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章节: 卷二十六
书名: 礼记析疑
类目: 经部
写作年代: 约公元前13年  至  公元后734年
视频: 卷二十六_礼记析疑
音频: 卷二十六_礼记析疑

欽定四庫全書 禮記析疑卷二十六         翰林院侍講銜方苞撰  祭統 統者總也緒也篇中所論祭之大體義理之總㑹也 三重十倫之類節文之條緒也 此記惟篇首心怵 而奉之以禮二語似古賢遺言其餘義甚膚淺辭亦 冗漫多疵如言祭而曰不求其為言齊而曰不齊則
 於物無防嗜慾無止言銘先祖而曰知足以利之皆 害義傷教之甚者觀其舉衛孔悝之銘以為凖則陋 可知矣獨末節可徴周公踐阼之誣蓋記者見春秋 書魯郊禘不能辨其為僭而以為成康所賜然曰周 公既殁成王康王追念周公之勲勞而賜魯以重祭 則二戴以前絶無周公踐祚之說可知也然則眀堂 位乃劉歆輩所偽作而文王世子及史記荀卿之書 有言周公踐阼者皆歆所增竄决矣其實魯之禘自
 閔公幼而慶父當國始郊自僖公始謂成王賜伯禽 受皆妄也詳見魯頌閟宫篇解夫祭者非物自外至者也自中出生於心者也 凡祭而怠於禮與僭於禮者皆以禮為物自外至者 也知悽愴怵惕生於心則知怠為虗其祭矣知慤敬 誠信生於心則知僭為誣於禮矣言内盡於己而外順於道也 内盡於己者春秋霜露悽愴怵惕之心也外順於道
 者尸賓族婣敬讓親睦之教也順於道不逆於倫是之謂畜 殷髙宗典祀獨豐于昵魯躋僖公立煬宫皆不能順 於道不逆於倫者也養則觀其順也 啜菽飲水盡其歡斯之謂孝惟其順於道也上記内/盡於巳 外順/於道曰用三牲之養猶為不孝惟其不順也語大則 慎行其身不遺父母惡名以至立身行道揚名於後
 世以顯父母皆順也語小則苟訾苟笑以至殺一獸 斷一樹不以其時皆不順也八簋之實 伐木天子燕食之樂歌也曰陳饋八簋又以儀禮士 二敦大夫四敦推之故知天子之禮八簋以賓祭禮 多同也防其邪物 謂君子必齊乃防其邪物陋矣
然後㑹於大廟 以是知散齊期内君有王事國事可以出齊宫獨不 得入内宫與夫人嬪婦接耳大宗執璋瓚亞祼 上言夫人會于廟下言夫人薦盎薦豆則夫人親祼 不待言矣故舉大宗之攝以互相備也攝祼則並攝 薦盎薦豆不待言矣周官大宗伯凡大祭祀王后不/與則攝而薦豆籩外宗王后薦 豆羞齍及獻皆贊王/后不與則贊宗伯其不於薦盎豆舉攝以包前何
 也使於祼舉夫人於薦盎豆舉大宗之攝則似夫人 主祼大宗主薦盎豆而無以見其為互相備矣宗婦執盎從夫人薦涗水 郊特牲云祭齊加眀水蓋凡齊獻時必旋加眀水此 不云薦盎齊眀水者盎齊前巳涗於清酒而至是又 加眀水云薦涗水然後前後之事義皆眀且可以見 諸齊涗與加眀水之通例若云薦盎齊眀水則似分 薦二物而事義為之蔽隠矣 從字當屬下句
及入舞君執干戚就舞位 樂歌瞽矇所習樂舞童者所執而君獨親就舞位何 也天子必能張皇六師四征不庭然後能合萬國之 歡心以事先王諸侯必能敵王所愾立武保疆然後 能得百姓之歡心以事先君舞莫重於武宿夜總干 山立武王之事故嗣天子帥而行之而諸侯賜樂皆 得執干戚就舞位以眀彰此義周官舞用成均之學 士以與君並列舞位也漢代相沿賤者之子猶不得
 入舞列此與竟内樂之之義也 上言與天下樂之與竟内樂之此獨舉竟内何也舉 天下則似冕而總干乃天子之禮而非諸侯所得用 覆舉而並出則於文為贅矣凡三道者所以假於外而以增君子之志也故與志進退志輕則亦輕志重則亦重輕其志而求外之重也雖聖人弗能得也
 前云祭者非物自外至者也謂先王制禮非以強人 乃生於孝子之本心也然無其心者雖興物不能強 致其情而有志之君子則又可假於外以增之蓋祼 鬯以求神則先王先公如在其上而可增繼述纂承 之志矣升歌清廟則愀然如見文王而增其秉文之 徳丕顯丕承之志矣就武宿夜之位則知先王順天 應人止戈為武而增其禁暴戢兵保大定功安民和 衆豐財之志矣若無其志則外舉重禮而内懐輕心
 是謂薄於徳於禮虚者也而求外之重豈可得哉 三重之禮祭所必用使君心不以為重則人亦輕之 此魯之灌後孔子所以不欲觀也是故尸謖君與卿四人餕君起大夫六人餕臣餕君之餘也大夫起士八人餕賤餕貴之餘也士起各執其具以出陳于堂下百官進徹之下餕上之餘也 士大夫之祭主人不與餕而君則與卿同餕蓋君至 尊疑禮絶於人臣而不可餕尸之餘故與卿同餕以
 彰為子為臣之義而比於嗣舉奠也大夫士之祭也 必特筮一賓而國君所獻惟卿大夫士是不立賓也 蓋立賓者求賢徳以為親榮也在諸臣則奉君之祀 事義不得為賓在君則以示所與共國者無非賢徳 而不専於一人仁之至義之盡也大夫之嗣為上餕 以有承家之道故上不敢同君而下以别於士也卿 大夫之餕有數而獻無數以退老者雖無所共之職 事必陪位也七十不與賓客之事至八十乃不與齊
 䘮之事侯國三卿五大夫而餕之數有加焉則退老 者必與祭眀矣 注謂進當作餕以既各執其具陳 於堂下則無為復進徹宜為餕之而徹其器也據本 文則似士之餕者各執其具以出而疏謂所司徹之 蓋以公食大夫禮賓自執醬黍以降因饌具皆為巳 設也祭之饌具為神與尸設而君卿大夫餕之士為 末餕而巳理宜有司徹之此禮之各以義起者凡餕之道每變以衆所以别貴賤之等而興施恵之象
也是故以四簋黍見其修於廟中也廟中者竟内之象 餕之道每變以衆自卿大夫以至有司莫不與焉蓋 周人之祭自朝至閽凡執事者皆不免饑渴矣先王 制禮餕以廣神恵亦以充其饑也酬以洽人情亦以 解其渴也故曰恵術也可以觀政矣蓋禮修於廟中 無一人不飽其徳即政行於竟内無一人不被其澤 之象祭之末有畀煇胞翟閽者以各守其局未得與
 於餕與旅酬而不敢遺也外則敎之以尊其君長内則教之以孝於其親 禮行於宗廟則凡與於祭者皆觀感興起而外知尊 君敬長之義内篤事親之恩疏義未安盡其道端其義而教生焉 盡其道者躬致愛慤誠信之道也端其義者正眀尊 君孝親之義也是故君子之事君也必身行之
 此言國君之祀事而忽及君子之事君必身行之何 也國中無在君之上而為君所尊事之人惟在廟中 則全於臣全於子故事尸之禮一同於事君所謂身 行之者此也所以然者必能事人然後能使人故世 子入學而與羣士齒太學之禮雖詔於天子無北面 國君與卿並餕尸之餘皆使身行事上之事以庶㡬 無惡於下也 此篇義多膚淺辭亦散漫而就中推 尋時得奥義蓋七十子所傳已有淺深醇雜數傳之
 後漢初諸儒衍之益失其真而先王之典法先聖之 格言猶有存焉在學者慎思眀辨而巳鋪筵設同几 陳氏集說生則形體異死則精氣無間故不設女尸 而同几陳氏謂人道貴别神道貴親皆非也虞有女 尸以在寢且獨設之也於廟則非儀况為女尸必為 男尸者之婦而後可后夫人一身承祭尚或以故不 得親四時之祭設尸甚多尸必以孫孫必與婦偕何
 可備也况大祫乎先王制禮乃緣人情究事理不得 不然過而求之斯失之矣尸飲五君洗玉爵獻卿尸飲七以瑶爵獻大夫尸飲九以散爵獻士及羣有司皆以齒眀尊卑之等也 至祭之末雖強有力者亦以終事不怠為難故飲與 食必上下同之餕則徧於百官獻則下逮於羣有司 是也又必分時異地節文乃得終遂故諸臣之獻則 於晝於堂階宗人之燕則於夕於寢也
古者眀君爵有徳而祿有功必賜爵祿於太廟示不敢專也故祭之日一獻君降立于阼階之南南鄉所命北面史由君右執䇿命之 注一獻一酳尸也疏謂其節當在尸飲五獻卿時又 引周官大宗伯王命諸侯則儐以為天子命羣臣則 不因常祭特假於廟皆非也祭禮獻酬交錯所以和 通神人之際其事相因其意相續不宜獻飲未終而 爵命羣臣以間之惟特假於廟故簡其禮而用一獻
 天子諸侯之所同也下文於禘發爵賜服亦謂舉行 於禘祭之後耳夫人薦豆執校執醴授之執鐙 上記宗婦執盎以從夫人則執醴者亦宗婦也周禮 惟大宗伯可攝王后之祼獻而籩豆敦鉶以授后者 皆婦官記云非䘮非祭不相授器祭之相授/器惟外宗之徹當傳致於有司耳此記蓋 言婦人以器相授亦不相襲處繼言夫人與尸獻酢 亦然末言雖夫婦致爵亦然以漸而深示男女之别
 如此其嚴耳觀此又可徴夫人所獻惟尸與主婦異 蓋大夫以下之賓侑朋友也即祝與佐食非族姻必 公士也故主婦親獻之國禮則自卿以下與事者皆 羣臣也君親獻之而下逮於有司禮意已厚矣夫人 則不宜與臣下相獻酢又五廟之主各畢應獻之數 而四尸又相與舉酬宗人又於是夕也燕則亦無暇 與賓侑祝佐食為禮矣夫婦相授受不相襲處酢必易爵
 按特牲饋食禮主婦致爵於主人席於戸内禮畢主 婦出反於房主人致爵於主婦席於房中南面夫婦 相授受不相襲處謂此蓋授爵受爵易地不相襲耳恵均則政行政行則事成事成則功立功之所以立者不可不知也 莊周曰嚴乎若國之有君其無私徳若優貴而簡賤 昵近而忘逺於同等之中恵有逮有遺則羣下必私 憾其不均而政之行無實心以應之傳所載羊斟子/公之事尤可懼
