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章节: 卷六
书名: 礼记析疑
类目: 经部
写作年代: 约公元前93年  至  公元后973年
视频: 卷六_礼记析疑
音频: 卷六_礼记析疑

欽定四庫全書 禮記析疑卷六         翰林院侍講銜方苞撰  月令天子居青陽左个 陳氏據孔氏曲禮疏謂王有正寢一在前小寢五在 後正寢聽政小寢燕息小寢一居中四居四角春居 東北夏居東南秋居西南冬居西北或據以釋此記
 非也小寢五不宜用明堂之制且與此記分左右个 不合周官閏月大史詔王居門終月則此記謂居明 堂以聽政明矣門中可居以終月且與嬪御同居乎某日立春盛徳在木 易大傳曰帝出乎震則元氣發動實有主宰以鼔其 出入者迎春當祭位東方而主春氣之天神配以太 皥勾芒從祀康成專主緯書固為蔽惑賈逵馬融蔡 邕謂獨祭人帝及其臣亦偏而不該盛徳即帝之神
 所以妙萬物者還反賞公卿大夫於朝 賞不及諸侯者諸侯來朝錫予有常典也命相布徳和令行慶施惠 注徳謂善敎内則后王命冢宰降徳於衆兆民是也 敎典故曰布嵗有豐凶事有變遷則政令當革易以 從宜故於嵗始調劑而播之慶行於有位者惠則施 於庶民
乃命太史守典奉法司天日月星辰之行宿離不貸毋失經紀以初為常 典歴象舊籍也法推步候騐之成法皆治歴之事注 作六典八法非也離麗也陳氏集說以宿為止離為 行非也日月星辰之行晝夜不息不可以行止相對 而言詩云月離於畢亦謂所經歴耳天子親載耒耜措之于參保介之御間 參保介者參乘之保介也加參者明保介即與天子
 同車之車右也如曰措之于保介之御間則似别有 保介之官乘副車以從而無以顯其即天子之車右 矣天子居左御者居中舉車右則知不措於天子之 旁矣蓋恐尊者動作偪仄也 朱軾曰御侍也謂置 於保介所侍處也又吕氏春秋參字在于字上更覺 直截命田舎東郊皆修封疆審端徑術 後世郡縣獄訟出於争田界水道墓地者十六七曠
 日相持吏疲於聽斷民失其作業蓋由此疆彼界乃 郡縣吏所不習一旦有争即親履其地無由别其真 偽周官司徒之屬有遂人以掌田萊溝洫宗伯之屬 有墓大夫居墓中之室以巡墓厲民有争質即時可 决且耳目素習姦人無所施其變詐此吏治所以不 煩而民安其業也此記命田舎東郊審端徑術猶有 周官遺意然詳考篇中所載諸地政乃秦開阡陌後 所用為補苴之法若遂人之職不廢又安用此紛綸
 哉善相丘陵阪險原隰土地所宜五榖所殖以教道民 同曰丘陵而其土地又各有所宜阪險原隰亦然存諸孤 春饗孤子并存恤其家也去桎梏 周官掌囚上罪梏拲而桎拲既在手安得更以梏加 易曰童牛之牿防其觸也則梏在脰拲在手桎在足
 明矣所謂闗三木也易又曰何校滅耳則校與梏其 一物而二名與以太牢祠于髙禖天子親往 此秦人妄舉之慝禮或吕不韋欲立而未立之祀也 周官宗伯之屬凡國之典祀細大畢具參以儀禮春 秋三傳國語無一語及禖祀者内宰專掌王后之禮 事以下五職無一及焉佐后共祀事者九嬪以下五 職春官世婦内外宗三職無一及焉女祝所掌王后
 之内祭祀至於禱祠招梗禬禳女巫所掌至於嵗時 祓除釁沐以及弔事無一闕遺内宰佐后立市設次 特著祭以隂禮若果祀天而配以髙禖天子親往六 宫嬪御盡從王后則宜如宗廟賔客之事大書特書 且散見於各職而竟沒其文則三代以前絶無此典 禮斷可識矣且先王制禮養廉逺恥莫嚴於男女故 妻將生子夫出居側室使人日一問之乃於稠人廣 衆中别其孰為天子所已御使帶弓韣受弓矢於髙
 禖之前凟亂不經甚矣王莽簒漢娶史氏女為后依 古備嬪御之數同日入宫皆使帶弓韣正與此記相 合或亦莽歆所増竄也周官惟九嬪有數以應九卿 世婦女御本無數以三相加而定其數自莽始先儒 不察乃據月令之數以訓周官據此記為詩箋傳誤 矣詳見大雅生民詩辨 六國僭王秦欲稱帝而衆 不從至不韋時并兼之勢已成故篇中皆稱天子而 王后亦稱后妃蓋以稱王及王后則儕於六國也
是月也日夜分雷乃發聲始電蟄蟲咸動啟户始出 凡再記物候後所記必是月之末也雷電蟄出必仲 春之末麥秋至必孟夏之末蟬始鳴必仲夏之末雷 始収聲水始涸必仲秋之末草木黄落蟄蟲墐戸必 季秋之末芸生泉動皆感陽氣必仲冬之末餘可類 推日夜分則同度量鈞衡石角斗甬正權概 量既同而又曰角斗甬者量之器多斗正則升合以
 下皆正矣甬正則鍾籔以上皆正矣蓋舉其中以括 上下也乃修闔扇寢廟畢備 周官比長爵下士即耦耕之農也故耕者或得有廟 周官閭胥比長通計為中士下士者十餘萬人豈能/徧禄必於百畝之外量増其田而以禮數寵厲之非 朝廷之士之比惜古/籍湮滅無可考耳天子乃鮮羔開冰先薦寢廟 卯月尚寒而開冰者嵗或早燠則祭祀賔客殽羞夙
 具者宜用冰鑑喪浴亦不可無冰也冦戎來征 令違於時其應冦兵者凡十蓋春秋戰國時列國分 争姦宄攘奪無時無之若一統承平之世則其應又 當在别事天子乃薦鞠衣于先帝 非聖人不能剙物先帝宜為始教民以蠶桑者但經 傳别無可稽恐亦秦人所剙立
句者畢出萌者盡達 草木始生必屈既出土然後直上萌即句之出者鄭 註句屈生者芒而直曰萌詞義本明陳氏易之以直 生屈生對列若種類有二失之矣天子布徳行惠 發倉廪以下行惠也開府庫以下布徳也下水上騰 近夏江河之流浸長而騰起非雨潦所積故以下水
 别之田獵罝罘羅網畢翳餧獸之藥毋出九門 匠人營國方九里旁三門則王畿通十有二門春秋 新作南門以非禮書而内外傳無言侯國之南門者 則降殺可知此記所稱九門或舉侯國之制或秦變 周禮皆未可知而其為國門無疑也路門應門内不 宜有田獵罝罘羅網畢翳餧獸之樂疏集說並誤禁婦女毋觀
 觀遊觀也婦容宜修若艶冶之飾雖無蠶事宜有常 禁分繭稱絲效功以共郊廟之服毋有敢惰 分繭之多寡稱絲之輕重則蠶者之勤惰巧拙可辨 所以效其功也或曰辨其良苦之物以授嬪婦使效 其功以共郊廟之服命工師令百工審五庫之量金鐵皮革筋角齒羽箭榦脂膠丹漆毋或不良
 金鐵皮革箭榦宜為三庫其物多也筋角齒羽為一 庫脂膠丹漆為一庫其質細也乃合累牛騰馬遊牝于牧 於牛曰累則馬亦繫綱可知於馬曰騰則牛亦求牝 可知牛馬在欄廏並維婁之不得通淫及宜乘匹先 解縱其牡之累者騰者於牧然後使牝遊而就合焉 所以防塗中風逸之患也天子親帥三公九卿大夫以迎夏於南郊
 周官大司馬時田春秋具列王暨諸侯之旗鼔而冬 夏第舉羣吏蓋盛暑隆冬所以優尊者又軍禮繁重 雖有宗遇之諸侯不以與苗狩也詳見周/官析疑若首夏初 冬迎氣之祭諸侯宜與而月令於夏冬亦第舉公卿 大夫蓋朝覲者既歸而宗遇者未至爾封諸侯 冬夏不合諸侯而封國何也朝覲跋涉山川蒙犯霜 露不宜於冬夏此始封之國䇿勲錫命宜於盛夏若
 加地進律由附庸而賜國由子男而晉階則宜於嶽 狩命之命大尉贊傑俊遂賢良舉長大行爵出禄必當其位 周官司馬論辨官材司士諸子皆屬焉故秦仍其法 亦使大尉掌之是月也繼長増髙毋有壊墮毋起土功毋發大衆毋伐大樹 繼長増髙即動植之物以騐天地之氣也天地之氣
 暢達故不宜有所壊墮馬氏乃以繼増為人事不識 所謂命野虞出行田原為天子勞農勸民毋或失時命司徒循行縣鄙命農勉作毋休于都 嚴陵方氏以内外官為别臨川吳氏謂由卑而尊皆 近似而非也周官山林川澤各分三等虞衡之設隨 地徧布秦之四監即山虞/澤虞林衡川衡各巡其境内故能周視田 原見農夫則勞之遇園圃藪牧之民及百工商賈則
 勸之大小司徒不過三人庶政繁殷故惟躬臨縣鄙 申戒有司命農勉作毋休於都使震動恪恭於穡事 而已必不能徧歴田原與農民相勞勸乃分職命事 之理勢如此不以内外而分亦無所為先後也統之 曰司徒或正或貳不可預定也曰縣鄙則至六遂而 止其公邑家稍小都大都則各有其長皆以司徒之 命命之 周官以九職任萬民一曰三農生九榖其 餘八職俱不可失時故勞農勸民並列也野虞司之
 以不専於農事斷薄刑決小罪出輕繫 於此月斷之決之出之者非極惡大罪不忍使盛暑 之月困於囹圄也蠶事畢后妃獻繭乃収繭稅以桑為均貴賤長幼如一 舊說内命婦獻繭於后妃乃収外命婦繭稅非也季 春之月分繭稱絲效功則内命婦之蠶事畢矣無縁 孟夏復獻繭蓋外命婦獻之也収繭稅則並士庶人
 妻女故曰貴賤長㓜如一季春専言王宫之繭事故 曰既登孟夏兼言國中之蠶事故曰畢蓋事蠶者衆 成有早晚至是始畢也 周官閭師職任嬪以女事 貢布帛則非匹婦不稅其繭貴賤長㓜如一秦法也 周官人達其情物有餘裕考課劑量而教化行於其 間秦則一斷以法以取必於下而待上用凡事類然農乃登黍 下文曰以雛嘗黍則不得為舊黍明矣蔡邕云今蟬
 鳴黍是也乃目見耳聞之辭管子亦云河汝之間四 種而五穫則黍必有登之最早者故繼麥而薦之毋燒灰 灰燼無更燒之理蓋燒石為灰也燕地暑月不燒石 為灰窰者曰地氣上蒸窰内濕强燒即粗礦不可用 推此則艾藍暴布亦為非時不能為良非恐傷時氣 干盛陽也 後漢書禮儀志日夏至禁舉大火止炭 鼓鑄消石冶皆絶止至立秋如故事
挺重囚益其食 陳氏集說輕囚則不如是非也輕者巳月巳出矣其 未出之重囚至此亦稍寛假也止聲色毋或進 祭祀賔客所奏雅樂自不可廢此聲與色並舉則必 燕私之樂所謂繁手淫聲慆心堙耳者也聽之而有 動於中必摇其精齊戒静定之時不宜以此亂其心 曲
命漁師伐蛟取鼉登龜取黿 吳楚山澤間時有蛟起則水湧山崩沙徙損民田宅 動數百千家相傳卵如石其未起時恒埋藏山谷中 有能辨其土壤物色者先期掘發而戕敗之則不能 為害惜乎能傳古法者鮮也取他物但以網罟惟蛟 必掘以鋤鏄會其既成形而將起則必以戈矛斧鉞 斷之故曰伐命四監大合百縣之秩芻以養犧牲
 季秋之令以制百縣與合諸侯對舉則百縣為畿内 無可疑者仲夏雩祀疏謂百縣兼内外諸侯至秩芻 不可通復遷就以合鄭注曰止於鄉遂不兼公卿大 夫之采邑注云之屬/正兼采邑不思周分稍縣疆之地以處公 卿大夫王子弟雖頒秩祀而祭祀必致福於國禱祠 必反命於王况秦制郡縣畿内幷無所謂内諸侯開 阡陌廢井田豈尚如周之鄉遂而乃憑臆以决之乎 且下曰以共皇天上帝名山大川四方之神則通乎
 畿内甚明毋庸别為異義也命婦官染采黼黻文章必以法故毋或差貸黑黄倉赤莫不質良毋敢詐偽 染采雖用法故然使黑黄倉赤之料或不質良則所 染亦漫漶不鮮料有精粗美惡其產之地取之時皆 有辨焉故以詐偽為戒也命虞人入山行木毋有斬伐 周官山虞職仲夏斬隂木故季月則止之入山行木
 行視其已斬未斬而稽其數也古者山澤官守之而 不頒於民山虞之法萬民斬材有期日則取者不敢 濫以時計林麓而賞罰之則守者不敢怠凡竊木者 有刑罰則耗敗之塗閉此材木所以不可勝用也後 世山澤賦於民則非時妄取竭用無餘官司不能禁 而盗竊者無所忌是以山則彌望而童道無列樹暫 遇水旱薪芻不屬黎民重困然後知先王之慮民逺 也
鷹乃祭鳥用始行戮 始戮鳥也季秋豺乃祭獸戮禽専任有功以征不義詰誅暴慢以明好惡順彼逺方 罪大者征之其次詰誅之古稱誅戮有重有輕周官 司烜職邦若屋誅則為明竁謂刑辟也宰夫職治不 以時舉者以告而誅之曲禮齒路馬有誅則責讓也 以九伐之法言之如馮弱犯寡野荒民散犯令陵政 必責讓不改而後加罰焉餘六者非征罰則勢不行
命理瞻傷察創視折審斷決獄訟必端平戮有罪嚴斷 傷謂傷於疾病者創謂瘡痏者斷謂當大辟及宫剕 者仲秋百刑皆決故先於此月察其傷者創者折者 或應放流或當宫剕必少寛其期恐以重傷致死也 而斷者不可以復屬尤宜審定既曰審斷而又曰嚴 斷刑者前則獄已成而將致刑於仲月者故更審之 後乃獄訟之將決者故戒以嚴慎也
完隄坊謹壅塞以備水潦 古者井田之溝洫所以備水潦非如東南下濕可蓄 水以溉田小雅滮池北流浸彼稻田蓋豐鎬之間偶 或有此周官稻人掌稼下地蓋必積水之區始可用 溉其餘平原廣陸惟望雨澤故旱則雩祀未聞有蓄 水溉田之法季春之令曰修利隄坊道達溝瀆毋有 障塞此月完隄坊謹壅塞以備水潦修完隄坊者近 川之地以防汎濫如齊趙沿河為隄也導溝瀆去壅
 塞者使壠間之水順達於川而不害稼也尚書曰濬 畎澮距川孟子曰七八月之間雨集溝澮皆盈其涸 也可立而待也則主於宣洩而非蓄以灌溉明矣井 田既廢齊魯周鄭之間往往困於水災無溝洫而積 潦不得達於川也春秋書魯雩旱甚多而大水僅一 見於宋蓋非常之災始害於粢盛其餘水潦俱不能 為敗 季春修利隄防毋有障塞孟秋則完隄防謹 壅塞何也修利者溝澮間之小隄防也自四月至六
 月雨之大小久暫無常惟開通其障塞使田隴之水得 達於川而已季秋所完則近江河之大隄防也伏秋之 汛期日有定雖水潦盛昌但隄防完固於水勢衝激土 性墳壚之所壅塞惟謹則汛期一過即終嵗無虞矣養衰老授几杖行麋粥飲食 王制春饗孤子秋食耆老此篇仲春存諸孤仲秋養 衰老即其事也曰存則不獨饗之而又存恤其家曰 授几杖行麋粥飲食則不獨食之而又有賜予也
 授几杖行麋粥飲食必各就其地行之始能周徧而 無煩擾天子諸侯所養於學中者非庶人之老於此 益可信矣乃命司服具飭衣裳文繡有恒制有小大度有長短衣服有量必循其故冠帶有常 文繡有恒者毋亂以姦色也制有小大度有長短者 制作必以法也衣服有量必循其故者貴賤各有等 也冠帶有常則文從省而兼此數義
五者備當上帝其饗 五者以全具肥瘠物色小大長短言芻豢因肥瘠而 及之不得為五者之一也 五者指牲體言故曰備 當易闗市來商旅 周官聨門市譏不物所征甚薄而為之符節以通達 之皆所以便商旅無所為難易也孟子曰今之為闗 也將以為暴蓋戰國分争凡轉貨鬻財經其境内者
 必阨之於闗市以奪其利所謂難也而秦法於百貨 皆成之候易闗市以來商旅尤争利之巧者蓋不惟 便己國之民豐己國之財又所以窘鄰國之用而乏 其事也凡舉大事毋逆大數必順其時慎因其類 孟秋之令選士厲民以征不義則舉兵衆合諸侯之 事正在此月完隄防修宫室墻垣城郭則土功徭役 之事正在此月然有大數焉如車馬將卒之有缺資
 糧屝屨之無因則兵衆不可輕舉也適當凶饑厲疫 之作或承軍旅喪荒之餘則功役不可輕舉也而事 又有其類焉如征討不能驟舉則先之以文告威讓 或授意於方伯大邦以震懾之凶札之方隄防不能 自築則移用其民以救之冦戎之後城郭不能自完 則藉力於兄弟婚姻之國以圖之皆所謂慎因其類 也大饗帝嘗犧牲告備於天子
 注謂嘗羣神以月令圜丘方澤宗廟之典祀皆不載 又宗廟時祭周以仲月後世以孟月不宜用季且亥 月曰飲烝非烝祭之正則戌月之嘗亦非宗廟之嘗 也但謂大饗不問卜即此記所云則恐未然周官大 宗伯職國有大故則旅上帝及四望有故而饗無一 定之期理宜卜日曲禮所謂不問卜者惟圜丘方澤 耳若大饗則或以為宗廟之祭禮器大饗其王事與/三牲魚腊四海九州 之美/味也或以為賔客之事雜記子不見大饗乎卷/三牲之俎歸於賔館羣儒
 各記所聞不可以單辭片言之合而强為傅㑹也合諸侯制百縣為來嵗受朔日與諸侯所税於民輕重之法貢職之數以逺近土地所宜為度以給郊廟之事無有所私 受朔外諸侯内百縣之所同也稅民之法貢職之數 獨舉諸侯何也税民無異法外諸侯皆有貢職以給 郊廟之事則縣内公卿大夫之采地不待言矣六服 遼廓豐凶不齊而來嵗民賦之重輕可預定何也若
 此年其國有冦戎荒札則來嵗税宜從輕至本年則 或上或中或下稅法自有常經不待言也 舊說秦 建亥此月為嵗終非也亥月祈來年于天宗丑月之 令日窮於次月窮於紀星回於天數將幾終嵗且更 始又曰飭國典論時令以待來嵗之宜則非以此月 為嵗終明矣所以飭頒朔及稅法貢職之數者以此 月合諸侯故預敇之也吕氏此書蓋雜採古法參以 己意欲待秦并天下而行之所以合諸侯議貢職於
 此月者春朝秋覲而夏與冬不合諸侯也立夏立冬/之日皆曰 天子親率三公九卿/大夫而不及諸侯司徒搢扑北面誓之 扑作敎刑軍旅之事而掌以敎官誓以教刑敎以親 上死長之義也収禄秩之不當供養之不宜者 陳氏集說供養之不宜謂膳服僭侈踰制者果爾則 有常禁不當曰収註所云貪耆熊膰之屬亦未盡蓋
 凡嬪御及王子姓服膳之過靡者 古者位定而禄 安得有不當羞服有式安得有不宜凡此皆戰國之 亂政也姦回如不韋尚思立法以止時君之欲唐宋 而下雖大臣忠直者亦以為難矣是察阿黨則罪無有掩蔽 周官司冦之屬所以求獄訟之情者至詳至悉矣而 無一語及官司之枉法者蓋道敎彰明忠質之風未 逺也不數世而吕刑之命遂列五過之疵世教之難
