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章节: 卷八
书名: 礼记析疑
类目: 经部
写作年代: 约公元前-447年  至  公元后537年
视频: 卷八_礼记析疑
音频: 卷八_礼记析疑

欽定四庫全書 禮記析疑卷八         翰林院侍講銜方苞撰  文王世子命膳宰曰末有原 玉藻夕祭牢肉則夕膳所進亦朝牲膚體但已徹之 俎實則不可再用耳胥鼔南
 謂二南也詩曰以雅以南四裔之樂先王不廢以示 聲教之四訖耳教世子及國子而首以南蠻之樂何 義哉前儒既知舊說之非又謂象箾南籥或謂南亦 雅樂名蓋以春誦夏弦已包二南不知正始之風尤 切於修身齊家故始學者於四詩中又時習之也春誦夏弦大師詔之瞽宗秋學禮執禮者詔之冬讀書典書者詔之 詔書與禮者不目其人何也周官大司樂掌成均之
 法凡有道者有徳者使教焉不必其有職司也詩樂 弦誦有音聲度數必樂師始可教禮與書専明義理 則深於禮者皆使執禮深於書者皆使典書於職未 有列其人亦無定故不可指名大樂正學舞干戚語說命乞言皆大樂正授數大司成論說在東序 舞干與乞言合語皆小樂正所詔而大樂正復教之 何也小樂正詔以儀法及將成熟大樂正復教之而
 使進質於大司成以講明其義理也凡侍坐於大司 成者逺近間三席可以問則大司成論說乃以義理 開示學者後語於郊始及才能優劣疏義未安 舞 干戚則有進反周折疎密疾徐之數語說則有辭讓 坐興先後久暫之數乞言則有瞻視俯仰應唯趨走 之數必有授之者乃不違其節三者有禮儀而無所 為篇數注似誤 注疏以大樂正為大司樂大司成 為地官之師氏似未安師氏掌教太子及貴遊子弟
 從學於虎門者且王舉必從朝夕聽治必在左右詔 美諫惡安能更與成均之國子講問故其職並無一 語及於大學者大司樂二人爵皆中大夫與師氏等 其職掌成均之法建治國之學政凡有道有徳者皆 屬焉則大司成即大司樂明矣注疏蓋以記有小樂 正而周官惟有樂師故遷就而為此說不知樂師下 大夫四人即記所謂大樂正也上士八人即所謂小 樂正也且周官别無籥師丞記者蓋以籥師上士四
 人教舞羽籥而籥章中士四人外别有下士四人故 以下士為丞正與樂師之上士稱小樂正同耳凡始立學者必釋奠于先聖先師及行事必以幣 釋奠釋菜皆祭也釋幣則告也或釋奠或釋菜將教 士而禮於先聖先師也行事則特行於學中之事如 出師受成歸告訊馘語於郊而取賢斂才王親視學 以簡不帥教者則惟以幣告而無釋奠釋菜之禮蓋 義無取於祭也
凡語于郊者必取賢斂才焉或以徳進或以事舉或以言揚曲藝皆誓之以待又語三而一有焉乃進其等以其序謂之郊人逺之於成均以及取爵於上尊也 曲藝皆誓以待又語者仍望其能自進於徳事言也 三而一有謂於徳事言大段不能成就而㣲有一端 之合也蓋非粗明於理法雖小職不可使治故雖擅 曲藝必於三者㣲有合然後可因能任使及當作次 蓋以次第取爵於其長官不得達於君也如醫則繋/籍於醫師
 卜則繋籍於卜師俾試以所能程其功而/授之爵凡官中下士皆其長所假之爵凡選士不 升於學者仍歸之鄉遂使其長量能而授事焉義與 此同 司徒所升選俊皆徳行道藝出於倫輩者不 宜於徳事言一無所成而僅通於曲藝盖卿大夫元 士之適子並入於成均則其中宜有質不逮於中人 者矣故使習曲藝亦可以収束其身心而藝之成亦 可假㣲職以食於上耳始立學者既興器用幣然後釋菜不舞不授器乃退儐
于東序一獻無介語可也 東序即所立學中之東廂盖釋奠於堂上而禮賔於 東廂非與虞庠相對之夏學也使先有東序則虞庠 之立不可云始若虞庠與東序並立又不應虞庠不 禮賔東序不釋菜以此知為註家之誤也 舊說不 惟與始立學相背即兩學並立後亦不應釋菜於此 又徹俎豆几筵而禮賔於彼况一獻無介語禮既甚 畧何故復多此煩擾乎顧命東序西序特牲饋食設
 庶羞於西序皆謂廂 熊氏謂秋頒學合聲不釋菜 非也承春入學釋菜合舞之後則合聲禮同不待言 故文畧耳春官釋奠於其先師秋冬亦如之舊說謂 夏不釋奠其誤亦類此太傅審父子君臣之道以示之 世子之於君兼有父子君臣之道而體勢與臣庶異 處之難得其宜故必審察以示所當行其在外朝則以官司士為之
 外朝惟有職司者乃與故惟以官序之其在宗廟之中則如外朝之位宗人授事以爵以官 官謂有職司者爵謂無職司而有爵命者無職司而 有爵命亦或授以事無爵者序立而已盖宗廟之中 與外朝異雖無爵者得與而事則不及焉故特文以 著之也其登餕獻受爵則以上嗣 注以特牲嗣舉奠禮為獻受爵之序非也舉奠主人
 之嗣子也此記所謂上嗣公族也所謂獻即長兄弟 之加爵也所謂受爵即受尸酢爵也獻受爵惟長兄 弟一人餕則與者稍多然皆以上嗣而餘子不得與 焉餕者有常數故不能徧也其在軍則守於公禰公若有出疆之政庶子以公族之無事者守於公宫 疏云朝覲會同則庶子留守不從行非也周官大㑹 同大司馬帥國子而掌其政令諸子作羣士從春秋/傳同
 盟於戲鄭六/卿門子皆從故官中下大夫二人中士四人正分掌 公出及留守之政令也公族之無事者謂學於虎門 太學及諸子所存游倅使之修徳學道者盖公族為 六官之屬者或從公或治官中之事其名在宫伯之 版者則有八次八舎之常職惟君行出疆而守宫廟 則諸子職所謂國有大事則帥國子而致於太子惟 所用之者也國子且致則游倅不待言矣卿大夫士 之子則掌固頒其守政盖以公族守宫廟則衞士作
 其義心以卿大夫士之子守邊圉則衆庶咸有固志 矣 諸侯朝覲㑹同必載遷主則庶子亦宜守齊車 宫廟亦宜警守不獨征伐故以出疆之政包之其刑罪則纎剸亦告於甸人 周官掌囚職士加明梏以適市而刑殺之有爵者及 王之同族奉而適甸師氏據此告當作梏舊讀曰鞠 非也鞠者獄未成之辭也既成而致刑於甸人不宜 曰鞠
外朝以官體異姓也 以徳詔爵以功詔禄皆與異姓一體有罪則體百姓 雖親不以犯有司亦此義也正室守大廟尊宗室而君臣之道著矣 繼世之君臣諸父昆弟以承祖之正體也公族之適 子猶守太廟而其父兄不敢先焉况君之繼序者乎 此所謂君臣之道著也天子視學大昕鼓徴所以警衆也衆至然後天子至乃
命有司行事興秩節祭先師先聖焉有司卒事反命 先聖先師使有司祭而先老親釋奠焉非義所安也 盖天子非有事不視學五年視學則有比校羣士徳 藝之事簡不帥教者則有習射習鄉之事皆有司掌 之天子親臨特用以興起震動之故至即命有司行 此而天子自舉常典祭先聖先師也天子視學當在 太學中堂祭先聖先師亦當在此設有司就此行釋 奠事則天子親見之無庸卒事反命矣 如出征有
 受成之事則必主兵者受之反有訊馘之事必典獄 者訊之詩曰淑問如臯陶在泮獻囚則君不親訊審 矣推之春秋視學亦必有教國子之事有司掌之而 君不親焉者始之養也適東序 東序即太學東廂適饌省醴養老之珍具遂發咏焉退修之以孝養也 遂發咏焉退為句盖適饌省醴樂聲既發則天子遂
 退樂記天子執醤而饋執爵而酳冕而總干正與此 篇義相發明盖醤者食之本執醤示欲親饋也爵者 飲之具執爵示欲親酳也干者舞之器冕而總干示 欲親舞也皆用以為禮而不親執其事此篇云適饌 則不親饋可知矣曰省醴則不親酌可知矣發咏而 退則不親舞可知矣盖養老於東序而天子位在太 學中堂樂聲甫作即退反其位故樂闋有司復以告 乃發命而歸也使天子親饋獻則老更當拜親舞老
 更當立而待非所以安養之也先儒論燕禮宰夫為 獻主義亦如此反登歌清廟既歌而語以成之也 天子將退時老更必離位致敬既退然後各反其位 也言父子君臣長幼之道合徳音之致 文王之徳所以播諸樂歌者不過父子君臣長幼之 道止於至善而已清廟之詩曰濟濟多士秉文之徳
 故既歌而語凡為父子為君臣為長幼者必合於文 王之徳音而後為人倫之極則也王乃命公侯伯子男及羣吏曰反養老幼於東序 王制五十養於鄉六十養於國七十養於學鄉遂之 老有進養於天子之學者故鄉遂之吏偕焉命反養 老謂當養於鄉者觀此則庶人之老各就其地而行 引年之政也審矣幷及幼者周官養耆老孤子事每 相連天子視學雖専養耆老而命公侯伯子男及羣
 吏不可遺孤子故連類而及之朝夕至于大寢之門外 惟朝夕至寢門者正晝君與百官圖事世子亦修業 於虎門也惟至寢門外者或嬪御在側必君召乃敢 入也   

  • Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    decides 4 complete Die Yin resolve a doubt coils 8Fang Bao of Zuo of Zheng of serve of courtyard of member of the Imperial Academy is writtenArticle Wang ShiziLife board slaughters end to have former Zuo of animal sacrifice Mo of Yi Chao of Zuo of place of board of evening of of firm flesh of hold a memorial ceremony for of jade alga evening but already of of of an ancient sacrificial utensil cannot reoccupy earSouth all Zuo
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    Zheng 2 south also Yu says with elegant the with Na Siyi first king not in order to showThe Yin ear that Long teachs teachs a world child reach child and head with south the of Xiao why Li before Confucianism the blame that knows Ning Zha already south the Hu austral Zheng elephant Geng or Zheng also San of elegant name with spring Zha Xia Xian already Bao Erna does not know only then Zuo blameCut reason of Wu Xiu body Home Zuo only then person in Wu Si Yu of Li alsoSpring of Yu of big of Zha Xia Xian blind Die of of Die of Zong Qiu person the wintry Zhu of Yu Allusion person of Yu Die of Yu Ning person do not look Zhou Guanda of its person Heye manages palm Cheng Junzhi
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    The person that the person that law every has has makes teach Yan need not its have Long to manage also Yu Bowstring Zha has phonic Long to spend to need only then can teach of Die Ning bright Li natural science is deep at Die person all make Die deep at person all make be in charge of at Long notHave its person also decides reason cannot designationBig all big is giving speech of beg of life of Zha of Zha of dance dry relative manages greatly Zha Zha is in forewordCharacter of beg of dance dry Ning adds up to Zha all small place Yu and big teachsHe Ye small Yu reachs maturity big with law teachs and
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Make Zuo Zuo is become at large department with Zheng bright its Li manage also altogethers serve sits at large department3 banquet of close Zuo of Zuo of the person that become are OK manages Zha Zha manages with Li therefore greatlyWu Jiao of Zha of after of the person that Zuo shows only then reach scanty Li of ability bad to did not install danceThe of Zha Zha that dry relative has Zuo to turn over Xu of setbacks close disease has Zuo Zhu Sit Ning first after is long the of beg character of has of a simple move or action of look up Yao only Zuo goes has surely award person therefore not Zuo its Geng 3 person have Die and place piece is noted be like Zha to notes and commentaries with big manages manages greatly greatlyGuan Zhi is like ground to did not install palm to teach prince and Zuo Zuo children
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    Zuo of Wu Hu person and king Ning needs Long of a very short time is treated be in surely or so Yu Beautiful Zheng is installed can more Ning Cheng Junzhi child Zheng reason of its Long one Zha and at big person 2 people of large department the rank of nobility is all medium doctor Ning Cheng Junzhi law establishs its Long control the person that politics every has the that treats to have all Yan manages greatly manage greatly namely bright notes and commentaries San has small with Yin and Zhou Guanwei has Zuo of reason this Zha does not know with respect to below 4 people of doctor namely big of Yin place Zheng also Staff Sergeant 8 people namely place Zheng is small also and San of the person that week official fastens Yin of assist of Hu with Hu Staff Sergeant 4
