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章节: 卷二
书名: 礼记析疑
类目: 经部
写作年代: 约公元前20年  至  公元后724年
视频: 卷二_礼记析疑
音频: 卷二_礼记析疑

欽定四庫全書 禮記析疑卷二          翰林院侍講銜方苞撰  曲禮下士不名家相長妾 曰長妾則不辨其有子與否以積勞績故異其禮去國三世爵禄有列於朝出入有詔於國若兄弟宗族猶存則反告於宗後去國三世爵禄無列於朝出入無
詔於國唯興之日從新國之法 陳氏集説謂去國三世之久在来出入他國仍告於 本國之君亦不勝其擾矣蓋即出入於本國也其暫 歸入也旋反出也爵禄無列於朝則惟告於宗後不 敢復告君矣無田禄者不設祭器 注疏諸侯大夫非四命無田禄不得造祭器非也諸 侯之國命大夫不常有皆不得造又將誰假乎况士
 寓祭器於士則士亦得造矣孟子曰惟士無田則亦 不祭又曰卿以下必有圭田蓋以田之有無為斷若 下士與庶人在官者有禄而無田則第以養器設薦 耳大夫士去國踰竟為壇位鄉國而哭素衣素裳素冠徹縁鞮屨素簚乗髦馬不蚤鬋不祭食不説人以無罪婦人不當御三月而復服 注謂三月一時天氣變可以遂去疏謂事事反還吉
 禮而後去又云大夫待放三年得玦乃去從郊至竟 三月乃行皆非也經言踰竟則已出其畿疆矣於踰 竟後始言為壇而哭變用喪禮則哭後即行至所之 之國計數三月而後復常明矣大夫士見於國君君若勞之則還辟再拜稽首君若迎拜則還辟不敢答拜 注疏並以聘禮詁但事序既倒辭意難明且首節視 聘禮又多還辟之節疑别言見本國君之禮次節乃
 聘使初至主君迎拜之禮也大夫士或始受爵或承王 事逹邦交踰時而反或以喪疾久不見君而君勞之 故旋辟示不敢當而稽首以拜君之勞若聘禮主君 勞客則一定儀節不宜曰若凡非弔喪非見國君無不答拜者 弔喪不答主人之拜所以體孝子哀敬之心痛深事 劇不敢更與為賓主之禮以擾混之也士飲酒不樂
 國君祭事尚不縣則士不御琴瑟不必言矣士無故 不去琴瑟乃以絃歌肄業及之未聞禮飲而以琴瑟 娱賓也蓋嵗凶為時久長或門内嘉慶族姻招延飲 酒必不可禁但不得以為歡樂而遂忘憂恤耳臨諸侯畛於鬼神曰有天王某甫 鬼神非獨百辟卿士也五嶽視三公四凟視諸侯故 魯語曰山川之靈足以紀綱天下其守為神社稷之 守為公侯皆屬於王者先王制禮辨等稱物雖鬼神
 亦受紀焉故天地祖宗日月先古聖帝明王而外王 不稱名曰某甫以接之自唐以後有天下者自惟徳 不足以配天地故於社稷嶽凟並自降抑而稱名亦 不得以非禮相譏也天子未除喪曰予小子生名之死亦名之 記多據春秋所書以為典法此即據王猛生卒皆稱 名而與成君異也天子建天官先六大曰大宰大宗大史大祝大士大卜
典司六典天子之五官曰司徒司馬司空司士司㓂典司五衆 五官與周官同獨無宗伯蓋大宗以下五職皆周官 宗伯之屬也大士謂大司成及凡有道有徳使教國 子者藍田吕氏以司巫當之司巫乃大祝之屬中士 也而尊以大士之稱與官正同列則名不當物矣五官致貢曰享 周官惟禮職無賦貢天官司㑹以九貢之法致邦國
 之財用大司徒令地貢大司馬施貢分職秋官大行 人掌九服之貢司空之篇逸無可考是侯國之貢必 因五官以致之也五官之長曰伯是職方其擯於天子也曰天子之吏 尚書康王之誥太保率西方諸侯入應門左畢公率 東方諸侯入應門右注疏未及於外曰公 於外畿内吏民及諸侯之國也
天子同姓謂之叔父異姓謂之叔舅 外諸侯為二伯終周之世無有也襄王命晉侯稱叔 父時共主之威柄始弛而王猶有志於謹持之故仍 用舊典至魯昭公之世則王室衰㣲倚晉以自固故 過禮以求得其歡心本不可為典要疏乃據此謂時 又以晉為二伯固矣於外曰侯於其國曰君 於外曰侯鄰國稱之也於其國曰君臣民稱之也舊
 説自稱恐未安庶方小侯入天子之國曰某人 五等諸侯雖國小亦宜以爵稱此後儒以春秋書邾 人牟人葛人来朝而為此臆説耳諸侯未及期相見曰遇相見於郤地曰㑹 先王盛時諸侯或因朝覲而道相遇不應豫有期約 舍天子廵狩㑹朝於方嶽亦不應有見於郤地之事 疑皆因春秋所書而立文非舊典也
夫人自稱於天子曰老婦 畿内命婦無進見天子親接語言之禮惟春官宫卿 世婦佐王后奉齍在廟大賓客饗食及獻繭或間有 問答故禮辭具此古者合男女必當年徳况佐王后 掌内治彰女教為嬪婦内外宗所儀式者乎况男子 五十始命為大夫則婦官之為下大夫者年必近五 十可知矣累日積久以至宫卿則不惟徳優而年過 艾耆必矣其稱老婦以著事實兼明凡列職於宫中
 者皆不宜少艾也應氏乃謂始嫁者則配以卑小之 稱謬矣佐王后領大禮事者不過一二人而宫卿至 十二人視六官之長倍焉正以年徳俱稱而事皆敏 鍊者於婦人中求之尤難故廣其員選以待簡任耳自稱於諸侯曰寡小君 自字衍内言不出外言不入惡其聲之聞也况親接 語乎助祭夫人獻尸不過薦璋致敬大饗薦其籩豆 酒醴無與賓客通言之道也况寡小君乃臣下所施
 於君夫人非夫人所得自稱如諸侯自稱曰寡君義 豈可通乎 夫人弔於諸臣視世子而踊古者男女 有别雖禮之必不可廢者不過以禮相示無親接語 言者列國之大夫入天子之國曰某士 惟大國之上卿得比於天子之士而承事於王室故 晉獻齊㨗王使責讓曰不使命卿鎮撫王室子太叔 對晉亦曰靈王之喪先大夫印段實往王吏不討恤
 所無也可徴周典之舊於外曰子 此據春秋書髙子来盟而云然其實諸侯之大夫無 於外稱子之禮春秋書齊髙子仍魯史之譌而不能 正也於其國曰寡君之老 於本國而稱寡君之老者或禮賢士或諭吏民使者 將命之辭然也
天子不言出 自周無出傳者之臆説也春秋不書出者皇狄泉皆 畿内也書出者越在鄭地也諸侯不生名君子不親惡諸侯失地名滅同姓名 周公之典禮不宜有此記者蓋就春秋書名者擬議 而為之説亦非其本指辨見春秋通論 記者之意 謂諸侯而生名者以其行惡故君子不敢親於其身 為不善耳注疏似失其意
支子不祭祭必告于宗子 若宗子有疾庶子代攝則必受命於宗子不必復告 若宗子去國支子為攝主則禮有常經可以不告且 所之國有逺近豈能遇祭必告按内則云若富則具 二牲獻其賢者於宗子夫婦皆齋而宗敬焉終事而 後敢私祭謂適子庶子為大夫士者欲致祭於大宗 之祖廟則具牲使宗子代祭已往助焉終事乃歸祭 其祖禰正此經所謂蓋支子不得祭大宗之祖廟若
 為大夫士而願致宗敬則必告於宗子而使宗子主 之也犬曰羮獻 羊豕有豚解體解皆先薦骨體而後及膚與腸胃惟 犬則専用其肉以為羮餘皆不薦水曰清滌酒曰清酌 明水涚齊以其體至清可用以滌五齊而得名酒則 去糟而為清始可酌以祭饗非若恒食清糟可並用
 耳祭王父曰皇祖考王母曰皇祖妣 皇大也王父王母假義也父母之上復有父母猶君 之上復有君故假其稱以為義君命大夫與士肄在官言官在府言府在庫在庫在朝言朝 君命大夫與士肄其職業則在官者各言其所司之 事府庫朝條舉之以例其餘也在朝言朝如太僕則
 言燕朝之禮司士則言治朝之禮朝士則言外朝之 禮命大夫與士肄者凡職事必其官之長與屬共議 之也若别有創作營為不宜曰肄     禮記析疑卷二

  • Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    decides 4 complete Die Yin resolve a doubt coils 2Fang Bao of Zuo of Zheng of serve of courtyard of member of the Imperial Academy is writtenBelow music Die Person not concubine of Zuo of photograph of a person of academic or artistic distinctionSay Zuo concubine not its have differentiate child Ning is denied with of reason of Er Jun its Die Go salary of sansei the rank of nobility has Lie Wuchao discrepancy to Yu is like brotherly clan at puts after of countercharge Wu Zong to go of discrepancy of Lie Wuchao of of salary of sansei the rank of nobility