 持人心之可畏如此凡罪有掩蔽皆由有司之阿黨 阿者或怵迫於威權或承迎乎長吏即吕刑所謂惟 官也黨者挟私偏徇所謂惟反惟内惟貨惟來總於 是矣故是察不可廢然使能守周公之舊典鄉士遂 士縣士方士分掌之獄訟司冦聽斷於外朝羣士司 刑咸在各獻其議以麗其法而又詢之羣臣詢之羣 吏詢之萬民則阿黨者皆知公道難違人言可畏而 姦心自不藴矣
功有不當必行其罪以窮其情 不當者或不能密緻或傷於淫巧也天子乃祈來年於天宗 祈來年不於嵗終而於此月者隂極於此過此則一 陽復生為生育長養之始所謂天地盛徳之氣始於 東北而盛於東南也乃命水虞漁師収水泉池澤之賦毋或敢侵削衆庶兆民以為天子取怨於下
 周官澤虞使其地之人守其財物以時入之於玉府 頒其餘於萬民人凡征入於玉府曰入於玉府 者明所征即角人羽人掌葛所徴齒角骨物羽翮葛 材草貢以當邦賦者而别無他賦也秦法乃别収其 賦而并及於水泉其以侵削取怨為戒蓋由始立苛 政故用此自塗飾耳土事毋作慎毋發蓋毋發室屋及起大衆以固而閉 起大衆謂興師征伐之類大閱於境内行之且一日
 而罷不可云起命奄尹申宫令 周官小宰治王宫之政令内宰申之宫中之事無細 大皆掌於外臣此則一歸於奄尹蓋列國不用周禮 久矣故羣儒述所習見而不知其非耳 秦變周法 自襄公立國之初已廢太僕羣僕之職並屬寺人始 皇卒於沙丘受遺者惟丞相斯中車府令高則奄尹 即以宦者為之必矣
省婦事毋得淫 省察也可以罷官之無事去器之無用者 此亦戰國之亂政也蓋必遊士馳說嬖幸希恩而後 有無事之官必放意聲色恣情遊醼而後作無用之 器當道揆法守盡失之後而欲求罷之去之也難矣命農計耦耕事 此秦所未盡變之周制也周官里宰以嵗時合耦於
 耡蓋以共井之家或有疾病死亡耦非更合力不可 齊故嵗合之又以時合之秦法惟於嵗終一命農民 而無官司以董之則是時鄉遂之法已久變矣專而農民毋有所使 農民不惟三時勤動即孟冬尚坏城郭完要塞塞蹊 徑公旬三日必於是給焉將帥講武習射御角力則 卒伍必預習焉古之卒伍即農民也仲冬取疏食田 獵禽獸伐木取竹箭塗闕廷門閭築囹圄舎農民無
 使也惟季冬嵗宴公私之事皆畢可以休其餘閒為 父母妻子兄弟族姻閭黨之歡故不得復有所使所 以體其情弛其力而蓄之以勤東作也古者四民之 中士與商賈自宿其業而無役於公家百工官作霜 始降則休之使得自營其私惟弓人寒定體冰析灂/事極輕簡日力無費 惟農則必待嵗之將終而後得暫息焉是以先王畏 敬戚農以其為四民之根柢萬事所總㑹也可不戚 哉可不敬且畏哉
命宰歴卿大夫至於庶民土田之數而賦犧牲以共山林名川之祀凡在天下九州之民者無不咸獻其力以共皇天上帝社稷寢廟山林名川之祀 周官九式之用待以九賦農夫自合作公田及公旬 三日而外百役不與焉所以養生送死綽有餘地而 寛然自樂其生也古惟社事民咸與焉然用其力而 不斂其財秦法乃歴卿大夫至于庶民土田之數而 賦犧牲以共皇天上帝社稷寢廟山林名川之祀又
 大合百縣之秩芻以養之其於民悉矣不韋作月令 田賦徴輸之法無一見焉獨因祭祀而附見者其科 條煩細若此足徴其取民之術多端而不勝其擾矣 又収池澤之賦幷及水泉則知依山濵河通流之地 田賦之外别以水泉之賦故曰秦人収泰半之賦蓋 總計嵗収私家衣食之數尚不及所入於公之半也 此書乃吕氏集諸儒為之將以繼周而維世者乃於 養君徳求民隱敎民育士之大政無一及焉所舉皆
 粗迹耳而李斯相秦所建立又不能及此漢興多仍 秦制此世教所由大變也      

  • Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    decides 4 complete Die Yin resolve a doubt coils 6Fang Bao of Zuo of Zheng of serve of courtyard of member of the Imperial Academy is writtenThe month makes Zuo of the emperor Ju Qing is leftWang Youzheng of scanty Zheng of Die of music of family name of Zuo aperture one advanced small 5 inAfter Long politics one be placed in the middle of small of breath of small swallow 4 house quadrilateral spring houseNaqiu of of house of north summer resides southwest winter to reside northwest or with Zuo this Yin
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Be not small also 5 unfavorable make with Ming Tangzhi and this Yin cent controls Ning Month of Zuo of disagreement week official is big Ju Ming of Zheng of this Yin of of month of Jian of Zuo of history Yu Wang JuHall with Long politics bright can reside in Zuo with Jian month and Ning drive lives togetherSome day of the Beginning of Spring fills to be in woodEasy big says the Supreme Being beyond shake yuan of has dictate with Zuo itsHold a memorial ceremony for of of winter jasmine of the person that come in and go out square and advocate spring the deity of matchs aether ticks off awn to offer sacrifices to Kang Cheng advocate Cai of be in harmony of thoroughfare Zuo of Zuo of my be puzzled of of Jin solidEmperor of person of hold a memorial ceremony for of of Zheng of another name for Nanning and its official also slant and not Yu fills namely the god of the Supreme Being
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    So clever Qu content person Zuo turns over Zuo fair dear doctor Wu Chao Zuo not as good as Zuo of face of of Hou of Zheng of Zheng Hou Zhe grants to have Chang Dian also of life photograph cloth and your travel use benefitGrave of life of the king after the inside of be apt to of the Zheng that note is slaughtered fall at Xiao million civilian is also literary quotation says cloth has Zuo unlucky matters-death to have remove from office of of government order of Zhu Zuo easy with appropriate reason at only then Zha and sowed travel Wu Youwei person benefit is appliedAt common people
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    It is a life too the travel old Zuo that Shi Shoudian acts according to stars of month of law department light not Zuo notThe Ji that break Jian with first constantBook of Ning of allusion elephant also all studies into the law issue that the law pushs a pace to await Zuo is notedMake 6 law 8 laws are not also Zuo Zuo also Zuo collect Zha stops with old Zuo Be not all right also it is not OK that the travel night of the heavenly bodies does not cease whereaboutsing photograph Zuo of Yu Yun Yue at also ear of of Zheng place Jian The keeps mind at drive Zuo of arrange of a spade-shaped farm tool used in ancient China of Lei of Zuo of the emperor Yin The person protect interpose to also add that of the person that keeps mind multiplies bright keep mind namely Ning the emperor
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    The Zuo that is the same as Zuo is right is like the at keeping mind drive Zuo that also is like arrange not to haveThe Guan Cheng deputy Zuo that keeps mind with with Zuo its namely the Zuo of the emperor is rightright of Zuo of Ning of be placed in the middle of the person that the emperor resides Zun Yu knows not of arrange Wu TianziBy San fears honour person makes narrow also bright red Zuo says drive serve also Zheng buy Ta of serve of Wu Baojie place also word of Lv age depends on a word going up more Yin Vertical sectionOutskirt of of life cropland Ning all repairs Feng Jiang to carry Xiao The person that Yu of of Jun of later generations county gives burial ground of aqueduct of Wu Zhengtian bound 967
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Official of day be locked in a stalemate is tired at Long civilian breaks his to make San from this border those bound isPlace of county Jun official not once Li has contend for namely Yin walks on its ground by not its are trueThe of apprentice of week lawsuit has satisfy a person with Zong Baizhi of Xu of of palm cropland Qu The room in grave doctor resides a grave with grave of make one's rounds civilian has contend for Zuo namely butDefinitely and place of of person of of information element Li applies this official of its Zhu Yu to treat so not and civilian install its also of Xiao of of end of of outskirt of of Ning of cropland of this Yin life hasMeaning of week official Zuo like that Yu is taken an examination of piece in ground of place Zuo Zheng after of crisscross footpaths between fields of Zheng Naiqin Zuo If the method that uses Xuan Ju satisfies the person's Long not how does use this Ji Jin again