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    The person teachs dance feather Hu and Hu chapter sergeant does not have petty officer second class outside 4 people 4 people reasonWith corporal assist the small of Staff Sergeant Er of Ning is the same as earEvery only then the person that establish needs Zuo establish at first Long first and act need with Dish of Zuo establish Zuo all hold a memorial ceremony for also Zuo is accused also or Zuo establish or Zuo dish teachPerson and Long of Die Wu Xian first also act goes to be like at the thing in especiallyGive to suffer to accuse Yin Guo Zha to take of Yao of Yin of king of Zuo ability at outskirtWith Ha not alone of of the person that teachs is accused with and the Die San of dish of Zuo of Zuo establish Li is taken at hold a memorial ceremony for also
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    Every Zha at outskirt person take Zuo surely ability Yan or with Zuo or with the thing Ning or with Shu of character music all of oath in order to wait for Zha 3 and one have Yan Nai Zuo its withThe Wu Chengjun of the outskirt person Zuo of its foreword Zheng and Wu Shangzun extraction the rank of nobility alsoMusic Shu all oath in order to wait for Zha person still look at its can from Zuo at thing character also3 and do one have Zheng cannot be at thing character paragraphs big accomplished and? Have one aspect of the matterclose also San is not thick Ming Wuli law Zuo small Long cannot make control reason Zuo do sthon one's own authorityDoes music Shu need Wu San person? Have close like that after can be made because of can allowing to make reach second San takes official of Zuo of Wu Ji of the rank of nobility not to get Zuo Wu Jun to also be like Zuo Jun with one after another / book at Zuo
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    Yu of Ji Wubo of the Jun that predict ining order to with can Cheng Jigong and / Fan Guanzhong petty officer second class of awarded the rank of nobility all the Zuo of every of the rank of nobility of holiday of its Zuo place person notLitre at person still the Zuo of makes its Zuo is measured then can and Ning of Li of the Yan that give a jobPlace of this apprentice that be the same as department rises Zuo handsome all trade Shu goes out at Zuo person notAt thing character one place is become and connects appropriate Wu Qu Shu Dr Gai Qing yuanPerson Zuo child enters Wu Chengjun among them appropriate has Zuo not to reachcapture at go-betweenPerson reason makes Yi Ke of Li music Shu with bundle its body and mind and of Shu into alsoCan false? Long in order to feed Wu ShangerOnly then the person that establish already Ning implement with like that after Zuo dish not dance is not awarded implement retreat therefore
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    At foreword one uprights Zha but alsoWhat order stands namely medium builds Zuo Dian Wutang to go up and Die Zuo atThe summerly of of photograph of Xiang of anxiety of Ning of blame also makes have Yu Xiang of foreword firststand cannot of foreword of of Yu Xiang Ning establishs Yun Shire not Yu Xiang notForeword of Die Zuo not the Zha that Zuo dish tells Home Yu with this also Ning Zha notAlone Ning only then photograph establishing is carried on the back namely establishs after also not Zuo dish at this Zu Dou a few formerly and Die Zuo at those besides Die of Zha of interpose of one already very why reason is much this Zuo of foreword spy animal sacrifice feeds foreword of Zuo life on the west Yu
