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章节: 弟子行
书名: 孔子家语
类目: 子部
写作年代: 约公元前-49年  至  公元后610年
视频: 弟子行_孔子家语
音频: 弟子行_孔子家语

  • New Sinology Title:
    Language of home of Confucius of child travel _

    New Sinology Chapter:
    Child goes

    New Sinology BookName:
    Confucius home language

    New Sinology Catalog:
    Child ministry

    New Sinology Content:

    Wen Zi of Xiao Zuo , Zuo of Wu Zi says: " of my Long Confucius apply religion also, first with Yu , and of the path with filial piety, of Zha with benevolence Li , of Yin with Die , like that after becomes with Wen De, San is entered room litre hall person, 70 have Zuo person, Zuo of its what ? " child Zuo with knowing. Wen Zi says: " with me child Zuo of constant Ning person also, do not know why Zheng ? " child Zuo says: " absurd of Zuo person , know Zuo namely Zuo , the character of reason gentleman says: "Wisdom not Zuo Wu Zhi's person, be with Zuo also. " " Wen Zi says: " if the husband knows Zuo of Zuo there's no one who doesn't or isn't, today I child Yin Zuo Yan, be with dare . " child Zuo says: " Zuo person San of the master has 3000 with respect to Yan, Zuo has capture and Yan, not capture and Yan, reason must not be alled over know in order to accuse also. " Wen Zi says: " I child the person that be reached, Zha its travel. " child Zuo says: " the husband can early in the morning Ning night sleep, Zheng Zha esteems Die , row not Zuo Zuo , Er character is clean-fingered, it is the travel that Zuo answers also. Of Confucius Zha say with Yu : "Fawn on one person of Pi , Hou Shende, yong Yanxiao is thought of, xiao Saiwei . " the gentleman that is like Feng Youde, the world gets Zuo lot, do not lose faint name, with drive at the emperor, the photograph of Wang Zhe also. The guest is like in Zuo , make if its official borrows, not Zuo anger, complain not greatly, not Zuo Ning blame, the travel that is Ran Yong also. Confucius Zha its material says: "A man of noble character that has land also, Bao makes also, punishment is used also, like that after Er angry Yan. " Confucius accuses say with Yu : "Blown away by wind does not have first, Zuo gram has Jian , ya husband is not angry, only in order to die its body. " not Wei Die , not bully pity few, sex of its character abide, its Dou Yifu, material allows to control army, the travel that is Zhongyou also. Confucius mixes with civil, of Zha say with Yu : "Suffer old push without using one's hands of small push without using one's hands and Zuo of Zuo of the below , the Zuo of the emperor of carry on one's shoulder, not not Song, apply Zou Jiyong. " Wu Zai, civil not its Zuo , respectful old young, do not overlook Zuo force, Shu of good rich, save content and diligent also, it is the travel that Ran begs also. Confucius consequently of Zha say: "Good wisdom, benefit of Gu , respectful close Die , diligent has Kui , Shun Ha respectful fall with Wang Tian, of its Er also, say appropriate is old. " Zuo Qia and can Man , annals is connected and good Die , the thing of photograph Mr , Ha is elegant have Geng , it is fair Xi Chizhi goes also. Child say: " Die Jian 300, but exert oneself can also, " 3000 of power Zuo also. of fair Xi Chi says: "Why Zheng also? " child say: "Appearance with Die , Die with Zuo , it is Zheng Zuo Yan. " of Bao person Long , become with also. Confucius Zha person says: "The thing of Zuo guest, Zuo . " Zheng Zuo person says: "23 child desire the Die of Zuo guest person, its Wu Chi also, and do not be filled with, and be like Ta , of Zuo be like not as good as, first of king Zuo . " rich not , its appearance respectful, its heart honest, its Yan Wuren also, place is not believed, its Zuo Wu Ren also, constant with grand, be with eyebrow , be ever the travel of also. Confucius says: "Filial piety, of heart only then also; Love and respect for one's elder brother, the foreword of heart also; Letter, de Zhihou also; Faithful, de Zhizheng also. The husband in 4 heart person also, with this Er . " beautiful work not cut down, Zuo not good at, not bully not comfort is not proud is accused, the travel that is Zuo also. Of Confucius character say: "Its not cut down, is likely also, its not fraud common people, benevolence also, Yu cloud: gentleman loving and respect for one's elder brother, civilian parents. Master with its of benevolence big deep. " send greet hand in next receiving to be like cut Yan sincerely yours surely, the travel that is Bo Shang also. Of Confucius Zha say with Yu : "Type exterminate type already, Lilliputian dangers, be like business also, its but Zheng not Zuo . " of Zuo do not be fond of, of Zuo not angry, careless Li Wumin, lian Wuhang oneself, on its thing also with bless its