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章节: 述而第七
书名: 论语
类目: 经部
写作年代: 约公元前258年  至  公元后243年
视频: 述而第七_论语
音频: 述而第七_论语


  • New Sinology Title:
    Narrate and the analects of confucius of the 7th _

    New Sinology Chapter:
    Narrate and the 7th

    New Sinology BookName:
    The analects of confucius

    New Sinology Catalog:
    Classics department

    New Sinology Content:

    Child say: " narrate and do not make, believe and very ancient, steal than at my Laopeng. "

    Child say: " silent and of knowledge, have an insatiable desire to learn, be tireless in teaching, why to have at me. "
    Child say: " of heart do not repair, learn do not tell, wen Yi cannot move from one place to another, not to be pooh-poohed cannot change, it is my care also. "
    Child swallow house, shenshen if also, die young die young if also.
    Child say: " very, I declines also! Long, I not answer dream of Zhou Gong! "
    Child say: " annals at, according to Yu De, according to Yu Ren, swim Yu Yi. "
    Child say: " by oneself fast repair above, I does not have not not have instruct Yan. "
    Child say: " not anger is not opened, do not be at a loss for words be not sent, lift a corner to be not turned over with 3 border, criterion not answer also. "
    Child feed at having funeral person side, have not full also. Child then day cries, criterion not song.
    Child call Yan Yuan says: " an used travel, a Tibet that abandon, alone I and Er have is a husband! " child the way says: " child travel three armed services, criterion who and? " child say: " cruel Hu Fenghe, the person that die and do not have regret, I not with also. Also face an issue surely and dread, the good person that seek and become also. "
    Child say: " rich and can beg also, although hold of whip person, I also does it. If cannot be begged, good from I. "
    Child careful: Fast, battle, disease.
    Child in Qi Wen " beautiful " , did not know fleshy ingredient in March, say: " do not pursue for Le Zhi as to this also! "
    Ran You says: " is the master Wei Jun? " child tribute says: " Nuo, I enters those who ask, say: " Bai Yi, neat He Ren of father's younger brother also? " say: " ancient a person of virtue also. " say: " complain? " say: " beg benevolence and benevolence, why to complain again? " piece, say: " the master is also. "
    Child say: " the meal is scanty feed water, music thes upper arm and of pillow, le Yi amid. Disloyal and rich and expensive, be like cloud drift at me. "
    Child say: " add me several years, 50 in order to learn " easy " , can not have a serious offence. "
    Child place elegant character? " poem " , " book " , hold ceremony, all elegant character also.
    Xie Gong asks Confucius Yu Zilu, child the way is wrong. Child say: " female why to say, its are a person also, make a determined effort forget to feed, happy in order to forget worry, do not know old will come Yun Er. "
    Child say: " the person that I am not what be born and know, very ancient, quick of in an attempt to person also. "
    Child not language is strange, force, random, magical.
    Child say: " 3 people go, have my division Yan surely: Choose its be apt to person and from, its are not good at person and change. "
    Child say: " inherent virtue Yu Yu, post Zuo if its grant why! "
    Child say: " 23 child be concealed with me? I does not have concealed Er. I is not had go and not with 23 child person, it is Qiu Ye. "
    Child with 4 religion: Civil, all right, faithful, letter.
    Child say: " sage, I is not gotten and see; Get the person that see a man of noble character, this but. " child say: " charitable person, I is not gotten and see; Get the person that see preserving, this but. Die and to have, empty and to be filled with, make an appointment with and be peaceful, difficult preserving. "
    Child angle and not key link, a retrievable arrow with a string attached to it does not shoot constellation.
    Child say: " the person that the lid has what do not know and make, I am not had is also. Hear more, choose its be apt to person and from; See more and know; Know second also. "
    Each other rural area is difficult with character, boy sees, door person be puzzled. Child say: " enter with its also, do not retreat with its also, only why very? Person clean oneself in order to enter, with its clean also, do not protect its are gone to also. "
    Child say: " Ren Yuan? My desire benevolence, si Ren comes. "
    Chen Si is defeated ask: " clear Gong Zhili? " Confucius says: " tell a ceremony. " Confucius is retreated, bow with hands clasped to Wu Ma period and enter, say: " I hears gentleman not party, gentleman also party? Gentleman takes Yu Wu, for of the same surname, calling Wu Mengzi. Gentleman and tell a ceremony, doesn't what tell a ceremony? " Wu Ma period in order to accuse. Child say: " Qiu Yexing, careless has had, the person knows surely. "
    Child with person song be apt to, make surely conversely, mix after that.
    Child say: " civil, mo Wu still person also, bend forward travel gentleman, criterion I not have. "
    Child say: " if emperor and benevolence, criterion my you flatter me. Curb does it not tire of, be tireless in teaching, criterion Er of cloud of it may be said already. " Gong Xihua says: " only child cannot learn also. "
    Child disease, child the road asks earnestly please. Child say: " have all? " child the road is opposite: " those who have. Lei says: "Pray Er issues a god at going up. " " child say: " the pray of grave is long. "
    Child say: " excessive criterion not grandson, frugal originallies. Rather not Sun Ye, ning Gu. "
    Child say: " gentleman is magnanimous swing, lilliputian grows Qi Qi. "
    Child lukewarm and severe, power and not fierce, respectful and how.
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