軍是也惟此記及樂記領 父子君臣之節注皆以治訓未知所據以文義推之 此記宜以袪而去之為義樂記則以統領為義但於 古書未得其徴郊社之義所以仁鬼神也 老莊以禮為華而亂道荀卿以禮為化性而起偽皆 不知禮之生於仁也仁以體事故眀無不照仁以感
 物故誠無不通明於郊社之禮禘嘗之義則治國如 指諸掌職是故也此仁鬼神獨於郊社舉之者禘嘗 之為仁顯而易見是故以之居處有禮故長幼辨也以之閨門之内有禮故三族和也以之朝廷有禮故官爵序也以之田獵有禮故戎事閑也以之軍旅有禮故武功成也是故宫室得其度量鼎得其象味得其時樂得其節車得其式鬼神得其饗䘮紀得其哀辯說得其黨官得其體政事得
其施加於身而錯於前凡衆之動得其宜 上五者第曰禮原禮之所以制也此五者曰以之以 人之用禮言也 禮所以决嫌疑别同異明是非也 知禮則得失從違判若白黑故辯說得其黨 凡此 皆所謂好也惟有禮故能全子曰禮者何也即事之治也君子有其事必有其治 先王縁人情而制禮依人性而作儀原其體之所以 立也君子有其事必有其治究其用之所以行也原
 其所以立則知心有所不容己究其所以行則知道 不可須臾離事無其治則性命之理不順此精粗本 末所以一貫也若無禮則手足無所錯耳目無所加進退揖讓無所制是故以之居處長幼失其别閨門三族失其和朝廷官爵失其序田獵戎事失其策軍旅武功失其制宫室失其度量鼎失其象味失其時樂失其節車失其式鬼神失其饗喪紀失其哀辯說失其黨官失其體政事失其
施加於身而錯於前凡衆之動失其宜如此則無以祖洽於衆也 凡此皆所謂惡也惟無禮故無以領而去之也 如 侍於君足如履齊頥霤垂拱視下而聴上視帶以及 袷聴鄉任左之類如不知此則無所錯無所加矣 其儀法多見曲禮苞始受戴記先兄曰汝口誦其文 必心惟其義凡曲禮少儀玉藻内則所載不獨事父 母君師也即長幼朋友賓客徃來酬酢少不由禮則
 於心不安而人情亦不能順故張子曰禮儀三百威 儀三千無一事非仁又曰仁體事而無不在不知此 則雖能記誦不可謂之學禮禮猶有九焉大饗有四焉 李光地曰入門一也升堂二也升堂樂闋三也升歌 下管四也陳其薦爼五也行中規旋中矩六也和鸞 中采齊七也客出以雍八也徹以振羽九也樂也者節也
 春秋傳曰先王之樂所以節百事也君子無理不動無節不作 不惟宗廟朝廷閨門鄉黨之際會非禮有常經不敢 輕動也即尋常無事一舉足一發言非理所當然亦 不敢動必如是而後謂之致禮以治躬不惟祭祀賓 客射鄉之樂歌非比物飾節不敢輕作也即燕居退 息御琴瑟調磬管非適會其節亦不敢作必如是而 後謂之致樂以治心
不能詩於禮繆 古者於旅也語多賦詩以見志不能詩則聞人之歌 而不達其義如誦茅鴟而/慶封不知或答人之賦而不應其情 如髙厚歌/詩不類故於禮繆也不能樂於禮素 明於樂然後從容和順之意周浹於拜跪揖讓之中 野人相敬直樸無文則為素而已薄於徳於禮虚
 無如斬如剡之隠痛則衰麻哭踊皆虚無守道致身 之實心則拜稽恭順皆虚言而履之禮也行而樂之樂也 凡人之言或汎論事理或評議他人未有不依乎天 理者若能身履之則禮之實在是矣凡人之行必合 乎天理當乎人情然後返之於心而安且樂焉其然 則樂之道具是矣 子張志意髙廣則檢身或疎故 示以反身之要以抑其過也身之所履必自顧其平
 日之言事之欲行必先察乎人心所樂則無無實之 言無虚髙之行而政必宜人矣萬物服體 萬物皆範圍於禮體之中而無不服從即下文貴賤 長幼逺近男女莫敢相踰越是也   禮記析疑卷二十九

  • Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    decides 4 complete Die Yin resolve a doubt coils 29Fang Bao of Zuo of Zheng of serve of courtyard of member of the Imperial Academy is writtenZhong Niyan is residedAbigail with Die circumfluent not alsoFirst king Zuo of thing of Zuo of of the Zuo that make Die is providential and the travel body of the person in taking its is encounteredContent can manage mediumly greatly with Die circumfluent not namely of one Zuo point toWith Die character be its Zuo and easy Yao person
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Child the mother of person of Xiao also can feed cannot teach alsoBenevolence teachs Confucius in an attempt to and Ceng Zi Zheng child Ren Ren of of Zuo Ning person dayOf head also child Zuo Wu Ciren breaks what politics Zuo is like a mother to cannot teachAnd also Zuo cannot beg Zheng body instead at pity Zuo and of Zuo basereason cuts character with alarm if not as good as of exert oneself just reason not characterDare Die also person Zuo and completely good person Ning The Li of Zuo word or take bear government affairs of Zuo of Zha of Zuo of the world of Zuo of Li of Zuo hold a memorial ceremony for Home Zuo of scanty Zha Ning is this also or of of of of Zuo extraction Jian ? Ancestor Jian Zuo
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Long of be the concubine of Zuo of Jian of of photograph of official the Kingdom of Wei is also or take of of Yan of rate Zuo left Zuo of the Zuo in annals of official of Long of of of assist Zuo is to also but this Yin and Yin Zuo The Geng of official of gentleman of father and son is noted all with treating Yin sealed place pushs with article Li The of Yin of Li that this Yin appropriate goes to with Xiao with Li of Jian Zuo but atAncient did not get its The Li of outskirt company so benevolence ghosts and gods alsoOld Qia with Die Qu path Xun Qing turns a sex with Die and remove allWhat do not know Die is unripe do not illuminate with of Zuo accident Bao at Ren Yeren benevolence in order to feel
