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  • New Sinology Title:
    Roll demit of suburbs temple song peotry anthology of 4 _ an official conservatory in the Han Dynasty for collecting and composing folk songs and ballads

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    Roll demit of suburbs temple song 4

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    Peotry anthology of an official conservatory in the Han Dynasty for collecting and composing folk songs and ballads

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    [song of Zhou Siyuan grave] Yu Xin

    " Le Zhi of · of book of the Sui Dynasty " say: "Week worshipping hummock is happy: Fall divine achieve " Zhao Xia " , achieve of imperial general introduction " Huang Xia " , an ancient sacrificial utensil is entered, Dian Yu silkses and achieve " Zhao Xia " , the emperor rises world play music " Huang Xia " , display first reach display first match the Supreme Being and make " the dance of cloud door " , display finish achieve records a song, achieve of drink blessing wine " Huang Xia " , the achieve that remove establish " Yong Le " , the Supreme Being looks at burn, still sit and achieve " Huang Xia " . The Supreme Being looks at burn, still sit and achieve " Huang Xia " ..
    [Zhao Xia]
    The Dai that weigh this world offers sacrifices to old newspaper day, third midday seals altar respectful and zhuan3huan2. Gu Zhu Zhi is in charge of cloud chord, divine light comes ahull respectful like that. Wang Cheng stage of 7 lis of exceeding lofty or great, violet small inclined wander according to the shadow. Match well of in rapid succession comes solely again,
    [Huang Xia]
    An ancient type of banner hoisted on a featherdecked mast is answered outside , door of Bi quiet suburb. 1000 multiply by bridle, 10 thousand collect riding the cloud. Jie cogongrass does not have blame, sweep the floor alone honour. Bow with hands clasped to let exhibit a ceremony, pace of Heng Huang holiday. Astral Chinese is listed, fall its always Zun.
    [Zhao Xia]
    Day comes great gift, the celestial bodies on abundant sacrifice. Herd of animal sacrifice firm Man , chrysalis chestnut wool is pure. Si Li of beans of an ancient sacrificial utensil, contented Pao with old. Old newspaper returns a lot, live positive sign day. 6 change bosomy bell, 3 He Qinse. An ancient sacrificial utensil is strange fabaceous idol,
    [Zhao Xia]
    Round jade already establish, dark green money this old. Luck forms an elephant, gas of a round flat piece of jade with a hole in its center is contained spring. The ceremony is counted from the day, wisdom total circle is magical. It is for pray offer sacrifices to, to Jing Xianzun.
    [Huang Xia]
    7 lis are to admire, 8 a flight of steps leading to a palace hall have by. In relief, those who be like day rise. Think of pious respectful, apply Jing Shengsheng. Wish Shi Chenxin, xuan Xiangsi case. Alone kind allusion, alone Ling Zhize. Deep and remote show pair of spread, person mind veries close.
    [cloud door dance 2]
    Display with sincere, yu Yiqing. Hill Kui is lifted, shen Qi bend. Alone still provides dinner for, condition of emperor of be in harmony. Jiang Jingfu, connect deities.
    Grow Qiu Yuan all previous, source of big report Yao. Bend hides Gao Long, the vessel does not have cold door. Life Yu Zu, content this Wu Tian. Establish god matchs heart, reach with health year.
    [record a song]
    Year old auspicious, national this world. Cang Lingjing, emerald green cloud is long. The elephant is adorn, long Weizhang. Take long day, bad hibernate door. The row thes Milky Way, receive wind and rain. Big Lv Ge, " cloud door dance " . Province cleanse washs, of establish animal sacrifice. Wine of the root-tuber of aromatic turmeric, feng Huangzun. Answer day Bing , consider Central Plains.
    [Huang Xia]
    The life is in the country ceremony, the life is in gentleman day. Respectful of Chen Cheng alone, drink Fu Weiqian. Si Baili of be in harmony, blessing with chiliad. Hook old set off one another, tian Si wanders. Vulture standing grain acts the role of , emerald green feather bear Kui . Suffer Si Maozhi, from the day come.