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Photograph of be apt to is upland appropriate of place of land of slope Zuo former Xi breed of 5 place with teaching civilianSay together upland and its land each somewhat Yi Ran of former Xi of appropriate slope Zuo Put Zheng GuSpring Zuo Gu child coexist compensate its home alsoGo fetters and handcuffs of wooden handcuffs of the blame on convict of week official control and fetters is installed in the hand already more add with wooden handcuffsYi Yuetong's arrogant Gu prevents its Yin also wooden handcuffs fetterses in the hand in Man in sufficient
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Bright 3 wood of place Zheng Zuo say easily also again wooden handcuffs of Ning of school of of ear of He Jiao itsOne content and 2 Ning Aether firm ancestral temple is gone to at Yin of Zuo Die the emperorThe Te Die of Ning of absurd of person of this the Qin Dynasty or Lv Zuo is about to stand and did not stand offer sacrifices to alsoThe allusion of the every of week Guan Zongbai offers sacrifices to Ji big to provide with Die springAutumn the Die that palm queen slaughters inside the person that one Zha of of Zha of 3 and Die are offerred sacrifices toThe person that the thing is offerred sacrifices to in all after 5 Long reachs Yan Zun under the thing 9 are the following 5Inside and outside of of world of Long spring official ancestor 3 Long reachs Yan daughter to wish place palm queen
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    In sacred come to enrol stalk Die to avert by prayers at Die ancestral temple sibylline place bottom comes at Fu divides Zuo wash one's hair and thing city Yu stands after the Zai Zun inside one Zuo Zuo secondWrite hold a memorial ceremony for to be like Guo Sitian and deserve to be gone to with Yin of Zuo Die the emperor with Zuo Die especially 6The thing big that appropriate of of queen of of Bao of palace drive is like a Zuo guest is special And medicinal powder Yao at each Long do not have its article unexpectedly before 3 generation Jian this allusion Die but Zhu and first king of Zuo of cheap of the Zuo that make Die not female reason of Wu NanWife parturient husband goes the room that reside to make person day of one therefore at stiff person Place of the emperor of its what is fastened in Xiao already drive makes bend Zuo suffers Gong Shi at Zuo
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Before Die not Jian very after of Wang Mang Ha marries female of history family name, depend onThe of drive of ancient all makes into palace with day bend Zuo photograph of Ning this Yin Close or Fu of of place of Yi Mang Xin also 9 of Zhou Guanwei have with 9 dearThis decides world female drive with three addition its from Mang Shixian ConfucianismNot the that examine is month to make with of Yin week official Zha of of Geng of Yu of this Yin Yu Yao elegance gives birth to civilian Yu differentiate 6 overstep his authority emperor of Er of Wang Qin desire and Xiao Not comes not Zuo and furthermore already became friend piece in all Er the emperor andQueen also San of the wife of a prince after Er reachs of Wu Liu of queen with Er king also
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    It is the month also divides Long of Lei Nai day and night only then of salty of Zuo Xi Xi door only then pieceEvery again the end that Yin content awaits after place Yin is a month surely also thunder Zuo Xi goes out surely intermediateSpring end Zuo autumn to surely end Xi of Meng Xia only then Zuo needs midsummer end thunderOnly then Long water only then dry up needs the of of Xi of Xi of end wood Huang La of midautumn needs of end Yun unripe spring all feels Zuo needs end Zuo of Zhong Dong but Zuo PushDivide to be the same as another name for Ningbo of wrestle of magnanimity Zuo Heng Shi day and night without exceptionThe quantity is the same as already and say wrestle another name for Ningbo person of the quantity implement many bottles rises close with
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Below all another name for Ningbo above of Zuo Hu all San Ning among them with draw togetherUp and down alsoRepair of of of Zuo fan thereforeCorporal of the rank of nobility of Zhou Guanbi Zuo namely the Zuo with agrarian Ou also reason cultivator or have The person that all of week official Zuo tells petty officer second class of Yin class than Zuo Zuo of person of 10 Zuo Qu can / Lu Biwu measures its cropland besides 100 and the blame with of Die Of the imperial court person more ancient than cherish / of Ji Yan can take an examination of earThe emperor is Zuo kid Zuo to put on the ice first Shu Mao Yueshang is cold and of the person that Zuo is put on the ice or early Yu are sacred be ashamed of Zuo guest earlies in the morning
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Appropriate of the person that provide uses bath of glacial Zuo also cannot is put on the ice also armies is asked forYour Zuo at arms of its person every of of of 10 San age lists centThe Gui that contend for rejects the is like one Jian to peaceful world of of its is fastening a thingThe emperor is Shu to bring up garment Yu XiandiThe person that be not Long cannot content first of appropriate of the Supreme Being only then teach civilian with Xiao mulberry person but Jian fastens but check fears of place of Yi Qin's person standing
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Sentence person Zuo of Bao of the person that gives budThe wood only then unripe need Qu Ji comes up out of land like that after is straight on bud namely sentence Zuo of the person that go out Yu sentence bend awn of the person that be born and say continuously bud Yu Li this bright Zuo is easy with straightGive birth to what if Er Zuo has 2 to break,Qu Sheng listsBenefit of travel of of the emperor clothBenefit goes under granary also of Zuo government office is the following cloth alsoEnter the water on Zuo Zuo of dip of and his like of river of close Xia Jiang and the following water of reason of Er of place of Lao of rain of the blame since Zuo
