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章节: 卷十二
书名: 礼记析疑
类目: 经部
写作年代: 约公元前-184年  至  公元后329年
视频: 卷十二_礼记析疑
音频: 卷十二_礼记析疑

欽定四庫全書 禮記析疑卷十二          翰林院侍講銜方苞撰  郊特牲郊血大饗腥 疏謂祭天七獻有尸而後有獻獻者生人飲食之道 也天地至廣大灌且不用不敢以神道求之也乃設 尸而以生人飲食之道獻焉可乎其禮始宜薦璧以
 禮神次用樂以降神次薦血以告幽全次實柴以達 馨香齊尊陳而不酌黍稷與牲同燔祀天之正禮至 此而終凡經傳中言郊禮而有獻薦皆祭稷之事也 祀天之犢已燔又安得有腥肆爓熟之薦乎穎達博 極羣書必偶見郊禮中有言七獻者遂誤以為獻天 而不知其謂獻稷也葢宗廟之中稷為太祖自宜用 天子之禮備十有二獻而天終古不變后稷之靈陟 降郊壇在帝左右則依然唐虞之侯伯也故獻止於
 七不敢以在廟之私禮尊之或疑生民之詩曰于豆 于登其香始升上帝居歆似祀天亦具豆登不知經 文辭意渾成而其中事義之節次則井然可辨載謀 戴惟卜日卜牲之始事也取蕭祭脂取羝以軷出宫 道祭之節也載燔載烈祀天實柴之節也登豆升香 祀稷饋獻之節也然事天事稷之禮文雖異而自始 至終致誠致慤之内心所以對越在天者則無間於 帝與稷故以稷之馨饗而知上帝亦居歆耳 先儒
 又謂郊壇祀天則燔柴明堂饗帝則獻薦亦非也周 官大宗伯以禋祀祀昊天上帝以實柴祀日月星辰 以槱燎祀司中司命風師雨師則凡天神皆燔柴無 獻薦之禮而况上帝乎葢上天之載無聲無臭而四 時之行百物之生必有為之主宰者故易大傳謂帝 出乎震由是四郊迎氣及中央土有五帝之稱而以 上古五徳之君配焉而上帝實非有二也日月星辰 風雨佐天成化必有推行是者人所受之中物所稟
 之命必有秉持是者是即妙萬物之神不可得而見 不可得而名也故無人可以相配而饗五帝於四郊 惟典司五行之臣得從祀焉周官大宗伯職日月星 辰司中司命風師雨師止於實柴槱燎則無獻薦昭 昭然矣何獨於明堂之上帝而以為宜有獻薦乎或 又疑惟郊壇可燔柴明堂與宫廟等則宜獻薦亦非 也宗廟之祭肝膋黍稷可燔於堂上則牲體雖大獨 不可燔於庭中乎祀昊天上帝惟曰禋祀謂致精意
 以合莫雖升香不足道也而乃薦以俎簋獻以盞斚 其偞卑不已甚乎周頌曰惟羊惟牛惟天其右之陳 牲實燔而無獻薦之徴也伊嘏文王既右享之則薦 俎備獻而祝告饗之徴也即以本記證之曰郊血大 饗腥正謂郊則薦血之後即以牲實燔無由有豚解 之腥惟宗廟大饗乃具薦腥以下之禮節耳 豈惟 祀天按祭法瘞理於泰折則祭地亦無獻薦也周官 大宗伯以沉埋祭山林川澤則地祗亦無獻薦也所
 異於日月星辰者其先古守土之君配享而立尸則 宜有獻薦耳社稷則封土築壇本人之所設其肇祀 即主報柱與勾龍五祀之神則或為五行之官或為 始造門霤井竈之人本人鬼之祭宜同宗廟之禮此 古籍間闕而可以義推者也饗禘有樂而食嘗無樂 荆南馮氏曰楚茨之詩曰以徃烝嘗又曰禮儀既備 鐘鼓既戒又曰樂具入奏則嘗無樂無稽之言也
賓入大門而奏肆夏示易以敬也 入門而樂作變易以示敬也為人臣者無外交不敢貳君也 此因私覿之非禮而推廣言之古之大夫束脩之問 不出境人臣體國苟索交於外是自貳於其君也大夫强而君殺之義也由三桓始也 入春秋之初有以公子爭國而為亂者矣未有大夫 以强横脅其君以基禍如三桓者故曰自三桓始
相賂以利 利者其所欲得非貨財也春秋時伯者主齊盟凡先 㑹者爵卑而先歃載書先列或世子與㑹而先於國 君皆以利誘之諸侯不敢祖天子大夫不敢祖諸侯而公廟之設于私家非禮也由三桓始也 三家歌雍季氏舞八佾皆由始立桓公之廟遂自謂 可用諸侯之禮故末流馴致此極其端必開自僖公
 之徳季友也惟器與名不可以假人可不懼哉 疏 引左傳凡邑有宗廟先君之主曰都而謂公子得祖 先君公子為大夫得立宗廟於其采地非也左氏見 亂世之事誤以為典禮而記之耳戰國時薛文欲立 先君之廟猶必因間以請於其君則出於特賜而非 有定制可知矣陳氏集說引周官都宗人家宗人掌 祭祖王之廟而謂王子母弟得立祖王廟於采地益 非也周官無此文乃注語耳王於公卿大夫士皆頒
 禽不必有祖王之廟公卿王子弟致福於王亦非以 王之賜禽鄭注周官紕繆多如此不足據也左傳宋 祖帝乙鄭祖厲王乃虚言世系所自出亦未可為立 廟之徴是以尊天而親地也故教民美報馬 朱軾曰尊天故臣民不敢祭惟天子為民祭之親地 故庶民皆得祭也唯社丘乗供粢盛
 不惟王社大社侯社國社之粢盛宜取諸耤田即卿 大夫之置社亦宜取諸圭田丘乗供粢盛葢州黨縣 鄙之社事使民咸出其力而有司為之主葢示以報 本反始之義而震動恪恭於農事也流示之禽而鹽諸利以觀其不犯命也 鹽當作驗音近而誤也大報天而主日也 祀天之禮見於經傳者甚畧然周官大司樂奏圜丘
 之樂則天神皆降記曰禮行於郊而百神受職焉是 凡天神皆從祀於圜丘而莫尊於日故曰大報天而 主日也特邦國禮亡屏攝次主之位度不可考耳其 牲禮則並統於祀天之騂犢養牲必二帝牛之外惟 稷牛而已大宗伯以實柴祀日月星辰以槱燎祀司 中司命風師雨師葢分而特祀之則牲幣各殊而從 祀於圜丘則一統於帝牛之燔燎也郊之用辛也周之始郊日以至
 此祈穀之郊也故有卜日之禮春秋所書魯卜/郊亦祈穀之郊若冬 至祀天於南郊則大司樂有明文又冡宰祀五帝帥 執事而卜日則圜丘不卜日明矣天子大蜡八 八蜡猫虎為二無昆蟲昆蟲祝其不作而已非祀典 所及也詩曰田祖有神秉畀炎火且祝以熸滅可知 無祀之之義 張子知昆蟲不當祭而以百種為蜡 之一亦未安祭百種以報嗇謂陳百種以祭先嗇耳
 鄭注甚明蜡也者索也嵗十二月合聚萬物而索饗之也 萬物當作萬民下所列八者皆主嗇事與萬物之神 無與也葢蜡之祭乃合聚萬民以一日之澤慰其終 嵗之勤而主報先嗇以重其事則樂而不荒曰索饗 者因先嗇司嗇而及先農因農而及郵表畷以至坊 與水庸之為田利猫虎之能除田害者皆報馬則有 關於嗇事者求索殆盡矣
祭百種以報嗇也 凡祭粢盛有定品惟先嗇司嗇則百種皆陳以報其 功土反其宅水歸其壑昆蟲無作草木歸其澤 中原多墳壤若甚雨驟至川漲暴作則沙土隨流而 㵼田多破壞故祝以土反其宅曰反其宅者古法一 畮三甽廣尺深尺起其土以為隴苗生葉乃隤其土 反之故土而隴漸平也 四語乃八蜡祝辭之總疏
 以土為防以水為庸似誤羅氏致鹿與女 周官羅氏蜡則作羅襦葢鹿則與羅並致女則但以 襦致而申好女好田之戒也舊說亡國之俘女未安 滅國而俘其女又致於衆以為戒王政不宜有此天子樹瓜華不斂藏之種也 此自為一節舊說亦令使者歸戒其君之事誤順成之方其蜡乃通以移民也
 移民者鼓之舞之使民樂事勸功而不能自己也故既蜡君子不興功 以此知十有二月蜡乃夏正也葢至丑月則公私土 功皆畢可報諸神息民以為一日之樂一切功役皆 不興矣若蜡用亥月則過此以徃正索綯乘屋公司 三日之期也其誤葢由月令孟冬臘先祖五祀勞農 以休息之不知是乃秦國之法吕氏之書可執以決 先王之典禮乎疏所據惟既蜡而收然記謂山林川
 澤疏材木材凡蓄之物無不備收非謂農收也若農 收則惟稻之再熟者至十月而收耳適子冠於阼以著代也醮於客位加有成也三加彌尊喻其志也冠而字之敬其名也 疏據儀禮前載三加後總一醮又曰若不醴則醮用 酒其禮每加一醮故謂後乃殷夏之禮也但曽子問 於斯乎有冠醮無冠醴孔子所述周禮也似周禮醮 與醴並用未詳何故
委貌周道也章甫殷道也毋追夏后氏之道也周弁殷冔夏收三王共皮弁素積 委貌章甫毋追始加緇布之冠也弁冔收再加布弁 也皮弁素積三加之爵弁也無大夫冠禮而有其昏禮古者五十而後爵何大夫冠禮之有諸侯之有冠禮夏之末造也 喪服記大夫而有兄殤其兄若為大夫則不降服此 二條乃莽歆増竄多端以證其尊同不降之說不足
 援據天子之元子士也天下無生而貴者也繼世以立諸侯象賢也以官爵人徳之殺也死而諡今也古者生無爵死無諡 殷道或生或及雖天子亦然則古者繼世以立諸侯 必擇其能象先人之賢者而立之不專與子也微子 之命曰維稽古崇徳象賢微子以支庶承商統故首 發此義以明建國以賢乃古之道可與此記相證
 以官爵人官字疑有誤取於異姓所以附逺厚别也 附比附也以逺相附惟夫婦為然幣必誠辭無不腆告之以直信信事人也信婦徳也壹與之齊終身不改故夫死不嫁 告以直信者欲其以信事人也葢婦徳莫重於信終 身不改信之至也集說失之親之也者親之也
 哀公問篇全見家語而文小異家語親迎者敬之至 也記誤作親之也者親之也觀此篇承以敬而親之 益知當作親之也者敬之也

  • Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    decides 4 complete Die Yin resolve a doubt coils 12Fang Bao of Zuo of Zheng of serve of courtyard of member of the Imperial Academy is writtenOutskirt spy animal sacrificeRaw meat or fish of outskirt blood big Zuo Scanty Zheng hold a memorial ceremony for day the path that Zuo of stranger of the person that 7 have dead body and after has feedsAlso heaven and earth comes big fill and need not also dare not be Yu with what divine way begsCadaver and the path Yan Ke that feeds with stranger Zuo its Die only then appropriate Shu a round flat piece of jade with a hole in its center with
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Die god second with in order to fall god second Shu blood in order to accuse deep and remote complete second bavin with Zuo Fragrance Zuo honour Zuo and do not drink animal sacrifice of millet millet Ning offers sacrifices to a day with Fan Die comesThis and Die of outskirt of the character in of Jian every Jian and Shu having all the thing of millet of hold a memorial ceremony for alsoThe of worshipping day already how must Fan have the Shu with ripe of four of raw meat or fish again Er Zuo rich Li has talk in Yao outskirt Die occasionally surely 7 person satisfy Zha with dayAnd do not know millet of its Zheng also in of Qu an administrative unit in Xizang millet too Zu Ziyi is used10 have the Die of the emperor 2 and day Jian is ancient not the Zuo Zhi of the millet after Zhu Fall outskirt controls in the Supreme Being still Tang Yu's Hou Bai also reason stops at
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    7 not dare with the illicit in of Die honour or doubt is unripe civilian Yu says Yu DouYu Dengji is sweet only then rise sacred Ju Xin to be like worshipping day to also provide a beans to ascend do not know Jian of article Zuo meaning is become and among them the Geng of thing Li second orderlies but differentiate Zuo Zheng Wear alone to predict day to predict animal sacrifice only then the thing also takes fat of Sheng hold a memorial ceremony for to take Di to give palace with Zuo The Geng of path hold a memorial ceremony for also Geng of Chai Zhi of of worshipping day of intense of Zuo Fan Zuo also ascends a beans to rise sweetThe Geng of of worshipping millet Zuo also like that the of Die article Zuo of millet of work day work and from only thenSo to the heart that Jian causes Zha to send is in more day person Zuo atThe strong and pervasive fragrance of reason of millet of Ning of the Supreme Being with millet Zuo and know god to also occupy Xin side first Confucianism
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Yi Fei of Shu of of of emperor of Chai Mingtang Zuo of Fan of of worshipping day of Zheng outskirt alsoGuan Dazong uncle offer sacrifices to god of worshipping Hao Tian to offer sacrifices to the heavenly bodies with bavin with Dai Fan Tian of of of rain of of Zuo of life of the department in offerring sacrifices to department with burn is magical all Fan bavin The Die of Shu and besides sacred the of Zuo Long that Qu goes up to the sky is smelly and 4The reason of the unripe person that have the dictate of surely of a 100 content of is easy emperor of big Zheng Beyond shake by it is suburbs greets and the Er that central earth has 5 emperor and withAntediluvian the gentleman of 5 matchs Yan and sacred blame has 2 also the heavenly bodies Zuo rain Zun Tiancheng is changed have surely carrying out is person person place suffers in content place Er
