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章节: 卷九
书名: 礼记析疑
类目: 经部
写作年代: 约公元前-123年  至  公元后490年
视频: 卷九_礼记析疑
音频: 卷九_礼记析疑

欽定四庫全書 禮記析疑卷九          翰林院侍講銜方苞撰  考定文王世子文王之為世子朝於王季日三雞初鳴而衣服至於寢門外問内豎之御者曰今日安否何如内豎曰安文王乃喜及日中又至亦如之及莫又至亦如之其有不安節則内豎以告文王文王色憂行不能正履王季復膳
然後亦復初食上必在視寒煖之節食下問所膳命膳宰曰末有原應曰諾然後退武王帥而行之不敢有加 文王有疾武王不說冠帶而養文王一飯亦一飯文 王再飯亦再飯旬有二日乃間文王謂武王曰女何 夢矣武王對曰夢帝與我九齡文王曰女以為何也 武王曰西方有九國焉君王其終撫諸文王曰非也 古者謂年齡齒亦齡也我百爾九十吾與爾三焉文
 王九十七乃終武王九十三而終删/ 九齡夢錫先儒皆識其妄而未知誰實為之以王莽 事及當日所偽亂經語證之盖亦劉歆所增竄也盖 莽稱宰衡受九錫居攝踐阼南面朝羣臣稱假皇帝 皆託於周公唯即真於公無可託故特起符命而興 昌亭長首言夢天公使者告以攝皇帝當為真哀章 繼稱漢髙帝降金䇿書傳位於莽故歆增竄此記以 示周之興文武嘗見此異徴以為莽事之證騐其稱
 武王養疾亦為莽而設也莽侍王鳯疾不解衣帶連 月其孤貧時以孝母著聞則一飯亦一飯再飯亦再 飯必莽之飾行莽革漢命亦三夜不/御寢三日不御食故增竄此記以 見莽天性合道凡事皆與古聖同符以義裁之武王 必無是也父母有疾當時已之飢飽而飯每减焉或 偶輟一飯亦順其自然必以父母之一飯再飯為凖 是偽也設旬月不入勺飲子亦如之可乎成王幼周公相抗世子法於伯禽欲令成王之知父子
君臣長幼之道也成王有過則撻伯禽所以示成王世子之道也 不能涖阼删/踐阼而治删/文王之為世子也刪/去不 能涖阼踐阼而治八字辭意始相承仍之則義悖而 辭意亦梗盖周公抗世子之法於伯禽為成王不逮 事武王非為其不能踐阼也且公於伯禽何待踐阼 而後法可抗其為歆所増竄無疑 末綴文王之為 世子也義無所處故先儒以為衍然非衍也盖歆於
 世子之謂也下綴周公踐阼以示古有周公踐阼之 禮故於此節綴此句於一獻無介語可也下綴教世 子以示三語乃記禮者各標其名目使人疑古記所 傳或有同異盖故亂其緒以揜飾其所増竄正公孫 禄所謂顛倒五經使學士疑惑也凡三王教世子必以禮樂樂所以修内也禮所以修外也禮樂交錯於中發形於外是故其成也懌恭敬而温文立大傅少傅以養之欲其知父子君臣之道也大傅
審父子君臣之道以示之少傅奉世子以觀太傅之徳行而審喻之大傅在前少傅在後入則有保出則有師是以教喻而徳成也師也者教之以事而喻諸徳者也保也者慎其身以輔翼之而歸諸道者也 記曰虞夏商周有師保有疑丞設四輔及三公不必 備唯其人語使能也刪/仲尼曰昔者周公攝政踐阼 而治抗世子法於伯禽所以善成王也聞之曰為人 臣者殺其身有益於君則為之况于其身以善其君
 乎周公優為之删/ 古書言師保者多矣未有言疑丞者言三公者多矣 未有言四輔者莽置四輔以配三公又為其子置師 疑傅丞阿輔保拂故歆増竄此記或謂莊子有舜問 於丞語疑古或有此官不知莊子皆寓言與湯之問 棘等耳果虞夏商周之舊典胡他書更無及此者 先儒謂前言周公相踐阼而治此闕相字下文又有 周公踐阼皆記者之失不知此歆之㣲意也記之本
 文乃成王幼周公相歆竄入不能涖阼踐阼而治二 語欲并削相字則辭意不安故仍之然恐解者謂相 成王踐阼而治故覆出此文以見踐阼而治者乃周 公而下文又特綴周公踐阼以見當時即有此名目 也其特稱仲尼見不獨事為周公之事而美其事者 復有仲尼之言即莽下書稱康誥王若曰朕其弟小 子封春秋隱公不言即位此二經周公孔子所定盖 為後法之意也于其身以善其君亦隂為莽解也周
 官師氏保氏教王世子於虎門凡國子弟及國之貴 遊子弟學焉祭祀賔客會同喪紀軍旅王舉則從伯 禽乃諸侯世子本當抗世子法以教之以親屬為國 子在學在朝本朝夕王所王甚幼而有過為師傅者 法當督責左右親近衞翼之人以警王心即伯禽之 撻禮亦宜然無所謂迂其身也莽自居攝踐阼以至稱 假皇帝皆曰將以隆就孺子此歆所謂迂其身以善 其君與
是故知為人子然後可以為人父知為人臣然後可以為人君知事人然後能使人 成王幼不能涖阼以為世子則無為也是故抗世子 法於伯禽使之與成王居欲令成王之知父子君臣 長幼之義也君之於世子也親則父也尊則君也有 父之親有君之尊然後兼天下而有之是故養世子 不可不慎也刪/ 以義求之宜曰武王崩成王幼以為世子則無為也
 與不能涖阼何與其稱此至再至三不過為周公踐 阼證耳君之於世子也數語亦無謂且辭意䝉混與 莽傳内制詔書疏相似疑亦竄入君子曰徳徳成而教尊教尊而官正官正而國治君之謂也 數語本在語使能也下今移置於此盖承上文能為 父能為君能使人而言養成世子之徳所以如是其 重者以此日之徳成則他日之教尊而官正國治然
 後可以為人君也徳成而教尊則可以為人君而又 可以為人父矣官正而國治則能使人之效也行一物而三善皆得者唯世子而已其齒於學之謂也故世子齒於學國人觀之曰將君我而與我齒讓何也曰有父在則禮然然而衆知父子之道矣其二曰將君我而與我齒讓何也曰有君在則禮然然而衆著於君臣之義也其三曰將君我而與我齒讓何也曰長長也然而衆知長幼之節矣故父在斯為子君在斯謂之臣
居子與臣之節所以尊君親親也故學之為父子焉學之為君臣焉學之為長幼焉父子君臣長幼之道得而國治語曰樂正司業父師司成一有元良萬國以貞世子之謂也 周公踐阼刪/凡學世子及學士必時春夏學干戈秋冬學羽籥皆於東序小樂正學干大胥贊之籥師學戈籥師丞贊之胥鼓南春誦夏弦大師詔之瞽宗秋學禮執禮者詔之冬
誓之以待又語三而一有焉乃進其等以其序謂之郊人逺之於成均以及取爵於上尊也始立學者既興器用幣然後釋菜不舞不授器乃退儐于東序一獻無介語可也 教世子删/ 此篇首言文王之為世子武王帥而行之繼言成王 幼周公抗世子法於伯禽文武履常而盡其道周公 遭變而制其宜皆可以法後王立人極者若夫教世
 子之法崇禮樂擇師保興齒讓則三代之所同也古 今無異教上下無異學故列序學世子及學士之通 禮而釋奠之禮次之始立學之禮又次之釋奠而合 樂養老又次之語於郊而斂賢取才又次之始立學 而器未備禮未成者又次之學既立禮既成教既備 而後天子視學焉故次之庶子之官為世子領國子 及其倅王舉則從以觀禮而聽事者也而其教尤詳 於公族皆所以輔成世子之徳也故以是終焉篇末
 世子之記則古所傳世子之疏節而述禮者因以附 焉爾天子視學大昕鼓徴所以警衆也衆至然後天子至乃命有司行事興秩節祭先師先聖焉有司卒事反命始之養也適東序釋奠於先老遂設三老五更羣老之席位焉適饌省醴養老之珍具遂發咏焉退修之以孝養也反登歌清廟既歌而語以成之也言父子君臣長幼之道合徳音之致禮之大者也下管象舞大武大合衆

  • Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    decides 4 complete Die Yin resolve a doubt coils 9Fang Bao of Zuo of Zheng of serve of courtyard of member of the Imperial Academy is writtenTake an examination of calm article Wang ShiziWorld of Wen Wangzhi child toward the Zuo at the beginning of 3 Zuo of Wu Wangji day clothes comes at The drive of the Zuo inside the outside Zuo person say how to deny the Zuo inside how about to say now An Wen kingTherefore happy event and noon to reach Mo Youzhi to also be like to Yi Ruzhi again its have uneasinessThe Zuo inside Geng with accusing Wen Wangwen travel of Wang Se is walking on board of Wang Ji
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    Like that after also is fed at the beginning of go up to be in surely the Geng of Yao cold feeds board of order of board of place issueing Slaughter end to former says Zheng like that of withdrawal fierce king and of travel dare not have addYanArticle king has disease fierce king not Zha coronal and Zuo article Wang Yi Zuo also one Zuo articleWang Zai Zuo also again Zuo a period of ten days has military of Zheng of king of 2 days of article you Zuo Wang Yue daughter why fierce king says emperor Ning my 9 Zuo article Wang Yue daughter with He YeWest of fierce Wang Yue has Wang Yuefei of article of Zheng of of Wang Ji Jian of 9 Yan Jun alsoAncient person Zheng year Zuo Zuo also Zuo also I 100 3 Yan of of 90 my Ning civil
