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章节: 卷三
书名: 礼记析疑
类目: 经部
写作年代: 约公元前-74年  至  公元后683年
视频: 卷三_礼记析疑
音频: 卷三_礼记析疑

欽定四庫全書 禮記析疑卷三          翰林院侍講銜方苞撰  檀弓公儀仲子之喪檀弓免焉 聘使至他國主君賜饔先薦於祖考卜一尸或昭或 穆則子姓未有不從者而卒於他邦朋友為之祖免 以從之者非主喪之子姓耳仲子舍通孫立庶子故
 以子不在之服感動之 何居謂義何所處昔者文王舍伯邑考而立武王 伯邑考疑無子未可為舍孫立子之證設有子而未 立武王周公封建所必先未有不見於書傳者㣲子舍其孫腯而立衍也 非獨從殷禮也作賓定國以成其仁舍孫立弟以明 其義其事與泰伯不嗣傳國於仲雍畧同泰伯蓋不 忍挾商之天下并不欲受周之封國皆遭變而止於
 至善孔子所以目為三仁稱其至徳也事君有犯而無隠 疏引晏嬰之事以證注蓋據左傳既以告於公故與 叔向語而及之但非記者本義記謂不隠情以成君 之過耳左右就養有方 古者列國分土君臣甚親不獨公孤卿大夫及朝廷 之士朝夕御於君所即鄉遂公邑都家羣吏凡有事
 於郊野亦各承其事故曰左右就養也視學養老則 學校之官左右供奉郊望類蜡師田朝㑹則所至之 地有司左右供奉故曰有方季武子成寢杜氏之葬在西階之下 古者萬民族葬墓大夫掌之兆域必在郊野卿大夫 居國中即休沐之居亦宜在私邑無縁有成寢而墓 在階下之事蓋周禮久廢勢家縱侈作苑囿於郊野 因成寢室以恣淫樂也觀魯公薨於臺下則强臣則
 而象之苑囿中各有寢室可知矣吴夫差宿有妃嬙 嬪御焉鄭伯有之臣曰吾公在壑谷則當時列國君 臣之淫侈皆可見矣道隆則從而隆道汚則從而汚 疏以父在父沒别隆汚非也伯魚子上皆為父後之 子而遇出母之喪皆父在之時則張子謂道隆道汚 就所出之母以定之無疑矣蓋或見出同而過有小 大也
吾聞之古也墓而不墳今丘也東西南北之人也不可以弗識也於是封之崇四尺 周官冡人以爵等為丘封之度與其樹數墓大夫掌 邦墓之地域正其位掌其度數墓而不墳蓋殷道故 曰古也惟興之日從新國之法自防叔奔魯未有起 家為大夫者當從殷禮孔子封識蓋以義起故自白 之防墓崩
 古者墓而不墳正為封土嵗久必崩壊也今始為封 而甚雨敗之自不得不更築遭事之變惟隠自痛而 無可言者是以不應及三告則不得不以其故語之 矣遂命覆醢 醢朝夕必陳之物而可久留故命以巾冪覆之旬日 中勿以醢進也若已陳之醢則宜命徹不宜覆之也喪三日而殯凡附於身者必誠必信勿之有悔焉耳矣
三月而葬凡附於棺者必誠必信勿之有悔焉耳矣 誠者物必堅良也信者用無僭忒也喪三年以為極亡則弗之忘矣 亡以人子而言蓋喪期雖以三年為極至於哀慕之 心則至於身亡之後而弗能忘猶三年問所謂子之 於親至死不窮也孔子少孤不知其墓殯於五父之衢 司馬遷野合之誣鄭康成以註此記故孔氏子孫輯
 家語以别白之備載前母施氏生九女妾生孟皮聖 父年餘七十孟皮廢疾乃求婚於顔父年齒不倫故 誤傳為野合其情甚蹙穎逹奉詔疏鄭注不敢正言 其非故謂馬鄭之説與家語文義無殊乃不得已之 游辭耳不知遷以身被宫刑為百世之垢乃於自古 聖賢皆傳誣妄語以汚之於堯則曰知子丹朱不肖 念以天下授丹朱則天下病而丹朱受其利授舜則 天下得其利而丹朱病堯曰終不以天下之病而利
 一人於湯則曰吾甚武號曰武王於文王則曰隂行 善又曰閎夭之徒求有莘氏美女驪戎文馬有熊九 駟他竒怪物因殷嬖臣費仲而獻之用此脱羑里之 囚而得専征伐果爾則是諸臣陷君於不義而文王 之立身曽魯叔孫婼之不若也且方是時伯夷太公 召公畢公安在乃懐姦挾詐而為此回面汚行之舉 乎於武王則曰以輕劍擊紂以黄鉞斬其頭懸太白 之旗衛武公則傳為弑君兄而簒立之賊孟子則勸
 齊伐燕曰此文武之時不可失也又傳戰國游言曰 啓與交黨攻益而奪之天下謂禹名傳天下於益實 令啓自取之其無忌憚至此則至聖身無可疵而重 誣其父母何足怪哉自漢唐以来羣儒皆欲辨其誣 而未得其要領故特著之 穎逹謂非全不知墓之 處所乃不知柩之所在是也自殷以前墓而不墳鄹 大夫雖仕於魯其官卑自當守殷禮不封不樹古無 墓祭聖母少寡謹於禮法無為數適墓所故久而失
 迷此事理之無足怪者五父之衢必聖父平生游處 熟習之地度當年送葬者必多故殯焉以發人之疑 而啓問端卒於此焉得之陳氏謂必無殯於路衢之 理不知遭事之變不可以循故常與棺入肂而加攢 塗并象西階為壁以依肂為簷以吐霤而廬於其側 非禮之可以義起者乎今聖墓之右有子貢築/室舊址亦古禮所未有若竟 無郰曼父之母則如之何孔子無不知父所葬之方 所而宴然終身之理如知其在防而終不知柩之所
 在則近其地而别葬焉可也既得之則身為司冦不 可不從周法而合葬與鄹大夫卒時異矣有虞氏瓦棺夏后氏堲周殷人棺椁周人牆置翣 曰有虞氏瓦棺則夏后氏以木矣堲周者殯葬時以 堲周於外以護棺也故殷人因之加槨焉 疏謂堲 土為陶冶之形大小得容棺似未安既有瓦棺又為 瓦槨則廣輪有加而陶冶益難義無所取蓋即以甓 周於棺外耳殷以後之槨以衆材攢塗乃用堲周之
 意而以木易堲耳齊斬之情 古者父在為母期故兼言齊末之卜也 馬驚敗車御者之過不應讓卜國且不名而姓非稱 也古者軍事御與右皆卜吉然後用今賁父敗績是 卜不應故曰末之卜也古末莫通魯論末之也已記 不忍一日末有所歸也
死而不弔者三畏厭溺 傷死之禮起於生前之恩義設周親昵好而死於非 命則痛隱更深豈反有不弔之禮蓋奔赴而號泣呼 搶不復置弔辭以重傷主人之心也 朱軾曰孔氏 云非理横死謂以非理而横死於畏厭溺者非謂畏 厭溺皆非理横死也先王制禮行道之人皆弗忍也 行道之人猶言塗之人塗之人寡兄弟者皆有不忍
 之心而不聞有易喪期者以先王制禮不敢過也伯魚之母死期而猶哭夫子聞之曰誰與哭者門人曰鯉也夫子曰嘻其甚也伯魚聞之遂除之 為父後者為出母無服而伯魚得為期何也為出母 無服喪者不祭故也父在則父主祭嗣舉奠之禮輕 雖暫廢可也此聖人縁情而變禮者韓愈以兄命服 嫂以期未有非之者故曰禮雖先王未之有可以義 起也
曽子謂子思曰伋吾執親之喪也水漿不入於口者七 曽子至性過人每疑古禮或失於寡恩小功不税及 朋友之墓有宿草而不哭是也其問喪於夫子時親 尚存未知孝子不食之情狀若何其後身執親喪自 覺三日不食於哀親之分尚若未盡故與子思商論 而子思直言其不可過所以能傳曽子之學守孔子 之道也注謂以疾時禮之不如己已失之而疏云誇
 已能執親之喪益誤矣徒使我不誠於伯髙 注宜作忠信則無禮何傳乎喪爾親使民未有聞焉 民未有聞未聞其哀毁之異衆也韓退之裴少尹墓 誌居喪必有聞從鄭注非致齊也非疾也不晝夜居於内 經傳中内外所指各異此内謂正寢喪祭致齊及有
 憂居之文王世子篇素服居外亦謂/正寢蓋對内宫而為外也國君則路寢之 外别有小寢為夫人嬪婦進御之所士大夫所宿止 則即其妻之正内内則雖及七十同藏無間是也所 謂禫而從御吉祭而復寢國君則小寢士大夫則内 寢也所謂致齊於内散齊於外者内謂路寢之室外 謂路寢之堂也散齊七日國君猶出御路寢之堂以 聽政士大夫猶赴公朝治官事其退還於家猶得於 正寢之堂接親賔家臣故曰散齊於外也致齊三日
 則國君惟居路寢之室不復聽政於堂士大夫則入 居君之齊宫而不返其私室故曰致齊於内也曽子 問卿大夫将為尸於公受宿矣而有齊衰内喪則出 舍於公館以待事則凡有執於祀事者必入宿於君 之齊宫明矣衰與其不當物也寧無衰 升縷不同親疎重輕之等也山隂陸氏謂尊者服精 卑者服粗據雜記大夫為其父母兄弟之未為大夫
 者之喪服如士服而言不知此數條乃劉歆所増竄 在禮端衰無等小子識之我未之能行也 未之能行非謙言也聖人明於幽明死生鬼神反不 能有如慕如疑之情狀也孔子蚤作負手曵杖消摇於門 消摇於門蓋全其所受而歸故知將死而志氣甚自 得也疏乃云放蕩以自寛縱示不能以禮自持謬矣
孔子之喪二三子皆經而出羣居則絰出則否 所傳不一或以為羣居時則絰出則否也孔子沒門 人三年然後歸是以羣居則絰與主人既祖填池推柩而反之降婦人而后行禮 既夕禮朝祖之後載柩而束之商祝飾柩一池設披 屬引所謂填池即繋魚下垂池中所謂魚躍拂池也 於是商祝御柩乃祖而婦人降於階間蓋曰御柩則 已轉柩而郷南矣故推柩而反之降婦人而行受弔
 之禮記文辭事夲明注疏未喻其義乃易填池為奠 徹謂曽子来弔當既徹祖奠之後設遣奠之時主人 乃徹去遣奠更設祖奠又令婦人升堂至将旦婦人 從堂更降而行遣奠之禮不惟於記文絶不可通獨 不思祖與遣隔日若弔當遣奠之時而又反宿則葬 期且為之更易矣况曽子云祖胡為其不可以反宿 則為葬前一日朝祖後之事顯然而可憑臆為無稽 之説乎
謀人之軍師敗則死之謀人之邦邑危則亡之 軍偏師也師大衆也危則亡之者避賢者路不敢賴 寵専謀以覆人之邦邑也注謂非義退苟非義則不 當著為教矣古者人臣有故而去非盡負罪出亡也 春秋傳宋鄭有難華元子産皆出奔國人復之而後 入蓋時勢所宜亡無害於義也哀則哀矣而難為繼也夫禮為可傳也為可繼也故哭踊有節
 鳥獸失其羣匹鳴號躑躅亦有如不欲生者而過時 則亡故君子貴有繼也 疏謂使後人難繼學非也 為可傳謂他人易從為可繼謂本身難繼叔孫武叔之母死既小斂舉者出尸出户袒且投其冠括髪子游曰知禮 衛司冦恵子之喪子㳺嘗正其舍適立庶之失矣叔 孫州仇毁仲尼不可與莊語故反言以譏之俾學者 喻其意而州仇聞之亦無所施其怨怒也
從母之夫舅之妻二夫人相為服 二夫人皆對甥而言母之族三故甥服從母而不及 其夫服舅而不及其妻時有甥依舅以居而兼服其 妻依從母以居而兼服其夫者故習禮者詫之以為 君子未之言也疏義甚明不知陳氏集説何故以臆 説易之鼎鼎爾則小人 陶潛詩鼎鼎百年内似以馳騖追逐為義此讀書不
 求甚解之病也嫂叔之無服也蓋推而逺之也 朱軾曰喪服記夫之所為兄弟服妻降一等乃後人 杜撰勉齋經傳通解刪之是也公叔木有同母異父之昆弟死問於子游子游曰其大功乎狄儀有同母異父之昆弟死問於子夏子夏曰我未之前聞也魯人則為之齊衰狄儀行齊衰今之齊衰狄儀之問也
 同母異父則途之人也不宜有兄弟之稱稱兄弟俗 言之鄙倍也為之服是謂悖徳而傷父之志知禮如 子游不宜有大功之疑子夏既未之前聞亦不宜更 舉魯人之慝禮豈魯人亦心知其非而紿託聖人諸 賢之言以自解飾傳聞既久記者遂不能辨與子思之母死於衛栁若謂子思曰子聖人之後也四方於子乎觀禮子蓋慎諸子思曰吾何慎哉吾聞之有其禮無其財君子弗行也有其禮有其財無其時君子弗
