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章节: 卷十一
书名: 礼记析疑
类目: 经部
写作年代: 约公元前-480年  至  公元后710年
视频: 卷十一_礼记析疑
音频: 卷十一_礼记析疑

欽定四庫全書 禮記析疑卷十一          翰林院侍講銜方苞撰  禮器措則正施則行 措則正禮之體也施則行禮之用也 正如易大傳 靜而正之正言不用時其禮自具於事物之中如竹箭之有筠也
 以竹與均成字似當為竹節謂其長短畧均也竹有 節所以約束而能固禮亦君子之所以自約束也鄭 注竹之青皮故先儒相承以為致飾於外與下貫四 時而不改柯易葉義不相應人官有能也 人之五官各有所能如目能視耳能聴之類故必舉其定國之數以為禮之大經禮之大倫以地廣狹禮之厚薄與年之上下
 舊說數為地物所出多少似與以地廣狹義複葢隆 殺之禮數也如公九侯伯七子男五之類其數之所 以有此倫次者不獨尊卑之等亦以地有廣狹而定 數之中用財復有厚薄則與年上下 與年之上下 之字疑衍天地之祭宗廟之事父子之道君臣之義倫也社稷山川之事鬼神之祭體也 天地之祭報本反始不忘其所自生故曰倫社稷山
 川之事因其體之輕重而隆殺焉故曰體於宗廟之 外别言鬼神葢謂五祀司中司命風師雨師九皇六 十四氏之屬羔豚而祭百官皆足 疏謂士特牲大夫少牢此用羔豚乃王制所云大夫 士無田則薦者又曰無田則無臣助祭而云百官喻 衆也俱不可通牲禮之隆殺視祀事之大小天子獻 羔開冰乃謂士大夫有田者即不用羔豚可乎且如
 五祀井竈之類豈能備具牲俎記云百官皆足正謂 王公之羣小祀耳五重八翣 朱軾曰五重三重再重皆謂棺喪大記所謂大棺屬 椑是也 天子水兕革棺如合甲為二重地棺一梓 棺二故五重鬼神之祭單席 據周官司几筵席下尚有筵記所傳或異或不計下
 筵也天子諸侯臺門 臺門築臺於門外也疑今官府大門外左右築土正 方四面甃之即其遺制禮之以多為貴者以其外心者也徳發揚詡萬物大理物博如此則得不以多為貴乎故君子樂其發也 天子諸侯居得為之位操可致之勢徳之發揚可以 周徧諸物其理之所成者大則用物宜博故以多為
 貴也徳産之致也精微 以徳致其感格較之以物産政報更為精微故祭天 儀物最畧也微者不可大也 微者不可大葢以人情言隠晦之義也如父在為母 不杖堂上不杖及庶子無服之類止可隠致其痛若 張大於聲音容貌之間則非禮矣
有美而文而誠若 美而文而不誠若則非所以為禮矣三代之禮一也民共由之或素或青夏造殷因 言三代之禮為民所共由者本無二也其由質而文 如素之加為青葢造者從質因者趨文物理之自然 也周坐尸詔侑武方其禮亦然其道一也 其禮亦然亦猶素之加為青也至周不惟坐尸且詔
 侑無方禮加於夏殷矣然其致愛致慤之道則一也周旅酬六尸 時祭必祫何也古之祭禮繁重自國君以上祭之明 日繹而儐尸若每廟犆祭則人力窮百政廢矣以六 尸旅酬知每獻七廟之尸必同時而畢獻也匪是則 三獻五獻且日不暇給况九獻十有二獻乎以旅酬 者六尸知世室文武二尸亦以尊不與旅也如獻至 於七尸又徧酬六尸則力不支時不逮矣上大夫儐
 尸即於祭之日諸侯以上則以明日正為廟過於三 則獻酬禮殷必不能同日而畢事耳雖分二日其侑 食之儀酬酢之節必大减於士大夫惜邦國禮亡無 可徴信耳 適士二廟大夫三廟亦宜有尸自相酬 之禮而不見於經何也六尸四尸之相酬已見於邦 國禮則於大夫士不覆舉亦如諸侯入王在國在塗 之禮已見於春朝夏宗則覲禮惟具郊勞以後之儀 節耳至尸酬主人主人酬侑侑酬賓長以下之禮宜
 與卿大夫别曾子曰周禮其猶醵與 疏謂斂錢飲酒必非忘懐之酌故飲必平徧不得偏 頗辭鄙義陋恐非曽子之意也葢士大夫相飲必立 賓介備鼎俎具獻酬庶人工商則財不給禮難成故 穡事既終以國法合錢共飲正猶五廟七廟之尸欲 依次各發爵以酬賓則時不給禮難成故變而通之 為尸自相酬之禮葢非此不足以洽歡心成禮節故
 曰猶醵葢推究聖人縁情制禮所以不得不然也七 尸備獻六尸旅酬之後疑惟具尸酢王后賓長三節 及嗣舉奠而無暇及祝侑賓長衆賓以諸父兄弟備 言燕私必於祭之夕故祝侑賓長衆賓兄弟之旅酬 則於繹而儐尸舉之亦如上大夫儐尸則旅酬之節 與特牲禮異耳兄弟燕於宗而未得與賓相酬則儐 尸必與旅也君子之於禮也非作而致其情也此有由始也是故七
介以相見也不然則已慤三辭三讓而至不然則已蹙 君子非作為是禮以强致人情使從之葢有所由始 皆出於人情之自然也如七介以相見三辭三讓而 至似乎繁曲然其始由於賓主相接不可以未同而 言不可以徑前不讓乃人情之自然爾魯人將有事於上帝必先有事於頖宫 謂有事於頖宫葢告后稷似未安天子有事於圜丘 不聞先告后稷魯有閟宫即告后稷亦不宜於頖宫
 葢非常之禮必先擇士於頖宫以習儀配林惡池亦 於禮輕者習儀而後舉重故曰慎之至也故凶事不詔朝事以樂 舊說哭泣擗踊不待詔告非也杜喬之母死宫中無 相君子以為沽孝子沉痛昏迷啼哭擗踊拜興出入 必待詔告然後能赴禮節記所謂凶事不詔即春秋 傳所謂君三年不呼其門也凶事不詔朝事以樂順 而達其哀樂之性乃所謂反本脩古不忘其初
故作大事必順天時為朝夕必放於日月為髙必因丘陵為下必因川澤是故天時雨澤君子達亹亹馬 先王制禮因天地之自然君子體道法化機之不息 故觀天時雨澤而達於人道之當亹亹而不倦也是故昔先王尚有徳尊有道任有能舉賢而置之聚衆而誓之 將言事天地之禮而先舉此者所謂先成民而後致 力於神也有徳者未必皆有道有道則於徳兼之矣
 故尚與尊異焉 周官大宰以八柄詔王馭羣臣四 曰置以馭其行因名山升中于天 周官天府職凡官府鄉州及都鄙之治中受而藏之 小司寇職歳終則令羣士計獄弊訟登中於天府治 中及獄訟之中每嵗必登於天府則時廵柴望必以 治民之功狀告於皇天此升中之義也蘧伯玉曰君子之人達故觀其器而知其工之巧觀其
發而知其人之知故曰君子慎其所以與人者 承上文而言禮樂不獨可以觀世之治亂亦可以辨 人之愚知古人交接以禮樂相示春秋傳所載執玉 歌詩觀者以知其禍福故所以與人者不可不慎也洞洞乎其敬也屬屬乎其忠也勿勿乎其欲其饗之也 洞洞者虚中而無一物之雜也屬屬者内誠繼續而 不解也勿勿者欲其饗而惟恐其不饗祭義所謂如 將失之如語焉而未之然乃致其恍惚之極思也
羮定詔於堂 熟肉曰定者熟而蹙縮然後大小有定形也内金示和也 内金謂進樂工舉金奏也丹漆絲纊竹箭與衆共財也 古者庭實旅百宗廟之祭亦陳之以示威徳及逺非 若幣玉用之以祭也康王之誥一二臣衞敢執壤奠 即此記所陳
孔子曰誦詩三百不足以一獻一獻之禮不足以大饗大饗之禮不足以大旅大旅具矣不足以饗帝毋輕議 注大旅祀五帝非也祭山曰旅大饗之禮雖繁然祖 宗一氣相承誠意猶易貫注至山嶽之祭則精神與 相感召為難饗帝則徳足昭事為尤難也仁人為能 饗帝孝子為能饗親其大小淺深之間實有不可一 視者矣 周官大宗伯職國有大故旅上帝葢因災
 而徧祀五帝故言旅猶小宗伯職天地之大烖類社 稷宗廟也此對饗帝而言則為山嶽之祭明矣      禮記析疑卷十一

  • Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    decides 4 complete Die Yin resolve a doubt coils 11Fang Bao of Zuo of Zheng of serve of courtyard of member of the Imperial Academy is written Die implementArrange is applying travelArrange the Zuo of Die also applies travel Die with also no less than is easy big Zuo and character need not its Die is provided oneself at the thing inBe like Zhu Jian have skin of the bamboo also