fall, it is Dan Ning bright row also. Confucius says: " Zuo is rich, gentleman aids, the husband is medium also. " become its first, reach an issue and use, reason not absurd, the travel that is character cease also. Confucius says: "Desire can , be about to know , desire Yu of of be apt to, desire Jian comfort, is and row, cease also gets. " Ju Sairen, gong Yanren Li , its at Yu also, a flaw in a piece of jade of white an elongated pointed tablet of jade held in the hands by ancient rulers on ceremonial occasions of a day of 3 Fu, the travel that is Jun also. Confucius believes his can benevolence, with person. From Yao Confucius, discrepancy at , not jumps over Die , of Zuo , sufficient do not walk on a shadow, Xi not , square Zuo is not folded, the of Yin , not Yao Zuo , the travel that is tall bavin also. Confucius says: "Bavin at Yin , Zuo can also, Xi not , Zuo is humane, square Zuo is not folded, excuse me benevolence also, into respectful and with excuse me, be with day Zuo . " every this Zheng child, the person that the place Yin of Zuo is seen also, I child have a lot and Yin Zuo , Zuo also originallies can't know Zuo . " Wen Zi says: " of my Long also, has Yan of Ning of Zuo person, go-between surnames with Yan Naibai, be like me child Zha , already Fu Mao, the photograph of one Zheng Hou also, curb world has no Ming Jun, do not encounter so also. " child Zuo already Wen Ziyan of Zuo of Ning Xiao , confucius of Zuo Zuo Yao says: " of Wen Zi of Xiao Zuo 23 child at Zuo , not one and 3 Yan, Zuo also Zuo not life, with place Yao person , sealed in deny, Zha in order to accuse. " Confucius says: " of character. " child Zuo accuses Confucius with its Zuo . Child Long and laugh: " Zuo , ru Ciyan's person. " child Zuo says: " why dare Zuo also tell a person, this place with Zuo is seen also. " Confucius like that: " I also the place of Zha Ru Er not Long , the place of eye not Yao person, the place that Zuo considers does not come, wisdom do not. " child Zuo says: " Zuo Zuo gets Long . " Confucius says: " cannot not avoid, do not read aloud Ning to complain, the travel of Zuo of father's younger brother of San uncle exterminate also; Think a day and respect a person, take Li and believe all right, xiao Wufu's mother, respectful at brother, be apt to and do not teach, San Zuo Wen Zizhi goes also; Its thing gentleman also, not dare its are dead, also dare not forget its body like that, Zheng its body not Zuo its friend, gentleman Zuo Zuo and those who use, Zuo goes and do not retreat, San Zuo Wu Zizhi goes also; The source of its person also, much Long and Zuo Zha , establish enough does not have its world, home has, its character enough is treated, path, its silent enough is unripe, the travel of uncle Qu of San Zuo Zuo also; Outside and , from at Zuo draw together in, straight oneself and not straight person, draw water Ji Wuren, with be apt to from Jian , the travel of San Qu Baiyu also; Xiao Gongci benevolence, of allow heart Li , Ji Zuo goes complaining, Zuo Zuo not , the travel of San Liu Xiahui also; Its character says, Zuo does not measure gentleman Wu Jishen, official is not OK and disloyal Wu Jijun, official of hereat gentleman and Ren Zhi, official also Mr and of the thing, have Zuo lot, judge life, San comfort makes the same score Zhong Zhi to go also; Skip faithful and travel letter, Jian day character is absent You Zhi , , Ta Zuo not , Zuo and can , the travel of San father also; Easy travel with wait destiny, below house not its get on aid, its Yin Yin at all directions also, do not forget its Yin , not Bao its , with cannot , not the of body of personal Jian , the travel of San meson hill also. " child Zuo says: " dare the person that the place of master knows, San Bao at this just? " Confucius says: " why Zheng its like that? The place of information of Yi Lue Ning is reached and. Former times makes the same score fair Qi Xi to say: "Ovine tongue doctor, the fine doctor of also, do its go how? " Qi Xi Zuo with knowing. Fair say: "My Long child little Zuo its place, today child of attack by surprise, he Ye? " Qi Xi says: "Its are little also respectful and Zuo , the heart has and do not make its Zuo old; Its Dr , all be apt to and its carry Zheng ; Wei Ye of its Zuo , believe and very straight its result, yan Jigong is straight, allow to Wu Ji also, fine and good Die , rich Long and gives its mark. " fair say: " of the person that former child, child doesn't Xi Yue know also? " Qi Xi says: "Every change Zhu , sealed place stops, be with dare not be informed also, this the travel of ovine tongue doctor also. " " child Zuo genuflect says: " Zha is retreated and of Yin . "

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