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    FastenThe Shu of of Zuo of slight corneal opacity of of Jin of Li of Fu of cropland Li not gives 9 Zuo Ji of king of of the 3 Zuo other Fang Jiuli of artisan is connected 10 have 2 Zuo yearMake newly south Zuo of of with be not Die Yan Hou of of of inside and outside south Zuo person falls is knowable of 9 Zuo of Er of this Yin place or Ning Hou make or Zhu of the Qin DynastyWeek Die all cannot knows and doubt of of Zuo of its also inside Zuo of road Zuo notThe Zha of of Zha of thin volume that appropriate has of Zuo of slight corneal opacity of of Jin of Li of Fu of cropland Li Ban daughter not Yin
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Yin Zuo Yin also the matters concerned of Xiao of Zuo Zuo that Rong Yixiu is like Pi to seductively dressed or made up has constantBanResult of effect of Jian of the Er that divide Kui with in all of outskirt take Wu Yougan indolentOf the person that the Zuo of the few Er Jian that divides Kui weighs Xiao diligent indolent artful clumsy but differentiateSo effect its result also or say the content that its fine suffers from differentiate makes with awarding effectIts result with in all of outskirt takeLife industry makes the horn of muscle of leather of the Zuo that measure gold of 5 of 100 labour of Zuo feather arrowLacquer of fat Mo red not or undesirable
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    3 of of appropriate of of arrow of golden Zuo leather its content is much also muscle horn Zuo feather oneOne of of lacquer of red of fat Mo its Zuo Ji alsoAdd up to Yu Mu of female of Zuo of Zuo of tired ox Zuo thereforeAt Zuo of Niu Yue tired also Kui Jin is knowable say at Zuo Zuo Niu Yi begs femaleKnowable ox Zuo is in of of Jin of must not connect excessive and appropriate to multiply be equal to firstThose who solve Jun its male is tired person Zuo person Wu Mu like that after makes female Zuo and add up to YanPlace suffers from with what prevent ease of the Zuo in also of the emperor Yin 3 Dr Gong Jiuqing doctors in order to greet Xia Wuna outskirt
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    Tian Chunqiu of of Zuo of week official large department provides a king and Zheng Houzhi banner Zuo and winterSummer midwinter of sweltering summer heat of San of official of Ning Li so honour person Zuo Die is onerous Zuo has Hou of Zong Yuzhi Zheng not to hunting with Ning seedling also Yu Yao week / government-owned resolve a doubt is like a Xia ChuThe Ning of Hou Yi of Zheng of hold a memorial ceremony for that the winter greets and lunar Ling Wuxia winter also Ning is fair dear Yin of doctor San face person already and ancestor the person that encounter did not come Seal Zheng HouHe Yechao of Hou Erfeng of Zheng of wintry summer disagreement Yin wades mountains and rivers-land is unconscious make frostShow summer of unfavorable Wu Dong this only then Feng Zhi ? Appropriate of Zuo life is like at midsummer
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    Law of the Zuo that add the land by appendage Zuo You Zinan and appropriate of Zuo at Hunting of the life of Zuo of life senior captain handsome Zuo of Ning of the fine that satisfy Zuo is big the rank of nobility gives salary to need itsCapable person of officer of differentiate of Zha of week lawsuit Zuo manages person Zheng child all Yan reason Qin Rengji lawAlso make of senior captain palmIt is a month also Zuo of Kui Zuo not has meritorious service of ground of Wu Qi not Wu Fa of big Xiao Big Zuo of Kui Zuo namely the content of establish the with Zuo heaven and earth also the of heaven and earth
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    Zuo reason is unfavorable somewhat Zuo is with human affairs of Kui not Zhu Place Zheng Life wild anxiety gives a of Zuo of of the emperor of Tian Yuan civilian not or break Exert oneself of Zuo of life of low of Jun of travel of abide of life department apprentice makes Wu Xiu at of the official outside less than of hill square family name fastens Zheng of Ning plain by low honour allApproximate and rather than also of Zhou Guanshan Lin Chuan divides the Yu Zuo that waits for Yu Heng eachThe Bao of the Qin Dynasty of ground cloth namely Shan Yu / Heng Chuanheng of Yu Lin reason of its churchyard of each make one's rounds can week Yao croplandThe Mu Zhimin of Shu of the garden that encounter of of of husband of former Yao Zuo reachs of 100 industrial and commercial Zuo
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    The size department apprentice of not 3 people of Zuo reason of numerous abundant of politics of be the concubine buts bend forward Ning Jun lowExplain Buddhist monastic discipline has exert oneself of department life Zuo to make Wu Xiu Wu Dou make shake scrupulously and respectfully respectful at Er thingJust need cannot of of civilian photograph of Zuo of former Ning of cropland assigns Long life responsibility thereforemanage is not divided with inside and outside so also place first after also of Jian Say Situ or or Zuo cannot Zuo also says surely Jun low comes 6 satisfy andStop its are fair city home is a bit small mostly has its Zuo each all with Si TuzhiThe week official of lot lot holds the post of Qu civilian to say with 9 Long 3 Zuo give birth to 9 its8 Long all cannot break Zuo civilian of of Zuo of reason lists wild also anxiety to manage
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    With not at Zuo thingLittle guilt of of thin punishment goes Zuo Kui Of the of Wu Ciyue go out person great pain of the that be not cannot bear make sweltering summer heatthe month is stranded at jail also Kui of of the wife of a prince after Xiao thing is Kui Die with mulberry all Zuo Zuo Zuo young consistentWu Houfei of Kui of of of the life inside Ning Zha is Die of Kui of of the life outside to be not also seasonThe Xiao thing that Chun Zhiyue divides of the life inside of result of effect of Kui Er Jian Jun Of of of the life outside San of Kui of of Meng Xia also person of person be the concubine of of of Kui Die