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    Yu at only the law of the day new of Ning Zheng of Zuo collect Zha goes of sansei long in will come in and go out his still is accused atThe Jun Yi of this not its San comes in and go out namely Wu Ben also its is entered also come back to go out instead also alone of Lie Wuchao of of salary of the rank of nobility accuses Wu Zong after notDare accuses gentleman Tian Lu person not Yu sacrificial utensilNotes and commentaries Zheng Dr Hou is not Tian Lu of 4 lives to must not build sacrificial utensil to be not also Zheng Doctor of life of Hou Zhi is seldom neither must be built Zha is false besides person
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    of Wu Shi of contain sacrificial utensil person also must build the Mencius says of cropland of alone person alsoNot hold a memorial ceremony for says again dear if,below surely San of cropland of an elongated pointed tablet of jade held in the hands by ancient rulers on ceremonial occasions has with Tian ZhiPerson of corporal Ning be the concubine is in official person have salary and cropland with Zuo implement Yu Shu EarDoctor person goes Zuo unexpectedly Zuo and cry of coronal of element of skirt of element garment element Zuo of children's hair of of Ha of element of Jun Zuo not flea Zuo not hold a memorial ceremony for is fed not Zha person with blame Person not drive in March and is takenNote Zheng Zhu of of one day can go then in March scanty Zheng at every turn turns over Zuo auspicious
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    Die and after goes cloud doctor is waited for put 3 years to get to go therefore outskirt comes unexpectedlyAll was not all right therefore in March also Jian character Zuo unexpectedly already gave his Ji border at Zuo Unexpectedly after only then character and cry Zhu cries with Die after goes to place namely Yin in March and after Chang MingIf greet,the Zuo monarch that doctor person Yao is like at Jun Jun does obeisance to kowtow gentleman againMonarch of the Zuo that do obeisance to dare not answer do obeisance toNotes and commentaries in order to hire Die Yu but thing foreword pours Zuo meaning Zuo already bright and head Geng Yao Hire Die the Geng doubt that much Zuo monarchs fastens character Yao second Geng is Die of this Jun Zhi
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    Hire make come first advocate Jun Yingbai's Die also doctor person or only then get an ancient win vessel with three legs and a loop handle or bear king of Zuo of thing Zuo diplomatic relations and Nor with disease long not of Yao Jun Erjun Reason monarch coming back is shown not dare and kowtow is like with Bai Junzhi hire Die advocate gentleman Geng of certain of guest shoulds not be of Yao of blame of of Fan Fei Mr does not answer the person that do obeisance to does not answer to be done obeisance to masterly Ai Jingzhi of Zuo dutiful son is so aching difficult issue not dare more Ning Zuo advocate Die mixes with alsoPerson Zuo wine not
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Thing of Mr hold a memorial ceremony for still not Jun person not a twenty-five-stringed plucked instrument of drive musical instrument need not reason of Yan Yishi Do not go to what musical instrument a twenty-five-stringed plucked instrument reachs with of Jian song study therefore not Long Die Zuo and with musical instrument a twenty-five-stringed plucked instrumentAmusement Zuo also of San fierce is long action of fine a group of things with common features marriage delays Zuo inside Zuo or Zuo Wine cannot be banned surely but must not satisfy ear of compensate forgetting with Ning Zheng Hou Zhen says at ghosts and gods one day Wang Mou justs100 monarch of of blame of ghosts and gods Qing Shi also 5 Yao 3 fair reason of Hou of Zheng of 4 Yao Zuo Zha says its defend the world of Jin of Zuo enough Ji of mountains and rivers-land of god the god of the land and the god of the grain-the stateDefend fair Hou all makes the ghosts and gods of Er content Zuo such as Die differentiate at Wang Zhexian king