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    the life has surely grasp holding is person be namely the god of clever Qu content cannot be gotten and Yao Cannot be gotten and renown also reason person is OK and suitable and 5 emperor of Zuo at suburbsThe official of the five elements of alone law department gets to offer sacrifices to Yanzhou's official stars of a large amount of uncle Long life of rain of of Zuo of life of the department in celestial bodies department stops at clear of Shu of of of of burn of bavin Clear why of Wu Mingtang sacred and have Shu with appropriate or of doubt alone outskirt but the Yi Fei of Shu of appropriate such as of palace of Fan Chai Mingtang Ning Also ancestor the millet of millet of Mo of liver of hold a memorial ceremony for of but big of Zuo of Zuo of animal sacrifice of the on Fan Wu TangCannot Fan Wu Tingzhong the Di Wei on worshipping Hao Tian says Dai worshipping Zheng sends energy desire
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    In order to close not Zuo rises sweet unimportance also and it is Shu with of a round-mouthed food vessel with two or four loop handles of an ancient sacrificial utensil with Bao Its low unceasingly very week Zuo says day of alone of ox of alone sheep alone its right Zuo Fan of animal sacrifice and the of Shu also Wang Ji of Yi Gu article is right enjoyed Shu of of an ancient sacrificial utensil and the that wishs to accuse Zuo also namely with this Yin Zhu say outskirt blood is big Zuo raw meat or fish the after of blood of Shu of Zheng outskirt namely with of Fan of animal sacrifice by solution having pigraw meat or fish buts big Zuo provides a therefore the Zuo of Die Geng ear under Shu raw meat or fish butsWorshipping day manages to lose ground of hold a memorial ceremony for at peaceful by of law of hold a memorial ceremony for also Shu also week officialA large amount of uncle with the heavy mountain forest that bury hold a memorial ceremony for ground of plain venerates also Shu also
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    at the heavenly bodies person its first ancient the gentleman that defend the territory of one's country deserves to enjoy and establish cadaver Its cause offers sacrifices to the place Yu that appropriate has of the god of the land and the god of the grain-the state of Shu ear to seal earthy Ha him Namely advocate column Ning ticks off Zuo the official of 5 worshipping god or the five elements or Only then him person of Fu of well of the Zuo that build Zuo the Die of the of of the same clan of appropriate of hold a memorial ceremony for of ghost this Zuo of ancient books Zuo and can Li pusher also Zuo Die has and feed Jing Na Zuo says Chu Ci's Yu says with again Die already Zuo is roused already Buddhist monastic discipline says again provides Ji Zhiyan of of of of achieve also
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Zuo enters big Zuo and achieve four summer shows Yi Yijing alsoInto Zuo makes Zhu be respected in order to show easily also person official person diplomacy not dare Mr Zuo alsoThis because the be not Die and chooses word ancient doctor of illicit Yin bundle the of Man Do not leave the country Gou Suo of of person official Zuo is handed in at outside be from Zuo Wu Jijun alsoDoctor Jiang Erjun the Li of also You Sanhuan only then alsoThe person that there is with childe at the beginning of entering year have no a doctorWith brutal and unreasonable Man Dai is like its Jun Yiji 3 post person friend says from 3 post only then