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    Foreword of Wu Xi of be ashamed of be the concubine all autumn Zuo adds up to Zheng of Zheng ursine Long not Zuo dishBlame also bear spring the after that combines dance into Zuo dish adds up to Long Die to be the same as prep before characterEar of reason article spring the Ning Zha Zheng that Qiu Dong of Wu Jixian also is like government-owned Zuo establishSummer not Zuo establish its Zha also Zuo thisToo the path of official of gentleman of teach father and son with showingWorld child Wu Jun holds official of gentleman of father and son concurrently and of be the concubine of official of Zuo Ning The Zuo of Ta gets its appropriate reason to need examine goes with showing a Its are outer face with lawsuit of person
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    The person that Chao Wei has Long to manage outside is Ning reason to but with Guan XuzhiIts are in ancestor is like in outside of face ancestor the person gives a job with the rank of nobility with the official Long of of the person that Long of of Zheng of the rank of nobility of the person that government-owned Zheng has Long to manage manages and have lot of the rank of nobility manages andLife having an ancient win vessel with three legs and a loop handle also or award with thing the rank of nobility person order stands to just build a inThe rank of nobility of of Zuo of of the face outside Ning person get Ning and thing not as good as Yan reason is special civil withWrite alsoIts ascend Zuo to suffer heir of above of of the rank of nobilityNote with special the order that of of Die of establish of Ning of animal sacrifice heir gets an ancient win vessel with three legs and a loop handle is not also Ning establish is master
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    heir also the heir on Zheng of this Yin place is fair a group of things with common features also place Zheng namely Zuo brotherincrease an ancient win vessel with three legs and a loop handle also place Zheng suffers the rank of nobility to get cadaver vinegar an ancient win vessel with three legs and a loop handle namely also gets elder brother of Zuo of alone of the rank of nobilityYounger brother Ning of of one person Zuo person a bit much like that all above heir and Zuo child do not get Ning Yan Zuo person have constant friend cannot alsoIts defend Wu Gong Die in Zuo fair if have piece border politics bastard with fair a group of things with common features thing Zhe Shouwu is fair palaceDoes of Shu Yunchao Yin stay behind with bastard not is not all right also Zhou Guanda? of of commensurate department Zuo child and palm Zheng of its government order child make year of Li person / is the same as