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    Does friend of wife and daughter say Zuo Zuo Zuo ? Be like the Kui accident of palace of one character of Ji Chun The Xiao accident in saying to ascend Meng Xia to hold character concurrently already says Xiao of San thing person Xiao Into morning and evening comes is only then also Long of of week official Zuo holds the post of with female thingIs of Zuo cloth and silk not a not Zuo of Zuo of Zuo of Die its Kui ? Consistent Qin Fa alsoIts affection content has Zhou Guanren Zuo Zuo abundant takes an examination of Zha to measure and Jiaohua goes Wu JiOne of of Zuo the Qin Dynasty needs with taking with the law at fall and stay with everything Zuo like that Zuo ascends millet thereforeArticle says not to get cloud of Ming Yicai another name for Nanning of Ning millet with of Zuo millet today Xi
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    Zuo millet is the Zuo pipe that also is Long of eye Yao ear Zuo of Yiyun river Ru Zhi 4 Er and millet of 5 Er has surely those who ascend is the earliest person reason Kui Zuo and of Shu Not is greyGrey more the of stone of manage San of is grey also month of swallow ground heat not stone grey Fu person say strong of the inside Fu of the evaporate on ground namely thick Dai is not usablePush cruel cloth of this moxa Shu also is not cannot fine blame fears Gan Cheng Zuo also Summer Solstice of day of annals of of Die of after bans Ning conflagration to stop charcoalStone of disappear bosomy Zuo seductivelies dressed or made up all Jian stops to be like a story to the Beginning of Autumn
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    Its eat increase of quite heavy convict of convict of Zuo of Zuo collect Zha is not so also Zuo person Si month Si goes out itsThe heavy convict that did not go out so far also a bit is false alsoStop Long color not or Zuo Elegant of achieve of place of sacred Zuo guest from cannot of Ning of lubricious of this Long Ning needsThe heart of of Long of numerous masturbation of place Zheng of swallow illicit mounds ear person also of Long and have Wu Zhong shakes surely give up of its essence Zuo Jing Dingzhi is unfavorable with this its heartMusic
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    Flood dragon of cut down of life takes Zuo to ascend Zuo to take Zuo of Zuo of of Chu Shan has sanded move of avalanche of of water of the since flood dragon civilian Tian ZhaiEgg of of 100 thousand photographs is like in valley of bury of constant of the since Shi JiweiHave can differentiate its soil choose person in advance digs and the of kill cannot feels pity can ancient magic art person Zuo also takes his matter but with flood dragon of Jin Gu aloneDig surely with Zuo Zuo its already figuration and the since needs with Zuo of Ge Mao axeThe friend of says cut down4 Bao combine the lot greatly the order Pi of 100 Jun with Zuo animal sacrifice
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    Ji Qiuzhi makes add up to of Ning of Zheng Hou in order to make 100 Jun Ning inside Ji of 100 Jun is doubtful person midsummer Yu offers sacrifices to 100 Jun of scanty Zheng to hold order Pi of Hou Zhi of Zheng of inside and outside concurrentlyCannot connect Zuo to stop not to hold concurrently then at Zuo with adding up to Zuo to be noted fair dear bigThe husband's feod notes Yun Zhi / holding feod concurrently not to think of week of cent a bit the ground of Jun border with Ta fairDear order of Zuo of Zuo of doctor king children is offerred sacrifices to and sacred send blessing surely at Die ancestral templeTurn over a life to make Zuo of Hou of the Zheng inside Zheng of place of of the inside county Jun Ji at king condition the Qin Dynasty surelyThe Zuo of Shang Ruzhou of Zuo of Jing Tian of of crisscross footpaths between fields is satisfied and be chest with definitelyAnd next saying with in all the divine of all directions of famous mountains and great rivers of emperor day god is connected
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    Inside Ji very bright need not fastens Li alsoLife official is caught collect decorative pattern article to need with law on purpose not or poor Zuo is black yellow bare of Yu of Wu Gan of fine of Zuo of there's no one who doesn't or isn'tCatch reason of the usage that collect Zuo like that the makings of bare of nigrify yellow or not place of Zuo fine Ran Yiman Huan not Zuo makings has the that the ground of its takes of thick beauty of essence of life allReason of Yan having differentiate with give up of Yu alsoLife anxiety person not has strike into hill travel wood Long of anxiety of week official hill is midsummer the wood of the travel that enter hill that of Ji Yue of reason of Zuo wood stops
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    Travel Yao its already not and check its is ancient also person hill Guan Shouzhi andNot civilian material has the law Qu that Zuo Wu Minshan suppositions the person that period day is taken not dareThe person that thes foot of a hill or mountain with Yin forest and the of Zuo Li is defended not dare wood of idle every Fu personThe Zuo of of bad news of of Li having punishment this material wood so cannot is used also after of Wu Min of Zuo of world hill is not absurd to take exhaust to cannot be banned with Zuo lawsuitAnd pilfer Fu person place avoid is with hill looks and Tong Dao lists Pi of firewood of the drought that treat water not the common people is stranded again like that after knows first Wang Zhi civilian Zuo Also
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    Zuo is Zuo of hold a memorial ceremony for to use only then unite all rightOnly then join Zuo also Ji Qiu jackal is birds of join of of hold a memorial ceremony for holds the post of have rendered great service in order to ask for not Li Yu Zha is cruel slow with bright Zuo of those of good Zuo squareThe pain is great person ask for next the join of ancient Er Zha of Yu Zha has official of heavy week having Zuo State of department Long if monarch of punishment of Zheng of bright Fu of of house Zha also slaughters husband Long to treat notWith Ning person the Zuo of road of music Die Zuo of with accusing Zha has Zhu of Zha Zuo alsoYan Zhiru Zuo makes the way with 9 cut down infirmly few is wild barren civilian comes loose make your hill politicsSurely Zuo Zhu does not change and after adds Li Yan Zuo 6 person of of Li of blame ask forring is no good