行也吾何慎哉 禮父沒為父後者於出母無服則嫁母亦宜同無所 用其慎也不忍質言其故故以無其時為辭蓋母死 於父沒之後而已為父後則無禮之可行矣小斂之奠子游曰於東方曽子曰於西方斂斯席矣小斂之奠在西方魯禮之末失也 始死脯醢之奠就尸牀小斂有斂席無奠席大斂加 設奠席在斂席之西魯禮末失小斂即設奠席於西
 曽子習而未察故云斂斯席矣謂始死之奠無席小 斂斯設奠席也疏義似未晰子蒲卒哭者呼滅子臯曰若是野哉哭者改之 子蒲名滅無考疑滅非考終之辭哭者呼號以死為 滅故子臯正之有無惡乎齊 齊謂分之所際也周官食醫職羮齊飲齊寒熱之分 際也考工記金有六齊多少之分際也月令火齊必
 得緩急大小之分際也此則以貧富之齊為豐約之 齊凡經傳中言齊者皆可類推司徒旅歸四布 適公卿之喪曰聽役於司徒周官州長黨正閭師各 掌其地之喪紀乃司徒之屬也故獻子之喪得使司 徒之下士歸布今一日而三斬板 斬板與詩削屢之削同義蓋脱下版而疊於上砉然
 開解有似於斬削注疏謂斬束版之繩未當事理父兄命赴者 赴於君則大夫亦宜親命赴者父兄不得代赴於族 姻則孝子心絶志摧匍匐啼號如不欲生豈能一一 親命即士亦必委之父兄不得以士喪禮惟載赴於 君而謂凡所赴皆親命以大夫喪禮既亡遂强定父 兄命赴為大夫之禮而赴於君亦不親命也既殯旬而布材與明器
 士喪禮筮宅後有井椁之文故注謂材為椁材此禮 惟士則然若天子諸侯用輴則菆塗以為椁於輴上 尚書顧命伯相命士須材乃用為明器及抗木與折 之材也周官小宗伯葬獻器不言獻材以抗木與折 亦包於

  • Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
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    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Look so to Confucius of be apt to its reach 3 benevolence Er alsoThing gentleman has make and Zuo The thing of Shu Yinyan notes San left with Zhu already in order to accuse Ning of Wu Gong reasonFather's younger brother reachs to Zha but the person that be not Yin this Li Yin Zheng not Zuo affection with Cheng Jun Zuo earThe left and right sides with respect to Zuo in the right wayAncient person official of gentleman of earth of the cent that list very Yin not Ji Chaoting of Dr Gong Guqingperson place of Wu Jun of drive of a very short time namely Zuo satisfies fair city every of domestic Li official is occupied
    Form feed of here of original Yin Wen
    Wu Jiao is wild also each bear its accident says the left and right sides with respect to Zuo also old of Yao Zuo Does the official of school control consecrate outskirt to look at Tian Chao of Zuo candle ? place comesThe ground has department to control consecrate reason to say in the right waySeason Wu Zicheng prevent the bury of the family name is in on the west under Zuo Ancient person the region of palm of doctor of grave of Qu nation bury is in surely outskirt is wild dear doctorThe Ju Yiyi that wash one's hair rests namely in residing has into grave in Jun of illicit city The Die of thing San week below Zuo is long Jun of Home wastefuls Wu Jiao of center animal farm is wildBecause become room with of excessive of do as one pleases also Yin Zuo Gong Hong issues of strong official at Ning
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    And elephantine center has room each in animal farm knowable Wu Fu differs Su Youfei The official that Zuo uncle of drive Yan has says I is fair Mr is listed in of of of big pool cerealOfficial's excessive wastefuls all but Yao of path grand and of of grand path and Scanty did not fasten grand to be not in father with father also uncle Zuo child on all of father afterChild and the that meets a parent all the that father is in child of path of Zheng path grandThe parent that gives with respect to place the doubt with deciding San or Yao give with Zuo to have smallBig also
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    Of my Long ancient also grave and not today the person of north of southwest of Qiu Ye also cannotIn order to not Zhu also at it is Feng Zhichong 4 feetPerson of week official spends Ning with the Qiu Fengzhi such as the rank of nobility palm of doctor of grave of its The district of state grave its its spend a palm grave and not reason of San Yan DaoSay the law of the day new of Gu Yewei Ning prevents father's younger brother to go straight towards Zuo to have no oneselfDomestic Dr person Confucius of Die of abundant seals Zhu San to have friend with Li confessionalPrevent grave collapse
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    Ancient person grave and not seals earthy long die surely also today only then is sealedAnd very of pluvial from must more Ha buts by the Zhu of the thing Zuo from painful and but character person be with not and 3 accuse must with its reason Zha Satisfy life Fu HaiHai a very short time needs the content of Zuo and but long life taking cause the day of a period of ten days with towel FuAlso not be like with Hai Zuo in already of the unfavorable Fu of of life of Hai appropriate of Zuo also 3 days and every is added at the body person need Zha is believed surely not have regret Yan Er