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    Wang Jiu king of seventeen fierce you Jian 93 and Jian cutout / Zuo of 9 Zuo first Confucianism all Zhu its absurd and of of sealed Zha with Wang MangThe place of Xin of Gai Yi of thing and Zhu of Zha of Jian of of of day place adds Fu to also be builtRank grass Er is slaughtered judge suffer 9 Zuo to reside false emperor of Er of official of Li of the look out austral Zuo ZunAll Yin Wu Zhou is fair only namely of true Wu Gong but Yin reason has accord with lot especially and Ning The person that prosperous wells balanced the ruler of heaven of of Zuo head character makes is accused with of emperor true sad chapterDoes emperor of Zuo of Kui Er fall gold? add Fu at Xin of rank grass reason this Yin withShow Yao of of civil and military of Zhou Zhi Ning this the Zhu Zuo with thing of rank grass its Er
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    Disease of fierce king Zuo also rank grass and Yu also disease of Zuo of king of rank grass serve indissolubles garment Zuo Month of its Gu Zuo writes one Zuo of Long with filial piety mother also one Zuo again Zuo also again Zuo needs Mang Zhi Zuo goes life of of rank grass change also 3 night not / drive 3 days not drive feeds reason to add Fu this Yin withNature of Yao rank grass closes everything all the fierce king that Ning ancient Long cuts into parts with Li with accord withNeed is also parents has disease already Zuo Zuo and every decrease Zuo Yan orOccasionally one Zuo of Zuo also Zuo its nature needs with one of parents Zuo again Zuo It is also month of Yu a period of ten days does not enter spoon Zuo child Yi Ruzhi butInto Wang Youzhou public appearance fights a world child the law is about to make tell father and son into Wang Zhi at Bai Qin
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    Jun Chen Zuo young path also become Bai Qin of of of Wang You Zuo to show Wang Shi soChild path alsoCannot Zun cutout / Zuo Zun and treat cutout / world of Wen Wangzhi child also / go notCan Zun of Zun Zuo and study idea of character 8 Zuo only then bear still Li is contrary to and Zuo meaning Yi Geng builds Zhougong to fight a world child of Fa Wubai birds becomes Wang BudaiKing of work connecting with the boxing skill is not its cannot Zuo Zun also and Zun of Zuo of He Dai of Gong Wubai birdsAnd after law can fight his Wen Wangzhi of Jin of end of doubt of of Fu of of Xin placeWorld child also reason of Ta of Li place first Confucianism be not develop to also build Xin like that with develop at
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    World child Zheng also issues Zun of Zuo of Jin Zhou Gong in order to show Gu Youzhou of fair Zuo Zun Die reason uprights this sentence at one at this Geng Jin Zha also can issue Jin to teach a worldChild with showing the person that 3 Zha are Yin Die each its items makes person doubt ancient Yin place or have its Jin of of reason of the lid that be the same as with Zuo Fu of its place fair Zuo of salary place Zheng pours 5 Jian to make person interrogative alsoEvery 3 king teach a world child repair so with Die surely inside also Die is repaired so outsideAlso Die makes body of of Zuo Wu Zhong at outside its become hereat also is deferential and lukewarmOf Zuo of little Fu Yi of Wen Li big teacher desire big also teacher that its tell official of gentleman of father and son