 也/則事何由成功何由立哉故人君不可不知也然 恵不可以不均而事則不可以不辨故周官之法必 以事之繁簡劇易共事者之敏鈍勤惰月稽嵗考以 上下其爵禄増損其稍食蓋均其恵於廟中以象仁 之公核其事於官中以示義之正故曰禮樂刑政其 極一也所以同民心而出治道也凡賜爵昭為一穆為一昭與昭齒穆與穆齒凡羣有司皆以齒此之謂長幼有序
 昭與昭齒穆與穆齒謂諸父兄弟之燕也羣有司皆 以齒謂繼士之後而得獻者故統曰賜爵以包之疏 謂獻時不以昭穆為次故注云酬蓋未達於諸侯之 禮祭之日衆兄弟與賓無旅法凡賓侑祝佐食衆賓 衆兄弟旅酬皆在繹而儐尸時古者不使刑人守門 周官墨者守門以義度之不過倉府廏庫苑囿之守 未可以概朝廟也
禘者陽之盛也嘗者隂之盛也 陽主於進其盛在終以天地嵗功言之至辰巳月然 後相見於離百物皆昌故夏為陽之盛也隂主於退 其盛在始助陽成嵗功皆在申酉之月過此則積於 空虚不用之地故秋為隂之盛也眀其義者君也能其事者臣也 能其事即祭事也百官各承其事然後主祭者得致 其恍惚以與神眀交
不眀其義君人不全不能其事為臣不全 不眀於祭之義則凡政教皆眀不能周誠不能達故 君人之道不全不能於祭之事則凡職業皆昏而不 能辨怠而不能守故為臣之道不全其徳薄者其志輕疑於其義而求祭使之必敬也弗可得已 此承上文而言君之徳厚則祭之義章雖或有故不 能親涖而使人攝其人必震動恪恭而不敢慢若君
 之徳薄其志本以祭為輕則羣下懐疑不知其義之 重如是而求所使攝祭承事之人必敬豈可得哉 周官祭僕職掌受命於王以眡祭祀而警戒祭祀有 司紏百官之戒具既祭帥羣有司而反命以王命勞 之誅其不敬者蓋王以䘮疾不得親涖故列此職也 可與此記之義相發六月丁亥公假于太廟 注至於太廟以夏之孟夏禘祭蓋以此證一獻一酳
 尸之說其實非也曰假於太廟正以見特至而非常 祭耳若常祭則宜曰有事於太廟興舊耆欲 耆音㫖義訓致興起舊勲而致其所欲效於國家也 春秋傳撫弱耆昧亦訓致作率慶士 慶士謂善士用之而國有慶者也猶尚書立政篇所 謂吉士

  • Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    decides 4 complete Die Yin resolve a doubt coils 26Fang Bao of Zuo of Zheng of serve of courtyard of member of the Imperial Academy is written Jian of hold a memorial ceremony for Jian person Jun also Jin also piece in the Jun that the big Zuo Li of place Zha hold a memorial ceremony for manages? AlsoTernary the Jin of of Zuo Geng Wen Zhi of 10 also this Yin buts piece a heart fearAnd act according to with Die 2 Zha seem speech of ancient Zuo Zuo its Zuo Li very Mo Zuo alsoBusyness overflows much defect to say like character hold a memorial ceremony for not to beg Zuo of its character and say not Zuo
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    At content of the that prevent be addicted to stops character Zuo first ancestor and say realize enough profit all harmful Li teachs very person the Zuo of Kui of aperture of Xiao of Yin its Ning with humbleKnowable end Geng but the Zha San Yin of Zun of Zuo of Zhou Gong person Yao age Die of Zuo outskirt cannot differentiate its oversteps his authority and say like that into health place Zuo with Fair die already into Wang Kang Wang Zhui reads aloud of Zhou Gongzhi and Zuo Zuo in order to weigh hold a memorial ceremony for 2 wear the Zha of Zun of Zuo of Jian Zhou Gong is knowable before also like that Bao hallThe that of place of Zuo of Xin you is made and article Wang Shizi reachs history Yin Xun QingWhat Zhe Jiexin of Zun of Zuo of Zhou Gong having talk adds Fu definitely the Die of its Zuo from
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Zuo is fair young and of father only then outskirt from Xi fair only then Zheng becomes king Zuo Bai QinSuffer all absurd also palace of Zuo of Zuo of Yu Yao Zuo piece solutionHusband hold a memorial ceremony for person blame content from outside the person that come also from in be born Wu Xin person alsoEvery hold a memorial ceremony for and idle oversteps his authority at Die Ning at Die person all with Die content from outside the person that comeAlso know watchful of fear to be born to know its hold a memorial ceremony for of idle Ta at heart know to respect Zha letter gives birth to Wu Xin to know Zha of of overstep one's authority at Die Wu Ji of the Bao inside character and outside Zuo Wu Dao alsoInside Bao Wu Ji person the heart of watchful of fear of of of age frost dew also outside Zuo Wu Dao
