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  • New Sinology Title:
    9 change a strategics of grandchildren of the 8th _

    New Sinology Chapter:
    9 change piece the 8th

    New Sinology BookName:
    Grandchildren strategics

    New Sinology Catalog:
    Classics department

    New Sinology Content:

    Grandchildren says: The law of every resort to arms, will recieve orders Yu Jun, close army gather a crowd. Do not have collapsingly abandon, thoroughfare ground sex, do not have absolutely stay, exclosure is sought, deathtrap criterion battle. Besmear somewhat not by, army do not attack somewhat, the city is not attacked somewhat, the ground is not contended for somewhat, the life does not bear gentleman somewhat. Reason will be connected at the 9 favourable geographical position that change person, know resort to arms; Will be illogical at the 9 benefit that change person, although know terrain, the person that cannot get the benefit of the ground. Treat arms do not know the 9 method that change, although realize 5 profit, cannot get a person use.

    Hereat wisdom person Lv, surely miscellaneous at terrible. Miscellaneous at benefit, and Wu is authentic also; Miscellaneous at killing, and suffer from can solve also. Hou Zhe of hereat Qu Zhu in order to kill, battle is vassal person with course of study, hasten is vassal person with benefit. The law of reason resort to arms, without depend on its do not come, I has depend on in order to wait for also; Without depend on its are not attacked, I cannot attack depend on somewhat also.
    Reason will have 5 peril: Die surely, can kill also; Be born surely, but captive also; Angry fast, but bully also; Clean-fingered, but disgrace also; Cherish one's fellow citizen, but irritated also. Every this 5 person, will over- also, the calamity of resort to arms also. Fu army is killed will need with 5 danger, cannot not examine also.
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