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Photograph Zuo with benefitBenefit person its place is about to get the Zuo that be not Zuo also age uncle person advocate Zuo alliance altogethers first? Person low of the rank of nobility and suck Zuo first is listed first or world child Ning ? And first at Gentleman all with benefit Zha Zheng Hou not dare ancestor the emperor doctor not dare ancestor Zheng Hou and the Yu of fair at illicitThe home is not Die also You Sanhuan only then alsoDance of family name of season of 3 song harmony 8 Yi all by only then Li Huan's fair is satisfied from Zheng The Zuo of Die reason the later and decadent stage of a school of thought of usable Zheng Hou sends this its end to need Zuo from Xi fair
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Ji You also buts implement Ning name is not OK dummy but not scantyBring left Fan Yi to have a Xianjun advocate say and Zheng childe is gotten ancestorXianjun childe Dr must establish a Wuji to collect the ground to be not Yao of different also family nameThe Xue Wen of of ear of with allusion Die Yin is about to establish the thing Zha of worldThe of Xianjun gives and rather than of Wu Te Zuo with Zha Wu Jijun because of Zuo surelyHave custom-built and knowable Zuo collect Zha brings week of Guan Douzong palm of person of family an administrative unit in XizangThe of king of ancestor of hold a memorial ceremony for and younger brother of Zheng princely mother must establish benefit of ground of Wu Cai of ancestor king Blame also this Wen Nai of week official notes Dr Wu Gongqing of Zha ear king person all Zuo
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    The that birds need not have ancestor king is fair dear king children sends blessing to be not at Wangyi with Zuo of birds of Wang Zhi Zuo notes Jun of week official Ji to be not worth so more the Song Dynasty of left also Ancestor king is Zu Diyi Zuo place of empty character lineage gives Yi Wei oneself but standsThe of It is with honour day Yin ground also reason teachs civilian beauty Zuo Bright red Zuo says subject of honour day friend not dare the Yin ground of civilian hold a memorial ceremony for of of the emperor of alone of hold a memorial ceremony forReason common people all gets hold a memorial ceremony for alsoOnly company grave is filled for Zi
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    The Zi Cheng Yi of company of of company of Hou of big company of company of king notting only takes Zheng Long Tian JiqingBuy company Yi Yi of the doctor takes of grave of cropland of Zheng an elongated pointed tablet of jade held in the hands by ancient rulers on ceremonial occasions to fill Jun of Qu city Zuo for ZiThe company issue of low makes civilian salty give its power and have department advocate Qu is shown with This turning over only then Li and shake scrupulously and respectfully respectful at Zuo thing alsoShed shown birds and Zuo Zheng benefit with Yin its do not make a lot also Zuo makes Zuo news close and Zha alsoBig day and advocate day alsoThe Die Yao of worshipping day at Jian person very like that grave of zhuan3huan2 of achieve of of Zhou Guanda department