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Person cadaver Zuo a group of things with common features respects Zhu Yin harmonious teach also Zuo Wu Dao is not gone against at be Zheng cultivateAbundant allusion of Zuo an administrative unit in Xizang offers sacrifices to Zuo at neither of palace of public of Xi of close Zuo Zuo can Zuo Wu Dao is not gone against at person alsoIts Zuo of Zuo Yin alsoWu Dao of its Zuo of alone of filial piety of Zheng of Si Zhi of its of Bao of water of sip beans Zuo also go up inside Yin / Bao at SiOutside Zuo / Wu Dao says the disobedient alone of Zuo that uses 3 domestic animal its not Zuo also Zha big Careful travel its body not renown down to of Zuo parents establishs name of body trade at after
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    World with Zuo parents all Zuo also Zi Gou of careless of Zha small laughs at down to one One of not with Zuo of its neither alsoThe of 8 a round-mouthed food vessel with two or four loop handlesThe song that swallow of cutting the emperor feeds also says 8 a round-mouthed food vessel with two or four loop handles of Zuo Zuo with Die personThe 8 a round-mouthed food vessel with two or four loop handles of Die that the friend that 4 honest choose 2 honest doctor knows the emperor with Die of Zuo hold a memorial ceremony forBe the same as more alsoPrevent its evil thing Zheng gentleman needs Zuo prevents his therefore other people of unhealthy environmental influences that cause disease is shallow
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Like that after? At big Know in order to be to come loose the gentleman inside Zuo period has thing of king thing to be able to give Zuo palace notMust enter inside of of palace Mrs. Ning receives ear Dai of a large amount of of of a jade tabletCharacter madam issues Dai of Yin of beans of Shu of full of character madam Shu Mrs. at onPrep before character reason Ning a large amount of with mutual also of of Dai Yan Yizhou of prep before of beans of Shu full Shu Guan Dazong Bai Fan is big sacred queen not / Ning and outside Shu beans Hu ancestor queen Shu Zuo of fabaceous be ashamed and all Zuo king / hind not Zong Baiji of Ning Zuo not at of Ning of Shu full beans in order to wrap before why
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Also make at Dai Mrs. Ning at Ning of Shu full beans a large amount of is like a madamAdvocate beans of full of Shu of Dai big suzerain and with Yao its is mutual Ancestor water of of Shu of full Mrs. Zuo of hold a memorial ceremony for of cloud of outskirt spy animal sacrifice adds of of Zuo of every of Bao water San to come back surely the water that add Bao thisNot water of Bao of Zuo of cloud Shu full person of the Si before full Zuo comes at clear wine isWater of of Shu of the Shui Yun that add Bao like that the thing Li of the after before after all Bao and can Yao The general rule that Ning of Zheng Zuo imposes Bao water if of water of Bao of Zuo of cloud Shu full is like cent2 content of Shu and the my Zuo of thing Li below of word sentence
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    Reach Wu Jun to do relative with respect to dance song blinds dance of of the Li that cheat place child person place and gentleman Yin with respect to dance whyAlso the emperor will surely emperor 6 4 ask for not front courtyard like that after can add up to Qu heart with beforehand of Wang Suo of king Zheng Hou Bineng establishs Wu Baojiang like that afterThe heart that can get common people not weighs Jun of Wu Wu old night to work with thing Xianjun danceThe of accident heir the emperor of Shan Liwu king and of travel and of Zheng Hou Zuo all is dry relative with respect to dance with Bao clear this Li Zhou Guanwu uses Cheng Junzhi Person list dance with Mr Ning also Zuo of edge of acting appearance person child is not gotten
