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章节: 下卷
书名: 龙文鞭影
类目: 国学启蒙
写作年代: 约公元前-358年  至  公元后316年
视频: 下卷_龙文鞭影
音频: 下卷_龙文鞭影

飞凫叶令,驾鹤缑仙。 刘晨采药,茂叔观莲。
阳公麾日,武乙射天。 唐宗三鉴,刘宠一钱。
叔武守国,李牧备边。 少翁致鬼,栾大求仙。
彧臣曹操,猛相苻坚。 汉家三杰,晋室七贤。
居易识字,童乌预玄。 黄琬对日,秦宓论天。
元龙湖海,司马山川。 操诛吕布,膑杀庞涓。
羽救巨鹿,准策澶渊。 应融丸药,阎敞还钱。
范居让谁,吴饮贪泉。 薛逢羸马,刘胜寒蝉。
捉刀曹操,拂矢贾坚。 晦肯负国,质愿亲贤。
罗友逢鬼,潘谷称仙。 茂弘綀服,子敬青毡。
王奇雁字,韩浦鸾笺。 安之画地,德裕筹边。
平原十日,苏章二天。 徐勉风月,弃疾云烟。
舜钦斗酒,法主蒲鞯。 绕朝赠策,苻卤投鞭。
豫让吞炭,苏武餐毡。 金台招士,玉署贮贤。
宋臣宗泽,汉使张骞。 胡姬人种,名妓书仙。

藤王蛱蝶,摩诘芭蕉。 却衣师道,投笔班超。
冯官五代,季相三朝。 刘蕡下第,卢肇夺标。
陵甘降虏,蠋耻臣昭。 隆贫晒腹,潜懒折腰。
韦绶蜀锦,元载鲛绡。 捧檄毛义,绝裾温峤。
郑虔贮柿,怀素种蕉。 延祖鹤立,茂弘龙超。
悬鱼羊续,留犊时苗。 贵妃捧砚,弄玉吹箫。

栾巴救火,许逊除蛟。 诗穷五际,易布三爻。
清时安石,奇计居鄛。 湖循莺脰,泉访虎跑。
近游束皙,诡术尸佼。 翱狂晞发,嵇懒转跑。
西溪晏咏,北陇孔嘲。 民皆字郑,羌愿姓包。
骑鹏沈晦,射鸭孟郊。 戴颙鼓吹,贾岛推敲。

禹承虞舜,说相殷高。 韩侯敝袴,张禄绨袍。
相如题柱,韩愈焚膏。 捐生纪信,争死孔褒。
孔璋文伯,梦得诗豪。 马援矍铄,巢父清高。
伯伦鸡肋,超宗凤毛。 服虔赁作,车胤重劳。
张仪折竹,人末燃蒿。 贺循冰玉,公瑾醇醪。
庞公休畅,刘子高操。 季札挂剑,吕虔赠刀。
来护卓荦,梁竦矜高。 壮心处仲,操行陈陶。
字荆爽迈,孝伯清操。 李订六逸,石与三豪。
郑弘还箭,元兴成刀。 刘殷七业,何点三高。

二使入蜀,五老游河。 孙登坐啸,谭峭行歌。
汉王封齿,齐主烹阿。 丁兰刻木,王质烂柯。
霍光忠厚,黄霸宽和。 桓谭非谶,王商止讹。
隐翁龚胜,刺客荆轲。 老人结草,饿夫倒戈。
奕宛李讷,碑赚孙何。 子猷啸咏,斯立吟哦。
奕世貂珥,闾里鸣珂。 昙辍丝竹,裒废蓼莪。

万石齐氏,三戟崔家。 退之驱鳄,叔敖埋蛇。
虞诩易服,道济量沙。 伋辞馈肉,琼却饷瓜。
祭遵俎豆,柴绍琵琶。 法常评酒,鸿渐论茶。
陶怡松菊,田乐烟霞。 孟邺九穗,郑珏一麻。
颜回练马,乐广杯蛇。 罗珦持节,王播笼纱。
能言李泌,敢谏香车。 韩愈辟佛,傅奕除邪。
春藏足垢,邕嗜疮痂。 薛笺成彩,江笔生花。
班昭汉史,蔡琰胡笳。 凤凰律吕,鹦鹉琵琶。