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    With showing little teach of official of gentleman of father and son Feng Shizi with Yin too Fu Zhi Go and the big teacher of analogy is advanced little teach has into in after protect a to have It is with teaching analogy is become also also person taught with the thing analogy Zheng person alsoProtect also person Shen Jishen with Zuo ala and the person that Zheng also Yin says week of Yu Xia trader has to retain 4 Zuo of doubt assist Yu and 3 fair need not only its person Zha makes can also / intermediate Ni Yuexi person Zhou Gong politics Zuo ZunAnd treat fight a world child so be apt to becomes Fa Wubai birds of Wang Ye Long say personOfficial person its body is good of of Wu Jun besides Yu Jishen with be apt to its gentleman
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    the cutout / of of Zhou Gong The person that of ancient character is protected is much character of the person that have no Yan Yicheng 3 fair person muchHave no character 4 Zuo person rank grass buy 4 Zuo in order to match 3 fair its child buy Zuo of A of doubt teach assist protects this Yin of Fu of of stroke reason Xin or Zheng Qia child having ShunAt assist Zha doubt ancient or this official does not know Qia child the of of all allegorical Ning The Ning allusion of the Xia Shangzhou of ear fruit anxiety such as spine is introduced from the northern and western nationalities or from abroad his more the person that reachs thisFirst Confucianism Zun of Zuo of photograph of Zheng introductive Zhougong and treat later development of word of this Zuo photograph to have againZun of Zhou Gong Zuo all Yin person break what do not know this Xin? Meaning also of Yin this
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    Fu of Xin of Wang Youzhou public appearance enters Wen Naicheng cannot Zun of Zun Zuo and treat 2 Zha is about to cut reason of uneasiness of meaning of Zuo of photograph word still photograph of Zheng of the person that fear solving like thatBecome king Zuo Zun and treat reason Fu to give this article to treat Zhe Naizhou with Yao Zuo ZunFair and later development special Zun of Zuo of Jin Zhou Gong has this items namely with Yao Also its are special Yao of Er Zhong Ni not the thing of Zhougong of thing and United States its thing personThe talk that has Zhong Ni namely health Zha king is like Er of the below rank grass I its younger brother is littleChild Feng Chunqiu Zuo is fair not place of Confucius of Zhougong of this 2 Jian builds character accession surelyThe meaning of after law also with be apt to at its body rank grass of of Zuo of its Jun Yi is solved also
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    Government-owned protects a family name to teach Wang Shizi the Zuo of children of of every of Wu Hu Zuo and of guest of sacred Zuo of Yan of Zuo children is the same as of of Ning of king of brigade of Ji Zuo uncleBirds is Zheng Hou Shizi this fights a world child law with teaching with of Yin Child in hold office at court place of this king of a very short time Wang Shenyou and Fu Zhe of of having Zuo The person of ala of close Xiao of Yin of left and right sides of Zuo of law superintend and director with alarm Wang Xin namely of Bai QinCircuitous of Zheng of place of Die Yi Yiran its body also Er of down to of Zun of Zuo of of rank grass pose asFalse emperor all says childs with grand circuitous of Zheng of this Xin place its body with be apt toIts gentleman Ning
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    Hereat tells person child like that after is OK person father tells person official like that after is OK person gentleman tells thing person like that after can make personInto king young cannot Zun with world child also hereat fights a world childThe Ning that the law makes at Bai Qin is about to make tell official of gentleman of father and son into Wang Zhi into Wang Ju Zuo young Li also gentleman's Wu Shizi also Yin father also honour Mr also hasThe hereat Zuo life that after holds the world concurrently and the Yin of father has Jun Zhizun like that childCannot inadvertent also /The appropriate that begs with Li says fierce king collapse becomes world of Wang Youyi child also