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    All be like short of its Zuo of Zheng of Geng of bamboo into the word with bamboo Ning all also bamboo has Geng so Ji bundle and can originally Die Yi Jun child from Ji bundle also Zuo The Xian Ruxiang of green skin reason that notes bamboo bear send Zuo with at outside the Zuo below Ning 4 and do not change Li of Ke Yi Qu not photograph Person official has can alsoThe person's official can be like eye somewhat each can Yao ear can the Zuo of Long Reason needs its decide Ning the of the big of the big Jian Die with Die with ground The thickness Ning of Die year over below
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Place of surface features of of Ning Zha goes out to more or less be like Ning with grand of Qu of Xuan of Li of ground The Die of also is like fair 9 Hou Bai 7 child male five Zuo the place of its In order to have this second person not of honour low wait to have and also be decided with the groundThere is thickness Ning with Zuo in year fluctuation Ning year over belowword doubt spreads outThe hold a memorial ceremony for of heaven and earth ancestor the Li of the path gentleman official of the thing father and son of also hill of the god of the land and the god of the grain-the statePlain the Zuo of hold a memorial ceremony for of thing ghosts and gods alsoThe of hold a memorial ceremony for of heaven and earth is turned over originally only then do not forget its place is autogenous friend says hill of the god of the land and the god of the grain-the state
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Plain the Zuo because of its Zuo weighs the matter and friend of grand Yan says of of Zuo Wu Zong Zheng of Qu of character ghosts and gods is fastened outside 9 emperor of of rain of of Zuo of life of the department in 5 worshipping department 6The of 14 family namesKid pig and hold a memorial ceremony for 100 officials are all sufficientScanty Zheng person special little prison of animal sacrifice doctor this is with kid pig king doctor of the cloud that make place Shu of of person cropland person say again official of of cropland aids hold a memorial ceremony for and Yun Baiguan analogy Xiao also the of size the emperor that all cannot connect the grand Yao of animal sacrifice Die to offer sacrifices to a thingThe person that kid Zuo puts scholar-bureaucrat you Zheng on the ice to have field namely need not kid pig but and be like
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    The Zuo Zuo of Fu of 5 worshipping wells can provides Yun Baiguan of Yin of animal sacrifice an ancient sacrificial utensil all sufficient Zheng The Li of princes and dukes is small worshipping earFivefold 8 Li Bright red Zuo says to be weighed again threefold fivefold all of big coffin of Zheng of place of big Yin of Zheng coffin is also if coffin of change of Si of the emperor water adds up to armour coffin of 2 important place one catalpaCoffin 2 reason are fivefoldThe banquet of of hold a memorial ceremony for of ghosts and gods week lawsuit still has banquet Yin place below a few banquet or or not below Yin
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Banquet also Zuo of Ning of Hou of the emperor Zheng Ning of Ning Zuo Ha at Zuo outside also doubt controls Ha territory outside feudal official big Zuo todayOf of square all sides namely its Zuo is madeOf Die with much Zuo person with its unfaithful intentions person also Dali of content of Qu of Yu of Such gets content gain not with much Zuo its of reason gentleman alsoHou of the emperor Zheng is resided a holds the that can send of is OKlyBig of the person that the place that its manage becomes matter of week Zheng uses reason of content appropriate rich with much