    [Yong Le]
    The ceremony will finish, happy late. Answer day of bridle, move a day to close, emerald green phoenix shake, ring with a small tinkling bell. 5 cloud fly, on 3 paces. Wind is drive, thunder is a car. Without rut, have mist and clouds in the twilight. emperor condition, cease clever life. Rain accepts of one's own accord, cloud Yu is celebrated.
    [Huang Xia]
    Thing of 6 allusion couplet, 9 department are salty criterion. Follow the beaten track, at Yan Yunsai. Palm ceremony moves second, fan Chai Zaiyan. Smoke rises jade objects and silk fabrics, enrage of collect animal sacrifice. Cease gas fragrances, Mo fragrant clear < > . Carefully pious heart, go up obviously thorough.
    [Huang Xia]
    Ceremony of jade objects and silk fabrics finishs, person mind issue is divided. Yan Chengnai Bing , look with reverence answers the cloud. Road of a man-drawn carriage used in ancient times 1000, wang Cheng 9 course. Type path moves await, department just points to time. One affection is clear, wu Mosi is peaceful. Get lot of at present scene, yu Tian is complete.
    [week worshipping Fang Zege] Yu Xin
    " Le Zhi of · of book of the Sui Dynasty " say: "Week worshipping Fang Zele: Fall god and Dian Yu silks and achieve " Zhao Xia " , zou Dengge is displayed first, dance word is the same as hummock, hope to pit an achieve " Huang Xia " . Hope to pit an achieve " Huang Xia " ..
    [Zhao Xia]
    Sign up for result Yin Ze, the Xuan Jiao that exhibit a ceremony. Ping Cong presses down luck, fang Dingsheng kitchens. Move song grandson bamboo, shrink wine river cogongrass. Acoustical easy bell is roused, implement qualitative contented Pao. Lie Lixiu China, coagulate fragrant Dou Li. Chuanzemao happinesses, upland look is defended. The cloud acts the role of hill Kui , lan Fu extensive is neat. The ceremony that day comes, big hold a memorial ceremony for of Xin at present.
    [Zhao Xia]
    If,say thick carry, admire Ming Fangze. Dare with Jing Gong, old jade objects and silk fabrics. Heart include raise, result Tibet spirit is slash. This box already 1000, descendants criterion 100.
    [record a song]
    Qualitative Ming Xiaojing, beg Yin Shunyang. Altar has 4 to a flight of steps leading to a palace hall, a long hollow piece of jade with rectangular sides is all directions. Clean up of animal sacrifice , desolate closes fragrance. Stop with crime of a small tinkling bell, zhen Lu Lai Xiang. Impressive manner Jian Jian, the bell rouses . Sound and Gu bamboo, charm enters empty mulberry. Feng Zhongyun is angry, the god on bank is smooth. Below yuan advocate,
    [Huang Xia]
    Manage banquet removes a dinner table, palm ceremony moves second. Review Feng Tan, respectful face bank. Bury jade to bury an ancient sacrificial utensil, tibetan fragrance collect is angry. It is to say deep and remote, into this ground meaning.
    [song of Zhou Siwu emperor] Yu Xin
    " Le Zhi of · of book of the Sui Dynasty " say: "Zhou Siwu emperor: Establish jade objects and silk fabrics and be displayed first and achieve " Huang Xia " , 5 emperor are displayed to reach at the beginning of the emperor display first match the Supreme Being and achieve " cloud door dance " .
    [Huang Xia]
    Jia Yuwei fragrant, fine money alone is measured. Figuration depends on a ceremony, report color is followed square. Divine class next, year old the ceremony buts constant. Impressive manner ors, follow the beaten track.