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    Also get life of ancestor of world of Ji Yan friend first ancient Long emperor bright king and outside kingNot Er name says some justs the person from Tang Yi after falls one day with receiving buts oneself Can't match reason of heaven and earth to fall oneself at of of of the god of the land and the god of the grain-the state or and Er name alsoDo not be able to be not Die photograph Zhu alsoThe emperor did not say except grant the dead Yi Mingzhi of boy unripe name of place of age of Yin much is in charge of with law this namely Wang Meng gives birth to soldier all Er Renown and of Ning Cheng Jun alsoThe emperor builds day of Guan Xianliu to say to be slaughtered greatly greatly a large amount of big Shi Dazhu Dashidabo
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    Does allusion manage the official of 6 allusion the emperor says does sky of department of Si Tusi Zuo manage person department? AllusionDepartment 5 Xiao San of Zong Bai of of Zhou Guantong of facial features Ning a large amount of the following 5 Long all week officialZong Baizhi is big also person Zheng manages greatly reach every to have makes teach Child person the sergeant that the department witch with department witch is Shu Tian Lv to wish greatlyAlso and honour with big person Er Ning Guan Zhengtong lists name not contentFacial features sends Zuo to say enjoyLawsuit of day of Zuo of Zuo of of Long of Zhou Guanwei Die ? The law with 9 Zuo sends state
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    Zuo makes ground Zuo big with big Situ Si Zuo shi Zuo divides Long autumn Guan DahangPerson palm the Zuo that the 9 Zuo that take manage can take an examination of an empty ease is Hou needsBecause of facial features as a result alsoThe Zuo of facial features says uncle it is Long square its Wu Tianzi also says the official of the emperorStill Kang Wangzhi Zha too protect left of Zuo of of Hou Ru of rate west Zheng official rate Zuo of of Hou Ru of square Zheng is right notes and commentaries do notAt outside say fairAt outside the official inside Ji civilian of the Hou Zhi that reach Zheng also
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    The uncle of Zheng of the emperor of the same surname surnames the mother's brother of father's younger brother of Zheng Outside the world of week of 2 uncle Jian has Zheng Hou to also assist father's younger brother of Er of Hou of king life Father in all advocate power handle only then relax and the friend that king has annals to be held at Zheng stillUse Ning allusion to the world royal family with Zuo fair clear to decline? Lean on with originallying oneself reason Zuo Die in an attempt to gets its heart this cannot allusion wants scanty it is this Zheng With 2 uncle solidAt outside say Hou Wuji says gentlemanAt outside say of Er of Hou Zuo also say at its of Jun Chenmin Er also Ning