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    deity all falls Yin says Die goes at outskirt 100 gods suffer Long Yan isFan Tian is magical all offers sacrifices to reason of at zhuan3huan2 grave Mo Zunwu day to say big day andAdvocate day is special also state Die dies screen second advocate degree cannot take an examination of ear itsThe animal sacrifice of Zuo Zuo of Wu Sitian of Jian of of of animal sacrifice Die buts besides 2 emperor ox surelyMillet ox just a large amount of uncle with Chai Siri lunar stars offers sacrifices to department with burnIn the of animal sacrifice that Qu of of rain of of department life Zuo is divided and offers sacrifices to especially each different and Offer sacrifices to at zhuan3huan2 grave the Fan burn of one Jian Wu Diniu alsoOf outskirt use Xin Yezhou only then outskirt day down to
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    The outskirt of this pray Er also reason has Zuo of of place of age of Bo Rizhi Die to predict / the outskirt of outskirt Yi Qi Er is like a winterTo worshipping day of Wu Na outskirt manages has proclaimed in writing greatly of Zai Siwu emperor thing and grave of zhuan3huan2 of Bo Ri not Bo RimingThe emperor big candle 8Zhu Ji of Xi of elder brother of Xi of 2 elder brother does not make of tiger of 8 candle cat just be not worshipping allusionPlace and also Yu says phlogistic fire of grasping Bi of Tian Zuyou god and wish with knowableThe Li that offers sacrifices to child Xi knowing elder brother not hold a memorial ceremony for and with candle of 100 Er One of Yi Weian hold a memorial ceremony for 100 Er with Zuo of Zheng 100 Er with hold a memorial ceremony for first ear
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    Zuo is noted very brightCandle also person all alone also will close in December get together Qu content and of all alone Zuo also Qu content makes the place below Qu civilian list 8 person all advocate the god of content of Qu of thing Ning Ning also the hold a memorial ceremony for of Qu candle closes therefore get together Qu civilian comforts with of a day its Jian Of diligent and advocate first with weighing of its thing not barren says all alone Zuo Person because of first department and reach first Zuo reachs Zuo because of Zuo to express lane of down toThe person that can kill of the tiger of cat of cropland benefit of Ning Shui Yong except cropland all Zuo has Zuo at thing person search almost Bao
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    Hold a memorial ceremony for 100 Er with alsoCheng Youding of Zi of every hold a memorial ceremony for of of department of Pin Weixian 100 Er all Zuo with itsResultEarth turns over his curtilage of Xi of elder brother of water its big pool makes wood its Soil of Central Plains much if very pluvial Zuo to plain Zuo of the cruel sandy soil that make flows and? Reason of Tian Duo broken wishs to turn over its to say curtilage with earth turn over its curtilage person ancient magic art oneDeep feet of feet of 3 removes its earth is Zuo with Qu of Zuo Miao Sheng its earthConversely native land and Zuo is smooth also the Jun that 4 Zha are 8 candle to wish Zuo is scanty