    [Huang Xia]
    The month that alone makes, alone Jia Zhichen. Manage altar constellation is set, palm Shi Cheng old. Dare use bright gift, the god on character result. Hook Chen Dan to monarch, chang entiring face is divided. Liu hangs down elephantine crown, happy Zou Shanyun. the plan that answer thunderbolt, of short duration turns astronomy. Annulus of 5 movement week, an artical used as a preface of the four seasons. Scale second jade objects and silk fabrics, abide answers goblet an ancient sacrificial utensil. God its fall, jie Fusi is made.
    [dance of door of green emperor cloud]
    Armour is in day, the star in the bird. Ceremony east hind, dian Cangling. Shu Chunqi, life annals of history. Hou Yan is returned, east wind rises. Song wood heart, dance shake palace. Si bank stone, long Mentong. The month of the first month, yang Zhitian. 100 million Si Qing, zhao Sinian.
    [dance matching the Supreme Being]
    The Supreme Being stems from shake, cang Dewu is magical. Its bright in day, its rank spring. Fatigue in order to decide a country, result in order to use a person. Character from deserve to offer sacrifices to, take all bodies nearly.
    [dance of door of bare emperor cloud]
    Ostentatious show midday is right south palace, life phase will be real Shen Zhong. From light cloth politics moves Wen Feng, month of happy phlogistic essence of life of pure this world, bare sparrow Dan Shufei sends greet. Exhaust of beat of Chang bowstring crimson is devotional, everythings on earth is contained raise each immortal.
    [dance matching the Supreme Being]
    With phlogistic for politics, it is an official with fire. The land austral department, enjoy deserve to leave world. 3 with solid an ancient sacrificial utensil, 100 flavour float orchid. God its Mao Yu, weather situation is difficult.
    [dance of door of yellow emperor cloud]
    3 smooth appearance, 4 gas wind and cloud is the same as. The fifth of the ten Heavenly Stem all previous at the beginning of personal travel, yellow Zhong Shi changes palace. Make the same score the town inside ceremony of a long hollow piece of jade with rectangular sides, in department of shade pipe play music. Qi Tan Zhi bright, feng of Qing Yegui Feng. Evening prison fragrance 6 vessels, an Geyun 8 wind. beautiful enrages green.
    [dance matching the Supreme Being]
    Xian Yide of the four seasons, 5 gas or talk together. Still blow Feng Huang to be in charge of, garden of Shang Duiwu tung. Implement zhuan3huan2 Ju Tuhou, always match divine honour. Only then know today play music, still use me " cloud door " .
    [dance of door of white emperor cloud]
    Situation of respectful sharp exchange, bear match Qiu Tan. Cloud high internal heat falls, dew white cicada is cold. Law of the Supreme Being is ascended year, golden essence makes all right. Lucky animal frost boasts, auspicious birds snow is mirrorred. Manage Cang Su is killed, 10 thousand Bao Xianyi. Faint cropland before last, close result in this.
    [dance matching the Supreme Being]
    Golden travel autumn weather, announce of Bai Di Chang . Department 5 pheasant, the song needs 9 plain. Hold Wen Zhide, to exceeding those day. Interpose with happiness and benefit, gentleman all ages.
    [dance of door of black emperor cloud]
    Boreal celestial bodies is politics Xuan Tan, the official of the member that offer sacrifices to of boreal land. Constellation sets Xuan Gui bath orchid, keep out of bank heart evil wind is cold. Second law will answer poor record, small this world is about to move fine spring. The canal still moves Wu Yinzhu, sound did not enter Wu Chunxian. Wait for put in Yu 's charge at send calendar, just walk on Qing Wusi year.
    [dance matching the Supreme Being]
    The ground only then split open, rainbow only then Tibet. Take Xuan Yu, ju Xuantang. Mu Hui is angry, bath orchid soup. Pao implement clean, shui Quanxiang. Zhi distributes the other, blessing is not had border. Jun Xinxin, this Le Kang.