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Zha fears was not being installed from Er The that ofs or by the concubine Fang Xiaohou enters the emperor says someoneSmall Yi Yi of of Zuo of 5 Hou waiting for Zheng with Er of the rank of nobility this after Confucianism with age ZhuThe person seeks person arrowroot person to come toward ear of this chest Zha Do Zheng Hou Wei and period photograph Yao say encounter photograph Yao to say at Zuo ground? First Hou of Zheng of Wang Cheng or because of face Yin path encounter not comfort has period Ji Abandon the emperor to hunting? Chao Wufang also not has Yao the thing at Zuo groundDoubt all establishs Wen Fei Ning because of age place to be in charge of also
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    The madam says from Er Wu Tianzi old The Die that Yin of the emperor of Yao of Zuo of of of the life inside Ji receives Zha word alone spring Guan GongqingQueen of world assist acts according to Zuo to feed the Kui that reach or Zuo to have in Zuo of guest of big Zuo answers reason Die Zuo provides this ancient person add up to a men and women to need year queen of Kuang ZunTreat inside the palm clear the female person that teach style of of place of an administrative unit in Xizang of inside and outside besides man50 only then the person that of Guan Zhi of of of life Dr issues a doctor year surely nearly 510 knowable tired day Er is long of of of down to Gong Qing notting only year of Zuo Ai Qibi its Er old holds Ming Fan concurrently to list Long Wu Gong with writing thing in
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Person all unfavorable little Ai Ye is Zheng only then of the person that marry matchs with low small Er Zheng thing of big Die of assist queen Zuo person not person of Zuo just a little and Gong Qing comesThe Zuo of 6 officials of 12 people Yao times Yan Zheng with year all Er and thing all quick Zuo person beg at philtrum blame Zuo of its of Zuo reason holds the post of ear with waiting for Ha Say at Zheng Hou from Er few young gentlemanThe Long that the character outside going out from the character inside word develop does not enter its Long also besides Yin is received Zha cadaver of of the madam that aid hold a memorial ceremony for not beans of its Hu of Shu of big Zuo of greeting of Zuo Shu a jade tabletWine sweets wine guest of Ning Zuo connects Yan Zhidao also besides the place below few small Jun Naichen is applied
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Earning of madam of blame of Mrs. Wu Jun is like Er of Zheng Hou Zi to say from Er few gentleman Li Zuo can be connected madam at world of Zheng official Yao child and leap up is ancient person men and womenThose who fasten Zuo Die need cannot person not Zuo shows Yin to receive Zha with Die photographCharacter personThe that lists the doctor of to enter the emperor says some personOver alone big dear must compare Wu Tianzi person and bear reason of room of thing Wu Wang Zuo ? King make Zuo Zhu says not royal family of of mission dear Zuo child too father's younger brother of Wang Zhi of Zuo of Yi Yue first the doctor imprints paragraph of past king official not Yin compensate
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    Place also but Zhou Dianzhi Ning At outside say child Zuo of of this age child come alliance and Yun Ran of its Zheng Dr Hou ZhiAt outside Er child Zuo of Zuo of Die age child still Zhu of Zuo Shi Zhi and cannotalsoWu Ji says few Jun Zhi is oldAt this Er few Jun Zhi's old man or Die emissary of official civilian of Zuo person or Zheng The Zuo of life like that also