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    In March and bury every is added at coffin person need Zha is believed surely not have regret Yan Er Zha person the person that content needs fine also is believed errors with overstep one's authority also dies 3 years with nots forgetDie with the person child and period Zuo of character San comes with of 3 years of at Ai MuzhiHeart comes to not at dying after can forget 3 years place Zheng childCome at Yin absolutely refuse to Fu alsoConfucius little Gu does not tell father of Wu Wu of its grave thoroughfareDepartment Zuo Zuo is wild the Zha Zuo Kang Cheng that close with Yu family name of aperture of this Yin reason child Zuo
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    Domestic Zha gives birth to 9 female concubine to give birth to Meng Pi Long with fastening the mother before white Zuo to use a family nameFather year disease of 70 Meng Pi are Zuo propose at Zuo father year Zuo not reason Zha is wild add up to its affection to pressed very Er Zuo acts according to Yu scanty Zuo to note not dare characterThe different of of Li of article of Zha of Zha Home Ning that its are not Zuo of reason Zheng Zuo is have toSwim Zuo ear does not know Zuo with the body by castration the dirty of 100 worlds is at since ancient times Long Zuo all Zha of Zha absurd with say at know child red bright red unworthyRead aloud to award red with the world the world of bright red is ill and Zhu Shouji benefit awards red Shun The world gets its benefit and red of bright red disease says Jian not with the world ill and benefit
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    One person says at I very fierce Ta says of king of Wu Wangwu article says Zuo goesBe apt to says again the apprentice that Zuo tenders begs Zuo of Rong Wen of Zuo of belle of family name having Shen to have Xiong JiuAn eccentric person of Zuo his Fu of because of intermediate of Zuo of abundant Bi official take off Li with this inConvict and of of fruit of the go on a punitive expedition that get is gentleman of Zheng official defect at not Li and article kingof of of father's younger brother of Zuo of establishing a body do not be like also and just be great-grandfather of Bai YiPublic security of call together fair in Yu of of you the Ning that this time face goessay at fierce king with Ji of Zuo in order to fizzle out of Zuo its Zuo is too whiteelder brother of regicide of of of fair of banner Xiao fierce and the of Zuo Mencius that Ha establishs
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    The of this civil and military cannot break Yan Yue of Zuo cut down also You Yan of says Ning hands in Zuo to attack beneficial and the Wu Yi of the world of of name of the reputed founder of the Ix Dynasty of the world Zheng of The of its avoid that your takes oneself so far comes Long body but defect and heavy Zha its parents why sufficient strange oneself since the Tang Dynasty Li scholar all desire differentiate its Zha And the blame of Er Zuo Zheng that did not get its to want Zuo reason to be written especially does not know a grave completelyThe place that Ta place does not know a coffin with corpse in therefore is also abundant oneself previously grave and not ZouDoctor Zuo be an official at Zuo its official low is not sealed from Die of Shou Yan not ancient Zheng of little few of mother of Long of grave hold a memorial ceremony for at reason of place of grave of Zuo of of of Die law long and break