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    Ning cannot Zun why this reachs Ning its Er again 3 not Zuo of Zuo Zhou GongThe Wu Shizi of gentleman of Zun Zhu ear also Zha also Zheng and Zuo meaning? Mix Ning Doubt of Yu scanty likeness is made inside rank grass also Fu is enteredGentleman says to is become and teach honour religion honour and Guan Zhengguan and treats Jun Zhi Zheng also Zha makes also can fall in Zha originally today displace is built at this bear above paragraphs can Father can Mr can make the person the of Zuo Cheng Shizi so so itsThe person that weigh becomes with of this day the other day religion honour and Guan Zheng is treated like that
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    After is OK person gentleman it is OK to is become and also teach honour person gentleman andCan person father Guan Zheng and treats to be able to make the person's effect alsoRow one content and the person that 3 be apt to all are gotten only world child just its Zuo the Zheng at alsoDie child Zuo at Yin of person say Mr I and He Ye of Zhu of Ning my Zuo Say father is in Die like that however the way that Xiao knows father and son say secondly Mr I and He Ye of Zhu of Ning my Zuo says gentleman is in Die like that however Xiao writes Wu JunOfficial's Li also says thirdly Mr I and He Ye of Zhu of Ning my Zuo says Zuo Zuo alsoHowever Xiao knows Zuo young Geng friend father is in this child the official of Jun Zaisi Zheng
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    House child the Geng of Ning official so Yin of honour gentleman Yin also the of Yan of father and son of reason the Zuo of Jun Chenyan Jun Chen Zuo of young Yan father and son young and treats Zha to say is managing father manages one have yuan of fine Qu with Zuo worldChild Zheng also/ of of Zun of Zhou Gong Zuo Every world child reach person to need of Qiu Dong of arms of of Chun Xia feather Hu all at foreword small all of the Zuo of assist of of Hu of dagger of Hu that does Zuo of old petty officialOf Yu of big of Xia Xian of Gu Nachun Zha blind Die of of Die of Zong Qiu person the winter of Yu
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    of Zhu allusion person the Die of Yu is in blind a going up old beg of Zuo of Ning of Xiang every hold a memorial ceremony forThe Die that character adds up to Zha is all small of Yu at foreword big dance does relativeAll big is giving speech of beg of Zha Zha life manages Zha Zha altogethers in foreword greatly serve3 banquet of close Zuo of Zuo of the person that sit to be become at large department are OK of Zuo of Jian arranges an issue not Bao not altogethers the every that Qiu Dong of Yu Jixian also is like establish of Zuo of spring official only then stand person surely Zuo Dian Wuxian Long first and act altogether with surely Zuo establish person surelyHave the person that close to also reason denies every to add up to to satisfy Wu Jiao of Zha of Zuo old this mortal world surely greatlyTake Zuo surely ability Yan or with Zuo or with the thing Ning or with Shu of character music all
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    Of oath in order to wait for Zha 3 and one have Yan Nai Zuo its outskirt with its foreword Zheng The Wu Chengjun of person Zuo and Wu Shangzun extraction the rank of nobility also only then the person that establish already Ning implementWith like that after Zuo dish not dance is not awarded implement retreat therefore at foreword one uprights Zha but alsoTeach a world child cutout /This world of a character article king child fierce king and the Kui character of travel is become kingYoung Zhougong fights a world child birds civil and military walks on Fa Wubai constant and Bao its Zhou GongMeet with Zhu and it is all OK to make its appropriate Zhe Refu of of Wang Li's person teachs law after the world