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    Yao of of examine of of look up of lot put in order folds Yu of of to need Duan Ping unites guilty Punishment Zheng at the disease person of Zheng person capital punishment of Zheng and palace Person midautumn 100 punishment all reason first Wu Ciyue examine its person person the person that foldOr is put flow or palace needs little its period fear in order to weigh deadly alsoAnd person cannot say already surely with of You Yi and say punishment person before reason of the person that already was become and sends Xing Wuzhong month more of Give up of reason of the person that after is the of Yu with careful also
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    Be over clogged up of Zuo lane Zheng with Shui LaoAncient person if falls south ,so Shui Lao is not Xu of Jing Tianzhi but harbourWater the Zuo that with to irrigate Chibei of Tian Xiaoya sheds Zuo of Zuo of San of dip those rice field occasionallyOr San of go to the fields of sow of palm of person of paddy of this week of official needs the of Er water only then usableYu of of drought of reason of of Wang Yu of alone of Zuo of of its Zuo Campagna offers sacrifices to to irrigate not Long has harbourThe of of Zuo of path of lane of Zuo of Ling Yuexiu benefit of Shui Gaitian's Fa Jichun not hasBarrier stuff comes to an end this month the person that clogged up of Zuo lane Zheng builds Zuo mill with Shui Lao is closePlain the ground in case if Zuo of of river of Zuo Zuo edge also goes stop up
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    The person that fill in makes the Wu Chuan of water Zuo Zuo of Zuo and do not kill sow also still says Quan is apart from plain the of of Zuo rain collect that the Mencius says 78 months all is filled with his to dry upAlso can stand and wait for also advocate harbour of and rather than of Wu Xuan in order to irrigate bright wellThe Zuo of Zuo of week of Zuo of Zuo of Tian Ji often strands at Xu of of water Er Lao does not get Zuo Wu Chuan also on land of Yu of age Zuo is very much and flood one San of Yao Wu Song special only then kill fill all of its Zuo Shui Lao at Zi cannotBenefit Zuo prevents Ji Chunxiu to not of Meng Qiu of barrier a place of strategic importance is over Zuo prevents Zheng The small Zuo of Zuo prevents of the person that why does clogged up also trim profit to also come from April 6
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    The size of lunar rain is long Zuo of Chang Wei connects its barrier a place of strategic importance to make the water of cropland Zuo is gotten Zuo Wu Chuan just Ji Qiu is over the big Zuo of close Jiang He is prevented also Fu QiuzhiFlood season day has Cheng Chang of Lao of the water that decide Zuo but Zuo prevents Xiao of solid Wu Shui to stimulate earthThe flood season of of Zheng of alone of place clogged up of sexual one Zuo namely Jian suppositions Zuo consenescence awards Zuo of congee of elk of travel of a few bastinado to feedKing make spring Zuo Gu child autumn feed over sixty years of age old this midspring puts Zuo of Zheng Gu midautumnAnile namely its matter also says put not of Zuo and put compensate its home saysAward Zuo of congee of elk of travel of a few bastinado to feed not feeds and Zuo grants also
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    Award Zuo of congee of elk of travel of a few bastinado to feed what go with respect to its ground each surely only then can week and Zuo of Hou Suo of Zheng of the emperor of at in person those who be not person of be the concubine is old at thisBeneficial is authenticDepartment you a life takes preserving of Kui of article of the clothes that provide Zuo to make small magnanimous has Zuo short coveringTake the quantity needs of its reason coronal has follow constantArticle Kui preserving person not also makes the person that small magnanimous has Zuo weak point with colorMake surely with the law also the dress has a quantity to need abide its reason person Zuo Zuo has each etcAlso coronal has constant article to is saved and hold this Li concurrently
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    5 person is sacred its Zuo 5 person with providing fat barren choose completely Huan of Pi of short talk of small big Zuo because of fat barrenReach do not get 5 person one of also 5 person friend of character of Zuo pointing to animal sacrifice says Travel of business of of easy Zuo city Zhu of city of Zuo of week official Long not content place is asked for very thin and the accord with Geng of in order to connect Zuo all place so that Yi Yemeng of Zuo of of place of business travel child say today Zuo Also contends for every Zuo Zuo to sell with cent of of of cruel San Zuo Jian its churchyard person
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    Surely of Zuo at Zuo city with Zuo of Zheng of its benefit place also and Zuo of Wu Bai of law of the Qin DynastyAll become await easy Zuo city with You Zhengli of business travel artful person San nots onlythe Zuo of the civilian Zuo oneself of personal so disconcerted of Zuo with lackIts thing alsoBig of Wu Ni of every Ning important matter needs Zuo its careful because of its Zuo Your Zuo of Meng Qiu person civilian in order to ask for not Xiao of arms of Li Ning adds up to Zheng Hou ZhiThe thing is over this month corvee of meritorious service of ground of of inner and outer city walls of wall of of room of palace of Zuo prevent the emergence of revisionismthe thing is having big Yan this month to be like soldier of Zuo Zuo like that have be short of Zuo
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    The of Ji because arms Xiao cannot Zuo Ning also epidemic disease of of Zuo fierce Zuo make or bear the battle of Zuo result of barren of Zuo brigade cannot Zuo Ning also and thingHave its Zuo Yan Ruzheng Yin again cannot Zuo Ning first with proclamation power Zhu Or the square Zuo of the big country fierce thin pieces of wood used for writing on in ancient China with shake prevents Wu Fangbai of incite sb to do sth cannotMove from Ha with its civilian the inner and outer city walls of after of Rong Zhi with saving cannot be over oneself Jie force the at brotherly marriage with all place Zheng careful because of its Zuo AlsoAnimal sacrifice of of of big Zuo emperor accuses Wu Tianzi
