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章节: 卷二十三
书名: 礼记析疑
类目: 经部
写作年代: 约公元前-471年  至  公元后320年
视频: 卷二十三_礼记析疑
音频: 卷二十三_礼记析疑

欽定四庫全書 禮記析疑卷二十三          翰林院侍講銜方苞撰  䘮大記君夫人卒於路寢大夫世婦卒於適寢内子未命則死於下室遷尸于寢 統言路寢以夫人正寢亦可謂之路耳熊氏謂卒於 君之路寢非也君與羣臣治政之所而夫人寢疾於
 是可乎皇氏謂世婦以夫人下寢之上為適寢亦非 也内子未命死於下室遷尸於寢適寢其生時所居 也以未命猶不敢死於是况小寢乃夫人所燕居而 世婦死於是可乎且死於是則將殯於是吉凶可同 域乎蓋世婦非一人生時各有所居私室又必有共 治内事之公所具堂階焉死則遷尸於是君夫人就 而視斂司服受之
 周官司服共復衣故受之將以蔵於寢也復衣不以 衣尸其有命夫命婦則坐無則皆立 莽以居攝不服其母故於儀禮之記多竄周人以貴 降親之文而不顧其悖天理拂人情試思大夫坐而 立其諸父諸兄大夫之妻坐而立其姑姊妹世母叔 母從祖母從祖姑族中之庶子庶孫以為大夫而坐 世父叔父從祖父以為士而立庶女庶婦庶孫女庶
 孫婦以嫁於大夫為大夫之妻而坐世母叔母從祖 母從祖姑以為士之妻嫁於士而立非用鈇鉞之威 不能強之使會脅之使從也漢唐以後天子私燕猶 有用家人之禮而謂周公有此過制乎凡哭尸于室者主人二手承衾而哭 小斂前尸在室親戚自外至者入哭則主人以哭答 之其儀如此主人承衾以弔者或枕尸股或啓其手 足也
士於大夫親弔則與之哭不逆於門外 古人行弔未有不哭者孝子自當與之哭而特設此 文承上文於君命而言也士䘮禮君若有賜則視斂 主人出迎於外門外見馬首不哭君使人弔使人襚 使人賵使人贈君及使者始至皆不哭主人亦不敢 哭至君哭使者致命然後主人以哭答故用此見大 夫來弔則主賓皆哭如邦人也君拜寄公國賓大夫士拜卿大夫於位於士旁三拜夫
人亦拜寄公夫人於堂上大夫内子士妻特拜命婦汜拜衆賓於堂上 注疏得之如熊氏之說則似國君惟拜寄公夫人惟 拜寄公夫人矣諸侯朝覲天子無答拜之禮而康王 在喪則答拜諸侯在喪乃不答其臣非義所安也諸 䘮記未載國君夫人答臣下拜之禮故詳著之君䘮虞人出木角狄人出壺雍人出鼎司馬縣之乃官代哭大夫官代哭不縣壺士代哭不以官
 親䘮所自盡也而使人代哭自元明以來世儒多用 此議古禮之迂不知聖人智無不周所以盡人之性 而起教於微

  • Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    decides 4 complete Die Yin resolve a doubt coils 23Fang Bao of Zuo of Zheng of serve of courtyard of member of the Imperial Academy is written? Big Yin Soldier of of age of Wu Lu of soldier of Jun Fu's person Dr at Zuo inside child not life is deadAt next room Zuo cadaver at of Jian channels through which criticism and suggestions may be communicated to the leadership with the madam the soldier of Zheng of Lu Er ursine of Zheng of Yi Ke atRoad of gentleman is not also Ning Li official treats gentleman politics and madam disease at
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    Be but of world of Zheng of emperor family name falls with the madam Zuo also is not over Also inside child not the life is dead at Zuo at next room Zuo cadaver its give birth to place houseAlso with not life dare not die at be besides small is madam place swallow is resided andWorld is dead at be but and dead at it is Wu Shiji of fierce can be the same asRegion San world is not one life to reside sanctum to have surely again somewhat each in allTreat inside the public place of the thing provides cadaver of Zuo of dead of hall Zuo Yan Mrs. Wu ShijunAnd Yao Department is taken suffer
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    Week lawsuit is taken in all the that garment reason suffers with Sheng at also garment not withGarment cadaverIts have of of life husband life to sit all standsRank grass refuses to obey with residing its mother friend the Zhou Ren of Yin much Fu at Die with Zuo Fall the article of Yin and not Zuo its are contrary to Yu of providential stroke favor thinks of a doctor to sit andThose who establish doctor of elder brother of Zheng of its Zheng father wife sit and establish father's younger brother of mother of world of its aunt sisterAncestor aunt of of mother grandmother a group of things with common features of medium bastard be the concubine sits with Dr Grandfather of of generation father father's younger brother with person and Li Shu daughter ofs or by the concubine ofs or by the concubine daughter ofs or by the concubine
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    in order to marry at doctor Dr wife and sit of world mother wife of father's younger brother ancestorMother ancestor aunt with of person wife marry Wu Shi and establish those who be not the Zuo that use Zuo powerCannot of make of Man make also of swallow of illicit of the emperor of after of the Tang DynastyThe Die of helpful folk and Zheng Zhou Gong has this Zuo to makeEvery cries cadaver at room person master and secondhand bear quilt and cryThe cadaver before small is in room Yin relative from outside the person that come is entered cry host answers with cryingits is so master bear quilt with person or pillow cadaver or its handSufficient also
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    Person at Ning of of doctor Yin cry to be not gone against at Zuo outsideDutiful son of the person that travel has no the ancients not to cry from Ning cry and special Yu thisCivil bear life of above paragraphs Wu Jun also person? If Mr Die has of Zuo Yao Master go out to meet at outside Zuo of the Yao outside Zuo head do not cry gentleman makes person makes person Yao Make person Zuo makes person Mr Zuo reachs emissary only then cry to neither master also not dareCry to gentleman emissary is deadly like that after host answers with crying reason uses this Yao big of husband advocate be like, Zuo all cries state person alsoJun Bai sends fair Zuo Wu Weiwu of doctor person Dr Bai Qing person by 3 Bai Fu