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    Child the place that the law esteems of Die to preserve 3 era of of Ning Zuo Zhu is the same as ancient alsoToday teachs reason of of fluctuation world of rank order child those who reach person Die and the Die take second place of Zuo establish only then the Die that establishs establish of Zuo of take second place and close Zuo is old at outskirt Zuo takes Zha of take second place just take second place only then establish And implement not the person that Die was not become of take second place establishs Die to be become already already religion already And the government-owned world of bastard of take second place of reason of Yan of of Yao of after the emperor child Zuo childReach of of Ning of its king with Yin Die Long thing person also and its teach blame Yu Wu Gong a group of things with common features all so the of Zuo Cheng Shizi also reason in order to be Jian Yan piece end
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    World child world of of Yin ancient place child scanty Geng and the person that narrate Die because in order to addYan Big Xin of of the emperor Yao rouses so alarm Xiao also Xiao comes like that after the emperor comes thereforeThe life has hold a memorial ceremony for of Geng of order of department act Ning first first Long Yan has Si Cu thing to return a lot only then Zuo also Dian Wuxian of Zuo of Zuo foreword often satisfies Yu the place with old Li of 3 old the five watches of the nightProvince of Yan Zuo Zuo sweets wine the precious with old Zuo is provided satisfy to chant Yan to retreat those who repair with filial piety Zuo Also ascend song clear instead already song and Zha with becoming also Zuo of Jun Chen of character father and son youngof sound adding up to those who send Die is big person also issue Wu Dawu tubal an elephant to add up to Xiao greatly
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    With thing Zuo Ning having a mind has also of Zuo Zuo of Zheng Junchen wait for Yan and go upThe Li below goes department is accused with Zuo Wang Nai Bai Zinan of life fair Hou reachs Li Official says instead Zuo is old young at foreword Jian with benevolence also the Yin thing of hereat Long personAlso of with big with Jing Hangzhi with Die Man with Ji of filial piety Zuo withOf Li Jian with benevolence the person with ancient hereat one Ning thing and the that Xiao all knows its Ancient also gentleman Ning important matter needs careful its Jian only then and Xiao is installed not Yu Yan The lot says read aloud Jian only then allusion at bastard Wu Gong a group of things with common features person teach with filial piety younger brotherMu Youzi the Li Zuo of bright father and son young order its government at fair inside face
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    The person that the official on area north has Zuo with Zuo its are outer face with lawsuit of person itsIn ancestor is like in outside of face ancestor the person gives a job with the official with the rank of nobility its are ascendedThe Zuo that Zuo suffers bastard of heir of above of of the rank of nobility to treat has 3 lots not Zuo father and elder brothers itsThe of Wu Gong a group of things with common features also is like the Zuo of foreword of of Zuo of essence of life that of public major issue takes with its if host of in proper order is fair board of Zuo of of surname of of of swallow of Ning a group of things with common features slaughters hero Zuo of Ning father and elder brothers a group of things with common features feed a world to fall first-class its defend Wu Gong Die in Zuo fair if havePiece border politics bastard with fair a group of things with common features room of fair Gong Zheng defends thing Zhe Shouwu big Zheng father defends Zheng of room of Zuo palace Zuo child Zheng observes the room below next palace the of 5