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    The emperor not character goes outThe chest Zha of the person that give from week also age not Huang Diquan of the person that goes out allInside Ji also the person that goes out is in Zuo ground more also Zheng Hou does not give birth to a gentleman not name of of the same surname of place name of Hou Shi of Yin Zheng Allusion Die of Zhougong is unfavorable San of the person that have this Yin with respect to age name person Zhu And the meaning of the person that the Zha of also is not his to show differentiate Yao age connects Zha Yin originally Zheng Zheng Hou Ersheng name person go with its reason gentleman not dare Yin Wu Jishen bad side noteses and commentaries be like lose its meaning
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    Stand not hold a memorial ceremony for of hold a memorial ceremony for accuses Yu Zongzi surelyIf Zong Zi has disease to of or by the concubine of filial generation recieves orders surely Wu Zongzi need not is accusedIf Zong Zi goes of stand advocate Die has constant Jian to need not be accused andThe of place has Zuo close Zuo to be able to encounter hold a memorial ceremony for to be accused surely by inside Yun Refu is providedZhe Wuzong of its Zuo of of 2 animal sacrifice child husband all Zuo and thing of Zong Jingyan Jian andAfter dare Zuo of Zheng of illicit hold a memorial ceremony for child bastard Dr person person be about to send Wu Dazong of hold a memorial ceremony forancestor provides animal sacrifice to make a filial generation hold a memorial ceremony for departed thing of the Jian that aid Yan is hold a memorial ceremony forIts ancestor Die stand of San of Zheng of this Jian place does not get hold a memorial ceremony for a large amount of ancestor if
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    Dr person and Zuo sends Zong Jing to accuses Wu Zongzi surely and make Zong Zi advocatealsoThe dog says Li The sheep pigs Zuo of bone of Jie Jiexian Shu of Zuo of solution having pig and after and alone of stomach of Mo Ning Mo Canine uses its meat with Shu of neither of Li Zuo Wine of Shui Yueqing says clear to drink Zuo of bright water can be used to Qing Dynasty with its Zuo with 5 Zuo and of the wine that get a nameGo flooey and is clear only then can drink to if constant feeds clear flooey,be not with Zuo of hold a memorial ceremony for but is used
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    EarFather of king of hold a memorial ceremony for says origin of Huang Zukao king says emperor ancestor deceased motherEmperor is great also false Li of mother of king father king also has parental Mr over parents has gentleman over reason is false its Er with Li Person study of life doctor Ning is in gentleman government-owned word official is in in in government office of government office character hold office at courtYan ChaoGentleman of its Long is in person study of life doctor Ning official person each character what its manageOf Ning of of face of of thing seat of government with exemple its Zuo also character of hold office at court of Chao Rutai
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    The Die face that Yan Yanchao's Die manages person character controls government of the face outside person characterPerson study of Ning of Die life doctor person every Long thing needs the Zuo Ning of its official in all Zhu if does not make should not be,also say study     Die Yin resolve a doubt coils 2

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