    [song of grave of zhuan3huan2 of the Sui Dynasty]
    " Le Zhi of · of book of the Sui Dynasty " say: "Benevolence birthday the first year of an era or the reign of an emperor, instruct a note of the ancient Chinese five-tone scale of Niu Hong, Liu Guyan, Xu Shanxin, Yu Shiji, Cai contrive demit of elegant Le Ge. Grave of zhuan3huan2 of its ancestral temple, fall divine achieve " Zhao Xia " , the emperor rises world play music " Huang Xia " , second achieve records a song, play is offerred first " Zheng summer " , display Zou Wenwu already, achieve of drink blessing wine " need summer " , dance of second achieve fierce, achieve sending a god " Zhao Xia " , emperor with respect to burn, be returned big and achieve " Huang Xia " , demit raises platform together. Demit raises platform together..
    [Zhao Xia]
    Respectful is sacral, assist fine celestial bodies. Provide fine Jian, wait Huang Zhen. The ceremony just is become, happy already changed. Feeling clever heart, answer day Bing . Monarch China faults, issue male palace. Take energy of life of essence of life, drive auspicious wind. Look at fire, connect Tian Zhu. Bear interpose an elongated pointed tablet of jade held in the hands by ancient rulers on ceremonial occasions, suffer jade. Face magically, celebrate shade. Smoke thoroughfares hole, chen journey is difficult. Be apt to already blessing, de Sifu. Shed Hong Zun,
    [Huang Xia]
    At Mu Wojun, have be in harmony obviously. Path aid area, work division Xuan Qiong. 100 gods guard, 10 thousand countries bear wind. Ren Shende is thick, believe abundant of justice of be in harmony. Bright hair is thought of politics, diligent care is in bend forward. Hong Jiwei always, fuzun grows grand.
    [record a song]
    De Shenli is big, the road is high provide dinner for solemn. With respect to Yang Sigong, zhi matchs alone respectful. Hematic Mo raises spirit, mark of crown fur coat is taken. Sincere feeling blueness is black, believe Chen Shi to wish. Venerate Cheng Lingkuang, carry bear much happiness.
    [ Zheng summer]
    Cause Dai is esteemed offer sacrifices to, sign up for honour spirit greatly. Because of Gao Jinjing, sweep the floor push sincere. 6 follow sign, 5 abb accompany battalion. The cloud and hair charm, gu bamboo raise is clear. My Zi already clean, I drink alone bright. Yuan the god is ancient bronze mirror, 100 salary come into.
    [article dance]
    Emperor sacred, recieve orders from the day. Farsighted graph is made extremely, announce of far of culture and education. All directions inspect is watched, the 10 thousand discriminate that taste contented. Have Miao Si case, do not have so that weigh Yan. The classics of heaven and earth, and happy lift. Cease Xian Cui of a note of the ancient Chinese five-tone scale, want crude pattern order. walk on end,
    [need summer]
    Ceremony with respectful thing, jian in order to provide dinner for when. Carry black wine clear, beanstalk of equipment clean Xiang. Hui Liu divides the rank of nobility, chi of a small room that think of fawn on. Hui Jun removes an ancient sacrificial utensil, auspicious fall suffer Zuo . 10 human relations in order to provide, 100 Fu Sizi. Overcome Chang Juede,
    [Wu Wu]
    Drive all previous breasts period, take male list criterion. Suppress a rebellion successfully, country of the classics when arranging. 5 material of arms , wu Hong 7 heart. Jing those far descendantses, change a congest. 3 equipment are lifted, 2 appearance reach extreme. Affection is sent from in, justice all greatest. Respectful of worshipping Jing Gong, the bell rouses numerous meeting. 10 thousand countries Si Huan, million person Si Lai. Enjoy good fortune of at present interpose, kang Zai dynast. I do not have benefit border, everlasting.
    [Zhao Xia]
    Enjoy foreword be in harmony, worshipping ceremony is applied. Drive magically, severe will gallop. Go straight towards energy drive, long from boast. Animal sacrifice smoke is amounted to, clean sincere according to. Vacate day of drive, rouse electric whip. Demit leaves ground, rise black. Look up boundless, distant and out of sight is not had border. Dan group heart, accept Yu favour.