君起盘古,人使亚当。 明皇化萼,灵运池塘。
神威翼德,义勇云长。 羿雄射日,衍愤飞霜。
王祥求鲤,叔向埋羊。 亮方管乐,勒比高光。
世南书监,晁错智囊。 昌囚羑里,收遁首阳。
轼攻正叔,浚沮李纲。 降金刘豫,顺虏邦昌。
瑜烧赤壁,轼谪黄冈。 马融绛帐,李贺锦囊。
昙迁营葬,脂习临丧。 仁裕诗窖,刘式墨庄。
刘琨啸月,伯奇履霜。 塞翁失马,臧谷亡羊。
寇公枯竹,召伯甘棠。 匡衡凿壁,孙敬悬梁。
衣芦闵损,扇枕黄香。 婴扶赵武,籍杀怀王。
魏征妩媚,阮籍猖狂。 雕龙刘勰,愍骥应玚。
御车泰豆,习射纪昌。 异人彦博,男子天祥。
忠贞古弼,奇节任棠。 何晏谈易,郭象注庄。
卧游宗子,坐隐王郎。 盗酒毕卓,割肉东方。
李膺破柱,卫瓘抚床。 营军细柳,校猎长杨。
忠武具奠,德玉居丧。 敖曹雄异,元发疏狂。
寇却列簿,吕置夹囊。 彦升白简,元鲁青箱。
孔融了了,黄宪汪汪。 僧岩不测,赵壹非常。
沈思好客,颜驷为郎。 申屠松屋,魏野草堂。
戴渊西洛,祖逖南塘。 倾城妲己,嫁虏王嫱。
贵妃桃髻,公主梅妆。 吉了思汉,供奉忠唐。

萧收图籍,孔惜繁缨。 卞庄刺虎,李白骑鲸。
王戎支骨,李密陈情。 相如完璧,廉颇负荆。
从龙介子,飞雁苏卿。 忠臣洪皓,义士田横。
李平鳞甲,苟变干城。 景文饮鸩,茅焦伏烹。
许丞耳重,丁掾目盲。 佣书德润,卖卜君平。
马当王勃,牛诸袁宏。 谈天邹衍,稽古桓荣。
岐曾贩饼,平得分羹。 卧床逸少,升座延明。
王勃心织,贾逵舌耕。 悬河郭子,缓颊郦生。
书成凤尾,画点龙睛。 功臣图阁,学士登瀛。
卢携貌丑,卫玠神清。 非熊再世,圆泽三生。
安期东渡,潘岳西征。 志和耽钓,宗仪辍耕。
卫鞅行诈,羊祜推诚。 林宗倾粥,文季争羹。
茂贞苛税,阳城缓征。 北山学士,南郭先生。
文人鹏举,名士道衡。 灌园陈定,为圃苏卿。
融赋沧海,祖咏彭城。 温公万卷,沈约四声。
许询胜具,谢客游情。 不齐宰单,子推相荆。
仲淹复姓,潘阆藏名。 烹茶秀实,漉酒渊明。
善酿白堕,纵饮公荣。 仪狄造酒,德裕调羹。