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    Join dance listThis Ning unexpectedly inside the Li of alsoGo up the Ning of of character Ning the world unexpectedly inside this Ning of unexpectedly inside He Ye Ning The world is like crown and Jun doing is the earning of Hou of Zheng of Die and rather than of the emperor to useFu Ning and gives Zuo of of Wu WenEvery the 3 person that so false at outside and in order to gain the mark of gentleman also Zuo of reason Ning annalsOutside retreating annals Zuo to Zuo annals heavy also weighs Zuo its annals and also be begged heavy also Zuo Long person nots can get also
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    Before cloud hold a memorial ceremony for person blame content from outside the person that come also Zheng first king the blame that make Die with personThis heart that gives birth to Wu Xiaozi therefore also like that its heart person Zuo Ning content cannot The gentleman that cause its feeling and has keep in mind but false at outside the San Dai with adding of god of Chang in an attempt to first Wang Xian is fair if be in,can add Kui to narrate bun bearannals of of Qing Dynasty rising a song is sorrowful-looking like Yao article Wang Erzeng its grasp Wen Zhi bigs Zuo bigs Cheng Zhizhi a with respect to Wu Suye know first king Zuo day person stops dagger fierce and add its to ban cruel Ji Bing to protect big calm result is installed civilian andThe annals of Xiao Zuo Zuo the Ning outside be like of its annals weighs Die and inside Zuo heart
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    It is Zheng thin at at Die empty person also and the heavy Zuo outside begging can be gottenPlace of ternary Die hold a memorial ceremony for is used surely make Jun Xin does not weigh person with also of Zuo The fill after Confucius of this Zuo so not desire Yin also6 people of the doctor since Qing Siren Ning of hereat cadaver Mr Zheng Mr Zuo Jun Zhi of Zuo official Zuo Zuo also since the doctor person the Zuo of Zuo of Zuo of Zuo of 8 people Zuo also person remove each its are providedIn order to give Zuo under of Zuo of below hall 100 officials the Zuo on Zuo alsoThe hold a memorial ceremony for of scholar-bureaucrat is master not Ning Zuo and Zuo of Ning Qing Tong Mr San reachs gentlemanWu Renchen of Jian of honour doubt Die and cannot the Zuo of Qing Tong of Zuo reason Ning of Zuo cadaver with
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    Clear child the Li of official and than establish of Wu Si Ning also the hold a memorial ceremony for of doctor person alsoSurely special one Zuo of Shi and of Mr place buts dear doctor person is not to establish Zuo alsoThe person that San establishs Zuo begs Zuo to also be in what Zheng official gives gentleman to offer sacrifices to with Yin Thing Li does not get Zuo to be in gentleman in order to show a Ning in all person of blame Zuo And not Wu Yi's person benevolence the Bao to Li also the Zuo on heir of the doctorDare not fall with gentleman in order to have Cheng Jiazhi on path reason in order to fasten Wu Shi also dearThe doctor's Zuo has and in order to retreat place of of old man Zuo in all Long The thing is accompanied surely also 70 not the issue of Ning Zuo guest comes 80 therefore not Ning Zuo