    [Sui Wujiao song]
    " Le Zhi of · of book of the Sui Dynasty " say: "Demit of 5 outskirt song: Sound of horn of green emperor achieve, sound of a note of the ancient Chinese five-tone scale of bare emperor achieve, sound of palace of yellow emperor achieve, news of trade of white emperor achieve, sound of black emperor Zou Yu.
    [horny sound]
    Shake Gong Chu is moved, wooden De Weiren. Dragon essence give up dawns, bird all previous manages spring. Sunshine warm content, warm wind forerunner. Cliff place carries Jing, cream cropland already was risked. Sacrificial abundant clean, inscriptions harmony. Conciliatory equipment ceremony, ming Dewei strongs and pervasive fragrance.
    [sound of a note of the ancient Chinese five-tone scale]
    Long win order, phlogistic go up for heart. Hold ceremony department bud, hold Heng Yuguo. Leave again, grain in Ear is in when. The Jian that contain cherry is solid, rose of Sharon hangs down Rui. Celebrate admire go already, brillant can be in. Hold a memorial ceremony for stands when arranging, thing clear blessing is lifted.
    [Gong Yin]
    Whencing sow makes land, suitable say female. Pregnant Jin Chengde, walk on straightforward to be honour. The color inside Huang Ben, palace solid reputation only then. Ten thousand goods and materials is raw, salty discipline of the four seasons. Clever altar flood is swept, cheng Le is tall piece. Impressive manner aperture has, blessing is walked on without border.
    [trade news]
    Cause part is become on the west, fill De Zaiqiu. 3 farming a bit already, 9 Er close all right. Golden gas respectful is killed, crime of Shang Wei Zuo . Yan Feng rouses a bine, the base of a fruit of numerous frost die. Severe arms closely question is cruel, imperial order law careful punishment. Bright god Jiang Gu, country Bu Weining.
    [feather sound]
    Xuan Yingqi is awaited, rise at the beginning of dark hill. Rainbow hides Wu Tian, pheasant changes Wu Shui. Severe close to be shut again, the star answers day of end. Huang Zhong changes a rule, wide Mo Shengfeng. Black goblet is shown this, the day produces alone to pledge. Area of favour Qin Wai, blessing sheds Beijing room.
    [song of emperor of feeling of the Sui Dynasty]
    " Le Zhi of · of book of the Sui Dynasty " say: "Achieve of worshipping feeling emperor " Zheng summer " , greet send a god, ascend song and hummock to be the same as. Greet send a god, ascend song and hummock to be the same as..
    [ Zheng summer]
    Die Zu Chuidian, outskirt day has an order. With Chun Zhimeng, wu Guozhi is in relief. Chrysalis Li Weicheng, contented Pao Si Shang. Person mind accepts a gift, bright deep and remote hand in . Igneous spirit falls Zun, igneous all previous carries grand. path of the Supreme Being, he Yihuang wind.
    [song of hold a memorial ceremony for of Yu of the Sui Dynasty]
    " Le Zhi of · of book of the Sui Dynasty " say: "Achieve of Yu hold a memorial ceremony for " Zheng summer " , greet send a god, ascend song and hummock to be the same as. Greet send a god, ascend song and hummock to be the same as..
    [ Zheng summer]
    Chang holds this world when Ming Qihou, respectful is like old law to delay 5. Fine Jian is happy with Chencheng achieve, peace of air a type of local school in ancient times endowment spirit Dai . Make public Tian Jiyu illicit also immerses, person abundant common is rich politics change apply.
    [song of hold a memorial ceremony for of candle of the Sui Dynasty]
    " Le Zhi of · of book of the Sui Dynasty " say: "Achieve of candle hold a memorial ceremony for " Zheng summer " , greet send a god, ascend song and hummock to be the same as. Greet send a god, ascend song and hummock to be the same as..