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    Person Yi Bai sends the doctor on fair madam Wu Tang inside child person wife do obeisance to life Si especiallyOn Wu Tang of the Zuo that do obeisance to Xiao The Zha of the family name is like bear that noteses and commentaries is like Jun Wei to do obeisance to send fair madam to butDo obeisance to send fair madam of the emperor of Yin of Zheng Hou Chao answers the Die that do obeisance to and health kingAnswer in the Hou that do obeisance to Zheng does not answer therefore in place of Li of its official blame is installed also Zheng ? Yin not Zuo Jun Fu's person answers liege the Die reason Yu that do obeisance to writesGentleman? Yu Ren gives person of wooden horn surname to give what Yong Ren gives Jun of vessel department Zuo to be an officialEra cries doctor official generation cries not Jun person generation cries not with the official
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    Yin ? From Bao also and make person generation cries from yuan bright with world scholar is multi-purposeThe circuitous of this Zhu ancient Die does not tell Long person wisdom not so the sex of Bao personAnd case teach Wu Wei? ? Person before the San small that begs at this Zuo 3Day is not fed cry stops Long force cannot Kui and if is like Shan ZhichuMake the Zuo idea of twinking or not somewhat information is fastened somewhat Long The Long fear that era cries like that from Yin Ai Jingzhi not and introspective with be being installed oneselfMake again the Zuo of a group of things with common features marriage is acting and the person that do not cry knows to give a Zuo Zuo Zuo to establish a group of things with common features Zha be not Die and do not break Ning ? color all so of big prevent also Die has
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    With reason Ning content person Ning of Zheng of its Si ZhiThe rank of nobility of of Zuo of the person that latter does not have an ancient win vessel with three legs and a loop handle in person of person do obeisance to Zuo of golden Qu notes Zheng to have an ancient win vessel with three legs and a loop handle of of the rank of nobility with person character does not know to note Li is like latter of of Qing Cu of of Zha Yu to be absent colleague dear doctor unexpectedly not of the that enter Yao Mr Yu adds favour Die and Yao size dear doctor Mr And to Yi Ke Zuo Bastinado of Zuo of of place of doctor Wu JunNote with child character person doctor Jun Zhi's parents wife Zuo child not bastinado period
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    Reason knows to be not Cheng Jun alsoThe doctor has gentleman life goes inside the bastinado of life Zuo of bastinado doctor child of Mrs. The lot goes the life of of bastinado world gives person rod or staff used for a specific purposeDoes collect Dr Zha this doctor point to after child blame also this because of the doctor? AndReach body Dr and meet with of parents? Person person of person be the concubine of San father child Do its reside the doctor? The life of doctor of life of Mr Yi Biyou also so not Yu is bigOf husband after child person Zuo of Dr Gu Zheqing child taught big is abandoned not Teach and screen Zuo just is had no not person person of madam of life of Wu Jun of later development person
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    The life is like after of of doctor Dr child its Die provides Yao take again bigThe husband's Zuo child prince of Jun Fu's person if person the illicit that take ? Also must use person Die is knowableChild all bastinado not with accessionBastinado dies of illness to all be awarded with Zuo with bastinado the heart with Yin is the same as alsoDraw water tubal a person not Zha Jun Qu ZhiBlame also rise with Zha of hurriedly hurried have no time fall at Jin of hand of reason of give and accept of photograph of Zuo Ning personIts Jun breaks in case
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    Bao of doctor Yu exterminate builds glacial YanIs week official Ling Ren big? Smooth in all Bao is put on the ice or in order to hold later ages concurrently child and Jian Ning smooths Bao or week of this Ning blame are made alsoThe that toward one excessive rice Mo Yiyi rice feeds calculates Ji Zuo Ancient? Does Die but is the suffering of of exert oneself of Zuo of Li of wild Zuo of rich of this Zuo travel ill? Dead San Rise 24 minutes one of cannot be filled with with congee cup how can hold to in MarchIn May decide its toward Mo Yiyi San of Zuo of the Zuo in the that every feed more feedBut do not get Zuo one excessive friend says the that feed calculates also be like those who be like Shu Yunyi day