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    Ancestor did not destroy Zuo to of or by the concubine person coronal is taken wife accuse dead surely go to Jin auspicious to accuse surely a group of things with common featuresphotograph also appropriate not appropriate is avoided unavoidable of Li having department to at Zuo BearContain all have Yan is fair a group of things with common features its have Yu Dian of chime stone of capital crime 's person Kui of of its punishment blame also accuses Yu Dian the person is common of castration of a group of things with common features becomes Zhu having department at fair its capital crime says some blame in capital punishment of its punishment blame says some blame is in small monarch is fair sayExcuse department says again in monarch fair say again excuse department says to be reached in monarch again 3Excuse not walks out of the Yu Dian that send punishment the person is common make the person is chased after again say Zuo needs like that condone having department says and also return a lot at grandpa white clothing not the Zhu of Ning if
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    What the of its takes Yin to cry is fair the Yin inside Wu Neichao of a group of things with common features face also Zuo has Zuo Person with Zuo bright father and son also outside face is surnamed with government-owned Zuo also ancestor in with the rank of nobility esteem also ancestor the person gives a job with the official honour Zuo also ascends Zuo to suffer heir of above of the rank of nobilityHonour Zu Zhidao also the Zuo with taking weighs Ji foreword not person Yin is fair also Ning of a group of things with common features swallow the path Zuo of with Zuo filial piety younger brother its a group of things with common features feed a world to fall first-class Yin Yin also what defends of filial piety of Wu Gong Die is deep also room defend big honour ancestorRoom and Jun Chen's path is written elder brother of Zheng father Zheng observes Zuo room children observes next rooms and Zhu path Zuo ancestor did not destroy the of 5 Zuo and coronal of person of be the concubine are taken wife accuse surely
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    Go to surely to death do not forget Yin also Yin not Jian and of Zuo of Lie Wushu's person also can respect The course of friend of harmonious of Ning Zuo Zuo is ancient also person the official of bastard is treated and state has state has and Xiao Zuo square fair a group of things with common features blame Zuo Yin does not manage with making Xiao Also so Zuo common people also punishment at Zuo person not brother of of Ning person also nots Not takes the that cries to be surnamed at to n/HON be unworthy of the honor of ancestor Zuo also outside white clothing house not Long Of illicit also the Yin Jian of flesh and blood is fair also castration of a group of things with common features not Jian Ji Zuo AlsoWorld child Yin says a very short time comes the outside the Zuo at big at inside Zuo says now
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    How to deny the Zuo inside how about to say An Shizi has joyful look therefore now its have disturbed Geng The Zuo inside in order to tell a world child world child lubricious not at the beginning of of character of the Zuo inside look like that afterAlso of a very short time at the beginning of feed on world child need in Yao the Geng of cold feeds place issueing Board be ashamed knows a Zuo to be slaughtered with life board surely like that withdrawal if inside world of of Zuo character disease child Yin Zuo ? ? And the Shu of the disease that the Zuo that Zuo board slaughters respects Yao surely needs the of Yin World of of Zuo be apt to child can feed world of Zuo few child also cannot Zuo so that First like that after also at the beginning of World of more than little Zhu child Yin blames its Zha much Xuan Branch Zuo already week of Zuo beneficial differentiate