    [ Zheng summer]
    All directions has offer sacrifices to, result of 8 candle fulfil. Collect finish already, hazel arrowroot attend upon a dying relative. Make sign up for surely, the Si Suo of hold a memorial ceremony for. 3 when tell service, one day is lustre. Divine Dai comes surely, scale feather is salty send. Of alone justice all, of alone benevolence to. Content of the year's harvest mounds, stop battle breath person. Huang En already be in harmony, clever celebrate boundless.
    [song of month of evening of morning sun of the Sui Dynasty]
    " Le Zhi of · of book of the Sui Dynasty " say: "Month of morning sun evening and achieve " Zheng summer " , greet send a god, ascend song and hummock to be the same as. Greet send a god, ascend song and hummock to be the same as..
    [summer of morning sun Zheng ]
    The go to court that help wood up newly-risens sun, scene of dusk of Zi hill Shenyang. Cold will swim hurried of a shadow cast by the sun, heat comes gallop brightness always. Boast with match well when, common peaceful is heavy annulus bright. the exhaust that take crown is devotional.
    [summer of evening month Zheng ]
    Settleclear brightness candle district, shed appearance of boast lens day. All previous grass follows chord, bead embryo is chased hope to have a deficit. Figuration expresses Chan hare, steal mother of medical endowment king. Outskirt ceremony is become already on the west,
    [song of Sui Fang grave]
    " Le Zhi of · of book of the Sui Dynasty " say: "Square grave of hold a memorial ceremony for receives divine play " Zhao Xia " , achieve of establish jade objects and silk fabrics records a song, achieve of Dai of the ground that display emperor " Zheng summer " , achieve sending a god " Zhao Xia " , yu is the same as hummock.
    [Zhao Xia]
    Flexible work , clear of a good deed to the doer's credit in the next world. Old bury allusion, fill Xuan Jiao. Fei is clear, Mo Chang fragrances. Emperor condition pious, provide small house respectful. Sheng eulogy closes, bosomy {million rouses} to meet. Give Gui Qi, collect aperture is built. If be in,respect, respectful has bear. Divine all is happy, qing Fuying.
    [record a song]
    Path alone is borne, implement contain therefore. Cable meritorious service says model, yan Jian has constant. 6 shan1hu2 already make a present of, 5 Qi Liuxiang. Gui Cheng is still qualitative, respect constitution of justice of be in harmony. Divine Zun buts always,
    [ Zheng summer]
    Thick Zai Chuide, kun Qiu advocate god. Ceremony of auspicious of moon a raised lot of land for planting flowers, north comes fine celestial bodies. Water of ancient bronze mirror shows clean, table of animal sacrifice chestnut is simple. Goblet crock evening is inspected, money Yu Chaochen. Group Wang Xianzhi, demon Bi Zhen. Zun sheds Wu Guo, happiness by Wu Ren
    [Zhao Xia]
    Establish already thorough, display already. Song spirit is driven, die travel faraway. Hole 4 extremely, v/LIT all over the ground 9 counties. Celebrate just flow, happiness is alled over. Bury jade gas, animal sacrifice of attack by surprise fragrance. < > divine manage,
    [song of China of the Sui Dynasty]
    " Le Zhi of · of book of the Sui Dynasty " say: "Achieve of China of hold a memorial ceremony for " Zheng summer " , greet send a god, ascend song and square Qiu Tong. Greet send a god, ascend song and square Qiu Tong..
    [ Zheng summer]
    In the four seas, the soil that mixes. The ground says China, content Lai Sheng is long. Xian Chi falls already, peaceful is folded this provide dinner for. Animal sacrifice is still black, jade is solid 2. 9 eaves carry peace, divine result gram is wide.
    [song of the god of the land and the god of the grain-the state of the Sui Dynasty]
    " Le Zhi of · of book of the Sui Dynasty " say: "Achieve of the god of the land and the god of the grain-the state of hold a memorial ceremony for " Zheng summer " , greet send a god, ascend song and square Qiu Tong. Greet send a god, ascend song and square Qiu Tong..