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    God of Li of the that note Zheng makes with the month zhuan3huan2 grave square ancestor the allusion of offers sacrifices to neither Zuo Ancestor hold a memorial ceremony for later generations of Zhou Yizhong month shoulds not be with Meng Yue with season and the last of the twelve Earthly BranchesThe month says of hold a memorial ceremony for of of Zuo blame the that the of Qu month also is not a Also but Zheng big Zuo not is predicted namely of cloud of this Yin place fears not like that Zhou Guanda of Zong Bai Long has god of brigade of old friend to reach 4 hope to have so Zuo oneDecided period manage appropriate predicts Zheng of place of day music Die not Qiu Fang of Bo Zhewei zhuan3huan2Ear is like big Zuo or with the Die of hold a memorial ceremony for of of an administrative unit in Xizang implement Ning of thing of big Zuo its king / Zuo of 3 animal sacrifice dried meat a poetic name of China of the four seasbeautiful / flavour also or the thing Zuo Yin with Zuo guest child not Yao big Zuo roll / the of an ancient sacrificial utensil of 3 animal sacrifice at Zuo Zuo Li Confucianism
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    Is Long of each Yin place not OK of Zuo a few words close and strong teach? AlsoHou adding up to Zheng makes of of 100 Jun suffer Shui Wumin Zuo of Hou Suo of Zheng of Ning of the first day of the lunar month to weighthe of law Zuo Long spends the thing with Jian outskirt with of appropriate of place of Zuo close land somewhat illicitThe place of the 100 Jun inside Hou of the Zheng outside getting the first day of the lunar month is the same as also the of the law Zuo Long of Die civilianHou of the Zheng outside law of civilian all has He Ye duty of Hou of Ning Zheng Zuo Long with Jian Inside the thing Jun of outskirt fair dear Yan Yiliu takes the prep before of the doctor that adopt the ground Zuo outline Zuo is fierce not Zuo and the heavy Zuo of civilian Zuo but Zuo decides He Yere
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    This year its has Rong Huang to letter Zuo of of appropriate of duty of comes of the current yearOr go up or medium or law issueing Die has talk of constant Jian prep before oneself also Ning Zha the Qin DynastyBuild the last of the twelve Earthly Branches this month Jian is not also of pray of month of the last of the twelve Earthly Branches year at Tian Zongchou monthYour day Fu answers of Jian of of of Wu Tian at Ji star at second month Fu and moreOnly then say again of Zha of Zuo allusion makes be not in order to wait for the appropriate of with this month Jian bright the person that so Zuo Zuo new moon reachs the of Long of Die law Zuo with thisThe month adds up to of Zuo of Zheng Hou reason also Lv of ancient magic art of of Zuo of this San withOneself is appetent wait for Qin Bingtian to fall and add up to Long of Zuo of Zheng Hou Zhu all right at
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    This month of Zhe Chunchao autumn Yin and the Beginning of Winter of the Beginning of Summer of Hou Ye of Zheng of disagreement of summerly Ning winter / day all saysThe emperor Yin is led 3 Gong Jiuqing / doctor and not as good as Zheng HouDepartment apprentice attacks in of oathAttack the thing of brigade of punishment Zuo and palm with Guan Shi in order to teach punishment with Yin The Li that Zuo dies on also salary orders not the person should not be that offers Zuo Zuo collect Zha offers the unfavorable Zheng board of Zuo to take of of fruit of the person that wastefuling Zuo of overstep one's authority is madeHave often ban not says the San of Bao of Yi Wei of ursine Mo of over sixty years of age of Zuo of cloud of Yu place
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    The person that every drive and princely surname take the Zuo of board to no is ancient person decide and salaryHow must have not be ashamed is taken type is installed so that have unfavorable the earth this all of politics also be like, is answered not Zuo Shang Saili law in order to stop Jun Zhi desire Tang SongAnd chancellery issueing Zuo faithful straight person also with Zuo It is of blame of of examine A Zuo has coverThe person that the of week lawsuit seeks the condition of Yu so comes to Yu all andThe Zuo of Zhang Mingzhong Zuo of of path of San of the person that one Zha of reachs the pervert the law of lawsuit not Zuo also not world and the Zuo that the defect world that the life of Lv punishment lists 5 Zuo then teachs
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    Maintain popular feeling but blame of Wei such every has cover all by the A Zuo that has departmentA person or of fear approach Wu Wei or bear greet Zuo official namely Zheng of Lv punishment place butsOfficial also Zuo person nip illicit slants alone of Zheng of place giving into turns over Jun of of alone of Zuo of the alone inside alone atBe reason is examine cannot makes can defend Zhou Gongzhi Ning to be in charge of like that Zuo person is satisfiedPerson Jun person the Wu Waichao of of Long of of Yu department of necromancer cent palm Li person departmentXing Xian is in each its Zhu with Zuo its law and the Li of the Li official Yu of Yu The Qu of official Yu Zuo of civilian A person all know fair Zuo Zuo gossip is a fearing thing and heart from not Shu
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    Result have not goes surely its blame with Fu its affectionNot person or cannot close Jun or at excessive artful alsoThe emperor is pray year Wu TianzongPray year not at Jian Wu Ciyue person Zuo at this Zuo this oneOf Zuo of birth Zuo of Zuo unripe only then the that place Zheng heaven and earth fills only then at north and fill at south alsoThe Zuo of Shui Quanchi of of of of Shui Yu you a life not or dare invade million of the be the concubine that cut Xiao Civilian take with the emperor complain at below
