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章节: 子张第十九
书名: 论语
类目: 经部
写作年代: 约公元前-240年  至  公元后1071年
视频: 子张第十九_论语
音频: 子张第十九_论语


  • New Sinology Title:
    Child piece the analects of confucius of the 19th _

    New Sinology Chapter:
    Child piece the 19th

    New Sinology BookName:
    The analects of confucius

    New Sinology Catalog:
    Classics department

    New Sinology Content:

    Child Zhang Yue: " person see danger is deadly, see Desaiyi, sai Jing of hold a memorial ceremony for, funeral is thought of sad, its but already. "

    Child Zhang Yue: " hold heart not great, channel not earnest, can Yan is have? Can Yan is die? "
    Child door person of summer asks hand in Yu Zi piece. Child Zhang Yue: " child Xia Yun why? " to saying: " child Xia Yue: "But person to it, its cannot person of refus. " " child Zhang Yue: " different I is heard: Gentleman honour virtuous and the look is numerous, fine be apt to and pity cannot. My big virtuous with, why be notted allow at the person? My not virtuous with, person general refus I, the how refus person that be like also? "
    Child Xia Yue: " although canal, have surely considerable person Yan, send far fear mud, be do not be with gentleman also! "
    Child Xia Yue: " day knows its place to die, the month is not had forget its can, it may be said is academic also already. "
    Child Xia Yue: " erudite and earnest annals, cut ask and think of nearly, benevolence amid. "
    Child Xia Yue: " 100 labour reside four in order to become its issue, gentleman learns as a result its. "
    Child Xia Yue: " of Lilliputian also need too civil. "
    Child Xia Yue: " gentleman has 3 to change: Those who look is peremptory, namely lukewarm also, hear its talk also severe. "
    Child Xia Yue: " gentleman is believed after that Lao Jimin; Did not believe, think severe oneself also. The letter remonstrates with after that; Did not believe, think slander oneself also. "
    Child Xia Yue: " great mind does not even more idle, small favor comes in and go out but also. "
    Child You Yue: " child door person boy of summer, when sweep, should right, advance and retreat, criterion but. Curb end also, this do not have, be like why? " child of Xia Wen, say: " alas! Character has swum! The path of gentleman, does what pass Yan first? Yan of the tired after what? Wood of example Zhu Cao, area in order to fasten. The path of gentleman, yan Ke accuse falsely also? Have only then the person that have soldier, its alone sage! "
    Child Xia Yue: " be an official and actor learns, learn and actor criterion be an official. "
    Child You Yue: " funeral is sent sad and stop. "
    Child You Yue: " my friend Zhang Ye, embarrassed can also! However not benevolence. "
    Ceng Zi says: " formidable Zhang Ye, difficult with it is benevolence. "
    Ceng Zi says: " I hears all masters: The person has no the person that send oneself also, also kiss funeral surely? "
    Ceng Zi says: " I hears all masters, the filial piety of village of the first month also, other possibility also; Of the official that its do not change father and father politics, it is difficult can also. "
    Family name of the first month makes in relief skin is person division, ask Yu Cengzi. Ceng Zi says: " on break its to, civilian medicinal powder long. If get its feeling, criterion sad pity and do not be fond of. "
    Child tribute says: " the not to be pooh-poohed of name of the last ruler of the Shang Dynasty reputedly a tyrant, be inferior to is very also. Be with indelicacy of gentleman evil house, of the world evil all put in Yan 's charge. "
    Child tribute says: " of gentleman over- also, be like life feed Yan: Over- also, the person all sees; More also, the person all admires. "
    Defend a surname face to ask Yu Zi tribute to say: " does Zhong Ni Yan learn? " child tribute says: " the path of civil and military, did not drop at the ground, in the person. Virtuous person know its big person, not virtuous person know its small person, there's no one who doesn't or isn't has the path Yan of civil and military, doesn't master Yan learn? And does Yihe Chang Shizhi have? "
    Yu Chao of doctor of language of father's younger brother of fierce of grandson of father's younger brother, say: " child Gong Xian Yu Zhongni. " child take Jing Bai in order to accuse child tribute. Child tribute says: " the Gong Qiang of example, favor wall also reachs a shoulder, of peek room home good. The master's wall counts an ancient measure of length equal to seven or eight chi, do not get its door and enter, do not see the beauty of ancestral temple, 100 Guan Zhifu. The person that get its door or few. The master's cloud, not Yi Yi! "
    Father's younger brother of fierce of grandson of father's younger brother destroys Zhong Ni. Child tribute says: " without think also! Zhong Ni cannot be destroyed also. Of other virtuous person, upland also, still all right even more also; Zhong Ni, life also, be not had and even more Yan. The person although desire alienate oneself, why are its hurt at life? See its do not know an amount more also. "
    Chen Zi birds calls child tribute says: " child for respectful also, yu Zi of intermediate Ni Qixian? " child tribute says: " gentleman one word believes know, one word believes not to know, character cannot inadvertent also! Of the master cannot reach also, you Tianzhi cannot rank and rise also. The person of the master that get state home, alleged the Si Li that stand, of the path this row, peaceful this come, move this and. Its are unripe also flourish, its are dead also sad, can be the how that be like reached also? "
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