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    ? thing Hou 3 Dr Qing Wu doctors and the of Zuo has the that add Yan to retreat oldPerson surely Bao of Ning hold a memorial ceremony for of the Zuo that note Zheng makes Zuo with already its provide each Zuo Of Zuo of of appropriate of of Zuo of of of of the below Wu Tang and its implement also thisArticle is like person Zuo person its provide each of of department of institute of scanty with going out Zheng San with fair feed doctor Die Zuo to be provided in order to fall because of Zuo from Zuo millet all Si Yu also the Zuo of hold a memorial ceremony for provides Yu of cadaver of god Ning and the person of Zuo of Dr Jun QingEnd Zuo and the person each rise with Li of this Die that Si manage appropriate has department Every Zhu of every Zuo fasten Zuo Zuo so with Xiao wait and the elephant that Ning applies
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    Also hereat with Yao of millet of 4 a round-mouthed food vessel with two or four loop handles its are repaired at in also in person unexpectedly the elephant insideAlsoEvery Zhu of Zuo with Xiao from dear doctor down to has San of Yan of Ning of department there's no one who doesn't or isn'tZhou Ren's hold a memorial ceremony for altogethers to Zuo from face thing person all unavoidable Zuo is thirsty first kingThe Zuo that make Die also also proposes a toast with filling its Zuo with god with favor of be in harmony also withSolve its thirsty also friend says Xiao is OK also Yin politics San Die is repaired at inOne person of not Zuo its namely the inside politics travel Wu Jing one person not by its the person that the last stage that resembles hold a memorial ceremony for has Zuo of a surname of Bi afterbirth did not get Ning with defending its bureau each
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    Propose a toast at Zuo Ning brigade and not dare Zuo alsoOutside of with honour the inside its gentleman Zuo teachs with Xiao Wuji Yin Ning of every of of Die Hang Wuzong at hold a memorial ceremony for person all Yin feeling Ning rises and outside know honourThe favour scanty Li of Yin of thing of the Ha inside the Li of Jun Jing Zuo was not installed Bao its path carries its Li and teach unripe Yan Bao the person that its bend forward the person that the way that Zha of the that send believes also carries its Li Bao honourThe Li of Jun Xiao Yin alsoThe thing gentleman of hereat gentleman also needs the body goes
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    The worshipping thing of this character Mr and the thing Jun Bishen that reachs gentleman suddenly goes whyAlso the in is on Jun Zhi and the person alone of honour thing is in Mr place in The Die of cadaver of story of Quan Wuzi of Quan Wuchen together body of Zheng of Wu Shijun placeOf travel person this also the reason why person will surely thing person like that after can make person dieChild enter and Ning Li person Zuo too the Wu Tianzi of Die Zuo Yu of inDoes the Zuo of cadaver of Zuo of dear of Mr Ning all make the thing on body act in order to of or by the concubine? at below also Zuo of of this Li much Mo also rambling and medium push gets abstruse Li San 70 child place already had of of Zuo of deep alcohol
