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  • New Sinology Title:
    Army form piece strategics of grandchildren of the 4th _

    New Sinology Chapter:
    Army form piece the 4th

    New Sinology BookName:
    Grandchildren strategics

    New Sinology Catalog:
    Classics department

    New Sinology Content:

    Grandchildren says: The battle of be apt to of former times person, it is first cannot get the better of, in order to wait for enemy can get the better of. Cannot get the better of in oneself, can get the better of in enemy. Battle of reason be apt to person, can be cannot get the better of, cannot make enemy can get the better of surely. Friend says: Get the better of knowable, and cannot be.

    Cannot winner, defend also; But winner, attack also. Regulations is insufficient, attack superabundant. The person that be apt to is defended, hide under 9 ground, the person that be apt to is attacked, move at empyreal over, reason can be protected oneself and get the better of completely also.
    See the place that has not gotten the better of everybody know, the person that be not the be apt to of be apt to also; Conquer and the world says be apt to, the person that be not the be apt to of be apt to also. Reason lifts autumn hair to not be much power, see life is not bright eye, wen Leiting is not acute hearing ear. Battle of ancient alleged be apt to person, the person that excel Yi Sheng also. Battle of reason be apt to person get the better of also, without wisdom name, without brave result, reason its conquer does not error, the person that do not error, its place arrange surelies win, get the better of the person that already was defeated also. Battle of reason be apt to person, remain invincible, and do not break enemy be defeated also. Hereat gets the better of Bing Xiansheng after that seek battle, be defeated arms first battle after that strive for victory. Resort to arms of be apt to person, ascetic and maintain a standard, reason can be victory and defeat politics.
    Strategics: Say degree, 2 say quantity, 3 say several, 4 say say, 5 say get the better of. The land is raw degree, spend unripe amount, the quantity lays number, number is unripe say, say to be born get the better of. If reason Sheng Bing weighs an ancient unit of weight with an ancient unit of weight, be defeated if arms weighs an ancient unit of weight with an ancient unit of weight. The winner's battle civilian also, form also.
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