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    The absurd of the 9 Zuo of Ning of emperor of of Zha fierce king of fair Zuo Zun and have no in order to remove from officebright hall of Er of Zhu of of official of Li of of house of rank grass of king of of the before reaching Yin Fair Zuo Zun in order to provide its like that of the apprentice that after knows Xin howeverPiece Zha absurd Zha also Fu of of place also is a place Yin teach a world child Die also and Er is become king cannot Zun person again Zun of Zhou Gong Zuo person 3 into kingYoung and Gu by Li world child Die is not Zuo cannot Zun also Zhou GongFight a world child Zuo of Fa Wubai birds needs Zuo Zun and after law can be fought itsStrong and the Zuo Zuo of the Fu that add like that but of rank grass namely true Er the ruler of heaven
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    of reason of Zuo of Wu Ting of emissary Yao adds this Yin in order to show year of Zuo life Wu TianAnd in be able to the of Zuo of booth of photograph Ning is believed its have of the person that take an examination of week official Zuo to be contrary to to at Long has to carry and the Ning of there's no one who doesn't or isn't of examine Zuo of Xin of Zheng of salary of fair of reason of of look of rank grass work pours 5 Jian to make person interrogativeSu Ru of old of its of of meaning of Zha of its blame provides Yin of Die of Yao week official surelyThe article and Yi Jiyan of salary of reason of of its of Yu Wuzhou's official not Zuo Person already differentiate and cut be and mow Shu is piece move a bit its Geng second and The Li Mencius of its the reason why says grant Zuo good differentiate grant act against one's will also
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    person the big Zuo of Li you Die from preexistence or doubt pendency or Li And do not know its to be not reason not to conjecture oneself and the gentleman with wait afterMang Zhi politics all Yin oversteps his authority at week official Duan Ni Geng one with Die Yin Its bring him its point to Zheng of its Zha of Jian spy Zuo and not dare Yi Jiben article its / suffer Zheng of Er of 9 Zuo achieve connects appropriate of Yin of Die of official of week of Yao of place of Li Jian article with 6 Shu / Wu Jin person the Zuo of 9 lives builds Zuo of his Jian with respect to its Li week official Fu of of Die Yin / its Wen Zhizheng also builds Wu Di row of of 5 Jian Zuo is easy at official Zha of of Yu age person much reason Zha but Zuo points to but Zheng its article notCan be gotten and easy also of Die Gu is born from tall hall and outside person apprentice Li
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    Cannot are its allowed and connect its Li reason to be taken at ? Fu Jian article is added with Zha goes out to after of the that wear Yin and not do as one pleases of reason of of Xin of Ning of Zuo Zhou Guanzi rank grass terrifies within the country like that person or Zuo Yao Zhou Guanzhi and The person that Die wears Yin can differentiate reason of Fu of its place is special the world has ease Die ancientMonth of law of Zuo of Zhu of of elegant astronomy of of official of week of wool Yu makes history piece characterPerson the person that Yu fair Zuo comes all makes Yin Zha the court of a feudal ruler medium with 1000 and make of Li of school of law of of Xin soldier father and the Zhou Guandai Yin of the Yao before making of Zuo cloththe article person also Zuo of Fu of of Zheng Xin place gives Zha of Wu Tingzhong Yin and doubt