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    The that confuses this logic is sufficient of 5 father of the person that blame thoroughfare need Long father all one's life swims Ta The ground of ripe Li spends year mourner needs Yan of much reason the doubt with personAnd the Zuo Zheng that Duan Cu gets at this Yan needs Wu Lu thoroughfaresManage does not know to meet with the Zhu of the thing Ning coffin enters Man and often cannot add with abide reason is resembled on the west Zuo wall in order to depend on Man Ha of with spitting Zuo Wu JiThose who be not Die is OK the person that Li rises today of Long grave right have child Zuo Ha / if,place of Yi Gu Die has no room Ning location unexpectedlyWhat the He Kongzi that the mother of Zuo graceful father is like does not know father place bury is squareAnd banquet like that if the manage of Jian body knows his to be in prevent and the place that Jian does not know a coffin with corpse in
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    In close its ground and the body that the Yan Ke that fasten bury also gets already manages notBut not Zhou Fa and of of soldier of Ning adding up to bury Dr Zou Li of buy of of person of week of inner and outer coffins of person of abundant of week of of the family name after summer of made of baked clay coffin of family name having anxietySay Xia Houshi of of made of baked clay coffin of family name having anxiety with wood of bury of of Zhou Zhe with Zhou Wuwai with Zhu coffin also reason Yan Ren adds of Zheng of Yan Shu soAllow coffin is like the body volume of earthy edify how to to have made of baked clay coffin already Zuo of of of made of baked clay has add and place of of Li of edify beneficial Zuo takes San namely with Pithe at after of coffin auricle abundant uses week therefore with of Xiao material
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    Meaning and with ear of Mu Yi The affection of Zuo Ancient person father in mother period reason holds character Zuo concurrentlyThe Bo Ye of endDrive of Zuo of Zuo Zuo person Zuo not Zhu predicts and not renown and the surname is not Er Ancient also person Ning of Zuo thing drive is right all predict Ji Ran after to use today Jun of Zuo father isPredict not friend says of the end of Zha of Zuo of Mo Tong of Bo Ye ancient end of end also already Yin Cannot bear a day of end somewhat also
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    Dead and not person be addicted to of 3 Wei The close of Yin of week of favour Li Yu before the Wu Sheng since the Die with dead is good and dead Wu FeiDeeper Zuo has life painful Zuo instead not the Die San of is hurried off to and Ta sob breathes out not Zuo of buy in order to weigh the heart of host also bright red Zuo says aperture family name Zheng of die in one's shoes of cloud blame manage manages with be not and be addicted to of of Wu Wei of die in one's shoes person the Wei that be not Zheng be addicted to all is not manage die in one's shoes alsoFirst king the person of the trade that make Die all nots bear alsoThe person few brother of the person of the of person character of trade person all have cannot bear
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    heart and not Long has easy period person with first king make Die not dare Zuo alsoThe mother the inevitable hour of uncle Zuo and cries of master Long say person of Zuo of the person that Zha Ning cries says Zuo also the master says Xi its very also of uncle Zuo Long divide then of father latter gives mother to take and uncle Zuo gets of period He Ye to give a parentThe person that takes not reason of hold a memorial ceremony for also father is in the Die Zuo of establish of Ning of heir of father officiant Zuo but also affection of Jun of this Long person and Zhu Die person Zuo is taken with elder brother life moreElder brother's wife with period have no of blame person friend says Die Zuo first it is OK that Wang Weizhi has Li Case also
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    child Zheng child the that thinks of Yin of my also the person that water does not enter Wu Kou 7Day child to sexual Zuo person every doubt ancient Die or break at few favour little work not duty andThe friend's grave has Su Cao and crying is also its at master Yin is like the feeling that still puts sealed dutiful son to be not fed of Yin of of how after body from Yin does not feed the cent at sad Yin 3 days to still be like not Bao reason Ning child the Zha that consider businessAnd child think of speak bluntly its cannot Zuo so can child defends Confuciuspath also note Zheng with disease Die as oneself already broke and Shu Yun Zha