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    Zuo alsoOf send also essence of life is tinySend Zuo of its move division with with content politics more day of hold a memorial ceremony for of essence small reason content most alsoSmall person cannot big alsoSmall person cannot the Li with dark of favor character Zuo also is like big Qu father is in motherNot on bastinado hall not the Zuo that bastinado and bastard take stops but Zuo sends his painful if allows the Zuo of appearance to be not Die at Long sound greatly
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    Have the beauty and civil and Zha ifBeautiful and civil and not Zha if blame so Die The Die of 3 generation one also civilian in all by or element or green Xia Zaoyan becauseCharacter the Die of 3 generation civilian place in all by person this 2 also its by Zuo article Zuo of of the person that Qu builds the blueness adding that is like element the nature that because of person Zuo cultural relic managesAlsosit cadaver Yu presses Wu Fang its Die Yi Ran its one alsoIts Die Yi Ran also the blueness adding of element also comes not only sit cadaver and Yu
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Press square Die adds the path that at summerly Yan Yiran its send to send one alsoZhou Lv proposes a toast 6 cadaver hold a memorial ceremony for needs Die of hold a memorial ceremony for of Gu Zhi of Dai He Ye is onerous from Mr above hold a memorial ceremony for brightDay Kui and cadaver is like Fu of manpower of of hold a memorial ceremony for of every 100 politics with 6The dead body that cadaver brigade fulfil tells 7 of every is the same as surely and also nots is 5 of 3 and Jian of day have no time besides 10 have 9 2 propose a toast with brigadePerson 6 cadaver tell world room civil and military 2 cadaver Yi Yizun not Ning troops also comes like At 7 cadaver proposes a toast force of 6 cadaver does not raise not to reachcapture on doctor
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    Cadaver namely the on the day Zheng Hou Yi at hold a memorial ceremony for with tomorrow Wu San of Zuo Yan Bi of Die of fulfil cannot be the same as day and Zuo of thing ear divides day its pressThe Geng that the that feed exchanges of toasts decreases Die of of state of cherish of Dr Wu Shi to die greatly surely But Zuo of letter ear person 3 Yi Yi has 2 Dr cadaver proposes a toast oneself Die and not Yao at Jian He Ye 6 cadaver the photograph of 4 cadaver proposes a toast already Yao Wu Bang Die at the doctor person not king of Hou Ru of Zheng of Fu Ning Yi Ru is in in Die already the that alone of Die of Yin of of Xia Zong of Yao Wu Chunchao provides outskirt after Geng ear proposes a toast to cadaver master and master fulfil presses press the Die appropriate under fulfil Zuo Zuo
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    Ning dear doctor is fastenedCeng Zi says week of Die Ning of its JuWine of Zuo of Zuo of scanty Zheng is not those who forget to drink surely reason Zuo makes the same score to must not slant surely Li of Zuo Zuo low is humble fear be not child meaning also Zuo of Qu scholar-bureaucrat photograph stands surelyAn ancient sacrificial utensil of vessel of Zuo interpose provides fulfil to of or by the concubine Zuo of artificial business not Jian Die Zuo becomes friend Er thing already Jian adds up to Zuo with law in all Zuo 5 of the cadaver of 7 desireOrdinal each the rank of nobility Jian Die Zuo becomes reason Zhu and do not connect with of fulfil Zuo cadaver is not this from the Die Qu that proposes a toast can't heart of of be in harmony becomes Die Geng friend