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    Medium or the that congee or Zuo Zuo make not the rice that Zuo uses this 2 excessive oneThe that Zuo cannot fill He You to feed calculates the that the scanty Dan Yan that feed feeds calculatesAnd not the Zuo of San of character Ji Zuo more not OK excessive Yin also person also is likeAt the beginning of person? Already doubt of the scanty Zuo that feed water already bury has Zhu friend more establish this articleThan? ? Wine of the Zuo that eat the meat not of Ning person Say than? ? Person does from after comparing come at? ? Also use Jin of this Yao little work not Also do not get alcoholic drink of the Zuo that eat the meat
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    Already? ? The that the friend that is like the doctor father that the that gentleman feeds feeds feeds feeds notIf monarch bridge flesh has wine to sweet wine Zuo Father must not feed old parents Mu Baishu of the friend of father of Dr He Yejun feedSeldom also family and the of travel Yan of appeasement? The of Ji Wine of Zuo Wang Yue sweets wine Zuo noteses and commentaries advocate Zhu the Fu meaning gentleman at Zuo lubricious characterOf mother wife? Color of Zheng Zuo person also not Zuo feeds sad feeling this Zuo also parents? Zuo Zhu the Yao of at Zuo color Wei person San wine sweets wine or come forgetOf flesh of sad blame fine grain need than reason with from Zuo ear
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    Jun of Jian of big cloth person 3 horizontal strokes person 2 quilt of 5 cloth Ji gentleman doctor person one also Jun uses cloth 3 horizontal strokes use cloth 10 have of 5 small also the garment of 9 Er Not all is written at die hold a memorial ceremony for takes what do not fall to make San garment have authorial listOne Er of clothes writes a body repeatedly Er nots allow to add after of Ning Zha Yao / garment neither is writtenYi Wei / install its Zuo Zuo need with taking square cause by of fluctuation of cadaver of buy of horizontal FuWith quilt bundle with Jian like that after but Ning is small also garment Shang Shaogu Jun one horizontal stroke 3With bundle with one quilt Jie at fall and Zuo above Fu but all round is big also Jie of reason of garment quilt more uses one quilt Jian with one quilt Fu also is added like that
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    After but Shu Shu with Jun person 3 in all a horizontal stroke person 5 are not 5 pieces small also uses cloth quilt of garment of 3 big is much and Jun person with cloth a horizontal stroke person thereforeWith cloth 2 crack 6 and go firstlyGentleman Zuo garment at front courtyard Zuo of 100 Er north of Yu Xu of doctor Zuo garment goes up on the west 50 Er On the west of Yu Xu of garment of Zuo of the Staff Sergeant austral Zuo 30 Er on the west go up south Zuo Coffin is in gentleman Zuo south north of reason Zuo garment Dr Zuo reason of foreword of person Wu Xi Zuo garment on the west Zuo go up on the west south all go up Zun Ye small all on the west the Zuo north person that go up Zuo cadaver at windowing Dr Na Shoujun person place is the same as also
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    Jian a 3 do not monarch Jian of of Jun character size all with cloth an analyse its end 3 and in notThumb crack also San not analyse cloth of its end is complete cannot Jian and bundle of garment quilt Ning must not be divided already before smooth Zuo its make speech of Jun of of reason of of 2 Jian noteThe Jian Jian of Zheng small and analyse its end of the big with Jian the with urgent Yi Fei of a 3 analyse alsoRise the person that fall from on the west Zuo Person is made all
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    Of gentleman? Old petty official is Xiao Xu ZunDoes Zheng of Ning plain wish to issue a doctor greatly? Wish the Staff Sergeant is not can battle of Yin Person the Li of Xu Fu that reason issues with its each is contrary to very gentleman the place of Jian official in feudal times of Yin Blame also reason contains Yin of king of jade Zuo Yu Si and grave slaughters Zuo Yan wantonly bigWish and big of cadaver of Zuo of Yan of of small Zong Bai shoots of person Ning Yan Dazhu Zuo Small Zong Bai leads to surname and assist reason Zuo with thing of of Yin person surely thingDoes San of Guan Zhi need its Zuo at big also? axe of of burying Zuo with Artisan and bear the Zuo that makes Zuo all reachs gentleman