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    of ancient place or have the person that with its are built oneself opportunely but Zheng music fromWen Yi of Ban Guzhi Shu decides 7 with Xin place good Gu Zhishi of Zuo of an administrative unit in Xizang place in order to fasten its true and every come Zuo of of Fu of Xin place not with doubt builds but and of this manage in popular feeling person cannot my alsoDai place narrates bright hall of Die Yin to at the beginning of Zuo be in harmony only then into of place of Xin of Yan its makes doubtful person and Zuo of Zhou Gong of Er of this Yin placeZun and of look of work of rank grass of Ning of there's no one who doesn't or isn't of Zha of his Zha absurd are like Mang Zhi politicsCent Fu at Zheng official first the of of place of Yin Xin of the Jian ancient Zuo of Long person
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    Of the Zuo alone popular feeling that the mark that its build Zuo Zuo oneself gets with each other notBut my the person of after of windowing Yan of Gai Retian place or with blame more than is notMore than dare avoid alsoThe Die of the Xian Yi that beg of rank grass in order to wear of of family name place bright hall reach this Yin Place Fu also second ancient with Jia He of ease of Er week piece false king politicsAlso second wool Yu goes out with Mao after not its leave doubt of Zuo Xiao ining order to Yu and Zuo The person that its point to its Zha Zheng or give Wu Mao to also be like Zheng on God's earth not / be not Wang Tu with the worldOf Zuo / official of Zuo second week its politics all divide Fu at Zheng official also and are elegant
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    Home Zuo makes Xiao not of easy also age begs Yin of place of of Yan Yimang thing Zuo has Er to bring and Fu of of Wu Benwen also former times Zhu Zi Zheng wears Yin placeIf,its Zha crooked has no Zha Of the emperor of house of Zun of Zhou Gong Zuo person its bewitching absurd has no of the king that be like fierce9 Zuo of Ning of the Supreme Being and Ning of article king with 3 person its are contrary to if, Zheng is had no bigOf brother of husband its parents not Dr person be like, is taken person takeReach person child its parents of Dr cannot advocate person every this all firstConfucianism place deep disease? Person place heart is not also result of its mother of rank grass Mr Zuo takes a day
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    Child is taken and not advocate the of place of Wen Wuyi Xin of Yin of Zuo of its Fu goes with showing doctor person photograph one Zuo ear and ancient person child Dr atOf parents take what namely Zun of Zhu condition Zuo resides the emperor child is bigThe of husband parents person person still not dare advocate its besides those who reside the emperor Ning honour person Zuo and but illicit of the mother that bend advocate Xin already of unhealthy environmental influences that cause disease andArticle is place of every of enough its to add Ning of Zuo of Fu Zuo to wear Yin weekWorld of of government-owned close friend with Li scholar Zuo investigate its are not examine Jian doubt andNot dare definitely Yan class history Zheng from Zuo of official of of Zuo of place child
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    The person takes an examination of its Dai to not was like rank grass very person more than since ancient times bear of Person connect Jian Li Die and evil of bewitching also was not like Xin very person alsoLike that its hands in of character of of article of Mang Yiliu Shu namely Wei of Yin Yan Erxin Xiao Jian with of Zha Long person first Wang Zhi politics comes at 1700 Zuo year andThe blame of Xin of of mow of Mo Gan Shu its more float Wu Mang also Ning    
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            Die Yin resolve a doubt coils 9

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