经传御史,偈赠提刑。 士安正字,次仲谈经。
咸遵祖腊,宽识天星。 景焕垂戒,班固勒铭。
能诗杜甫,嗜酒刘伶。 张绰剪蝶,车胤囊萤。

公远玩月,法喜观灯。 燕投张说,凤集徐陵。
献之书练,夏竦题绫。 安石执拗,味道模棱。
韩仇良复,汉纪备存。 存鲁端木,救赵信陵。
琴高赤鲤,李耳青牛。 明皇羯鼓,炀帝龙舟。
羲叔正夏,宋玉悲秋。 才压元白,气吞曹刘。
信擒梦泽,翻徙交州。 曹参辅汉,周勃安刘。
太初日月,季野春秋。 公超成市,长孺为楼。
楚邱始壮,田豫乞休。 向长损益,韩愈斗牛。
琎除酿部,玄拜隐侯。 公孙东阁,庞统南州。
袁耽掷帽,仁杰携裘。 子将月旦,安国阳秋。
德舆西掖,庚亮南楼。 梁吟傀儡,庄梦髑髅。
孟称清发,殷号风流。 见讥子敬,犯忌杨修。
荀息累卵,王基载舟。 沙鸥可狎,蕉鹿难求。
黄联池上,杨咏楼头。 曹兵迅速,李使迟留。
孔明流马,田单火牛。 五侯奇膳,九婢珍馐。
光安耕钓,方慕巢由。 适嵇命驾,访戴操舟。
篆推史籀,隶善钟繇。 邵瓜五色,李桔千头。
芳留玉带,琳卜金瓯。 孙阳识马,丙吉问牛。
盖忘苏隙,聂报严仇。 公艺百忍,孙昉四休。
苏耽桔井,董奉杏林。 汉宣续令,夏禹惜阴。
蒙恬造笔,太昊制琴。 敬微谢馈,明善辞金。
睢阳嚼齿,金藏披心。 固言柳汁,玄德桑阴。
姜桂敦复,松柏世林。 杜预传癖,刘峻书淫。
钟会窃剑,不疑盗金。 桓伊弄笛,子昂碎琴。
琴张礼意,苏轼文心。 公权隐谏,蕴古详箴。
广平作赋,何逊行吟。 荆山泣玉,梦穴唾金。
孟嘉落帽,宋玉披襟。 沫经三败,获被七擒。
易牙调味,钟子聆音。 令狐冰语,司马琴心。
灭明毁壁,庞蕴投金。 左思三赋,程颐四箴。
陶母截发,姜后脱簪。 达摩面壁,弥勒同龛。
龙逄极谏,王衍清谈。 青威漠北,彬下江南。
遐福郭令,上寿童参。 郗愔启箧,殷羡投函。
禹偁敏赡,鲁直沉酣。 师徒布算,姑妇手谈。
风仪李揆,骨相吕岩。 魏牟尺縰,裴度千缣。
孺子磨镜,麟士织帘。 华歆逃难,叔子避嫌。
盗知李涉,虏惧仲淹。 尾生岂信,仲子非廉。
由餐藜藿,鬲贩鱼盐。 五湖范蠡,三径陶潜。
徐邈通介,崔郾宽严。 易操守剑,归罪遗缣。
深情子野,神识阮咸。 公孙白纻,司马青衫。
狄梁被谮,杨亿蒙谗。 布重一诺,金慎三缄。
彦升非少,仲举不凡。 古人万亿,不尽兹函。

  • New Sinology Title:
    Shadow of whip of _ dragon article coils below

    New Sinology Chapter:
    Next coiling

    New Sinology BookName:
    Long Wenbian shadow

    New Sinology Catalog:
    The country learns illuminative

    New Sinology Content:

    Leaf of flying wild duck makes, drive crane Gou celestial being. Liu Chen extracts drug, luxuriant father's younger brother watchs lotus.
    Yang Gonghui day, wu Yi shoots a day. Tang Zongsan ancient bronze mirror, liu bestows favor on one money.
    Fierce of father's younger brother defends a country, by the side of Li Mu equipment. Little old man sends ghost, goldenrain tree begs celestial being greatly.
    official Cao is held, fierce photograph Fu firm. Han Jiasan outstanding, advance room 7 virtuous.
    Reside easy literacy, child Wu Yuxuan. Huang Wan is right day, qin Mi talks a day.
    Yuan Longhu sea, sima Shanchuan. Hold kill Lv cloth, bin kills Pang Juan.
    Feather save gigantic deer, allow plan Chan deep. Should bolus of be in harmony, yan Chang returns money.
    Who does model house let, drink has an insatiable desire for a spring. Xue Feng thins horse, liu Sheng Hanchan.
    Ghostwrite Cao is held, stroke arrow Gu Jian. Dark agrees to lose a country, wish to kiss character virtuous.
    Luo You meets ghost, pan Gu weighs celestial being. Mao Hong Jian is taken, child the felt that respect blueness.
    Wang Jiyan word, han Puluan writings paper. An Zhi paints the land, by the side of De Yuchou.
    Campagna 10 days, revive Zhang Ertian. Month of wind of Xu exert oneself, abandon disease cloud and mist.
    Shunqin fights wine, law advocate cattail Jian. Circle face to present plan, fu bittern casts whip.
    Comfort lets swallow charcoal, felt of Su Wu eat. Golden stage is enrolled person, jade arrange lay aside virtuous.
    Zong Ze of official of the Song Dynasty, chinese make Zhang Qian. Hu Ji is racial, celestial being of renown prostitute book.
    Cany king a kind of butterfly harmful to corp plants, rub closely question banana. However clothing division line, the class that cast a pen exceeds.
    Feng official the Five Dynasties, ji Xiangsan face. Below Liu Sheng , lu cause hold the belt.
    Captive of hill Gan Jiang, clear of Xi shame official. Grand deficient basks in an abdomen, go lazy bow.
    Wei Shoushu bright and beautiful, yuan Xiao carrying shark. The Mao Yi that hold a call to arms in both hands, the full front of a Chinese gown absolutely Wen Jiao.
    Persimmon of Zheng pious lay aside, bosom element is planted broadleaf plant. Yan Zuhe stands, mao Honglong exceeds.
    Hang piscine sheep add, take the young plant when calf. High-ranked imperial concubine holds inkstone in both hands, do jade to play a vertical bamboo flute.
    3Meat and fish dishes
    Luan Ba fire fighting, xu Xun divides flood dragon. The poem is poor 5 border, yi Busan Yao.
    Clear Shi Anshi, sleight resides Zuo . Man of lake abide warbler, the spring visits a tiger to run.
    Close You Shuxi, cunning art cadaver handsomes. Fly mad hair, a surname is lazy turn run.
    Xi Xiyan is chanted, ridicule of boreal Gansu aperture. Civilian all word Zheng, qiang wishs to surname a bag.
    Drive roc Shenyang night, shoot outskirt of duck the first month. Wear Zuo to advertise, gu Dao deliberate.
    4A person of extraordinary powers
    Yu Chengyu Shun, say Xiang Yan is tall. Han Hou our Xuan , gown of Zhang Lu a silk and coton fabric.
    Similar problem column, han Yu is burned cream. Contribute letter giving birth to discipline, contend for dead Kong Bao.
    Wen Bai of aperture a jade tablet, the dream gets Shi Hao. Ma Yuan is hale and hearty, mew father is great-hearted.
    Bai Lun chickens ribs, exceed Zong Fengmao. The hire that take pious is made, che Yin weighs fatigue.
    Zhang Yi folds bamboo, person end lights Hao. Congratulate abide puts jade on the ice, fair Jin alcohol wines with dregs.
    Free of Pang general holidays, liu Zi is held high. Ji Zha hangs a sword, lv Qian gives a knife.
    Will protect eminent to prominent, bridge Song pity is tall. Strong the heart handles second, chen Tao of behaviour of a student.