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    Big hold a memorial ceremony for takes small not to pour Jian of Jian of all left Ren not Ji Garment of of Yin this is not like Yao garment by Wu Shenyi of hold a memorial ceremony for of Ming Yifan faceTake place of all unripe also need is transformed and left the manage alone Zuo of its Ren byAt risk quilt besides Ren need not Jian reason can make besides Ren of Wu You of left Ren Ear Yin fears its Li not Zuo reason Shen Zhi says Jian Jian not Ji character Ren so butLeft Fu person if give birth to ,do not need with Ji the Ji other Jin closes in order to use Jian Jian alsoUse of Zuo of quilt of exterminate quilt exterminate before from small cut into parts to risk alsoPerson? Die Yao Yu risks the with to use exterminate quilt to notes and commentaries with of quilt small
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    Did not fasten Zha of white Zuo collect to satisfy Zheng small to have risk reason need not quilt Zha Zheng exterminate quilt person the clothes that the quilt of Yao takes body of full week Er is risked and of Si small The that quilt measures 19 Er surely is thick and of Ning wait to be measured surely again to big The of 30 Er is thick and of Ning wait for reason to say with exterminate name from small beforecharacter of big of reason of bag big garment of quilt of Zuo Jian Ji and not character is usedDoctor of exterminate quilt ear 50 Mr Er the of quilt of 100 Er so reason Jian say one of exterminate quilt Yao is small another of big all takes one of its The photograph Er of also bath uses Yu glacial gentleman its Li of Bao of exterminate of Yu of big Dr Bao
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    is the same as Zuo of Zuo of develop of 2 words doubt is risked namely on Si has talk its Xuan this cloud is risked cannot connect place of Shu Yunyi quilt to use Zuo at at hand 3The Zuo that if risk,feet place uses short system of Jun color and Zuo presses Zuo 2Pass away on Zuo at at hand 3 feet not Long exterminate quilt also divides up and down 2 alsoThe that risks the that Zheng risks to take quilt of exterminate of garment of full week Yao also is taken sufficientEar of clothings of big of Zhou Xiao Gentleman big child is accession of Jian of a man's cap used in ancient times located in namely at foreword Dr Duan Qing hall? Principle columns of a hallBelow hall of the father and elder brothers on northwest face in cadaver of madam life on the west outside face ancestor
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    In the room southChild accession the Na Duan at foreword and empty its with Zuo of big clothings atCadaver person thing also cadaver from in the room by the on Zuo of Zun of hall north Zuo Outside empty reason of hall north Yi Yi ancestor Fang Zhongna face and not on Wei Wutang also fatherThe favour of elder brother is like dear the serious incident of the doctor's Li in of of the life below hallHold concurrently inside inside world and Qing Zhi child and of of female son of a feudal prince or high official of Jun Zhigu sister of the life inside the north in the madam is in of the madam south outside of life Kui with dearDoctor be in hall? Outside ancestor Zuo is pushed in the room and know also
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    Soldier is slaughtered accuse child the Yi Ruzhi of face of of leap up madam of Zuo Note the that accuse to be not also from Ji of Jian of of Zuo banquet down to one by one Yin Yao and leap upWhy the thing accuses San tells the Geng side with Zuo of Ning of Fu of Wu Fu's personFace with Yao child west and Zuo also Mrs. Ning of Yao of bright world andNot dare Zuo also of scholar-bureaucrat? Child gets Zuo and Li of article of Zuo of Xiao concubine Yi Ru thisOutside master room southOutside master room south Zuo shift in order to avoid gentleman and not dare Zuo at cadaver advocate
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    face does not enter dead body on the west the room avoids gentleman needs with adding the job of the body Zha needs the letter is not Yao cannot Yu is scanty also south desire Yao is not also gentleman already accession Wu XuduanWest Yao is master not dare Mr Ning establishs the cause that be the same as Zuo south Yao And deflection gentleman also doctor person already and gentleman wishs at Zun toward Yan Jun accession Zuo cities wall south Li Ning this with of Zuo cadaver soldier is slaughtered accuse host to fall in the host at of the gentleman below hall does obeisance to checkThe lot that Zuo Junjiang raises master Zuo advocate of Zuo Gentleman falls make Zuo cadaver person must send its sad Ning and leap up also advocate character life not character
