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  • New Sinology Title:
    Roll 2 · are old young birthday absurd _ young learn to fine jade forest

    New Sinology Chapter:
    Roll 2 · are old young birthday absurd

    New Sinology BookName:
    Young learn to fine jade forest

    New Sinology Catalog:
    The country learns illuminative

    New Sinology Content:

    Uncommon child, need its give birth to different; The person of great mind, must its birthday. Call life day, say the time that spends first; Congratulate person Feng Xun, say unripe Shen Lingdan. 3 face are washed, say the meeting of soup cake; One full year of life tries baby, say dish period. Schoolboy celestial bodies says hang arc to make dawn, schoolgirl celestial bodies says celestial bodies of the beautiful that set . Congratulate person is parturient, say fleabane Yue Jiang is magical; Self-abasement is unripe female, say emergency is not beneficial. Parturient say do a jade tablet, unripe female say lane is made of baked clay.

    Dream Xiong Mengpi, of the man; Snake of dream Hui dream, of the woman auspicious. Dream orchid leaf is auspicious, zheng Yan gives birth to Mu Gongzhi to surprise; Flower matter tries ululation, wen Sheng of advance lukewarm Jiao knows post fair different. Ginger gives birth to millet, walk on the mark of adult and have pregnancy; Jiandisheng engraves, swallow Xuan Diao's egg and foliaceous pregnant. Scale says jade book, the luck of inherent Confucius; Wang Yan casts a bosom, dream pregnant Zhang Shuizhi is strange. Not hill prince, be pregnant 14 months and only then unripe; Father path gentleman, in pregnant 81 years and only then absurd.
    Old age is gotten child, the old mussel of tone is unripe bead; Dusk year old ascend division, be bibcock is belonged to old. Congratulate male life says antarctic star brightness, he Nvshou says culmination Wu shine. Song Baijie is held, united States its Shou Yuanzhi is fast; Mulberry Yu evening scene, of self-abasement old scene without many. Hale and hearty healthy weighing a person, weak and degenerate of deaf Bao self-abasement. Huang Faer ages, have Shou Zhizheng; Senile be frustrated, year high certificate. Life even more is stridden, apprentice self-wounding Bei; Age geometry, ask person life calculates.
    Say the teenager says age at the height of power and splendour, admire tall year say tine heart all honour. Row year 50, when the blame that knows 49 years; Alive hundred years, what have 36 thousand days then is happy. 100 years old say on birthday, the 80 birthday in saying, 60 say next birthday; 80 days of Die, 90 say octogenarian, 100 years old say period cheek. Boy 10 years old outside teach, 13 dance spoon, become Tong Wu to resemble; Old man 60 bastinado at countryside, 70 bastinado at the country, 80 bastinado Yu Chao. Solid of have a youthful look is but Wei, and tall year it is to become especially honour.
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