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Alliance at Zuo 6 / dear Zuo child the doctor all falls in friend official 4 people are dividing 2 people sergeant palmBe away on official business and the government order that stay behind are public also a group of things with common features thing person Zuo of Zheng Wu HuToo and Zheng child be put swim shell of the person that the repairing that makes is public a group of things with common features The of 6 officials person or fair or its name is in the thing in ordering an official Gong BaizhiEdition person the gentleman of constant Long alone that has 8 Ning 8 times goes out all right border and the that guard palace Zheng child of Long place Zheng has of of important matter child and send Wu Taizi to butWhat use person also child and send to swim prep before Dr Yan Yiqing personchild its defend Zuo of palm solid politics lid with fair a group of things with common features defend palace Xiao person is made
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Its Li heart with dear of doctor person child defend Xiao of Zuo aning enclosure for storing grain to of or by the concubine salty annals having firm Yin of Zheng Hou Chao? Need together Zuo Zuo advocate bastard Yi Yi defends Zuo Zuo Palace Yi Yi alarm defend not reason of go on a punitive expedition in order to go out border of politics bag of Kui of of its punishment blame also tells Wu Dian's person Long of convict of week official control person add bright wooden handcuffs the person have an ancient win vessel with three legs and a loop handle of with Zuo city punishment andWang Zhi is agnate act according to and this accuses of Zuo pasture makes Zhu of wooden handcuffs Ning say bring upThe Zuo that is not of the person that also bring up to was not become also is become already and send punishment to should not be at pasture personSay bring up
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    Face is surnamed with government-owned Zuo outside alsoWith Yu the rank of nobility with result Yu salary all Ning surnames common people of Zuo of one Zuo guilty Zuo Yin does not manage with making also this Li alsoroom defend big honour imperial clan and Jun Chen's path is writtenThe younger brother of elder brother of father of Jun Chen Zheng of Kui world with Cheng Zuzhi Zuo is fair also a group of things with common features Zuo Child is defended too and its father and elder brothers not dare first foreword of Yan Kuang Junzhi Kui personThe path of this Zheng Jun Chen is written alsoBig Xin of of the emperor Yao rouses so alarm Xiao also Xiao comes like that after the emperor comes therefore
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    The life has hold a memorial ceremony for of Geng of order of department act Ning first first Long Yan has Si Cu thing to return a lotFirst Long first makes have department hold a memorial ceremony for and first install is Dianyan of old Yin Zuo not Li place alsoBlame of lid the emperor is occupied not 5 years Yao has Yao compare school Li person The thing Ha of Shu not the thing that of the person that teachs has Li to shoot Li Zuo all has department control Ning of the emperor Yin is special the reason of of the shake since Ning of in order to comes namely the life has department travelThis and the emperor often is in charge of from Ning hold a memorial ceremony for first Long first also of of the emperor Yao is inToo hold a memorial ceremony for of central scroll first Long first also has department to go at this point in this Yu Zuo The accident of commonplace end of Yao of Yin of the emperor of establish thing returns a lot if go out for a battle has