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    Rise this is in on hall alsoAlready? ? of column lintel not at Zuo personBright red Zuo says the north before block of Zuo careless joining on Mu Xiangyi of of the person that lean on To not Yu already? ? Draw near penthouse of has column Ha grass is cut outside bridgeInside with slimy Fan Fei Zuo child person from not? ? With at Zuo person Bright bastard Ning ? Advocate also not? ? Already already bury is knowableGentleman already? ? Is Wang Zheng entered soldier cries and take king thing doctor already at person already? ? Fair
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    Politics into Wu Jiaji soldier cries the thing of Jinge of of Jian of a man's cap used in ancient times monarchs alsoPlace Zheng Wang Zheng is entered at fair politics the job that enters Jinge of Wu Jiajie Zheng also dayChild small defend there is friend in Zheng Hou Sifang must of of life Zheng Hou Yi 4Outskirt is much border Yi has the disgrace of dear doctor alarm must use dear doctor withDefend Die to abandon this Wang Zheng fair politics all of place of constant Jian is entered enter at Wu Jiaye Confucius says former times person Zuo fair Bai Qin has also today with 3Year? its benefit person I does not know also Die and hold a memorial ceremony for of drive auspicious and
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    Die after makes person and after of hold a memorial ceremony for of drive thing auspicious only then the inside also of the first month child Die compares drive and do not enter this Li San makes compare second Shi Yu and do not enter namely inside house also person of of Zuo Zheng drive prevent Zuo Zheng politics and drive Long thing all was not installed San not still is outside or house the path Zheng of person of of driveDr Hou already soldier cries to already took Wang Shijun job already Jin already Zheng politics housekeepingAfter of prep before Die only then thing of Long of politics drive is scanty also Zuo is big of auspicious house Person go Die of big Yin of of Gong Zhi of of room and hold a memorial ceremony for of drive auspicious and Person Zheng Die after gets drive person to wait for auspicious hold a memorial ceremony for surely like that of of of fruit of after
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    At person of of Gong Yu already drive person and entering is to put Zuo to shed And Zuo definitely also of Jian of period house not drive at inside person father in mother wife Zuo declines period person bigResult cloth declines in September person all in March not drive at insideFirst king the blame that make Die is heavy wife and last name of child of elder brother of Uncle Zuo uncle is ancient also personScholar-bureaucrat maids accompanying a bride to her new home parturient reachs Zha of of acting Hou Wang of concubine Yin 10 butThe person that know Zuo child surname Yi Fan to go up and world uncle mother is medium and brother falls and childSurname brother child make one with Jian ? Not drive at inside Yu a group of things with common features is big numerous
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    And dead? Photograph Kui comes surely Jian is humane and favor also has cannot stopsPerson be like one person of wife and Si Zheng Hou is married no longer dear the doctor is not Zong Zi to marryAll also maid accompanying a bride to her new home no longer municipal reason of of concubine in proper order can be extended at Die and of the ancientsAt wife also the reason of Zuo waits for must thick in March and after turns over Zuo The line is small the blame that is short of to go out then with of of be improperly familiar with also its can become Zuo But Ning is offerred sacrifices to first ancestor Zuo parents asks young Gu friend only then crown and Yin greets soldier The Jian of ? Not drive at inside thick person is so beautiful Zuo common also why notThe person that father of of mother Ning wife doubt is in character grandparent and bend also of grandparent extend
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    Character of prep before say Zuo declines and say period person have 3 with what Zuo declinesThe month also says great merit and say cloth declines in September person with the in great merit in JulyAlso Zuo of Zuo Ceng Zheng? Appropriate of Die of period Zuo adds grand and fastens Yan He ancient alsoPerson man 30 and marry suffer already room and there is Ceng Dafu? Person Zuo Yu of empty of reason Die Wen Fu also child does the road have elder sister? Zuo period and take do not divideThe person be like few brother that reason Confucius bans the Zuo Zuo at flesh of drive of wine of the Zuo that eat the meat Zuo Die is killed with extending favour alsoDoesn't person reside not parents of of cover with a straw mat already Jin and period in September person already? ?