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    Already can the beneficial Zha of Yin Apprentice makes I not Zuo of Zha Wu BaiNote appropriate to make Die of of faithful letter why Yin makes civilian have no Long YanCivilian have no Long not Long its sad the Xiao that destroy also the Pei Shaoyin grave that Zuo retreats Zha resides to need Zuo of having Long is notedBlame send Zuo to also be not disease also not night is resided at insideThe inside and outside in Jian indicates each the Zheng inside this hold a memorial ceremony for sends Zuo to reach have
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    The article Wang Shizi that resides piece outside white clothing house also Zheng / the palace inside San and outside also of of road of Mr The place scholar-bureaucrat that there is not drive of Zuo of of of small Mrs. outside is lodged for the night stop namely its wife inside inside Zuo and Zuo of the 70 that be the same as Tibet are also Zheng Die and hold a memorial ceremony for of drive auspicious and inside scholar-bureaucrat of small of of Mr also place Zheng sends Zuo at inside medicinal powder Zuo at outside person inside outdoor Zheng road The hall of Zheng road also comes loose of 7 days of Mr gives Zuo the hall of drive road with goes to Long politics scholar-bureaucrat its quit job of Gong Chaozhi's officer of Zuo Wu Jia is gotten atthe hall of receives reason of Yin Zuo retainer to say medicinal powder Zuo at outside also send Zuo 3 days
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    The room that Jun Wei resides road not scholar-bureaucrat enters Long Zheng WutangReside palace of Jun Zhi Zuo and do not return its sanctum reason to say send Zuo at inside also child dear doctor suffers cadaver Wu Gong constellation and Zuo declines inside goes outAbandon Wu Gong Zuo to have in order to need thing this mortal world at worshipping thing person enter Su Wujun surely Zuo Gong MingDecline Ning its not content also declinesRise what of Jun different Yin weighs Zuo to wait also Zheng of hill Zuo Zuo honour person take essence of lifeLow person take of thick Zuo Dr Yin of its parents brother not Dr
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    Person be like, is taken person take and character does not know this to be Fu of of Xin placeIn Die end declines I of boy Zhu not can go alsoNot can be not Zheng character all right also Long person bright Wu Youming gives birth to ghosts and gods to turn over to death notThe affection that can be like admire to be like doubt alsoConfucius flea makes disappear of bastinado of Zuo hand shake at Zuo Disappear shakes at Zuo San complete what its suffer and reason knows to die and annals very fromScanty also it is Yun Fang Sheng with be being shown from Jun cannot with Zheng of Die control oneself
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    The of Confucius 23 child all Jian and Jian of of house giving Li gives to denyPlace differ or with Li Jian of the that reside gives to deny also Confucius does not have Zuo Person 3 years like that after is reside Jian Ning with Li Master Zu Tianchi pushs a coffin with corpse in and fall conversely already person goes after that Die Already a coffin with corpse in of Zuo of evening Die Chao Zuzhi after and bundle business wishs Zuo a coffin with corpse in one pool Yu wraps around brings a Zheng to fill a pool namely pool of stroke of Zuo of Zuo of Zheng of the place in Jun Zuo flagging pool alsoAt it is business wishs drive a coffin with corpse in is ancestor and person falls to say at Zuo Zuo San of drive a coffin with corpse inAlready Zuo a coffin with corpse in and south Zuo reason pushs a coffin with corpse in and fall conversely person and suffer all right