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    Prevent with earthy with water commonplace is like Zha Li sends cervine Ning female of candle of week official Li makes of Li of Ning of of deer of Li Ru Qu send female but withRu is sent and explain the give up of very female good cropland also Ning Zha dies the captive daughter of was not installed and captive its female send again with give up at Xiao Wang Zheng shoulds not be have this Qu of melon of the emperor not the Er that hides alsoThis thing Zha that from Zha of one Geng Ning also makes its gentleman of emissary give upIts candle that Zuo becomes connect therefore in order to emigrate also
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    Of the dance that settler rouses make result of of civilian thing and cannot oneself alsoReason already candle gentleman not Ning resultKnow with this 10 have candle was Xia Zheng in Feburary also Qu comes ugly month is state-private earthResult all but breath of Zheng god civilian with of a day all result battle allNot Ning if candle uses Zuo of of month of the last of the twelve Earthly Branches,this is alling alone with Jin takes house company3 days period also its Zha Qu by the month Xian Zuwu of Ling Mengdong Ning offers sacrifices to Zuo The does not know law Lv that is you the Qin Dynasty with resting but with First the allusion Die of king scanty place buts already candle and close like that Yin Zheng mountain forest plain
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    The content of harbour of every of lumber of scanty material not receives the Zuo that be not Zheng to close to also be like Zuo Those who harvest alone rice is again ripe person control side to October Zuo child the coronal takes the place of with writing at Zun also Wu Ke of Taoist sacrificial ceremony add have also 3 add honourYu Jizhi also coronal and the Jing Jiming of the word alsoThe Zuo before Die of scanty if do not sweet wine,one Taoist sacrificial ceremony of the 3 Jun that add after says again Taoist sacrificial ceremony is usedWine every add its Die the Die that after of Zheng of reason of one Taoist sacrificial ceremony is Yan Xia also but child Wu Si coronal of of Taoist sacrificial ceremony having a hat sweets wine Confucius place narrates week of Die to also be like week Die Taoist sacrificial ceremony Ning sweets wine is used not Yu why reason
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    Appoint appearance week also the way that Zhang Fu Yan Dao not also seeks Xia Houshi also abundant of week a man's cap used in ancient times summer harvest Er of 3 element of a man's cap used in ancient times of Wang Gong skinAppoint appearance Zhang Fu not is chased after only then the coronal of the cloth that add Jin also of a man's cap used in ancient times closes to add cloth a man's cap used in ancient times againAlso 3 together with of Er of element of leather a man's cap used in ancient times a man's cap used in ancient times of the rank of nobility also Die of Dr coronal and its faint Die is ancient person 50 and after the rank of nobility Dr He coronalThe end of the summer of Die having a hat of the Hou having Zheng of Die is built also takes Dr Yin and its elder brother of elder brother is like Dr not surrender this2 are multiterminal of Fu of Mang Xin with Zhu its honour the Zha that does not fall together is insufficient
