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  • New Sinology Title:
    False or true piece strategics of grandchildren of the 6th _

    New Sinology Chapter:
    False or true piece the 6th

    New Sinology BookName:
    Grandchildren strategics

    New Sinology Catalog:
    Classics department

    New Sinology Content:

    Grandchildren says: Every is in battleground first and wait for enemy person comfort, battleground is in after and hasten battle person fatigue, battle of reason be apt to person, send a person and will not person. The person that can make the enemy comes oneself, of benefit also; Can make the enemy does not get the person that come, kill also, reason enemy comfort can of fatigue, full can of be hungry, install active. Give its place not hasten, hasten its are unexpectedlied. Travel a thousand li and not fatigue person, the ground that goes at nobody also.

    The person that attack and take surely, attack its place to be not defended also; The person that defend and originally surely, defend its place to be not attacked also. The person that reason be apt to is attacked, enemy do not know its place to defend; The person that be apt to is defended, enemy do not know its place to attack. Small small, as to aeriform. God god, as to breathed, reason can is enemy department life. Then cannot drive person, develop its theory also; The person that retreat and cannot chase after. Fast and cannot reach also. Reason my desire battle, enemy although Gao Lei is deep channel, must with my battle person, attack its place to be saved surely also; I not desire battle, paint the land and defend, enemy must not with my battle person, good of its place also.
    Reason entity person and I am aeriform, criterion I only and enemy cent. I am only one, enemy cent is 10, be with 10 attack firstly also, criterion I am numerous and enemy few; Can with the numerous person that attack few, criterion my place and battle person, make an appointment with. The ground of place and my battle is not knowable, not knowable, criterion the person that enemy place has is much; The person that enemy place has is much, criterion place and my battle person, few.
    Before reason has criterion hind few, after equipment criterion before few, equipment is left right few, equipment is right left few, without place unprepared, do not have place not few. Few person, equipment person person also; Numerous person, make the person has oneself person also.
    Reason knows the land of battle, know the day of battle, criterion but a thousand li and encounter. Do not know battleground, do not know battle day, left cannot save right, right cannot save left, after cannot be being saved before, before cannot be being saved after, and besides far person tens of in, close person several lis?
    With I degree, although the arms that jumps over a person is much, is Yi Xi beneficial defeated at getting the better of? Friend says: Get the better of can be also. Enemy although numerous, can make not have bottle. Of reason plan and realize gain and loss plan, make and the truth that tells activity, of form and the land that knows dead to be born, of horn and the place that knows superabundant inadequacy. Of reason form arms extremely, as to aeriform. Aeriform, deep cannot peep, wisdom person cannot seek. Because of form and the fault is excelled numerous, numerous cannot know; The person all knows the form that I get the better of so, and Mo Zhiwu so the form of get the upper hand of. Reason its conquer not answer, and should form at boundless.
    Water of husband army image, the form of water, avoid tall and below hasten, the form of arms, avoid solid and attack theory. Water is made because of the ground stream, arms because enemy and get the upper hand of. Reason soldiers is fugitive situation, water is fugacious form, can because of enemy change and take a winner, those who call is magical.
    Reason the five elements is fugacious get the better of, the four seasons is fugacious, day has short long, the month has dead unripe.
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