    Bright of word chaste tree is stridden, xiao Baiqing is held. Li Ding 6 ease, stone and 3 a person of extraordinary powers.
    Zheng Hong returns an arrow, yuan Xingcheng knife. Liu Yan Qiye, why to nod 3 tall.
    2 make Sichuan, 5 old You He. Sun Deng sits howl, tan Qiaohang song.
    Chinese king seals tine, neat advocate boil A. Ding Lan cuts timber, wang Zhilan stalks or branch.
    Suddenly light is honest and tolerant, yellow bully wide and. Huan Tan blame auguries, wang Shang stops bluff.
    Gong of concealed old man is gotten the better of, assassin Jing Ke. Old person knot is careless, hungry husband change sides in a war.
    Yi Wan Line, tablet earns Sun He. Child You howl is chanted, si Liyin.
    Yi Shidiao earring made of jade or pearl, native village cry a jade-like stone. Traditional stringed and woodwind instrument of cease of covered with clouds, pou abandons knotweed E.
    Dustpan Chen Wufu, huazhu more than 3.
    10 thousand Shi Qi family names, 3 halberd Home Cui. The drive alligator that retreat, ao of father's younger brother buries a snake.
    Anxiety brags to be taken easily, path aid measures sand. Flesh of demit make a present of, fine jade however pay melon.
    Beans of an ancient sacrificial utensil of abide by of hold a memorial ceremony for, lute of bavin carry on. The law often judges wine, grand talks tea gradually.
    Tao Yi loose chrysanthemum, tian Le mists and clouds in the twilight. Meng Yejiu spic, one hemp of Zheng Jue.
    Yan Hui experienced horse, snake of happy wide cup. Collect runs a red-letter day, gauze of Wang Bo basket.
    Can Yan Libi, dare remonstrate with sweet car. Buddha of Han Yu monarch, fu Yi divides unhealthy environmental influences that cause disease.
    Spring hide sufficient dirty, scab of be addicted to of another name for Nanning. Xue Jian becomes prize, jiang Bisheng is beautiful.
    Ban Zhaohan history, cai Yan Hu Jia. Phoenix bamboo pitch-pipes used in ancient China, parrot lute.
    Cross the leaf that send a peach-shaped thing, village name apricot is beautiful.
    7In relief
    Gentleman removes Pan Gu, the person makes Adam. Bright emperor changes a calyx, effective use pond.
    Heart of invincible might ala, yi Yongyun is long. Yi Xiong shoots day, develop anger flying frost.
    Wang Xiang begs carp, father's younger brother to bury a sheep. Bright square canal is happy, lebigaoguang.
    Inspect of the book austral the world, chao Cuo brain truster. In prosperous convict Li , accept escape head this world.
    Shi is attacked father's younger brother, dredge stopping Li Gang. Fall Jin Liuyu, arrange captive state prosperous.
    Gem burn Chibi, shi blame yellow ridge. Ma Rongjiang account, li Hejin bursa.
    Bury of battalion of change of covered with clouds, fat be used to faces funeral. Ren Yushi cellar, liu Shimo village.
    Month of Liu Kun howl, bai Ji walks on frost. A loss may turn out to be a gain, zang Gu dies sheep.
    Kou Gong withered bamboo, call together Bai Gantang. Wall of Kuang Heng authentic, sun Jing hang oneself from a beam.
    Yilu Min caustic, fan pillow Huang Xiang. Baby helps Zhao Wu up, book kills bosom king.
    Wei Zheng is enchanting, ruan Ji is savage. Xie of vulture dragon Liu, min as thoroghbred horse should .
    Beans of drive car peaceful, be used to shoots Ji Chang. Surprise person Yan Bo, man Tian Xiang.
    Duteous Gu Bi, odd item holds the post of Tang. He Yan talks easy, guo Xiang notes a banker.
    Lie You Zongzi, sit concealed king man. Pilfer wine Bi Zhuo, cut fleshy east.
    Li Ying captures post, defend to stroke a bed. Battalion army fine willow, school hunt is long poplar.
    Faithful fierce provides establish, deyu resides funeral. Ao Caoxiong different, yuan hair is sparse mad.
    Kou Que lists book, lv Zhi places bag. Yan Shengbai brief, yuan Luqing box.
    Know clearly of aperture be in harmony, huang Xian is tearful. Monk cliff accident, zhao Yi special.