    [summer of Zheng of Chun Qi company]
    Thick leaves clever, fang Tan is esteemed offer sacrifices to. Amount to show with wind, the Song Zi of the tree. Sentence bud already explain, mow oak beginning. Respectful pray Zi is filled, zai Ying rests happiness.
    [summer of Zheng of Chun Qi millet]
    Bead is fed promote religion, sow faint to have first. Honour god sends clean, sign up for Ben Weiqian. Shu Lei of look up Yu, wangxing opens field. Blessing of Fang Ping Jian, stand for a long while the good year that chant.
    [autumn summer of newspaper office Zheng ]
    North cities wall Shen Li, sheet gives a list sincere. Abundant sacrifice enters Jian, china Le Zaiting. Former Xi is made the same score already, the spring flows clear. If the cloud already looked, tall granary Si Ying.
    [summer of Qiu Baoji Zheng ]
    Person day Wu is urgent, nong Yiqin stops. Or San or Shu , alone alone Qi. When cool wind give up, year old Yun Qiu. Content becomes a newspaper, result Shi Bisi.
    [Sui Xiannong song]
    " Le Zhi of · of book of the Sui Dynasty " say: "Enjoy first farming achieve " Zheng summer " , greet send god and square Qiu Tong. Greet send god and square Qiu Tong..
    [ Zheng summer]
    Nong Xiangchen , earth creams rise first. Spring former carries, green altar is sent offer sacrifices to. Collect Bi grows a footpath between fields, answer the outside an ancient type of banner hoisted on a featherdecked mast. Room an ancient sacrificial utensil acts the role of Jian, zi of hill Kui Shenyang. Marriage Chang bowstring, Se of respectful god Wu,
    [Shi Ge of Xian Shengxian of the Sui Dynasty]
    [ Zheng summer]
    Via national standard, learn to teach again first. " 3 grave " cause book, " 5 allusion " stay piece. Cut manage is written, announce of contented casting result. East glue on the west foreword, chun Songxia bowstring. Fragrant dirt carries admire, worshipping allusion does not have Qian.
    [movement of Tang Siyuan grave]
    " the Tang Dynasty book · Le Zhi " say: "Chastity watchs 2 years, zu Xiaosun Xiu Dingya is happy, take " The Book of Rites " the cloud ' big happy be the same as with heaven and earth and ' , reason makes 12 those who mix is happy: Achieve of deity of hold a memorial ceremony for " what comfort mixes is happy " , achieve of Dai of ground of hold a memorial ceremony for " arrange and " , achieve of ancestral temple of hold a memorial ceremony for " always mix " , achieve of jade objects and silk fabrics of the establish that record a song " respectful and " , imperial travel and Lin Xuan achieve " too and " , princes and dukes comes in and go out, send article dance to go out, the dance that greet fierce enters play music " Shu He " , the emperor is fed lift reach drinking achieve " rest and " , the emperor gets face play " mixing " , crown prince a small room hangs discrepancy achieve " bear and " , can mounting song play to imperial ceremony " clear and " , outskirt temple an ancient sacrificial utensil enters play music " Yong He " , drink display, achieve of drink blessing wine " birthday and " . 6 years, movement of hummock of solstitial worshipping Hao Tianwu, a note of the ancient Chinese five-tone scale of Zhu Liang, Yu Shina, the Kingdom of Wei make. " big one by one 14 years, change " comfort and " for " yuan and " , in order to evade also. Make by Tang Chu 12 and count with law day, add ever since go to blame one, do not have law quite, all make a cloud at any time.
    [comfort and]
    Bear of clever Bing life is met on prosperous, fill good people of day of leaf of heart abundant Jian. Jing Fujiang holy heart is far, day one by one grows black Hua Muxi.