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Say affection of Jun of person of Long of examine of Ju Qu makes Die so must like that also 7The after doubt alone that 6 cadaver brigade proposes a toast provides cadaver 3 Geng of Zuo of Zuo of cadaver vinegar queenReach heir Ning establish and free time and wish to press Zuo of Zuo Zuo Xiao with of younger brother of Zheng father and elder brothersCharacter swallow illicit needs the night incident at hold a memorial ceremony for wishs to press the brigade of brother of Zuo of Zuo Zuo Xiao proposes a toast the Geng that brigade of of cadaver of of the doctor on the Yi Ru of at Kui cadaver Ning proposes a toastYan Wuzong of brother of ear of of Die of Ning spy animal sacrifice and did not get of of fulfil of Ning Zuo photographCadaver needs Ning brigade alsoOf gentleman also be not at Die and cause its feeling also this has by only then also hereat 7
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Interpose with photograph Yao also otherwise already 3 Zuo of 3 Zhu and to otherwise already presseddedGentleman is not is Die makes with sending gift by force the Qu of somewhat by only thenThe nature that all gives Wu Ren feeling also is like 7 interpose with photograph Yao 3 Zuo 3 Zhu andTo it seems that numerous Qu Ran its only then by at Zuo advocate conterminous can not was the same as andCharacter is not OK before not the natural that Zhu is favor Zuo person is occupied need at god first occupied at Zuo palace Zheng is occupied the millet after be being accused at Zuo palace Qu is like did not install the emperor occupied at zhuan3huan2 graveNot the millet after Zuo of the millet after Long is accused first has Zuo palace to be accused namely also shoulds not be at Zuo palace
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Qu special Die needs first person matchs with Li at Zuo palace forest Chi YiAt Die Zuo person Li and after Ning serious incident says Shen Zhi comes alsoReason unlucky matters-death not Yu government issue with Ning Zha cries Yu of prep before of break off leap up is accused blame also prevent the in the mother dead a surname of Photograph gentleman does obeisance to Ning to come in and go out with leap up of break off of insensible cry of deep feeling of grief of buy dutiful sonWait for Yu to accuse surely like that after can attend burial of Zheng of place of Die Geng Yin not Yu namely ageJun Sannian of place Zheng does not breathe out its Zuo also unlucky matters-death not Yu government issue with Zuo And Zuo its the sex of sad is a Zheng to turn over this Man ancient do not forget its first
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Pretend to be an important matter to need a very short time puts Zuo day to because of,need at life Zuo surely graveBecause of,need below hill Zuo of of of Zuo of gentleman of of rain of of day of plain hereatFirst king because the natural gentleman Zuo of heaven and earth,make Die the law changes do not cease of rain of of reason Yin day and the that Zuo Wu Ren and tireless alsoHereat former times first Wang Shang has honour to have allow to have can Ning Zuo and of buy get together Xiao And of oathThe Die of scope of activity of character issue and first Ning this person place Zheng Xian Chengmin and after is sentMay not of the person that force also has at the god all has have at furthermore