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    Aid Of the emperor yuan child person also the world is unripe and Zuo person also Kui world in order to establish Zheng HouElephantine Zuo also the with Guan Jueren is dead also and Zha today ancient also person unripe the rank of nobilityDead Zha Abundant or unripe or Yi Ran of the emperor that reach Zuo is ancient person Kui world in order to establish Zheng HouNeed its can resemble the Zuo of forefathers person and stand not Ning child small also childthe lot says Jin Ji Guchong is as small as Zuo child in order to raise be the concubine bear business Jian reason head this Li with bright build to be Gu Zhidao with Zuo but Ning Zhu of this Yin photograph
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    With Guan Jueren government-owned word doubt has Zha Take add Zuo so at surname thick not alsoAdd also add of alone husband with Zuo photograph than adding like that needs Zha Zuo not sumptuous accuses also believe with person of the straight issue that believe a letter also oneThe Zuo Jian body of Ning does not change reason husband to absolutely refuse to to marryAccuse with the straight person that believe desire its in order to believe thing person also Mo Chongwu of Qu believes Jian Do not alter a letter personally to also collect Zha breaksOf Yin also person of Yin also
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    Sad fair piece Zha of complete Home Yao and Jing Zhi of the person that Yin of Zha of small article Home is greeted comesAlso Yin Zha makes Yin also person of Yin also Yin this bear of with respecting Yin Beneficial knows to make Yin also person Jing Zhi also? ? Zuo of Zuo of ghosts and gods of crown Zuo give up alsoThe men and women matchs a Zuo you Zuo only then the Ning of the that reach the home declines at be million firstAncestor the friend of the of Zuo type of the god of the land and the god of the grain-the state says Zuo of Zuo of ghosts and gods also3 Zuo of like that animal sacrifice of after go out to meetBusiness Zuo one of that 3 Zuo also secondly or in place ease 7 inside or with first
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    Acting Zhou Guanda manages is offerred sacrifices to first ancestral deceased mother all the that dance takes the place of first isAlsoReason already establish like that after Sheng adds up to Li Shu The fat Li that Li is like word animal sacrifice also millet millet Shu also Ning Sheng adds up to Li with Shu alsoHematic hold a memorial ceremony for fills alsoAnimal sacrifice square namely the square Cheng Ye that Shu blood uses its Write this water by master Jian also
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    The heart of bright writes talk host namely Yao Wu Cishui alsoDutiful son of of filial piety of Er of hold a memorial ceremony for with its Li Er alsoMake Zuo name thinks of Li to need Bao its like that after Ning cadaver and not Zun also Jun drinks with Mao Ming also Jun drinks the person that use cogongrass so bright this wine also Jun and go bright of its Zi wine is long reason is Pure Brightness not to know He Kao with Qing Dynasty of new writer of Yu Qingzhi of Zuo wine at Zuo wine wine of Zuo of Ning of bright Qing Dynasty at Ning Wine also
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    desire its are clear also with person Wu Qing person not with Qing Dynasty person at person notes and commentaries Zuo of wine of Qu of dark of Zuo meaning all is long heals clear on purpose with Ning Zuo Wine ear of wine of Zuo of Ning of bright Qing Dynasty     Die Yin resolve a doubt coils 12

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