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    Anxiety of week official makes the person of its ground defends the Wu Yu government office that its Zuo content enters with Zuo its Zuo at Qu civilianThe person altogethersAsk for Wu Yu government office to say Wu Yu government officePerson bright place is asked for namely horny person feather other people of bone of horn of Zuo of of person palm Ge Suo feather arrowroot of shaft of a featherMaterial careless Zuo with state Zuo person and fasten his Zuo also Qin Fanai fastens its Zuo and reach Wu Shuiquan its are cut with invading take San of give up enmity by only then establish exactingPolitics reason uses this from Zuo earEarthy thing Wu Zunshen not San not room room reachs a big Xiao with solid Zuo The Wu Jing of Zuo big Zuo that has go on a punitive expedition of of Ning of big Xiao Zheng is adept and a day
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    And Li cannot the cloud risesShengong of life cover Yin makesThe Gongzhongzhi that Zhou Guanxiao slaughters the Zaishen inside the government order that administers palace thing Ji Big all palm Wu Waichen this one lists at cover Yin San need not week Die Long reason Li Confucianism narrate place Li Yao and do not know its to be not Zhou Fa of Zhu of ear the Qin DynastyAssist oneself public at the beginning of already too the person of temple of Long of Li only thenPrime minister of alone of the person that people of imperial lineage suffers Zuo at dune this in Zuo government office makes Yin of tall coverNamely with eunuch person of need
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    The thing that save not gets excessiveExamine oneself critically alsoCan thing of of Li Guan Zhi goes implement the person that is usedThis also the of politics also San needs Xing Xien of Bi of Zha of Zuo person Zuo and afterThe official of thing having puts Zuo of Zuo of affection of meaning Long lubricious do as one pleases surely and after makes useImplement the after that way conjecturing way defends Bao to break and of desire Li those who go also Zuo Agrarian thing of Ou of life Zuo Yin Place of this the Qin Dynasty not the week of Bao Zhu is made also slaughter in week official add up to Ou with at
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    Long San with in all the home of the well or Ou of death of disease having difficulty are not more join forces cannotThe closes with again the Qin Dynasty that Zuo reason adds up to Jian of Fa Weiwu one life Zuo civilianAnd lawsuit with Dong Zhi it is Zuo satisfied way is long already Zhu and Zuo civilian not makes somewhat Zuo civilian nots only 3 are diligent namely Meng Dong is still bad inner and outer city walls is over fastness a place of strategic importance footpaths fair a period of ten days needs 3 days at it is Li of fierce of Zheng of of Jian Yan of wrestle ejaculation driveThe soldier of Yangu of Li of Zuo of soldier Wu Bi five namely Zuo civilian also Zhong Dong is taken scanty feed croplandCutting of birds takes civilian of Zuo of Ning of jail of Ha of Zuo of Zuo of the court of a feudal ruler of Zuo of bamboo arrow
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    Make also but the thing with state-private banquet of Ji Dong all can rest of its Zuo Zuo The reason of Zuo of Zuo of a group of things with common features marriage does not get parental wife brother makes somewhatWith Zuo its affection relax its force and of harbour with diligent is made ancient also person 4 civilian Zuo of sergeant Ning business lodges for the night oneself its and battle Home Wu Gong 100 labour Guan ZunshuangOnly then fall rests make derive from Gong Renhan of its illicit alone decides Zuo to put analyse on the ice / Zuo of of power of sun of Ha of thing Zuo The Jian that alone Zuo waits for surely and after gets breath Yan is with first Wang WeiJing Qi Zuo with its 4 civilian Jun of place of work of root Di Qu ? Also but not relativebut irreverent and Wei
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    The life slaughters dear doctor to the at cropland of common people earth Zuo animal sacrifice with in all hillWorshipping every of Lin Mingchuan is in of the world a poetic name of China civilian person is not salty its force withIn all name of mountain forest of of of the god of the land and the god of the grain-the state of emperor sky emperor plain offer sacrifices toOf Zhou Guanjiu type with wait for from collaboration with husband of 9 Zuo Zuo fair cropland reachs fair a period of ten years in one's age3 days and outside 100 battle not so Zuo gives birth to Ning Yan court death Jin has Zuo land and like that from its give birth to company of ancient also thought Yan Ran of thing civilian salty Ning uses its power andNot Qinfa of its Zuo is dear doctor as to of Tian Zhi of common people earth Zuo animal sacrifice with in all name of mountain forest of of of the god of the land and the god of the grain-the state of emperor sky emperor plain offer sacrifices to
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    The order Pi that adds up to 100 Jun greatly all of its Wu Min with Zuo not Zuo makes a month makeThe one Yao of law of Zuo of cropland Zuo because Yan is sacred and the person that add Yao its division Ji is like this its take sufficient civilian Xiao multiterminal and not its The Zuo of pool and Shui Quan know to depend on hill river to open the land that flowPeaceful of Qin Ren does not say with reason of Shui Quanzhi Zuo besides cropland Zuo half Zuo San What the of back and belly of home of illicit of of Jun Yin still enters Wu Gongzhi not as good as half alsoThis is Lv collect the of Zheng scholar with Kui week Jin world Zhe NaiwuMr Zuo begs civilian Yo of civilian Zuo person big politics reachs Yan place Ning all
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    Thick slash ear and place of photograph the Qin Dynasty builds Li Si to cannot reach this Ning again much stillThe Qin Dynasty makes this world teach place by big Zhu also      
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            Die Yin resolve a doubt coils 6

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