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  • New Sinology Title:
    Army force piece strategics of grandchildren of the 5th _

    New Sinology Chapter:
    Army force piece the 5th

    New Sinology BookName:
    Grandchildren strategics

    New Sinology Catalog:
    Classics department

    New Sinology Content:

    Grandchildren says: If Fan Zhizhong treats few, the mark is also; Fight numerous if fight few, entity name is also; Of the army numerous, can make suffer surely enemy and without the person that be defeated, surprising is also; The place of arms is added, be like the person that throw egg with Chu , false or true is also.

    Every battle person, with closing, get the better of in order to surprise. Reason be apt to exceptionally person, boundless be like heaven and earth, not exhaust is like Jiang Hai. Eventually and renew, life is also. Dead and reborn, the four seasons is also. Sound does not pass 5, 5 change, cannot get the better of listen also; Color does not pass 5, 5 kinds change, cannot get the better of view also; Flavour does not pass 5, of the five flavors change, cannot get the better of taste also; Battle outward appearance is rare nevertheless, strange change, cannot get the better of end also. Strange positive is unripe, be like circular for no reason, what can be poor!
    Stimulate the disease of water, as to the person that bleach stone, situation also; The disease of ferociousing bird, as to destroy the person that fold, section also. Battle of reason be apt to person, its force a place difficult of access, its length is short. Situation if crossbow, the section is like hair machine. Yun of confused diverse and confused, fight chaos and cannot random; Dun of muddy muddy Dun, form is round and cannot be defeated. Be born at treating in disorder, self-conscious Yu Yong, give birth to Yu Jiang infirmly. Treat chaos, several also; Brave cowardly, situation also; Lose by force, form also.
    Reason be apt to is moved enemy person, of form, enemy surely from; Those who grant, enemy take surely. Move with benefit, wait for with soldier. Battle of reason be apt to person, beg at situation, not duty at person reason can choose person a situation. Allow situation person, its battle person also, if turn Mu Shi. Mushi's sex, an Zejing, danger is moved, just stop, the circle goes.
    The situation of person of battle of reason be apt to, if turn cobble the hill at 1000 an ancient measure of length equal to seven or eight chi person, situation also.
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