    Shen Sai is hospitable, yan Si is man. Shen Tusong house, hall of weed of the Kingdom of Wei.
    The Xi Luo that wear deep, zu Tina pond. Bend city Da oneself, marry captive king Qiang.
    High-ranked imperial concubine peach hair worn in a bun or coil, princess plum makeup. Auspicious Sai Han, consecrate faithful the Tang Dynasty.
    Desolate receives figure record, kong Xifan tassel. Bian Zhuang pricks a tiger, li Bai drives whale.
    Wang Rong raises spirit, li Mi Chen Qing. Similar superlative, cheap loses chaste tree quite.
    From dragon meson, su Qing of flying wild goose. Hong Hao of official loyal to his sovereign, cropland of a righteous person is horizontal.
    Li Ping scute, careless desiccate city. Jing Wenyin poisoneds wine, mao Jiaofu boil.
    Xu Chenger is heavy, blind of fourth Yuan eye. Embellish of commission book heart, mai Bojun is smooth.
    The horse is become Wang Bo, bovine Zhu Yuanhong. Chat Zou Yan, ji Guhuan flourish.
    Qi ever peddled cake, smooth notch a thick soup. Ease of lie in bed is little, rise a Yan Ming.
    King suddenly heart is knitted, gu Kui tongue is agrarian. The Guo Zi that hang a river, a surname of intercede for sb is unripe.
    The book becomes phoenix remaining part, the picture nods Long Jing. Hero graph cabinet, bachelor is ascended sea.
    Lu Xie appearance is ugly, the mind that defend is clear. Be not Xiong Zaishi, circle lustre 3 unripe.
    How period take the sea-voyage eastward, pan Yue Xizheng. Annals and delay angle, zong Yi cease is agrarian.
    Protect Yang travel bluff somebody into giving information, yang Hu is pushed sincere. Congee of Lin Zong bend, wen Ji contends for a thick soup.
    Duty of luxuriant chastity exacting, postpone the imposition of a tax or levy of in relief city. Boreal hill bachelor, south Mr Guo.
    Bookman roc is lifted, mingshi judge. Fill garden Chen Ding, the Su Qing that it is garden.
    Be in harmony endows with the sea, zuyong Peng city. Wen Gongmo coils, shenyang makes an appointment with the four tones of classical Chinese phonetics.
    Xu Xunsheng is provided, xie Ke swims affection. Slaughter sheet not together, child push Xiang Jing.
    Compound surname of intermediate adj/LIT wide, pan Lang conceals a name. Make tea beautiful fact, deep of seep through wine bright.
    Be apt to makes white fall, vertical drink fair flourish. Appearance surname makes wine, heart abundant spoon.
    Family name of Yin Bing king, banquet merchant is born before.
    Classics drive history, ji gives carry punishment. Person bring correct a wrongly written character or misspelt word, classics of second Zhong Tan.
    Xian Zunzu dried meat, the wide star that remember a day. Jing Huan hangs down Buddhist monastic discipline, class solid straps inscription.
    Can Shidufu, actor of Liu of wine of be addicted to. Zhang Chao Jian Die, firebug of Che Yin bursa.
    Zuo Yu learns language, parrot Song classics.
    Fair far play a month, law happy event watchs the tube. Swallow is cast piece say, hill of phoenix collect Xu.
    The book that show is experienced, summerly Song inscribes damask silk. An Shi is obdurate, flavour model arris.
    Han Chou Liang answer, chinese discipline is put fully. Put Lu Duanmu, save Zhao Xinling.
    Shao Yong Shi is random, hill mother knows to promote.
    Musical instrument Gao Chili, li Er blueness is arrogant. Bright emperor Jie is roused, yang Di Longzhou.
    Xi father's younger brother summer, yu Beiqiu of the Song Dynasty. Just press yuan white, gas swallows Cao Liu.
    The letter captures dream lustre, turn over move from one place to another to make a state. Cao Can complementary Chinese, zhou Bo installs Liu.
    Too first life, ji Ye age. Fair exceed city, long child is a building.
    Hunan Qiushi is strong, tian Yuqi rests. To long gains and losses, han Yu bullfight.
