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  • New Sinology Title:
    Roll _ of area of one · ground young learn to fine jade forest

    New Sinology Chapter:
    Roll area of one · ground

    New Sinology BookName:
    Young learn to fine jade forest

    New Sinology Catalog:
    The country learns illuminative

    New Sinology Content:

    Yellow emperor picture is tough, only then divide Dou Yi; Prevent floods by water control of summerly the reputed founder of the Ix Dynasty, first establish mountains and rivers-land. Cosmic country does not change, gujin's appellation each different. Beijing belongs to deep and remote swallow formerly, golden stage is its surprise bugle call; Nanjing is formerly build line of business, jin Ling is alias. Zhejiang is Wu Lin's area, it is formerly jump over a country; Jiangxi is the ground of comfort chapter, say again Wu Gao. The Fujian Province belongs to Fujian in, lake wide place name 3 Hunan. Donglu Xi Lu, namely the cent of Shandong Shanxi; Dong Yuexi another name for Guangdong Province, it is the region of Guangdong Guangxi. Henan is in an ancient name for China, friend says in city; Shaanxi namely the ground of Chang'an, it is Qin Jing formerly. Sichuan is Xi Shu, yunnan is Gu Dian. Guizhou Province close pretty square, since ancient times the name is Guizhou ground.

    Dong Yuetai hill, xi Yuehua hill, na Yueheng hill, hill of constant of boreal high mountain, zhong Yuesong hill, this is the world high mountain; Rao Zhou's Po is in relief, yue Zhou's green grass, the red of embellish city is in relief, hole front courtyard of E Zhou, of Suzhou too lake, this lake for the world.
    Ramparts of metal and a moat of boiling water-impregnable fortress, call of city consolidate; Whetstone hill takes a river, it is feudal oath alliance. The Supreme Being says Beijing division, birthplace says native place. Weak water of a fabled abode of immortals, alone flying celestial being can be crossed; Square crock Yuan Jiao, it is faery place house. Time brings a great change to the worlds, call of affairs of human life change; River clear sea is late, the peace of million the world. Water god says Feng Yi, say again Yang Hou, igneous god says Zhu Rong, say again a salary. Nereus says the sea if, gate of end of sea eye day.
    Hope the person includes day of be magnanimous enough to forgive or tolerate, xie Ren considers Ze Yuehe benefit. Notting have is tired person say all corners of the country comes loose person, the person that lose heroic spirit says of lake sea person. Ask abandon seek field, do not have high aim formerly; Lift a day to uncover the ground, just be wonder. Without foundation starts armed struggle, calling a sudden storm on a calm sea; Do not move independently, calling firm rock in midstream. Sunspot, bullet, free character comes small city; Guttural, sword arm, all the area of character crucial point.
    Hold hard independently, say one wood Yan can support a large building; Heroic white depend on, say Yi Ke packing closes bolus mud. Be defeated to be become after that beforehand, say the Dong Yu that break, the Sang Yu that close; The thing will be become and stop, say for hill 9 an ancient measure of length equal to seven or eight chi, fail to build a mound for want of one final basket of earth-fall short of success for lack of a final effort. With sea of to be extremely naive, of Yu Ren see small; Essence of life is defended bear stone inscription, those who compare a person is infructuous. Wade call a way is hard, kang Zhuang calls road evenness. Qiao ground says barren land,
    Content uses without place, if obtain Shi Tian,say; To learn oneself is big into, day birth ascends a bank. The flavor of Zi Mian but differentiate, the clear chaotic of short for Weihe River of short for the Jinghe River should be divided. Secrete water happy be hungry, live in seclusion not be an official; East hill lies high, thank duty to beg how. The sage gives a Yellow River Qing Dynasty, viceregal cheap jumps over Shi Jian. Beautiful common says benevolence in, evil common says each other countryside. In scenic spot mother, ceng Zi is not entered; Song of city mark government, carriage return of Chinese ink a surname.
    Hit area and song, the contented that Monarch Yao emperor thes common people; Allow bank and plough, the photograph of article king common people is pushed. Cost grows a room to have shrink of the ground square, qin Shi emperor has the way of whip stone. Monarch Yao the flood that has 9 years, soup has drought of 7 years. Business Yang heartless and crisscross footpaths between fields leaves, xia Jie is not had and exhaust of Yi the name of a river in Shaanxi and Henan provinces. No one pockets anything found on the road, by going up have politics of be apt to; Haibuyang wave, know China to have a wise man.
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