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    And ? Die most inside drive and take second place of wine of the Zuo that eat the meat already? ? The doctor that gentleman feedsThe friend of father feeds do not monarch fine grain flesh and the after of auspicious Die of cannot bearAlso San eats fine grain meat and central person or have be like bedroom of male and female Jian of Ai Jingzhi heart Yao cannot is not inside the drive that be not mother also notThe San that enter Zuo fears Yao of photograph of Ning wife concubine and is easy heart resides its Ai Jingzhi cover with a straw mat all if make hurriedly turns over husband of husband home ,stationery ear woman is married already sad wife Yin cannot long and not is idle reason not Jin after? ? After does not get this Long
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    The person establishs the person's line so and Bao its sex also Die of after of of the Qin Dynasty teachs unidentifiedWoman can of Jian parents brother? Person Zuo person of this providential Jun desirethe biggest person and Li and not examine but painful also Zuo of solid of deep palace of person appropriateReason does not reside Ta to cannot if Ha reason not cover with a straw mat shows a body cannot Zuo AlsoPrivates of fair Jin of Dr wait cries and Fair person inside the emperor Ji fair its has dear friend doctor personThe of doctor person parents already Jin and of of the anniversary of the death of a parent of the first day of the lunar month cries at imperial clan
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    The of younger brother of Zheng father and elder brothers already soldier cries and Fruit already Zuo of of the person that Jin resides room child Jian is unfavorable do not have Yin of its article Zuo Of gentleman? City slaughters person already Jin and person Dr Ning of imperial court with secondFair Zuo with Jian ? Besides child send its Ai Wufu mother and can Zuo be the concubine is fastenedThis needs age has Zuo Die to one's heart's content and this is contrary to a Zhe Shiru notExamine and of Zha Yin alsoFather not elder brother of second Wu Zi not Ci WudiWith honour person Wu Jigong its its child is diligent Wu Gong Zuo and not
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    Must send its sad reason but house besides oneself with not inside drive periodAt of the life outside the doctor already and towardThe Die that Gu Zhefu's person has of the life outside Dr needs uncle uncle of gentlemanBrotherly friend? Ji cannot if the official that surnames or palace of Ning of Jun Zhisheng mother's brotherQing Shi Mr at outside life adds San already and toward the madam at the doctor outsideLife already and going to is the Geng article with providential Zheng Yao Zuo enters Zuo above all rightNote greet what do not do obeisance to Mr to answer does Si blame also altogether ? Zuo does not answer do obeisance to Kuang Jun
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    Below Wu Chen Si of of blame of dead of of Jun Zhi Ning also reason waits surely Jun Zhi Yao and if do obeisance to the Ning that greets to disrelish Wu Jun,after does obeisance to check Zuo already earWu Zhi at Zuo outsideReason of ghost of Zuo of Wu Yitao Pi stops at Zuo outside of and rather than is divided in order to show in road FuThe dead's Yu also Chu Zizhi? Mr Zuo with Yi Yifei Die of Zuo of Yin Yao reasonOf and Jing Ren of Wu Xianfu only then cannot differentiate is regret alreadyMadam at the doctor person Zuo of very much madam can go to Zhou Guanshi one by one this in order to know Yin of of the same surname
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    also person is located in namely in the roomBig of Ning of before scanty Zheng Mr Yin advocate cadaver on the west face with sad close friend does not monarchGentleman this already monarch of reason of sad is not of Ning of big also to be the same as Zuo of sad heart to getHurriedly in order to add at the body person need Zha needs the letter is in advocate nots allow not Yao already was in today of of person of lists the ear on Wei WutangIts gentleman after is master and do obeisance toGuest of Zuo of Ning Zuo adds gentleman the official Zuo Yao of Die Wu Ji its cannot unexpectedly not