    [too and]
    Mu Mu my hind, path Ying Qianling. Enter 3 office big, get one house chastity. The ceremony is esteemed only heart, happy with harmony. 100 gods are admired stop, the world is civilized.
    [respectful and]
    Zuo this world sows gas, zhen Yao hangs down bright. He Yuan is slaughtered, deep Ren Qucheng. Day Li Cangbi, smoke opens violet battalion. Pious of Yu abide by is enjoyed, type Jiang Hongzhen.
    [Yong He]
    Admire alone great emperor, zai Yanghuang vaults. Only then life cropland illuminates, whence the palace that open outskirt. " cloud door " be astonished listens, lei Guming is empty. Its interpose offers sacrifices to the god, jing Zunsi be in harmony.
    [birthday and]
    8 sound this achieve, 3 display Bi Chen. Bao Zunwei always, sunshine smooth day is new.
    [easy and]
    Fold region of world of emperor of Bi Ning shadow, make up bead before outskirt of emperor drifting cheer. Already big Lv of song of achieve yellow bell, prosperous of Zun of all previous of the treasure that return accord with year.
    [triumphant install]
    " new the Tang Dynasty Le Zhi of book · ceremony " say: "At the beginning of chastity view, more dance of article of the Sui Dynasty says " treat health " , wu Wu says " triumphant how " , outskirt temple face jointly with what use. Dance person each 64 people. Article dance, left Hu right a surname, appoint appearance coronal, black element, crimson is gotten, wide sleeve, white Ku, leather belt, black skin is walked on. Wu Wu, left dry right relative, take Ping Mian, yu is the same as article dance. Toward a man's cap used in ancient times of meeting criterion fierce, make the same score towel man's headdress used in ancient China, wide sleeve, jin Jia, leopard article ■ , black skin boots. Hold dry relative, yu is the same as outskirt temple. Fanchu shows composition dance, inferior display, display Wu Wu eventually, the Imperial Ancestral Temple falls god with article dance. " reach Gao Zong to die, change " treat Kang Wu " say " change health " , in order to evade also. " Le Zhi of · of books written in ancient times " say: "" triumphant install dance " , build in chastity view, every has 6 to change: Become as wild as Long Xing ginseng, 2 change the central Shaanxi plain of pacify elephantine a gram, 3 change to be taken like Dong Yibin, 4 change tranquil of elephantine river the Huaihe River, 5 change to be taken like Yun Yu , 6 change restoration in order to esteem, elephantine arms is returned brace up brigade. Of Yi Ruzhou " great connecting with the boxing skill " , 6 into happy stop. " the attend a ceremony that press chastity, enjoy outskirt temple day, article dance play music " comfort and " " arrange and " " always mix " etc happy. Lin heart 2 years of October, article dance converts " result Cheng Qingshan is happy " , wu Wu converts " divine result is broken blast happy " , change implement take. Hind with " Qing Shanle " cannot fall god, " broken blast happy " do not enter elegant happy, answer with " treat health " " triumphant how " as before.
    Xi Zaiyan carries eventually, china chaos does not have an elephant. Black of bare of a surname outskirt sees, on Mang hill nebula. Grant next week greatly car, prohibit cruel network driving blackish red. Deep and remote bright the assist that be the same as a leaf, vessel Zun Qi Tianrang.
    [comfort and]
    Zou Bixi ceremony dedicates the song eventually, 6 Long Yuxi gods . Ming Degan the millet that be not millet, fall blessing Jian Xizun rests a note of the ancient Chinese five-tone scale.
    [movement of Tang Jiao day]
    " the Tang Dynasty book · Le Zhi " say: "Too happy old have " outskirt day sends divine demit " one chapter, unspecified place rises. Unspecified place rises..
    [comfort and]
    Ta Fan ceremony is written, millet millet sincere small. Sound be filled with phoenix canal, colour is stationed in dragon . Big Xin type, jie Fuyou returns. Send happy have end, clever drive quicklies fly.
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