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    The Zheng at the beginning of after Confucianism the beneficial of develop breaks his true and first law of Wang Zhi law first of Long Gnomic has put Yan to be in person differentiate of Shen Sai Bao and Si Zuo banquet Yu is the same as a fewReason of Zuo of of of essence of dead of of Zuo of form of unripe of Zuo collect Zha not Yu female cadaverAnd with Zheng of a few Zuo humane Zuo fastens Yin of divine way Zuo to all be not also Yu YounvCadaver in order to be in and of Yu also be not female cadaver of condition to need at Male cadaver person and after but hind madam a suit bear hold a memorial ceremony for still or with reason notThe cadaver of Yu of hold a memorial ceremony for of 4 of Yin is very much cadaver needs with surely Ning in the company of why
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    But also besides big Dai first king make Die be Jin favor investigate logic is not gottenOtherwise Zuo and beg this those who breakCadaver Mr Zuo 5 wash of jade the rank of nobility dear cadaver Zuo 7 in order to precious jade Zuo of cadaver of the rank of nobility Dr 9In order to come loose of the rank of nobility person reach Li to have department all with Zuo Bao of honour low etc alsoThe end Zuo to hold a memorial ceremony for is strong person also with Jian thing not Ning of Zuo of reason of idle Zuo Feed the Zuo that is the same as up and down surely to issue capture to have department at Li at of 100 officials It is the that also needs Wen Naide Jian of Geng of ground of the that divide satisfies reason Zheng official againThe swallow Wu Xi at Zongren of Zuo of Wu Tang at also
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    Ancient person Mr Bao the rank of nobility has and Dai have rendered great service needs of Wu Tai of Dai of Zuo the rank of nobility is shown not dare also day of one Mr of reason hold a memorial ceremony for fall stand at Zun Zuo south south north of Zuo place lifeRight of face history You Jun? Of the lifeNote one of its Geng of scanty also Zheng is in one Zuo cadaver 5 of cadaver Zuo dear Bring of of Hou of Zheng of life of king of Zhou Guanda Zong Bai with of official of Li of life of the emperorBecause constant hold a memorial ceremony for is especially false,all not be not at also fulfil of of Die of hold a memorial ceremony for hands in Zuo to be mixed soThe Zuo that connects a god its work look because Zuo of unfavorable of Kui of its meaning photograph not Jian andThe alone of official of Li of life of the rank of nobility with Zuo is especially false at reason Ha its Die and with one
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    Hou Zhi of the emperor Zheng is the same as also later development is taken at Zuo of Die the rank of nobility also Zheng Ning goesThe after ear at Die hold a memorial ceremony for of school of of madam Shu beans sweets wine awarded Zuo Go up of Yi Zong of the person that full of of of Yin an administrative unit in Xizang sweets wine with of Mrs. also week Die Alone the Dai of queen of a large amount of Bai Ke and Zuo of Hu beans honest in order to award latterAll Yun Fei of official Yin ? Blame hold a memorial ceremony for is not awarded implement the photograph of hold a memorial ceremony for is awarded / implement of of of the Zong Zhi outside alone is sent at ear having department this Yin San Character person with implement award also not vinegar of of cadaver of Ning of Yan Fu of Kui of photograph Yao Ta 's person of husband of Zuo of character of Yi Ran end sends Yi Ran of the rank of nobility to show male and female fastening greatly with
