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章节: 周书·君奭
书名: 尚书
类目: 经部
写作年代: 约公元前-443年  至  公元后674年
视频: 周书·君奭_尚书
音频: 周书·君奭_尚书


  • New Sinology Title:
    A high official in ancient China of _ of of week book Mr ·

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    of week book Mr ·

    New Sinology BookName:
    A high official in ancient China

    New Sinology Catalog:
    Classics department

    New Sinology Content:

    Call together is fair to protect, zhou Gong is division, become Wang Wei to control. Call together is fair do not say, zhou Gong is made " gentleman " .

    Zhou Gongre says: " gentleman ! Not condole sky falls funeral Yu Yan, life of faint of Yan Ji dropping, I have Zhou Ji to suffer. I dare not know faint radical always inspire confidence in sb at resting. If day sinceres feeling, I also dare not know my to be stemmed from eventually bodeful.
    Alack! When gentleman already said I, I also dare not could there be at sacred life, not to read aloud Tian Wei to jump over my civilian forever; Not violate especially, alone person. In my heir descendants, not greatly Ke Gong fluctuates, light of check comfort forefathers is in the home, do not know destiny not easy, day difficult a surname, therefore its drop life, not gram experience. Heir forefathers, respectful bright heart, in grant today gram of boy dawn blame has, enlighten alone forefathers light is applied at my punch. " say again: " the day is suspect, heart of peaceful king of my path alone is delayed, the day does not need Shi Yuwen king recieves orders. "
    Fair say: " gentleman ! My Wen Zaixi recieves orders into Shang Ji, there is the Yin that be like Yi when, day of case Yu Huang. Be in too armour, if protect,have when judge. Be in too the fifth of the ten Heavenly Stem, there is the Zhi that be like Yi, official retinue when, case at god; Wang Jia of Wu Xian . In Zu Yi, if,have when Wu Xian. In Wu Ding, if,have when pleasant dish. The at present that lead alone has old, protect to have blackish red, reason abundants ceremony Zhi matchs a day, place of much past years. Life of Tian Weichun bless, criterion person of king of business real common people. Not do not grasp De Ming compensate, pasture of Hou of small official screen, shen Xian Ben goes. Heart of alone of alone at present says, the faint that use monarchs, reason one person is busy at all directions, if predict Shi,not not be inspire confidence in sb. "
    Fair say: " gentleman ! Day birthday makes the same score case, protect to have blackish red, have Yan Si, the day destroys power. Today Ru Yongnian, have solid lot, faint is random bright I make state newly. "
    Fair say: " gentleman ! The heart of Shen Quanning king is cut in former times god, its market large order at faint bend forward? Shang Kexiu of alone article king and I have summer; Also be like Guo Shu only, if Hong tenders,have, if,have San Yisheng, have the fall that be like peaceful, if,have south palace draw together. " say again: " incompetent come-and-go, at present enlighten Yi teaching, heart of article king disdain falls at compatriots. Grasping heart of Yi Weichun bless, enlighten know Tian Wei, wen Wangdi of the clear when butting therefore sees risk, hear at god. Lot having blackish red gets when alone. Wu Wangwei thises 4 people Shang Di has salary. Hind and Tian Wei of fierce Wang Danjiang, salty Liu Juedi. Alone thises Wu Wangwei risks 4 person clear, big sheet says heart.
    Be in today grant boy dawn, be like You Dachuan, grant to go to and your its aid. Boy is the same as not v/arc be on the throne, absurd do not have my duty to close, not Xu not as good as. Long is built heart do not fall my criterion, songbird is not heard, does Shen say do its have can case? "
    Fair say: " die! Jun Si its inspect Yu Ci! I recieve orders to rest at border alone, yi Dawei difficult. Accuse gentleman, abundant you You I, do not confuse with later generations. "
    Fair say: " forefathers apply is a heart, life you all you, make Ru Min pole. Say: "Ru Mingxu occasionally king, at present big lot is taken in , de Picheng of alone article king, without border compensate! " "
    Fair say: " gentleman! Accuse you, my allow protects . Its you overcome Jing Yiyu inspect to be denied greatly at abundant funeral, four reads aloud my Tian Wei. Grant not allow alone is like at present imperial mandate, grant to but: "Assist I 2 people, do you have close? " Yan Yue: "Be in when 2 people. " the day rests at present comes, the 2 people when alone not suppress. Its you overcome Jing De, bright my handsome civilian, when letting later generations Yu Pi.
    Alack! The 2 people when earnest , does my type gram come to rest now? Wang Gong of my Xian Chengwen at! Not idle bigs risk, hai Yu gives day, not do not lead in order to. "
    Fair say: " gentleman! Grant not Hui Reci much imperial mandate, grant to but to be jumped over with Min Yutian civilian. "
    Fair say: " die! Gentleman! Alone knows civilian heart to not also cannot his or her therefore first, alone its eventually. If this,venerate, toward Jing Yongzhi! "

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