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    The thing that suffers needs advocate arms person the has Yin Guo instead job that get is in charge of surely Person the Yu of Yin says kind and gentle is like convict of Ning Tao Zaipan Mr not Yin Yin the Yi Biyou of age Yao that push teachs child the thing has department control andGentleman not Yin Yan personOnly then Zuo also Zuo foreword foreword namely too Zuo Zuo province sweets wine the precious with old Zuo is provided satisfy to chant Yan to retreat repair with filial piety Zuo alsoSatisfy to chant Yan to retreat sentence province of the Zuo that build Zuo sweets wine Long already the emperor is satisfied
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Zuo of of the emperor of the Yin that retreat and Zuo the rank of nobility and Zuo crown and Jun works Ning thisPiece Zuo of bright lid of Li photograph person this Zuo that feed is shown desire Yin Zuo also the rank of nobility personThe rank of nobility providing of Zuo is shown desire of dance of the person that Yin Zuo also works implement crown and Jun doing is shownDesire Yin dance also all Die of of in order to and not Yin its thing Zuo of this cloud Zuo not Yin Zuo is knowable say the province sweets wine not Yin drinks knowable is chanted andRetreat not Yin dance is knowable lid Zuo is old at foreword the emperor in too Long of of central scroll justs to be retreated namely turn over its a reason Zuo having department in order to accuseBe life and also makes of of Zuo of the emperor Yin old more does obeisance to Yin dance old
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    More stands and wait for be not what install Zuo so also first Confucianism of Zai Fu of Zha swallow Die advocate Li Yi Ru thisAscend song clear instead already song and Zha with becoming alsoThe emperor retreats old more surely Zuo greeting is retreated already like that after turns over his eachAlso Zuo of official of gentleman of character father and son young of sound adding up to sendThe person that Wen Wangzhi sows Zheng song so not Jun Chen Zuo of Zuo father and son youngPath stop Wu Zhishan just the Yu of clear says Duoshibingwen's
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Reason already song and Zuo of of Jun Chen of of father and son of Zha every young person add up to Wu Wen surelySound of Wang Zhi and the of of after person alsoBai Zinan of fair Hou of Wang Nai life and Li official say instead Zuo is old young at forewordKing make 50 Zuo at Zuo 60 Zuo at 70 Zuo satisfy at Zuo The lot of Yan of official in the company of that Zuo of reason of the person that often have the of Zuo Zuo Wu Tianzi satisfies turns over Zuo Zuo of old Zheng at Zuo person of person of be the concubine of Yin this old each with respect to its the ground and rowBring year politics also and young person old Gu of over sixty years of age of week official Zuo child thing everyOver sixty years of age of Zuo of of Zuo of of Yao of photograph Zuo the emperor is old and Bai Zinan of life fair Hou and Li
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Official cannot Zuo Gu child reason Zuo Zuo and reachA very short time outside the Zuo as to big Alone a very short time comes Zuo person 100 officials of Mr Ning affair life child Yi Xiu Wu Hu Zuo also buts to Zuo outside person or drive needs in Junshao is dareEnter also   
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
            Die Yin resolve a doubt coils 8

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