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    Such Yin of its ear this but Ning of cadaver of alone of of Mrs. place advocate The Zuo under Dr San presses the friend also wishs Ning assist feeds marriage of blame a group of things with common features to need namelyFair person also reason advocate the Die of Yin from dear thing of the following Ning person all Li official also gentleman of Yin and next capture at meaning of Die having department thick already madamVinegar of of liege photograph of unfavorable Ning of 5 advocate the of of each And 4 cadaver photograph Ning Ning proposes a toast a person at it is evening also swallow also free time Ning Zuo presses Zhu Zun feeds Die Give and accept of husband photograph not vinegar of photograph Yao Ta needs easy the rank of nobility
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    By special animal sacrifice Zuo feeds Die advocate sends the rank of nobility at master banquet at of the Die inside advocate goes out to send the rank of nobility at house-owner person instead at advocate banquet at of husband of Fang Zhongna facePhotograph give and accept not this San of Zheng of photograph Yao Ta awards the rank of nobility to stand easy ground of the rank of nobility not photograph Yao ear all the person that accomplish sth of thing of of travel of politics administration stands into result make contributionsCannot not know also of Qia Zhou Yue be like have gentleman of its illicit is like Zuo and Ha Zuo Close is close and Wu Tong forgetting Zuo in has capture to have Zuo Li next needing illicitRegret its not all and politics heart of travel the pour of sheep of place Zuo with child / of fair thing You Ke
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    Also / why does matter exist by successful He You old friend gentleman cannot not know also like that not need not all and thing not need not law of Guan Zhi of differentiate reason week needsThe quick Zuo of the easy coagent of numerous Ha with the thing is diligent of indolent month delay is taken an examination of with of of salary of its the rank of nobility falls on its feed San a bit all its at in in order to resemble benevolencefair nucleus its thing Wu Guanzhong with showing Li friend says Die punishment politics its also is the same as common feelings of people so and go out treat also of clear of every Zuo the rank of nobility Li of every of solemn Zuo of solemn Ning of Zuo of clear of one clear Ning has one solemn departmentAll with Zuo this Zheng Zuo young orderly
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    The swallow of younger brother of father and elder brothers of Zheng of Zheng of solemn Zuo of solemn Ning of Zuo of clear Ning clear also Li has department allWith Zuo Zheng the after of Kui person and Jian of reason of the person that get says Zuo the rank of nobility with Bao Zhi scanty Zheng not with Zhao Mu second reason notes cloud fulfil San not Zuo at Zheng Hou ZhiThe mode of travel of of Zuo of Ning of day Xiao brother of Die hold a memorial ceremony for altogethers Zuo presses Zhu Zun feeds Xiao Zuo Xiao brother brigade proposes a toast all in Kui cadaver Ancient person do not make punishment person defends Zuo Zhou Guanmo person defend Zuo to be spent with Li not center of of of Zuo government office animals farm defendNot OK without exception face also