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    of Zha passing away is illogical be like,the Li of the Die Die of Ming Wujiao company treats Hereat of Long of palm pointing to Zheng also this benevolence of Ning of company of Wu Jiao of of ghosts and gods person Die benevolence Zuo and easy Yao Hereat with house Ta has young differentiate of Die reason Zuo also with there is Die in Zuo Zuo Reason 3 a group of things with common features and also with the imperial court has order of the rank of nobility of Die friend official also with cropland has Zuo of thing of Die reason army also with Zuo brigade has Die reason gest to become also is room of the Imperial PalaceGet its magnanimity vessel to get its to get its to get its Geng Zuo to get its formula sinister plot like flavourDoes the god get its Zuo ? Ji is gotten its sad Zuo Zha gets its Zuo official to get its Zuo government affairs
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Its bring to bear on the of at the body Zuo Wu Qianfan Xiao gets its appropriateOn 5 person say Die former Die is made also this 5 person say with withThe character of the person that use Die also Die so definitely suspicion is not the same as bright dispute alsoIf Zha of Zuo of white black friend gets its Zuo to altogether, Zuo of of gain and loss of knowing Die is sentenced thisAll place Zheng is good also only Die on purpose can be wholeChild say Die person He Ye namely of the thing treat also gentleman has its thing to surely its are treatedFirst king Jun favor and make Die depend on human nature and make former its Zuo Li Yejun child its thing has his to treat surely investigate its are used go former also
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Its establish intimate to not allow somewhat so oneself investigate its go so knowsCannot its treat of thing of Zuo Yu Zuo the manage of life not Zuo this choice is wide thisEnd so one Zuo alsoPlace of of information of Zuo of place of of brothers of of the Die that be like adds Zuo to retreat place of the that bow with hands clasped to Zhu to makeHereat with the Zuo that reside Ta young break its to fasten Zuo Zuo 3 a group of things with common features lose its and imperial court officialThe rank of nobility breaks of its foreword cropland to army the thing breaks gest of brigade of its plan Zuo to break its to make palace room breakIts magnanimity vessel breaks his to break its to break its Geng Zuo to break its type ghosts and gods like flavourBreak Ji of its Zuo its sad Zuo Zha breaks its Zuo official to break its Zuo government affairs to break its
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Bring to bear on the of at the body Zuo Wu Qianfan Xiao breaks of its appropriate such with ancestorBe in harmony at Xiao alsoEvery this all place Zheng also buts of Die reason goes with Zuo also be likeShi Wujun is sufficient if walk on Zuo Zuo Zuo to hang down,arch Yao falls and of the Yao on Long andIf Ren Zunzhi Zuo of Qia Long Zuo does not know place of of Zuo of place of this to add Die of music of much Yao of its law luxuriants only then suffer wear Yin first elder brother says its article of your mouth Zha Need the heart thinkings Zuo of place of the inside Yu Zao of little of Die of its Li Fan Qu not thing fatherMu Jun also namely Zuo of of guest of young friend Zuo exchanges of toasts little not by Die