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Reason still Yan Zhouguan of Ning honour is slaughtered greatly with official of Li of Zuo of king of 8 handles Yu 4Say buy with Zuo its goThe Yu Tian in rising because of renown hillCity of Zuo of every feudal official reachs Long of government office of week official weather to despise in treating, suffer and hide Yu of fraud of person Yin ascends your Li of of Jian of of Long of small department bandit in Wu Tian government office is treated is reached in every ascends Chai Wang of of of of Wu Tian government office to need surely in Yu withTreat civilian result announces Wu Huang day this litre of medium Li alsoQu Baiyu says the Yin of person Zuo reason of gentleman its implement and the artful Yin that knows its to be versed in its
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    and tell its person know reason to say gentleman careful its so Ning person personBear above paragraphs Die not is OK the Yi Ke treating of Yin world with differentiateThe person's I knows the ancients to have sex to show jade of of Zuo of age place with Die photographSong Yu Yin person in order to tell friend of its Dai blessing so Ning person person cannot inadvertent alsoHole hole its are respected also its faithful also not not its desire of its Zuo alsoHole hole person empty is medium and the Zuo of one content of also person inside Zha Kui Kui andIndissoluble also not not person desire its Zuo and for fear that its not Zheng of place of Li of Zuo hold a memorial ceremony for if breaks be like Zha Yan and not send its absentminded to think of therefore like that also
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Li decides Yu Wu TangRipe meat says the person that decide is ripe and frown Jun like that after size has setting alsoGold is shown inside and also of golden Zheng Zuo is versed in inside Ning gold achieve also Xiao of Ning of Zhu Jian of Kui of red lacquer Jian in all Zuo alsoAncient person brigade of front courtyard the hold a memorial ceremony for of 100 also of Zuo be not with demonstrate and Zuo The jade that be like uses with hold a memorial ceremony for also Xiao of official of just a little of Kang Wangzhi Zha dare soil establishNamely Zuo of this Yin place
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Confucius says Zha Yu 300 can't the Die of one of one can't big Zuo The Die of big Zuo can't large force large force is provided can't Zuo emperor not Zuo Zhu Die Note large force to offer sacrifices to 5 emperor to be not also hill of hold a memorial ceremony for says the Die Zuo of brigade big Zuo is numerous like that ancestorAncestor one photograph bear easy Zuo of Zha meaning notes the Ning of spirit of of hold a memorial ceremony for to hill of thing of sufficient clear of of of emperor of Zuo of Zuo of photograph impel blame Zuo also benevolence person can of Zuo emperor dutiful son can the Zuo with deep of Zuo Yin its size has cannot one Yao person because of, of Long of Zhou Guanda Zong Bai has Qu of god of old friend stay away from home
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    And the company of big Zuo that offers sacrifices to heaven and earth of Long of small Zong Bai of of brigade of character of 5 emperor reason of millet an administrative unit in Xizang also emperor of this Zuo the hold a memorial ceremony for of of hill bright      Die Yin resolve a doubt coils 11

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