    eliminates wine department, black Bai Yinhou. A surname Dong Ge, pang Tongna city.
    Yuan delay casts cap, ren Jie carries a fur coat. Child dawn the month, install Guo Yangqiu.
    Heart area on the west assist, the building austral Geng Liang. Bridge chant dummy, zhuang Meng skulls.
    Meng Chenqing is sent, yan Hao is tasteful. See mock child respect, poplar of violate a taboo is repaired.
    Be precarious of a surname breath, wang Ji carries a boat. Sha Ou but be improperly familiar with, broadleaf plant deer is begged hard.
    On Huang Lianchi, head of Yang Yong building. Cao Bing is rapid, plum make stay behindhand.
    Kong Ming sheds a horse, cropland only anger is arrogant. 5 Hou strange board, 9 slave-girl dainty.
    Guang Angeng angles, square admire mew by. Life of comfortable a surname is driven, visit Dai Caozhou.
    Seal is pushed history read aloud, you of bell of be apt to of be subordinate to. Shao melon 5 kinds, li Jie 1000.
    Fragrant wear jade belt, beautiful jade predicts Jin Ou. Sun Yang knows a horse, third auspicious asks an ox.
    The lid forgets revive unoccupied place, nie signs up for Yan Chou. Fair art 100 bear, grandson 4 cease.
    Qian Tangyi mansion, swallow building head.
    Revive delay orange well, dong Fengxing forest. Han Xuan add makes, shade of cherish of summerly the reputed founder of the Ix Dynasty.
    Meng Tian invents a pen, too Hao makes musical instrument. Jing Wei thanks make a present of, gold of demit of bright be apt to.
    Sui this world chews tine, golden Tibet wraps around heart. Juice of solid character willow, xuan Desang shade.
    Ginger Gui Duifu, loose Bai Shilin. Du Yuchuan addiction, excessive of Liu high book.
    Zhong Hui steals a sword, not suspect robber gold. Huan Yi plays flute, child hold broken musical instrument high.
    Meaning of musical instrument Zhang Li, heart of Su Shi article. Public right concealed remonstrates with, accumulate Gu Xiangzhen.
    Wide make the same score an ode, chant of He Xun travel. Jade of sob of chaste tree hill, gold of saliva of dream acupuncture point.
    Meng Jia falls cap, song Yu wraps around front of a garment. Foam classics 3 be defeated, obtain by 7 capture.
    Easy tooth flavors, zhong Ziling sound. Ling Hubing language, sima Qinxin.
    Destroy bright destroy a wall, pang Yun casts gold. Zun Saisan is endowed with, cheng Yi Sizhen.
    Contented mother cut is sent, ginger hind takes off hairpin. Amount to rub side wall, maitreya Tong Kan.
    Long Pangji remonstrates with, king develop idle talk. North of blueness power desert, south Bin lower reaches of the Changjiang River.
    Far blessing Guo makes, shou Tong is joined on. A surname is opened small suitcase, abundant is admired send letter.
    Quick provide for of of the reputed founder of the Ix Dynasty, lu Zhi heavy to one's heart's content. Division apprentice cloth calculates, aunt Fu hand talks.
    Wind instrument Li Kui, cliff of spirit appearance Lv. The Kingdom of Wei seeks feet Jun , pei Du 1000 fine silk.
    Child wear looking glass, lin person knits shade. China Xin flee from a calamity, father's younger brother child avoid doing anything that may arouse suspicion.
    Pilfer knows Li She, captive dread intermediate wides. End is born to be believed, zhong Zifei cheap.
    By eat goosefoot leaves of pulse plants, ge peddles piscine salt. 5 lakes Fan Li, 3 diameter contented goes.
    Xu Miao opens mind, cui Yan is wide severe. Yi Cao defends a sword, accusing involuntary discharge of urine fines silk.
    Affectionate child wild, the god knows Ruan Xian. A surname white Kui , minister blueness unlined upper garment.
    Di Liang is falselied charge, yang Yimeng slander. Cloth weighs one Nuo, jin Shen 3 close.
    Yan Shengfei is little, zhong Ju is uncommon. The ancients -727379968, endless at present cases.
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