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    At heart uneasiness favor also cannot Zuo reason child say Die 300 power3000 be related is not benevolence say again benevolence Zuo thing and is absent not to know this Zuo can Yin Zha cannot the Die of Zheng Die has 9 Yan big Zuo to have 4 YanLi Guang ground says Zuo one also rise hall 2 also rise hall Zuo 3 also rise a songNext canals 4 also of Zuo its Shu the 5 Yao in also going come back in quadrature 6 also mix Zuo Zuo is collected in 7 also the guest goes out with harmony 8 also with Zhen Yu 9 also also person Geng also
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Age says first Wang Zhi so 100 things of Geng alsoGentleman manages not Geng is not madeNot only the Die of Zuo blame of a Zuo of Zuo of Zuo of Zuo of imperial court has constant Jian not dare Zuo also namely thing of constant one Ning is sufficient of place of manage of one Yan Fei like that alsoNot dare needs so and of after Zheng send Die in order to treat bend forward not only sacred Zuo The song blame that the guest shoots Zuo compares content Zuo Geng not dare Zuo is made also namely swallow house is retreatedIts Geng of of Zuo of blame of canal of chime stone of Zha of a twenty-five-stringed plucked instrument of breath drive musical instrument also dare be not made surely so andOf after Zheng send in order to treat a heart
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Cannot Yu at Die Jun Ancient person Wu Lv also Yu of Zha much Zuo with Yao annals cannot the song of person of Yu Long And not Zuo its Li is like Zha cogongrass Zuo and / is sealed do not know or answer the person's Zuo and not its affectionBe like Zuo thick song / Yu not Zuo reason at Die Jun alsoCannot at Die elementBright at like that after is allowed and the genuflect of Wu Bai of suggestion week of Zuo bows with hands clasped to Zhu inElement of of of article of of of savage photograph Jing Zhi justThin at at Die empty
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    The Zuo painful that is like Shan like declines hemp cries leap up all empty is defended send a body heart does obeisance to Ji Gong Zuo all emptyCharacter and carry out Die also goes and the of alsoLaic character or Zha logic or Yu Zhu other are had no not comply dayThe that the person that manage is like the Die that can walk on personally is laic travel closes surelyprovidential favor like that after returns install at the heart and Yan JiranThe prop of is child body of of of of Zuo of annals meaning or reasonShow with turning over a body should in order to or its Zuo also is walked on of the body need from Zuo its are made the same score
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Of the character issue of day be about to need all right first examine of of of of of of popular feeling placeOf Zuo of character empty go and politics surely delightful Qu content takes Zuo Qu content all Geng at Die Zuo in and refuses to obey namely Zuo of later development Zuo Zuo of photograph of Mo Gan of close men and women of Zuo young Zuo the more also   Die Yin resolve a doubt coils 29

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