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    of thing of Zuo of Die Yin article bright notes and commentaries not Yu Ji Li is establish of Yi Tianchi Zheng child come already the of establish of dispatch of Yu of Zu Dianzhi after is masterIt is to go dispatch establish more Yu ancestor establish makes person rise again hall to dawn person hall more fall and the Die of travel dispatch establish nots only to cannot connect at Yin article Jian Do not think of ancestor Ning dispatch tertian the of establish of dispatch of the that be like and bury of the that turn over constellationPeriod and of easier besides child its can not turn over Yun Zuhu oldThe thing Zuo of after of before bury one day of face ancestor however but check of of chest Zha
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    The of state city danger of the Zheng person with the dead of Zuo of Zheng person dies Zuo slants also big Xiao also highs dies person avoid Zuo person road not dare Zuo The state city with Fu person also notes Zheng Zheng blame Li retreats of Gou Fei Li not writes to teach ancient person I have the person to be not Bao Zuo blame so flee also Zuo of age the Song Dynasty has Zuo Qu yuan child all runs away of person and afterAppropriate of place of of the that enter San dies is killed at Li alsoSad sad and Zuo Kui also husband Die but also but Kui also reason criesLeap up has Geng
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    Zuo breaks its Li be equal to Zuo Ta Zuo footprints also be like the person that do not be about to be born and Zuo Zuo of decease gentleman has Kui scanty also Zheng makes of Kui of after person Zuo is not also but of easy of Zheng other but Kui of Zuo of Kui Zheng itselfThe mother of father's younger brother of fierce of of father's younger brother is dead already small Ning person give cadaver to give a shelter and throw its hatDraw together Zuo child You Yuezhi Die of Xiao department child child? its abandon Zuo Li Shuzhi to break father's younger brother state foe destroys Zhong Ni cannot reason of Ning Qia Zha opposes talk the ining order to with Zhu personYu Jiyi and of state foe Long also place applies his to complain anger also
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    Mu Zhifu husband'ses father wife of 2 madams photograph is taken2 madams all nephew of the mother a group of things with common features 3 reason nephew takes parent and not as good asIts husband takes mother's brother and not as good as its wife has nephew to take its with reside and holding concurrently according to mother's brotherWife of Yu of the person that depend on Die of Li of reason of the person that mother takes its husband with reside and holding concurrently with Gentleman not character is scanty also Li very bright do not know Zuo collect Zha why reason with chest Zha is easy of vessel vessel as person of low positionVessel of vessel of contented Yu hundred years inside be like with Li of of Zuo Zuo angle this Zhu not
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    Beg the disease that understands very alsoThe of father's younger brother of elder brother's wife is taken also San is pushed and of Zuo alsoBright red Zuo says the place brother that takes Yin husband is taken wife fall first-class person you afterFabricating of Jian of exert oneself Zuo to connect those who solve is alsoGong Shumu has the elder brother younger brother that is the same as mother father You Yueji of dead Wu Zi's boy far away from home is bigResult surname has the Wuzi of dead of elder brother younger brother that is the same as mother father Xia Zixia says INot before Long also the Zuo of travel of of Zuo Cui Di of of Zuo person declines today Zuo declinesThe of surname also