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    The after that host of wait of Die reason does obeisance to a life to do obeisance to Zuo like that after more do obeisance to respect in order to exhibit SiIn order to show blame ? Advocate also Die of Te of week of this Yi Cui person not house of Zuo of Home Ning Zuo Zuo and gentleman has a lot Yan of Die of guest of 4 Zuo Zuo accompanies after of life of official surelyThing also like that namely this but of Zhu Ceng Zi has department not fair Ning of differentiate Zheng differentiate Mr Xiao Not does obeisance to Kang Zi of season of Zheng of and rather than to should not be do obeisance toGentleman a coffin with corpse in of Yao cadaver after that leap upIf gentleman has face go on a punitive expedition already? ? And of after Home Wuji not leap up withThis knows to have cry of feeling of leap up Zuo at the Geng outside apprentice of central and rather than also
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    A coffin with corpse in of of Yin of Zuo of a coffin with corpse in of Yao of of after of of cadaver of Yao of size person not curtain Zheng Bury after also Yao namely Yao a coffin with corpse in does not get with adding Zheng not Yao Person first at Man after acts according to buy coffin cadaver makes the person is gotten with entering a coffin with corpse in of coffin Yao Yao uses supreme ruler Zuo as to on of doctor of house with as to on the west foreword not and at coffin of the curtain on of Ren of person Yao The wood that notes Hou of the emperor Zheng and go of of coffin Dr Zuo and go coffinClose place person is not at coffin not as good as also adscititious not inside Zha
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    The manage of of and coffin not and it is person of of Mr to go up at coffinAnd character and already also of Bao of all sides of Hou of the emperor Zheng Dr 3West Zuo foreword wall not of place is not alled over at coffin person coffin is in Man The San on place alone just comes from gentleman person all the outside adscititious has Curtain with my gentleman 4 note its form to be like doctor of house of house friend name 3 renownCoffin of person Fu and below by house of of of curtain of Wu Rengu name person of Bao andAdscititious tent also note Zha of house of be similar in shape of Zheng wood there is curtain outside scholar-bureaucrat not Mr turns over Zuo of element of Zuo Yin to tent namely with house with San of house Qu
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Also record the Zuo wrong of Zuo of of Zheng Zuo with Zuo Zuo also the emperor of Tan Gong Yin Zuo Zuo and Zuo of Hou of Zheng of outer coffin and a coffin with corpse in of Zuo of of of Yu of reason of Shenyang of Yu of Yu With Zuo Ming Yizhou is Guan Jin Zuo small? In allIs road big? Use in namely Zuo Zuo and the Zuo of a coffin with corpse in of the Zuo that fasten bright small? Still Er Road is satisfiedThe Zuo of artisan place Ji is liege place to use bright queen Zuo is satisfied with clam place in all the battle of clam Zuo or with Yao with Zuo clam its need of Zuo a coffin with corpse in Zuo and person? Die Yin satisfies artisan Ji Zuo at Zuo of Ji of Zuo Zuo Dan Yan also with Yao its need clam Zuo is ancient also Die comes loose die alone is close ancient reason after Confucianism Chinese ink
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    Defend Kang Chengzhi Zha and press should not more with Jian cannot not examine alsoBoil gentleman 8 basket of 4 Er doctor 6 basket of 3 Er person 4 basket of 2 Er add Yan of Zuo dried meatDried meat Zuo of the Zuo that boil is used by coffin the that wear in order to make Xi Xi mark its hole acupuncture point andDig place of after of the coffin below the and rather than that go to use Ning Person? ? With Zuo Person of be the concubine? ? In the Zuo that provide Ning in all person cannot use its life Zuo like the doctor Zuo cannot the Zuo that similarly hereinafter uses the pubic at reason of person of be the concubine satisfies artisan place Ji namelyBe also
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    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
            Die Yin resolve a doubt coils 23

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