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    Die person the Cheng Ye of Zuo person the Cheng Ye of Zuo Zuo advocate at Zuo its are filled in Jian with character of result of of heaven and earth to month of celestial bodies Si like thatAfter photograph Yao at Zuo 100 content all the Cheng Ye Zuo of Zuo of of prosperous reason summer advocate Wu TuiIts are filled in only then aid Zuo to all be in into result lunar Zuo of Shen You this Er atEmpty need not ground reason the Cheng Ye of autumn Zuo Bao its Li person gentleman also can its thing person official alsoCan its thing namely thing of hold a memorial ceremony for also 100 officials each bear its thing like that after officiant person must sendIts are absentminded hand in with Ning god Bao
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    Not person of its Bao Mr Li is not complete cannot official of its thing is not completeNot Bao every politics teachs the Li at hold a memorial ceremony for all Bao cannot week Zha cannot Zuo reasonJunren's line is not entire cannot the of Long of thing every at hold a memorial ceremony for all faints and notCan differentiate idle and the line that cannot guard reason official is not entireIts is thin person doubt of its annals Zuo begs what hold a memorial ceremony for makes at its Li to need Jing Yefu butalreadyThis bear Jun Zhi is thick above paragraphs the Li chapter Zuo of hold a memorial ceremony for or have friend notCan Yin and make person its person needs shake scrupulously and respectfully respectful and dare not be like gentleman slow
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    Bao Jizhi issues doubt not to know its Li with Li of of Zuo of of hold a memorial ceremony for originallyHeavy so and beg place to make hold a memorial ceremony for bear the person of the thing respects Zuo to be able to be gotten surelyPalm of Long of of week official hold a memorial ceremony for recieves orders at Wang Yi Bao sacred and alert is sacred have100 Guan Zhi give up provide department Ji to Li of of hold a memorial ceremony for has department and return a lot already with king life Zha are its irreverent person San Wang Yi? Disease does not get Yin reason to list this Long alsoBut the Li photograph of Ning this Yin Official holiday of fourth in June the last of the twelve Earthly Branches at too Note to Wu Tai with San of hold a memorial ceremony for of Meng Xia Die with this Zhu one Zuo of one
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    Its is not the Zha of cadaver to also say of false Wu Tai is coming especially with Yao and specialEar of hold a memorial ceremony for is like appropriate of of constant hold a memorial ceremony for to say occupied Wu Tai Ning Ning over sixty years of age desireSound of over sixty years of age? Li Yin is sent Ning removes Ning and send its place desire effect at Home alsoBe ignorant of of weak over sixty years of age of age also Yin is sentMake rate personBe apt to of person Zheng person those who use and the person that has also still stands politics piece Zheng Ji Shi
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            Die Yin resolve a doubt coils 26

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