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    The person that is the same as road of of mother father is unfavorable also the common of Er Er brother that has brotherThe low of character times also of taking is Zheng is contrary to and be like,the annals of father knows Die Child swim unfavorable the doubt that has extraordinary service child Xia Ji not before Long also shoulds not be moreThe Yixin of person of Zuo of Te Die Zuo of Ning Zuo person knows his to be not and Zheng of person of Jian Yin Long The character of Zuo with solving Zuo Long oneself already long Yin person then cannot differentiate Ning Child the mother that think of is like Zheng at Xiao to death child the after of person of Sai Yuezi Long also all directionsWu Zi Yin Die child San careful Zheng child Sai Yuewu He Shenzai of my Long have itsGentleman of Die its Zuo nots to all right also its Die has gentleman of its of its Zuo to not
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    Row also my He Shenzai Die father does not have father latter to take to marry at giving a parent Mu Yiyi is the same as placeWith its careful also cannot bear Zuo character its old old with mother of San of Zuo of its diesThe after that does not have at father just of Die of of of father after feasibleThe Dianzi of small square of You Yuewu child say Wu Xifang this banquet smallThe end in western Zuo Die breaks the establish of alsoOnly then the establish of Hai of dead dried meat has big of banquet of establish of banquet to add with respect to cadaver small Yu establish banquet breaks small in end of Die of Xi Zhixi Zuo namely Yu establish Xi Wuxi
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    child Li and not of examine reason cloud this banquet Zheng only then dead establish place is little this scanty also Li seems Yu establish place not clearChild the person that Pu Cu cries breathes out child if, Ning says wild the person that cry changesChild the person that of Pu Ming takes an examination of doubt to be not the Zuo that takes an examination of Jian to cry breathes out Ta with dead reason child Ning having Zuo Zuo Zheng divides a Zuo also the cent of cold of Zuo of Zuo of Zuo of Li of Long of Zhou Guanshi Zuo Zuo also takes an examination of labour Yin gold to have 6 Zuo the cent Zuo of how many also the month makes igneous Zuo needs
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    The cent Zuo of Jin is urgent size also this with the Ji of Zuo Zuo with rich Zuo Zuo of the character in of Zuo every Jian person all but Zuo is pushedSi Tulv 4 clothThe of Zuo Gongqing says Long battle at Zuo of Situ Zhou Guanzhou Zuo Zuo eachThe Ji of its ground is the palm Si Tuzhi also reason child must make manageThe corporal cloth of apprenticeToday a day and 3 board Yu of board Ning cuts cut the San that be the same as Li takes off next edition and at on Hua like that
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    Zuo solution has be like cut at notes and commentaries Zheng bundle the Kui of edition not logicThe person that life of father and elder brothers is gone toFather and elder brothers of the person that go to life of Yin of Yi Yi of Wu Jun Dr does not get Dai Fuwu a group of things with common featuresProcumbent caw Ta is like break of annals of Jian of heart of marriage dutiful son to not be about to give birth to Zuo can one by one Yin life namely person also need appoint father and elder brothers must not be gone to with Zuo of alone of person Die atGentleman and Zheng every place is gone to all Yin lot dies to decide father by force then already with doctor Die The Die that elder brother life attends Dr and go to Wu Jun also not Yin life alsoAlready a period of ten days and cloth material Ning bright implement
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    Shi of person Die curtilage the article friend that after has well outer coffin notes capable person of outer coffin of Zheng material this Die Alone person is like of Qia of of Zuo of Hou Yong of the emperor Zheng to go up at Zuo with outer coffin like thatStill Zuo life person Zuo material uses uncle photograph lot therefore bright implement reach the Ning that fight wood to foldmaterial also of bury of Zhou Guanxiao Zong Bai implement not character material is folded with fighting wooden Ning Yi Baowu? ? Implement of foreword of Wu Xi of eardrum doctor not and at coffin outer coffinAlready was in Man also not Ning person Die is the same asParental cries makes know its to turn over surely alsoBright red Zuo says cry San bear in mind constantly life of Mr Ai Muwei cannot Zuo reason
