Enter language of home of government-owned _ Confucius New Sinology Chapter: Join an officer New Sinology BookName: Confucius home language New Sinology Catalog: Child ministry New Sinology Content: Child enters government-owned Wu Kongzi. Confucius says: " make one's home Zuo of extraction Zhu . " child says: " of how? " Confucius says: " oneself have kind not , teach cannot not idle, already Zuo not , a slip of the tongue not Ji, not to be pooh-poohed is not satisfied, act does not stay, gentleman joins an officer, have this 6 person, body installs Zhu to come and politics . And husband angry person, government-owned place by unripe also; The person that be apart from Zheng , fills in also; Slow easy person, Die is broken also; Inactive person, after also; Extravagant person, Zuo is not worth also; person, the thing won'ts do also. Gentleman joins an officer, divide this 6 person, body installs Zhu to come and politics . Reason gentleman south Ning official, in old territory and fair treat, wisdom of essence of life and go slightly, closing is faithful letter, taking an examination of is big , putting is beautiful , Zuo is benefit and dividing is to kill, begs its Yan, and civilian affection can be gotten also. The of husband Ning is fought civilian , the of makes civilian character, the of the quantity the Zuo of handsome civilian, the of Wu Ji of Zuo , the of at criminal law, be like this, body installs Zhu to come and civilian also. Gentleman with Zuo of of Yao of Ning official place, reason bright cannot my also, be begged at Zuo , reason not and also, Ji of the person that treat so, reason need not Bao and Zhu stands, every law elephant is in , reason law not Zuo and fountainhead not exhaust. Be with the world Er this not few, short Zuo gets his to measure, person keep in mind is treated and not , politics heart Zuo heart, hide annals, form color, Long , be like this and install Zhu to come personally civilian salty autonomy. Hereat Ning official does not treat , of of unripe person to, of to at , ming Jun needs makes rich with Rong Jimin, kind is soft, and civilian contented. The person that go, politics only then also, Zha person, the of affection also, travel of politics of be apt to is easy and civilian do not complain, character Zha Zha and civilian not Zhu , the law is in body civilian elephant, bright in personal of civilian Zuo . If be offerred therefore oneself and not Geng , the person be born of Zuo benefit is small, Zuo with be not being gotten, be apt to politics surely Ha , of Gou Yi , character of be apt to needs not Long also. Yu with Ji , day of Yao Zheng comes, yan Zhishan person, in place day Long , the be apt to of travel person, be in can . The person that reason gentleman goes up, civilian also, having department politics person, civilian express also, Zuo official out-of-the-way person, group the of also. Reason is frame-up civilian is broken, express of dishonourable common people, Zuo official out-of-the-way, group official . Be with the person advocate cannot irreverent 3 , gentleman cultivate one's morality is turned over, the character in examine and those who take, body installs Zhu to come, Jian only then in Yan. Reason husband woman needs from Jian hemp, fine labour needs from appearance material, mr Zuo is controlled from surely, at take a person, thing of comfort Wu Zhi, gentleman desire Zhu , needs its control Zheng . Mu Yan of Jin of for example of the person that go up, is tall and the grow below Wei very, the good Zuo of 6 Zuo , surely of Wu Si Zuo hand in thoroughfare, the betray of Qu civilian, break at what gentleman goes up surely politics. The person that go up honour and danger, civilian person low Zuo and god, the of is put, the of dies, Zuo civilian person surely bright this should. Reason south Ning official, Zuo and not Zuo , rich and can offer, have this and can end, write a thing and can build , long reside and not , affection is close and Zuo , examine one content and Zuo much, manage one thing and Qu content cannot person, with the body this person also. Gentleman San civilian, need not not know civilian quality, and Zuo Zheng civilian affection, know its sex already, Li its affection, like that after civilian is life. Of civilian Yin of die Ning , politics all civilian is complained, reason gentleman San civilian, not Ning with tall, not with Zuo , not the place of Zuo civilian not , not the place of civilian cannot. With result of bright Wang Zhi, not because of its affection, civilian and do not greet, the with for years in succession of Ha , not Yinjili, civilian is brought and not , be like Zuo civilian place not , civilian place cannot, civilian disease, disease out-of-the-way. Ancient person Long advocate crown and Qian Liu, so my bright also, Ji Ji fills ear, so Long of attack by surprise also, Zuo of of Shui Zhiqing , the person comes apprentice of examine , crooked and straight, make of contented, and soft, make be begged oneself, conjecture and spend, make all alone oneself, civilian have small crime, seek its kind surely, with condone its Zuo , civilian have great pain, surely former its reason, change with benevolence Zuo , if have capital crime, what its make is unripe, be apt to also. It is above issue Yin and not Zuo , path change flow and not Ta , friend virtue person politics only then also, politics disaccord civilian not its teach , not teaching, civilian not Li , Li cannot be gotten and do not make also. The Yao of gentleman desire character is believed also, mo Shan first Ta its , desire politics fast travel also, mo Shan with the body first, desire civilian fast take also, mo Shan with line drive. Reason Zuo is taken surely , be not faithful letter oneself, can take the person that Yin Wu Bai is surnamed, outside not photograph , already took the person that believe Wu Shu civilian. This is treated civilian come, the big Jian that joins an officer. " child already Long Confucius Si Yan, be retreated then and of Yin . |
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