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    Thing and need instead hold a memorial ceremony for and cry accuse doctor person already bury is fair politics into Wu Jiaji soldierCry thing of of thing monarch is in outskirt is wild person those who need makes is knowablearticle Jun at cry under bright this already bury soldier cries the Die of after alsoThe Zuo Jin of brother of Zuo of Long having needs Zuo of Zuo of past blame brother is not gone toBright red Zuo says Zuo Zuo is not gone to with not bury also is like soldier to cry and after is born but alreadyCry dead is allowed alreadyThe person that place Zhu its brother does not live together all Know dead and do not know to give birth to and not child and not condition its brother is different
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    The person that reside of of the person that know to be born so sad unripe also this person I Zhu itsThe person that brother does not live together is dead I all is in toward place Zhu of the dead atOf second if its brother dies in of the home at place Zhu uncle Zuo makes at Xiao Confucius to death child of Zuo advocate say cries also arrival is done obeisance tofriend still advocate brother of sufferring is knowableThe of the emperor also Zuo of Qia Zuo adds axe to go up at outer coffin with outer coffin the emperor of house Die alsoNotes and commentaries all the cloud already Mu Jiafu after more house at go up and of Bao
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    Be like with of house of of cloth and silk cannot more is weighed with Zuo of Zuo of of made of baked clay Pi cannot and the of San of Li conflict with each other that cannot bring Ning Yu Zuo of Zuo of this together with Zuo On with of of of all sides of outer coffin male like that after is added if have outside doctor ,tentThere is curtain Zuo to say outside person Man Zuo of the emperor Zuo and Zuo of Hou of Zheng of outer coffin andHouse of Yu namely and add at Mu Zhi outside bright Zuo sad Qiu Yuetian of fair Zha aperture not old Mo Xiangyu of Zuo over sixty years of age Yan breathes out Ai ZaiThe Buddhist nun fatherLeft child Zuo says its do not do not have gentleman at Zuo Yan Yue Die of the master breaks
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    faints the name breaks fault to break wisdom to faint fault of the that lose place is unripe cannot be used dead andThe blame Die of Zha also one person of Er is not a name also the Zhou Gong that breaks gentleman makes Die Zha withEasy name Zha does not list a Zha with expressing a Zha not clear and with of word Zha Be not the person that break Die to lose a name with Yao Long need not Er name and on do its Zuo veryBoth of Ning of old friend and free time and its Zuo earAuspicious and Jun is of month of lunar Die move24 months of period Bao with 25 months at the beginning of Ning is big auspicious hold a memorial ceremony for is a month Zuo of hold a memorial ceremony for of end Ning Die is a month and makes such Ning 25 months and
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    and in month and person of Zuo of back of Die neither photograph already auspicious and song Confucius says Zuo Lunar its be apt to also Zuo month but of song Yi Ke Yin cloud Die and inside of the person that cry is made reason also San Die and person the of constant reason the first month of Die child Jun And not Confucius adds Wu Ren with first-class alsoJun Wushi has Zuo Say the person that have not Bao like that Bao like that has what department offers  Die Yin resolve a doubt coils 3

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